Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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l'ortef from the north and west the situa
tion here la near a critical stage. This ia
the more pronounced In view of extraor
dinary rises In the liver at points north
of here. Dispatches from Pierre. S. Tt.,
today announce a irtaga of ten let there,
a rise of three feet In the last twenty-four
Musical Program
for the State Press
Miss Blanche ftorensen. working through
the bureau of publicity, has arranred
for a special musical program for the
entertainment of the editors and wives
who will attend the Nebraska Press as
sociatioa convention In Omaha April 19
to 11. Miss Boreneen has select :d her
talent carefully In order to afford a
variety and at the same time get the beat
talent to be had In the olty Tor rmifdral
numbers to open the various sessions of
the convention
Monday forenoon there Is to be a lolln
olo by Miss Emily tleve. This is to be
followed by a vocal nlo by Blanche Bor
enaen. On Monday afternoon there are
to be selections by the West Slaters' string
gram Is to be I'nrnlahed by a violin quar
tet from the School of Orchestral In
struments under the dlrei tlnn of William
lletherlncton. Wednesday morning there
Big Muddy is Due .
for Flood Season
nuuiLiiui u until mull VUlUlliU
Omaha Grain Exclianjre Making
Elaborate Preparation to n- ,
tertain Delegates.
quartet, followed by a soprano solo by j Is to be a sopiano solo by Mlas Minna
Mias Hotel JCvan. Tuesday morning
Merer, and another by Mrs. Keulah Pale
Turnef. ,
there IS to be a selected program by Mr.
Kdilh 1 Wagoner and Miss Bell Von
Mansfield. The Tuesday afternoon pro-
The Mlaaniirl river at Omaha reached a
tare of R2 Friday, which la onlv IS
below Tood stage. With heavy rains re-
Rent room quick wttn a Pee. Want Ad.
Apartments, flats, metises and rottss
Mmber of the Omaha Grain etrhange
re making extensive preparations for the
annual convention of the Western Grain
JDealer sesoclatlon, to be held In Oman
r yrtday and Saturday of next week. The
A convention la expected to bring JOO to 800
s tielegate trom the territory west of the
Mississippi river. besloes a large number
from Chicago.
Never before has the Grain tealrs as
portation been lield In a city as far west,
nd the local members are determined
that the stay of the visitors shall be
trade so pleasant that they wUl want to
fcome affflln. With ik u i - - - . iv.
,.-- ...... VAvrlllVH UL LIIV
first session all convention meetings will
te held at the Hotel Fontenelle. This
.first session will be an Informal recap
tlon at 1 o'clock Friday morning and
jwlll be held on the floor Of the Grain x
fchange during the trading hour. There
IWH be cigars., tti. .
kleel at rateae1le. .
The program of the convention follows:
a ar" 1 welcome F. 8. Cowglll. pres.
dertt Omaha Grain exchange.
Address of president Weitern Drain
Dealers' association, F. t. MilUgan, Jef
Bfwson. Ia. . ...
Report of secretary-treasurer, George A.
WVella. Ie Moims.
Appointment of cnrhrrtlttees.'' "
-Orain Dealer National mods Hon,"
O. Mptcelf.' president. l)llopoli!. ill.
"Publlo Warehouse legislation,' ' Ed P.
Smith, attorney, Oinoha, '
Automobile ride, starting from Elght-
r nth street entrance. Hotel Fontenelle.
FfUDAT EVENING, 7:W to 10:W.
Ttsnqiiet and cabaret. Hotel Fontenelle.
eendered by the members of Omaha Grain
johange to the members of Western
jOrain Peelers' association and visiting
, jjTaln shippers.
1 "Truth, a Tribute and Some Other
TPhrns." J. Ralph Plckell editor Price
Lurrent Grain Reporter.
OATf'nriAV unoxrrxrn in
General discussion.
Reoort of committees.
J Bleotlon of officer.
Bweet Young Things
; Pooh Pooh at . Stern
Military Red Tape
Three. pretty girl vwrrt Into the office
jtf Army Recruiting Sergeant Fred Hart'
pan. . . ' .
- Mr. Hansen 1 a modest man. and, as
tie didn't know the women, he looked sur
prised, and severe. ' N ' ' '
"We came up to get seme legglns and
fcnapsaok and canteens," mid the tall
blond. ....
"What said Mr. Hanson.
"Teai we're walking out to California
from Chicago, you know," said the petite
brunette, smiling.
"What do" said Mr. Hanson.' !
The police chief, Mr, Dunn, a very nice
tnan, aald you would give them , to vs."
cried the chubby one with Titian looks.'
Mr. Hanson was then permitted to say
, , few words, which he did la forceful
Soldierly language. He. pointed out that
tho army has no appropriation for hand
ing' out' legglns and knapsacks to any
chool girls who have a mind to ask for
them. He pointed out that .these things
are made and reserved for the soldier
and. that each and every teggtn and knap
pack la counted, numbered, photographed
nd otherwise identified so that aa eco
' fcoraical government shall In no' wise be
mulcted of even, a single one.
"Oh, but the government wouldn't miss
Just three pair," wheedled tho blond.
"Tee, It " said Mr. Hanson. i s ' "
1 know President Wilson would let us
(tare them," gurgled the little brunette.
"No, he- " s&Ui Mr. Hanson.
' "Huh, the stingy old government," cried
the of the Titian curls.
The sergeant unbent not beneath a flood
'of feminine contempt and he only bowed
Solemnly and courteously when the three
took their departure.
" "Let the government keep their old leg
jjlna and knapsacks," they flung back a
they left the building. .
'$ieeks Wrong Place -.
to Secure His First
: Marriage License
A) spsruco young man, 'a blushing young
oman, an elderly woman and another
' grotrng man eoxnpoeed a . party which
ikllffhted from an elevator In the federal
igiuiusng at the uura noor.
' Janitor William Jones was playing a
.aolo on the corridor floor with his mop.
! MWbera I the clerk of the court'
jef fleer inquired the yeaag man.
! "Right here, yare" said William
onee, pointing them to the office of R.
I tX Hoyt, olerk of the federal court
The party entered and were met by
itfie Moore, the stenographer.
"I want a marriage license.',' the young
roan aald. Hi voice trembled somewhat.
.but then It was probably the first time
be ever went to get married.
W haven't any marriage license
iere, said Miss Moore.
. 'Oh, dear, they're not all gone, are
theyT" exclaimed the blushing young
! "You're In the wrong offices' explained
4lU Moor.
! "Why, they told me to ask for v the
pier It f the court's) office In the court
Lou." said the almost- room.
1 "But this la the postoffioe, not the court
fjouse,- said Mis Moor.
i "The right pew. but the wrong church."
krnused the youth. "Come on. Birdie, this
;sjray out"
: And they disappeared quickly.
' W Taav the most up-to-dat Hat of
Aiaroes and addresses In the city,'.' said
vm4er John C. vlarton aa he ex
hibited the nine volumes of the new eity
lirectory of Omaha Just completed and
delivered to the postoffioe. "Wi hav
cur directory bound, In nine volumes, with
rvea hetween every printed page
fcf name. A force of clerks I constantly
at work on these nine volume, changing
addressee. ' taking outf names of people
who hav moved out of the city and In
serting name of those who have moved
.to U-e city." .
Mr. Lydla Hokanaon. who Is suing
Charles) W'. HoUanson, a contraclor. for
a divorce and alimony in Judge Redick s
district court, testified that her huaband
three time turned off the gaslights In
their home and thut he "scolded" her.
Moksnsoa la making counter vbarge of
iitiv iictnutui
Our showing, the season'
new Ideal In Neckwear, la
moat complete and the
Specials for Saturday
Unusual Enticing Value.
Fancy Neck Cord, sold reg
ularly at 25c, choice, at,
each 10
85c Novelty Neckwear,
for. .... 15
60o Novelty Neckwear,
tor. 25
A iplendld line of new Col-
, lar, Vestee, etc., special
ise, 500 "d 75 1
Taffeta Silk Ofrdrea,- the
newest styles, exceptional
qualities, at . . . . . . . . .500
Drugs and ,
Toilet Goods
for Saturday
!0c bottle Phenolax Wafers'.. 8Se
1.0ft bottle 8ai. Hepatioa, ...We
i$ bottle Jl Salts SB
76o bottle Beef, Iron and Wine
for .40
11.60 bottle Horltck' Milk, hoe-
pltal sise ...fa.T4
Five JOo rolja .Crepe-Toilet Pa-
per for ...I8e
$1.00 box D'jer Kla Pow
der for SSo
1. 10 bottle Oriental Cream.. see
00 jar Head IKeart Cold Cream
for t9c
$0c lar Mentholatum ...Sso
tic Orris Hoot Tooth Powder. o
10c bottle Brilllantlne, for the
hair Bsc
S6e bottle Dandsrtne., 10
0c can l)r. Grave' Tooth Powder-
POo can Denver Mud See
tic sire fivrup of Pigs 1BO
11.60 Hot Water Bottle ee
g 1.60 Fountain Syringe .' SSO
S6o Auto Rpongea .....loo
7lo Buhbef Qloves e
76c. Ideal Hair BruShe. . i . . .4
J&o Tooth Brushes... 10
jl.60 box L Trifle Face Pow
der ao
A Showing of Undermuslins
That In high quality and assortments at the prices youll not find sur-
passed la the land.
Crepe cle Chine Sklrta and GVittni,
to $7.50 value, beautifully trim
med with fine lace and pleating,
white and color, at 92.08
Crepe fle Chine Corset Cover, to
$3.60 value. In newest ttyles, on
sale In three 'lot, at
08. S1.50. S1.08
Gown,, worth to $1.60, fine
crepes, nainsooks and cambrics,
daintily trimmed, at 08a. 60t
Women's Usle I'alon Suite, regu
lar and extra sises, special bar-
gains, at 3o
Women's Knit Veet, big assort
ment In three special lota, at
35, 254. 124
Aprons, to 11.00 values. In several
at lea. two apecla lota, at 40, SB
Ojrea's trnella Drawers, to too
va.uea; also Mklrts and Pltra; two
neciKi lota, at Sle aa 1SV.
Ohlldrea'a Drawer and Wals Valoa
Baits, in all elsea, long or short
sleeves 4BO
Children's Black Baleen Bloomers,
regular 60a value, at Boo
Men's Furnishings
Of most satisfying quality at
pricings which t nan re every, pur
chaser big savings.
Men's fihlrta, spring and suraiter,
1916 styles and colorings, In plain
or mercerised madras, solsettes,
etc, made to sell to $1.60, at,
ch 6O4
Men's Union Rnlt. spring and
summer weights. In all style,
slaes and colors; to $1.00 values.
t 08c
Men' Cotton If nee, 16c and 2 6c
valuee. In all colon; all perfect:
n sale. at. pair, 8 He. lJSHg
Men's Work Shirts, heavy, strong
fabrics, well made and In beat
colors; regular 60o values, Satur
day, each 35C
Men' ftilk Neckwear, big as
sortment of values up to 4 5c;
good styles, choice IftdtfM
Manufacturer' surplus stock of
hats mad to sell at $2.50, new
spring styles, all colors, 01,35
Doya Felt and Cloth ITaU, to $1
values, over 60 dozen In the lot,
t. ch 254
Millinery Ribbons
A very complete Una of new
Millinery Ribbons in all
populsr weaves and color
combinations, choice values,
at yard
10c. 24. 30c a4 504
A choice lot of bargains
in Handbags Saturday, at
BOo Handbags, at 25
$1.0 Haadbag, at... 40
$$.00 Handbags, at.$1.00
$3.00 Handbags, at. 81.75
Vslues you'll find un
equalled elsewhere In the
city. . .
$2 Framed Pic
tares 95c I
Saturday on Fourth Floor,
lour choice of 350 framed pic
tures, big assortment of popu
lar., subjects, in gilt or dark
frames, square or oval, at 05
Certainly Remarkable Values.
462 New Trimmed Hats at
Hats you'll find cannot be matohed elsewhere in Omaha for less
than $8.00. Assortments are so broad, designs bo beautiful, qual
ities so superior that you'll find the impulse to buy almost ir
resistible wnen you see them nearly all are copies
of original models, artistically executed, distinctive,
' beautiful, and rare bargains. at Saturday's sale price. .
$2.00 Shapes, 79c
Fine hemp or rongh straw shapes
in Pokes, Sailors, Trioornes and
Shepherdess a. great bargain
opportunity 7Qn
Saturday i . . . . . . ..,...
$12S Children'sHats,49r
Splendid assortment in Tuscan,
Milans and hemp braids, artis
tically, trimmod with, flowers,
ribbons and quills, val- i q
.uea to $1.25 Saturday, . . .tt
Don't Miss
Bpleadld flpcxtlal Bargains In
Tninks, Suit Oaaee and
Traveling Dacs.
W secured the surplus stock
and samples of two prominent
makers and . will 'save you
S3K On Hlffli 'VaaUty TraV
rll4 Goods of AU Deelrable
Trunks, mad to sell at $10.00
to $$0.00, shown now at ST
to 812.05
Bult Case and Rag, made to
ell at $6.60 to $11.00, now,
at ....,.$3.05 to S0.05
; Don't buy till yon have seen
these splendid values.
The Bes t in Hosiery
"Onyg," "Kayser" and "Wayne)
Knit." The names . themselves
are guarantee of the very high
est quality.
Women's Pure Thread Silk
Hose, In aU silk and with dou
ble lisle tops, black and colors,
all perfect; regular $1.50 val
ues, at, pair 81.20
Vrorasa's' Silk arose Broken lot
of 7 to and $1.40 values, all col
or on sal, pair ...59
Womea' SCaroerlied . X.U1 lost
One lot .of value to . 75c. en
ale. pair SSo
t: Madras' Bilk Xrfsl Hose ibo
quality, in all colors, special lSe
Children' IU1 Hose in blaok,
white and tan, special values, at,
pair ..WHO
New Spring
Shoes for Men, Women and Children
Women's Shoes and .Oxfords,: $4.00 values, sand, gray, or black tops,
button or Jace;' also oxfords, pumps and colonials 82.50
Men's Shoes, button or lace, cloth or leather' tops, $8.00 values,
for 81.08
Little Gent' Shoe's or Oxfords, $3.00 values, Saturday . ....81.G5
Cbllds' and infants'. tan or black button or lace: also kid Mary Jane
pumps, 75c and $1.00 values, at . .j... .....75 and 50
Women's black cloth top button, vlcl kid Vamps, $$.00 values 81,08
- Newest styles In Queen Quality shoes, oxfords and, pumps now on
display- and tale. Stetson and Oossett shoes fop men; G rover and
Queen QuaUty shoes for women..
See Onr Display of fihoes in the lflth Street Window.
G chairs, for
Furniture Specials
l-Inch Post Beds, white or verms
Martin $3.75
6 full leather seat Dining
Chairs, worth $3.75 each,
several patterns on sale,
..:..M....vy- $15.00
Brown or green roll arm Rockers for porch
or sunroom, fiber reed, each. . . . , .$3.00
$40 mahogany or oak finish Parlor Suites, 3 pieces,
leather seats and backs, on sale at.. 820.50
One-motion collapsible. Go-Carts, rubber tire,
with three-bow hood, on sale....' 84.50
Large golden oak or mahogany
finish Dresser, $1x80 mirror,
highly Tollshed. only 817.50
Your choice for one day of any of
our beet Kitchen Cabinets, whit
enameled, for '. . 825.00
White porcelain, aluminum or
nickeled sliding top, drop curtains,
metal rake boxes, glass jars, etc.,
White enameled
Bed' Davenport,
cabinets, nickel
large or small,
Boyi' Suits With 2 Pants, $2.95
Norfolk suits.' ages 6 to 18 years, a big choice of
patterns. Every suit has two full cut knickers, the
best suit for the least money in Omaha. - See them
Saturday. Suits, with two palm pants. . . .82.05
Blue Serge Suits at $1.95
Good strong serge, made in Norfolk style. Ages
8 to 16 years. New style Norfolk with patch pock
ets and stltched-on belt. Saturday, Serge Suits.
t 81,05
$1250 $15 Suits'" Men, $8.50
This offer should . bring crowds of eager buyers
to our Domestic Room. Blue serges that are
strictly all wool, will be excluded In this sale. Slsea
to fit all; colors to please the most particular.
Saturday, $13.(0 and $16.00 suits 88.50
Broken Line Men's Suits, $5.00
W offer for Saturday suits that we have sold at
$10.00 at this very cheap price. There are one
and two of a kind from our regular stock; light
and dark colors; your choice, Saturday. .85.00
' i a vr
1 -
Striking Assortments of Spring Gar
ment Styles i)f Superior Quality at
Pricings That Insure Quick Desire
Effectively distinctive style ideas; correct,1 beautiful and an assort
ment of -materials, colorings and -designs almost unlimited.
Nearly 200 Beautiful New Tailored Suits just received from ' our
New York buyer will be placed on sale Saturday ready cash turn
ed the trick, one of tho most advantageous for our customers we
ever made. Suits made to sell at $25 and $29.50, choice. . . . $19.50
Classy styles in Slilk Toplins, Gabardines, Serges and the moat pop
ular Check Suitings, in Belgian Blue, Keseda, Battleship 1 Grays,
Sand, Putty, Navy, Black, in fact all the season's most- popular
colors, all sizes, ladies' and misses'. ' '
, Styles
In the :
The Invaxi
Able Choice
cf Host Dis
criminating Women..
Never before has a more beautiful, desirable line of these
popular suits been shown. Comparison with suits shown else
where at $30, $35 and even $40 will convince yrm of their
superiority at the priee .... '. $25.00
A Biar Purchase of Beautiful Silk Dresses fTiRrriminnlivAW
V chosen from several very tempting stocks offered us. Dresses
made to sell up to $25 and including, a broad rang of most
desirable new stylee in the most popular weaves and colorings.
Sale pnee ....15.00
Hundreds of charming stylas in Georg
ittas, crepe de chines, laces and novel
ties, mads to sell at $7.60 to $10.00,
at --.85.00
Children's White Drwasrs A wonderful
ly attractive showing X2.fl5. M im
5.00 "p. to
1IanWtne Coat at SIO.OO A classy
lot of styles In coverts, serges, poplins,
checks, coatings, etc. special 810 OO
?2.05. 83.05. 85.00 nd 87.50
big special line of Children's Spring
and Summer Dressea-r-styles and sizes
I to 14 yearg; the season's newest
W" 81.05
i Hoyden's Make the Grocery Prices for the People
pur Kotte Is I Quality aas a Saving U M
i a lha. heat tmr cane Granu
lated Sugar for,
48-lb. sack best high grade
Diamond H. Clour, nothing
(finer for bread, pies or
cakes, per sack ...ft.80
10 bars Beat 'Em All. Dia
mond C, Lenox or Laun
dry Queen Whit Laundry
Soap for 20
8 lb. bet Whit or Yellojr
, Corn meal for 17c
4 lb, beat band picked Navy
Beans for 9o
4 lbs. fancy Japan Rice, lOo
Quality, for 25c
7 lbs. beat bulk - Laundry
8 5c cans Condensed Milk
for aw
4 10c cans Condensed Milk
MacLaren's Peanut Butter,
per lb ttHc
Tall cans Alaska Salmon,
for 10c'
6 cans OU or Mustard Sar
dines for X5
Large ' bottles Worcester
Sauce, Pur Tomato Cat
sup or Pickles (assorted
. kinds), bottle ...... tH;
Fancy Queen Olives, qt- &5c
2 - lb. cans fancy Sweet Sugar
Cora, Was, String, Green
or Lima Beans, for . .7 Vie
3- lb. cans Early June Peas
for SUe
3-lb. cans Golden Pumpkin,
Hominy, Saner Kraut or
Baked Beans for....7He
E. C. Corn Flakes, pkg., 06
Grape Nuts, pkg. loc
Hershy's Breakfast Cocoa,
per lb 2&c
The best Domestic Macaroni,
Vermloelll or fipb.tti TUo
I bexs A-l Naphtha oep. file .
10 rakes Toilet Heap 6e
C.oMea Pantos foffse. In, aoo
Tk bees Creamery Batter,
carton et boia. IS Me
No. t Country Crearnery Dui
ter, lb Mo
en the Oot ef Uvtag.
The beet Dairy Table Batter,
per lb. .....see
Good Dairy Butter, lb.
Jhancy Full Cream New' Tor
White, Wtsoousin Oreaxa or
Young America Cheese, per
pound .....SO
Imported Swiss or Roqusfort
Cheese, per lb ,....400
Florida Orap Trait end Bfk.
lead Havel Oreage Sal
stra fanny tt-ali. choir,
fumous Florida Orap JTruK,
liis-tilajad'ave'l 'draniei,' the
oianc of quality, per doaen,
at. -ISHo, , SUHt and SSo
Ta Tegeutbl affarket tor tae
II lb, best Cooking Potatoes
for 17W
11 lb, sood Cooking AppUs
for ., SOo
Frent Beets. Carrots. Turnips.
Shallots or Radishes at. Pr
buuai eo
New Cehbas. Per lb SVo
Fancy Kloe Tomatoes, lh. BO
l.ars. Cucumbers, ea. loo, IS
Llieads TsB laf Lettuce Se
Lrs Haati I.ettuoe. bead 7He
aytbjag la freak vegetable
yea wui
Pork Roast, first quality, Sat
urday, lb tte
First quality Lamb Hindquar
ters, per lb 18 He
First quality Lamb Fore quar
ters, per lb. MHo
No. 1 Steer Pot Roast, lb. 9 He
No. 1 Steer Round Steak.
per lb. 14 Ho
No. 1 Fresh Spare Ribs,
per lb Hc
Home made Bulk Sausage,
Per lb 8He
10 lbs. best Leaf Lard, 054
Lamb (Chops, lb.' ....J2He
First quality........ Bklnnd
Hams, lb 14 Mo
fio. 1 lean Bacon. lb...l8H
No. 1 Back Bacon. lb...iaHe
No. 1 Salt Pork, lb 9 He
50c palls Pure Lard 8le
Pork lAilna at our usual low
Fresh dressed Chickens st less
than aholevale.
We sell (-Tank's Famous VII-
waukee 8uae and Cooked
TOOLS Special Sale Saturday ef Standard Brands at Bargain Print.
or M-ln..
14 or lJ-ln
Oeaoln "ttUlmom.
FMll else, either round or
must point, long or snort
handle ............ ;
Bake for garden.-0o to JOo
ttakee for lan...o to
Hoe, full sis..
Hammer for
tfclng In any hope
hem use
. -4S
fur home use
Meals.. It's Quality sood. I 1'laln braces for
(or S1.7S
home uae
wiuejr. Bleak
t.7 nmootli
S1.89,l.4 K
and UM. t
Jack planes for $!.
la-la. ataaler For Plsnes
lor .. . .
1 yr
flane for . ...
Olatoa Saw D-4, tt-ia. aay
Point ......aL4
Bawe, a till
value, for
for . . . .
4-ft folding rulee
Htanly full braes bound 4-ft.
rule as
I or S-ft. Zlg-Zag Italsa.
Stanley , ao
l-4 n.
........... ...... Suo
Cliolo sootiet lu-ui or utt.
"Is to fc-tn to
Bis 1 to S-dn..
roTOWT nmu.
KeaMtnber, we are aseat
(or aks doaul galvaa4
load that last twtoe a leaf.
mean Poultry Netting.
full rlii
per square foot, or wr
S'luare (eel in i
of U4 lineal feet..
Cyolaae" Taaoy Wove Win
. WisV UlatCleV.
Fsney wire lawn fence, uu
from, per running foot, .be
Fancy wire flower bed bor
ders, per running fot...Ce
Fancy wire flower trellis, uu
rroiu. per rwnntug foot...Se
up from. ea. 16
e sy a
Walk Cats
Cedar I oeia.