THE BEE: OMATIA, SATHUDAY, AFRITj 10, 1915. m j FIRES AT WOMAN WHO HOUNDS HER From Our Near Neighbors twill be lvn at the Woodmen sail the latter part of April. J A number of pupils from urroiinrtlnt Amtr4M ama In Thuta.U v m nA t.' rlrl vr I to take elrhth grade rxamfnatKine. uiotrt bin anoou iwice in Tnnrsday m rvatertoo. &eitanr&nt st Jealous Lerer of Gun Toter'i Bom. Yallrr. ' proapeot are bright for a bumiw fruit , . ' , tnt thla year to thla vicinity. C. and the girl apent M ,, M nh.H unurl an toed to were ot Mlae Edna Weekly returned to Kearney I curat until 'in1ay mernlrig Hrand a father, AKSOTED TELL 2TEEV0ITS WBXCK j CinCACO, ' April Monday Miaa Marsaret Holde worth waot to Omaha. Thursday for a ahort lalu Afi-a r.ondron. who had an operation In Omaha last week, la much Improved. Mra. Mrrle TUthburn and ehOftven left Wednesday fnr their home In Chicago. Dundee ra. a r- " I -Mra A flaKtlner want to Dunl on. inai-i nvt Oinlr luncheon I Wednesday to vlalt her daughter. M In one or tn big aowmown rtiwur- M , ant were thrown Into a paftlc this I Mr. and Mrt Murrmsn motored to Omaha, evening when MIh Genevieve Irrtne 4 Mlidrs FitTid Fonteneile last Saturday and when tliey vlltd arose from her Mat and fired two shots from a revolver at her tnble mate. Mn. Hugh McLennon. Mrs. McLennon, who la the wife of the president of a local construction company, ran from the restaurant screaming: "I'm hot," She was mistaken, however, tor both, bnllets had gone wild. Never the less, most of the patrona followed ber their luncheon checks, according to the eaahler ot the restaurant. Miss Irvine bad waited for Mra. McLen non, according to the head waiter. . Takta ta neoptta.!. v TVteetiv iummoii4 by the restaurant keeper fnvnd Mix Irvine In a condition feortlerlns on hysteria, the ree-elver lying on lb floor at her fet "he waa taken to a kosjrttat and later to a poUee eta. tlen. axoording to the polio, ah wae In uoh a rtarvoua alata 't waa found Im possible to question lie, kflaa Irvine baa bean employed In the tw rfic of Jennln- St Flfar. JOveran rave a daaotng party at (heir noma day evening. Mlae Era Harrier and Mia Biileh Bvers of Benson ere spending their vacation with their parent. Mis ins Kopp la pending ber ,tl0? In Omaha with her aunta. Mra. w nance WUIe and Mra. Muneon. Tha reruiar meeting of the rHothere" clut waa held mday affam"n a in home of Mra r. M. nun. . " i.. more was leader. The eholr of tha aJetrnvtlat onurrn as- alW by Mra. Oainea and Mra. 7. Fremont renaeraa ina j " 'V-hrlst. the Klna." to a laja and ap- . . a I ' tlPtat tine HintT. IIP IBM aw to the BUeet WIUlOUl pajina .- .uienii Btmdar arrin. aafsa. al.AU MUawMiaftl iaaWllefa eofliety beid, ' regular monthly niee tin Mr. W. O. Whltmora.- Mra. rrar,W Bina aealatad Mrs. . w munora - freahmenta. , THa Valley bajld elected the joinrw.n. ffUiere Monehan, V.,hni tree.nrer: John Reulend. Hra- A & led ber. leader; I. V real's. member ererutlva eommltteax . , Aid for the comlr.ii ' year: Jonn . preald-nti iry Woltmorav vVcp : Nela Johi)vi. "?orUri'i u treeanrer; jnn tha Mr. Mra. lira nit a father Hem Krtmr. Tha Rebehaha ot Arllnrton held a ban ouet and prfMel roeetlna Tueaday night In honor of Mra. Florence Waam-r. vice president of the Itebekah aaeembly of Nebraeka. and Mra. R'lth Ooldlnn. aertre tary of the rttith P.eheVah lodge of Omaha, both of Omaha. Avoeau Mlaa Belle Meckathorn Waa hara from Weeplnc Water Saturday. Kdltor JInnter and wife of Weeping Water were visitors hara thla weak. Cormty Supe-rtntednt Kde Merquardt ware here from Plattanioutn SuiHlay. Mra Rimer Bmlth entertaJoed relative from Omaha and HatUroouth Sunday. Mra, M. M. Ptrauh and eon. Maxls. were at Ataihlnson, Kan., over Punday. Mrs. M. O. Cell and ehlMrea left this week fnr a aiait with relatives at Colum bus. - Mlaa Km ma Marotiardt of touievttle. waa) vlaltlna her pexenta hare ear Sun day. Miaa Tjiura Wltikle has ratumad from a ewvera.1 months' stay at Rooheater. Minn, ! Mrs. John Miller and daughter were here from Berlin the first of tha weaa vlettlns relatives. nv4ia RmnoLa and Audrey Maple are here from Bethany to mftmA tholr Eaater vacation. Mr. an Mra. Kflward Klrkpatrl;lt 51 VeJiawka were viaiuna; at the -. u. i4a.rmo bo ma this waaa. PprtaafteldU Aii.r. i.mna roa a buslnaaa trip to North Matte this week- Mra. VUm. Oorfler ana n"?rn " 'JZi mouth are vtaltlna; at the Fetra home. c..twK rYBHen ot vyne Jeotrinra U counaal for tha HUnoie Jub- I Mr .nd Mra U A. Batea , lie trtlUtles cotnm!a?lon. Mra Motnnen, , Mr. yyank teva of Kaolala.. ''' tveovrdlrur te Attorney Firer. Da4 Been o- 1 the Mint urn rautuy ua ht. - aMrfi a mJI at their law omoe earb 1 ween. week te eollect Ills wh!o was sent by Mr. Mctnno to Attorney Jennlnga. Mrs. MLiannon. tsa said, hm4 sued , her hus band for separate maintenance and pend ing disposition of tha suit he waa allow In his wife WO a week. The Mdnnotia were married In Arkansas nine years eg Mra. McJjennon waa jeaioua 01 me -... T.Kit aoeadla of Bejnaon maSrhta parent." h.'re a visit Thur.y eVHtilng. , .a Mlae Kstherlne .www - on March S in trmana w Red Oak. IV t William lwlS. Who lived ner-wrren tna vlllajra etarted. Is hare to sea wl mowir, Mra. Abe poon. , Mrs. Hsrah. Batte. who nae n-n iu .-r rutm. . mm. niin sp't, -- .. v without cue.M t! Xrvin toM detect- I m ttivt. w ukn to m Omaha fto- . - . a. LaJ Intlnl last TMlSlllAV. trae who que.tionoo nar arr ao- D. r ---- -- - ' . ,.m,, ravtdaon la movlna; m on ot hU father m farma been anfiar a physician s care for Mvaral Sours. "Mrs, Mothnon, wh wae fond of Mr, atufttiweat town. r a w. w. rwiw ana j- a J,nlng. my emptejer. thought be was OeH, were elyt-J vBla trues.- I l l.i 1 . II ri,a kiB-Vi srhnol hue or6an'"n a hall club and will play , Miliar ta.ra next aaturday. w M Petara. who !a Vtaltlna at nia eat with me when ahe oould not find him at the office. Ph began to annoy me b vartoua wars and I have become a jiorvoua wrack. I borrowed the revolver from a young man living In tha same apartmant hour.' Binder Takes Shot . At Wife's Parents v After Family Jar bane High raplUte. rrd Buaeklat. Will Corses and Frank RoaUi won out In the election Tuesday for tmateea of Pacflllon. v Mlaa Maria Bandar resumed to school St Bmwnell Hall Monday after a weeks vacation at her home tiere. Me an Vn 3 M Rohlnaon 'enter tained Wednesday afternoon and evening In honor of Mra. Robinson's birthday. Mir. and Mrs. EmmeU Vt yarn or Wallace, Nab,, vlalted with Mra. Dal- axn a aunu aura. j. n. man, Mlae Bertha Mllner ef Beilerue end Mr. nd Mire. Kloyd Davtrtaon of rlngneld era suaeta of Mr. end Mr. I. It. Clarke tha flrat of tha week. A. enlendld entertainment waa given at the opera houee Wednesday evening: for the benefit of the piano fund of tha Prea bytartan chiireh. The returns were a little orar tit. i Mlaa Dorla Clarke, Karl Brown. Roy Raaeard and Kenneth Barton have re turned to Lincoln where they are at tending the state- university after a few ttaya' vaoatlon at their home here. Rut. Theodore Mnrntnar of TndaDendence, a., has been renin on Papliilon friend thla week. Rev. Mornins; waa basa eololat at tha entertainment aiven by tha Pre- bytertan ehurwh at the Opera houe Wed nesday evening. ttlna daurhfya. Mra. John toaer. or -ni.e- mouth, rame home Tuesday to voi The dotneatlo arlenre claaa of the high I i ......4 Mr Rom IMvls bakery Inst Weflnaertay aim warw ,,., - ilnna In Kraad baking. Pvrl ef the , farmera aotithaaat of town win dig a dramas-- a"01""" the Buffalo we o he ''"t Tlv' dUtance or nearly naii a mm Weepies; Water. ur ixi Mr. 1L 0. Wlchman of seat nium r rwatur streat WaslBarlisy ware U town weaneauay, .k. i- .v,. rt.f mtioiiiJer v his aon-ln-1 Mrs. C. A. Baldwin vieitea nnnay .t- ' v . . .. Ininar with her hueband at nunbar. Binder and .hi Wife ha been living with p.AVuii raUtlva at Naoraab tnft t.ieons an winmr, umw ju.; K-llr, when Mr. Binder left bar huaband on 1 , . cot of near Pueblo. CoV.. la vie- rr,unt ot h! ill-treatment ef her. , I itinar Ma brother-in-law, Henry Haalara, .alA that I'.lnder hail tried to I till waek, ' Li., 1.1. -.1.. i,.t.,. ni v..ii rhnkaA har I Mr, plarenoa Courtngnt or ueaver . .. . I - 1 -. . . L. I. I. l.lul . . I ' I I V . nmU., I T I'IMN. ... - " - . Countryman. kill Mrs. Oleson. - I n.i.klfk of rntsconala e VtaKIng After tiia wire naa srparairu irera mm, ShU wrek at the home of his SiateT, aire. Binder left the Oleaoa noma, too, aut it. O. Olovar. returned last evening end on oaing tola 1 w. M. Roblnaon, wno is railway ifa nu innt there drew a ivvolver It flpragtie. waa an over uunuay ' " I 1.1. ...i.l. L. I - V. ti... f,Va nttv wiping hi rnoTher in-law. but, Tnnir.urw ;h:---k ... hom. o( ber elleht wouna a hi wire ramer. Uiater-lu-law, Mra. Juhn llauth Ilele waa near and Binder and) Qlron I The ra countr eommlnsinners. Pita, vr both taken t the pollr elation, Heehner and Bnoke, were In thla vicinity where Oleeoa w treated by Police Bur- Xkurday vlewiog the roaua ana nriake. ... - . . . . 1... . . L. . . . . I II. MA . -.. f k . . 1 n d- K r, ri w 1 1 r einnnic waa i jnri. nr r '!.. v, .... v . i - .. ... . . .v ..1 . ... . w . . 1 trriTSQ PURHUJ munnni . iiis&iui II lomn im auuti. annua .nam. ... ,a t har Hiuihiw. Mra waa not a. an sarioue. uiwoo wruv nume 1 ralley, an. I Air. Wlfliam Partridge, living: aouth of sir. Binir kt suing for vdlve;ee aewltown, avwiamed a do tibia fracture of tha a nnik.' lleft arm Tuesday morning. i waa t iean . .... . . w k.i. J"t - - inn her arm. fai-lflo. li lull Mendelssoliii Choir Asked to Aid in the Choral Peace Jubilee w , Ketleva. Retr. Walter U. Ferrla. U I..'evanellt and lecturer, of Wheats, 111 , vlaltexj at the W. X. Vt eob home Tuesday. Tha lav!!' Aid aorletY of the Preahy. torlaji rxiarrri ha1 1 en ell-day ineoliiig Itlt Mra. W, B. Nlchull Wuttiiraday. Va and Mra Wtltlant E. RatclUfe re- tumea from Ktnau I HV Tuoa.y lilBl't, luitoiure reiwntiy uuUriil The Vanfictaaohn Choir of Omaha ha ! an oteratlon for apuendkcltla. Va ' eeoordea reccrnltion by the "Choral Feat-e Jubilee." a. aaUoaai or- aatiiaarton, with active mcabera la Weh- Ir.rtcn. P. Ol New Torfc City, Boston. ' Chicago. UUtneapolls and ether Urge oiu l in UUe country, their letter ketng, In rrt. a follows: 'Tps National Choral Peace Jubilee committee baa undertaaep te gat all caira and town etarted mcrw te singing pesx aonga. aad la this way begin the work of preparing for a National Peace Jubilee wbett the European Wer ahall end. It t aeadieae to eommeat en tha wifltapreed effect this ut have, rot ""t dlU alone tn pramrvlng peace In America, but ao la erouaing Interest la aa i ep preoletloe of choral raualc. Tour name and addres has been given u aa that of an organisation which Is holding a uo- csfj spring tnustcaj festival. -The -newlT elet-teJ town tmeaa, J. P. Keller. Wni'am bl Nloholl. William Bob- run and Wither fX-kril. will inevt to oraaniae the tbet weeX la aay. M. M. Pattsreon, prlnrlr! ef the grade school. wet Vf thi hueoal WednaeJaiV tor treatment. Th eighth grade, which Mr. paytteraon tsvueht, la now bolng head only halt a day, with Mra Patterson a tseoTier. her of the b'ril of trusteea of tha Pre- bytexUa ohurch at tha annual Meeting of the oonareaaAttm Wdoealay cvanln Other of flcera elrtd are: Ct'Slrmen, W . i . .j.. .t. f 1 rt a 1 . t . . . -. IV. nil Mlllli K-t V. 1'IVll . . urer, W. N. rutan. The church flnlrhed the year with danott aad la euUrely let ua know If we may aspect your co- et'eratlon," Eiaa Jamas Bwtte te Ul with sneaalee. tern. Joaxihlm Bull entertained for her birthday fcaturday John Qoauh of Osmond snent TTiaradav -ieajnare among rnenaa. Phones Displace the Tickers on Nearly Quarter Rail Lines N'tW YORK, April Telephone have tlleplaoed telegraph inatrument for train dispatching service on es.Oftft ont of ftO.ono mile of railroad In (hie country, C. II. Wilson, auperlntendent of long-distance wire ef the American Telephone A Telegraph company, .toW Special Kx amlner Marahall of the Interatate Com merce eommtairion, wno Is holding a hearing on the complaint of the Oraln Dealer' association of Chicago. The grain dealer allege discrimination by the telegraph compenle by leasing tele graph wire privately, to the disadvan tage ef tha public. It. B. Foley, general auperlntendent of the Delaware Iokawena Western, testified that Ma road had been operat ing train for five years en telephone dtspatohea without a miatake. Ha fa voted tha uae of the telephone Instead of the telegraph, declaring that from eighty to 160 words a minute could be tranarattted by telephone, as agatnet thirty te forty words a minute by tele graph, unlese the duplex or quadruplet system were available. William N. Fash tau ah, general surer- intendent of traffic of tha Western Union Telea-raph company, said thst the number of complaints . received about service amounted to only one-tenth of 1 per cent of the messages carried. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA X Mayor Hector Seta Apart Two Dayi This. Month for General Cleanup. GARDEN CAMPAIGN BEGINS Ms yor Thomas Mootor has announced Friday and Saturday, aptM 1 and 17, a the South Omaha "clean-up days.". Superintendent N. M. Graham of the public school ha opened the annual gardening campaign In- the local public schools. A ached iile waa sent to the different school of the city yeterday. Model garden outline were sent In by these school: Corrlgafi, Garfield, law thorn. Highland. Jungmann, Uncoln, Lowell and West Bide. F. I Katon, general manager of tha Irvlaetea. Mr. VaatsJ and daiurhter, Itr!, were Omaha visitor Tuesday. Mr. aad Mrs. Trackman and family were Omaha visitors Saturday. Mrs. Carl tSorlng of Eonson visited at the ueory Spring home Monuey. Mr. and Mra Taylor were enterta-med at the a R. Brewster home Punday. Mr. and aire. A. Data and ' family motored to Oounun Bluffs on bvinnay. Mr. and Mrs. Oeoraa Knight left Tues day for there home at Round Valley, Keb. Mr. and Mra Anton t.rn ef Benson lift ted at the August Paiap heme Bate urday. Rev. Mr. Davis of ArUhgtoa Preached at the Congregational church, Sunday S emus. Mra. Fa may of Jefferson Clry, M, Is visiting sxt the home of her niece. Mra A. IJ. KnUrtvt. . . . After a month lay off on aooount of hl eyea, John Hendrlcliaow te able to go to work again. Mra. PL R. Brewster left Thursday for Johnson, J., t visit her dauaihter, Har- line, wno la loaomng ecnoci mere. . Lives with Ex-Wifo . And Her Mate; Shot DALIAIt, Tea., Aprfl . A. T WhlUel, . a building contractor: Mrs. Walter Champtoa, hi divorced wife: her present husband and Effle Whltsel, 15-year-old daughter ot Whltael, and the present Mrs. Champion, have all been living lu the seme houae hare for over a month. To day Whltsel attempted to correct hU daughter. Champion Interfered and la the quarrel that followed Whlttel we shot through the lung. Champion urrendered after taklnr WTiltsel to a hospital. Whltsel, who, physicians say has chance to recover, requested the police not to prosecute Champion, TAKES PAIR OF SHOES WHEN TRYING THEM ON About 7 o'clock Thursday evening a man entered tha store of H, Lesaru at Kit Oumlng (tract and asked to see a "pair of shoes. He tried on a pair and .liked them so well that he decided te take them right with him. About the same time be remembered an Important en. gagement ef soma klsd. (or he left In a great hurry and neglected the tittle for mality of paying for the shoes. Lejiaru eomplamed te the police and gave them a description of the man. He think that hi name Is Tlrsor and that he Hves on Bpruce street, , . ' eBelsfftea. Henry Oft and Fdward.'Wttt left Tues day iprrntng for CaJiada. Gua Tlmm la hauling out material for a new house on his farm. Arthur Nelson resumed taaohlng last week after a severe siege of pneumonia Mr. and Mrs. John Lebhert and family spunt Easter Sunday at Ecljo Hill farm. At the village eleotkm Tuesday Chark Achllep and George IMarka were elected trtiataa. The baa bell team baa about tt&O more to its credit, the reeuit of giving tkeU play at Washington. Prof. Odetl and th pupil of the nhuh and tenth grades ere busy reheaaeltur a play titltlU, "A CeviDtry Kid," wbloh ' ' ' V Ml . ...... a .''.'' - " ' n ' ' Gcn.3 Ce.i'i Suiy With This Trcabn:nt No. ImpuriUe C&n Rett. la vA Foothold They'ra Driven Oute lra .vr". Insurgent Women ' Form Organization Repreaeataltvea of the four aeoeiUnf .rl.-rlr tf tha Ctilld Conaervatlon legue j fr4 Martena. or Aai.ric who last Thursday reaolved I Miss Roae WMta vurlted frora Saturday themselves toto the (Vy Fedetatloa otjunul Moatlay wliu tha C W, Ulckey faia Omaha Wolhera' eiubs. met Thursday at lur t Mennlngtow. tn Youiur Woman's Christian aaaucl. I . Mfa Roae Krla ef Omaha 11td Setur- MUa Anna Aye entertained the Ladle kenvluaton, Thursday. . Mra. Peter Uruauuut waa takes to hosyllal this week for treatment. Mrs. M W. Fu.las and dauahter. Vera. of Allen, Neb.vUiud ber Uiia Week. Mr. and Mra John lebhert vlattant the former parent lat ainly, near Bee- otnftwn. Sona were born last week tn Me. and Vi re. Joke Soeratdt sad Mr. aad Mrs. tlon. Tie Central Park and Moaanouth I a.rk Mothers' cluba have already Joined Hi new federation and eeveral ether are expected to Join. ilia. II. J. HUmea was elected seer. tai y, but elm tlon cf further of flcere waa portioned Lei 11 the pext meeting, which will be htU May 1 Jjxenlie and drlen tion work will be stuJi4 by the elub. The four aecedlng circles will choose Kw r.auM for their clubs at pleating !.Rh will be ttnd next week. day and HlindAv with her uerenta Air and Mre. fharlt Chase. Mr .and Mr. Charlea Betts cf Benson speiu rrr wiin their daughter, Mre J. A. Otooons, aad huaband. Jack UcCormK.k wme caliat In last week by the death of Mra Kale iisvaer. woe lonuerir Uvea here. . 5,000,000 RussNow Under Teuton Sway fc ICRI4N. April -iliy Wireieaa te gay i!.e. N. T.r-Aa Ovi-raea naw agency ! 111 ay: Gertna sag tha Austro-Hungarlan aimlrs are i.qh la possession of W.UH iusre kliomter t,t Russian territory. r.ti a total population ef S,O0U.040 1 . ti't.i teriitory U eeual to aUit . I .ar tn:!rt. I ArtlasTtva. W J. Crane waa trtnuiln. In Omaha Munder. Mlaa Julia Kra.iicek waa b buslaee vl. 1U at Kannard IWUy. , Fred .eiirtl and Theo Amende war Stnong tt blr vIMtora thla wfc. Mr. and Mrs. W. ctuykee of Omaiia, ware tha gurate Munday of Mr iiuyle' par eina. Mr. and Mra. W. H. tladley. XV 0. ilaui.r la Mloylug a vacation thla week from hi duti.a In J. W. Malton'a el 01 m, , Mra K Queantr of Howella. Neb., spent F:ir with her mother, Mji J. A. Roaen- WiUiird liain cf Waahlagton la vUitlng at tha home of but pe relit. Mr. and Mia. J. 1j t.aklo. A private dame waa given at the city hall last Haturtlay evening by the young propi.) of tha rtty. A. t. lAida-l returned the last of tha .-k fMm ei liifv. where be I buil'lm a i i hoj hulldiii. kivui tiia indliaiiuii this rrk tb The aetlea ef B. . SL, the fameua blood purifier, la direct from tha moment tt entare the stomach. Unlike food that muet be acted upon by the digestive juices, & 8. a goee at ence into the blood, and in eaa than Ave minutes ha travereed tha entire, circulation. - It now rapidly spreada Its medicinal aotlea la the fine network ef blood ve. ela and I Ilk giving the blood a thorough bath, to overenm ecaema, blood rlslnga, boll aad ether eruptive conditional It can pot harm any part ef tha ayatam. It doea not lodge In the Jutnta a do mercury, a resale and ether mineral frequently to-be found In bleed remedies. It 1 a natural saedl- Is for the bioed. Just aa eeseatUl to health If germe have gotten the upper bane es is aatntioua fooa 11 after, a apall ot alckneaa the body calls for Boar latinaeai. wherever ye g yeu are eure te meat eetne ene who used S. ft. a for the blood and Is a willing witness te tt wonderful power to everoome blood treublaa. Ton riSii obtain & 8. S. In almost any drug store la the U. aV, a algnlficant fact aa te Ita worth and Ita starling; reputation. Get a bottle today. It wtU do yon good. Writ t The Swift Speetfto Co, lit Swift Bid-.. Atlanta, Oa.. If the dlrectlona Wltk the bottle do not fuUy Purer jour case. :fl . wok : m IflBiE Sioux City . Union etook yarda believe that the future of the live stock Industry here and at Ploux City la bright with promise. He said so yesterday at the Exchange building here, where he epent the day as the guest of K. B. Bucking ham,. general manager of the I'nlon stock yard. "The Missouri rtver msrketa ar lust beginning to com into their own," aid Mr. Eaton. . Cbtrapo Short of sitlti. And. now, at last, oome the high prio of mtitt'tn, according tn the schedule of th packing Industry of the country. The usual excuse of a. national shortage of sheep I offered for the promised rise. Chicago Is said to he. making claim of a altortsge of sOO.ono head for the laet season. . Ideally this shortage has not been very noticeable, and It may be that Chicago is short only In comparison with South Omaha, which la regarded a the coming markot of the .country, not only In cheep, but In ell grade of llv stock. St. Hilda's guild ot St. Martin's church held its annual meeting and elected thai following officers for the year! President, Ml-s Daley Moore: vice prellnt, Mrs. -. Orln fl. Merrill; secretary. Ml Mary , Vols; trensurer. Mies Jeanett Roggen. The gulld will give a dance at Ruhtng hall April IS. I'atroneeso are: Mrs. Joha Wallle Ohl. Mr. 1 C. Gibson, Mrs. W, R. Aflklns. Mrs. J. B. Watktns, Mrs. Roy Bunard. Mrs. Charles MaeAdama Mra. J. M. Abbott, Mr. William Vn slcker, Mrs. C. W. Beers, Margaret Vols. , Magic CHy Gossip. The Masaa society will give a dance at tha Moose hall tomorrow evening at I o'clock. The Esglea will give a big danne to morrow evening at the Eagle hall, Twenty-third and N street. Th Columbian dub will give a daooe this evening at the club hall. Thirty sixth and It street Carl Real, looal high school athlete, who Is oontlnea at the Meuioaist poepiiai or Omaha with nervoua trouble. I reported to 'be steadily improving. He I up and around and ia able to receive friend. Stop Paying Rent firing us your plans and let us explain - our bxulding methods and how you can buy your home from this Company on the easy pay ment plan. Call or write) for our booklet "Better Homes" " which explaLng onr plan full. I""1. . -. . .. " - :-, 'i-vv -s-' -.J t . ; - W ei . " .IP 'I , .... . i I ' ' ' 'l'l I a aamaaa aaaa ( f--a-n"l a. .j- j , Here Is a home built by this Company, which Is considered by all who have seen it, to be Ideal In arrangement and very ; beautiful as well. Thla bouae has six rooms and bath. Will be pleased to' show you the plan If you'll call on us or write. Oflces, Ground Floor, Be Bldc Omaha, Neb. TelepbojDe Dong. 2026 -:4 ef I' On account of out ! "3 larire etocks and im- I- mense purchasing pow- t er we carry stocks that ; m oie tai m cavvoo vt nit; H ordinary store because l of our huge business. ,We are also able to equal prices of the pay-as-you-enter Btores. Here is the opportun ity for large women. We have a bt stook X; of all the latest styles in )r women's 01 o a k b and i U Suits at all prioes, in K sires from S3 to 59, and 3 all we ask is $1.00 & -q week. See j m ' v LIQUOR and DRUG Treatment 1603 S. 10th Bt. rteas D. 7tZS 1417 Douglas CL OMAHA The West's Largest ' Credit Clothier. I US H r AM . t ii aa.- . v a k ltn M AllaV It St 1 Sa H "T W A ii u yrwsvmWosi tef MHti LaNetMe, tsat .tea ex I- pH riafs, IjJ at 1'- - No Man Young or Old Who Wants Good Clothes Should Miss the Semi- Annual $15 Sale sypfaWWtSwy ,Baissl sssr ssVaA 1 Sjaasae jf , ataaaa saex C aarW asw V 1 JIJ ,4i aWrl S.fkw tVMaia Sg 7 More I M U ;..; More 'Days', J ';T?T.";i:r 'Days" Saturday Will Be the Big Day , Kyery.'riian in Oniaha and vicinity knows the. value giving significance "of this ;big semi-annual event at' Hayden's. ' ; :"- - ; ' .WEVE PLANNED FOR IT ': FOR THREE MONTHS, PLACING ORDERS FOR 1 X000 High Class Suits You may depend uptn it that the . best makers in tho United States were keenly after this extra business. So wo will show you in this sale not only Hart, Schaffher & Marx Bat Clothes From Six Other of tho Best Makers of Chicago, Rochester and New York. . ' Models to suit the tasto of men of all ages, also snappy styles for the young fellows just assuming the long trouser modes. . All suits' are hand-tailorod, silk lined, fine alpaca lined. ! also half and quarter lined models. : STYLES INCLUDE young men's one-button" loft roll models, with link button, shawl collared vests. English soft roll styles in two or three-button modes and many other snappy styles. '. - ".. . , V . PATTERNS INCLUDE plain colors, rich Glen UrquJieHrt, the popular Tartans, checks and stripes, in the season's newest colors. . ' ; The G reatest Lot o f Suit Values 1 Shown in the West CasHsU 104 Blue Serge Suits Three Models. 413 Young Men's Nobby Style Suits 68 Plain Gray Suits In Staple Models 316 Men's Suits in Snappy Distinctive Styles 99 Half & Quarter Lined Summer Suits, Nearly All Silk Lined ' - ALL NECESSARY ALTERATIONS MADE FREE. $15.00 MEN'S SPRING ANI FALL OVERCOATS AND BAUHCAANS, that sold at $20.00 ana zb.uv, inciuaea ia tois sate at.. An Important Sale of R and W Rain Coats One of the most adrantageoua caab purchaes, of Raincoats we erer made enables ua to oKer R & W Raincoats at Almost Half Worth AU 8trla, sixee and Fabric Every Coat Guaranteed. S3 S5 llalncoata .v P2.0 S8.60 and $10.00 Raincoat asr w $5.00 and Stl.OO Raincoat 8:.O0 S12.60 and $18.00 Raincoat ' S-y'lfX $4.60 and $7.50 lUiiicoata .. S4.00 $1.0 and 20.00 lUlncoat iY.VKX Ycmre Going to Need One Soon Iont Neglect to Take Adrantam of Tbeee EtrrHiT,. "au Offering. An UnusuallylnterestingSaleof Boys' Clothing AU Wool Series or Fancy Suits, $4.95; With Two Pairs Knickers. Values actually wonderful, smartly tailored,. the best styles, all wool fabrics: the season's beat Vol or ; all silk sewn. The more salts we sell the more regular customers we will make for our boys De$L We ak comparison Saturday tUese C A (lC suits at..... O Xs JJ Xtra Good Suits for Doys $7.50 Xtra Good 8ults, all made by a wmu iuqu viviBQ nisser; ne puts the same dash and atyle In these suits aa In the long pant suits. Xtra ( good suits are de signed ajid made from a stand point of wear and tear require ments. ' Every sesm, ervry thread and every piece of cloth Is put to gether to withstand the boyish hard usage, the snappy stylee and colors that axe made exclusive by thla maker Is offered rn Saturday at O.OU Sprcial IHsplar of Boys Blooaes at SOe. The K. & & Tapeleag Blouses are conceded by ail boys that have erer worn one the best blouse made. Saturday we orter C fx extra value at OUC On sale Second Floor Only. Boys $1.00 Wash Suits, eOe. Just a special for Saturday 11.00 Wash Suits, made of Hep Clbth and Galatea, all good washable colors; sites !4 to I rears GOt?