THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, U'KIt, 10, 1D1.5. RECEIVERS FOR BRITISH WARSHIP LORD NELSON REPORTED DESTROYED Berlin advices from Constantinople asaert that the British battleship Lord Nelson, which wai stranded inside the Dardanelles, has been destroyed by the fire of the Turkish batteries and is a total loss. GREEHRUT STORES Bij Eew York Mercantile Company ' Sayi Ki Asetj Are More Than Double IU Liabilities. SMALIXB. COTITOIIS DElTtJR NITW TORK, April . The J. B. Grenhut company, a New Tork cor porattoa wltfc $12,000,000 outstand ing aero rt tie, operating two depart ' aect atorea on Sixth aresua, this i ally, went into receivership today through friendly aroceedinge. A few momenta after the equity suit had 2wen filed an inroluntary petition in teokniptcy ma filed in aeparate proceeding by three creditor- with VJJma toUlling 18.000. The flm'i KablUtl. aeeoMhi- to M Stomaol. avrranta B,sil.. u4 It - :nli Thee fla-ure o not tn riude twa inoetee araounthif to U.aM. POO, vhich are eure: br real eatat rittiwda. Another estimate of uwU and tBafelHUa to ffran la the petition at the iTe orators. In thla the HaWllttee ere tae4 at about U,enO, and th aaaet .At About at.o.O(M. . WUitam A. Marble, vlca preside t of Mervfcant' aaaeclatlan of thU city. b6 Walter C. HTe. Termer federal te rrfc ewurt Jodse, war appointed reoelT. r under a joint bond of finO.edO with txmar to continue the business. Overs bualaea txxxlltlona aarlnf tha laat year 'end tnabllltr of tha 1rm ta meet tonmeOiate proaatnc cMtaatlon were Matrwd aa reasons for seeking a receiv ership. Tha ault waa brought by tha Monxaeuta 8curltia coropan. In, which J B. Qreenhut wa an officer, and M based noon a claim for about $300,000 loaned tha Greenaut film Mata far Caaacar. .Benjamin O. Pnakaa of oouoael for tha , J. B. Oraanhitt company Issued a state tant which aaya: "Tha art Ion today to a. friend! r prooln In equity a4 la for the purpooa of aonaccvlny tha asset at tha company and ta enable tie eotv iltreano of twainaaa without Intarrupttan during tha time required to bring about n equitable adjustment af all llabUIUaa tha eompaBy. . Tb company aaa alweya enjoyed tha hUrhaat oredlt. Tha paier tiled today ahow that exelusrr of tha rati an tat tba other aaeeta at tha company aa of March H, 191S, amount to mora than double tha total currant HebUitlea. The enenpaar had to meat averee -dttlona during tha last year whtoh ware bajrong la control. It-was not only X acted by tba general depression of bunti r,mi, but waa aertoualy handtrappad by tha failure of tha fllal antarpri, awtng to tha feat that the Blag! name waa In cluded In tha corporate title of tha eom-I-any at tk tlma ct that failure. Thin rauwd tha general Impraaalon that tha j enterprise ware coRnartad.' . Th!a waa i eP41alIy evMenoad by tha run af die. . turbad iapoaitora at tha bank wblcb Waa t onouctrd in tha Oreenaut atora. "The flnanolal e tuition of tha eorn gny wtll ba placed In aa abaolutaly aatla factory eondlMott It It la poealnla by aa amicable eyaaraant ta bring about aa al)ueimet wttit tva holder at tha-real Mat booda," Inalltf CvHra Vila Matt. The J. B. OrMDhut company conduoted ' a private back for tha convenience ef Ita roatomerc tn Iafniber last the firm nv notlna that tt Intended to withdraw - from the banking budncaa. It ia bftllered all depoaltora availed themarlvr of tlie tir-portunlty ta wtthdraw thlr aavlnfa. , A few anomenta aftrr tha appointment , f tlia reortvara, an Involuntary patttlon In bankruptcy waa filed acainat the eora Hiny by thia eredltora with claim a ;Vrfatlng (2,000. In their p-ttlUo tbaaa f rwlltota allaged that the aaaeta of tha rtiraanbot eonipany, aiolualve of real eU,t aV not xcrd t1,MO,0n0. and that lt IlnlitlltlAa approximately Ill.OOO.On. Of.'lcera of the J. B. Grenhut company at Jeph Gnrnhut. prPalrtfnt ; Chart lA. Coopar. vlca prtaiOeht; Bcisfdlt't J. ';rnhut. irvaaurer, and Xalaon M. rnhut, aacretary, all of whom art ,?wc(ra. The a3.',!tunU dlrectoi era i Jerome CXfal, Eenlamln HUltnan, Na Ithanlel Menken. KU Wolfoar and Jacob '!l Meyere, attoraey for tha three;-a wlio fSjad the, innuntary petl tn W bauiiuravtoy, eeaerted that ha Tp raoUS altogether about 100 oradUore whoaa anrasatad batwaea w,000 nd Jl,.-0,!!wx The flrm'a failure caused no aurprtea In banking clrdea where Ita financial anibarraaamant waa a meter of general knowledge. New Tork financial lnetttuUaea, It to estimated. ' bold aPlroal mateiy trr,ooo of the tximpany'a aolea. Out-of-town banlta, notably In Chicago ued Fttteburj-h, are aeld ta bold small amounta of the cnpaoy'a paper. si f-. fT.-r t v, i ir . r ir .'.I. a I k ... -' . v. , ) t . . . -, I 'f Wf-n '4 ... - .'.:t-'j: v.'. : ' -V'.vt.: 'j'r v - ' '.- - , . ,4' : ' if- crap-d flrrcrrrna. The Krench auffered the hearleet loasea by axalh brlns com pletely unfmrcanful In. their at Lack n. North of, the vlllHge ,of Bev,",Jou''' northeaat of ta Mestill. we took from the French Urt nlnht aevcral trenohea and two machine gunr Two attempt to recapture the position during . tha night were rpulwl. "In tba laln of the YVoevre they aJao unnuooeearully attacked. During tha naming and evening they continually brought tip new force for tha occuna. tlon of tha Meuse hilla .near Combrea, 'An attack from tha foreet of Belnua. north of 8L Mlhlel, broke down before ear cntanglemente. "In the forest of Alllv 'we are or. greaajng aiowly. . i TA French advance to the went f Anraraont failed. .... 'Trench, attack to the .went of Fllrev died out under our fire, but north and northaaat of thi placa they 14 to bitter nao-to-hand fighting. In whloh our troope gained tite upper hand and drove tha enemy back. 'Night advance bv the rnnch dlatrtot war unaueonaaful. ' An attempt of the enexnv ta rurfnm the village of Beaange Lagrande, aouth weet of Chateau Saltna, which we hav occupied, ha failed. . "In tha Bola La Fretre, the French also failed to gain any ground. Attack have taken place on Hart manit-Weilfcrkopf. "la the eastern theater, engagement are developing on the east of Kalwarya. (north of 8uwalkl), which a yet have not been' decided.' Otherwise nothfng tran!)ired." Krtarh. PARIS, April . Vla Ifrtidori) The official communication from tha War office thla afternoon follows: , ' "Brltieh troope repelled during the nlht of April 7- a Oerman atack. ' "We left unocoupied in the teeth of the enemy Gorman trenches at Kpargea, Which were completely choked with oorpaea, and wa repelled at the close of the day two counter attacka by . the enemy. "In the wood at AOly wa captured new tranche and repelled counter attacka, aa already report Wa also secured six machine guns and two trenoh mortar. Tha enemy ceased hla count or atack after midday." riant room quirk with a' Baa Want Ad t German Noie May Have Far-Reaching -Effect, ia Believed WASHINGTON. April t-doee atudy by official of Oarmany'a note assuming full liabilities for tha deatruoUon of tha American eeJling ahlp. Will lam F. Fry, reveal many point that may hava a far reaching effect on other legal questions arising batwaea tha United Bis tea and Germany during tha present war. Oermanr's acoeptanea of tba treaty of 12 a etUl binding, would make it ap parently Incumbent on It official thought, to pay any losses sustained by American hlpper of contraband arti cle In American vessel, although tha right to lawfully detain auch cargoes and compensate tha owner at a later data waa reserved. There waa a Question also In tha mind of official her whether "the treaty would not gtva American owner the right to recover damage from tha lose of their good aboard the! vaeaa la of Germany anemia. On of th I nt area ting phase of tha FVya note, however. It was pointed cut by official a likely to have an Im portant bearing on the aublact of sub marine attacks on belligerent era ft wa th statement regarding tha obligation of commander ta remove peseengwr ta a place of safety. It may ba cited by th United Itate whan It basins IU dls euMlon with tha Berlin foreign office oft th death of Laon C Threeher, In tha submarine attack on tha British teainer Falaba. Takta Cars af tha Chlldraa. ' (fa parent would consciously b caret ea of th children. Joe A. Itoav raarln, Clarkaon. Nab., uses rotey Honey and Tar for hla two chtldran far croup, cough and cold. H say. "We are never without Foley' Honey and Tar In tha house." A dletreaalng cough, leap las night, and raw, Inflamed throat 'lead to a run-down condition In whloh tha child la not able to resist contagious or Infectious disease. Foley's Honey and Tar to truly healing and prompt In action. It relieves cough, cold, croup and whooping cough. Bold every w her. Advertisement. . - Kent room ante wrtti a T3e Want AS. EHENGH START BIO OFFENSIVE OH WESTFEONT (Oontlnuad from Tago One.) .action of tu rr(iudiatlon of hi policy by the present cabinet,- has derided to retire frota politic nd may leave the country. . , Special dlipetrtiea from Hungary em prat the belief that the Ruaa'an ar fighting their battle in th Carpathian for deliberate political ends, th chief of which la to saver Hungary from the dual monarchy, aoina oonflimation I given thi theory by th reported alarm la Italy over the possibility f Austria-II angary concluding. separata peace with HiimIi. LUtche received bera by way of Athena act forth that tha allied float filing tha DrdanUa 1 not far from T-c'.aS.r on- tha Oatlipoll pninuia. but this new la without ofRcial conflmia ttun. V RLFCITS CFWAR OFFICES BETUjy. April .-Via tondon.V-Th official tAter:i-r.t 1veit out by the Ger man general hed'iuart;r' taff ay: "Weatera theater: Th Belgian aain l.v bean dnvan out of the dHMHhed i.amlet of Drel Gracbtea. on tha Yer i anal. Tw Prlgian arfluer cad HU mea and two machine gun were raptured. ' In retaliation for the booibardmnfit of villufci dtuated baliind eir positions, tii rliy of khrin.s, lit whit h laige as s.'.r.til)ng of Uuopa eng batteries wre v'wwt-ei,' has bn bombarded wilh In t4ir siiel's. ' A Kren.Ti liifuniry sitaik In the Ar onne foirat. d'lring which tis Krench seam auipiuyed SJiiti'ltlig bonibe, ' 'ri a ll'i.- brlwcen il a Mu and I ltlviM.J tii-.. ci-aiu tut In. 0 eMEi, tEie -Best lor Yomr Moiiey . You Will Get It at The Palace - - The Styles Are Right the Fabric Are Rightthe Fit Js Right the Pricei Are Right ST does not matter, MEN, what amount of MONEY you are WILLING to invest in your new suit or top coat, you may rest assured that you will .get the best For value received here. Our clothing will stand the acid test for four things: style, quality, worth and price. EACH point is enough to induce you to make up your mind to spend money in our store. . , . ' Suits . and Topcoat at 9?- OJI) f 1 FirTEEN dollar is a f ixire that any man will spend for a new suit of clothes when he knows the real value and .workmanship is there. It goes without saying that, the latest models of this season are abundantly represented. One, two or three button sacks, form-fitting, medium or conservative styles, rolling or flat lapels and all the other features that make men's clothing distinctive this season will be found In our immense assortments. '- ' ' ! They axe made from Cassimeres, Serges, Fancy .Mixtures, New Plaids, Tartan Checks, Plain Blues, Grays, eta The " Spring Models, Semi English, Ultra English and Con. , servative styles. They are absolutely all right. ' ; Here Is an Unmatchabh Line of ' Suits and Raincoats , at $10 It Vou could follow ui through the fartorlea that maka thesa suits and overcoat you would find that the greatest care is given to ' every detail In their proceed of making. The best designers la the ' country fashion the models and t,he bent tailors produce them. ' t'en't Spring Trousers Beautiful new trouserlngenew atrip effect in excellent quali ties exceptionally well made and cut after lateBt modela extra full value at 81.50 83.00 These Suits Will Do You Credit ' on Sunday When you wear one of . these aulta day after tomorrow you will take pride in your appearance. These autta will do both ' you and us credit. They are tha most fashionable model of the day, the pat tern are all strictly up to the minute, and we do not believe that these spring overcoats ran be equaled at the price that we are asking 7m i Furnishings Correct Stylet SILK SHIRTS Beautiful Bilk shirta that ordi narily .sell for $1 to $3, go Saturday f :?.0...98e 150 , Dozen Men's . Hosv,JacV and tan. . . . l Men's Handker chief s, 10c val- Op , ues, Saturday. . v 23c Garters, fin r pad garters, go on -sale Saturday A A at...:.,.....5JC: Men's $1 Laun . dered ., .Cuff Coat :. Shirts,- in neat . stripes and medi- , . nm or dark effects. Spfcial,this rQ week , .w J C Men's r 50c Fiber . Silk Hose, all solid colors, heels and ' toes reinforced. Special all iJZn fJiis week.. ..X3L Men's Union Suits, all sizes, colors and rg-59c Union Men Attention We are tiio leaders in Omaha for, Union Made floods. We furry the following line of poods with Union Labeli Suits, l'nntP, Shoes, ' Shirts, Under wear, Susjtenders, Collars, Xtrkwear and Overalls., Men's New Spring Hats XEWEST 3, $4 and S3 BPRI5G 8TTIXS, $2.00. Here'a the "MAX SPECIAL", a big favorite tn our great TWO DOLLAR SPECIAL; aooreg of oiher snappy tha pea and live col ore; aam etiee you sea around town at It, 4 and ft and IS, here aJe&eUlr' Is It Worth Anything to know, that you are well andcorrectlydressed, that your suit looks some what better than your neigh bor's and that it will con tinue to look . better a3 long as his suit lasts? Candidly, we believe ft is impossible to produce gar ments more superbly ored, of finer fabric than those bearing tne Stein Bloch and Sam jPcck' labels.' - There' Splendid Value mt A&& by EifrCiir to Km ill afrw mi. ' Drop In and You IIay Confirm Our Broadest Claims i V Men of Omaha Have trusted na to giro them jr th4 beat there Is in hata. We 0Mt,tmt t V affa lav a aft m asa a.ei a SW ajbb lV ;cu ai w nj t tuiiui aw; vur jvu is worth to give them less. Real Satisfaction at $229 'and $3?, .Watch'' the East Window for a Most Unusual Saturday i Ap Scarf Service - f ;'vvt . 1 , . 4fc Swapp ers Golumri a Just to say "Swappers' Column" is al most sufficient. Who hasn't heard of it. and doesn't know what hundreds of peo ple are using it for? , "Who is there to whom the chance tot good trade doesn't appeal? Every person who reads thesa columns, can count one or more things among his belongings that he ' would be glad to exchange for something more useful. People are actually getting into profit able businesses through the ' medium of the "Swappers' Column." Every imagin able thing is offered for trade in this col umn from a section of land to a bottle of hair tonic. v Start in using the "Swappers C umn. Come to The Dee office and let show you how, to do it, Coi ns Ttlcphiynm Tytsr 100$ THE OMAHA DEE JCaerjIeafr XeeWe Wm AM. ' LOST Yea lost but while there is life there is hope and while there's hope there's The Omaha Bee. Try Our "Lost and Found Columns Call Tyler 1000 '' THE OMAHA BEE Crybfy Rtad Want Ails t 4 a - ..