Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE .-REK: OMAHA, HATUHDAV. APHIL in. .191.".
Upper Honse Adds Money to the Pro
Tision for the State
appropriation ros valentine
Killi All Bllli on Hand, Save
Twenty Which it ii Still
(Tram n Plaff Correspondent.)
. LINCOLN. Apr".
the annate elcl fo differ with the lioure
In tb matter ef appropriations. The
! University of Nrbrka appropriation
Mil recommended for passage today
i by the nrPr house, committee t ths
, whole U a substltut tneesure, containing
imany chanses from th or sent over
the house.
Adda 4BOO0 More.
In the first place, the senate cuts out
that part of tha house hill llmltmr tha
appropriation of tha cliecunia pun oi
tha 1-mlU levy to $1.1S.W. Tha senat
: Mil roerely appropriate l per rnt. r
the collectible part of the levy. settlns:
; no limit. AU told thla will Increase the
, funds available for' the university by at
least Itf.OOO.
Cwta Oat Dlvlslo.
The senate. oln still farther, ellml
! nates the attempted division of tha ap-
proprieties, by the beuse Into two aeparate
fund, one for salaries and one for
' rpaintenance with a specified amount for
'each. The senate clU leave thla wholly
! up to tha rtrenta.
The house direction that tha regents
, return separate statements for various
' parts of the university, specifying the
! medical College at Omaha, tha aarloul
tural ooUere at CurUs and special aUte
activities, is retained in the senate bill.
General A prerlatle.
I In addlthm trW.OTO la appropriated out
of the cenaral rund et tha state for these
' departments with thla specified as to the
fellewtnc: Legislative referenoe bureau.
' .; ooaeervatton and soli survey.
1S.00; substalkm at ValeBttne, . M.009;
substation at Hcott's Bluff, sl.X; lam
prowmeuta at Curtis ssaoo. JSO.MO, '
Fiap Irrlarattow.
An amendment offered by ByslsM of
YBoons tnrreeeed the legislative referenoe
Vnreau appropriation to fcl,T7R. An
amendment by Mattery and Bunhea mads
a epectfle appropriation of Sli.OOS for the
reirents to me In espertmental pump
Irrlirtitloa la tha western part of the state.
-The senate Mil also cures aa alleged
rrror In the house bill In the spectrin
appropriation of the eksh fund of the
university. , j
Mere for Rail CMiatla!ea.
The general maintenance hill was recom
mef44 for third reading; by the senate
committee of the whole this morning,
after aa amendment had been added nos
ing tha appropriation for tha Plata Kull-
ay commissi"' from tJ?,WO, the house
figure, to f.0O.
Thla amendment which was proposed by
Bushre of Kimball and adopted without
a diasenUnc vote, futs tha total of tha
senate Increase over tha house appro
priation u? to 1U.1& Its effect la to
put the commission back th lurat an-
IroprlaMoa it had two years ago.
In IMS the commission was given $86,00$,
but this year tlb.OOS was transferred by
the senste to the commission's salary
ppprcprl&tlon. contained In another bill.'
Outside tf the railway commission the
upper house did cpt change the bill as
reported out yesterday by Its flnanoe
In the committee of the whole when
the various standing committee amende
merits name up. Kohl of Wayne, chair
nun of tha finance committee, explained
them. The bis; ratsas given th Board of
Irrigation and the Live 'Stock Sanitary
board, be said, were upon the reconv
mondtlon of th governor. These were
about the only Increasea over two year
ago. savins the National Quard Increase
of J10... In the latter appropriation the
committee of the whole accepted th re
port of the finance oommlttee without a
word of comment.
The bill now goes on third reading and
will rorsihly get over to .the. house io-
fFrom a Ptaff Correspondent.)
UNCOL.N, Keb., April I .WBpedaD-The
house disposed of I or bill this morn
ing at one time than It has beeit able to
rt away with In three months In the
FpeW8l Again regula way.
r.ver hill not fin the airline rue waa
killed by a simple motlcn. This leaves
but about twenty kill tso be disposed of
now on (he sifting board.
(Chaplain Mills gave th members a talk
which soma of them listened to much
more attentively than they have the pray
era the chaplain hasnade during the ses
sion In behalf of a democratio legislator.
Chief Clerk Potts will be given fMO to
clean up the work on the house Journal
and inde-t the same- As the house has
had a dally printed record, there will not
b so much work In gMtttig th house
journal printed as In th. senate wher
the old system was used.
-Td-ra nr Districts.
The TVlleon Mil from the senate provid
ing for ' a constitutional amendment for
election of supreme court Jodge by dis
trict was advanced to third reading- la
committee of th whole In th house this
morning. A a general thine party line
wer drawn, with republicans voting
against th Mil and the democrats for It.
As tt writ require a constitutional ma
jority to !., tt will mean tHat th
measure wl! bare to rt slvty rotes on
final pastiagw. The democratic; member
hip la exactly eiy and some of them
are liable to b absent when th trill goes
on final pa. BeemslUtlnr some re
publican rots to pee It, which tt will
probably receive. ,
Kill Railroad Bin.
A F. m by Mallery t forbid treetmasa-
lag on the - rights ef-way of railroads
i killed. aVsme members said It waa a
bill to take responsibility away from th
road a they would not have damage
to par and notwithstanding other mem
ber explained that It was along the line
of legislation for "Safety First" and that
H would save many Ursa, th bill waa
klUed. Hoffmeister of Chase, - who has
waved th red flag- in th face of th
leastutrr bovine nil tn4 aeeslon,' ahout
tag. Tnls 1 a railroad bill rentlemen.
Uf av a roll oal!. Th bill was killed
by a rota of ST to 4.
Pas. Phoae Bill.
The home batfked tin on It action of
inursaay Inderinltely postponing 8. V.
V. th Robertson bill to exempt tel
phon cempanlos baring not more than
H.OM of capital stock from making re
port t th stat railway commission. It
we spiaind by Messrs. Taylor, Regan,
nersen U3ora), and other that the
bookkeeping required of these companies
In making reports la an undue burden
upon them, and that they get no cor
responding benefit Th bill was forked
back from th bone yuM and sent to third
Measure Located on Senate- Sifting"
' File, Where it May Be Lo
cated Any Time.
(From a ' Ftsff Correnpondent)
U-OOI,N, April freclal.)-The sen
ate this morning killed all bills, except
appropriation bills, that have not been
advanced to sirtlng file from the jfenersl
file. Thla puts to final sleep a largo
number of measures. Including IT. It. 1,
the bill for a rnnntltutlonal convention. .
II. R. 117, the Omaha charter amend
ment bill, which Qulnby of oDugla at
tempted to lift last week before the
Omaha primary el notion. It found, how
ever, on the sifting file and Is savsd for
the action of th senat.
Th sifting fit, a It stands, contains
about sixty bouse rolls, all senat bill
left on It having been killed several days
ego. If the senat and th house get
tied up on th appropriation bill, th
senat may find tim to act upon all of
thea measures; If not, some of the list
will rrfxver be reaohed.
presence ef "stubborn and unruly mules
In the gangways, our Uvea are endan
Offtloala of the company declined to
rescind th order and th men went on
WlLWAtTKFE, Wis., April . -Christopher
Paulus, ad 1 years, a member of
th state aseemNy, committed suicide
yesterdsy by Jumping from the tenth
floor of the First Nstlonal bank build
Ing. Paulua recently had had financial
Will Ask Bulgaria
to State Position
FART8, April . The allies are consid
ering the advisability of opening fresh
pour parlars with the Bulgarian govern
ment to learn definitely wtiat position
thst country Intends to take In the Euro
pean crista,, say the Petit Partsten'a
Rom correspondent, who adds that these
negotiations are desired by the pre-Rus-sian
elements In Bulgaria who wish to
act In co-operation with th trtpl entente.
WASHINGTON. April . Vndec an
order effective April 11, the federal foot
and mouth quarantine In Iowa Is so
changed thst Jackson eownty, with th
exception of two township, become
modified area.
Meta Wme xte-eex er. i
On draught and In bottle on and after
April I- Guaranteed to be the only
genuine nock eer rewe in umana.
William J. Bwoborta. retail dealer. Phone
Douglas at Advertisement
IOOAN. Is,. AprU .-PpclsJ.rMleS
Flora, Wonderllch n vTIUIar Jotal of
Missouri Valley wer united in marriag
at the horn of the bride's fsther. Nicho
las Wonderllch, here Wednesday at noon.
They will be at torn war Missouri Val
flTrom a ' Staff Oosreopondent.y '
liimJOLN, April . (Spedal.)-Two
memors of the legielatnra, Dau and Orr,
ham feeaa "bearltur tram hom" tody,
Menu th. annoencemene of tbe . vote
on a F. Ho, m Jla m ef th paper
aid not snow them ac votlnjr either way,
tnu front- th Inipreasion that they
"ducksd." -
Mr. Dan voted for th bill and Mr. Orr
against, asd th roll call so shows.
Second American
' Physician Dies of
, Typhus in Serbia
WASHINGTON, Alrfl 1 Dr. Earnest
P, Magruder of thla cltys of the phyal
cla&a at th bead of th Ajnrioan Cross
unit In, Serbia, ha fallen a victim to
typhua fever, flla death was reported
today from Belgrade to Red Cross head
quarter here.
Dr. MagTUder Is the second American
physician to give his life to the American
Red Cross work to oope with th epldemla
of typhu In Serbia. Tbe first was Dr.
Joseph r. Donnelly of Brooklyn. Of
six Amerlean surgeon and twelv nurses,
who went In th Red Cross unit to Ber
bla, only on has been untouched by. the
dread disease. He to Dr. O. F, Butler.
None of th other cases, however, has
resulted fatally.
When Dr. Edward Ryan, who was
originally In oaarg of th American Red
Cross unit In Serbia, was stricken after
hereto effort to deal with, the plague.
Dr. Magruder waa put In oharg ef th
work. In Washington h bad been
professor of cltnioal surgery at George
town university and was prominent In
th work of th American College of
Dr. Magruder was 40 years old. Hla
father, C I. Magruder, Uvea at Anna
polis, M& and hla widow and two chll
drsn are In Scotland, wher they have
been sine h went to Serbia,
Under the quarantine regulation th
bodies of Dr. Magruder and Donnelly
cannot be brought bom for a year.
rnoi row,
(FYom a Staff Correspondent)
MNCOLN, April (Special.) -Mr.
Bliueer succeeds In having B. V. 2U.
th bill allowing a Vmlll levy by certain
cities to support municipal band concert
and other amusements, recommitted In
th house for specif! amendment to
include all ritle and village In th state.
The bill now goes to third reading. ,
i") nTir-ri y rnrv -
CEDAR TXtAJt. la.. Aprfl .(FpcUS
Telagram-V-The seventh biunnlal conven
Uon of (tha Iowa CouArea of Motbera
and the Parent taacherr convention will
adjourn' at noon Saturday after thre
daye' meetings, Mr. Cbarla R. Brenton,
lall CeQter, is president in cliars of
all aeeslon. Mrs. Isaao Iea liUU ,D
Moihes, has been appointed permanent
member of th convention. Dr, Seashore
dean of ti medical department of th
rtat unlveralty, gave a lecture on "Clitll
Welfare tveeeajreh." The oonveatliMi tl
in aphed a resolution to th legistatur 1
Pes Moines sKl!ig for htld web
fare research work in th sAat.
Of near elected: President, Allen O.
Rustt. Charles City; first vtoe president.
Mra J. C. Bennett. Pe Motnes; soon4
vice president, Mrs, John K. Black. Sao
City; third vtca preeklent. Mr. C S.
Johnston. fheftlc44; recording ecrotary
Mrs. ft, P. CoUgrove, Cedar Falls; corre
sponding secretary. Mra. A, I. Jackaon,
Cedar Iiaplda; treasurer. Mrs, Arthur W,
Brett Dee Molnest auditor, Mr. Mary
btlea Grarttlnger.
, Proceedings
ilia Reoemtsaendeel te Pas by
ate Ceaamltte ( tbe Wbl.
H. R. 74J, Elmelund of Faundere rro
vlilea for auitble adjusunent of
tx.iuiiiarif of ho'4 dlsu-icts in t-ertala
H. R. 7!, lAncifr County Delegation
ror paving i ij-vm f , state Urn,
H. R. 1. Crr ntn-rproprlatei IU,X)
H. K. t' Al :rc.iiril not te hm4
t''i.O of U.9 ! il unlvereity bui)".iug
fund levy f I hree-yoai irs of a BilU.
Jl. It -;;, iuee auproiirtation for
launory; at utiers" hu;us at Mllfonl
raiea io ? " ,
11. R. halves house appropriation
ior nujioif.ff an. lrni.rovrcei !a at Kul
r.rr- .r,a t-.Uucm' humes at Mtiloig fivsn
UNO t Q (:
H. . 1,1 Mortoa of Polk-Pryl(l for
a ti effli ion y (omnuuwi aud fur
11. R. 67, 1'bliner of IxiuglaaSnablaa
m'iriji j ki in et"ilit a con;i,l
it. n. tt, -iir. et lMuglas xi.(er
coii,ir Julius uHn p'titton of luttrMUwl
p-r..i to laut S(iei.ifiv rtnainn irml an
mie is UtV suLJ'-ct J the IjUi
ii. R. V. I'olmer of Douglas Prod'Vs
coutujr cici-K ral! prforio tl
flw'kl of .'rftnf i-.i aOHriio c.f aiirlff.
II R 4 . Jt,UFtr and oUm a arious
H H. 'JA', f i' ovi'Jee
tint r. .t utuie, otie if'Kiattve r
i"!-rc.cjm m the tarn Ueaiiun be sub-
if. t m,. i '.vy I'nivi for a n
e ui r-rj. m ...n er vt-e in alt o
.i oi,r .,"- (..'("Uuiiou ana eriy i
Safety Federation
Eefuscs to Condemn
Jitney Bus System
NBW TORK,' AprU t.-City officials
from th south and middi west who
came her to persuade th Safety-First
federation to condemn th new "Jitney
buses as a usnae to traffla, returned
home toduy without' aoooiupiuhlng their
purpose. After hearing their arguments
yesterday th fdraUon' quUv com
mute unanimously voted that this
Oi4U.vd.fcX UttporiUpo b nut. been
la operation long eoauah to warrant
making rule to control it. It m held
that ach ooeunuaHy should work out
th problem for Itself.
Charts M, Talbsrt. director ef afreets.
of St Louts, said that th use of these
buses had grown 'to' sueh an extent in
that city that th city council feared
to attempt seriously ta rea-ulat tl,m
vimam U. Mahon, prssident of the
Amalgamated 8tret and Eleetrlo Rail
way Employe f America, aald the as
sociation was planning a nation-wide
campaign against the use of the buses
beoatis street car employes wer being
cisrmesea owtpg to lack of business II
said th trt car men would demand
that th drivers of th buses b , re
quire to ST bond to Indemnify vic
tims or accidents they caused. The
meeting of th committee adjourned lest
night without further action.
Torpedo Misses
Belgian Steamship
by Only One Foot
NEW TOJtK, April .-Th Belgian
steamer Lydie, which Arrived tonight
from Rotterdam, had a narrow escape
from being blown up by a German
torpedo. In the North sea, according to
th commander of th Lydie,
. Captain Tielemon of th Belgian
steamer said .that on March U. the day
befor be ntrd th port of Rotterdam
on his outward trip, h waa fired on by
a Oarman torpedo boat, th torpedo
launched by th war craft palng within
foot of th Lydies bow. Despite the'
menace of further effort on th part
of the Oerman to sink his vessel, Cap
tain Ttelemsns continued on hi course,
he said, and was not further molested,
the torpedo boat shortly afterward disappearing.
, WTLICESrBA.R'RC F-, April .Stub
born and unruly mule were responsible
for strike f 1.100 employes of th
Lehigh efc Wllkesbarr Coal company yes
terday,, which completely tied up -the
operations. . ,
The company Issued an order directing;
th men to enter and leave one of the
veins through th main gangway instead
of by outlet and croaecuta. The miners
objeoted to the order, declaring that they
wer compelled to carry dynamite Into
th chamber and that bee suae ef th
Thi Stort of tkt Town
Browning,' King
& Company
LONDON, AprU .Charged with send
ing military Information to Germany
by means cf invisible Ink three rata hare
been. arrested and will be tried la a rivtl
orsrt Th authorities Intimate that tbe
esse I on of th gravest Importance.
One of tbe suspects, named Xuepferie.
irofeaee t U a Amrlcan. Another,
Muller, claim te b a naturalised IkuT-
llslunan, whll th third, wb gives th
nam of Uaaa. doe not deny that be ta
a Oerman subject. Kwepfarie- oam bar
from th United State, first vislUag Dub.
lin and than ovsajng ts Ijaadon. wher b
is ald to bav been awaUin release
across th channel.
KTm ORLRANS, la.. April -Aflr,a
rttue from t 11 points cotton today
suddenly ros M to M points, or nearly
II a feaie. The close was T to SI points
up. Buying- was the heaviest In month
The tongs were aided by peace rumors
We've a dozen
Models in Suits
for Young Men
Ready for You.
One of them is
the Style You
want. And hun
dreds of fabrics!
from which to .
choose the pat
tern that' you ,
like best
... ' --;. ,
And Everyilan$, too, in
' Haberdashery and Hatt
Browning, King
& Company
Cf 0. T. WILSON, Mgr.
Every Day New
Fashions Arrive
and likewise others
are going out while
still new.
The Vogue of
Separate Skirts
. Alwayi popular, but
more Important this sea
son, they axe fashionable.
For Saturday, new ar.
rivals of Ramponrchudda
Skirts, ... $16.50
Others styles, upward
from - a, m $6.50
New Arrivals-Hand Tailored
Suits for $35
. .. ." .: ,
It's the suit at this price that is fast winning
over well-dressed women to Ready-to-Wear Apparel.
These are distinctive suits of Individual charm. So great is 1
the variety that every woman is privileged to express her personal
ideas of dress this maning much toward exclusiveness. ' t
. f ' ,
The Styles-The. Fabrics-The Colors
are too numerous to enumerate. We invite your personal inspection.
$ 35 No Extra Charge for Alterations
The Store for Shirtwaists
. (Original.)
It's taking more salespeople to care for this at
tractive store within a store. . 1 .
Gay with the colors of. Springsuch a wonderful
variety of dainty blouses. Here you'll find whatever
style you wish, and at a moderate price, too.
Two Special Offerings Saturday
Five new styles . from
'which to select, charac
teristic Thompson-Bel-.
den -high" , grade , work-.
First-class workmanship,
good materials y colors,
pure white, with navy,
-Copenhagen, and red
trimmings; sizes 14, 16,
18, 20, regular $1.50 val
ues, Saturday for $1jC0
Clanship and ; fabrics.
Greatly tmderpriced;
Saturday at - - $1.00
The Store for Shirtwaists Second Flow.
Men's Outintf Shirts of French
Flannel, values roni$l. 5 0 ...
to $2.50, all in one lot at f
Both attached and detached collars 12 dozen
altogether, ' .
Men's Section Main FloorA step to the left of
either entrance. : ' '
The Apron You
Want Is Here
It's the kind you'll need
at house-cleaning time. Wo
refer you to our newest ship
ment of Bungalow Aprons of
the very best fast-colored
. light and dark percales.
, Saturday Only
We ' Sell this' extra quality
extra large, extra
) long apron for -
Don't fail to get at least one.
Baeemeas ss4y41V,t Dept, "'
Boy s. Shirts,'
values up to.
$1.00, for
.We make this price be
cause we intend discontinu
ing the line.
8Y3 Dozen in the Lot .
aba's Hastlo.
.Women who follow; ;.
the modes and - realize -the
fascination of a
well-arranged coiffure '"
will be quick to take
advantage of these low-
. 'prices: .. ...r;
fiO-tnch Kwltci, ef fins,
wavy hair . J)5
4-tncH Swltebf, of fln,
wavy hair , 81.85
SS-tnch Switches, of fine, '
wavy hair, SpecUl
vlu S2.DS
AH-aroaind Trantfonna-
Uon, of fin), wary " " x
All-around Transfoima-
. tlon of Xatnral wavy
. . 85.45 v
PkTcho Puff, of Frwich
Cut Hair
La Madallne Hair
, Restorer
Tal$4 TIM,
Get Into
Money-Making Company
into the atmosphere of success coming 'into contact with people of
unceasing activities, who get service , out of Bee Want Ads in a score
of ways 7. v
Your Wants in
Sunday Bee
' Learn how and where to advertise and you will discover that an ad
costing a few cents will accomplish wonders, literally speaking.
Call before 7:30 this evening or '
"Everybody Reads Bee Want Ads9