IS TIIE BEK: OMAIIA, HATUBDAY. APEIIi 10, 1915. RIVERS OF STATE OVERFLOW BANKS Nie-bmr. and EJkiorn Reported to "Be Highest They Hare Been for Many Yean. mOM RAIN AND MELTED SNOW Word ronn to Northwestern head quarters that, following a heavy rain that lias continued for two days through the north part of the state, the Niobrara, and Elkhorn rivers are th highest that they have been in years. All through the north part of the state and over in South Dakota, when warm weather set in, the ground was covered with eighteen inches to thre j fet of snow. Freezing nights held tbe water back pretty well until tho varm rains of the early part of the present week. 'Since then the snow baa melted and the water from this now, together mlth the ralna that have fallen, bare swollen the two riv ers and their tributaries to the flood stage. Oet t Banks ' Aftvtcee to the North weal era eie to th effect that felons the Elkhorn from about t Point to the headwater, the stream I mrt ( 4ta fcanke, haa floadad tha low lnte. Inundating farm and rweeptng war the wagon bridge. Tha earn condition maintain along tha Ntnbrara from Ita mouth to points JOS miles or mora wcat of Valentine. At tha town of Niobrara It la reported that the Mtaaourl fiver le very high and tiae brokan out over the banks above the town and haa flowed ever tha bottom. In come pJaces the stream being two or three mllee wide. Right at Ktobrara there I no denser ef the Mlaeourl doing ' any damesra. aa the town le on the bluff, fifty feat or ao above the high watt mark. . However, between there aed Tankton, 8. V , people reeling on the bottom land are auatelnlng serious, loeeee. lee Ceraje roran, tt la acid that an Ice sorgo has formed In the Miuourl river in the vicinity of eld Fort Randall, about too miles above Niobrara, and that when tbl break three feet or ao will be added to the prent ae of watar. . The Burlington and Vnlon Pacitlo re port heavy rains out througn the entral and woetern portlona of the state Thurs day n!(ht and continuing In tha morning. At (Schuyler Thursday night th precipi tation, according te the railroad report. wa one and one-half Inrbee; an Inch at L-yon and numerous other placet, with one-half to three-quarters all through the ou(bm secilosa. All of tbe railroads with lines Into the eertlnn where heavy rains Have been falling have large gang of maa at work, opening culvert and (Staging dltehae te aid the free paege of the water. . LECTURES IN THEOSOPHICAL'Q HALL SUNDAY EVENING. M ; V , " . Neckwear In Spring Mode Queen Kllxaheth Tturh are here to take plare of n rur n V eater A beautiful aenortrnen'C" " " henAe'mbroldered net and Oriental )re, with high or low nJt; alao ataiKlIng collate with new jabot affect. K.a h SOe to Ruffling Nwk Rurhlns A aplendld iwlectlon in )C . mallne. organdie, laee and net Saturday, yard, AnP Up from mmvr te7ni E in iJLlEIiBaJl I liiami J ) ; n $2.25 ibroldered $225 - f m . ' TIIE BEK: OMAHA. SATtlUPAY. AVWlh 10, 1913. . i n ia i w a 1 wai IT I ri fT 1 'I I iiMl.n i i n n - . . . ' ' ' ' " ! - - BT V w aj m " mm "WT W W m i. 1 . . lUDOons far Snrintr Uses V ' , x 1 Ai f ' SH-lnch Tuff eta Ribbon With noire border. In all the in u I O ( S -v r s """l popular roilllnery shades. A yr laC k 'rv-v J rm 1 j, . - , . ill rwv 1,1 a n a i n N 64 and 7mcn Moire Antique Hi ihnh In black. Belelan - e- u n ? - .a k c a' 1 HI - ' ine sjio omer goon uuiinery eliates. ' A vsrd tUM 11':"- .L--:. .-..'Tr7:-. : -: r " v "3 r 1 1 . " ' ' . " 1LHI.II 17 bi-mcn mtieta rtiDoon with olre Border, in au the f. q popular roilllnery shades. A yr laC 7-lnch Satin Ribbon Good color high hister. A splendid oppor tunity for the milliner and trlmm le get a season's sup- rr ply. Special, a yard . .- 5.DC and 7mcn Moire Anuqu Ki hoh In black. blue and other good millinery eliife. - a yard". L, fi Saturday Sales Of fer Opportunities Thrifty Buyers Wtfl f Applaud STORZ FAMOUS BpCK BEER On draujht thrwignout the ey now. A sntitne old mellow Bock and the . best brewed In Omaha, Watvh for the "Btars" elgrn. Have a oaee sent borne,. Phone Chad.' etors, Veb. 1380, U W. ROGERS. Beclnnlng Sunday night at eeloek U W, Bogers of New Tork City ts te slve a series of free leotures at the Theoaophloal hall, Pee building, en such subject as, "Bream and Premonition," "Deluelona About. Death," reincarna tion." Theoeophy and the Bible" and "The Life Buhiime." The leotures are given un'W the suplre of Omaha Theoeophlcal societies, Mr, Rogers being natlonnl lecturer. Mr. Roger aaaerta ha haa an answer and an explanation for queations such a thaee: "flave we lived on earth before T" "Will we live on earth sgatnr "Who choae for u our station la lite and de 44ed for a that wa Should be born la a palace or in a boveir "Why are some men bora criminal, efhera with a dls poeltlon to be good?" "Why ar some children born idiots, weakling, crippled and deformed, others bright, good and strong?" Mr. Roger I on ef the moat noted authors and platform exponent ef theocophy in thl country, and tn bl opening lecture on Sunday evening will speak en dream, telepathy, premonition and other uperphyical phenomena. He will be the guest of Burd T. Miller during jit stay here.' The Be Want Ads Ar Seat Bualne JUooaters, Many Sawing Poor Relations Off on County Poor Farm Twenty men and women who nave relative able to support them sre living at the county boapttal at the county eipana. County Attorney Magney de clared following an Investigation made by him and by Superintendent Itoger of the poor farm. Mr. Magney has asked the relatives ts pay 119 a-month for the aupnort of each ef thee pereons. but moat have refused. "If the county board gives Its ap proval." aid Mr. Magney, "I will , file charsrs agalnat the relatives to com pel' them to support the sged persons a required bv law." On aged man at tbe poor farm has thro grown eons, who hsv declined te pay for his support, said the county at torney, ' ev i wo trm&r jfj"1 i aw mw tJm 'a ms V W The Central Furniture Store vil! put en SPECIAL SALE a Uz Furdbre of beautiful Lace Cur- l cae-half real worth' at A purchase of bciatiful Iiace Ourtains la all the new and zzzzi izzirzJtlz trcavca and patterns bought di rect from the largest lacs mllU ia this country, at a price which was away below the market value enables us to put the entire shipment on SPECIAL C ALE for this ONE 'DAY ONLY, at a price which will mean a laying to you of at least one-half. In this big purchase there are ab solutely no nhsoatched or miswoven curtains, every one H is guaranteed to be perfect. Take advantage of this sale and recurtain your entire home, as the cost will be only a trifle compared to what you are usually obliged to pay for curtains similar to the ones we will put on sale Sat urday. Come expecting to find some very extraordinary bargains and you wiU not be disappointed. As usual you make your own terms. Below, we quote: , Hundreds of Patterns to Choose From A Few Sample Prices; Beautiful Lace Cur tains at 25c, 35c, 40c, 45c each. ij Beautiful Lace Cur tains at 50c, 60c, 70c, 75c each. Beautiful Lace Cur tains at Qc, 85c, SQc VvkWlie AU very choice new pat trs xi end new weaves Beautiful Lace Cur tains at $1, $1.10, $1.25, $1.45 each. Beautiful Lace Cur tains at $1.55, $1.65 $1.80and$1.95each Beautiful Lace Cur tains at $2.10,$2.25 $2.50, $2.75 each. This .ale for one day only, Saturday, April 10 26-Piccc Chest, 6.98 ' . Great Saturday Sale of Silverware Oneida -COMMUNITY ParPhtc', On sale at the most wonderfully low prices we ever have made for fine sUver table ware. Below are only a few of the remark able values this sale off ers. It's an exceptional buying occasion. Tpa spoons, a set of six Sat urday, for only 69c. ' Table spoons, a set of six Sat urday, for only $1.39. Dessert spoons, a set of six Saturday, for only $1.29. Knives and forks,Vdozen in lined box, for $2.03. Butter knives, each only 29c. Sugar shells, each only 29c Individual salad forks,' Satur day, a net of six, $1.93. Cold meat forks, ea. only 69c. Berry spoons, each only 79c, Gravy ladles, each only 79c. Mahogany chests, containing 1 26 pieces, Saturday com plete, only $8.93. Every piece is made by the Oneida Community Co., and is ab solutely guaranteed Trimnped Leghorn Hats Are Very Modish "the price $3. 7S Annual Sale of Rose Bushes and Shrubbery in Basement Saturday Thousands and thousands of hardy roses, ornamental shrubs and bulbs at IGc facb. Partial list follows: ' Killarneys YeUow Ramblers Crimson Ramblers Dorothy Perkins Blue Ramblers Baltimore Belle General Jacks La France 10c fa Red, White and . Pink Peonies Hydrangea Lilacs Bpirea Snowballs Boston Ivy Privet (for Hedges) Grapevines 10c Also gooseberry and currant bushes and many, many others selling- on Saturday at only 10 cents each. Fresh Cut Roses 2c Each . 5,000 fine long tem, home grown roses in all colors, the kind 4 V n t anil noiinllir (Av, 7f. 61 Art jA,nn . A 4 J ....... .72 i- i u ; . Unusually Rood values in good quality Ieghorn braid, trimmed in wide velvet ribbons, flowers, straw ornaments and : similarly attractive motifs, will sell at this little price Bat- urday. We consider them equal to the usual $6.50 hat. These hats are destined to be very popular all this season, the large mushroom sailor effects, combining practicalness with a very fetching appearance. Pretty Daisies at Many Prices There are-daisies of muslin, of satin, and daisies of velvet, with black and white centers, yellow and brown centers, white or black centers, old roue, blue and pink, 12c, 25c, 39c and 75c - and Juniors Hats e Untaual Values Just as the illustrations indicate these two models are very new shown for the first time. Jn black and white combina tions, they are fashioned along the lines of Scotch tarns and made of fine sewn hemps, combinated with other 6traw effects. They are suitable for age three to seven years, $1.50 to $5.00. Many other smart new styles for misses and juniors. ' yip-' J I . t j- i m V J- V mh'w J mi Saturday, very special, each Violets, 50 in a bunch, Satur day, a bunch ... .19 Blue grass seed, special Sat urday, a pound . .15 All kinds of flower and veg etable seeds for immediate planting, selling now in the city flower department. Six Extraordinary Glove Specials Women'! Two-Clasp Overseam Kid Gloves Ia black, white and a few eolofs. Every pair guaranteed per fect; they sbould sell for consider ably more than Saturday's f r- e7Ji; price, a pair Women's Two-Clasp Overseam Light Weight Kid Gloves Im ported from Germany. Black, white, tan, brown and fray. AU perfect. Saturday, I 4 .... ' 75c Ferrln's Real Kid . Glores Fall pique, two-clasp style. Black, white and tan. Also La Rlva Overseam Kid Gloves made by Perrln. Plain or contrasting backs. All fine qual ity, real French kid. t Cf Special, Saturday, pair VeJvF Kay iter and L. ft L., Guaranteed Washable Chamolaette Gloves In white, natural, pongee and white with black backs. Special AtZ Saturday, a pair tOC Women's Twp-Clasp Best Quality Four-Thread Mi- lanaise Silk Gloves In black, white, pongee, navy and tan; also black with white and white with black backs; double finger tipped and guar an- . v Qg vwva-f wfsh . An Extra Special Bargain "White Silk Cloves ' , About 100 Dozen 22-inch Pure, Silk (3 loves Good, quality; double finger tipped. White only. All sizes.: bpe-: cial, while they.labt, a pair, Stockings for all the family . ; .,' Women's Pure Dy Silk Thread Stockings. All the latest shades to .match 'any shoe tops. Also many new evening shades. Some with fancy tops in two-tone effects, Ro man stripes and fancy embroidered Insteps. Full fashioned, with wide garter tops, spliced soles, heels and toes. Up to 11.26 and 1 (f 1 1.60 quality. Saturday 9 1 iV U Women's Pure. Thread Silk Boot Stockings 84 different shade.. Full fashioned, with spliced heels and toes; double soles and extra garter tops. Special Bat- Cfjr urday, a pair........... OUV Women's Silk Thread Boot Stock ings black and white only. Also silk lisle In regular and "out-eUes." Full seamless and fashioned; rein forced heels and toes and or double soles.". . , . i . . ... &Jl Men's Pure Thread Silk Sox white and black only. Full seamless, double soles, heels and toea. -Black ' Cat Brand," slightly imperfect.- Regular sue quel- OCr Ity. Saturday, a pair. . , . Jy 55c Women's & Chil-4 drcn's Underwear Women's Union Suits fine lisle and cottons. Munslng. Nuahspe, "Cumfy-Cut" and other weU known brands. Cuff and umbrella, fn knee styles. Special, a suit OUC Kayser Knit Vests lisle thread, with dainty - hand-crocheted lace yokes in various designs. They come lu pink ajxA white. Slses 4, 6 and 6. Regular 60c QQ quality. Saturday, each.. 0vC Women's Fine Cotton Union Bulla umbrella knee styles, lace trim med and full taped. Slses 4, 6 and . Regular 1 6c. values. ia Special Saturday, 'a suit. . . 1 eC Women's Fine Cotton and Lisle Vests. Shaped and '"Cumfy-Cut" styles. Pants to match. Cuff and umbrella knee styles. Worth 16c. Sale price. f- garment ................ lul Children's "M" Knit Union Suits patent taped Beams. buttons and hose supporter fasteners. Low neck and sleeveless; knee length. Ages 2 to IS years. Regular 60c qual ity. Special Saturday, nr. a suit , . OC y A G teat Saturday Sale of Hair Brushes H. mm EM 1P mi Big Stock Secured from the Howard Factory The Howard brush is, we believe, the finest and the most durabb of aid hair brushes. This year the Howard Company cast aside as V "seconds," every brush that showed the slightest irregularity small imiwrfectiors in the wood or finish that, in many instances, can hardly be seen with the naked eye. There are brushes for men and brushes for women. Thre are many shapes, in cluding military brushes. Made of genuine foxwood, satinwood, black and turtle ebony and the bristles we guarantee to be pure. Barbers eitould buy a year's supplv in this sale tomor row. Entire purchase divided in seven lots, as follows: ! 14H I Ebony finish bristle hair brushes which would sell up to c. to go la this sale. nn at. each A abiJC Lbt B Ebony, fozwood and satin wood hair brushes, which would ell up to 96c. at, AC each yC liot S Foxwood. satin wood and eDony orusnes, biesrtiea or un bleached, plain or military; would sell up to $1.60, for 69c 1x4 4 Hair and military brushes, la bleached or un bleached, all pure bristles, in genuine ebony, satin wood and foxwood, which would sll up to II.J5. in this sale Batur- O f2r dsy, at, each. i. , JOC Lot 8 Very stiff penetrat ing, all pure bristle hair brushes. In black and turtle ebony backs, eat In wood and foxwood, a very, good lot to select from, which would sell up J- on to IS. Saturday v 1 eOs Lot 11 to lt-row. all pure bristle hair bruahes, tn selected ebony, foxwood and satinwood backs bleached and unbleached bristles, which would eell up to $4, go on as sale Saturday. . s X ezJ Lot t Best pure' bristle, selected solid wood lack, hair brushes, in black and turtle ebony, foxwood and satinwood, which would sell up to 6, on sale, 8at. $1.98 H Children's Spring Wear at Special Prices U Children's Preaeee PeeeeJee aaS -1n-I'.auia. In i pi&ila. ka. airip.a an l nlala colore: plain, trimmed and mm- Btinailoo airla. Uaht en dark ahadaa. . All a.. to 1 y rm. me f( Worth to II I eaturear. 1.UU A apeclal purchaaa of rMldren'a dreaara ta fine ilnana, Rtpi nd I'ortietinee Ft or fancy trltnni4 and einbroldarvd effocta, Thy coin to wntia . ana rolura aaea. to M veara le Hl Special, for '-$3.93 Children' Coata Fncy plalda and fiuiurn tn kerae and Oiit rn tvriala; plain vr strap triminnt bwerat '!. in llbt dark haJ Ar to 14 r. Wortli to 17.50. epeoita , . n nhl or $5.00 Women' 's Smart Spring Footer y The Latest Hand-Made lump8 from Weil & Co., New York. They come in the very newest and most admir ed fyles and are shown here exclusively, White, black, bronze and gray kids; gun metal and gray and patent and fawn .combinations. They come in the very latest patterns. The sizes, are complete. The" prices, a pair $6.00 and $7.00. Bath and Lounging Slip pers New ones juat arrived, for men and women. They are made of Turkish toweling and are ex tremely comfortable and practical. All sizes. Specially r p priced, a pair.... DC Pumps & Oxfords $2.85 The balance of the lot of fine pumps snd oxfords that were placed on sale Thursday will be Bold Saturday. All the latent stvles are Included, in a'.Knize. These pump were made up to sell for $4. OA and .60 and they are well worth tt. Of Your choice, pair. . . . paeO3 Suits That Should Sell Up to to $22.50, Saturday for $15 Women's nnd misses tailored puis in fine p serges, gabardines, poplins aud materials in a wide variety of tli most desired Btyles and shade, are- the jaunty belted or. pleated plain tailored jackets with pleatt cd skirts. Included are both lr!pHiark shades as well a3 checks. Saturday's very special price will be checked spring's Offered and .the or flar- 15 00 $25 SUITS enjoy the reputation of being' th( greatest Vuits for $25 that wo man ever bought We're showing. now some recently arrived 'On; ones that have been pronounc $35 suits. In all of the new s that spring fashion favors and tail ; they fill every suit dem J'ui'7 a X liivajs for the ordinary $30 and I course; of the . materials tly fashioned in every de- Dresses Worth to $10.00 for $5 Women's or misses' wool crepe dresses in plain or fancy trimmed styles, in a wide variety of models'.. , They are in all sizes, g and should sell for $10.0(X , Saturday; at . . . ...... v D Dainty MuslinwearUnusually Low Special group of gowns, slip- avers, combinations, teddy bears, princess slips and petticoats ef fectively trimmed with laces, em broidery ."'and- ribbons in many jtyfeiv Saturday, very spe-;- 'J iiat choice of them all, at. , .V Tin'e nainsook gowns, slipovers, and combinations, with lace, em broidery and fine tuck trimming, jut extra full; worth 75c; Cfl 3pecial, Saturday, choice. . .OUC at $5 $6.95, $8.95; UQ.75 up to $18.75 : jlcpr oductions of Paris iy-pdels which cost . I fm $25 to $100 al agree there never has been lovelier lace blouses at any price the laces -are beautiful, the styles are charming and the blouses are exquisitely made. , Crepe de Chine Taillcur &:' Blouses Saturday at $5 Hi . Models are the distinguished sort the kind usually found only in very exclusive shops. They all are beautifully finished, fashion ed with high collars, low collars, t.wo-in one collars. Drug and Toilet Specials Look at This Battleship A wonderful working model of the Battleship 'ifassachusetts" will be shown beginning Sat urday on second floor, Boston Store Building. invited to see this marvelous ship in action. Yon will enjoy it IA fit t& l rj rArrri . iff Imt km., an JTlllA ll aV I 1 Java Rice Face Powde: All shades. A box.. .29o 47 ll1 Khine Violet Tal cum Powder, 35c slie 2tc Palmollve Face- Cream- Special, 60c size 20c Pond's Vanishing Cream, Saturday, :6c size... 12c Pozzoni's Dry Rouge, Sst- urday, a bos. . '. 12c Madame Ise'bell's Hand Whttener .18o Jergen's Honey Almond Lotion, 50c size. . . . .I5c Dr. Charles' Face Powder 50c size .'. 18c Melorose Beauty Cream, 50c size 83c Abonlta Face Powder, all shades, 50c size, . . . .2k- UHamn Tge'ieUS F ft C Powder, 50o 33c Qulnegg ShaPOO 25c size bottlo .......... lttc Emery ManPure Boards, two package for ... .Oc Aubry bisteri' Oreaseless Cream, bOcj! for.. 29c LFlor W9T lm. Spe cial, SOc'eiJ' . .,2Dc Sloan's IJniWent oOc ize bottle I5r .... .28c Bell's Pine T and Honey 60c size bottle for. . .2c Phenolax Wers 100 in bottle, for. . . . .20c Lapactlc P1IH. 100 in bot tle, for '-We Aspirin Tnbi:ts,.-5 grain, two dozen fjr ....S3c Wyeths' Phoi fUate of Soda sue size Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets, 11.00 size 60c Lydla Pinkham's Vege table Compound, $1.00 size C7c Lambert's Llsterlne, $1 size, bottle 59c Fletcher's Castorla, J 5c size bottle . . . . lc Eagle Brand Condensed Milk, two cshs. .... .2-lc Peroxide Soap, Saturday, 10c cake tfor sc Rose' Blossom Glycerine Soap, 10c cake 50 Kirk's Juvenile Soap Special, a cake So Palmollve 8oap Satur day, a cake. e 4711 Glycerine White Rose Soap, a cake... lie Pels Naptha Soap 10 bars for 38c Liquid eneer 50s size tot-! tie 29c Wizard Floor Oil Polish 50c tire .29c .a;ic White Borax Naptha Soap 10 bars for 28c ; Extra Large Automobile Chara- ois Each, 79o and 98c I Chamois Face Powder Puffs, Each: ........... Be SPECIAL SALE OF PERFUMES All 50c odors, Saturday the ounce .' .-29c Photo SuppXes'at Spffcial Prices , Films ; Kll).v Lanterns ..." 19c' size zUx3v ..- vsc' 1 irsl1 -Jght Powder 33c IVintimr Frames 18c iasa Graduates . . , 6c We develop your films FEE.when prints are ordered. " No: No. No No. 2 3ize 3 Size 3x3', 3A Slie 34x5V4 Fine Pictures at Half Price An extraordinary selection secured(by our buyer in Chi cago when the Moulton Rickets Co.'s great stock was sold at auction on order of the U. S. District Court will go on sale Saturday.. Moulton-Rickets, one of tho country's greatest dealers in fine pictures were bankrupt because of the war having European connections so their stock was ordered dis-1 posed of. We secured many of the best selected imported pictures. The selection includes: Mez-' sotints, etchings in color, imported colortypes, luo types, hand colored photo gravures and many choice printsreproductions from the world's greatest artists. Here Are the Prices: 50 pictures Saturday. .. .923.00 40 pictures Saturday. .. .(20.00 pictures Saturday. .. .917.50 pictures Saturday. .. .915.00 pictures Saturday. . . .912.RO pictures Saturday. .. .9 7.50 pictures Saturday. .. .9 2.50 pictures Saturday. .. .9 1.50 IS5 ISO 115 115 6 I 3 Art Needlework , Third Floor Dresser Scarfs Trimmed with torchon and filet laces; some with eyelet em- VOL 19c 9 c broidery. Saturday, ea. Stamped Pillow Cases On tub-' lng. . New and neat designs. - Some are hemmed. Regular 60c values, ' Special, pair Novelty Braids White and ecru. . Borne are slightly soiled. Four and six-yard pieces; worth 16o .to 2 Sc. While they last. . piece. . . ,1 . . . . Quest TowelsStriped huck or Turkish toweling, stamped , with neat designs, Worth 25c. in. Each.:. 1UC steel crochet nooks with pro ' tec tors ' All sizes. Regular 60 : quality. Sale price. 1 two for'. ' Tatting Shuttles Black, white . and colore. All sizes. Regular " 10c values. Saturday, each' ;. . ,', . ; OC , 5c Artificial Flowers for Home and Table Deco rations at Half Price .'oc pweer. reas xzy2o 50c Marigolds . . .25c $1 Almond Sprays 50c Lilacs ....... 90c Imported Japanese. Bamboo Bask ets For fruit, flowers and sand wiches; also tray style basket Values from $1.00 to ' f 2.60. Your choice Saturday, each. , 75c . Good Fiction Hundreds of Titles to Be Sold at a Small Price Thousands of volumes of publishers' remainders and surplus stock absolutely new, fresh and clean books, in cloth binding, at One-Half to One-Fifth Former Net Retail Prices Books that formerly sold at 50c, 1.00, $1.25 and even OC $2.00. Saturday. v for... aCOC These are copyright books from the leading publishers of the country. New Tork, Philadelphia- and Boston firms contributed this great sale. to 29c 29c Delicious Candies Chocolate Porapeian Bitter Sweets and Swiss Style Milk Chocolates Fruit and nut centers. A iound box for ............ Our Home Made tfresh Black Walnut Taffy, lb. Assorted Cream Cocoanut Balls Vanilla, strawberry and 1 f chocolate flavors, a pound IOC Opera Pecan Fruit Roll Rolled in pecan nuts and full of fruit. Special Saturday, a np pound awOC Fresh Maple Confections Maple Caramel. Cocoanut Balls, Maple Kisses, Maple Gems and OA . Maple Penachlo. pound. . aUC Candy Drpt. Pompcian Room China Specials Ilaviland China Dinner Seta Consisting of 44 pieces, beautifully decorat- J 85 ed. Saturday, set fory 1 - Sternau Shower Baths Regular, $10.00 kind; Satur- to qj day, complete, for. . . . VViifJ Triplex Bath Tub Seats 7E Regular $2 value, for.. lOC De Luxe Electric Irons fQ QC Worth $5.00, each. J070 150 Famous Hirsh - Wickwire Co's. jj Spring Overcoats, Values to $30 tor $ iisiih. i' ll I''!'" I TX I"1"";1"'! JiitftttuiisKiiii'-'''Ui.iijuiiimJui (S ...... . t A shipment of 150 fine sample spring overcoats of the famous Hirsh-Wickwire Co's. make has just come in. They go in this special sale Saturday. A rare op portunity to buy from this world-famous : lino at less than the standard prices. Saturday you may have your choice of these $35.00 and $30.00 values for $16.50. There are Balmacaans in all models; raglan sleeves; set-in Bleeves. Fitted coats and loose baok coats in all the new fabrics and with velvet collars. Some full silk lined top coats. Saturday, your choice of these fine coats for $16.50. Choose Now Your New Spring Suit Choose from this great stock where variety of styles and fab rics is greatest it takes but a few minutes here to select a suit that meets with your entire approval. A seleotion form the world famous Society Brand, Hirsh-Wickwire, Schloss Bros, and other high-grade makes asuures you of correct style, an . excellent fit and mo6t durable fabric. A complete assortment of styles, colors and fabrics awaits you here Saturday and you make your selection from the finest ready-to-wear cloth ing in America.1 $19 $23 $25 i , -' Men's & Young Men's Spring Suits at Three Special Prices Saturday Hundreds of suits to choose from. Patch pockets, English models and the more conservative models. The materials ' are pure worsted nnd cassimercs. All colors and sizes. Lota of blue serges. A saving of fiora $3.00 to $6.00 on each suit.s 11 14 Biltmore Special 77i Best Mens Suit Ever Produced To Sell at $16.50 Ultra-styled garments show ing every worthy .feature. Many new ideas in checks and plaids; tartans, Scotch and' English weaves, Vicunas - in new shades, needle striped worsteds, gray and black and white and black, blue and white, olive brpwn and plenty of blue serges. Patch rocket SulU In the new EngUtth models s weU as tbe more conservative stylos. Stout, long and extra, etaes, for men swd specially designed yonrhfnl models for young men. . They are flS.CO always. . 1,200 Men's New Spring Shirt Worth $1.50 and $2, Saturday $1 a ,200 Men's New Spring Shirts Made of fine quality madras, mercerized sateen, soiaette 'and. fancy jacqnard patterns. Collar attachod nnd neck band style; soft or laundered cuffs. Sizes 14 to 18. Many of g the shirts are worth $2, balance worth to $1.50. V Special, in one big lot. choice f or , . J . '.f A i A Big Purchase of about 1,620 Men's New Spring Shirts i These bclude samples, short lots and some slightly soiled fchirts. Collars attached and neck band Btyle. All" sizes, 14 to 19. llegular $1.00 values. Specially priced for this saleeach . .......... . . ......... OOC Men's Fine Lisle and Silk Lisle Hose "Run of the mill" qual ity. Some pure silk hose in this lot. These are extra good val-. ues, worth to 25c. Spe- 1 CJ cial Saturday, a pair. . X OC Men's Spring and ' Rummer Weight Union Suit s One big bargain square. Long or short sleeves. Worth to $1.50. nr For 95o and.... ......... OuC We are exclusive agents (a Omaha for Munslng Union Suits for Men. All styles and qualities. r rf $1.00 to 3OaUU Manhattan Shirts slve patterns in all styles. Saturday for f 1.60 Excln-Cholce $5.00 and. . $125 Doaea Jfew HprUg Neckties Made in the large open end styles. Beautiful patterns. Worth to $1.00.. Sale price, r?r 60o and OVC 1 Here's the Derby for Spring One of the, nobbiest models that has been designed in several seasons. Derby hats ore coming into their own again this spring and several smart models, of which the one illustrated is a splendid example, will help to restore the derby to its former postion. The new stylos are distinguished by a me dium high crown and a light rolling brim. Prices t?o PA are $1.45, $2.00 and ..... , yZ.OU The Famous 4 'Mayo " Hats for . . ...... , . . . . . ..... . . . $3.C0 $3.00 Sample Hats," $145 I w oo luimaauw n.u os nr-...i..-A- i Balmaoaan Hats ia all the newest i)iauuiaiunciu aeuupio lines and floor stock of Soft and Stiff Hats all this season's styles.1 Values to $3.00. Your choice Saturday, for... $1.45 IN PLAT AT OMAHA UNIVERSITY. SATURDAY EVXRIN0. m: ) y ;'.-au.-- ..m (n i ilfsT" ... OLADTS TALMAtKIR, ) ' . QERALJ BRUCK. ; Tha Dramatic club of tha University of Omaha will prnt the four-act comedy drama "Eamaratda" at the achool gym naalum. Twenty-fourth and Pratt atreat. thla evrnlng. Tha ganaral character of the play ahows Ufa on a wectara ranch. In addition it earrta an abaorUng love atory, wltb all the romantto and Chlvat rcu waye of the early wfeatern poplek Qladya Talmadge- and Gerald Bruce head the eat with the loading part Tti play ts the ft rat t be praaanted by the tudant. and a a reault irraat aforta have bann axertd fcr Its iiooaa. Prune rahaaraala have been In order for in lent three wsaka, undar Franklin P. Tlameay, Jr., who 1 coachlnc the play. . Proceed of tbe affair will be turned Into the ath leitia lr.d. Others beaidaa the two lead ins character who will partlotpate tn the oeinady are: Ktta. Baranatcln, Roy OriA Ing, WHI'Thompeon. Dick Richard. Ed gar Kmat, Marlon Pearaall, Halen John aton, Ruth Peter and Sin arson Good rich. . FLYHIi ADYISES TO SIT STILL III BOAT. Major's Manager Says No Aotion Has Been Taken or Seventh Man on City Ilall Slate. ANTI COMBINATION IS , HARD "We are sitting still in the host juat now and we , hope nobody -will rock the boat. I know the question of tbe hour is, who will be the sev enth man on tbe city hall slate for the election of Mar 4T This ques tion has been asked me many times since last Tuesday. You may ssy for me that no anion will be taken on this matter for a week or ten days," were the words of Tom Tlynn, tbe mayor's political manager; when asked for an expression. Mayor Dahlman ha (one awav for a rrt Of about a week. The other comml elonera do not rere to dim' line thla aul jwt Juat now. It la taultly agreed or rin deratood that the mMor'a wlahes In this . matter will In all probability control the altualion, particularly In view of 11. big lead he srorrd over all the rent In the primary. rroaprrtlrr Anil Coanhlaatloa. A prcte'Hv antlcomblnatkm ia be Ins made the aubject or cnnaldrrabie s Ip. It 1 ronreried generally that It would b beyond the ran of pon.lhllltl.e for tha aaveu candidate ouulde of the pres ent ronunlaaloner to form an alliance, hut tha varlou personal an-1 political feature are belli j conaldwed from every angl. On of the eo-callcd antla I eaUl to have pro-corporation predilection a, while an other ha decidedly oppomlte view. One la of known liberal view, while another I as dry aa can be. All of which make a complex altuatlon. In the Intorlm Mr. Flynn hope nobody wilt "rock tbe boat" Railroads Delay Summer Schedules Until After June 1 Owhtf te the continuance of cool weather and an apparent detre of people to re main at' home until It 1 warmer, the railroad have delayed putting the um mar schedule Into effent. The sohed ulea heretofore on the weatern llnea have son Into effect May IS, but on aoceunt of weather condition thl year they will not become effective until June 1, However, when ftn weather doe aet In all of tha railroad paemnser men ar looklna for a heavy movement of people weet. Let Omaha Stay Wet Until Year of .1916 "1 don't know how 'Mayor Dahlman la eipeotlns to force a wet and dry lean tn tbe preaent campaign, aa he say ha experts to make It," aald F. A. High. dlatrtct superintendent of the AntU SaJoon laague, after readlmt the mayor's statement. "I can see that he could aaally make it a wet campaign, but I cannot ce how he could make it a dry campaign. ' "As far aa tha Antl-Seloon league I concerned, ws have no dlspodttnn to make thla a dry fight in Omaha. "W do not believe thl aa opportune tlmo. We ar waiting for State-wide prohibition ta Wis," U. S. National Bank to Move on April 22 The fnlted States National bank re peats to more Into Its new building at Sixteenth and Farnam streets April 22. That is the tentative date now set for this move. It will be little trouble to mere thl time, as the new building is to be fitted out entirely with new flsture and new furniture.) Alt that I ceoeaaary then la to transfer the book and record from on vault to the other and move over a few of the aafee of a particular make which the bank does not wlah to part with. STORZ GENUNE BOCK BEER By long odda tha ' flnat brewed In Omaha. On draught throughout the city, now. Don't mlaa It. Phone for a ran tor your home. Chaa. Stori. Vb. 130. Rant room quick with a Bee Want Ad.. ttaBtsSstiraift. sprint styles and colors. All sixes. values to IZ.OO. Batur- g0 day, each! HOC Boys' neadwear BoyV and Children's Hats and Csps. Hundreds of new spring and summer styles to select from. Choloe. SSe, 60s, 05c, (Si np 1 nd ,. al.sO Sample Lines Traveling Bags and Suit Cases Spe9 1 About 2C0 Traveling Bags and Suit Cases are represented in this sale, comprising the en tire sample line and floor stock of a New York manufacturer. Tliey are all new and perfect in every way ; values to $10. Satur day in two big lots, at $3,50 and. . , $4.95 Men's Shoes and Oxfords Specially Priced Saturday 500 Pairs of Men's High-Grade Slices and Ox fords. Tan and black, with English lasts orhigfx toes; laoof button and blncher. A splendid va riety of well-known makes. All sizes. Not a pair worth less than $4. On sale Satur- , QC day, on tha main floor, a pair '. , .yZeO) Boys' Double Wear Suits $5 Equal in Value to Any $7.50 Suit It has been our aim to give boys' suits that will stand wsar and tear of rough and ready boys. We have it now In these new Double-Wear Suits, built on special lines and tailored to give the hardest kind of wear. Tbe coats are lined with extra heavy twill or mohair; pockets estra reinforced; ivory buttons sewed with linen. Two pair of pants wltb each suit- one pair lined with linen and one pair unltned for hot weather wear. All seam extra taped; buttons extra well ' ses-ed; watch pocket and belt loops. Several hundred of these special suits have just arrived get equal value you would pay 12.00 to 12. SO more. ' Many snappy new patterns never before shown, neat grays and black, and white effecis; browns, blues and tans in checks, stripes and plaids. All tbe newest, smartest models. JUL Boys' Blouses and Shirts ' Extra Special 100 dosen boys blouse and shirts that are worth regu- A r larly ?o aad 11. Saturday, eachtt)C Blouse la neat striped effects la bine, lavender, black and white. In noisette and madras. Dark striped effects la madras and chambray. Many with French cuffs and tab and button on pocket; flted waist band or patented drawstring blouses. Ages t to It yesrs. Collar attached styles. They are full and roomy, in a splendid aaaortment of light and dark striped effects. Slses 12 to 14. Theee Blouae And fehlrts worth 75c and r r K)lr(fMl(fi!X!!f(' SS if. fy .mintwnmm, A Fashionable Figure Is the Result of Wearing BON TON CORSETS IIE woman who demands style and yet desires to enjoy the highest degree of comfort should be fitted to a Bon Ton Corset. One of the secrets of correct corset fitting is to keep the flesh within Sf) the corset ' instead of i TV forcing it above or be- low. ucr corsei nrxers are thoroughJy trained to help any woman se lect the right corset and fit so that the wearer gets corset style, corset service and corset com fort. All thse are com bined in the beautifnt Bon Ton Corsets for this season. We have here models for all types of figures so both mother and daughter - can be corseted In a Bon Ton Corset. , ; , MOOet 147 Made of handsome gSk breebe, new height of boat with aUght mlp at walat ham. 'oog over kip wttn rubber gore over thigh, firing tha figure 'more rreedosa whoa ait' Cjj ting, fMO. n MODEL 807 A good durable acd 14 comfortable model for the 1 rrrage TiKiire. Slight nip at 1 1 waist line; medium bust Wide W graduated front steel, with Six "1 . heavy gait pm attached. 13.00 IB MOOCt Mo For slender and medium figure. Made in ptnk and white mercertied brocbe, boned wltb Wnndabone. Long over hip asd back with rubber gore nest to back wire, $5.00. , w aBEaiEg J yiumt yiarmu V- y-? T" ji T ,'1 j jj. EZXCTXQ