i Daily Bee. Fullest and timeliest sport news and gossip in The Dee day by day. Special Sport Section every Sunday. EDITORIAL PAGES ELEVEN TO TWENTY. VOL. .XUV-sNO. 254. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, ATRIL. 10, 1915 On Train and si qui StuUt, So SINGLE COPY TWO! CENTS. Friday, April 9, 1915- BUEOESS NASH COMPANY - STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY- - BURQESS-N ASH COMPANY- PJione D. 137 This Paper :js FaMy Brisfcliiig -Withl; News But There is Nome More ImporLae:,:Siap TMs v n n Omaha IE T1! 1 COMING! NextlMonday A Complete Working Model of the PANAMA CANAL Complete In every . detail, elec trically .operated - mountains, rivers, ocean s.v boats, loess, ail topographically correct. . . Free Instructive Lectures To everyone an Invitation la ex tended to come and see this repro duction of the world's greatest engineering achievement built by American engineers.: , School children, in ' particular, will be Interested In seeing this model. . Plan 'now. to have lectures at special hours. ,, .They're tree to everybody. BURGES3-NA6H COMPANY, CANDY That's Pure That's Sure Special for Saturday Chocolates with whipped cream centers, 4 0c . quality, lb. . . . . . 25c After dinner patties, assorted flav ors, lb. ....23c Peanut brittle, horn made, spe cial, lb. . . . . .". 2Sc Caramela fresh cream, nut or plain, lb. ...,j25e Bnrgess-iraali ' Oo. Bm7it. Embroidered L i n e n Handkerchiefs fori 5c WOMEN'S pure linen! handker chiefs, embroidered in pretty new designs, colored edges, and with (colored' or white initials. Very special values. , '-, j M BargMa-aTMh Oo--Mala Floor. AThe New Veilings Each 25c to60c "V ois'hli find all the new effects your selection, including fine French hairline, embroidered" dof and fancy meshes.; V ' i Baxgr.ss-lTMb. Ocv Xi'.u gloor. New RUCHINGS at 25c :.to $1.00 ALSO new pleatings In maline, chiffon silk and net. Splendid selection Of new ' shades, very de sirable for drees trimmings and neckwear. ' Barrsas-B'asb Co. Miln rloo. Debutante NECK RUFFS, 50c to $2.75 RUFFS next to veils-are the most enchanting of pretty ac cessories. The Debutante ruff is made of maline' and chiffon .in black, white and colors. . Neckwear at 50c ..Dainty, organdy and vonejvee tees, roll collars and flehus, very newest designs.' . - ' Biwe-Batia Cv MUta riour. These $2 French Sewing Baskets, 98c GOLD finish with raised Tes- ' tootled roses, satin lined in all colors with spool holders. The usual $2.00 values., ' Work Baskets 98c Whit enameled work baskets, with Dresden festooned rose de signs, satin lined, usual $2.00 values. Barr-B,a Co Third Floor.-, Women's Thread Silk HOSE, the Pair 69c BLACK and white, high spliced heel and double sole, mer cerized . garter ' top. Irregularities of $1.00 quality. Women's Hose, 15o Tan (fibre boot silk hose, seamless, the usual 26c quality. Barra -Baak Co. mla Tloot. Women's Union Suits Specially Priced at 50c LOW- neck and sleeveless of white mercerised lisle, tight knee and lace trimmed styles. Women's Vests, 15c . White cotton, low neck and sleeve less with fancy lace inserts; usual 2$c quality. ' lBara-.s-WMh Co. Mala Floor. The Chicago Manufacturing Milliners' Stock of Smart Trimmed Hats at Half and Less IT WOULD be impossible for us to picture these hats represent. to tou tho renl beauty or the extreme values lth a aplen- Latest, ideas developed for the Easter business individual and exclusive, Thev'ra the handiwork of one of the foremost manufacturing milliners in Chicago, together with, a did showing of pattern hats, no two hata identically alike There are scores of exquisite creations from a Wm i hich to make selections. A shape and style to suit every fancy. Five Special Groups , HATS MADE TO SELL FOR $5.00 AT $2.50 HATS MADE TO SELL FOR $10.00 AT $5.00 ' HATS MADE TO SELL FOR $15.00 AT $7.50 , : ; HATS MADE TO SELL FOR $22.50 AT $9.95 HATS MADE TO SELL FOR $35.00 AT $15.00 , - Burg eas-Baaa Co. oond Floor. $2 to $3 Untrimmed Hats in the QCp Bttrgess-Nash Basement, Saturday O' Eighteei different shapes In -the finest grade Jap hemp, tagal hemp, milan hemp, etc., medium and large sailors, trlcorns and shepherdess, In fact aU the shapes that are most favored, air the . ' QQ best shades; $2.00 and $3.00 values,: at v". i70 C org--rh Co. BM.in.nt. ' ' ' ' The Little Tots Can Be Best Silk and Fabric s . . . .... , ,. . Fitted Out in This Section Devoted to Their Requirements THEIR every little need has been provided, with selec tions and prices that will please you. ' - Children's Hats. for 2 to 6 Years, 50c to $7.50 , ; Fine milan, Panama, fancy braids and lingerie, trimmed with ribbons, rosettes, shirred or qulltlcgs of ribbons and fancy bows. Children's Coats for 2 to 6 Years,. $1.98 to $9.50 .;, Pongee, black and white check, serges, navy, brown, etc.,' with assorted colored embroidery collar and cuffs. : Bnrgass-Besh Co, Btoond Floor. , '.(- Just Arrived - Gloves ;f or Spring YOU'LL find our lines very com plete including such splendid Jtnes as i : Kayser 's 2-Clasp at i ' 1 .50c,"75c and $1.00 Pure silk with double finger tips, black, white and new. shades.. ; i 1 Kayser's 16-Button -1 1 at $1.75, $2.00 to $3.75 , Kovelty long silk gloves i embroid ered, and tucked, white, black and colors. i - i . t : Barfvaa-ltKia Oo. ttm Vloet Wprhenro Tailored Suits, $16.75, $19;50, $25 A Score or More Charming New Styles at These Prices and Each Superior, A REMARKABLE collection, of tailored suits that, as wonderful as it is, may be regarded as" tyjiical of the t entire aggregation of tailored styles for! Spring. . ( ."With this new fchipnient the stocks ore. as rich, in. selection as Jieart could wish be6t styles a eplenishecl-4-more and better values added. . . , : ' : ' Tho fabrics which hre tht mosjt favored for the season are imported. or fine products of American looms. " T' The hand-tailoring is' evidence, .of careful workmanship. All in all, they are superior jii style nnd quality at these prices-$16.75l $19.50 and $25.00. r Thp New Spring Coats, $15 to $75 . "They 're so different from what are seen elsewhere," is tha way one woman put it. The attractive features that ap peal strongly are: . The newer interpretation of the full -flare; the swagger, mannish box type"; the 'nobby, belted sport coats a decided innovation with smartjy dressed women; also the new white chinchilla coat in sport and -length. New weaves and new, novel touches of tUffiming are plentifully shown. They -may be had for as little as SIS.oo and on up to 75.00. Street : and Motor Coats at $10.00 to $35.00 Pretiy Ail Silk RIBBONS for 17c Collapsible Baby Carriages $5 WE consider them very special at this price. One motion collap . Bible style, with storm-cloth hood and side curtains; also some of the popular Fulton, Victorian de Luxe make. Others at f 10.00 to $15.00. - v Reed Carriages,' of all styles and grades, at $15.00 to $42.50 . -. - $1.25 Sidewalk Sulkies at 98c Sidewalk sulkies in a variety of styles, a very handy article, regularly' $1.26 kind. Saturday, OHc. Our special Heywood collapsible,' at S2.50 to $7.50. . t lmii-M Oo. Fourth Tloot. New Models in Women's Spring Foot SILK ribbons in a variety of pretty floral 'designs, on light or dark grounds, 4V to 5 VI inches wide. Very de sirable for sashes, hair rib bons, etc. ; the usual 2oc val ues. . ' " : ' r .: Barf -lilt - Co, Mtn Fleer. Wear Are Ready on the Second Floor Women's New Pumps at $4.00 to $5.00 Over thirty new models in all leathern and patterns, styles only to be found at Burgess-Nash $4.00 to $5.00 And we have never shown so many exclusive, pret.ty styles. . Women's New Pumps .at $3.00' '. Women's colonial pumps, short tongue, two-bar effects, lri dull calf and. pat ent colt.'. Price $3.00. Women's pumps In the new stage lasts, with . do natent varan cloth Quarters, overgalter pattern. sJ Women's New Pumps at $3.60 Patent . colt vamp, gray " cloth quarters, patent leathers, heel foxery, some in dull calf leather, Women's pumps in nine different models, patent or dull kid on the new French last, colonial tongue and buckle, $3 50 All patent colt pump with white calf collar button ornament; some in dull calf who pat- J0 Cf ent colt collar . . . '. P5OU Barrias-Haata Ce. Second r?.i.' We'll Develop Your Filmi Free Vk.a a Order (or Trlnl Inr I r..ft. Films left one day will be, finished so you can get them the next. v Wo. 0 Browal. wuBMa.fl.89 I No. J A' Brownie rmer' S3. DO o. 1 Brownl. taiiirra. . ia.00 I Kodak Jr.. 2W 7.03 - Bnrg.as.Baaa Co. M&ln Tloor. Luls cuban heels, $3 50 ngue. two ban beela, $3.50 Tt 'TT" :4 Dull kid pumps with tongue, two bar strap, Loula cuban beela, some In patent colt, at The Money You Spend for Clothing Will Go Farthest Here at BurgessTNash YOU'VL about made up your mind what to spend. The ques tion is where to get the utmost in value for that pnrticular amount. 1 . . , '. , ..-.'' ' The answer leads you to the Burge-Nnsh Store for Men. Es pecially is this true in the ' . . "We feature at ' . $1365 and Up to $40?0 rp HE showing, which is remarkably complete, represents the skill and irenlun of the highest class tailor shops, revealing the very newest Ideaa in men's clothes, Every garment is .strictly ,'H.4m TAlIjOnErr throughout; made to conform with our specifications. The Suits We Offer at $25 are the equal In every way to custom-tailored garments at double the price. There is not a single disappointment. The fabrics Include the best combinations. Fancy mixtures, worsteds, soft' finish caaslmeres, chev iots, unfinished worsteds, those reliable serges.' homespuns, etc. . You'll find stripes, tartan plaids, the. popular Glen Urquhart plaid and some Scotch mixtures. Grays,, browns, tinges of greens, blues and blacks. . 1 ' ' . Models for every figure --ll clever', hone' extreme; in fact, we claim for them the biggest suit values offered anywhere at the price. BnrfMii-lf h Co, 3Trmrli floor BOYS' $7,50 SUITS, WITH TWO PAIR A 95 OF PANTS, VERY SPECIAL, Saturday, ZZ . A ' REMARKABLE value that will appeal to most every parent gjood, sturdy 5? in the most wanted, shades; coat Norfolk style, with 2 pairs anicKeroocaer pants, unea tnrougnout, ror ages o to 17 years; regu lar $7.50 values,' Saturday , , .j. ; ' "-- : . BOYS' $9.50 SUITS AT $6.95! . .Knlckerhocker' style, in all the best and most favored materials . and colorings. ' Mont oif them have two pairs of pants, made for ages 6 - to IS years. Regular $9.50 values, Saturday, at ' Boys' $12.50 Suits at $8.95 Another value you cannot afford to overlook. Made for ages 6 to 17' years, of blue serge and fancy mix tures In a wide range of styles and colorings. Regular price to-$12.e; sale price. $8.95 69i BOYS' $18.00 SUITS AT $10,95 The product of the best boys' clothing 'manu facturer in the country. Made of the very finest materials, strictly hand - tailored throughout, blue sergea and fancy mixtures for ages I to J S, years; values. io f.io.vv, ttv na t. $10.95 Bnrr-Ws Oo. TourJ! rioor. The Edward Zeiss Stock of Men's Neclnvear Goes oh Sale Here Saturday Like This BEGINNING Saturday morning at 8:30 we will place on sale the B. Edward Zeiss stock of neckwear, and continue the sale until everything is sold. Zeiss neckwear is famous for quality1 and style! even with In order to sell the Zeiss stock of neckwear, and sell, It quick we 125c 75c One - lot of Zeiss 60c and 75c neckwear. One ,4 lot . of , Zeiss $1.50 and $2 neckwear. . 25 c 98c One lot of 'Zeiss 75c and $1 neckwear. One lot of Zeiss C2.50, 93.00, $3.50 and $4.00 neckwear the people 'not customerijof the store. quote tha' following prlcs: ono lot Of 1 ril neckwear. . . One lot of Zeiss $l and, $1.50 neckwear . Don't miss this neckwear sale. Buy a supply to last you for the entire season you cannot make money faster. Zeiss $1.50, to $4.00 Shirts at 95o and $1.45 ANY of the best qualities and atyles left. This was probably the largest shirt stock In town.' While we have sold immense quantities, good assort- mnta still remain and as Zeiss did not carry a shirt in stock that be retailed at less than $1.50, many of them to $4.00, you can see the wonderful reduction you are saving on these fine' shirts. ' Zeiss Bhlrts, t.50 to 2.0O QP- Zetss Shirts, B3.50 to B4.0O .... JJ values, your choice, Saturday Bnrf -Suh Oo.- Main yioor. . M: values, your choice, Saturday. $1.45 Any Man's Hat From the Edward Zeiss Stock to Go Saturday at Choice $1.00 llAT'S rejrardless of the mike, style or former Zeiss pneo, too. This offering includes all the Dunlap and other high grade hats in the Zeiss stock, not one reserved. Tour absolutely unrestricted choice of any hat in the store which came from the Zeiss stock. Soft, light and fancy colors; also black and colored stiff hats. Even those who bought three to half a dozen hats at the former prices for which we sold them could do themselves a lot of good by select ing another half dosen. These high-grade hata can be cleaned and reblocked Into the prevailing shapes, and for years will always look good and are the right thing. , Remember, . Saturday, .bats that were $3.00 to. $6.00 for HJOOQ J K- jlll - "' !: - Tr-'--1 jii, , -- in the Extra Special Shoe Values for Men New Basement Section for Saturday Selling will appreciate. $2.45 r A LUES that are 79c "eve ryd ooyo .otor cw very unusual Indeed the sort that you will appreciate. Men's 3.60 Oxfords, B2.40 a raw. Choice of all of our men's tan ruasla calf okfords, button and lace, were $3.60, 'Saturday, pair. $3.45 or. . . . Men's' black' calf 'oxfords in button and lace, choice of all the $3.60 rrades. Saturday.. C2.45.. , s 'Men's S3.50 High Shoes at . . . . S2.65 Men's $4.00 High Shoes at ... . S2.95 Men's 54.50 and $5 High Shoes at $3.45,. , EXTRA SPECIAL Women's S2.00 to SS.fto Pumps and Oxfords, J OMEN'S pumpa and oxfords, among mem wreioj wa, It Foster, Midland Shoe Company and other good makes. The sizes are, Vt, 3, 3tt, 4, 4H Prices were $2.00, $2.60, $8.00 and $3.60. Choice Saturday, pair , Cbild'a and missea' $2.00 and $2.60 pumps and oxfords, 80c. ', BnrQ-B'a to. Ba.m.t. , Home Grown Roses at 2c Each KKS1I cut, long; stem, roses in assorted, colors. V ery specially priced for Saturday, at Cut Flower Section, 2c each. , . IarrM.lwk Ce. Maia Tloor.