OMAHA, FRIDAY, A'KIL 9, 1913. TTIK HKE: By MELLIFICIA. Thursday, April 8, 1915. SPEAKS FOR BELGIAN RED CR0S3 RELIEF FTJITU. AT AN informal afternoon tb first of the week the girls present were discussing the evening"! Inviting prospects. One was an excep tionally good theater, the other a musical event of note. Two of the girla present were engaged and were debating Just as to where they should go. Unfortunately, the men In question differed with their fiances. The gentleman of the first engaged one Insisted on the theater, while she held to the musicale. The second hero loved the musical, but hla fiancee had her heart aet on the theater. With such a difference of opinion present, which seemed to greatly effect the temperamental equilibrium of the members of the fair sex, they, thought the situation was a most convenient one, ao easily remedied, yon know. With two girls in a difficulty of choice, both very good friends, they agreed to switch sm-eethearta for the evening The affair proved a success, but we never did ascertain whether or not the girls wished another Ilk shuffling for the future. ......... Fo Mme. De Pafre. Mrs. cherlee T. Kountie will entertain at limchi-on today at her home rornpll Twntry to Madam De Fase. The labl will be decorated with spring flowers and those Invited to meet the. honor aueet r: afdame- M'ldamrt- I. K. 'rof.. A. K. Jonas. J. T. piwiirt. Id; Joseph Bsrker, A. M. Boralum. M inset Mle Mart, ' M Mehoney. jile MHiard. . Mlie, Hirt.' who 1 accompanying Martenis De Page on her trip lr the In terests of the Belgian Red Cro work. U the guest of Mrs. U F. Crofoot while tn th city. -Complimentary to Madame Pepajte. who will lecture In the Interests of the Belalan Red Cross this evening at th Home, Dr. and Mrs. J. K. Summers will entertain at dinner this evening. Tbe aetata will Include Menrg. and Meadame U. Crofoot, OHbert A. Hftchrw. Kdirar A. Scott, tr. and Mrs. Harold Glfford, Mrs. A. P. Jonas and Mies Hart.' On the Calendar, The Omaha Junior club will give a dancing party Saturday evening. April ti, at the Kontenelle. The Crelprhton University follere of Iw ,wlll give their annual dinner thla evening at the Fonlenefle. The University club has Issued Invita tions for a' dancing party to ne given at the rontonelle Monday evening, April H. t . . n ,l . . m nut U Vw. etm. National Medical fratomlty, located at Crelarhton and Nebraska Medical - col qbr. reiipertlvrly, will alve a Joint stag party at tle homa of the fatter, Forty . second ml Ifcwcy avenue. Friday even- iiipr. The entire active membership of the two chapters will be on hand to cele brate this pat tiering-, which Is becoming an a.nnunl affair slnre lh recent loca tion of the Nebraska medical tn Omalja. Mortn-Shortty Weddiny. ' The weeding of Misa Dorothy Shorter of f'owra. tsle of Wight. Enaland, and '" Arthur Morgan of lenver took r'are Wrdmndny at the Church of the Good f-r crvl-ci-d. Re-.. T. J. Collar performed tha i et n-.t ny In th presence only of relatives and n tv friend. , Mies "ni'l Markoff (layrd tba Men 'clolin wedding mn rrh for the entrance i.: Ih.i hplde and the Lohengrin at the The brlda wore an Imported Poiret gown or paie blue French cloth, trimmed with SeliVtoue chiffon and velvet.' With this was worn a white picture hat trlmin-d vith French plumes. Bha carried a bouquet of brtde'e rosea In an old fah joned EnsUh folder. Her only ornament was a diamond brooch, a gift of the aroont. ' Mlae CJertrude Morgan of Denver, obiter r.f the grounv . waa .tlia maid f. honor. Fhe wore a gown of Copenhsa-en bbia Kreiit-h crepe trimmed with aold laca end a black and white lace hat trimmed with ilnk rosebuds. She carried an arm houfjtiet of Klllarney rosea. Fred eiiorter, Jr., nephew of th brldo, was beet man. t.tttW Mtaa Margaret Cat hers carried tha ring tn a basket of white rose petals. Fh wore a dainty French frock hand enbrildered pa.le blue crepe. . ro'.SowJng -the ceremeny, a wedding breakfast waa served at the home of the brlde'a brothir. Mr. Fred Fborter, sr., and Mre. fthorter. Mr. and Mrs. Moraan left In the after noon for the west. They will be at home afier Way 1 in Deuvar. Scottish Site Vtjiaa'g Club. . - The BcottUh Rita Women's club will bold a buslnesa meeting Friday after noon at the eftthedral. The first clilldren'a party given by this organisation will be held Friday evening, April 16. also at the cathedral. The af fair la given la honor of the children of members. Mr. C. R. Thlnra ia arranging a program In which only children wtll participate. ' - For Church Benefit. The weekly chicken pie dinner for the benefit of Hie First Presbyterian church building fund will be given Friday be teen the hours of 11:90 and 1:M o'clock. TJance in the Future. The dental i ulcnts of Creighton uni versity will t,lvn a 'dance at Turpin'a academy Friday evening. A large num ber of students and friends are expected at Uils affair, the last of the year for the students. Dancing: Parties Tonight The iMxty-six Dancing club will enter tain thla evening at Cfcambera' academy. The 1'aealco club wtll give a dancing party this evening at the Metropolitan club. ' rieatures Paat Tha Focienelle Needle Craft club en tertained la the Bchmoller A Mueller recitsl hall thla afternoon. . Mrs. J. tv. boun was hostess Tuesday turnout st the regular meeting of tha I'an-Aiiu rcn Card club. Itlih five waa I'luycd and tla itixra for high aoorca were awarded to Mea'lames C F. Rst! ken, A. F. , Moore. Davtd Hrto and Mlaa Nill r.araum. Two table of players urn iiT-;,i. The club will be emtr- ttjiikw in two wevks at the home of Mia N!1 Hmnum. . . r : ' . Theater Party. Mr. and Mrs. E. $. Wetbrook w!l elea a thesier parly tl U eveLlra at the Pratt di-ts. lji'- r tiie f j-b! -mill attnd the '.pler durne at li.,e. Fonteiaelle. Mr. and Mil. Wetltok will eutertaln: Mr-sors. arid M ufcmT-' V tr.l i-i!K. ' ' lx u! Naih. Kim iiiiv laU. MADAME . .LE TwOUX, wife of the editor :of Le Matin, visiting in New York, says: ''German women are sacrificed to man; French women to family; American woman has given her life to ideas and that is why she leads I tha world." I " " X Aw : WW I .JW"rM lyfl I MmMa: xZ.m i in ;i; : ;" tv"-"' 'iM0... . u i i L p 1 . LIME. DEPAGE IS GUEST OFOHAHAHS Speaks Here Thuriday in the In- terest of Her Countrymen in Belgium. fjhehtained is local homes "I am here not only for my people, the Belgiana, but In behalf of all the wounded who fell In Belgium. The j Americana have been moat generous ;in their aid to Belgian women and ! children, bufwe of the Red Cross need bo much yet." This was the plaa of Mme. Antolne Depage, who arrived in Omaha yesterday to give two lectures' for the benefit of the Belgian' Red Cross fund. Her husband. Dr. Depage, Is at the head of the Red Cross tn their country and she bears letters from Quaen Eliza beth of Belgium to aid her mission. f'oamtry Split la Two. "Our poor little country baa' been vir tually split in two by the Invaders. We represent the free or civilian Belaium, whlrh as yet hna not benefited by Amer ica's generous aid." Although Mme. Irpaire has only 'Malted America but once nefore, Juot previous to the opening of the war, when her hus band preeliled at the International Con gress of Fnt-goons In New York, the speaka English fluently. "It la most necessary to speak many languages In Belgium, the meeting place of all nations, and I am very grateful now that I can apeak the English lan guage bo that I may help In thla great work," ahe said. Mme. Dcpare addressed a fashionable gathering at the home of Mra. A. F. Jonea In the afternoon, and last evening spoke In the ball room of the Rome hotel at R o'clock. Mme. Depage waa en tertained at luncheon by Mra Charlea T. Kountae and waa entertained by Dr. and Mra. J. K. Hummers at dinner last evening. SEYMOUR LAKE GOLFERS TO HAVE BIG P0W-W0W Golf and tennis plana for the Peymour Lake Country club will be made at a good fellowship dinner to be given Mon day nlaht at the College Inn cafe, op posite the city hall. In addition to a big dinner, the club will furnish a corps of cabaret performers. Stop-0ff-at-0maha Campaign Getting In Best Work Now Thousands of letters 4i soon go out of Omaha to eastern tourists who are to make a trip to the coast thla summer. Inviting these to atop oft In Omaha on their way. Thla la a part cf the general "stop off at Omaha" campaign. A com mittee of a doaen men was organised Wednesday for thla purpose. These com mitteemen are all "secretaries of large or gantaatlona In the city that are affiliated with organlsatlona elsewhere. The com mittee consists of E. A. Benson, chair man; Fred I. Crelgh of the Heal Estate exchange; J. D. Weaver, eecretary Of Ak-ftar-Ben; Dr. Dodge of the Knights of Pythlai; A. R Borxlum of the Ad and Rotary club; Randall Brown of the Good Roads . committee bf . the . Commercial club; E. F. Den I son of the Young Men's Christian association: .Vaclav Bureah of the Bohemian aoclet'es; I. W. Miner of the Elks; C. C. -Roeewater and E. V. Parrlch of the bureau of publicity of the Commercial club. - The committee will write to secretaries of affiliated organizations for lists of those who expect to make the trip to the coast during the summer. These lists - - 4 will be used In Omaha aa mailing lists for pereona! letters of Invitation to pros pective tourists. GOOD RAIN FALLS OVER WESTERN PART OF .STATE While ralna were general all through western Nebraska, extending east from the Colorado and Wyoming line a couple bf hundred miles, fair weather te the rule, according to reports to the railroad. The precipitation, says the report a, range 61 from one-fourth to one-half Inch, with ail inch reported at numemua at&tlona In the south part of thes lata. - WEST FARNAM DISTRICT WILL HAVE MOVIE SHOW A motion picture theater for the West Fsrnam residence district Is being built near the southeast corner of Fortieth and Dodge streets at a cost of 8,000. It will be opened about May IS and will be man aged by Theodore Thomaa, 6133 North Twenty-third street, who heada the com pany controlling the property. STORZ GENUINE BOCK BEER Our. brew thla season la exceptionally good. We have yet to taste Its equal. Try It down town. Bend a ease home for the family. Phone Chaa. 8tors, Web. 1280. ' aW--(iRSMa Appomattox Day to Be Celebrated at the Court House Judge Jacob Fawoett of the Kebraaka supreme court will preside this . even ing at an Appomattox day celebration, to bo given In court room No. 1, .court house, by tha local posts of the Orand Army of the Republic. It waa announced that General Orenvllle M. Dodge of Coun cil Bluffs would preside, but the general Is uncertain whether he will be able to attend. - The program will be open to the general public. The apeakera will be A. I Rut ton and Rev. ITlyssee a. Brown. During the evening C. E. Adams wilt call upon all who were In the vicinity of the surrender of Lee to Grant fifty years ago to stand up. Tbe local committee consists of C. E. Adams, Jonathan Edwards, N. K. Van Husen, R. P. Trten J. T. Beatty, Dr. 8. Bpauiaing, vnaries uarotny, u. M. Harpater and K. M. Johnson. , . Special music has been arranged for the occaalon. Thla celebration will mark the passing of fifty years of peace be tween the atates. tctt Ashland, Nb., and Dr. Frederick M. Mlllener of tills city. waa celebrated this afternoon at the home of the bride's father in Ashland. I'r. Mlllener and his bride will take a western trip and after May 1 wtll be at home in Omaha. With the Visitor.. . Mrs. Lee , Daly of Bt. Louie arrived Wednesday and will be with her mother, Mrs. Catherine Furay, for a couple of weeks. i In and Out of the Bee Hire. . Mrs. Luther Kountso ts In Chicago. Miss Klljabcth Kampmann of 8laple ton. Neb., arrived Tuesday to visit friends, -, - Mr. and Mis. Isaao Congdon return thla evening from an extended atay in southern California and the exposition cities. ' Personal Mention. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dale left Wednes day for Hartford, Conn., where they win lie tha guests of their daughter. Mrs. Bydney L. Binlth, for several weeks. Mr. and Mra. Clark Powell ant peeled home today from several weeks n the east. Mr. and Mra. Powell visited In New York. City,. Philadelphia and Bal timore while east. Mr. and Mra. Richard Kitchen will leave fur the Paclflo coast next Wednes day, to' be gone about six weeks. They will visit both expositions and the prin cipal cities of the coast. FORMER MAYOR OF COUNCIL BLUFFS IS ILL IN ST. LOUIS Walter Raleigh Vaughan, former mayor of .Council Bluffs and later editor of the Democrat In Omaha, now a realdent of Pt. Louis, la reported from there to be very ill from a heart affection. Mr. Vaughan, who la a Virginian by birth, . obtained much., prominence In Iowa politics thirty years ago, being bracketed with "Jim" Davis, the boy mayor of Keokuk, aa the most popular of the antl-prohibltlon mayora who met In the famous convention of protest at Dea Mulnea when Governor Larrabee waa Installed In office to succeed Gover nor Pherman. Since leaving Nebraska ha has lived at Waahlngton and In Ft Louie, engaged mostly in publishing first the Elk'a Horn, which la now conducted by bis aon, and the Irish-American, of which he la still the editor and publisher. Whooping CvTBj. "When my daughter had . whnnnin cough she roughed ao hard at one time that she had hemorrhage of tha lung I waa terribly alarmed about her condi tion. Beeing Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy ao highly recommended. I got her a oouie ana it reiievea tbe cough at once. Before ehe had finished two hottlea r thla remedy ahe waa entirely well," wrltea aire, o, r. urlmaa. Crookevtlle. O. Ob- tainaoie everywhere. Advertisement SENATOR NORRIS SPEAKS AT THE COMMERCIAL CLUB I'nlted Rtates Senator Oaorre TV- Vim. rla Is tt spvak at a nuh'lc affairs lunrfc. eon of the Commercial eltib Momlav boob rte is to sneak on the federal trade com mission, lie will dlacuas the personnel of the new commission which is In hear relation to tha btg business and trade of tne country similar to that of the Inter state Commerce commission toward the railways. Ho Is to dlscuu aim th uti.. and functions of the commission together nn its relation to other branohea of tba government. Senator Frown U to apeak at the Young Men a Christian association Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. i!r. i.. ;i Uu 'irf-. :r,:iei:er-Scott We ddinp. '!ie w iVtli'g ' of Jrtm Jll bott '!. UauahtT of He William Clement FRECKLE-FACE aa aad Wind Bring Out Ugly gpota. , . Mw to feei&Qva maaOy. 11 ere'e chance. Miss Freckle-face, to try a remedy for freckles with the guur ente f a reliable dealer that it win coat you a penny unless It removes the n- ir.; wrote It it does glv you i rUar fomplexlun tha mi.iu. i. Lim Simply get an ounce or ,.ihin. ,' Itrengtn-from Sherman A MoConnell or any aruggiet and few application should show you how it i- j w . . , M Hi yeuraclf of tha homely frecUM and get a neauurui comi-a-xlon. Rarely Is tore than one cun.t needed for the wnnt j Ha sura to W tt.e druKglat fr the uoiiuia snenKin iwoin aa I'.an la tha pra s.tlption x-lJ uii.icr giiarunlee of money liar ir l( rjlla to f-roove IrrvUe. Ad irrtUiiTeot. gatfpnsttkwatasEl 1 Qat all tlXc 1 NJLK laam. Leave only the blue milk, by oiling the separatoc with S-in-One. Olveg spwaa ease turning prevents rest W ae net t cvws pat bitttrt i B -In-One also oils sewing- machines, type writers, electne tana and all light tnech antama. A Dictionary 4 I iM other vaea wriia i every bottle. 10a, Do, aoo--ail atoraa. ThrM-ln-Ona Oil Cw, - BIG SPECIAL PURCHASE 01 Enuiiliil Us3 Curtains to Ea Pet Oa Special Sa!a At Tha Central furniture Stsn Fcr Cr.3 C2 CrJy, Saturday, April 1Ct!s. Am Immanae purchase of . beauUful laoe ourtalna bouaut caret .irwm or, a of tha larffoet lace mtlle U this eountly. at a beaary gtaoount. on aoeount ef tbe large number in volved in the purohaae. Thla big eleoeunt enabtee ua U put tb enttre shipment en aeJe foe thU ON HI DuVT ONL.T at about one-naif" their rwal wwrth. All of tbe ew and daelrabla patterns and wewvea are repreaented to tliie btg purchajM, Inoludlng a big aseoitmant of vary fUe Nottingham, Uwiaaee, Cable, Arabian and Boblneta, Bcotctt Oulpure, Borimma, eta Thle would be an oacel lent opportunity lor yeu te raourtaia vour .nttra home at a very ama.ll eoat. Cone to thle Big Bale Baturdaar. Aprtl VKh, eapeotlng te find eome rr ex ni haraaine and you will aw be eie- eppotnted. Aa uaua yeu coakei yer ewa tarma. LJCS Tlphcn jjotig- 1S Great Spring Rug . Sale Monday- Read the Ads. rITIT,ia"'"1lr?llH''iTHi ifVsHIHWefWIl f iWTf ' J" ' -'J --a-V- , Great Spring Rug Sale Monday Read. the Ads. f Remnants and Mill Ends Dress Goods In this' It arc serges, whip cords, coverts, gabardines, Victoria suitings, cream serges, checks ' and : fancy stripes and many ,! other weaves. Lengths from 2 to"5 yards and w'orth more .than double the price we shall ask Friday y Each 95c and $1.39 Fridays Bargain Basement Sales That Save You Cash Extraordinary Bargains in Corsets Remarkable corsets at a very low price sizes , 23, 24, 25 and 26 In corsets that sell regularly V for $3.50, 15.00 and $6.50, tq ., . Friday very special at only. .... .... X CORSETS made of good durable cloth, rustproof Don. ing; wide front steel, rein forced across front; four garters. Very special Friday In the Basement, $Q SANITARY APRONS at special price; made of good, white rubberized cloth with net top. An unusually good value in the Basement Fri day for only, each. 15c Remnants of Dress Goods Very Spc'l Here are fine quality dress goods in suit and skirt lengths, comprising fancy coatings, black and white checks, mannish suitings, poplins, French and costume serges, etc. At less than half the' prices they are usually sold for. Friday yd. 50c Art Needlework Specials Stamped and Tinted Sofa Pillow Tope With baeka. . Floral and conventional designs. 85o quality. 1JC Stamped and Tinted Scarfs and Centers For cross stitch or solid embroidery. ; ' New designs. Regular 25c l and S5c raluea. Special Friday, each ivL Millijiery Bargains (In the Basement Friday) 275 Real Milan ShapesMost ly sailors, some . tricorn and staple turbans. The colors are sand, blue, rose, ; white, black t . and burnt. , m o Q Values up to J3.00.'. V I Your choice for...., & M leges' and Children's Milan and Hemp Dress and Street Ha(s For girls.. 4 to 14 years. Over 200 hats to. choos. from. Your choice Friday, for. Large Dslaies with Buds and FoHae They come In whlto and brown, white and yel low and gold color. Regular 26c values. Specially priced for Friday. Your choice, each LjZiG i:.98c Linens at Bargain .Prices r;A C,r 1 600 Doaen Bleached Baibera' Tow- IwXtra OpeCiai els Hemmed ends and fancy bor- Speci&i Fnaay. ni . a-2 V ders. They are slightly Imperfect, each 6.000 Yards of Full Bleached Dice Toweling Soft rt and absorbent. Regular 7Vc values. Special, yard. . eJ2 Bed Spreads, crochet kind, with heirlmed ends. Reg- CQr ular S1.00 values. Special Friday, eaoh .Vi7t 25 Pieces of Fine Bleached Mercerised Damask High-class finish. Two yards wide. A pretty range of pat . terns.. Regular price R9c. Sale price, a yard A lot of soiled and muaaed linens,' consisting of Tray Clothe, Delllaa and Towelsr-vaiues to ioc. wnne this lot lasts, choice for 100 Doen Fall Bleached Napklnet-Hemmed, ready to use. Mercerised kind. nsuaUy sold for lOo. n Special, each. t OC Little Notion Needs ' (Fridays In the Basement) 45c - j 5c 200-Yard 8 poo la of Thread Special, four spools, for oo Large Pieces of Elastic. Friday, I for ....... .5 J. A P. Coat's Crochet Cotton A spool.., 3' 15c Bottles of Good Ma chine Oil A bottle 1.5o 15c Balls of Crochet Cotton A ball ...... 5o Largs 8 yard Bolts of Tape A bolt 6c One 6mall Lot or O. N. T. and D. M. C. Crochet Cotton Slightly soiled. Special, a ball Large Boxes of Assorted Wire Hair Pins Box. 5c Rick-Rack Braid All alses. Special, yard.. 1c Large Shell Hair Pins Worth 49c. Special. 2to Washable Dreea Shields - - r J Ocean Pearl Buttons A card ,.y ...,.1c Hooka and Eyes Black and white, a card.... 1c Large Slsed Hair Nets Friday, each 1c 1 Domestics WhJte Pllsse Crepe ii Inches wide. Genuine ?eb"ble weave, soft finish, or underwear, etc Worth 15c A Q12C Beautiful Dress Zephyrs. All the leading spring styles, long mill lengths up te It yards. C. Friday, a yard oc Genuine Galatea Suiting. 17 Inches wide. In all the wanted styles, light ind dark grounds. Worth le. Krlday. a $t,2C Faney Printed ' Dreaa Batiste In a choice aa sortment of all the new spring designs, floral and conventional styles. Regular price llttc 8ale price. 37aC Fine Quality Dress Tis sue -Sheer, crispy fabric ao much In demand for Ught weight dresses, wrappers, etc All the leading styles. - Rearular 16c values. Bpe- QIC, daily priced, yd..c l-incta Dreea PercsJe- A beautiful aasortmeat of light and dark around. Full standard fabric, absolutely fsst eolorlnga. Regular 10c values. Friday. JtjLei a yard I 11-Inch Beautiful Dress Gingham JUl else checks, plaids and stripes. Regular lie values. Bpamial ClA.0 Friday, a yard. . . ,07ac Full ' Standard Apron Gingham la all the wanted tolue and - white checks. Indigo dye. Full fieeea. Worth c. Friday. yard..'l3C Genuine Amerloan and Simpson's Ireaa Prints. All full piece. In all the wanted a h a d e a, tylea and' colorings. Regular tc value. AAt Special Friday.... ,ac Mill Remnants and Rem nants from stock; of all kinds of Wash Goods. Calicos, Percales, ("hal ites. Ginghams, Com forter Coverings, etc. Our usual week-end clean-up of odda and ends. Values to 91U. 16c Sale price . . . St-tnrh Unbleached Mus lin Extra weight, heavy round thread quality. Regular To value. Full pieces; yard....'' It-Inch Bleached Muslin. Soft finish, fine quality; easily laundered. Regu lar price tc Kale Cf, price, a yard .vw 11-Inch Fancy Printed 8 I I k o 1 1 n e Beautiful Srlntlngs In light and ark color oonrbt nations. For comforter covering, draperies, boa covering, etc. Full pieces. Regular 11 Uc value. tpe- o 14, olal Friday, a yd. Beautiful Silks, Friday 25c A big lot of plain and fancy silks in messages, figured pongee silks, foulards, Peau de Cygne moire and corded silk; as many yards as you want Friday, the yard, only .'.ZDC Sheets and Slips-SplV Bleached Sheets Extra fine quality, soft finish, free from dressing.: Made from good grade bleached sheeting, easily laundered. '. (Seamless.) 3-inch" hems, torn and ironed. They are sold in 'the following sizes and prices: 72x80-lneh . .w . 72xSWnch c ., ., 1x90-lnch - .. 1x99-1 nek B7c Each S9o Each 82c Each . 67a Each " 10c iZ and 45x36-lnch Bleached Edgewood Pfilow Stipe. Extra flnp Quality, soft finish. Regular i5o Quality. Great Rose Bush Sale Sat urday. Wonderful bargains. Crimson ramblers. Dorotfty Perkins, General Jacks, Baltimore Belfea, La France roeea and snowballs, EUace. hydransea, splrea and ornamental trees, on gale. Wash G oods Unusually Low Bilk and Cotton Dreea Materials, including etlk organdies, silk erepes. floral designs on white and tinted ground, crepee in evening shades, brocaded tan ratine. Mark g and white striped crepe for dresses and blouses. It I Iff and 40 Inchea wide. Worth to 40c. Friday, e. yard tt-lneh White 811k and Cotton Crepe Suitable for .blouses, dreaaea, allpa, combinations, etc. Regular 10c value. A yard... .., Fine Printed Vollea A splendid collection of florata, " black and white atrlpaa and borders, all lilt designs. 4 Inches wide. Worth Ho. Specially priced, a yard. It-Inch Imperial Longcloth, "Pointer Brand" mm Chamois flnlsh for Is undermusllns. MSs yard bolta, for eaH. 14-Inch Imperial English Nainsook Soft finish, snow white, made from fine combed yarn, abso lutely free from filling; 11-yard bolta Friday, for,. 15c 15c alestdM fer heaae dreaaea. eklldm't wear and bloses reejelrea ae Ireatasr. JIT tarhea wide. Rrgalar 2Se valae. Speetal, a yard $1.19 sw data. 124c Bargains in Boys' Wear . (Boys' Dept. -Bargain Basement) Some- unusually good clothing at very small prices. $3.00 Two-Pair-Pant Suits Friday for $2.00 All Norfolk: model suits in gray and brown. Ages 6 to 16 years. Two pairs of pants with every suit Friday for $2.00. ' $7.50 Long Pant Suits $4.75 These splendid values are in the new spring models and fabrics. Sizes to tit every boy 14 to 18 years. Special $4.75. w. Men, Save on Clothes Men's Suits for $8.50 A lot of handsome sample suits, in English and semi-English models, as well as the more conservative styles. In this great lot are some of the very popular blue serge suits In both two and threeJbutton models. Ordinarily suits like these 'Would cost from tfncri 3.00 to 5:oo more than Friday's Vj price of only J Men's and Young Men's Suits Your Choice Friday at $5.00 Uaadaotneir atylod aiati of pare wonted and caaai an era, la both twe and three-button models. Ail ibadea and all alaea are Included. Every t f fsft ult la the lot la a treat bargain. Friday, SW In the Daeemect, your choloe at. only Men'e Woreted Troaaera. Very special a e f rrtday, a pair.. 1.4 U Union Made Overall Very . epeclal, a pair iV "Extra Special Values in Shoes (Basement Shea Section Friday) BOO Pair of Women'a Oxfords and Pumps Black leathers; good atylea. 8 mail alzes. Special Boy' Oxford A. splendid quality. Narrow widths, HngUsh Usta. C A- dUb '..25c hand ( a i c lea ana sewea aowa- ra.- rn. tips. Special Friday, a pair.. -Ji?C All II) 98c ? .$1.95 and tan, Mostly nar- !:?... soc A pair Infants' Shoes Soft kldskln. turned and sewed soles- ent Children's Soft Kid Dress Shoes AH Ues to S. 8olea turned and sewed; handsome patterha;.. Men's Fine Dreaa Shoes and Oxford Tan and blacka. Goodyear welt ewed sole. Practically all iaea. Worth to IJ.60. Special rrt day. a pair Children' Oxford Black and Ua, with Goodyear welt eolea. Mostly nar row width. Worth to $2.00. Sale price, a pair.