THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, ATRIL 9, 1915. Bringing Up Father Corrrtcht. Itis, International ewe Drawn for The Bee by George McManus Km im isa - w . ... .. I 5J I l,Tt"''1 I "UNO TO IT I CNCKTARO 1 !-"353n - Jl lira M l ) 1 1 r ENOU4H GRUEL KRUG WORKS MEHATJOON HOUR Order Qombat Just u Dinner Whistle Blows, Much to Dis gnst of the Athletes. ' REGULARS WIN .THE BATTLE The bean ball aa demonstrated! br tha well-known Red Styles was the feature, of the pestlme at Itourke perk yesterday between the Regulars and tha ooora. Red stunc Huelsman twice with tha said bean ball tod tried to puncture several other RTilara, The ame wm won by the Regulars. T to 4. It wu full nlne-lnnlnf game and very Interesting-. Even Pa Itourka let tha morning- mall gt whlla ha lamped the combat. Marty Krur ordered tha athlete to re port at the parte at 11 o'clock. Then ha' started the bell game about 11:45. with the reeult that the noble tollers worked denperately during that part of tha day that they liked to uee for tha purpoee of. entertaining tha Inner man. Tough luck to be Hire, and to make it tougher Krug put tha athletes through nine Innlnga Instead of seven. 1 Krararr Captains Goota. The Regulara muterd full strength yesterday. Thomaaon went In at center field, superseding- tha well-known Oswald Ps (tries Hanaon. who retired to tha btnrh. Marty Krug occupied left field, leav-lns- the Goof In aad shape. Tha cap talncy of tha Ooofa waa wished on tJrnie Krutger, who played third base. Krole would make a wall captain If ha had anything to captain. Barney Everdon and Franklin Johnson, did the umpiring. Everdon assumed a hard look a. la Jack Van Blckle and bad no trouble, but Johnson waa tha butt Of many a cruel assertion because ha couldn't keep from looking pleasant. Ralph Willis ttradaates. Ralph Willie tolled on the.piound for the Kegulars, graduating from the third bae lob with the Goofs. Styles worked fer tha Ooofa. Ha declared tha reaamn ha lost waa lack of support in tha outfield. ' He asserted the outfleldors - were alt handouffed. Tom Blodgett and Eebon Oosroen ware two of tha said gardeners. Both came pretty near ruining- WUIU by slamming tha pill with tha gusto of Sam Crawford and Ty Cobb. Today the Rourkee are carded to bat tie tha White Box seconds. The game will start at t o'clock. Score: R.U.E. Regulara , t Uocfs 0 1-4 Tt Rattartea: Rerulars. WIUIs and Kaforn; f!. fcxylee etwl Nelmen. Umpires: f-Jverdon and Johnson. Yaiiks Win from Petersburg Team ' PETERfe-BlTR-a Vs.. April l-Tha Petersburg (Virginia league) team de feated tha New fork Americans bar to day, fccora: 1 H,'B; Petersburg .....V....... 11 1 New Vor J J batterle: Kloe, 1 1 ! K. Oafiln and Tee. lUxly-ins: Mo Kale and Sweeney. RICHMOND, Va.. AprU S.-Tbe Boston Nationals batted out a victory over tha Richmond ' Internationals here today. Poors: , " . R H E. Hostoa ...U ' IS J ftw hmond ' 0 . imiuirire: Iuque and Qowrty; JainuUi, MorriaaelLe. Bhamlln and Kc-hauUe. I . ( JESS WILLARD WORKED RICHARDSON COUNTY FARM STELLA, Neb.. April a, (Special) Wx years ago a Jesaa vrniard worked In Richardson county for W. W. Cully north of straussvtlle. between Palls City and Verdon. and residents of that community are certain that ha Is) tha fellow of tha prlsa fight fame. ' This young fellow was then about 20 years of age and waa a marked man In any crowd he chanced to be, as he towered above nearly all others and waa strong and eUiletio and of powerful build. Ha told tha boys In the neighborhood lq which ha worked that his amMtlon waa U bs a prlsa tighter. He worked during tha summer and fall and after tha corn was) gathered In the fall ha sold his team and wagon and told his Nebraska friends thai ha was going to Kansas' and soma day be come a prlsa fighter. White Sox Seconds to Play Two Games With the Eourkes Tha second string of Chicago White Sox wlU romp Into Omaha Friday for a (Doupls of games with Marty Krug" a athletes. Tha pals hoee will be managed by Eddie Ck-otte, one of tha half a dosen greatest pitchers In the- game and a former Western leaguer. Tha Sox will also have Dairy Chappella, tha ril,000 beaut; Ray Demmltt and other well known stars. The gamaa en both Friday and Saturday will start at t o'clock. Lineup: Omaha. Position. WhltatVtx. Ptahlleboer..'. First Lathrop Breen... .......... Second Bromwlch Krug ...second Payne Third Roth Short ., Baker Left Pournler Left Center Chappell ...Jjemmltt Mayer Whaien... Allan Connelly, ...... Thomaaon,..,. 1 . . .11 V L Korora , t.'ntc.n Krueser Catch Nleman Catoh Crahb pitch Styles Pitch "Willis Pitch tMnlett I'lich. n Pitch .......a Clcotte ......Johnxon .......Klepfer Kverdnn. C'lnoman Pitch Johnson... Pitch Cinoi Reds Mako a Sweep of the Series CINCINNATI. O., AprU I. The Cincin nati Nationals made a clean sweep of the three-game sertaa by taking tha final game from tha Detroit Americans hers today. Boors: R.H.K Detroit - I T I Cincinnati , .........4 11 4 Ratter!: Detroit, Boohter and MoKee, Rakari Cincinnati. Benton. Dale ana UonsaJes. LOUISVILLE, Ky., AprU l.-Ths Boa- ton Americans and the Louisville Ameri can association team played to an eleven inning tlo hero today. Tha game was called on account of darkness. Score: R.HK. Hostnn - 1 0 Louisville., J 7 4 Rattertee: Bow ton. Mays, Collins and Tnomaa, CHtrigan; ixtuutvllle, Kcanlon, ferry ana demons. Hill Holds Indian Crew to'One Hit CIIATTANOOdA. Tenn., April S.-H1U held tha Cleveland Amsrloana to four singles today and tha Chattanooga South ern association teem wo. Soere: R V! wt. Chattanooga , S ! Cleveland 4 I Rattertee : Chattanooga. Htll and Kttoh' ens; Cleveland. Morton and O'Nwlll. PIIILADISLPHIA, April S.-Th Phila delphia National league team took' tha second game of tha spring aerloa from tha local Americana today. Score: Americans , Nationals Batteries': Americans, W. Davis and Bcnangj XMauonats, Aiayer ana liums. BERT SHANER IS READY TO PICK FAIRBURY MEN FAIRBURT, Nb., April t CSpeclaJ.)- On next Tuesday, AprU IX Bart Blvaner, manager of Falrburys 1MB Btata leagus base ball team, will assemble thirty play era who desire to land a berth on Falr bury'a team and gt their names en the payroll of the Nebraska league and start training. Tha grounds have already been care fully graded. Manager Bhaner has been working for tha Rock Island since Fair- bury'a semi-professional team disbanded last fall. Already a number of prospective play ers are In Falrbury ready to commence work. President C. W. Crawford of the Falrbury base baU association has already signed up seven pitchers. Including Bow- hay, Sboll. Franklin. Bishop, Trimble, Long aad Wylla. Franklin did ths twirling act oa the Superior State league team last year. President Crawford has asked Jack Holland of tha St. Joeseph Drummers perm last on to use Catcher Redmond, who has beea trying to land a berth on tha Western circuit ANOTHER RECEIVER SUIT FILED AGAINST HOOFS INDIANAPOLIS. AprU J. An other suit for a receiver waa filod here today agatnat the Indianapolis club of tha Federal league, 'recently moved to Newark, N. i- Ioule Smith, who says he owns five shares of stock, alleged In the suit that tha. dub fs Insolvent and that It has transferred Its property to persons unknown. Ths petition also state that tha club oes MMA and that It has no money to ay its Indebtedness or dividends oa Its stock. ( rue Meet De-rby. Boston. April . By their victories In l!:e aruil-tlnal round today, Joseph Crane, a furmer tuu-nuider. and l. a. Derby. I . Hi of thla city, UI meet tomorrow In tne fhiala nl the ail-coiiieca' tournament tl.e ntMnl ourt leunta liamplim t ii . i fr winner will thallonge .ay . f.r ii.e m,e. BROOKLYN NATIONALS DEFEAT THE SENATORS WASHINGTON. April 1-By making their hits count, tha Brooklyn (Nationals today defeated tho Washington Amer icans, I to i, aad thereby got an even break la tha exhibition series. Score RJLE. Brooklyn t Wealilngton I T Batteries: Smith. Bell and Miller fhaw, Harper and Alasmlth. y Taarmameat Dates Set. BELLE FOt'RCHB, S. D.. April L- Spaclal Ths. dates for tho South Da kota Firemen's association tournament. which will be held la this city, have been set for she week cosamenctng June T. The program will carry 6o0 more la prise money than haa ever been offered In a previous South Dakota tournament I ' Pirates Wis Came. BIRMINGHAM. Ala. AprU 1-The Pttteburxh Nationals defeated the Hir muilisru BoutUern aesoclailon team here tuday. Apartments, flats, houses and cottages Bee "For Rent" Ad. "DIXIE LAUD" GOES HAD OYERWILLARD Conqueror of Negro' Given Wild Ovations All Along the Way Through Florida. HONORED ABOVE PRESIDENTS DATTONA. Fla.. April l.-Jesa Willard. tho hew heavywoight champion, contin ued northward today on his journey to New Tork, with throngs of curious and excited persons flocking to each hamlet nd village along tha Florida route to greet him. Whether the train was sched uled to stop or not, seemed to make no difference the stations were crowded and tha roads blocked with automobiles. wagons and carriages of many who had com miles to catch a glimpse of film. Desaaael Speeeh. ' Wherever the train stopped the car In which Willard rode was stormed by scores, who triad to enter to shake his hand. In nearly every instanoa specta tors outside demanded a speech. Willard tried to meet all demand, with the r- ult that he was extremely busy every tlms tha train stopped. ..' Just before tha train left Key West We. engineer, an elderly., man, came to Wlllard'a car and introduced hlmsejf, saying: "Mr. Willard, I want, to con gratulate you. I am proud to shake your hand. I have hauled several presi dents over this Una in my time and never took tha trouble to shake their hands, but I'm mighty glad of this opportunity." At another station where there 'was soma delay, Willard got off and walked up akd down the platform. . . Ip tha crowd who hag come to sea him there were a number of boy. One finally mustered up suoogh courage to ask la a Shaky voloe; '. .. "Mr, Willard. da you like kids?" ,v . . Willard looked down at the youngster: 'Sure I do, I've got four at home." ha said.' - Thereafter ha had a bodyguard of youngsters, six deep, around . htm, till the train pulled out , , . " At another station a woman with a baby In one arm and an American flag; In her . hand, Insisted that Johnson's con queror kiss tha baby. Willard comprom ised by patting the baby on the head. More Troablo for Jobsios, CHICAGO. April 8.-Jaek Johnson may tave brought mora trouble upon himself by obtaining an American passport In Havana yesterday, according to Charles F. Clyna, United States district attor ney, who today dlscusssd reports that Johnson had sworn he had never been convicted of a felony In ths United States, that no charge was pending against-him, and that he was not sub ject to arrest If hs returned to America "If the reports from Havana are con firmed." said . Clyne, "tho Btata depart ment will have causa for action against Johnson for obtaining a passport fraudu lently." s trraraae to Base Ball Team. SYRACUSE. Neb- April a-tapectal Business mem and has ball players held a meeting last evening at tha Democrat of fice and formed an active organisation for the 1M5 buse ball season. J. D. An derson was chosen president Met Wil. kins, , secretary-treasurer; Elmer Fint- gan, manager, and Will Kelthley, cap tain. The meeting was characterized with much enthusiasm and Syracuse will have a better team than la any past year. Ac tive work and training wUl begin at once and. a club house will be built - AFFAIRS ATJODTH OMAHA j Controversy Over House Roll No. 137 Expected to Be Settled Before Adjournment. iowa youths yisrr the yards Govsmor Moreheed's statement that tha Greater Omaha proclamation awaited the passage of house roll No. 137 pro viding for fnnds to run the greater city between tha . time of consolidation and January 1. when tha Omaha levies are made, waa not vnsxpt-oted here. A number of Boutb Omaha politicians made a visit to Governor Morehead soma days' ago and claim to have gotten his promise that ha would not Uans the proclamation un less provision was made for taking care of the city In the Interim between tha election and the following January. What the local politicians actually wanted was an assurance that the governor would not Issue tha election proclamation untU after next year's levy had been made In August , m ' As a matter of fact, the fight on house roll No. 137 Is nothing mora than a poli ticians' fight, involving both local and Omaha politicians. House rolj No. 137 Is said to have been kept back Jn order to keep the legislature from extending the terms of the Omaha officeholders, many of whom feared tha votes of the Greater Omaha. The Douglas delegation . waa divided upon tha measure, Insofar as that measure concerned the amendment to postpone the primaries and city elec tion until after the merger. It waa said yesterday by well-informed people . that the Omaha charter amendments would probably be passed.: . Iowa Contest Winners Cease. Twenty-two corn contest winners from the various counties in the state ot Iowa, ecoompaolod by Prof, Bliss ot ths Ames Agricultural college, were at tha stock t arda yesterday, going- through jthe -various departments. These boys, ranging In years from 11 to IS, spent the entire sum- mer of 1914 endeavoring to grow the beat acre af corn In their respective counties, the -prise Cor which the Union Stock Yards company of Omaha offered being a trip to- the South Omaha market and packing housea They put In tho entire morning In the yards, a complimentary luncheon being served, by, the Stock Tarda company at noon la tha Exchange dining room. The afternoon waa spent In one of the pack ing houses going through the various de partments. The boys arrived In Omaha Tuesday evening,- where they were met by Prof. Bliss and escorted to the new Fonte nelle hotel,' where ' accommodations had been provided for them.'. Those present were: Krnest Nelson. Extra. Auriutwin Mimtv Dewey M. Cable. Waterloo. Blackhawk Oountv. J. Fred MoLauchlln. Marathon. Pimhi. Vliita county. Christy H. Hlldreth. Rockwall City, Cal- rtuuii counir, r loyo xdoiarnaa, Nashua. Chlcasaw county. . oscar watson. poeneer. day count r. Harold Walrod, DeWitt Clinton count. Charles L. Bolon. Davla fit v. flwiur coumy. , V U-HTtl TUet Minora.' Dickinson eountv. Forrest lnman, .Marble Rook. Floyd cou my. Clifford Hanson, Alexander. OKUMA SAYS JAP MOTIYESARE PURE Nipponese Premier Tells American People His Country is for Open Door in China, COMPLETE INFORMATION GIVEN NEW TORK, April 8. Tho Indtv pendent haa received from- Count Oleoma, the Japanese premier,- the following: "meggage to the American people: ' "TOKIO. April S. The uneasiness and suspicion .In the United States la connection with Japan's negotia tions at, Peking are based oa misun derstanding and . misinformation scattered broadcast by Interested mischief makers. ' "When the negotiations are closed it will, be found: ', ' "That Japan haa not infringed on tha rights of other natlona "That Japan haa adhered strictly to the principle of equal opportunity. "That Japan Is not attempting to secure a monopoly over China. "That Japan is not attempting to create a protectorate over China. - "That Japan is not seeking to se cure In China-any advantage which does Hot accord with1 the Anglo-Japanese alliance; or with' any treaties or undertakings with, the United States. "We have ' fully , informed the United Coast Lea gas Scores. n u k uaxiand jtti Lrfe .Anjreies g a ; fciatterles: Malarkev. Chriatiiui mil Holt, Kulin; Scogglus, Burns and Boles. UUP Venice ires Ban Francisco Its naileries: Mltrneii and Mitre: Hinrn kiiu wnnuui, luevon innings.) College Base Ball. Columbia university. 6: Holv Crone ent. lege, ij. sw ork university, (; Hamilton col (Called la the lege, a t-ol lsate. Rutaara (. eighth: darkness ) jsavy, ; Cornell,. Georgetown, I; Fordham, 1. Virginia, ; Williams, 1. West Vlrxinla. 3: Washington mil uee, w. Three New Feaa. Three Dromlnent BaltlmoreuM hat- been ad Jed to the directory of the Balti more ciuo. iney are JJwUnl r. Mallory, the Well-known ti ap . shoou-r; Otto O. mmonson, tne architect, and David 8. Landreth. who has a big seed business ouuaue vi 1 nimat-lphi. JURORS ARRESTED FOR EXCEEDING SPEED LIMIT A jury froni Judge Leslla's court took an automobile trip to Florence to In spect some land that figures In ths case they are listening to, and were arrested for speeding. In a land deal Anna and John Jonata allege that T, L. and Mary C 1'orter and Joseph O'Keefe gave them some land that la often under water. The Jury was sent out to take a look at the ground, and while returning through Florence were stopped by the motorcycle offloer for exceeding the speed limit. The officer took their names and ordered the driver Is appear la court Wednesday te auswsr the i barge., Franklin a. - Jackson, Bagley, Greene B. WeUs. Cereaco. Howard Miller Fairfield, Jefferson county. ueorge county. Urson county. " Clement county. Lawrence Tompklna Wyoming. Jones county. uMerriu lArno, etanton, Montgomery county. Israel naioer. Laurens, rocanontaa county. Charley Haider, Jurens, Pocahontas county. Raymond McDcrmott. Walnut, Pptta Wattamle county. , 1, HI J i i. .,,IV",U,1, CIWUA VUlllf. Charles Chapman. Helmond, Wright county. Bernard Smith, Ixigan, Harrison county, Jack lalllrsa Mart. John T. ("Jack") Sullivan, hog buyer for Clay-Roblnspn, sustained a painful and possibly serious Injury yesterday morning, when his horse slipped and fell on him as ha waa riding across the It street viaduct SuUivan's' right leg was badly cruahsd and the saddle horn was driven into bis body , with oonsldsrable force. He waa rushed 'to his home at 121 North Twenty-fifth street, where tt waa said last night that his Injuries were very painful. Maele City Geeal Reautlful Alice Yoyos and Mr. Ouy Coutuus. liease too ay. The Columbian club wlU give a dance tomorrow evening at the club hall, at Thlrty-aixtn ana VI streets. The Maids society will give a dance at ths Moose halt, Twenty-fifth and M streets, nest Saturday evening. The Independent Order ot Odd Fellows will meet tomorrow evening at the lodge rooms across from the postotflce, at Twenty-fourth and M streets. , The VanderbllfCue Aatormoblle Races. clear as crystal, now snowing- at Besse theater. Krank Johnson, the blind newsdealer, who was taken Ul some time ago. Is reported mui-o Improved.- He la confined al the South Omaha hospital. Oak council Knights and Iadlee of Re. urlty. Kix 1152. will give a card party tomorrow evening at the McCrsna hall. 112 r,ortn Tweaty-tiMirui street. Ths Woman's society of the First Bap tist church will rive a stiver kenslnrton tomorrow aflernooa at the home of Mrs. C. J. Young, let North Tweitty-eeventh street. Vocal muefrc will be given by Mrs. M. C. t'hnslenstm of Omaha, and Miss Kvelyn Vore wl give several read Insa The women ars invited to come au bring their needlework alt It them. States and other interested powers as to Japan's purposes. "We believe that they are all satisfied. "The negotiations between Japan and China 'are Dealing a satisfactory con clusion. "I am now willing to state publicly through the Independent that Japan Is quite confident of tha rectitude and good faith of its position. "Japan Is merely seeking to settle out standing troublesome quest Ions In a way looking toward permanent peace aad good understanding.' DAUGHTER BORN TO CROWN PRINCE AND PRINCESS BERLIN, A prfl 8.-V!a . London.) Crown Princess Cecil le today gave birth to a daughter. The mother and child are doing well. ' The crown princess, who is a daughter of the late Frederlch Frans IIT of Meck-lenburg-Schwerln, married Frederick William, the German crown prince. In June. 190B. They now have five children, four boys, tha eldest being t years of age, and one daughter. ' l ,,44..: .The Bee Want Ads Are Beat Business Boosters. Washington Affairs Announcement was made by the gov erning board of the Pan-American union Of ths postponement on account of tho European war of the Pan-American con gress of Jurists, which was to have as sembled In Rio Janeiro next July. The Federal Reserve board announced that It had reached a general under standing with representatives of the fed eral reserve banks for the creation of a gom tuna in wasni clearings and settlins, Washlngtoi k ba these banks. The plan is expected to on tor uss In balances between become effective next month. k E&dhxrL Hot-. ITS TASTE (s sttll its point of axel lence because It Is fa mous for Its snappy taste CJlellratsn Brewtns Co-la Crosse, vnoJ&XA, LERCH & VAN SANDT Wholesale Distributors SUSetZtbSU Onuba. Heftr. , PHONES Doodss 2155 2nd A 1679 Engravings Electrotypes Stereotypes . Designers : . Retouchers nlnnnnsn . All Under One Roo f ii i I THE OMAHA BEE IS"THE FAVORITE HOME PAPER Ai'l'lf,-t. - - W a 1 t-eww T-JA J-r . aflat Jf . P;MSMP lit rJiffl Feb. 1, 1840: General Andrew Jackson accompanied by a military escort, was received at New Orleans by an immense procession, himself, riding, with his silver locks uncovered, in a barouche drawn by white horses. 18401915 , Seventy five years ago when the hero of 1812 attended there union at New Orleans, Lemp's was an established brewery the oldest in . America with a national patronage. With each succeeding year of brewing effort, came the experience to make finer and finer beer the incomparable 1 77 'w' flavor is evidence that Lemp's 75 years of brewing experience has been put to full use. Beer Is s feed. Bread aad beer are Bads of the sane Biatertair. cei.ala reasl aoe eater. Braea i. mU4. beer I llquiO both are alstilr soarUlinif. bf.iclats arewrlbe e.r to produce asersr. . build !! fc4 sueogtaea aervse. Uood seat is Us eiUlt el liie. Henry Rohlff Company, Distributor, 2567-69 Leavenworth St., Omaha, Neb. Telephone; Dou. 876 Fa i zTA gw I. mr ' MB. """ -amiimi mi ' "i ,