Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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    TIIK HKK: -OMAHA. KIMDVV, AI'KII, .!), inn.
Grippe A Robber Of
Strength and Flesh
nn Down, TJadarwslirht Fsopl Bhomld
flB Lost rinh and Strength
at Tbi on.
People w;lio have Rone through winter
mffpilnK a siii-cesslon of ctiiKis. coiU.
prlrip, catarrh or other nllmcntn p'u
liar to rolit weather will prohahlv hp
surprised. If they climb on a welhli)K
scales, to ses howniuh flesh they have
lost. Moot everyone reaches Srrlnt
with weight docreae1, vitality lowered,
nervsa affected and general health and
strensih Impaired.
Ths best way to regain lost flesh and
utrertfrth Is through the original sourea
of all flesh and atrenKth-r your food.
J'ood, however, produces flesh and
atrenrth nnlv In the nrnnortinn. in
,'hloh Its nourish In it elements are ab
sorbed by the Mood, of weight tn
rllratea a leakaca uf the fata, atisarn
and starchen of your fond. Instead of
folnir to the hlood they are pasalnn
hrougli your body aa waste. The as
similative functions of your stomach
and Intestines are out of order and ynu
need something: that will net them
working right again. Nothing la better
inr thla purpose than a single S.ngol
tablet eaten at meals for a few weeks.
Ksrgol does not build flesh of itself
and taken, between meals Is of little
valua for the purpose, but, swallowed
with your food, It acta upon every
mouthful you eat. first separating all
the fats, oils, sugars, starchea and oth
er materials which make for fleslv and
strength from the 'waste matter an 1
then preparing all these fnt making,
nourishing elements Into & form whicft
the blood can readily absorb and dis
tribute throughout the body. The effet
Is qulcklv f.ilt. Kenoi ted gams In
weight of from ten to twenty-five,
pounds, a month are by no means lnfr?
ment. Yet Its action Is perfectly nat
ural and absolutely harmless. Sarg-i
1m sold bv Sherman & MeCoiinell drug
More, Omaha, and leailin druggist
everywhere and every package contains
a positive guarantee of weight increase
or money back.
Caution Sargol Is widely used aa a
general body builder and for many
nervous troubles, but when used for
such purposes alone and where rtatlan.
does not desire an increase of weight
Jt should be taken not less than one
pour after meals. If token at meal
times It will almpst certalnlv r.rodii
an increase in weight that some may
not desire.--Advertisement,
Reg-ular Army Officer Find Militia
men of the State on the
Bpn't Fail
to attend the Meyer
Clothing Co.'s Sale of
Hen's and Young
en's Clothing
Conducted by the Acme
Sales Co. at 317 So. 16th
St., opposite the Schlitz
hotel, and
On your new Spring Suit
or. Kalmacaan. ,
en's Suits and
Balmacaans ,
;, - at
Worth 'from $10.00 to
Raincoats $1.95
Raincoats .......$2.95
Raincoats .$3.95
glen's Trousers at 95c
$1.95, $2.95, $3.95
Worth from $2.00 to $6.50.
You can't iniss it Sign
of the Big Blue Front.
(From a Staff Correspondent.) .
LINCOLN. April . (Speclal.)-TTie re
port that the federal Inspectors will make
to the War department on th condition
of the Nebraska .National Guard, follow,
ing the recent completion of the annual
Inspection, la very encouraging to Adju
tant General Hall.
Only sixty-two men out of a total en
ljsted strength of 1.820 failed to report,
and this despite the fact that during the
early part of the Inspection the Incle
mency of the -oather held down the at
tendance. In many cases It was prac
tically Impossible for the men to Ret In
from the farms tweause of the depth of
the snow. '
Men Wkg Reported.
The' report will .show the number of
men actually present at Inspection as
1.073; those reporting- by mall. !W3: those
on leave of absence, ,133. Only three or-g-anlsatlons
failed to come up to aUndard,
Fourth Infantry. Broken Bow; Fourth In
fantry. Omaha, and Fifth Infantry band,
Bruntng. '
The officers' of the regular army w ho
conducted the Inspection were Captain
George E. Kumpe of the signal corps and
First Lieutenant William C. Btoll.
Valae of I'.qilpmfst.
The estimated value of government
equipment now on hand Is $387,000. The
Inspectors report this as In rood shape,
but In regard to armories they say: "As
a whole, poor. Funds) not available to
make armories Invltable. No Inducement
for social functions on aocount of lack
of proper faculties." :
The Inspectors also note "an Insufficient
lack of funds to place companies In the
western part of the state, where there Is
a demand for same."
The oondltlon of property In the state
arsenal, the rifle range, the condition of
property there, field transportation and
the records In the adjutant general s of
fice are reported "very good."
north TiKN'D.'tfeb.. April $. (Special)
A continuous search hss been kept up
for the bodies of Mrs. Archie Ferguson
and her two little daughters, who it is
believed leaped from the steel bridge Into
the Platte river last Friday, but nothing
has yet been found of them. Men have
rone out daily In boats and have dragged
the river bed os far ast as Ames, eight
miles distant.
(Continued from Tajre One.)
GRAND IS1.AND. Neb.; April .-Ppe-rial.)
Two projects of public Improve
ment are reasonably certain of fullfllmcnt,
Ono of them Is a seedling mils of cement
paving, sixteen feet wide, on the Lincoln
highway approach to this city, and the
other a 1100.000 sewer proposition.
The Uncoln Highway association,
through Local Consul Ashton, some time
since received an offer of 1,000 wcrth of
cement and M.aW In rash, If the local
community would meet the rest of the j
expense, estimated at U.iOl, or 110,000 In
alt, and thus cover practically the labor
Item. The city authorities at first re
fused to consider th proposal, but put
It before the people at the election tills j
weea ana n enrnea d ya voie oi mnr.
than two to one. Tho question. 'Shall
the city council submit a bond proposi
tion of 1100,000 for sewer construction" was
also placed before them and carried by a
decisive majority. .
rowed money cannot be Invested profit
ably by them.
Boston: Strong feeling of optimism and
butrs generally rerarded as Improved.
Buffalo: Business generally Is regarded
aa improving.
1'hlladrlphla: Freaent and Immediate
outlook business conditions are encourag
ing and showing gradual Improvement.
Pittsburgh: rresvnt conditions show
Increased activity.
Richmond: Oenersl business conditions
are slightly Improved.
Atlanta: Present and Immediate out
look regarded aa Improved.
loulsvllte: Present and Immediate out
look Is good.
New Orleans: General situation re
garded as gradually Improving.
Pallas: Business marking time. Basic
lomllthm. are g od.
in'iiMnsiHiMs: Knsiness grnrially shows
Improvement and prosie ts for further
Improvement gd.
nlrago: Present conditions dull. Im
mediate oil (lock hopeful In tone. Busi
ness showing slight Improvement.
Lrfirge cities In Iowa: Conditions are
steady with a tendency toward Improve
ment. Jt I on is: Ruslness conditions stand
st highest point since May, 1W4.
Kansas City: lresent and Immediate
outlook good for material Improvement.
ran rrancisoo: Huslnesa people are In
better spirits. Present and Immediate
outlook better and steadily Improving.
los Angeles: c onditions are improving.
.Maine the Kieeptf on.
"Of the seven New England districts
reporting none show, a decline in business
conditions while three districts show lm
provement. Maine la the only portion re
porting real depression.
"General business conditions through
out the middle Atlantlo states show Im
provement only In two districts Reading,
Ta., and Maryland being excepted.
'The south, aa a whole, reports a de
cided Improvement In business. The
present outlook and the basic conditions
are good. Confidence- has been restored.
"Many portions In the north central
slates report conditions aa normal and
many show a definite improvement In
business conditions; while those states
which were benefitted by a large harvest
and high prices during the last sesson
! have been unusually prosperous. The out
look for the present season Is equally
bright, the crop conditions being escell
ent. "A large portion of this section reports
no depression, while some of those sec
tions previously reporting depressions are
now benefiting. The supplying of war
orders continues and some factories are
working twenty-four hours a day, and
conditions generally are better than they
have been slnoe May, 1314. The lines that
show the greatest activity are stock,
harness, machine, tools. Iron and steel
business, machinery, rubber, automobiles,
wholesale mercantile trade, building
stones, packing gram, knitting and shoe
mills, cement, drugs, hardware, clothing,
boots and shoe and enamel.
Ureatrst Depressiea.
"Ths greatest depression is in resl,
yshlolea, dry foods, hem furnishings,
mining, rallrsad construction and equip
ment material, stove foundry, lumhei,
glass, general merchandise, retail lines,
real estate and 4rewerta,"
Investors with mmay ths Real
Estate ada in The Bee, AdeerUse yeur
property for a ulak sain.
fa stares gls Yaanat Waives.
AVOCA, Neb, April (Ppnotal.)-Johii
Weaver, a farmer living southwest of
town, captured and killed six young
wolves In hla hay meadow Tuesday after
noon, He happened to see the mother
come out of the hole,' He commenced dig
ging and soon unearthed a family af sis.
BEATRICE Neb.. April (.-(Special.)
David fcldd. charged with robbing the
store of Bonebrlght ft Bunte at Cortland
January . plesdcd guilty this afternoon
In the district court and was sentenced
to from one to seven years In the peni
tentiary. Henry Tnteldt. a tailor at Hewitt,
pleaded guilty to the charge of receiving
rolen property and was given sixty days
in the county Jail.
Notes from Beatrice.
BEATRICE. Neb.. April J.-(BpeclaJ)-George
Lewis of Blue Springs was ar
rested at Esbon, Kan., Wednesday by
Sheriff Acton of this city on a complaint
filed by Rena SUckhouse, an 18-year-old
girl living- at Blue Springs, charging as
sault. Hi ll 48 years of age and un
married. H will be brought here for
trial. ' t ..
Al. Cook, a .red 43 years, and claiming
to be a resident of Iowa, wss . found
wandering about the country In th6
Vicinity of Hoag Wednesday In a de
mented - condition. He . was brought to
thla city and lodged In Jail. "
William Twombley wgs. brought before
Judge K. E. Bills yestcrdsy on the
rhsrre of heating his wife. He pleaded
j guilty and ths court sentenced him to
nineiy ua m in me i-uumj jn.
Fred Gebhard, who hss been operating
a bakery at 61!t Court street for the last
few years, Wednesday 'made a voluntary
assignment for the bl-eflt of his credi
tors. The stock of goods Is now In
charra f Sheriff Acton.
Mia Kate Bolin, who was formerly
employed at the feeble minded institute
here, died st Council Bluffs. Ia., Tues
day, aged 55 yesrs. The body wss brought
here for Interment. "
" Stanton Klects Teachers.
STANTON, Neb., April -peclel.
The Board of Education of the Wanton
public schools has by a unanimous vote
elected the following teachers for the
next school year: Primary. Bess Elmore;
grades, Edna Fuchs, Bessie Blake, Mrs.
J. D. Elmore, IMss Miller and Vesta Carr;
high school. Profs. Tyson and Eddy,
Miss Ethel D. Johnston and Miss Haney.
Prof. John H. Welch was unanimously
re-elected, but declined to accept the
position, having served as superintendent
of schools here for ton years. It Is
understood thst Mr. Welch wilt become
cashier of the.Elkhom Valley State bank
to aucceed F. R. Beebe.
Knlcats f I.ntne Elect T Men.
LEXINGTON. Neb.. ,April . (Special.)
The business men's ticket was elected
with the exception of two men and are
as follows: "Jim" . Byrnes, re-elected
mayor; William .Vorwalder, clerk; D. W.
Young, council. First ward; P. J. Jeffery,
Second ward: V. Naf finger, Third, ward.
The citizen's ticket, whloh was backed by
the Knights of Luther, elected city treas
urer. John Roberts and City Engineer R.
f rmiv. The town was voted dry by a
majority of 61. Pool halts were voted out
by a majority of 1M. The fight was as to
whether the Knights of ljuther couia
6et control of the council.
Exeter Tie or Dry by One Vote.
ttveTER. Neb.. April SpeclsJ.)-The
town election passed off very quietly.
l. r. Bratcher. j; B. Klati 'and ' Sherm
Dow ney wsre elected councllmen for three
years. License wss a separate issue. 1 he
vote was unusually close and is either a
tie or one. majority for no license. Flv
ballots were put aside, as the Judges were
not shin to arlve a decision. The town
will In all probability be dry the coming
year,' a change from the last several
years. f' ' ' " -
1 rniiwrv I
Ueaeral Dlatrtbatarn
Omaha, ties.
News Notes of Nelson.
NELSON, Neb.. April t. -(Special. )-The
antt-llcense ticket was elected here with
out opposition, the citizens' party hav
ing endorsed the candidates. The officers
chosen are: Mayor, I. J. Wehrman; city
clerk. William A. McHenry: treasurer, W.
W. Hawley; police Judge, E. B. Gardner;
councllmen, William M. . Peebler aad C
R Imler. . - . .
'County Superintendent Elmer L. Bjeely
has announced the dates for the Nuck
olls County Teachers' institute for May
SI to June 11. The plan at thla time It.
to follow this with a six weeks' sum
mer school.
, The Commercial club held an enthusi
astic meeting Tuesday night and forma,
lated" plana for a lively spring campaign
for community building. An effort will
be made to have the farmers in the terri
tory tributary to Nelson' become mem
bers of the club.'
- News Notes of Deshler.
DE3HLER. Neb.. April 8. (Special.) A
s peol 1 election will be held ' Tuesday,
April 20, to vote on the question of Sun
day base ball.
Farmers in ths vicinity of Peshler will
be the guests of the Commercial club
Tuesday evening, April 13, and , good
roads and other matters of mutual In
terest will be discussed. C. L. Hlcharda,
county attorney, will talk on the finan
coal condition of road districts of Thayer
A woman's club has been organised to
co-operate with the Commercial club In
working for the best interests of this
vicinity. Mrs. K. J. Mitchell is president,
Mrs. Albert Csughey secretary and Mrs.
Richard Rodenburg treasurer. (
North Bend Elects Two Tencbers.
NORTH BEND. Neb.. Am-il . (Spe
cial.) At the meeting of the school board
of trustees Monday! night two vscancles
In the high school were filled. Miss Belle
Rnlnlark. now attending the I'nlversltv
of Nebraska, was elected to teach mathe
matics and English. Miss Tara Hatcher,
teaching In Shelton High school, was
chosen Latin and German teacher. Bolt,
aro experienced teachers and well recom
Niobrara Stays Wet.
NIOBRARA, Neb., April . (Special. )
M. C. Nelson and N. ' K. Clark were re
elected to the , village board without op
position. Town la wet and so la the town
board. Drys concede ths issue without
a teat of strength.
Carranza Plane is "
Taken Across Border
. BROWNSVILLE. Te.; April l-A,Car-ransa
monoplane was hurriedly unloaded
front 4 refrigerator ear' here during the
niirht and "taken aeraaa th' river to
Mats moras early today. . P. A. Chapaf
San Antonio, Tex., who holds the rank
of colonel in Carranxa's army, went to
Matamoras with the machine. He said
he expected to be an aviator. A large
supply of bombs for his use was manu
factured hers last week. '
Colonel A. P. Blocksorn, In command
of the United States border patrol here,
investigated the shooting - across- the
river Into Brownsville yesterday.
Mif!WViM ilv::' "'
S 0 xT.fe--!' "" ,,,, I
l ' ' Of, - ' ,1
SS ' 'V .
Eleaant Inatromenta ws rant
them and keep thsm tuned for
Used Pianos of all the gtand
ard makes in good condition,
for sale on easy payments-
1513 Douglas 8t.
Sheltoa Votes Llsht Bonds.
SHELTON. Neb., April l.-(peclsl )
The proposition to issue bonds In the sum
ol SS.WO carried by a large majority, then
being 210 votes for and fl votes sgalnst,
and when the irsue lias been approved
the village wilt use the money to pur
chase the present electric light plant sjid
extensive improvements will later be
made on the system.
Table- Roek For Pool Halls.
TABLE ROCK. Neb., April I. (Special.)
Table Rock remains in the wet column.
The vote was T wet, M dry, leaving the
majority 11, which was only. 7 Isst year.
A vote was also taksn on the pool hall
question, which received 100 votes for and
"V against, a majority of 3. C. H. Car-
I michael and W. M. Linn were elected
By a long odds the finest brewed In
Omahs. On draught throughout the city
now. Don't miss it. Phone for a esse
lor your home. Ctas. Stors. Web. 1260.
Hands Swelled and Cracked. Tor
tureto Put in Water. . Itched and
Burned. Used Cuticura Soap and
Ointment and Was Healed. '
Bend on, Mich. "My ecsema began by
small water blisters on my hands and
en the outside of my wrists. My hands
swelled and cracked, and bow they did
Itch! It wss torture to put tbem In warm
water. The breaking out on my bands was
very unsightly. It Itched and burned so I
would scratch until It would bleed. Then
It would hurt worse than ever and ths Itch
ing did not cease. Lots of nights I would
scarcely sleep at all for the itching and
" V gqt remedies but ths trouble would re
turn s soon as I quit using tbem. Finally
I wrote for a free sample of Cuticura Soap
and Ointment which was promptly sent.
The samples helped then I bought a box
of Cuticura Soap and a box of Cuticura
Ointment. Ia leas than a week the Itching
csassd and the enema began to get well.
Bofora I had used two boxes of Cuticura
Ointment and the Cuticura Sosp I was
healed." (Signed) Mrs. Chas. Bowman,
June SO. 1W14.
Sample Each Free by Mall
With xz-p. Skin Book on request.
dress post-card "Cuticura, Dept. T,
Ssa.'f Sold throughout ths world.
"STAR The Pocket-Piece of Geniality
Men Who Chew Are Men Who DO
THE men of the navy wrho "draw, a defensive line
of steel" along our coasts have every in peace and
war, found enjoyment in tobacco. ,
the best "navy" plug, STAR Chewing Tobacco, appealsTalikc to the
and the officer. .
And STAR is a capital G-O-O-D tobacco, fat with extra long, chewing leaf of the mellowest
variety; with a taste that lasts. In each thick STAR plug there are 16 lull, : chewable ounces.
A pure tood commission ana a ooara 01 weignts ana measures ,
vMi1r1r'r ;mrfnv nn . ST A R'S. unvarvintr "standard of honest '"'lz.
weight, quality and absolute cleanliness of preparation.
Here's what American men think of STAR :
The pound STAR plugs chewed in one year, if placed
end to end, would stretch from Portland, Maine, clear over
to Seattle, Washington, down to San Francisco, across
w w a a m a . . m . w C
to Key west ana end at Auanuc iry, xn. j.
S bm FY, - w r w w
. H 7 ,10c ': ; i j
' ... . .IN
"l r- ,
Llnooln, Nebraska, November 6, 1914.
Bankers Life Insurance, Company,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Gentlemen: I am in reciept of your draft for $506.92, also
paid up participating policy for $1,000.00. Your agent, Miss
Hannah White, made this settlement and I am greatly pleased
with it.
My premiums each year for twenty years were $32.60, mak
ing & total of $652.00. Other members of ray family have pol
icies in Eastern Companies which will not mature nearly so well
I am glad to recommend the Bankers Life of Lincoln as
the best insurance investment I know of.
Thanking you for your kindness and promptness in this
matter, I am, Very truly yours,
Matured in tbj .
of Lincoln, Nebraska.
Name of Insured Ella M. Peiker
Residence Paola, Kansas
Amount of policy. $1,000.00
Total premiums 652.00
Total Cash Paid Ella M. Peiker $ 506.92
And Paid up Participating
Policy . ... , . . . j, .$1,000.00
Aslf. the man who owns one of our policies.
We have a good agency, for you.
Write us. Assets $8,300,000.00.