THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1915. INSURANCE BILL DEFEATED Roll Call in House Diicloiei Only Forty-Five Member in Favor of It - - f C. W. BRYAN OPPOSES MEASURE SENATORS INCREASE HAIHTENAHCE BILL Add $129,650 to Meaiure at it Wai Pared Down by the Lower TT.n.a vwat .;. I ir-. B..f r- L1NCOL.N. April i. (Hnectal Telraram.) flTTAftD TfiOXEY .IS RESTOILUJ -Aithotjgh receiving t3 votes yesterday. iviiuiiii, n, vF inira reading, e. r. ine AoHl -Ppeclal.)-A. with ;?'ur VO,.M K"" . . mrernoon, ana went don to nereat. the sirie n,.i rr. - Five member. were absent on roll call. th maintenance oi . Those who voted for the MM were the senate "n-c, eomn, Unrt,rBon ofBoyd. I. IlOOn THUS nrij - I Pmfr, ..r.tinr. hack on It original footing Barrett. ' ' . . i a I Hurgese, and hooste -oro- r. . IChamhera The total Increase mae ny trie or tougl. .mrr.ntM. tmount to n,86u. ur mis tjrum, . - - . i wi 1. 1 largest item i r - ' I lr which the eenate Increases I10.600 more than laat year. -izht to 0m Satnrday Tk a.ns.ta oommltte will oris Fries. Fuller. ftrAnnia-alr - - t-t l :v ' prunauij i Hnrria. 9 ..... . 1 lj rr.l. hav. IU blU accented in ui. -ue VT l.iCr"' mlttee of the wnoi. ana jm uu """-Howard. Tha amended bill .will probably Hunter. get back to tha houae by Saturday at Kauffman, the latest. Than It win Da up to v-.ii.- -iih.r ta aoDCur or to confer. I L bounty. Tha Tartwi. mere, or new pp. lnlg.n. wlatkra In on or two caaea are ioi-i Alr inm 'I Anderson v-.,i.1 nard l..............:.t.m lot Phelps. T"n" "T:. "Thw ": .1 XfciO Broome. "7 .1000 Chambers s:;;;;- - i l. Thurston, Attorney general ., . , . Siiprema eourt ----..... f,r""'n' TnkiT W0 Jfo 1 ..nntim board .,.. . iainey, .(Hoard of jmrilone .................... iFleh an rai otnmlBaloh. -,.. Ibor biire ---.-...'--' fitata lfhrary ,,-....,.-...- iltat llhrary obmmlioi..i - ' ! FUit KtntoHoai aocMy.wi-- ;SfVtl commleaion (nwl....i Ftata poultry fxtat'v... .-.. t Limine y. l.iindvren, M-relith, Mynenburf, Miner. MocUett, Nlchola, oeterman, Valmer, Parklnnon, TerrloU. neacan, Reynold" of Lincoln, Richmond, Relechlck, Mm. Kctidner, Slrdelar, Trambell, Woodhurat-4. LW iHowarth, Jlorrloulural society ...........;.. tr? I iiuiton. Mtnlmum warw oommnwion (naw;. , i liyneK. .Mediation wmmlMluo (newV, X0 Taal foerH- 'MISSIONARIES SINQ 1 J ' OSAiriTSVC0r.FReiCE V ' CrrLryGUXt Oorreapondent) . IlHJCONI. Ii-,. Aprtl --pocal ,Trte- tr-.m U'i'h. tDotmlna; . aeoaiotia , at tha 'j(dnt KtitwwM. fcera. waa axwuptod by ij. Chm&a Wvy atid H, W, Barae- mla- mlaamrto from tha South Se laiaada. TaWtSa-a eonsu mt . fea-bcnt, tbara lab)C - tmutT aa alvraa auob returned Irilaatcautfte naent At ttvs oonfaranca. TaTurra-B-a received inAinato that Frad- rluk St Smith. .whA. la nertot-aiy 111 in ..tU.eW I Moaeley. isarlor, Veff. ' Neley. Norton, Norton. Nutiman. Pattereon, ' Peternon. Reifenrath, Releener. Reuter, Recnnlda of Red Willow. Rodetlll.. flc-itt. . ' "lelver, Pmlth. Pnvrter, Horanawn, Rtearna, Ptehhene. Stelnmeyar, . ' ptevenon, Taylor. . ' Tlbbeta.' Van Meutan, .Ward, Ppeakar JacVaon 86. Charlei'W. Bryan la cald to-hara tavkan a, hand, In tha.flgttt, and laat rtlirbt tesued a 'atatement which waa uaad. on. oartaln membera auaoeptlbla to tha Bryan Influ ence for tha tmrpoa of deteatlaa; tha bill. lO") iFlinemnd, :-,i i r.oerman. , .(no I r:ana, l.WO I FVxrter, 1.100 Pulta. Onrmeley, p.vt i Homny COHSTITDTION WILL REIIAINDNCHANGED Qoinby Makes Final and Unsuccess ful Effort to Raise Bill for Convention. , MATTER SETTLED FOR SESSION HOUSE FORJTERILIZATION Committee of Whole in Lower Chamber Sends Shnmway Bill to Third Reading. ARANTY GU. FUND BILL KILLED (From a Btaff Correapondant.) LINCOLN, April . Bpclal.)Snat file No. 9, tha Shnmway bill tor sterilize defectlvea In atate Inatltutlona, had rotirh rolna; In tha Yiouaa committee of tha whole, but finally emerged with a ma jority of vote and waa ordered en groaned for third reading. Immediately after the bill tad been .TfK nr. LiKMrelt.. Matternon, (Trotn a Staff Correapondent.) LINCOLN, April 8. (Special ) Senator Qulnhy today made a plea for H. R. t, tha conatltuMonal convention bill, which ha deal red lifted over tha alfllng commit tee. Benator Kohl, chairman of tha airt- read, Mr. Lanlgan moved that It he In- Ing committee, aaid It waa a rule of the I definitely poetponed.. He declared it committee not to lift out any meaaure I would d line race the atatuta booka of Ne- whteh It could not aupport on the floor braaka If It were enacted. Mr. Meredith of tha eenate. declared tha bill had tha endorsement of Mattea Oppoaed. - tn Board of Control, but Mr. Norton Senator 'Mattea aaid It waa doubtful contradicted this, aay!ng that It la ma- whether T better conaOtutlon could ba different from tha one tha Board mada than wa have at present and our of Control had recommended, preaent ayetem of amending It waa a Th motion to Indefinitely poatpona waa aafegMard. defeated by 80 to 88. - Beat waa for tha bill herauaa tha , Gaaraatr Fuat Bill Killed, people would be given a chance to aay After spending a large amount of time what they wanted and It would ba carry- on aeveral different day over aenitte file Ing out tha demooratlo principle i f lotting No. 210, tha bill apeclfylng what abalt ba tha people rule. Ha accuaed 'Vttea of done with a b&nk'a guaranty fund aeaesa deetrlng to 'u!" Inatead of to "repre- ment when It goea out of business, tha aent" ,-. committee of tha whole put It to death i ... I. maa-re. ' by the cloae rvota of 4S to 42. Sandall or Tork aooke for the con- Th bllt provided that three-fourth of ventlon. rafarlnc to the fact that it had th money ahould go back to tha bank been neceeaary to work what he termed Jld th Other fourth ba retained by tha the "party circle fraud" to get the con- banking board for tha guaranty fund. Ita atltutlon chanced In tha peat- Straight opponent took tha ground that all the nartr votea ara now so rare that thla iony ahould go to tha guaranty fund fraud no longer worka and a convention The law now la etlent on the aubject. la absolutely naccaaary. Pandall oald that the liquor Intereat wa back of the op position to tha convention and aaid that thla Intereat waa going to ba voted out of business In MIS. H oharged tha democratlo party with going back on W. . Bryan, who put It In the majority. ' ' . Other Interests Also. Quinsy- then put In the rharga that there 'were other" interast back of tha Roads Each Side of Here AskJXWOO Men CHICAGO. April 8.-Bmployment agenta In many clttea between Chicago and Den ver have been asked to supply 10,000 un skilled laborer for railroad work, It waa stated here today. Tha Burlington, It waa said, will put 2,000 .men to work by May 1, and the Union Pacific 4,000 by Juno 1. The Rock Island, Miasouri Pa elflo and Northwestern system are esmed as seeking the other 4,mo. Because of expected heavy tourist traf fic hundreds of miles of tracks and road beds are to be put In the best posalble condition, and many mile oaf aiding con structed to care for the extra number of trains. House in Committee Pushes Late Bills (rrora a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, April S. (Kpeclal.)-peaker liquor Interest. Theae be aaid war uelng Jackson, Chief Clerk oPtta and Sergeant tha latter aa "tha goat" These interests I at-Arma Boyd were each presented with had dominated tha nominations of man of a gold watch thla afternoon, while In com- both parties laat fan, ha said. mlttea of tha whole with Peterson in the Tha motion on roll call lost by a votechlr. of IS against to 14 for.; A a result thai The three men were brought before the bill will probably atay with tha com- bar of tha houae and charged with nuraer- (Trom a, Staff Correapondent.) LINCOLN. April S (8pscial. . P. 1M, tha Mattes btll to relieve tha supreme eourt from tha neceultv f vHtlnir nnin- hta bom In WoriAr, Mas., 1 HghUy tons in all rases, waa rooommended to Improved and hope ara again entertained ps, in tha house, with an amendment that he may ntv before tbe conference proposed by Mr. Peterson wMon require clncM. I opinions in all caaea involving reversal or By vote tha body andoreed -the us of new question ol law. and leaving it op- th Indlvldurt cup for na in communion ttonal with tha court in all other oaaea. or sacrament aerrlo. I Senator Robertaon's bill to exempt tole Tonight spea'ker wm Charts K. I phone companies with lees than KV.000 Crumler of loa Angnlea. Morning edu- I capital stock from making report to tha cational leotares ax given, E4der Bamual I Stat Railway eomrnlssion wa Indel- A. Burgos, president of Grace! and cal- I nlteiy postponed. lege, on "Hlotory of FtaUoaophy," altor- I Tha Commit toe of tha whole approved B. natlng with Prof. F. History of Eduoatton." Dentistry Bill is , Fixed Up in Senate A. UaoDowall on IF. S4, by Splrk, to repeal tha law for election of district road overseers, but later on Mr. rrtea got busy, and when the committee arose and mada It report ha had tha bill Indefinitely poetponed by a vote of 41 to 84. fProm a Staff Correapondent) LINCOLN. April . Special.) It. , R. 40, ft to regulata'th praotloa of dentistry referred hack to the aenate committee of tha whole for apeolflc amendment. The amendment will ask Mallery Reads Title : To His Office Clear (1rrom a Staif Correspondent.) LINCOLN. April S.-Speclal.)i-8eflator which was put out by tha original bill. Hitchcock Invited , To Deliver Speech for putting hj-k In tha bill Section 2803 Mallery of Box Butt county la being of the statute covering examinations I congratulated today on hi victory over hi democratic opponent, Conrad IJnde- man, who contested tha ceat of tha Box Butte statesman when the session began, and today, tha laat of tha session, the committee reported that it had decided Mallery could hold tha seat. The charge waa mad, that Mallery exceeded th rw m . St. ft ron.... ii iiran w vxpemmara aunng tn LEMCOLN. April ,-Special,)-Senator cmP!". ha th eommlttee ha white- OllhM If. Hllrhvck h wilt Ka j """ l,H juauery wiu now eoln FrMay. wa formally invited by the I tlv to wt for th feouaa Thursday morning to make a talk I tt al tMtiTy rlTHl 4iik0 Ytm$fWt tha iMtt vm. f FrbUy. Thla waa dona upon motion I nUUiC UiLLS IH SENATE of sir. Jiiohreona. i ARE GIVEN DEATH GLOW Legislative "; ' Proceedings BUlai Pvecea fcy tha easut. H. P 233. Chamber of Thurston Pro vt,Va for per aietn pay of $4 for county commissioner In countlna under ",ixO population. Flxca Bjuimuou in varioua cisnaua ot eouatixa. H. R. Klnsnoa uilUog and Committee T luiprovemenui for feeb iuurd melinite al lieaAitDe, etk.guo. building OPVom a Staff Correapondent) LINCOLN, April . !tpoiBl.) All housa bill In tha senate atandlng eom- mtttee and not reported out for general file, were killed thla afternoon by th motion of Brookley of Clay. There are stilt about fifty bill on th general file, enough to giv tb upper housa plenty to do while waiting for final notion en th big appropriation bill. About ft dosen bill were reported out tM afternoon In order to save them, a recess having been taken this morning by tha aanat for tliLa purpose, aa soon aa Brookley motion wa carried. The 1L 1L 14. lrueeedow and Vbeier Reg' ua.iury . luil fur Mivaus employment arkr(a. i i u tiff - ir--- tellioo reirlstraUon brand with live etock motion exclude from ,lt operation, ap sstuiHj-y r.oaro. ipropnauon Mils and those Introduced by county board of Lancaster to furra pav-I in Otlicta outside uf lnnirfnnt1 tt. ria I JLTrT cJr I COLLECTl 0f4 SF0R MARCH wntre there is a inluimum I TUJCUTV C-rucil TUAIIOlim iiiuii i'tfbii,ii llwuwnilu amount of oom petition with free labor. U. ii. bM. Committee on State Inatltu- ttoiiS Cotiimltiiirut to Feeble-<nded In stil uta at iiuk can b haO'ouiy by twrtnr of court or board of control. 11. R. 41mnaea nam of Hastings Tt '"in.titut... th. fee. raclved and collection, mada by "achool" in nam for Institution for the I various tU offloas and Institution dur- llind at Nebrasta tlty. I tng th month of March it. k jurt ana i.rHtn nsiMS iinui ' (Prom ft Staff Correapondent.) LINCOLN. April S.-Bpeclal.) State Auditor Smith ha complied ft Hat of all House Makes Gift To Its Officers and , Also Thanks Omaha mlttse and die there. Columbus Day Saved As Holiday in State . (From Staff Correapondent.) LINCOLN. April S.( Special. )-The house earn very nearly taking ft fall out of Christopher Columbus thla morn ing and for ft time It looked aa if tha old man had hi shoulders pressed to tha mat A roll call was demanded and on this kind of ft showing th great dis coverer waa saved. ou crime, but were later proven guilt lea and Norton of Polk then ' presented the watche. , . ... A resolution was Introduced by Jeary of Lancaster, thanking the peoplerof Omaha for their generous hospitality to th. legislature on th. occasion of the latter' store of Bonebrlgh Bunt at Cortland Senate Secretary Draws His. Prize (From ft Staff Correapondent.) ' LINCOLN. Anrll I 8rlrll A mrk- Th. question cam up on ft bill making! 10B by Wll90n of Fron,-P to . the Lincoln' birthday a legal holiday. Th Mcreury of th. aen.t and hi assistant bill named ail th holiday now on tha 1400 ch for preprng the Journal was oocitei. wnicn gave sir. eco a cnence. amended by Mattes to give th secretary to continue hi record a a "furninster,'' (400 tor comnsrlno and nm.Min.. th and he moved that Columbus' birthday ba original Journal, $300 for preparing copies) stricken out. Then th firework atartjd. Jjoo for proofreading and SMO for Indexing resulting in the amendment being carried and th use of th secretary's office dur- TW0 PROMINENT sV. PAUL CITIZENS ARE DEAD ST. PAUL, Neb., April 8.-Specll.)-W. J. Hill, a prominent farmer and stock man and a large land owned, died at bir home near this city Monday evening at 7 o'clock after ft week' illness from dlabetia. Mr. Hill wa 46 pear old and leave a widow and five children, all of whom are living at horn except one daughter, Mr. Earl Mason of LaOrange, Ore. The funeral service will be held Thursday afternoon at the Preabyterlat, church at 2 o'clock, and will be in charge of tha Masonic order. F. W. Rlncker died at his home In this by ft standing vote of SS to 27. A roll . call waa demanded, . which changed thlnga o that th amendment was lont by vote of 49 to 10. On mem ber wanted tha Fourth of July, out out and Jerry Howard wanted -tha anniver sary of tha batUa of New Orleans put In, but both failed. ' lng th time required. The Be Want Ada Ar Best Business Booster.. CHARGES AGAINST LAWYERS DISMISSED BY M'ININCH AUBURN. Neb.. April S. (Special.) - Tha matter of chargea against Fred O. Hawxby ftnd Ernest F. Armstrong, pre ferred by M. S. Mclnlnch In the supreme court and referred to Judge E. E. Good. ar. slated to come to sudden clo. Yesterday when Judge Good cpnvened eourt, Mr. Mclnlnch, through his attor neys, Edwin Falloon and Oeorga Adam, passed up to the Judge a copy or a dis missal forwarded to the uprema court, wherein he fully exonerated both Hawxby and Armstrong from ll wrong, stating that he had been deceived and misin formed, and mada proper apology tor the filing of tha chargea. Judge Good held that h. wa without authority to proceed further until th. u preme court should pas upon th applica tion to dlsmls. . CO-OPERATIVE ELEVATOR COMPANY MAKES MONEY C LARKS, Neb.', April .-Speetal.)-The annual tockholdr meeting of the Mer rick County Farmer' Co-Operstlve as sociation of Clark wa held here ye terday afternoon. John Frederlckaon wa elected a director. ucceedlng A. Foby. Th manager's annual report wa .read, howing a profit of S2.400, which wa con verted Into an S per cent tock dividend and ft grain dividend of 1H cent per bushel on wheat and 1 cent per bushel oft com and oats bought from stock- bolder during the year. Mr. Vincent of th. Beal-Vlneent Grain company of Omaha delivered talk on co-operation. " A. Foeby and George Armstrong were elected president and ecretary, respec tively. . , - SECTION FOREMAN ADMITS WRECKING FOUR TRAINS MASON CITT. ' la.. Am-"' .-(Spec1al Telegram.) Section Foreman Ros John ton confeaaed today to wrecking four Rock Island passenger train by opening awttche. He eay he was under the delusion that h could In this way secure more rapid promotions. STPR7 RFNIINE ROCK Bp-ER By long odd th fineat ;brewed in Omaha., On draught throughout the city now. Don't miss IV Phone for a 'ease for your home! Chas. Stors. Web. 1260.' Department Orders. WASHINGTON. April 8. (Special Tele gram.) Claude E. Apple ha been ap pointed rural letter carrier "at Brady vllle and. Parker L. Rew at JameavUle. la. Hog Cholera Serum Bill to Conference (Prom ft Staff Correapondent.) LINCOLN, April ..-(Special.) The sen ate this morning refused to eonour In th Mother! Give Cross Sick Child . ' Only "Calif ornia Syrup of Figs A harmless cur for lick headache. ttiliousne. aour atomach, constipation, indigestion, coated tongue, aallowneaa take "California Syrup of Fige." For th. cauae of all uch misery come from a torpid liver and alugglah bowel. A teasponful tonight mean all con' hou. amendment to eenate file 197, th. stlpation polaon. wast matter, ferment hog cholera serum bill, and sent th r, r06(J .-a ,ou- bile gently moved out conference. Th. hou amend- your yatem by morning without rlD- ment atrik out th senate provision for quarantine. , "On th other hand th. upper house concurred In lower houae amendment to these four other senate bill: 8. T. 1)4 A bill regulating buslne col- lecea. K ,F. I43-A bllt regulating tha sale of agriaiiltural seeds. s. F. ssi A Mil for a nyarant luna levy. 0. F. 11 A paving Din. - Ing. Please don't talk of "California Syrup of Fig" ft a phyatc. Don't think you ar drugging yourself or your chil dren because this deltciout fruit laxative cannot cauae Injury. Even tha most deli cate' child can take tt aa aafely.a a ro bust man. It la the moat-harmless, ef fective atomach, liver and bowel cleanser, regulator and tonle ever devised. Your only difficulty may be in getting the genuine, so aak your druggist for a 60 cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," then see that It Is made by the 'California Fig Syrup Company. . This city has many counterfeit "fig syrup," ao watch out. Advertisement. FRENCH WOMEN WILL FLY . FOR THE COUNTRY WeU-Known Newspaper Writ- GEORGE A. VAN SOT, POLITICAL EDITOR, REGAII1S HIS HEALTH er Tells of Wonderful Curative Powers of Akos. Remedies. . "PARIS. April 1 Th French WomV Automobile club ha 'commenced th re cruiting of woman motorist, aviator and balloonist to form a brlgad of am- DUiancsa iot vne rrvi--n mv, - I ri- - 1 v. Qth rm nniiti..! tlon ara coming in at tha rata of 100 Ldltol th B rr,nC.0 call, author I of the California direct primary law. and una of the ableat newapaper men in the per day. Th. organisation alms to find enough capftbt. women conductor to replace all ,,nMed gt.,, h ju,t wrUen utter th men at preaent driving ambulance tnat carrle, ft of ,llchl force to. who are capaDi or renaering miwr -err- ,urferlng humanity as do his Interesting icea at in. rront. 1 .Kicles to those who follow th. political Four women av Palller. Barones lh urn. kociw ana u.. Aft .uffrtn the a son 18 of acute gout Hene Dutrieu. who had been, refused ad- . time. Mr. Smith wa prevailed mission to th aviation corps, have Joined this movement. Many application for enrollment have been made by women upon to try Akos, the new California mineral medicine that ta accomplishing auch wonder. Th. remedy permanently f levy for grading and rilr 01 atrwet I Tha statement show thst this part of and culverts in clUu of the secoad I tha state s Income Is not to oe aesptsed. Cis and village from to fc mills. aa If. total 9, Tha part known aa H. K. m. t'ommitlee cm tkata lnstltu- ... i. turned Into tha aanaral ttona-Provides that lndecnt. oUotia ofnc 'u:, ,nl" 1 narai or Improper leitere from patient at hoe- fund and la not aubject to warrant for pitsia fur the Insane shall not be maliad. the upkeep of th offices. 'Institution J:Jh ?!htV," ,itimlV1B:.l'Jrrif,'i cash" goM Into tha treaaury. but U ub- for oiling of roada I Jort to being drawn upon by the Inatl- H. K. 10?. Scott of Hamilton Reduces I tutlon oollectlng It. mlnlnium school year from eight tul n,, largest single Item Is the Income fT?" .?; w,hJl ,,,1lrtrU hrtn twent5f reU from th. food oomnuaston. total- II. K. (O-ApprcpriaUa 2.0M as a nu-1 lng M.t90. clus tor ft fund fur th. relief of the blind, and Investigation of causes of blindness. 11. K. a. GreenwaJt Permits cumuli trve voting of stock; except by directors homing stock In a competing company. II. K. . Cwnmltie on Hlat Inetttu-! (From a Staff Correspondent ) iiorie j-rovmis lor sMMnnsni 01 expense I ivmi V a .-41 a iRiuui T-u.-n of a-ytum Inntai uia his wtate. wher LINCOLN. April l.-(8pclsJ TeW-gram.) tl doe not deiTlv other of aupport. I -An attempt by Negley and Hunter to H. R. us. Parkinson of Pawnee In-1 get a flat salary rate of 190 for Omaha r-reaaes euinomy 01 counts to a a policemen failed In tha housa this after- ' vmii j y TeVi.J Vl X p 1 1 W OMAHA POLICDEN'S SALARY BILL STAYS AS DRAFTED I cents. H. R. S1, Ftruinc Committee A ppro pnaUa UlisOHJ for state board of con trol to expend at penitentiary in estab lUhlog new liujuikirv. H. H. Kiruuice Committee General dfficieticltNi bill. i. IL TtA, Fuller Provldea for tern rorary care of rtiildren born at Indu. in( Horn for W oiot-ii. ii. H. Nayior of Daes Provirtea for the establishment of a road Parallel ing a railroad track by a resolution of tn eo'jnty boerd. H H. 211, K miner of Thomas Makes U unnceaMiry for religious corporatloa t swure or of court tor selling or ciKuuibering Uad. noon. The measure was 8. F. vT by Howell, which raised th monthly salary from V6 to r a month, with a provision that tha commissioner could raise It to 1100 per month, whenever they deemed it necessary. The bill paaaed I nit original form. End Indigestion ' motorcyclist whowant to ftot aa 0""lcur(1 hjra according to hi own letter. patch carrier at tn rront. 1 whch follow: . "May 1 int. "Tha Natura Company. San Francisco, Cel.: "Gantlemet'. A few application of . v m yi IAIUI gave ni mmyicw reiict own Or Stomach Pain : em I IlVg gPV iaiSHaS'ar Wft a, wasv as Jri Kl7A IV1 1 fill I b the ac th,t th,r " not b"n All 1 iVU lUlUUiW jth rtighteat.recurrenca In eight month. "I have recommended th Akos remedies to my friend and In every Instance they have reported immediate benefit from their us. ' "Very truly yours, XJiX) A, VAN SMITH. Political Editor, San Franclaco Call." Th remedy that worked ucn wonder for Mr. Van Smith ha aleo proved very effeotive in caaea of stoma oh trouble. rheumatism, catarrh, skin disease, rectal trouble and many other ailment. STORZ FAMOUS BOCK BEER On draught throughout tha city now. A genuin old mellow Beck and tha beat brewed in Omaha. Watch for th "Stors" sign. Have a rasa sent home. Phone C'ha. lor. Wen. 12W. ... Tim it!. In five minute all atomach distress will go. N. Indigestion, heart burn, eourne or belching of gaa, acid, or aructationa of undlgeated food, no dlsslnee. blo(tng, foul breath or head ache. Papa's Dlapepsln 1 noted for it speed In regulating upset stomachs. It is ths surest Quickest and most certain Indi gestion remedy In the whole world, and beside It la harmless. . Million of men and women now oat their favorite food) without fear they know Pape Dlapepaln will aava tbera from any stomach misery. Please, for your own sake, get a large fifty-cent case of Papa's Dlapepsln from any drug stora and put your stomach right. Don't heap oa being miserable- life 1 too hort you ar not here ,long. o make your atay agreeable. Eat what you like and digest It; enjoy It without dread of rebellion In the stomach. Pap. Plapepela brsongs In your horn, anyway. Should one of tha fam ily Ml something which don't agree with them, or In case of an attack of indi gestion, gyspapala. gastritis or stomach derangement at daytime or during tha night It la bandy t giv. tha quickest surest relsaf known AdverUsnfasat . V- i OBOSVOa A. TAX BbCXTX. Ako 1 now being Introduced in Omaha at Sherman eV McConnell' 16th and Dodge Street Store. Visit phone or' writ, tha Akos man for further information regard ing thl advertisement Ssva ti,3 I a JT f)f rWllw TlilKERYOU LIKE and get valuable premium FRED IfflOG DDEVJIIIQ COr.lPMlY city early Tuedy morning after ft lln. gertng Ulne from Bright' disease. Mr. Rincker waa an. old resident of thl city and wa In business for ft number of year. Short funeral service will be hfld at the home Wednesday afternoon and on Thureday morning th. body will be shipped to Colfax, lit Mr. Rlncker la survived by hi widow and flv. broth er and two sister. Hearing: Set for Omaha. WASHINGTON. April 8. (Special Tele gram.) Th Interstate Commerce com mission ha ordered ft hearing to be held at Omaha on May S on awltching charges to South Omaha and on May S on classi fication of chair. HOWARD 1 AND SIXTEENTH STREETS Hand Tailored Suits $19.50 Not a few styles but a compre hensive display of style, fabrics and colors fashionable for spring Wear. Qthcr Suits Up To $85 The Store For Shirtwaists Fine new Organdie Blouse?, dainty embroidered set-in sleeves. $ 1.25 (A $2-$2.50 Value) Basement Specials Mill Lengths of fine Burkley Cambric, No. 60 quality, worth 15c (full yard wide) 7c a yard. 45c Bleached Sheets (72 x90), made with patent seam, good quality mus lin, 30c each. 15c PILLOW CASES Good qualityof full bleached muslin, 3-inch hem, 9c each. 1 , When Selecting Your Route to Chicago Remember These Features of Superiority ; v provided by.the " Chicago & North Western Ry. rTi-kwa QnfAftf Double track and automatic electric u Jxg clJr safety signals all the way. FViy Qrtofi3 Smooth-riding, deeply rock. ballasted F5" roadbed. Extra heavy steel rails. Elimination of curves and grades. . por Service PPQlar 0niataChicago Special, , No. 22, lv. 6:00 p. m., arrive Chicago , - 7:34 .in.' Five Other Splendid! Fast Daily Trains at Convenient Hours 7:40 ft. in., 12:30 p. tnn 8:32 p. m., CJ5 p. m. and 12 J5 a. including tha famous Overland Limited, th only firat-claa dairy extra-car. train (Lv. 9:00 p. m.) Arrlv Chicago in one of th. moat modern rengr Urtninala In tbe world. Unexcelled dining car aervie. All rneal a la cart. : The Best of Everything ' For ticket, rervdoni and full pardcular, apply to . J. MELLEN, Cn1 Aft. 1401 Farnam Strat Cwwka. Neb. (TeLDeagla 2740) NW3499. AMl'IKH KltTg. First Church of Christ, Scien tist, of Omaha, Announce a Free Public Lecture CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. Jacob S. Shield, 0. S. B., Member of the Board ol Lecture ship of th Mother Church. ' The First Church of Christ. Sclsntiat, In Boston. Masa . In the Church. Edifice 84. Mary' Ave. and 24tb tit. Thursday and Friday Even lugs April 8th and Oth, at 8 o'clock Ton and Tour Friends A re Cor dially Invitsd to Be Present. J "oatAXAi tvm cast." ftta Aaanal Term or Mas npierel ?:&M THE CCUEfiE eiLS Wita a 'Kah-'Xah Cart Bmbradng Ail the Old in and-Mucn J nai w BEAUTY CXOmTJS Or F AI CO-KDI X.adi' Olme gsattaee Week Xay. uo a wk .: Johnnie M'sbar ft "UsoAoa BsH." - mil - U TH& TeWTAtAKCK DRAfiDEIS- FRIDAY ' UkktllWs-IW Aarll tth. ii0 P. . Onaha Elks' r.hl& Chores IN CONCKRT Tweaty Men, Assist by Cos String Qaastettel sua V. A. sse, VloUalatt TMrly-tiflS Ytr For Liauor and Drug Users Removes permanently th. crariag for Liauor and Drugs, Always Improves the general health. Surroundings pleasant system hu mane, nothing "heroic". Drugs ara withdrawn gradually, and with ths aid of our tonlo remedies patient suffer n. collapse. Do not be persuaded that all treat, menta are alike. Ours Is the only effective one. as time and exper ience prove. Come to us without delay. Thess con ditions are serious and there ahould be no experiment. Bend for Illustrated TjooVlet. Corre spondence strictly confidential. The Keeley Institute Coraer tflth and Oa Street, - OMAHA, arcs. THE OMAHA BEE IS THE FAVORITE HOME PAPER AMUs-EMtoNT. BOYD" Mia. Carolya sTtmUtoa, aopraao. aVDsLUMlosl. gt.ou. IKA'B arosT 9QT Theater Tontyht statinea Tomorrow. The Prainatio BaaaaUoa. THE NIGGER Vxt Weak. Oao. K. Cohan' SIT Knetaal Oomady, TAXX O TW TOKK" Taeeday, Socisty irUrht. Kappy mo). low Quarwt Between Aots. Kata. .Wed- Tkure. Ba 9Bc. Xlsrhts ao aa ao. " ' aTAJICB VA09BVXU.B rhoaa xxag. . DaUy Mat ana aigai, gil tHfcsr scU: "l .it. tie Use." Tks ruur AuarastkL Mr. ... uJ? -. '-, v.-.. , siory sse Xjh Or- C Tra WMrr. trlcM: MsIIms, g.jw. Bast Mats MnM S.iurSar sa Saaaui tusau, c. tos. tec aa 7S. ' tUHSITS MUKKAT A1IOI liia and