Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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tttFj nnE: omaha.
TrnTii.sDAV, ArniL 8, wis.
1- , m
U111V1I Lfl.kJlXUlX aJUs.ll
Building Trade Conference Aiki
that Only Union Labor Be.
- Employed
A eontrorersy la in process be
tween union bricklayers and other
members of the building trades In
Omaha and employers of labor.
The union bricklayer want 7S
rents an honr beginning with May 1,
while the contractors want to !
them 75 cents beginning July 1. They
are getting 70 cents an hour now.
Allle tiM Conffrnrf.
Thre is also anothsr issue. Five trsde
l.nlons in thn city have orgsntsed the
"Alllsd Bullrtlna Tre1rs' conference."
They sre the brick Is yers, r'sstsrers, atone
cutters, eerpentrfs and holstlne- and port
able engineers. Trier demand that con
tractors employ only union labor In thssa
rive crafts.
In a letter'slgnrrl by David Cotitts, sec
retary of 'the conference, the Builders'
exchsnre and tbe Real Estate exchange
have been notified of this ruling and have
been esked to take cognisance of It to
save themselves Inconvenience and em
barrassment. The Omaha Real Ertate exchange a
week ago laid the matter on the table.
The Builders' exchange still has this
letter on file. , ,
llblsttna r:ntl'" I
Builders and contractors object to the
demand that union lit-latln engineers
must be employed. They maintain that
almost anyone with a few hours of prac
tice can run a hoisting engine on a build
ing Job. and that there ts no occasion for
clssslfying this Job as highly skilled
labor to be graded on a union scale. The
scale tbe conference Is attempting to fix
for these hoisting engineers Is M cents an
fit the Builders' exchange has asked
the allied conference to drop this request
With this condition they have offered
to give the bricklayers 16 cents an hour
tglntring with July 1. The bricklayers
Jiave not yet accepted the proposition.
If they do not accept It and the build
era do not agree to their -terms of the 75
cents an hour unconditionally, s strike
Is said to be imminent.
Major It' H. Moton of GoYernment
Military College Visiting with.
Friends in Omaha,
State Maccabees
.Elect Officers in j
Convention Tuesday
Willis rtowellff of IJncoln was elected
stste commander of the Maccabees at
their state convention st the Hotel Bum
Tuesday afternoon. O. K. Oroevenor of
Syracuse is state paet commander. U.
f. Patterson of Blue Springs was elected
lieutenant state commander; E. J. An
deraon of Lincoln, state record keeper;
'7 ,T. Hiuntnr, of lilalr. chaplain; E. A.
Jalnton of Dorchester, master at umi;
Otto L Mattke of Grand Island, ser
ircint: C. M. Newton of North Tlstte,
first matter of guards: Lem Tihhatts of
Hasting!, second nisster of guards; John
T. t'onnluine, Houth Omaha, sentinel; W.
1. Busier of Hooper, picket; Dr. J. O.
Mitlr of Mllford, state .medical examiner;
Thomas K. CJerln of Omaha, repreaenta
tie to n'ttlonal convention; alternate. Dr.
J. O. Jtlulr of Milfoid.
'A lareo nuntlier of the delegates that
would tithert!o have attended the con
ventlon In Omaha, were unable to be
lue on ar count of their activities In
I olitii a at Lome in vsrlous parts of the
Mate when Important municipal e!ec
tl'.Mis were In progress.
Major Robert B. Motcm. besd of the
military and discipline department of the
government school for colored boys and
girla at Hampton. Vs., is In the city, the
guest of Rev. W. T. Oeborn. pastor of ft.
Johns African Methodist church, and Is
si no being entertained by Bev. John Al
bert William, rector of the Church of
St. Philip the Deacon.
Major Moton has been with the Hamp
ton echoed twenty-five years, hsvlng
graduated there. This Is his first visit
to Omaha' anrt he expressed himself as
delighted with the city and this part of
the west - Belative to the school at
Hampton, Major Mnjon said:
"We have in attendance of 1.400 boys
and girls, htit our facilities are alfo.
gether too limited to take care of those
who are derirous of attending. Last
yesr. for instance, we hsrt l sppllcants
whom we could not take. It seems sad
to think of the large number of colored
boys and girls who are seeking higher
education and then realise that the op
portunity cannot be afforded that they
fit themsclvee to go out and compete
with their more fortunate brothers and
si sters.
Over Tboasaad PIU.
"Of the children we have tflO In the
boarding and 40 In the primary school.
In the school we teach the agriculture
and the useful trades, and as si result
there Is always a good demand for our
graduates. Many of them after gradua
tion buy farms anj engage an business
for themselves, whle others are employed
in demonstration work. All through ths
sgrf cultural sections, particularly In the
south, you will find our boys' giving in
structions snd teaching the farmers the
modern methods of carrying on tho fti'ms.
"Our course up to the time of com
mencing to teach the trades and the
science of farming Is very similar to
that of the grade school. ,. After that It
la academic work to a very large de
gree, ;
"In the girls' department we teach the
regular grade work, implementing this
with a knowledge of domestic, economy
and teaching. Everywhere through the
south our girl graduates are sought as
school teachers and we could plana doifhls
the number If we had them for the
places. . .
"In the school, which at one time years
sgo wss exclusively a school for Indians,
we still have some forty Indians, some
of thent coming from the reservations of
lie west. ' We employ 00 teachers and
feel that we are doing a good work."
Sayi He Ran Even Stronger Than
He Expected To Booit for
Auditorium , '
"I ran stronger Tuesday than I
believed I would. I take this vote
of myself and associates as indicative
of what will happen' on May 4. I
am thankful to those who supported
me. It showg the people of Omaha
indorse my administration," declared
Mayor Dahlman, who also said he
Intended to make a campaign In
favor of buying the Auditorium.
The mayor's office was crowded
all morning with people who called
to congratulate him. The chief ex
ecutlvefVlll take a rest before enter
ing upon the campaign for re-elec
"I feel that my work along lines
of playgrounds and other park
feature won ' me many votes," de
clared Commissioner Hummel, who
ran next to the mayor in the primary
V -
Flaare Hew It Happened.
Ths politicians and others are busy to
day figuring out how It all happened.
The vote shows thst the major was en
dorsed In nearly every ward. 7 he Second
ward gave the mayor nearly 1,(W votes,
which waa the strongest expression of
the wsrd for the chief executive of the
city. Ryder wss severely cut In the
Twelfth, his own ward. Simon ran two
to one against Zlmman In tlis Third
In ths Sixth' Butler wss cut. particu
larly In the First precinct. M. U Wilson
and dene Howard, colored Janitors In the
city halt, were against Butler In this
precinct until they were called off at
p. m. by an Influential colored rolltlclen.
The fight between Zlmman and Simon
In the KIghth ward, thickly populated by
Jews, wss very keen, Zlmman carrying
this ward by a strong Wd over Kimon.
One of the features of the primary Is
the expression of many who are surprised
at the comparative weak showing msde
by IM Howell. There were many who
felt aure he would be within the first
group of fourteen.
Rain Causes a
Drop in Market
Wheat Quotations
On account ef reports of large Quan
tities of wheat being taken for export
the market opened strong, several cars
being sold at fl.H per bushel, the top for
the day, but shortly after 11 o'clock tt
commenced to sell off and closed, nea
the bottom,
Ths Omaha decline In wheat prices
stsrted When the report of heavy rains
over all of the wheat growing sections of
Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa and Missouri
csme In. This decline was given another.
Impetus when the government report the
first of the yesr was received from Wash
Irgton. This report Indicate! that In
Ohio, Indiana and Illinois the wlntet
wheat Is beginning to show the effect ef
a lack of rale and that some anxiety U
felt over the future of the crop.
Elsewhere, howevei, the Wsshmgton
report Ind tested the prospects the best
In yesrs. Ths Department of Agriculture
in summing up places the eondlhon ef
winter wheat in Nebraska April 1 it M
snd KanesT7 per cent on a basis of 100,
these two states raising practically one
third of the winter wheat grown In the
United States. -
April 1 the Department, ef Agriculture
estimated the condition of Ohio wheat at
90; Indiana. 84; Illinois. M; Iowa, K; Okla
homa, M per cent
Figuring on the basis of the ten-year
aversge April I the condition of winter
whest should be a little better than 7
per cent, but this April It Is H.I per cent.
Corn failed to follow the lead of wheat,
and Instead of dropping it advanced 4 of
a cent per bushel over Monday, selling at
TS71: ,
Oats were stesdy to unchanged from
Monday, prices being WVMft cents per
Omaha receipts were: Wheat, 1; corn,
e; eats, IS carloads.
County Assessor
Wants Automobile
County Assessor Counemsn will ask
the county commissioners for sa automo
bile with which to make the rounds of
the county during the months after the
County Board of Equalisation shall bave
completed Its labors this surrrmer.
It Is the plan of Mr. Counsinan to
personally view every tract or parcet of
land In this county,, that he may have
personal Information when he makes up
the next Quadrennial assessment rolls.
Tom Klilllvan Winner. T . I telnC
held by the police ss a puree snatcfier.
According to J. E. Stephens. 219 Corth
Fourteenth street, snd H. White, 231J
California atreet, they saw him seise a
woman's handbag at Nineteenth and Burt
streets lsst night. They' pursued him to
Sixteenth snd Css's streets, where Pul
livsn ran Into tbe arms of Officers Mc
Donald' and Plotts.
Woodmen Fair On
. All Week at New Hall
The second evening of the Woodmen of
1lie World fuir. whi.-h, Is continuing all
this week in the hnndonte new building
of Uruld camp, ,o. It, .was even a
: renter success thsn the first. It wss
Modern Woodmen of America and Boyal
Neighbor night.
The many booths did a thriving bus!
tes. Amusing cards helped to get the
crod In sotl In. i nor. such as thin.
Druid camp first, safety second, BUly
Sunday third and July Fourth."-
T-t right wae Ancient Order ot Vnlted
Workmen and Degree of Honor night.
lomgnt wui be Boyal Arcanum and
Knieht and Lad If of the Maccabees
nltlit. Friday la scheduled as Elks.
Moose, Zaglas, B5mon and Omaha
Council Bluffs Ptreet railway employee
night, and Saturday genera! Woodmen
of the World and Woodmen circle night
and grand finale, when the prixea wiU be
lrukl camp's fartKMia orchestra Is dis
pensing the music for the denting, which!
takes place every evenRig. V. 1
Flir&iturA ffr 41. kunM , . . . i' 4
- - J iwiiii vi int.
spacious building, which will be la effect
a club house for members of this big
tamp, will be Installed by the first of
sext week.
Ak-Sar-Ben Road
Show Title of the .
3ig Scream "at Den
The "Ah-Sar-Ben Rea Show," la the
official name decided upon for lta Initia
tion show at ths den this year. This has
Just been decided. When one speaks of
the Orpheum "road show" It Is always
understood to mean the beat show on ths
circuit for that rear. It la understood to
be a compilation of all the beat features
In the varlons companies -out that year.
Eo Samson has decided to select that
name for his show this year, since he Is
to have all the best things that were
ever put on at this old den since .the
founding of the realm.
Applications for places on 'ths initia
tion crew are already pouring into the
office of the secretary. To a large ex
tent the old members ot the crew are
eqruln putting !n their applications. The
first call for the crew Is to go jut for
April 19 when they are to receive pre
liminary Instructions. To be a member
ot the crew one must be a paid up mem
ber. ,
St. Joseph Hospital
Laboratory is Badly
Damaged by Fire
Quick work by an Interne at StT Jo
seph's hospital early yesterday prob
ably saved one" wing of the big building
from destruction by fire.
The blase started, It la thought, from
spontaneous combustion of chemicals. The
Interne discovered it before It had much
start and he tell to work With a bucket.'
In spite of his efforts, the laboratory,
containing valuable equipment, was badly
The good work aceempnshed by Ilsmp
ton Institute, a colored educational in
stitution, was presented at the. Young
Women's Christian association .Tuesday
evening by representatives from " that
school, headed by Major Robert R. Moton.
Motion pictures depicting ths life of the
negr.t of the south before and after the
application of Hampton principles,' a talk'
by Major Moton and musical selections
by a colored quartet made up the even
ing's program. A goodly sum waa con
tributed toward the support of the school.
Hampton has sown the seed of de
velopment of possibilities for the negro. It
encoursges race pride, race confidence
and race Integrity. We do not ask for
sympathy because we are black. We ask
only a fair chance to make ourselves
worthy a place In Abe world," aald
Major Moton. . .
Cold Pllasts Cava flviaSiea.
Sloan's Unlment will help your sciatica.
Oct a Due bottle now. It penetrates, kills
ths pain, stops many aches. All drug
gists. Advertisement
Funeral services Tor W. R. Bramblett,
Mat' Kvans street, who died Tuesday at
the aga of 65, . will . be held Thursday
afternoon at 3 o'clock. Burial will be in
West Lawn cemetery'
Mr. Bramblett IS survived by his wlfs
and one daughter, Mrs. fl. M. Kent.
The deceased was president of the
M.LU. limi Wuk FmIUi. UramuiCU r-naiavina company, wmvn
As Jong ss on Is on his feet, he can concern he established nine years ago
work after a fashion, no matter how when tie rams 10 mis mi irom
badly he feels. But you canpot do goodPu, M'"n-
work have ambition and energy, fell that
life la worth living with llugglsu bowels
or torpid liver. . Foley Cathartic Tablets
do away with that drowsy, dull, tired
reeling. Tiiey never gnpa or causs
nausea. They're wholesome, cleansing
and healthful. Most aatlafactory - for
stout persons. HoitX everywhere. Adver
Dandruff Soon
Ruins The Hair
Qirle if yon want plenty, ot thiok bsau
tlful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means
get rid tof dandruff, for It will starve
your hair and ruin It If you don't..
It doesn't do much good to try to brush
er wash It out. The enly sure way to get
rid of dandruff la to dissolve it, then you
destroy It entirely. To do this, .get about
four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; ap
ply It at night when retiring; use enough
to moisten the scalp and rub l la gently
with the finger tips.
By morning, most if not all. ef your
dandruff 'will be gone, and three or four
more applications will completely dis
solve and entirely destroy every, singly
sign snd trace 01 it- y
You will find, too, that all itching and
digging of the scarp will stop,- and. your
hair will ' look and feel a hundred times
better. You can get liquid arvon st any
drug store. It Is Inexpensive and four
ounces Is all you will need, ne matter
how much dandruff you have. This
simple remedy never falls, Advertise
ment. . 1
UCiilUUiUllly LLilUUL Ul UI1LII UUItlll
Big Eaters Get.'
Kidney Trouble
Tako glass of Rait a before Break
fast If your Rack hurts or
BlndUer iHrthers you.
The American men snd women must
guard constantly -against Kidney trouble,
because we eat too much and all our food
Is rich. Our blood Is filled with urks
acid which the kidneys strive to filter
out, they weaken from ovrwork, become
sluggish; the elimlnatlve ussues clog and
the result is kidney trouble, bladder
weakness and a general decline In health.
When your kidneys feel like lumps of
lead; . your bsck hurts or the urine Is
cloudy, full of sediment or you are
obliged to seek relief two or three times
during the night; If you suffer with sick
headache "or dlxsy. nervous spells, acid
stomach, or you have rheumatism when
the weather Is bad, get from your phar
macist about four eunees of Jad Salts;
take a tableepoonful In a glass of water
before breakfast tor a few days and your
kidneys will then act fine. This famous
salts la made from the acid of grapes and
lemon Juice, combined with Uthla, and has
been used for generations to flush and
stlmutate clogged kidneys; to neutralise
the adds In the urine : so It no longer Is
a'source bf Irritation, thus ending bladder
disorder. ' r. .
Jad Baits Is Inexpensive; cannot Injure,
makes a delightful effervescent llthia-
water beverage, and belongs In every
home, because nobody can make a mls-
taks by having a good kidney flushing any
time.: Advertisement.
Ralph Starke of Petaluma,
Cat, Now Well After U
ing Akoz Mineral f,or
"It looked for a while that rheumatism
wss going to Iceep me out of the stirring
Political campaigns last year, but thanks
to Akos I was .as well as ever and able
to go Into the .fight for the party I rep
resent," so spoke Batph Starke, secretary
of the Democratic League of California,
for two campaigns private secretary to
Yheodore A. Bell, Democratic leader of
the state. Mr. Starke has his office In
the Ilotbrook Bids., Ban Francisco. Con
tinuing In discussing his case, and the
wonderful results obtained from Akox, he
has this to ssy:
"For over a year I had Inflammatory
rheumatism in Its worst form. The pains
were all over me. At times I would have
to go to bod and remain helpless for days
at a time. Nothing helped me until I
tried Akoc,' which I saw advertised so ex
tensively. I used both the external and
Internal preparations with the result that
lor a .month's time I felt a well as ever.
The Akos compound applied over Ithe
body where the pain was greatest reliev
ed my suffering In a short time. The
water seemed to act quickly in driving
the uric acid out- of my system, . While
I fsel completely recovered, I am going
to make sure by drinking the Akos mln-
" x . ; :
- ''l-'iyw--' s
i : " r; v "
"'"wO.i.i.-;':';,1.: . '
RALm STARKE. ... ,
eral water for three months."
As Xmas gift for an ailing friend or
rclattveyou could not choose a more ult-i
able present than a treatment of this
wonderful remedy.
Akos Is now being Introduced In Omaha
at Bherman tt McConnell's lGth and Dodge
St. drug store. Visit, phone or write tha
, Akos man , for ..further Information re
garding this advertisement. '" "
f-7 os- U vet eMar-es .c,.ee s-ahicv - '
sk the
It. ruin injn- il r''"' -.. -J
. There Is a pass book
waiting1 for you at this
bank. - Will - you do
. yourself ths favor of
calling for it? , ; -.' ,
In claiming; yj u r
bank book, start your
account' with any. sum
yon wish. You art
Just as welcome if It
be small as you would
be If It were large. ,
On draught throughout tbe city new. X
genuine old mellow Bock and the beat
brewed In Omaha. Watch for the "Btors't
sign. Have a case sent home, rtione Chsa
Btors, Web. liSW.
finale Tax Proposition Dcfeat4,
CUlX'KAlHJ frfKIN Colo., April 7,
A charter amendment providing tor the
single tax In municipal affairs was de
feated In the city election here yester
day. Tlis volvre alao tSL.'wUd aa amend
ment permitting Sunday amusement.
Tells Eotary Club Nx
of Nebraska Autos
Hurt was the principal speaker be
fire the Botsry club of Omaha at Its
weekly luncheon in the 1 lease w rath
skeller, lie waa announced by the rau
tou tones of an automobile born and In
troduced by Ir. W. K. roots.
Mr. Huff gave some latereating atatla
tit regarding the automobiles owned la
"There are ill different makes used la
tl.l state anx.nllng to tho 1SH reKistra
lion," he said. "Of these only three
i.ave more than 1.QU0 care eath la opera
tion in Nebraska, five others have over
seven others hava over 3D, thirteen
besides hav over 1M, another twelve
makes have over ninety, and sevea other
mukea have our twenty-five cars In
operation In Nebraska.
Of the T.i dlffinl cars registered In
Nebraska, more tUtn half are bo loeger
.-veany all automobiles are 'assem
bled, that Is the company that produces
tr.nn buys must of the parts an J simply
puis tio-m thither. I could count o
l:e flngtrs or my two hands the cars
tliht are actually manufactured in their
oa several factories.
' In the )fct fw years there has been
tli most rinnrk.Ut aOvanee in wliat a
dollar wili buy in aa automobile. Krvea
is so I sold a cartain car f6r XZ.1M,
a ini n aa ery g.xxl for the
i. ney. Tt,day ST-t alii buy that mil. b
w .-ivutoore value. "
Smile With Me!
Take MCascarets"
Feel bully! Don't stay bilious,
sick, headachy,
Spend 10 cents! Remove win-
ter'g poison from your
liver and bowels.
4' AV' i
' ILLS-. SJ . . . X'JJ
The garage is a motor car clinic
AH kinds of cars with all kinds '
of symptoms and diseases -'
, 1 1 1 -
come mere to oe curea. -
; , . ' ....... ....... - S X ' ,
Ask the surgeon in overalls about $hc
He will telr you that many of them come
for gas and' oil.
"But michty few," he will add, "for .
repairs,'; " ; ; ;
'I havo-no reason to 'boost Hupmobiles,' he
will say with a grin. "They demt particularly
help my business." t ,
After that admission, listen to what he. has td
say. He knows cars. ! ; .
He will tell you that the Hupmobile is a wonder.
He will confirm what you already have come" to
believej that the Hupmobile stands up under
conditions that would kill a car less sturdy.
He will tell you that the Hupmobile motor is a
wonder a glutton for hard work. - . .
i ...
The garage man is the friend of the Hupmobile
in spite pf the fact that it does not swell his
income. '
He is its friend because he loves a ood car-
and he can't help saying so. He is always a
. Hupmobile booster. '
Let us add to his testimony with a Hupmobile
7. L. Huffman Auto Co.
Distributors for Nebraska, So. Dakota
and Western Iowa.
51200 feiik
1 I pnaTsarlsssttnliIsi
Xi t-fese,Tsssk $1229
ttT V
LuKy !'(! '"l.s is hers and your
syntein is filled with the winters accu
mulation ot bile aeil bowel poison which
ke-i you btlloUa. hradoihy, duy, tongue
coated, breath bad and stomach sour-
Why don t you get a lS-cent box of fas'
carets at ths drug store and - t ' fine
Take Cacrets ton!; lit sjid enlos- u
nicest, grntU;t liver and bowel i ll aiiMng
oti ev-rr exieitt mcl-Clx s Csacaicts tu
Hereafter the basis of
adjustment vill be:
In Ford' sizes, plain tread,
6,000 miles; Kant Slip, 7,500
miles. All other' sizes, plain
tread, 5,000 miles; Kant Slip
tread, 6,000 miles. '
Tho word "adjust" is merely figurai
tive, because in 1914 the total adjust
ment in Kelly-Springfield Tires for
the whola United State3 was less than
I. You get this
unequalled service in .
uninterrupted nieae
not adjustment.
Before buying soma
other tire at a lower
price analyze tha basu ,
1 SE T.
lO.OMAriA.WEa ' . "
-- t
Tires are built up to a stand
ardnot down to a price
Most Jlode n and SauIUry Brewery In the West.
Family tral supplied by: South Omaha WM." JKTTER, 2503 ?J
Street; Telephone houth (Mki. Ouiaha 111 tit) F. HlhZ, 1824 Douglas)
fetrvet; Itiono lout;Us .KIO. Council Bluffs OLD AGE B-Vlt, 1312 BoutU
Hlth Street: lIone
, , l i
jsRlicumatlom Can Be Cured
11 UJ a t a naavu ee a, aas s s, vij V S V a V U t U Ul A
I la tea days. Stop Buffering and avoid serious complication which may;
v . h. - 9nw 11 fa Ob 1 1 nr- writ, fnr tAstliriAnliti mnA v....,!.. ..I..-.
V . . .
cf adjustment offered Giant Tire and Rubber Co.,
see what you really 1820 Farnam Street
do get tor less jr.cnev.. pkonaDouaUaiaso
814 IVo lluliding-.
iimaha, Nebraska.
TT TCrTT1 Fop R.esultsl
lUiil--i Bee Want Adoj