7TIK BEE: t)MAHA, THIJKSDAY, APKIL FOK KENT 7 AMrtaifti and Flats. So. THREE lure rooms nart mod. flat for email family. 1915 Kim Kt. D. ri.OSK-lN APARTMKNT. I ROOMS AND PATH IV THE CALI FORNIA. EKE JANITOR DUIO. K27. POR RENT : roonia witli tuiWt and bath, easy walking dlManca and close to car. $11.50 per month. T. SULLIVAN, IS Rrandels Thenr VU'.a. Doug. 441S. FOR RKNT Moot beautiful, finely fin ished and up-to-date 3, 4 and 5-ronm apartments In rlty. Rulldlng Juat fin ished. Flora Apartments, Vi Jonea St. e jnnm. mod., t:) month. 1414 Chicago. 7 MAPLE APA RTMFNTP, ,v- TH AVENLIE AND HARNEY ST.. beautiful 4-room apartment, with I urge Yrtvate porches; eleeantly furnished In fumed oak; no children; summer rate, $41. M. Fhone Douglas 7P64. CENTRAL No equal n price or quality; l-rootn house; 4-room flat 220 N. 13d. 1DETJTY E'tch 'FREE Fhone Douglas 1118 for completa Hat of all vacant houses and apartments, also for storage, moving, packing, shipping. PTE AM heated apartments of 4 rooms; very Improvement; gas range In each; hest Janitor servloa; $1860 to $:1.&0. Ap ply to Janitor In boiler room. 8066 Cum ing St. Tel" Douglas 8743. THOMAS W. HAZEN, Sr7 MoCague Bldg. , L)oiglas 13QQ. BT. OKORGK Apartments, located In select West Farnam district; one 6-rooin ulte to let Phone Web. 174. o " Board wad Room. nKJE lununnefi or uiuuniimiwj . , exceptional cloaet room. Ideal summer place In West Farnam dlatrlct, with pplendld board to young men or couple. Harney 49!. ROOM and board at &C4 8. 26th. Walking distance. Desirable mil., excellent board. S1K 8. 19th. Furnishes Moouia. ' aMAtI90N list and Chicago; steam heat; tit mo. and up: cafe la connection. D.696A tITTINQ room and bedroom for two or ' three business women, la modern, pri vate home; every convenience. Harney K30. 1035 Bo. Hist St. ETEAM heated rooms. O week. Ogden ' Hotel, Council Bluffs. t!7 FARNAM Neatly furnished room, ' for gentleman, 913 month. . ft. 22D, 121 Elegant, clean rooms; newly furnished: all modern conveniences; fjsrirage. Douglas 6751. CELT furnished modern rooms, 88 and 810. one So. 2Mb Ave. Douglas f&A. Tfoasekeeplna Tf ooana. FARNAM. WU Nice- housekeeping rooms. Newly papered, electricity, gas range. (FARNAM, 2822. Three nice housekeeping ' rooms; electricity, gas range. '. Licit Hoaselteewtngr Roonia. TWO sunny southeast front rooms and eth; electricity and gas for cooking. it 83.7a. IK 8. 24th ft. nougiaa 7ooX. kitchenette, furnished, . Ogden jiotel. Council Bluffs. . ' Famished Howeee. IFURNIBHED modern corner house. In , desirable part of city, ground floor, consisting of parlor, music room, kitchen and dining room with 4 bedrooms and bath on second floor; also garage and Bleeping porch; reasonable to good party; references required and Riven. Pbone Ifarney 4181. Hoasea and Cottages. . 36, NEAR FARNAM. -r., east front, only 835. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1018 Omaha Nat. Doug. 2715. 2609 CALDWELL, rooms, .partly mod ern, 816; adults only; walking distance. Webster 8736. FOR RENT-$65.(Xr Dwelling, 414 So. 38th St; tiled .vestibule, reception hall, front and back parlors, dining room and kitchen, 5 bed rpoms, 2 bath - rooms, hot- water heat, garage. All in first class con dition. Location A-l. Benj. 6. Baker. Phones D482, H317; HOUSES FOK RENT. Seven rooms, sleeping porch and sun room, new and desirable, exceptionally fine view, quiet neighborhood 800, or $55 ,yVth garage. j fceven rooms and hall, strictly modern, fiardwood finish in first story, three bed 'ivoms upstairs, one bedroom or den and fcath on first floor, 830. This house fronts cn a paved street and boulevard, 2 blocks front car line. - Nine-room modern houe, with large grounds and garage, Bemls Fark, $40. J. H. DUMONT sc CO.. 418 State Bank. Douglas 690. ROOM all modern Dundee house, with garage, 840. 6-room all modern Dundee house, $28.- rV. L. Selby & Sons Plata Bank Bldg. Douglas 1510. KM 1 8 PARK 3404 Hawthorne. 8 rooms. strictly modern: lot and location moat (desirable; good value at 1-iO. For $46. fVVehteT 8726 or Douglas 2017. FOE RENT We have a completa list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rent This list can be seen frea of charge at (Omaha Van 4 Storage Co., $06 B. lSth Bt 8-ROOM all modern cottage, 837 8. 23d. JriEMIS PARK 3404 Hawthorne. 8 rms., strictly modern; lot and location most desirable; good value at 840. . For 846. !Wchster 872, or Douglas 2nl7. IALL sia. 88 per month up. 607 H a it too. V BARGAIN. 8-room cottage modern. W. up-to-date, splendid location, also newly riaperea. a rooms upstairs, inquire 8411 b. 24th St. '619 CALDWELL Walking distance, 7 rooms, modern except heat, first-class rondition. rent reasonable. Webster 87-'H. Globe Van&Stqrage Stores, moves, packs, ships; storage, $2 ter month. When you move call ua atlsfactlon guar. D. 4338 and Tyler lAROE 4-room cottage, modern except heat: nlue yard. 115. 4110 N. 3Mh Ave. fARK AVE.. 1312 7-room mod, brick. Gordon Van Co. S Bit N. llth 8t Tel.. D. 894 or Web. U3. 8312 PARK AVK . T-room modern brii k. TP T3J sip. oo.. luovtng. - L. KCPfl Packing t, storaite. w 12v7 Karnain. I. t Maggard'ss:,rHS . Ing, packing, shipping. I 'Li Webster St. JKUKIas 14W. J J0-P.OOM brick, modern, 114 No. 2tlh Bt. Krya next door. 80. Ter Harney tbtA. I KOO.VS. i7 Jones bt.. 8.. Never been occupied, bleeping porch: oak finish; rnodara throughout. Apply SOS a 17th Bt I 'hone Douglas 84K7. IlIoimf'R ,n P"'ts of the city. ' t reign Bona Co., Bee Bldg. IA N. ttTH 6T . 8t0. Tel. Harney I St eres and Offices. 822 N. 18th St.. a fair sired store room and basement. Fine location for grocery, bakery or cloak and isult store. Can be leased for a term of years. Call Doug. 2u0. Ftore and basement, 231 Farnam. .. 8U tttore and baamnl, 214 B. ISth 76. JOHN W. KubBIN.4. lKt FARNAM ST. jt 8u0 a). It-. 1402 Dodge. I flour, Tur lington, on see. WANTED TO REXT fcEVEN or 8-room house in Went Karnam or Field Club Districts. Ui or I'M; Ust kind of tenant. W. L. Selby & Sons fctau Bank Bldg. Pbone Doug. 110. n rm p,kt WAJ TED TO BUY W tNTHlv-A bile, rrofer ht 8-raacner automo- i irci. snt late raoaci, rValnut 30.7. Call evenings. WANTKlv-ThoVougiihred Buff Orphlng- ton eggs fori setting purpose. Fhone ale buys everything 2d hand. Tyler 1418. OFF1CK furniture bought and sold. J. li. Keel. in ramarn noug. sia WW BUY .i-hup-i clot bes. 4il N. 84th. Slightly 4ed high-grade piano. l. 2011. REAL ESTATE FARM Jk RANCH LANDS FOR BAI.B California. Live Oak Colonies He in the heart of the great Paeramcnto Valley, in a region that Is exceptionally rlch We have the soil for succesn It has all been proven. Soli alluvial and in plains, each with Its special adapta bility ana attractions. JiuiiKUVt-K LAND PRICK8 ARK STILL LOW. The soli, then the climate, mater for irrigation plenty of It and vou have the TRINITY for success; these are the things that sxcw crns. To market them are steam and electric lines reaching the nig markets, la the county are can no rlea and fruit drying plants and cream eries Not only do the growers of the region reach the big markets easily, but early as well. Earliness of ripening is one of the prime advantages here. Many crop" are ready two weeka to two months ahead of competitive regions. Free liter ature and excursion dates on request W. T. Smith Co. City National Bank Bldg. tO SETTLERS ONLT-20 acres for 8300. Rich corn, alfalfa and wheat land; no aavd. J. A. Tracy, Fort Morgan, Colo. Iowa. ARE TOU GOING TO BUT LAND? If so you should first set a oodv of the Farm and Real Ketate Journal, it has lands advertised In It from nearly every state, so that you can find Just wnat you are looking ror in Its columns. It keeps you informed on land oppor tunities In all parts of the country, gives you personal help In finding land. Sena c today for a year's subscription, or 10o for three months trial. It will be stopped at the end of the time ordered. Farm and Real Estate Jourinal. Traer, Iowa. HUsoart. BIGGEST land sale of the year now on. 100 forty-acre farms 8480 each. Good land. Well settled locality. Close to railroad, tit per acre Is half actual value. Great aet bargains In South Missouri at sensa tional prices. Write today tor free liter ature. D. Merrlam, Ellis at teuton. Hennas City, Kansas. Fruit and Dairy Farms in the Ozark fruit and dairy belt. The home of the famous Koshkonong peaches and apples which took first prises at the iviwaouri mate iair. , xnere s a constant demand for fruit from this section and your produce sells at fancy prices. Peach orchards are netting the growers from 8100 to 8400 per acre, depending upon the cultivation and care they receive. If you want a beautiful home, nn miv t.nn. on the sunny slope of the Osark hills, see u' tyiho ior iree list ana literature. OTHER MISSOURI FARMS. No interest, no taxes; 10 or 80 acres, all for 8300; 8S cash and 85 monthly. Fine climate, good water and the best fruit lands in the world. - Handy to rood market! i.hnl. . churches. Call, phone or write. J. T. Small V Brandels Bldg. . Douglas 6987. RENTERS, HOMKdKEKERS--Your op portunity. 80,000 acre Irrigated wheat and alfalfa land for settlement at Valier, Mont. 841.b0 to 860 per acre; fifteen years1 time.' For Particulars, writ Valier Farm Bales Co.. box 1001. Valier. Mont. I Mismeawta BARGAIN M0-a ere farm 20 miles from Minneapolis; 140 acres under cultivation. ID acres good meadow,, tv acres timbered pasture; can practically all be cultivated; good com land; farm la fenced; 10-room bouse, barn, granary, machine shed, wind, mill, etc.; li head good milk cows, 4 good itorsea, harnesses, wagons, completo set of machinery, hogs, chickens and every, thing on the farm goes at 845 per acre; le.OuO cash, balanco can stand for 10 years at per cent, bebwab Bros., 1028 Ply- mouth Minneapolis. Minn. ftebrasluu FOR SALE Best large body . high-grade raeulum-prlced land in Nebraska: very little money required. C. Bradley, Wol bach. Neb.. a REAI ESTATE LOAAS - gotlate for farm loaoa, 8 or 10 years, at 6 per cent, dealing 1 direct with bor rower; 2V,- per cent straight commission; correspondence solicited. Security Farm Loan Ass'n, 30 N. Dearborn St.. Chicago. 111.- -o 81u0 TO flO.Out) made promptly. F. D. w eaa, w ea'i Dig., win ana rarnam ma CITY and farm loans, a, 6W, per ceuu j. li. Liumoni a v;o., us oiaie joana. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. farnam Smith at Co.. u ramam Bt MON&Y on hand for city and tarm loana n. w. winoer, city rsauoiiiu bunt Blag. $i00 to 110.000 oiada promptly. F. D. Waad, weud uiug., 1MB and f arnam Bta SEE us first for farm loans In eastern Neb. United fctates Trust Co..' Omaha. 6 riTV t f IMS n n -ik-p O UULJllt Ttunrieia TMal'nlitf OMAHA homes. Katt Nebraska farms. (rKbn.ru KfcAU fcioTATK CO., UUt Ouutlta National. 1 hau Douglas ZT1S. ABSTRACT OV TITLE yr V',l'e Ouarantee and Abstract l fTrfCo., a modern abstract office, S05 Sok 17th Bt. Phone D. 847. Jessen & Morrell, 201-3 State Bk. bldg. D. 829J. REED AUcTKACT CO., oldest abstract oillos in Nsbratka. zo Brandels Thea. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE WANT light 5-painenger car; prefer Ford; might maka exchange of de sirable lot if agreeable. Address L 206. cara Bee, or Walnut 3037. REAL ESTATE WANTED we want'toAvork on the sale of your house If it is a de sirable place and priced right. We are In a position to aucply good, quick service. Phone Dougtaa i '. -A L DKrUJ CO., 121S-U W. O. W. Bldg. LlaT your properly with P. N. McCoy 4 1 1 - ..I.. "II kj, . . I . IllJ. ivr iuica. a.o. (.a dmis ciu. D. 1013. REAL ESTATE NORTH HIDE BENJAiUiVS BAIIGA1NS 1U8 Florence Blvd , 7-room, all modem oak finish downstair; 4 large bedrooms and bath up; full cement basement; ast fnnt. Price, 83,600. Terms. Uood 4-room house, new; wire for electric lights; good well; large lot; a bar gain at 81. aw. Mnall payment down, bai tm 811 per month. c all and let us show you some of our bargaina. 477 Hrandels Bldg. Phore Doug. 11S9.- FUH HALE By owner, 8-ruoia bungalow, north tida; -ay terms. Phone Web. IbiH, WILL SELL AT SACRIFICE. seiaraU or collt lively, 8 houses ranging from 8 to 8 rooms at 2ftth and Caldwell, walking distance, w in take emau payment down and. balance monthly, hee owner at M tiustou store tuag. Douglas vtli. REAL ESTATF NORTH SIDE NEAR BEMLS PAUK Almost new B-room cottage, strictly alt modern, oak finish In living room, fine south front lot, paved street all paid. ITIee 83,0. C. n. CARLBERO, 8U Brandels Theater Bldg ONLY 83.10 CABH And priced down to 83.31). ' Strictly modern. wll nnlshed and complete. Very rood location on raved afreet. Thla la a bargain. Phone Douglaa 3ti2X SAUNDERS CO.. 1215-18 W. O. W. Bldg. REAL ESTATF SOUTH BIDE 8GO0 CASH. Here it Is. six-room brand new hunaa- low. oak finish, strictly modern and up-to-date In every way; choice corner lot, paved street. Hanscom Park district. Price for this week ask ua shout It Terms arranged, or good lot taken as iirsi payment. Bee this at once. RAPP BROS., Douglas 1S&3. , 106 McCsgue Bldg NEAR FIELD CLUB 7 rooma. all modern, hot water heat. cement basement and walks; fine east ironi iot: pavei street; choice looatton. Price 83,00. Located on 8Sth Ave. C. G. CARLBERG, 813 Bandela Theata Bldg. . , REAL FSTATE WEST SIDE Model Home Dundee At the southwest corner of 4Mb and Farnam fits, we have the best baraain in Dundee, a 7-room. "terand new, ali mod em house, has living room, dining room, den and kitchen on first floor; 8 very fine bedrooms and bath room on second floor; one of the bedrooms Is lZH ft. All of the bedrooms are finished with beautiful oak floors and oak doors and ivory, finish on the woodwork. Th living rooms are finished In beautiful oak with beamed ceilings, built-in buffet in the dining room, built-in bookcase and writing desk. Built-in "Powell" cabinet in kitchen. A good automatic heater In the basement. There Is absolutely noth ing lacking In this house- It has screens, shades and decorations. The street is paved on both sides and It Is a beautiful corner lot 5MB0 ft. On top of the hill, a high and sightly location, 80 blocks west of the Omaha City Hall. The price Is 8f,600, and reasonable terms can be made to good party. See It today. Charles W. Martin & Co., Tyler 187. 74? Omaha National Bank Bldg. 7 Sold; Only 2 Left Each 43xl?3, on eomr. onlr W minutoiT Wstlk WOnt ftvtrn nnstnff4M at a cash and $1 per week. . , , O'Keefe Real Estate Co. 1016 Omaha National Bank. Douglas I7H. Close-in Cottage All modern cottage. Just east of Bemls park, beautiful large shady eaat front lot. In. elegant location. Cottage la com pletely modern with t nice rooms and oak floors throughout. Price 81,800. About 8iie cash and 8-S on per month. JEFF W. BEDFORD 4k HON. 509 State Bank Bldg. Doug. S320 REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN ' Daadew, Happy Hollow ' Bllv a lot In lt.nnv TTr.llw 1M- between Dodge St. and Underwood Ave. ana oia ei. ana tne nappy Hollow Blvd. YOU WILL NEVER) REGRET Investing your money In this addition. . BUILDING RESTRICTIONS ...protect your investment.- - -EA8Y TERMS will be made. PLATS AND PRICES will be mailed you upon application and we will be glad to show you thla addition by automobile at any time which may suit your convenience. . DON'T WATT '. but buy now and take advantage of the ...wean ui nun, la lou DV Deea Sold. George & Company Fhona D. 7M. 80? Clty'National Bank Bldg. $5,500 Dundee Bargain Overlooking Happy Hollow Cut $500 7 room, modern. In excellent condition, with large living room, with fireplace and hllllJvt Knr.1. in - V. - n . . . : Jt, 7 ----- -. - ..v., titinas, dining room, kitchen, reoeptioa hall, with closet and mirrored door, oak floors and uuri a oearooms on seoona floor: one an Inclosed sleeping porch; full c rriAnt rtai aAmanr uliV. LVw . brick foundation; carafe and driveway vsavwss nppv'KlMIDIIt, Glover & Spain 19- City National D. 8942. " Dundee Lots $1,000 Each 1 AA a-K . . J tiA . - . a (-r ni'Tiin Diiys a few Choice north and south front lots, bvxlio ft. each, on paved streets with city water, sewer, etc.. In street, with 6 per cent dls cunt for all rash. These lots lay. high and sightly and are protected by a rea sonable building restriction, gee us Iw foe they are 1 s Id. Nine sold within w own cBwtfuay, IOIS loll. George & Company Phone D. 766. 90? City Nafl Bank Bldg. $5,000.00 THIS HOUSE MCBT BE SOLD. A handsome 8-room house In Dundee Strictly lurirlrn a nA ...... 4-. " mi.-wu.ic, vomer lot. garage, fruit, shrubs, etc.; woodwork nwim, larae reception room downstairs; 3 rooms snd bath upstairs: fine full cement basement. He sure and see thla on 60th Ave., 2 blocks from t'arnam car line. .',wju oown. balance on good terms. W. M. NASH & CO., Real Estate. Rentals and Insurance. vk ncq rung. 1'hone Hed ZJ3.i CLEAR -a. blk. in Falraore district, on west Dodge ,st. Call for particulars. C J. Canan, 610 McC'ague Bldg. toeasoa. Fine Home in Benson Two-story, - seven-room house, has all modern conveniences, beautiful large lot mulberry hedges, two blocks to car. Owner Is going on farm and has rturl the price Iruin 8i.6U to $3,000 for quick THE VOQEL REALTT AGENCT, 1015-lfi W. O. W. Bldg. Doug. jW REAL ESTATE MISCEIXAXEOfg HEALED bids will be received un in April IS, 1915, at my office for the frame house, and also for the barn on the new site of the First Presbyterian church on the northwest corner of 14th and Farnam Sts., and known as ifo. 8408 Farnant St. Buildings to be removed before April 30. Terms cash. Right to reject any or all bids Is reserved. Alfred C. Kennedy S0 First National Bank Bldg. OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Good Killing Cattle duftrttr to Forty, Higher for Week Fat Lamb Are Fairly Active. HOGS AGAIN SLOW AND LOWER SOUTH OMAHA. April T. IMS. Reretnfa . - - 1 1 vr . - 0ku. Official Monday .7 7.2r4 !. Official Tiwiri... iiu mu . i sr Fstlmata Wednesday ..' 4.W uiwo i.tco Three Ha v' tnmm , ttm . avr 49 fia " 3aya" last week'!lMS m!jT8 wiJTS fame weeks sgo......la .4 81 .WO sme 1 weeks sgo J3.4M M.41 . Same i weeks ago H.I08 M.4I8 37.8TI fame days last year.... 8,571 88.8JT 11.795 Tha foUowtng table snows the receipts ef cattle, hosi nti ki a k BAntii Omaha live stock market fer the year te oie as compaTM with last year: IMI Ibll T.. rl TNI m.ItU M9iJ "" af. 787.674 171.421 pneeo imki ium t m The fodowtng table shows the average rtca ror hogs at the South Omaha live tack market for the last few days, with eompartsoms: Data. mt. nn4.ll tl8.lU.Ul.l0. Mar. 28. e R7 8 I til e In 4f. 10 4l M M 61 M 87 71 88 Ml ti 78 T 63 V 7 M 80 iar. 23. 81 80 f 4S 10 41 Mar. 84. 8 41 110 Ml Mar. aB, Mar. Ml Mae T I 4 86 10 5 8 47 V. I I 4ft is Tl I til War. tl J I 41 84 T 41 42110 70) Mar. . 3M T Ml 8 M 10 n Mar. 30 Mar 111 I 41 T 71 84110 Ml 8 68 or.! TO 10 8 April I. Apr Id 1 April I. Anrll 4 s ! 8710 ft 8 70 a so I 88 T 19 70', 181 8 77 7 7tH m 1 e3, 7 1 2O10 eoj April S. April 8. 74 8 n 10 ? Mi 8 4T 8 411 T 6 mo 8.1 li,10 u April 7. Sunday. ' ! Hecelpts and disposition of Uva stock at the Union fctock Tarda. South Omaha, for th twenty-four hnura andlna: mt 1 'clack yeeterdayt BECElfTS CARLOADS. , . Cattle. Hoga Sheep. H r'. C. M. Bt. P 11 8 Wabash 7 8 8 . .. t t 10 M .. 1 H U , Si .2 4 Missouri Psrlflo .... 1 L'nlon Paclfln la C. A N. W east. a 28 O. s N. W.. wtMt... M t'., ft. J M. at O.. 11 C. R A O I C., B. 4V Q.. west... M C. R. I. at P.. eaat. 11 C.. R, I. P., west. Illinois Central ..... 1 Chicago Q. W S Total receipts ... DI 8 POSITION HEAD. Cattle-Hors Pheep. Morris at Co.. JK8 1.66& 8.004 1,075 6M 1.2SW 949 818 Swift & Co , Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour A Co fich warts A Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co p'o. Omaha Packing Co Morrell Packing Co 71 647 1.3U 746 1.308 85 8 68 "in 77 181 6 1K PS Cudahy from country.. it w. u. vansant Co Benton, Vansant a L. F. B. Lewis J. B. Root 4k Co , J. H. Bulla I F. Husi Rosenstock Bros. Kellogg 127 Werthelmer Degen... 122 H. F. Hamilton.. V, . Hulllvan Bros 17' Rothschild SS Mo. Kan. Calf Ob ina innaiie Higgina Roth .. Meyers s . 11 . 11 Baker. Jones a Smlt.. Tanner Bros ,.. John Harvey , Kline 49 142 30 602 Other buyers 1.139 Totals.'.........,.. 4.E21 , 10,589 1,480 CATTLE Receipts were moderate at this point, only 4.000 head being reported in. and other points were alao moderately supplied. The total receipts for the three days this week foot up 18.836 bead at thla point, being smaller than most recent about I.D00 head. Beef steers, both heavy and light, were In active demand and the market 10815c higher than yesterday. Everything sold tiulckly, the yards being cleared) at an early hour. Good beeves sold up to $8.00. The market Is now safely 3&840o higher than laat week's close, the advance bing the most marked on heavy grades, which are fully 40e higher. The commoner kinds ef cattle selling around 17.00 have not shown so much advance. Cows and heifers were active sellers and the desirable kinds were 10316c higher than yesterday, or BtMOc higher than last week. Cannera and common rough cows have not ahown so much advance. Heavy hulls, which were extremely hard to move last week, while not ao very much higher, are selling with greater freedom. Btockers and feeders were strong today, the same as they have been every day this week. The moderate offerings were all taken early In the morning. Quotations on rattle: Uood to choice oornfed beeves. $7.(19.00; fair to good eornfod beeves. 87.26ff7.5U; common to fair cornfed beeves, 36.60tff7.15; good to choloe heifers. 86. 407.10; good to choice cows, M.15&675; fair to good cows, 86.60iitt.26; common to fair oows, 83.7i3.S0; good to choice stockers and feeders, H.tOilM; fair to good stockers and feeders. K7K 710; common to fair stockers and feeders, $5.7634.76; stock heifers, 35.863ff'. stock cows. SS0O&: Mbork calves, 36.OOiSi7.60; veal calves, $7.0t6.76; bulls, stags, etc., $4.76e.(A. : Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. , We. :::: A. fr. Ha. .... T 4 44 4 .... Tal T 104 7 14 10 .... M IN 3D .... m t 14 14 ....lflOl TM M -Hi 7 46 U A. rr. ...mi 7t4 ...li4i T ...JH7 TT ...till 1 14 ...ILKt 7 M ... 454 T Si ...1U7 IH 11... 8... te... 11.,. IMA 7 W STEERS AND HEIFER?. 9S 75 1 T s 7l 7 10 14 7S7 7 tft 424 7 14 . 13 104 7 60 IM 7 Si 14 1174 7 73 COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 74 3 0 U 1013 8 73 1014 4 74 CO WSAND CALVES. 644 4 40 HEIFERS. 4 4 10 it in 3 74 (Hi IX 4 7 f li in M 1 4MS T M 670 4 44 1 IS) T 36 347 60 641 7 M 110 4 6 424 t M 74 t 640 7 60 CALVES. 474 T 14 4 IM 3 44 3.. .. If.. 3.. 17.. 13.. t.. 3.. tl.. !.. 3.. 33.. 11.. 1.. 120 7 464 1 64 3 14tt 4 24 10 3 64 REAL ESTATE nsCELLAMXU8 Nat'l Realty Co. Sella and trades R. E. tl Bee Bldg. P. S403. HERB IS A SNAP. Two lots, 2lh St, near Plnkney, tiSO each. Four lots near 4tn ana eewara, iro ath. Two lots, south omaha. tano each. Fine lot, Kountse Place, $1,800. Inquire 41 Karoacn uioca. $100 DOWN, $26 MONTHLY. modern l hlnrlf to ear. schools, churches and stores. Only 32.M. PAYNE INVESTMENT LOHrAMl Ware Block. Douglas 1781. HOT WATEIt HEAT T ROOMS, all modern, birch finish, ele gant eaat front lot, paved street with paving all paid, choice location on Skill Ave. Price $4,600, terms If desired. CO. CARLBERG, 813 Brandels Theater Bldg. - FIVE ROOMM. MODERN, $.M. TERMS. OWNER. WEB. 16i. HAVE two close in dandy apartment sites cheap. Call Walker at 917 Omaha National Bank Building. LOT OPPORTUNITY HERE. Two east front lots, half block Grand Ave. car. block and half school; only $7uc both; Immediate action. East front lot. H. list, half block' south Hanscom park; below value. CARLSON aV WALLIN. AH MeCsgue. Pbon D. S4S3; evenings, Harney I ri 3 74 8 114 3 73 4 M 8 M 6itK hKhc AMI FELDKKS. 8 7M 3 1 it f 7 i Kn 4 10 1:: ' 7 X 1 774 4 74 I; 7 '! I Ji 7 10 2i. 7 U 14. 707 t 14 41 l 7 4 ?l 7 li 4 1M 7 10 14 7S4 1 34 lKH)sHHTipi were not overly larac, something like 14 rars. or IIM) head be ing rertefi in. For the three days the supply aniounta to S2.M7 head, 7elng about amaller than last wock, but i,'Hj larger than a year no. Shippers refused to pay as much of a premium today as they did early yester day, and while they bouKhl freely, the prices paid were no more than ateady with the late shipping sales yesterday, or a full dime lower than their early pur chases Tuesday. Most of their hogs cost around $u.n.,wiih a Kprlnkllng on either side of thla figure. Packers oiened out very bearish again this morning, making the curly blda at flat loe lower prices. A a was the case yesterday sellers were ssking fully steady prices, and as they refused to take any lean, nothing was done In the parking trade until well along towards 11 o'clock. By this tin.e bids had improved slowly until they Tere no more than a shade to 6c lower. Even then nothing was cashed and. In fact, , no one cut loose until values had reached a steady level. The first hogs sold might have been Just a pinch lower, but the big end of the sales were fully steady, and some made at the best time were stronger, so thst the gen eral packer trade was Just about th same as Tuesday's. Owing to the weaVness In shipping J trades, the average showed up slightly ower. Most of the killer sales landed around . and the bulk of all the hogs sold at with a few best ship pers as high as $..". Shipping demand, while large, was more conservative to day, and none of the high sales that have keen made early on prevloua dava of the week showed up. This accounts for a i.-ic nrop in lops. Representative sales: No. At. 8h. Pr. No. At. Bk. FT. 10 N IM 14 4 ... IH I W4 ... 4 40 M -1 BM 4 M 14 M ... 3 64 46 M 0 4 4714 II 434 ... 4 6e 41 tM ... 4 471 1 4:0 ... 4 4S jnt ... 4 S II S.17 10 4 60 M rit ... 4 m 4 T ... .'4 73.. 1 ... 3 3U TS 241 l6 4 63 41 m ... 3 44 344 ISO 4,15 43 UA ... 3 46 SHEEP-Witl a very moderate riln of sheep and lambs here prices paid were ngnt up in una with those on Tuesday s market. While thla waa ao, trade waa not quite ss snappy as yesterday and the early messages from eastern markets In dicated a slow and weak business at those points. There were several loads of good lambs available this morning, but aside from this the general quality waa not quite as good. Two rare of Nebraska ted Mexicans, light and In good condition, brought yesterday's lop, $1030. The bulk of the lambs found an outlet anywhere from 176 to $10.16, according to weight and quality. The shipping de mand waa not as broad. 1 he clearance wss seasonable. Old sheep formed a light proportion of the receipts and nothing good was here. Prloea were fully steady. Such ewes as were on sain moved around sx.00. The receipts foot up 6,000 head, as gainst 10,064 a week ago and 4,666 a year ago. For the week to date the receipts have been light compared with last week, tooting up only some 32,937 head, as com pared with 86,676 for the same days a week ago. Quotations on sheep snd lambs: Lambs: light, $10.0uiT10.ab; lambs .heavy, f.7fr( 10.00: lambs, shearing. $8,75r9.; Mexi cans, 3S.4vaj.7t.; lambs, fed western, 9.6t; lambs, shearing, $S.l0i(18.60; yearlings, light. jVU.KHtf.UO; yearlings, heavy. x Wis 8.o; wethers, good to choice, 37.8ntig.10; wethers, fair to goon, 47.sxKurr.ib; ewes, good te rhotce, $UWIU0; ewes, fair to good.' $7.25rn'kMI. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 1&2 fed ewe 101 8 00 93 cull ewes 90 7 (0 r9 Mexican lambs K4 10 80 89 Mexican yearling 68 8 60 490 fed lambs "6 9 7u 140 fed lambs . 81 10 10 401 Colorado ewes 81 '760 175 Colorado ewes 87 730 464 fed lambs Si 10 24 HORSESLoral horsemen began blight and early this n crnlng filling a u?w order tor light gunners ror, ins ere rum army. The foreign buyers had a good assort ment of horses to select from aa the quality showed a considerable Improve, ment over laat week snd two weeka. Both commercial and war horses sold in about the same notches as for the last two weeks back, the condition surrounding the general trade showing no material difference. It waa still the case of buy ers taking the cream of th offerings and leaving the less desirable grades to find whatever outlet was available. The astern demand continued very limited and the southern trade was still at . a standstill. The local country business for farm horses was not as good as a1 year ago at this time, thla being at tributed to the backwardness of spring and the prevailing high cost of feed. For war purposes horses weighing from l.loo pounds to 1,200 and in good condition were most sought after. The local mar. kct has another big contract for all classes of war horses, buying to commence April 36. and spnclflcatlons the samo aa tire. viously noted In these columns. CHICAGO LIVE! STOCK MARKET Cattle Strwngr Hosja Steady -Sheep) CHICAGO. Apr. 7.-CATTLB Recelnta. 11,0110 head; market strong; native beef steers. 36.00A4i.iW: western steers. 8.1 HiVoS 7.60; cows and heifers, 83.00tr7.60; calvea, pi.Wirs.76. HOUiJ-Recelpta. 21.000 head: market steady at yesterday' average: bulk of salea, tH.WXllt.W:, light. 36.Rr4i.96: mixed. 3.0H.92Vi- heavy. S6.40fo8.90; rough, 86.40 &4I.66; pigs, S6.6fltf4.&0. miaif AND IAMBS-Receipts, 15,000 head; market firm; sheep, $7.4O8.60; lambs. 87.9iml0.60. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. Mo.. April 7. CATTLE Receipts, 6,300 head; market higher; beef steers loc higher; other cattle stcaov to strong: prime fed steers, $.108.60; dressed beef steers, $7.00t8.00i western stetrs, 4tt.7ta 10; Blockers and feeders. 36 Lfa.00; bulls, $0.&6.6o; calves, 16.00 10 00. HOGS Receipts. 9,600 head; market higher: bulk, $6.7r4Ti.K5; heavy,' .70H.kft; packers and butchers. $6.Tbu6.86; light, J.ti'ni.S6; pigs. 36.3.V&6 90. .SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. R.OOO head: market higher; Ismbs, $9.fiO7rl0.3.i: yearlings. SB My.2i; wethers, $7.50iQ.40; ewes, 17.2:4,126. St. Loals LIT Stock Market. ST. LOUTS, Mo., April 7. CATTLB Receipts, 8,000 heed; market strong; native beef steers. S7.0oafc.9U; cows and heifers, $&.6038.60; stockers and feeders. $6.7Ixf(7.2."; southern steers, $S.4r7.7I; rows snd heif ers. 84 0016.00; native calves. ti OUO.OC. HCKi 8 Receipts, 40.900 head; market steady; plga and lights, $6.77.30; mixed and butchers. 86.Mt7.20; good heavy, $6.9u IsHttif AKU 1.AMU8 Receipts, 1.70 neaa; marKet sieaqy to strong; native muttons, 87.00 a &; Iambs. 3!.60r 10 45: yearlings, 87.&orx2J.90; sheared yearlings, $6.60fj7.. glens City Lira Stark Market. RIOITX CITF. Anril l-PATTI.l" R.. r i ii a iia, 1 1 h f i m.r..r aiiv' n.ii... steers, 86 VS100; butchers, $5.0Ot7.00; cows nu tieiiera, . jv; canners, 4A.wa'4.vu; stockers and feeders. $6 4647 2r: . calves, rvwnis.iiv; puns, stags, etc., 34.75e6.00. HOOK-Recelpts, 6.700 bead; market 6c lower; heavy, $4.6Wji.6r,; mixed. S6.l'it 8 36; light, 36-604, .U; bulk of sales, $6.60 tit: 60. SHEEP AND LAMRH.Recsinta tea head. t Joseph LIT Stork Market ST. JOSEPH, Mo., April 7. CATTLE Recelpta, 6O0 head; market higher; steers, 37 OO'uS.&o; cows and heifers. U.Wa.0: calv. lii O-i! 60. llOON Reoeipts. 1(00 head; market higher: top, V SO; bulk of sale, H.kn.0. SHEEP AND I.A MHf4 Receipts. 1,JAI heod; market steady; lambs, $9.7110.30. Metal Market. NEW TORK. April 7 METALS Lead: Steady at $4.17'v4.221i: London. 21. Spelter: Nominal; London, 42 !:. Tin; Quiet; five-ton lots, 347 00. bid. Copper: Firm: electrolytic. $l.ialti.Z5; casting. $15 S.'Vtrli.irT'i. Iron; Quiet and unchanged. At London: Bpot copper. rrt)8e; fu tures. a70rs6d. Spot tin. 16o ; futures, ildb 10'. Antimony, itwKa'. t. I.ools Orala Market. BT. Ilt'IH. Mo., Aprtl I-WHEAT-N11 3 red. $1 6iL.; No t hard, $1.66tl 1.66; May. $1.4K'S'. July. $1 17V CORN No. 2. 7V: No. 1 white, 77V; Mav. laviK; July, lo'ic. OATU No. 2. 6'JV.c, No. t white, 68fjtJ4c, GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Elimination of Russia as Wheat Shipper Severely Telt in Ad- -rancing Prices. ITALY SENDS NOTHING OUT OMAHA. April 7. 1916. Statistics show that no one country has purchased thua far thla season anywhere near their requirements. Consumption has been on a very large avals and the elim ination of Russia aa a shipper has been eeverely felt in the sharp advance In J rices. The entire population of Europe (a dependent on foreUn supplies until next harvest Reports fall to show that Germany has received anv wheat or flour from Italy evcep: a small amount which was re ceived during th first few dsys in Au gust. The first crop reports of the season are now being received and because of the greatly Increased acreage and gener ally good wintering of the plant the sit uation may be regarded aa bearish. In the cash trade there appears to be a feeling that eastern domanda will con tinue to reduce atocka materially In the near future. The oala market Is weak and shows nn ability to act Independent of the wheat and corn markets. Omiiha Spot Market Wheat waa un changed; corn. 4c lower to Uc higher; oata were unchanged to 4c lower. Clearancea were: Wheat nd flour, equal to 1,6K).0oO bu.; corn, 8.10,000 bu.; oats, fM.ooS bu. Liverpool close: Not qunteo. Primary wheat receipts were 807,8fO bu, snd shipments fcfA,fmo bu., sgalnat receipts of M8.000 bu. and shipments of 700,000 bu. Inst year. Primary corn receipts were 74S.O00 bu. and shipments l.oa.OiiO hit, sgalnst re ceipts of 7M.OO0 bu. and (hlpmerta of l,3Af,000 bu. last year. Primary oata receipts w ere 1.SR1.000 bu and shipments 1.177,000 bu.. asslnst re ceipts of "ai.ono hu. and shipments of 1.6W.WW bu. Isst year. CAI RLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Com. Dts, Chicago 197 190 Minneapolis 118 iDuluth 88 Omaha 19 Kansss Cltv 80 I m i 109 M. lxula 48 Winnipeg KW These sales were reported today: Wheat: No. S hard winter: 1 far, Sl.&OVj; t cars, $1.K). No. hard winter: 1 ear (turkey!, $1.61; 1 car, 81.4t4. No. 8 spring: 1 car, $.. No. 4 spring: 1 car. $1.36. Corn: No. S white: oars. Tie. No. 4 white: 1 car, 6V; 1 car, c No. 8 yel low; 1 rars, no; 1 car. 70H0. mo. yel low. 1 car. 7VVo; oars, wc. mo, low! i cara fiV4t: 4 cars. 89i4c. 4 yel No. yellow; 1 car, 6- No. S mixed 1 car. 6'. No. S mixed: 1 car (near white), 70"4c,' 1 car (near white), 70c; t cars. 69Aie. No. 4 mixed. S cars. C3c; 8 cars, Ro: I cars, SStici I car, 4V,c; 1 car, 4o. No. 6 mixed: t cars, 9c; 1 car, 68Sc; 1 car, 1 car, 6?He. Oata: No. i whit: S cars. R4c No. 4 white: l 'car, 6o; 1 car, 63Hc. Sample: S car. UVtc Bye: Sample: 1 car, 81.07. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 1 Turkey, $1.61(11.61; No. t Turkey, $1.60H3 ! 61: No. S hard. $1.4HTfl.60: No. I hard, 1.4H3 1.494: No. 3 spring; $1.4?1.60: No. durum, $1.40771.41; No. S durum, $1. Steffi. 41. Corn: No, 1 white. 7mifjn:y: No. 1 white. 71W14c: No. $ white, 7W;ic: No. 4 white, 691W9He; No. 6 white, sH4JHo; No. ( white, 6S',MSVie; No. 1 yellow, 71 71Vc; No. 1 yellow. 7ti&71r : No. 3 yellow, 7i7(tt4c: No. 4 yellow, 9flWc: No. I yellow, 6Rifl9e: No. 8 yellow, hS'iQtix'Vic; No. 1 mixed, 69H7"T4c; No. 3 mixed, 6&H t94ie; No. S mixed. ti?Hc; No. 4 mixed, 6Wfl9cj No. 6 mixed, 67VkTre; No. 6 mixed. 7i-4c Oats: No. t white, Ufr $rc: standard, 64H'uMc; No.- white. 63'94c; No. 4 white. MV4Me. Barley: Malting, 66ft74c; No. t feed, fti70. Rye: $1.0fll.l0; No. 8. $L(4fl.09, CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feat a res of the Trading; CloalnaT Prices an Board of Trade. CHICAGO, April T.-Ralns that allayed rear of drouth dainagn started the wheat market today on a decline, which was emphasised later by the government crop report and by rumors that Austria had sued tor peace. Th close waa heavy at a loss of lVSe net. Corn finished Ho down, oala, off Wke and provisions varying from a setback of 6o to a rise Of S4c. Mojstur over nearly th entire west, with predictions of ample showers where needed further east put an end at once to dry weather talk and brought about Immediate selling pressure on wheat. Something of a reaction ensued, but the government crop report turned out to be about as bearish as expected and the bulls again withdrew support. Covering by shorts caused only a brief rally and then th market seemed almost without a friend, especially aftor late cable ad vices of Russian progress tended to con firm gossip thst Austria was negotiates to end the war. Absence of any Important new export demand for wheat attracted conalderable notice In view of the aaknowledgnd short age across the Atlantic. The dearth of Iresh buying for ocean shipment, how ever, did not alter the fact that clearances for Europe continued on a big scale, the total for the last two days amounting to nearly four times as much as for th corresponding time a year ago, Corn eased otf with wheat and a a result of Improved weather conditions. Most of the trade was betweti pit specu lators. Oats were relatively firm, owing to seaboard suvlnar of ths May delivery. In addition there were cash sales her of JOO.OtO bushels chiefly for export. Demand for provisions was only tair. Most of the buying was on resting orders that could not be filled exrept on dips. Futures ranged as follows: Artlclsl Open. High 1 Low. Close IMotTy; Wheat! May. Julv. lft"t 1 M4 lUi 76'A 1 83 75 764 ' t74 Corn. May. July. '7SV 64. Mb iM 17 46 10 02V 30 SO Oats. May Julv. 64 &4MMfli Pork. Msy. July. Lard. M 97H 17 60 10 08 10 $0 17 K 10 OK 10 SJr WV4 10 16 May. July. Ribs. Msy. 9 f?H July. 10 10 26 Chlcaao Caah Priors Wheat : No. 1 red. 31 6ft.M1.6V: N"- hard. ll.sbViftl.6a, Corn: No. yellow, TIHc; No. 4 yellow, 70Wf7m ats: no. s wmua, wj.ir, r.Ti n7lXe llvi Nn. 1 81. IT. mainmm, ui'i y -- . ; nariry. "-. "I-.""'' V, . 0.2S: clover, "!"'" rrann 31B.72V4; iara, .-, rn". ltt.TTr.lv itigner; craannjij, w. EXKleV-L'nsettied; receipU. ll 0 cases; at mark, caeca Included. K18Vc; ordi nary firsts. 17Vo: firsts, lHc. I'OTATOES Receipt, 23 cars; un- chansed. . , , ,,,, POL LTRi Alive, lower; iow , iu 14Vc; springs. Wc. (effee Market. NEW YORK, April 7. COFFEE The market for coffee futures was very quiet until after midday, but trade Interests became more .even aniv sellers during the late trading and prices broke quite sharply, with the close snowing a net loss of from 10 to 14 point a Hales were 11 kjCi hue a Anril. .0bc: May. .iuc: June dir.r: Julv. 7.14e: August. 7.81c: Septem ber. 7.asc: ocioper. 7.440; jNovemner, i.ew; December. 7.64c: January. 7.49c; February, 7.64c; March 7.89o The decline waa ao- comnanied by rumors that cor fee had been aold afloat on th basis ef aa for reis basis, but no chang or importance was reported In the cost and freight ticket. The close was quiet st So for rels and lOUc for Bantoe 4s. The Bra sillsn cables reported no change In Rio exchange or In the Rio market, but Mantos was 100 rels lower. Cattoa Market. NEW TORK. April 7.-COTTON-Spot. quiet; middling uplands, 9.96c; no sales. The cotton market cioeed barely steady. at a net decline of from 14 to 1 points. Cotton futures closed barely ataady; May, 9 73o;. July, lOOUc; October, 10.41c; December, 10.u&c; January, lu.toc. t Evaporated Apples aa Dried Frwlts NKW YORK, April T EVAPORATED APPI.ICS Dull. DRIED FRUITS Prunes. barely steady. Apricots, quiet, reaches, easy. Raisins. Inactive. ' Dry Oaxide Market. NKW YORK. Aprtl 7. DRT GOODS- rollon goods wer firm and quiet today. Yarns were firm. Knit goods were ad vanced. Burlapa were scarce. Embroid eries were In better demand. 1 HH 1 tW4 114 1S4W 7S4 TSH . IVft . 75 MS 6T4 MS ' 17 IT OS 17 67H 17 80 10 Kk 10 0 10 80 10 SO sic t2S 1 86 10 26 NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Session, in Its Essential Features, Xarg-ely Repetition of Days Before. PRICES MAKE PROGRESS NFTtV YORK, April T la Its essentia' features today s stock market was largely a repetition of the days preceding. Prires mane runner p roe-re as though gain were mainly In the specialties, which have' dominated operations of the last fort night. Trading waa subject to frequent, fteriod of dullness and total transactions were somewhat under recent averages. ' Automobile shares broke Into new high grade, with galna which ran as high as seven points. Petroleum stocks, fertilis ers, the smaller steel companies and numerous other miscellaneous Issues Joined In this movement which again bore traces of professional manipulation. These) advances were partly nullified by corresponding declines In various spe cialties. Including Bethlehem steel, gen eral electric, Cuban-American sugar and more subordinate Issues. Rock Island and Missouri Pacific were active at advances, but leadera Ilka t."nlfn Pacific, Cnlted Mtals eiteel, Reading and Almalgamated, rose and fell alternately.. Contrary to expectations, th publica tion of the government crop report, which showed Improvement In the average con dition of winter wheat over last Decem ber, failed to exercise the slightest In fluence, likewise sale ef refined cop per at a fraction over 18 cents- fsiled of favorable effect In the metkl group. Rates of exchange on London were lower on heavy offerings of hankers bills by a leading Institution, continental ex change fell in proportion at a degree, francs and marks rasing perceptibly. Re mittances on Rome were unchanged, de spite the belief that a loan or credit to Italy la Impending. London waa again a seller of our stocks In the home market, and here transcontinental const It u tod the chief offerings. It la believed thst these ssles were made aa a preliminary to another large British treasury loan.' Local and Interior banks are once more In tho money market long tlma loans and purchases of commercial paper constituting a large part of their recent operations. Total sales of stock amounted to 624,900 shares. Bonds went Irretrular. with tome de cided galna in Missouri Panlflo 4a, Chi cago fc Eastern Illinois 6a and Rock Island debentures Total sale par value aggregated $3,T7t4.(l. r 1' ruled states bonds wer unchanged en call. Number ef sales and leading quotations on stocks today were: Sale. SUsa. Lew. Owe. Aluka fleld .' l.Ou S 34 , Amalsmate4 ceroer 4 Americas SMet Sugar.... t.10 4K 46 44 Airerleaa Caa " 31 31 It Amartraa H. R 3,Ma t t tl Aatarleaa S. a R. et.. KW w IM Am. Hussr Rf1alns...v 7o 1"4 1 14 Amwleaa T1 Tsl I liH US - Ill's ' Asisrlraa Tnhaose 3n4 SWU t IM Anrenla Mining - 1.4" l , XI S AtCMaon ,1W 10W !" inn-B P.lllmnrs a Ohio l. 7'4 7:4 1Z Pinnklrn Rspia Tranlt.. I.KXl ana as tn t'.llfomla PetralMiai .... he 17 t4U. 14 f.n.dlto P. Itlo 1M 1434 14X14 lJi, rVrlml kriilltr ., I.soa lf.4 't rhtmap (lid l.iws 44 CTilr. Oraat Western.. 4W 17i ll'i 13 CMr.., M. Kt P.... 1,7W I' " Chlcam N. W 1J rMno Opw 4.a 4"S tS'i 4'4 tlra4e Pwol tm..., 3.10 Sn4 14 tW OnlnraiVn 44 Hnuihsra 600 41 14 H ' p.nw Rle Ormnrte.... 7' rmaTar 4 H. O. pf4.... AMI 14 II 14 piatllisrs' Bsritrlllwt .... 1 'i H grla 3.6ns n 7'4 7'4 ' Oeeeral lHo 147 14! !, Orest Noclhera 1fd l." 1" l,TH HT . Oraat Vr. Or Ml. 6.1M H T4n UN Oueceolislni Kislorstlna... SM 64S 31 i Ma Illinois Owitral , I1" !ntertnrmin M.t. pti.... I SW) f' 7S 4i Insplrailoa Cnvisw M.ion ;fk 44 7 InUrwUlonal Hftrrseter .. ' II kiuhi ntr soutiiara.... T' j ri'4 74 11,l.h V.II.V 1.201 1S7U 'l.W lul.vlll a NaahTllla l' Mntnan Patralsum '.'' TO r ri Miami Csjhi ,' r4 ".4 U Mlnaosrt, K. T... U.6" 1"t . Mlnourt Pacinr 31.100 1l4 U"4 11 National Klsel 114 national uamm a.i-' t. Nrtcila Ooppor 3.(m4 US lS )"4 Nvv York (Mitrsl , 1.74 S 64 H. T.N. H. H I to 4014 41V 6 Norfolk s Wentsra ..... lat Northam rwnllle 6 10 lei m 17 rarirte Mall n f!lfle Tel. A Tal '17 P.no.rlTanla 1,704 J47St 147 1V7 fullsian Palaoa car 11 TUT Oon. CinMr 6 Ins II v teu tfttl -dln 46.4 141 H lr. 14' iKsakll Iras A gtssl... 7.1' 4 4H II 14i rh uin ra mo "4 "4 Ttock I.l.nd Oj. D(4 1.404 t4 1 K w. i. 4 r. u ta iti ftonthora raoltle It Inn 44 HU Vuthrs lUllwtr t."4 I"" 17H I'S Traeea Oiepsr em sn4 aiv4 Ten Tommuir , ,. 40S 141 140 11 l'nlon prirto li:"1 l-.-li I" l'nlon rartrln if4 l M4 son ns llnltad Piatrs Rtacl 6Wi 4w vt t: H. Stoat r l I K4w 1 10k l'fall roptT l.nod 64 ITS 4T't W'atiaah std I" 4 !H 8t Wntara tnloo , Its 4r,Uj .v, WMtlnshouw Kleetrlo .. 7.71 774 74 ts, Xinnlana fnnaimctlon ... :4 6: 14 IJ'i Total salaa for th ear. 634, abtraa. New Yark Meaey Market. NEW YORK. April T. MERCANTILE PAPER II per rent. ' STERLING kx:manqk Bteanier: six ty-day bills. 34.7685; for cables. 34.7W6: for demand, 84.7960. , silver liar, oomc: Mexican dollars. 38c. BONDS Oovernment. steady; railroad irregular.' . TIME LOANS-steady; sixty day, per cent; ninety days, t per cent; six months, St per cent. CALL MONEY Steady: high. SV4 per Cent; low, S per cent; ruling rate. S per cent: laat loan. IV per cent; nosing bid. I rer cent; offered at 2 per cent. 'losing quotations on oonas loauy wer a follows: . - V. 8. rat, S rag... Hit Ms. Pee. T. ..... 4' so ssupoa ' N. Y. C. . Wa.... M . U. 8. . r4l ;..3lwM. Y. Oltr Ha....lH4 4e eaupea ..loiN. Y. Hat 4H...1'J TJ . a rasitarad.los,.N. T.. N. U. R. 4 seupoa e. 4 1M14 yaaaaia as mrm..wv.T9 m. rnsiiia -- Am. gmaiurs .. .10444 do 4s ' A. T. T. ST. W B. U. tar. ... 40 Armour A Cs. 4Vs.. 114 Pan. T. a T. Is.... 44' Attbwoa saa,4a.... M'enB. eon. 4a. 44 tal. Oi.lo s nit 3s cos. 4"4........l(lt', ( ha. Okie 4H. M Ra4la m. 4a C. B. Q. i. 4a.... H. L. A . r. r. 4. 7i', O M A S T g 4w--K ra. er. 4s...... s?4 so or. la 114 ao iaf. 4a.....'.... It; 0 A 8. rf. 4S" .. S3 dp ct. 6 i. P. . O. rat. 4S.. 41 So 4U1lwar 4a 4 KrU am. 4 71 Loloa Paolfl 4 S5U. tlaa. KlMtrls 6s..,.ll4 4a cr. 4 ,. mv aot. Na. lot 4St... n -u. a. nuitoar s...iS4 111. Cn. rat. 4...t'. R. sul aa o:"4 K. C So. rat. U.. II Wabaah lal la t4? U N. ual. 4.... wwa. fntoa 4 ... rr M. K. T. 1st 4.. N Weal. tie. CT. 3s.. 33 Bid. Omaha Hay Market. 1 OMAHA. Aprtl C-PRAIR1E HAY Choloe upland, $l2.6Oti13.0O, must be choice to bring 8I8.0O: No. 1, 311.6ftrj 12.50; No. $10.0Lall.Oo; No. a $8.000 10. f; choice midlaml, $11 007 11.50; No. 1. $ll.0r 11.00; No. 2, $10.011100: No. a W.OUi10 00; choice lowland. 336ui(ri0.00;, No. 1. VXHXit 9.80: No. 1. H.OOav.OO: No. B. M-OOiQAOO. 8TRAW Oholoe. wheat straw la quot able at Sa.fr.4p3.60; choice oat or rye. $7.00i97.60. ALFALFA Chelca pea green, leefv, fin stem. $11,604,14.60; No. 1. Slt.Moj 13. jo; No. 1. $11.0Oull.Ou; No. L $9.00iS1I.OO. Kaasaa City Orala aal Provlsloaa. KANSAS CITT. April T.-WHEAT-No t hard, $1 rjoVVgl K2; No. 1 red, $1.4H; May, $1.44: July, $J.tt'4el.lM; September, 1.03'47l.O.T. COKN No. S mixed. 7?Vc; No. t white, Wo; No. S yellow, 74Hc: No. 3, 74c; May. 71Smie; July. 787STtc;. September. PHc. BCTTER Creamery, S8c; firsts, 86c; seconds, -c; packing, ISSc K VU-Firsts. 17Vc; secottds. T7c. POULTRY-Hena, USsc; roosters, 10c; turkeys, 16c. Mlaaas4lta Grala Market. MINNDAPOLTS. Aprtl T. WHEAT May. $1.41.4.',: July, $1.4 bid: No. I hard. $1.66S; No. 1 northern. $1.4v,y l.Sl'l: No. $ northern. i.4$TaCl.T. FLOt'R-Unehsnged. BARLEY-6ttToC. BRAN-4210U. RYE 81 Wnl 10. CORN No. 3 yellow. H7Se. OATS No. S white, atSVko. KLAX-$1.86H1fl.0. 1U4 Oil) DOT HlSHf.W, kaiwl waakly. lie a ar. Is pusllilia sub view ol praaaatln Nav York Stark Kachans laTat BMal oportunttta ciaarlr so auhi-ul ii n BKalllUa. heu4 for aampl aoyia. It BivmI r. Hrm Turk cv.