Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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- 7
William Bishop, 89 Years Old, Miss
ing Since Sunday, Found in an
Apple Orchard.
o Print t New Cueon Frees
rf Ma-OraaAaa Co. Uf htln future.
Admit Judge Baldwin Justice of the
TVace Arthur I;. Uahluln liim bten ad
mitted to the irat-tl-c f la In feilrrul
Vnlted Improvara to Jset A meet
ing of the I'nitotl Improvement Clubs l
to be held In thr park commlsstoner'a
office this evening.
A Feeling of corlt is one of the
r H., h,..!.!.:,. th. i. :-! '-'-ailing against nn npplo tree In
ways new." Soe ut no l: a few ronn j " N- Dodge orchard on Wood-;
available April 1. j lury avenue, in Council Muffs, as
The State Bank of Omana ray though he nan calmly appreciating
per cent on time deposits. 3 per rent on j the uattiral beauty of his surrounil
aavlngs accounts. All deposits In thl!. ,. . ,,..,,, ,,, . t
Unk Bttfc! ... .h. Hnmjitnri lnp, tho body of iUi:uu Bishop,
Mag-io City Business Men Oppose
Move of Members Wishing to
Mix in Annexation Fight.
guarantee fund of the atnte of Nebraska.
Today's Complete Movie Pro train"
laaslfied section, anil appcHrs in
The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
the vartous moving picture theaters offer,
guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska
Bends Man to AJblon A representa
tive of the Omaha Commercial club Is to
go to Albion to speak before the Com
mercial club of that pluce at the club's
banquet the cveniiiK of April 13.
Brick Thrower Fined John le
Flores, arrested on North Fourteenth
street for throwing n brick through a
plate class window at Ul Webster street,
was fined S.'o and costs In police court.
Horfolk Officer Visits Here C. 11. 1
1'ilger, police officer at Norfolk who was
shot by the bandit Gonzales In the hunt
for the murderers of Detective Tom Ripb.
van a visitor at headline iters Tuesday
Socialist Card Party The fourth of
a series of card parties will be held
under the auspice of the snei iliit party
In Olfford hull, :7 Lyric bultlini. Nine
teenth and Famum streets, Wednesday
evening, April 7.
Typewriter Stolen The liourl
Jilvcr Lumber company. iiH North Thir
tieth street, reports to the police that
Its office was entered by thieves who
carried away a typewriter, t'.HO In casn
ai.d a number of postage stumps.
Thanka for lobbying A vote of
thanks was offered by the executive j
committee of the Commercial club to the
special committee of the club that worked
faithfully at Lincoln for th passage of
Senate Fllo No. 2, the annexation bill.
Hew Cars for Great Western The
Great Western has ordered two observa
tion parlor cars, two buffet library and
two baggage and smoking cars. It is
i:nderstood that the new equipmcut will
bo put onto the Omaha-Chicago day
Huff Talka to Kotarlana "Evolution
of the Automobile Business" will be the
subject of the chief talk at the Rotary
club meeting this noon at the Henshaw.
Lee Huff, one of Omaha's well known
and successful auto dealers, will be the
rpcaker. Dr. W. K. Foote will preside.
Two Hart In Accident Mrs. Addle
Van Andcn, 6122 Blondo street, and Adam
Baudu, Dundee farmer, were painfully
Injured when an auto driven by D. W.
Jones, 11S South Seventeenth street, hit
the buggy occupied by the couple at Six
teenth and Douglas streets. Both were
thrown out, and the rig was smashed.
Two Konaea Lose Plumbing Jesse
Foley, tilt North Twenty-ninth street, hat
notified the police that plumbing and fix
tures have been stolen from a vacant
house at 1537 North Nineteenth street.
Mrs. X,
year-old civil war veteran, was found
yesterday. He bad taken bin life
by cutting an artery in his left arm
with a razor which was found at his
Kver since Sunday the police In Omaha
nnd surrounding cities had been carrying
n a search for the old man. who left
his home at ": Franklin street early
h the afternoon.
When he left bis relatives (caw!
play, as they declared thut he was men
tally sound and that they could think
c! no olner motive for his absence.
He had considerable money on hi 3 1 1 r
son ami several iincashrtl penniim certtfl
cries They thi. tight thut he mlKht have
been found by unscrupulous men who
btst anil r ihlxnl him. A rew ard of J-Si
for Infornntlon leading to his where
abouts had been posted, but until today
no clue had been found.
The body w as 'discovered by smal' no a
bunting gophers. l.nter It was l-inictl
that the old mm had been seen to liter
the orchard Sunday afternoon.
The body wai identified by Dr. .1. C.
Bishop, 1C4 Ulnney, a nephew, anil John
Bishop of Council Bluffs, also a nephew.
Bralley & Dorrunce have the body niw.
A motely collection of parcel post ar
ticles, for which the "nixie" department
of the postofflce has been unable to find
owners, will be sold nt auction in the
first floor corridor of the federal build
ing April 1!.
Prospective bidder will be allo-x-ed to
look over the goods April li and 17, and
when the sale begins on the following
Monday morning it vill be continued Hi
charge of a professional auctioneer until
everything is Bold.
Among the articles to be sold are the
following: ."ilk ties, ioiiltry supplies,
books, wolf pelts, implement repairs,
skunk hides, sartilms, toys, hurness,
chicken brooders, chewing gum. umbrel
las, nutmegs, auto lamps, squirrel tnils,
peacock feathers, rabbit feet, pool balls,
tooth picks, watches, lodge buttons,
cigars, Bibles, wall paper, hair restorer,
women's hosiery and lingerie, safety
razors, elk teeth and dog collars.
Colonel Ensene E. Kdwarda, who died
here Monday at the age of 79 years, was
a veteran of the civil war. belonging to
the Sixth Iowa Infantry. His services were
Newman, 2811 Davenport street, I distinguished and during the siege of
e'bo declares that a house nt 814 -North
Nineteenth street has received Uko ' at
tention. Ho Bpurtoua Coin acre Omaha has
so far escaped the counterfeit gold coins
mado partly of glas which have been
discovered in circulation In Chicago.
fceeret Operative Hugh Mills says that
none of the "doctored" $5 and $10 gold
pieces have been found here. They are al
most perfect in appearance and "ring."
Chicago reports say about one-fourth of
the coin consists of glass, which makes
H ring af if mde entirely of gold.
Man? Coming In Autos A party of
fourteen men and women from Harris
burg, Pa., were westbound exposition
visitors, occupying the greater portion
of a sleeper on the Burlington. They as
serted that as soon as the roads settlo
and .the weather becomes warm, from
western Pennsylvania there will be many
people who will go through to California
in automobiles. They all have Omaha
on their maps a one of the stopping
Translation of love letters written In a
foreign language is the latest favor asked
of iiostal employes by patrons of the gen
eral delivery window at the postofflce.
Ed Hoag. chief of the parcel post de
partment, was called from hla desk by a
woman who had just received a letter
written in German, which she could not
read. She asked him to help her trans
late it
"Can't read a word of German." he
s&id, "but Accommodation is my middle
Whereupon he found a clerk who did
tho translating and incidentally smiled
freely over the endearing terms in the
YlcJtsburg he aerved as provost marshal.
Returning to Iowa," he practiced law at
Charlton and was a member of the Iowa
legislature. Removing later to California,
he was active In politics in Santa Ana
and while In tho California legislature'
succeeded In having Los Angeles county
divided, making the new county of
Orange. Colonel Edwards was a member
of the Grand Army of the Republic and
the Loyal Legion.
He leaves two children, Mrs. Clement
Chase of Omaha and LeRoy M. Kd wards
of !os Angele. The funeral and Inter
ment will be private at the chapel In
Foaest Lawn cemetery this morning at il
South Omaha business men a a body
snt down for the second time on mem-beiT-
of their body who wished to mix hi
wllh'the an next (Ion subject at a meeting
of the himttifps men held Monunv nlalit.
The organisation, as such, bus not mixed
In the annexation battle and the
of the bill was thotiKht to have finished
the matter until It whs renewed at tho
Monday nlubt meeting. Then the Memo
roller got busv nnd when it- hnd pained
the organization appeared once more ns
a Mrlctly mercantile oroinlatH'ti and not
a semi political bod .
IVnlili; lVtlltoc.
It took exnetly six Fit-natures 10 Ki a
malolitv lo the petition to pave runo
blocks of L street from Twenty-fourth to
Thirty-third street. Ileal!-, the street is
to be repiixed. When completed the new
horse barns nnL street will have an open
way from the stock yards to Twenty
fourth street. Those who slEiied the peti
tion are: Magic City Realty company,
the I'nion Stork Yards eompan, J. and
W. 11. Segtar. R. C Strehloiv, Maveio
wlih & Vail and the Vogel Incstni"nt
Keeps Them lanessiiiK.
Ctoorgp Atkins, mnnaeer of the HesFe
theater, says he ha been kept busy for
the last two days answering Inuulrles ns
to the last Installment of "The Clutching
Hand." "Who do you supimso the
'Clutch' Is?" asked an old mnn of Atkins
yi-Mcrday. The last Installment of tttii
play will be given today.
Itnl of Honor.
I'M, R. Boswell, head of the ticrm.m
department of the local high school, has
.lust Issued his quarterly honor roll of
students at the hlnh school. The rcll
Is compiled from tho grades attained by
the students during their first six weeks
at high school during the present sem
ester. Ninety per cent or more In each
The roll:
Clar.i Bros, heit
Bessie Durienn
Ruth Crost heck
Helen Hatcher
tlon of Justice In the South Omaha poller
court. Several youths, salt! to have been
convicted and aentenced to tall In the
South Omaha police court because of al
leged knowledge of l car robin-res,
htn been liberated under habeas corpus
proceedings In the dlslilct court. A num
ber of the youths who paid their fines
are asking that the city remit the money,
Attorneys Inslsled that there was not
any evidence to connect the men with
the charges. Jutlge Reed of the police
court advanced the argument that tin
fires Imposed were small, but attorneys
fur the defendants said that If the men
wire not guilty they should not be fined
anything nnd habeas corpus proceedings
followi tl.
XI it ale ( hi l.oaal.
The Keno Kbib (lain e at Rushing s hall
last exciting was a big suci ess.
The Columbian club w ii eli e a dance
ar Its hall. Thirty-sixth mid 1! street, l-'rl-i';iy
The Independent order of Mild Fellows
will hold their regular weekly meeting
nt xt Friday i-vetilng nt the odd Fellows'
The big suffrage movie," Your !lii and
Mine." tlrew record crowds at the Or
phximi theater yesterdiiv afternoon and
e ening.
Mrs 1". .1 Martin, wife of Cltv Trcns
irier I". .1 Martin, left estcrdiiy'for Chi
cago to remain for several months under
medical treatment.
flei- - absence of seven years, Miss
Veda ThKoI. lormer student of the .Irrng
imtn school. (sited her many friends In
the cltv yesterday,
Tom Combs was fined .t nnd costs ves
ttrtlav In the police court bv Police Judge
Iteed for the assault ami battery of
itirorge Hater Hater m given two weeks
'In the city .tail.
' The Mada socleiv will give n puhh
dance at tho Moose hall. Twenty .fifth ami
i M sln-cts. next Saturday evening home.
thing exclusive is billed bv the commit
tee In charge for a program.
John Nanskl was Hoed 111 ami costs In
the police court by Judge Recti lestcrday
morning for aliened assault end battery
of one Mike Zenkovtch on Faster Sunday
afternoon. Both men were drunk, but
'H-nkovlch was badly battered about the
face end bead.
K. V. Arnold, for manv years a depart
ment head at the local plant of Swift
and Company, baa been transferred to
Chicago on promotion. The transfer of
Arnold on promotion Is only one of the
recent switches of Sonth Omaha men to
other points where the local packers con
trol. A year ago Cudithy sent out a nuni
tier of local men to man other plains
Then the plant of Morris A- Co was
shaken up. Armour canii next and now
Swift ami Company has Joined tho movement.
"I want to get Inti the civil service,
so as to have a good Job for life," a
man said at the Information window of
the postofflce. "A life Job sounds bet-
Iter to me than Just working out by the
week "
L. S. Mole, t he clerk In charge, ex
plained that civil service appointees se
cured their positions only nftjrr passing
extensive examinations with high murks,
and that there would be no more exami
nations for the postal sen Ice unlll next
A small blare was discovered In foe
kitchen of roth's restaurant about 4
o'clock Tuesday morning. The fire was
smouldering Just above the metal celling
and had not yet gained headway to be
dangerous. Not long ago they hail some
trouble there with a defective stovcpltwv
It Is thoiiKht that a spark from that
lodged between the celling and the floor
above. The fire was extinguished bv
Culls from the Wire
ler at I.oulshurg. who was killed bv a
1 hot through the window of hla li .
1 morn llinn two years ago.
I A bill forbidding anv restraint 111 m ii -I
number of eppr-ntlcr a In any trnile was
passed by the California senate. In whicii
I II tutrinatrd. In debating ths mnsjur-;
j its opponents called I) device "in
siroy lannr unions nnd establish the open
bop Its advocates said It was a bill
lo give "the American boy a chance in
life "
lilt-hard I,. Van Zandf. vice governor
of the Dnlhia Federal Reserve bank, dis
trict No. tl was elected governor at the
monthly meet Inn of the board of tllr".
tors. Sir Van Zandt, who came hero
from Fort Worth. Tex . has been acting
governor since Osear Wells resinned tli-goveinoi-sldo
n monlb nt-o lo heenrr
i iesl.lint of the First National bank of
Hlrnilniiharii, Ala.
A nine fsoind bin-, bom to Mr. ami
Mrs I'hlllp Fdall at their home Insh'i
the I'li'iatiiK Pacific exposition grounds at
San Francisco, is the llrsl cxpoitloii
bnbv. I dad Is resident engineer at a
InrKc concession. for the rnllrc'ds testified
at the Interstate Cmiiinorce commission
hearing of western rate case Tuesday
111 behalf of the fortv-olie we-tern rail
roads' couleiitlon thai thev must have
higher rates on llw- stock In order to
obtain enough revenue ppM-eiiy to runln
t.tln their lines
The f'nltel'vs cruiser Maryland
sailed from San Frnncl-en for Honolulu
to fake charge of the raising of the
t'nllcil State submarine F t. which snrilc
March Mephrn .1. I 'n-lllshak . siid fo
hold the world's tllvlnif record for depth,
and other experts iioni he Brooklyn
Nxv vnrd were aboard.
Rosooo llornhiiker. I.oulshuru. linn ,
roallcti rrler, was Itoiiud over to flic dis
trlet court at Pnola. Kan . for trial on
a charun of murder In conrie Hon wltlk
tfio death of Hoorge McFlbeny, poptmas-
Loss Of Appetite
Moat Bncrasafully Treated by Taking
Hood'a Baraaparllla,
Loss of appetite Is ac ompantcd by loss
of vitality, which Is serious
It Is common in th spting henusee a'
this time toil Id 1 Is impure and lmpo-
eilshe.l and f ills lo gle the dlktesllvt;
organs what Is absolutely nece-sarv for
the proper performance (if tlielr fun--I
Hood's Siirsiiparllla. the old rellnl-lo
all I Ire-year-round medicine. Is especial
ly useful In the spring 1 let It from your
tlrugirlst today. By purifying ami enrich
ing the blood ami Klvinv vitality, vigor
anil ton-, It ts wonderfully suct-essful in
ll" treatment of loss of appetite and the
other ailments prevalent at this time. It
Is riot 1 1 1 1 1 ly a spring medicine It Is
much more than that hut It Is the bent
aprlm: medicine.
llood-c Knrsii parll la makes the rich red
blood the digestive organs need. Advertisement.
Katie Hanev
Helen .tasa
Leonard Johnson
Mnr.v W'ynoes
Caroline Hutchinson Kstella Mortensen
Paul Johnson
Fmma Kutllek
Mahel McAdams
Helen BenHon
Edward Carlslon
Margaret Davis
Klsle Duncan
Melllo Nichols
Lillian Pollan
Bretlslav Hedlacek
Jessie Tin ker
Flora Mirth
Ixiuls Wirth Y'ertnn
Average of 90 per cent In studies
Vlasta Kadnvy Nellin Sherwood
leonard Mathews Fannie Siever
Fmma Palm Irene Fprague
Helen Reed
ontha Liberated.
For the first time In years the district
court has Interfered with the adminlstrH-
Apparently deciding that over 100 daya
In Jail is sufficient punishment for a
minor offense, the ' federal grand Jury
now in session here lias returned "no
bill" against Richard Wade and Ed Gil
more ef Winnebago, and they have been
release-.1 from custody. They were held
on the chtrge of Introducing liquor onto
the Winnebago Indian reservation and
I had been in jail eince about Christmas
The stork brought a seven-pound box
to O. W. Jewell, J8U6 Dodge street.
Dr. Albert E. Campbell, health officer
of the Illinois Central railroad, Is here
on an inspection trip.
Sylvester R. Rush, special assistant to
the attorney general, has returned from
I-loilda, where he went to attend to
some court business in connecrlon with
the pending prosc-utlon of Everglade lurid
$25, $30, $35 and op
Aak to see No. 1501.
It's a medium weight,
clear cut. pure wool, non
fading Blue Serge.
Dressy, Serviceba'e and
The sort of fabric that
will anchor your trade to
Nicoll permanently.
There's nothing in quite
such good taste nothing
quite so serviceable as a
Blue Serge Suit.
This serge represents
supreme value If you see
and feel it you'll say
"go ahad."
Other fabrics in cbund
ance. NICOLL TheTailor
Jerrems' Sons
209-211 So. 15th St.
George MarPnugall of the Carter Lko
Club Canoe association gave an Interest
ing lecture on canoeing at tho Townsend
a;un store last evening before a lanie
crowd of club members. Mr. Mac Doug
all's talk xvaa accompanied by numerous
stereopticon views secured during trips
he had made along the Missouri and other
streams G. N. Aulabaugh spoke enthusi
aatically of week-end canoe tripa and told
the crowd how to take such a trip with
the greatest pleasure and the least ex
pense. Dr. F. J. Despecher talked on
sailing canoes, J. C White on camp
equipment and Don McCowIn of canoe
equipment. F E. Finch presided at the
meeting and spoke briefly of the sport.
"Tiz" For Sore,
Tired Feet -Ah!
"TIZ" is grand for aching,
swollen, sweaty, calloused
feet or corns.
Pull. Jo1ib7, Pul"
Tost mortem examination ef the body
ef Frank Hunter, 1111 North Twenty
third atreet, who was found dead Sunday
in a vacant house at lf2 North Twenty
fourth atreet developed that Hunter died
from carbolic poisoning. Dr. S. Mc
Cleneghan conducted the examination. He
declarea that it U evident Hunter took
his own life.
The body will be sent to Langdon. Mo.,
mere two brothers live. Hunter waa a
Strona XVlnds Cause 'eeralala.
Don't suffer. Ciet a 26c tiottle of
gloan'a Li-iment. It penetrates to the
painful pet's at once. Killa the pain. All
Ah! what relief No mure tired feet;
no more hurnlng feel; no more swollen,
bad smelling, awentv fe-et. No more
soreness in corns, callouses, bunions.
No matter what ails your feet or what
under the sun you've tried without get
ting relief. Just uae "TIZ." "TIZ'' la the
only remedy that drawa out all the poi
aonoua exudations which puff up the feet.
"TIZ" eurea your foot trouble ao you'll
never limp or draw up your face In pain.
Your ahoea won't aeem tight anil your
feet will never, never hurt or get aore
and exvolle.n. Think of It, no more foot
misery, no more agony from corns, eal
louae or bunions
Get a C rent 'ox at any drug store
or department ire and get Inatarit re
lief. Wear ahoea. Just once try
"TIZ-" Get a x -hole yrar'a foot comfort
lot eu-y 5 wot. Think of 1U
Note the Lines
of This Shoe
Evpry ono is dosipifvl
to briii-' out tlio slondt-r-lioss
of tho foot hiul tlio
arafo of tho iirch. Tlii.i
imouVI is specially at
tract Wo in combinations
of black and white, and
black and fawn, worn
with hosiery to match
the top. Two little but
tons 'iw a smart touch.
Our Shoes
establlbh the footwear styles
for women who demand
shoes that harmonize with
costumes of the prevailing
In Dull or Patent.
9-1.50 to $5.MI
Parcel Pont Paid.
1410 Faruani Ht.
Tuesday, April 6, 1915 Bunfess-Nash Company STORE NEWS FOR WEDNESDAY Phone Douglas 137.
You Will Save Generously on These
New SpringilirDRESSES lit "$ 1 6.75
That Were Made to Retail at $25.00, $29.50 and $35.00
Iro8sc8 for afternoon wear and for win'tlress occasions of fine croM do chine, crepe
meteors, soft pussy willow taffeta, etc., the most advanced Btyles more than thirty
models all on sale "Wednesday at the extremely iow price $16.75.
S 'V sTV, srrjTD
We illustrate here a number of the styles at $16.75
THIS dress sale comes at a most opportune time, just when you re
quire smart, new modes for street and afternoon wear or for semi
dress occasions. v
Made of light, dainty silks, many of them suitable for wearing all
All authoritative models a number of which are here illustrated.
v Kvt ry one of the new Spring shades represented, such as light blue,
eojienhagen, putty, sand, navy, pearl, battleship gray, green, pink, yel
low, black and white check, blue and white check, also plain black or'
Every dress in this group is au extreme value at tirt? price-quoted
and there is a 'complete range of sizes.
Rich, Beautiful New Black SILKS
at Wonderful Price Reductions
Till) very weaves in greatest demand right now and
offered at a price way below what you'd ordinarily
"Xpeet to pay.
Bura-eaa-aTaeb Co Second Tloor.
f1.2T tit $1.30 Values, 9e
42-inch blink isllk poplins.
36-inch black silk failles
36-inch heavy peau de sole
36-lnch black satin duchees
36-tnch satin finish Jap silks
36-inch fine chiffon taffetas .
Chiffon Taffeta, 60r
36 and 27-inch black rhrffou
taffetas, very stylish, soft finish.
1..V (o $1.85 Value. $1.20
40-inch black crepe de chines
3 6-inch black peau de sole
36-lnch black chiffon taffetas
36-inch dress satins
36-lnch black satin duchess
RUck Silks at 70r
Chiffon, taffeta, satin duchess,
messalines, china silks, etc..
yard wide.
Co atala rioor.
Zeiss Stock of MEN'S SHIRTS
Wednesday at a Big Reduction
THR Zeiss shirt stock included some of the,
best known makes of shirts in the country
and the way we offer the lots will induce you
to buy your entire season's supply now.
The Zeiss stock of men's shirts Include the
very best makes In madras, solsette, French,
flannel, silk and wool, all i-llk and other fine
materials, made with neck band, coat style, with
soft or stiff cuffs. Some have collars attached.
hlle others are to wear with white collars.
These 75c to $1.10 Lace Curtains
Are Unusual Values at 45c Pair
SKVMIJAIi hundred pairs in this lot, Xottingham lace
eiiiliiins. Mime of th'-ni are s-ampie pairs, but every
one is .in exceptional value, .W to 4? inches wide by 2
yards l'n. Big selection of choico designs.
$1.25 to $1.75 La Cuilalnx, NAc
Nottingham loom lare. 3S Inches wide by 2 4 yards long. In
white, beijie and ecru; aUo voile and srrim curtains, with lace
eiles. some with insertions. 36 inches wide, yards long.
:15c to lite hi rims anil Voile. 10c
Voiles with colored borders, crrltns and Marquisettes, ribboned
and hemstitched edges, 36 inches uide.
$2..V to $2.05 j e Curtain, $1.0
Ix)om lace curtains, made of extra fine quality of Egyptian
yarns, ttlre 38 inches by 2 4 ards, white, cream and ecru.
Burrees-aTaab Co. Third Tloor.
jflnn Shirts, formerly
$1.50 ami $J.OO,
Ze4 Shirt, formerly
$2.50 and tiJH),
)TK: Other line from the Ztss Mock will
tx put on sale juM as soon as they are marked
rvA'ly. Watch dally paper for particular.
Baar.aB.Saah Co atatn Floor.
Zeiss Stock of MEN'S HATS
THKKK'S a tdiapo to suit every fancy and the price is but
a small part of the original. This idea. Four great
groups like this:
Men's Hts, Soft, Zeis'
lrice $.1.50 to $i.OO,
.Men's Hat, Soft or
Stiff. Zi-isa lrice $:1.mi,
Men't Hats. Soft or
Stiff, ZWo I Vice $4.50,
Men's Hata, Soft or
Stiff. Ze. ITlco $3.fH
to $U.UO, for
BorreeavaTaab Co Mala Floor.
Burgess-Mask Gompamy
"everybody's store"