Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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    fl TllK KKh. U.MAitA. MMhM'.U, .l i. i:'l.. ,
I and gof Mm to propce an t'r"ii --Judge.
rorxrucn bt edward rpsevvatkii.
Tli Bee ruMlshtng t'ompsnr. Proprietor.
m'ff swd
TbH t, Owaha t-ertrfflce 11 seconde-lss? "'ie.
TtRMS or 9rBRirriN.
Pv rmr Pv mail
fcV t
tlT without Sunday....'
FVeree Sondac . . . v
V-rl without Sunday -o 4. OS
9-tndeT B only V i
end not!.- ef rharge of address p.- otnr'aints e.f
trregularitr la dllv ery te Omaha py-e. circulation
Department. .
nrMtfr vw
Rmlt e draft, express or iwi'iiI order cn'y two.
rent stainr rec?ved In pa fimt of ' 1 ae
rtMinta Peraotial che-rKs. eictpt on Omaha ar-d rtro
tchang-e. not accepted.
Ctnshs-Th Po
limit h Omitn-S.t N
Ceiineil Mluf-M North Main street
I Incotn ?w t.'tti wsuildtrg
Chics-' j1! Hrt Pm'ding
New Te-rk-Koom 111. T Fifth sver-e
t hT! New Hans of eoTirrer.
WsshPvgton T rimrteenfh St. N W
Atsrss rommuale sttcns relatlnr to news and edi
torial matter to Omaha He, Xdtortal PvparttnaoC
Coowtv of Poug'aa
irculatien manager of Th ice
Staw f Nebraska
rnrltht VVi lUlama.
TTih'U'.inC company, l-elrg dul" som I;1!
a vet ace I'ltvulation (or ih m nt .i if M.n h. 11. ,
was IW'.
I'WIOHT WIU.UMS. ( lic.i:tlon Manager.
Subscribed tn wr preem-e and mom to lfor
me, Una M dy of April. isl.".
KOBKKT 1IVNTKR. Notary Puh'le.
fabecrtbere reaving tue city tempor-nt j
ahould have The llee malted to them. Air
will b changed ai often aa requested.
Arm t
Thought for the Day
5rcfeW ajr CaraVina ScAierar
ITarA yaar fa anfrrfiVwrfiip aii il i rinj
A to an and prtcum more and rriore,
H'lfHoHl rf.rrrii7nfM or nv.'n of" M'H,
71if jpnir, oi t Vif, tWiir f rfil tark (r,
2"ieir t)Mst nnj of ihtittr or of" Harf.
. i -J. R. Lovt'i.
Howevar, the colored troorer fought nobly
and bagged tba bulk of the tuoney.
Nov for the annual inventory of rt and Ury
' ln and lots' in the town tnd village elec
- tlont.
Still the outcome of that little muss in Cuba
will not disturb the brotherly esteem of Kanyat
and Tczaa
Perhaps the vote chaser will get up more
steam for the second heat of the city commie
slonershtp handicap race.
3ilng that the white man wins, objectiop i
to showing: the fight films In the tuovles w'U
cot be so strenuously nrged.
I Reiterating the Protest
I The Monties! note of the t'nltsd Stales ti.
Kngland and Krancr. relathe to trie Ofean-wlil
I Nix kade r(iiiulsnted by the sllle. is perfrttly
ralcvilated to prrere the rlthts of the t'nitcd
J Plate In (he ivattfr of subsequently prosecnt-
ins; clalir.f for irparsilon ssainft the govern
! ments of the ronniries adilreiod on behalf of
j asrieod Amerlran shippers At the samo time
formal claim H made sgaiut (Jormsny (or a'--
turjl UiuaR du the o nrr for the detru -i
tion of the r're.
Thrtt la about an far a the Vnlted Wstr or
! anv other neutral goxcrnun-nt an go. short of
retaliatory artion. No siKn exUts of Inclination
' in The pint of filler or tne oeiiiKerenia in p.n ;
anv a'trntloti to the ritbtv of neutrals. The co i- '
iitUn rrtv.arWable. ,ut. for the matter of that.
the war ha 1-oen one continual fiurfession of !
, reniaikable Incidents. Hh a total disregard for I
j the riRlit or feeling of anjbody, ae as tbo j
i rih tnti-rest of the combatants are involved, j
! The doctrine that the end JuMifle the mean
has been applied without modification In all th '
c -perattons of the conflict,
j V.nt outagenicnt for Americans is found in
tlie lemperrUe languano of the note, which Is l
: eential!y firm, and fairly tate a position that j
will always be tenable, becauce it Is founded on j
principle of exact Justice.
; 'Omaha's Greatest Need." ;
i a section of the Omaha Woman a club do
) voted an afternoon to hearing a discussion bv
' several hobby-riders of the question, "What Is
Omaha's greatest need?" The replies to th
ouestion ere in all hut one Instance an elabora
tion of some one of the several "reforms" that
have bwn harped upon for a long ttme. and
with no other effect than to keep the champion
tn the public rrinis.
It must appear to a stranger, reading ai.
Omaha paper In vchlch Is published a report of
these meetings, that the city Is Indeed in a sad
way. Our cltitenshlp in general is attacked: we
are told we have no civic conscience, that oi'r
I business men are moral cowards, that our ofli
' cials are venal, and that our men of means and
j nf fairs are corrupt ionlsts. Omaha is pictured
as reeking with vice, and menaced continually
by an organization of crime too horrid to he
told, that our homes are poorly managed and
that we are in the very last stages of moral and
physical decadence.
All of which is pure boh. What Omaha
really needs is a surcease from the everlasting
blackwashlng It has received from zealot, and
a little more attention 'paid to the woman who
was brave enough to sound amid the general
I mourning an optimistic not. Omaha ts a beau
tiful place to live, a city of homes, of schools
and of churches, where good abounds, where
life and property are secure, where culture anJ
good morals prevail generally and where the in
dustrious and thrifty may reap as great reward
for their effort as anywhere in all the world.
Omaha need most the constructive co-operation
of all lta people.
Aimed at Omaha
v t N e Ml Frontier. The a'ealer Omaha Mil
pa4 the legislature The votera of t' e municipal:
tirs con. rrn.-d etill rae an opportunity to defeat It It
tdev fit, the effectiveness of the MU as paasel
l.lngins on a con. m ren e of tfe j-opte In the terri
tory affected The tendency In ether slates where
several municipalities elbow each el tier I to ronsoll
dste under one government Thoae living on the out
sMita of a larger municipal cenler are Generally
agin" It for UiaWe reasons, but It can safely lie lei t
to Omaha nov to do the twl
r.l .e S'i ;ns
I irntly noil
in a train
ntinol An at lot n
l c mm us 1 '
a of SsSTSi for an lnlury icieivcti
. oll-.Mnn some two years ago and at the of : Jury,
he do'ihtlrna would hav
Had he hern a section nmn
won al'out cents. liulerndent: Hy a legislative act cuunt.a
tiss sa allow ed up It suiiurle. so It Is now- On-nter
Oni.iha. with n population of S.CV Some of the
!hnr'' were a little unwilling to he.-ome stepchildren
t.i (he .Vemakka mrtrtipoUa. hut It Is sat.l that most
of the nptmsltton 'sme from office ho'd'rs who were
iuite cc(ilmR to coi:tin'le In that capacity Heading
the ha i.lvc i tung on the wall, some of the burgs an
nexed made haste to ac umulate as much debt as
tune pei nutted, in entering: Into contracts for munic -psl
Imp! oemnts Some day Omaha wi!l te a real
city, and the suburbs will be the best part of the
oak'snd Ind. iT.dcnt Speaking of Omaha. In for
t idding the Wrstcrgaai d-Sttcher wrestling mat' h.
th it i Ity stirred t ie Ire of all lio.'ce county, whose
.eopls lrlei lii their Wtecher aa most believe in the
Hil.Ie. They will not put any credence in the state
ment, that the niati h was a frameup Some time back
a few Omaha sports backed a grappler axalnst
Stec her. who haa never met defeat. They lost, ami
not with guod giace, eltlier. The supposition I that
the animus In this ce was furnished by the fellows
who guessed wrong
l.iiuoln Siar There is something yinte Solomonic
in the decision of an Omaha court the other day that
a man who once ate three pies, n can of syrup, 1
can of pumpkin ami a can of pineapple at one sitting
might stiil be acne, in spite of eccentrieltira Indispos
ing of his fortune when h died. If put to a vote the
decision would be nulte geneially endorsed, and the
apai Ions gormand quite generally envied in every
thing hut his death.
Nehraaka Oity Press: The Omaha annntsllon tsas
been passed by the legislature and signed hy the gov
ernor, A are. tat eleotion most now be held to ratify
the action of the lawmaking body. Tt Is not likely
that the people of South Omaha. Dundee. Floron-e.
and- the other suburbs opposing- the annexation will
find much hot In an election at which a majorltr of
tha votes will be cast by the Omaha folks wrho are
In favor of the amalgamation. TTie people residing
la the suburbs who object to annexation because taxes
will I mole burdensome, should remember, anyway,
that their swallowing means a recti metropolis for
Nebraaka. The Omaha Bee claims the new popula
tion of the city will be close to INjn.'.
If yellow Is to be the suffrage floral color,
how fortunate that the dandelion, the sunflower
and the goldenred conform by nature to requirement.
Twice Told Tales
A th bear advance In the east proper
name become unpronounceable, and renders
more hopeless the prospect for fashioning a
cheer for either aide.
A Correction, Please. j
Commenting on presidential prospects at I
this long-advance range. Mark Sullivan, the edl- I
tor of Collier', declares that he haa made a de
tailed Investigation of all primary law affect
ing presidential nomination on the statute books
of any of the state, and that they are negligible
because only two of them, Maryland and Illi
nois, provide for a primary vote on the name
of candidates for presidential nomination.
Whether negligible or not. Mr. Sullivan must
v I e (or II In.
The handsome young minister always stationed
himself at the church door after the. service In order
to greet his parishioners as they filed out.
One Sahlath morning along came a raw Swedish
maid, a stranger, so. with his usual cordiality, the
minister grasped her band and said:
"I am very g ad to see you her this morning.
Will you not tell me your name and address, so that
I may rsll on you soon?"
The maid looked him coldly In the eye and, with
drawing her hand, replied:
"I tank you. but I got one steady fella a I read ty:
he come twice a week, and I t ank he no like you to
come." Harper's Mlgailne. '. 4
-- tJ
Victor and victim.
".Madam." slid the man In the street car. "I know
t ought to get up and give you my seat. but. unfor
tunately. I've recently joined the Kit Rttll Club."
"That's all r'ght. s'r." replied the woman. "And
la the telegrapher' code "seventy-three'"
weang "regards," and "thirty" means "good
Bight." In our city primary "aeventy-three"
mease good night for fifty-nine of them.
It U not the number ot names, but the num
ber of crosarnarka to be made and counted th?t
characterise the ballot aa long or short. For
verification ask any judge or clerk of election.
A whole month haa passed since the curtain
was drawn down on congress, hut not a single
bit; patroaage plum haa fallen in Nebraska.
Otherwise the fruit season is not particularly
have overlooked Nebraska, because tn this state, I vou m""1 oxr l,c mr f"" S,"1,,K nt y ?. h'r1; 1 'm
. .. . . . -a member of the Stand and stare Chitx"
as we nave airruay pointea out, not only is tne
The real battle for the heavyweight cbam
' ploaehla will begin when Colonel Roosevelt aud
Boca Barae eater the Judicial ring April 19. for
I a pare et $ 50.600. All preceding contests are
. ; aperloua curtain-lifter.
The Pullman Porter's Tin
i u cur -a ....log iu" i , - -.,,,. .,,
. c" v- ; tips.ollected by the Pullman porter and the high 1
t 3S mill, being an Increase of 25 per cent. f0st of M nJ ,
Tbat looka liae a. pretty big boost. bu it may , n M,yb, , Coraml84lion on lndu.trU, !
,,b,akea for .raated that the legal limit would j Rflations wl d,e,on 8omelhInf thtt ml,nt be J
not it rauea uuioes a corrreponatng increase o:
preferential vote provided for both president i
and vice president, but the names may be put on
the primary ballot without even a by-your-leave
of the person directly concerned, although by a
forced construction withdrawal Is permitted
within specified time limits. True, there is
nothing to compel a convention delegate to vote
his Instructions, or to continue to vote them
longer than he sees fit. as was demonstrated at
Haltimore when Mr. Bryan got away from th
preference vote for Champ Clark. But this con
dition is shared equally by delegates instructed
by convention. The point to be remembered
that direct primary atate like Nebraaka can go
on record for any favored presidential nominee
whom the rank and file of the respective parties
may desire unless the particular candidate takes
himself out of the running by demanding that
his name be erased from the ballot.
She piTivrd herself so active and conscientious a
member that the man began to feel uncomfortable
under her iiare Kin dly ha rose and said: "Take my
seat, madum. I guess I'll resign from my club and
Join yours "' Host. in Transcript.
Prortlral Side f t.aehaae Cnrilin.
KlAJKbM'K. Net) , Apnl - To the
Kdltor of The tie. The SHrlucge ques
tion for Greater Omaha In my opinion
Is a big question to solve, and 1 note only
one commissioner candidate hss Isnud a
plank In Ma platform on this sublet
to date.
If the; writer of this was to I e.
come a candidate for the rite c.inn..
slonrr board, hla platform would contain
a plank for a large municipal farm near
Omaha, with trackage tmi'itl.s as the
best plan to solve this garbage question,
where all wholesome food of this naturs
cniil.l b fed to hogs, and all other, su.-ti
as dad animals, et.-., could be rendered
out nnd the by-products sold, distribut
ing the fertiliser on the farm. In con
nect o:i with this muniiial farm, al
falfa, corn. etc.. could be raised: also, a
dairy herd vc oul.l bo profitable. Aloi g
Willi the hops, steers could he fed and
Our ity iri.snn. iii .ould eai h have .V
joti out In the on -lr. an.l in . ounce.
tion with th above, a killing establish
ment should be erected and a municipal
meat market opened in our i5reatr
Omaha, so as to give the people teikf
from extortionate price '.he pickers
have levied upon them
1 feel afe m saying t lint nu.i.-r H is
plan (iieater Omaha can announce to the
word that it people tan now net two
pounds ef any cut of meat where they
only pot one before. Till .eit.cinly
would he a bij; ad for i.nniia
Mere is a list i f pri. r on different
c uts of meat. vir.. fold at lioitn e.
Round steak vy to J. 0
rorteriiouse and sirloin steak
fit- ed ham
Itaron K, tn Vie
fork -iteak and pork chops l'
If you consider my argument t-ood. get
busy and figure out whnt a savins thi
would he to the people of CI i eater Omaha,
and boa- much more they would ha to
eat for the. same monev that thev pay
now. .. i, NKT'IAWAY.
Italsliia Rallnav Hale.
NORTH lyOI'P. Neb.. April C.-To the
Kdltor of The Hec: Thert is now a very
numerous discussion tliiougi-out the na
tion on the subject of increasing railway
rates and cur fare. Stme having begun
the d.sriission the American people are
finding that railwHv stock is an
uncertain r.uantiiy. The acts of the rail
way management In si ndinu hundreds of
millions of dollars in terminals for the
principal reason of increasing the value of
real estate in the great centers of popu
lation where the high financiers have ex
tensive investments, is a ytihject that
should not be overlooked hy the public.
Why ia there any cause for Hsklns nn
lnsra.e of rates at tMs time? What is
the remedv f
In the primary campaign In Nebraska
in lH we saw the spectacle of a man
running- for railway commissioner who
acted the part of a progressive, hut more
recently we eee him pushing a hill in the
legislature by whivh no city in Nebraska
may establish any sort of munh iiial en
terprise without the consent of the rail
way commission. The court which fixes
Interstate rates ia the Interstate c'oni-merc-a
.commission, appointed by the
president. How many of you remember
the Incident a year ago where Senator
Xml. Follette violently opposed an sp
polntee of the president for a position on
that commission? That appointee had an
infamous corporation record in New Jer
sey. How may the people xpect justice
on the freight rate subject when we
know that the personnel of the commis
sion haa been hand picked bv the rail
ways, which usk th increase In rates.
There used to be a man roaminK ov er this
continent whom we called a silver-tongued
orator and from his speeches vou would
think thit were he ever to get in rower
corporation .malefactors of all colors
would be prosecuted to the limit. Now- he
tells us that railway securities should be
as good as government bonds. A w ord of
the president would chsnwe the personnel
of that commission and hence the coniro-
versy of freight rates would cease, if the
! Cltilnfchin nf th rnimtn- iiia
l:the! ued lo play a good drat In Sundae-
(eliool, hut one day she had been so
gnn-i that the t-. h r sat.l in praise:
l.ttu 1. my drar. you have teen a rr
Rooo) .:irl t day."
"Veth m." respond-d I Uriel. "I couldn't
br'p it I ilct a Miff neck " Pitts'-ui -Mi
l ii n. lib e.
"Wouldn I uii try to ge t a envoi .'e
fmni a woman who abused vou and neg
lected your In me nrd thocght more of
her club tl an -he did of ou .' ' thundered
the big man.
"I don t tnlnk I would." replied lltnty
IV-k. ! am afraid Henrietta would not
let me l hlla.leiphla 1edger.
1'icf.ssor (Matching vainly for his
sockM I have places where 1 keen mv
t inss nnd vou o iclit to know It .
Mr. -ou ie right. I nu.-ht to know
where vou keep xciir late huia.Ca!i
lornm 1'elican
WiTe lancnlvi- .lii't hnik at the time
TMs you g .t home at - o clock
I and l.ere it is cain after nudn'ght
Miisnanei - en you know, nn- Hear. It s
aamst my rule to come home twi.-e the
same lay boston Tt nnscript.
"Ho ..'i .ipii wo shsl! e. l ave
UM.. rr. .r I eac e . "
llsi.lly. 1 fan. y marriage vv :11 n-cer
te . -1 . 1 1 - I v- abol shed. "-Judge.
ir. yon most tositivrly f ot --u
are going into society
inquired the pre-
"Now. my d
get sluo. if
with me."
What have I done
c. cumed nhvsician.
" ' 1 1 von teel t he- pulse of ecetyNjdy
w ho eienU a hand. " luis die I'oui .-r-Journsl
' Ti nt a. tor lenunded me of my nvok
when he pot iani in. didn't fane v."
"V hv o "
"Hi fesh rolej didn't pan o..t well."
Haltimoie American.
r"ribshsw I've no obieetion to your get
ting ru.rrled. my d.-ar: but I really can t
stand tha expense of a weddjns..
Marions I 11 try to help you out.
Terhaps I isn throw a s are Into Oenrye
"I bad forty acres of wh'at go hail
me," eild the old farmer, "sad al.
ten 'ires of iye. Hut 1 1-elleve 1 'I rusk
up them ...-e and pull out a profit t "
"Howli thst'"
Just sen twelve quar's. of earlr st-a" -be-ilea
t market, by lievk." i.euuee .n
c curler-Journal
With but three minutes to esteh I -
tritn. the traveling man innulred e.f the
street e ar conductor. "Can't you go fast- ,
than thia"'
Yes." the hr-ll-rinrer replied "but 1
have to suy with my car. " Harpei s
A traveler? Tea. I'v paued n while
to rot ' ,, ,
Vor Sl-e-. the 1 1 1. .uu! distant still t'e
rest , ,
Here neBth this old tree, shelteied fr. iii
the sun.
I'm looking ha- k upon the way 1 ve come.
The road wis much too short. I d juM
To understand lilf's secrets. Now. it
don"- , . ,
I've re a hce! t-e Journey's end. F.eyornl
I I see
1 i The o'jter cdg. . s of '-trinity.
I have not gained the heights foe wlib h
t oMnn-il.
i There is yet much I cannot i.nderetind'
i H.j manv tasks commepc ed are still nn
' done.
; An I others I had hoj.oel fui not begun
I There are so inanv words 1 failed to say.
I So manv chan-. s that f t'uew awav
I To W-n'1 a helping hand to fellow ni-n:
I see it nr; I eli.J n et ee it then.
rpoii my own sffuirs w-is I intftit:
I ilt. I not notice now m brother bent
Fneah the weight f huniens that t
With '"St a Mnllv word have lendficl
Now I must i.icld my pla-o to one who
i No know ledge eif the plt'ails in life's pntl. .
And he' in t un will fiom the ta.e retir"
I II re he l:ss . -ached tile- goal of hi
I'o ild we h-:r t! ' a'l tlie vei
, cg'in.
With Knowledge we? Ii.ive gaiiad, thlna
I you. tiiat 'vhen
. t'eur rei e ui on the eaeth ai l;.et ccas i -in
i Wei Ur e iiter.te.l with '.he lai.r none.'
i I do not know We live and work and
I ret,
j And do o u el .ty ns ve see it lest
; How weak thm hesi i?. n-. mg-ever knee.
Till, looking 1 !!.. he urts the luoe.l.--
iii-w l'.wm.
I Omaha.
At Once! Pape's Diapepsin Stops
Indigestion, Gas, Sour Stomach
Time It! In a few minutes all stomach
distress gone. No indigestion, heartburn,
sourness ur belching of gas. aHd. or
erue'.ations of undltiesteel food, no aiixl
ncs. bloating, foul breath or headache.
I'aios Diapepein is noted for it speed
in regulating upset stomachs. It is th
surest. iiui. kesl stomach doctor In the
whole world, and besides, it Is harmless.
Millions of men and women now eat
their favorite foods without fear they
Know it is needless to have a bad stomach.
iet a large fifty-cnt case of Tupe's
J Diapepsin from any drug store an. I put
, your stomai'h ro;l I. Htop being intsei -I
able life n too short you're not he-re-long,
so make your slay aS'ceable. Eat
what you like snd digct it; enjoy it.
without fear of rebellion in the stoma-ii
Tape's Diapepsin belongs in your home.
Fhould one of the family eat something
which doesn t spree with them, or in ca."e
of an nttock of indigestion, dvspepsia.
gastritis or stomach derangement, it is
handy to give instant relief Advertise-ment.
The Polite Rail.
An Irishman was going- along the road when an i cm-nt.nip or me, country would write
angry bull rushed at him and tossed him over the i the president a plsin business letter
fe, . . maybe that commission would lose t! eir
The Iri-eliinaii. recovering from his fall, upon look- 1 jobs. Write todav.
Vou Should Worry If
it were difficult to find a safe and reliable remedy for the
ailments due to irregular or defective action of the stomach,
liver or bowels. These ailments are likely to attack
anyone; likely, too, to lead to worse sickness if not relieved.
Beeepan?& Pills
are famoua the world over, for their power to correct these
troublea certainly and safely. They cleanse the system, purify
the blood and act aa a general tonic upon body, brain and nerves.
Indigestion, biliousness, constipation might, indeed, cause you pro
longed Buffering and expose you to danger if Beecharn'a Pills
Were Not On Hand
Th Largwt Sal at Aay Mdk ia th. World.
Sid mrrwkm, la bom, 10c ZSc
Ing up saw the null pawing and tearirg up the gro-:tid
aa Is the custom ef the uniinsl when Irritated, where- j
upon he smiled happily and ald: J
Faith, and If it wasn't for your bowlng'and
senptng and humble apologies I'd think you had
thrown" me over that fence on purpose "National
Motith'y- '
Editorial Siftings
the tax levy were ctntemplated.
; James J. Hill contributes his mite to
. finUfe wropheciea. Ha considers October 1 as
the limit, baaing his belief on physical, finan
cial and Industrial exhaustion. Mr. Hill' daii
' is backed up by, a war operating cost of a billion
and quarter a month, which noiselessly shoot
-up national spines.
Early election returns are close with Bovd lead
ing Murphy for mayor.
Mr. Urahant P. flown and Mtas Carrie Rohblns
- wens united in marriage at Trntty cathedral. The
raferenc to Mr Browne aays his career is quite out
f the er-dinary: that fonr or five yeara ao h
bought a number of tine bred chlckrna. whlclj hav
beea cared for and added to. taking prises at fairs
until be has amassed a comfortable Ht of wealth.
John T. Kaymand put "Vcilocc-l Multerry Sellers '
nt th stage at Boyd s lu his inimitabl way.
Word was rce;v4 of the .teaih at Cherokee la .
f Robert R. McAuUaad of this city. He had betrn
Wltb th Caaba National bank seventeen year.
Aatar oat-oi-un death which ia announced ts
that l Mrs. M. H. cV.Ula, ocarrln at Las Vesas,
where she hd gone with ronaumption.
L L Smith, th Famam street ry gooeis roer
chant. gave Lis mp'oyes a theater party at Boyd
laat alght. enaatlng a whoi sect kin for that purpos
Mr. Smith occupied th end ri la th first row aa 1
at hi right hit genioe-1 man.ger. M. T. Moles, and
Beit to bun Frtd Fuller, the casawr.
WUltan tV-kbach was preaeoted by th Omaha
Maeanerchor with a gold medal beautifully arTd
lib tba emblem of th order.
: twisted inio a comparison of the coin dropp.'-d !
by the disturbed traveler into the waiting hand '
: of the porter nd the extortions practiced by tb'- 1
1 owners of the car. At any rate, the tip to the j
. porter seems tn insignificant evil. The travel-
ing public may object to it. but apparently not In
j seriousness, for the custom lias persisted from -i
the beginning and never wss more firmly en-
: trenched than tt is today.
, The traveling public is much more concerned
I over the high fares charged for berths thsa
! over th tips to the porter. More interest is
; felt in the matter of accommodations afforded.
. which have been considerably restricted ia late
years; cleanliness and ventilation of the cart r.
: much more v ital to the people a ho are forced
I bv circumstances to ride in sleepers; nd wary
j other points for Inquiry of greater importance
1 than the mstter of tips u;ight be enurr.rted.
The money given to George"' in the morn
ing is the smallest Item in the bill of grievances
j the traveling public has sgainst 'he TullnttTj
Palace car monopoly.
The W ra Shi.
Summer bad come, and the . captain's wift was
accompanying her husband across the ocean. And t
chanced also that the owner sister was making the.
trip. Sh wa a strong-minded woman, and Ui wit
of the captain, knowing the anrumentatlve nature of
her husband, saw serious trouble ahead.
Wherefore, she warned him that, when ai meals,
if afve thought he wss approaching; dangerous ground
she would give him a polite reminder y kicking him
on the shin
But. alas' her reminder pasred unheeded. tho'Ua
her kicks g.ew harder and harder. And on day she
kicked more vlgorouety than ever.
Tiie aha.'.ow of pain passed across the face of th
mate, who sat oiroite her.
Oh. Mr. I'oddy,'1 she said. "I'm so sorry, but was
thst your hin?"
Yes. Mrs Brown.'1 repJIed the mate meekly, a'a
been my shin all the voyage, ma'am'." Pittsburgh
worklag tbe Re.
When th bottom fell out of a recent real eetata
i boom in a southwestern state th dosir to get rid
i of the property was as great as it had ben to ac-
! oui: it.
line day a lawyer while traveling along the cvejn.
try road met an old friend of his wrearily but happily
leading a reluctant cow toward town. Inquiry elic
ited th information that he acquired the cow In x
change fc a city lot.
And do you know." said the new owner of the p.w,
Boston Traiurript A Washington
strmp-hanger haa been riven a' verdict of
tl.iXW because a motormaa called him a
lob.- but if a strap-hanger Isn't a
"boob." what on earth Is he?
Cleveland Plain Dealer: A French cajH
non has been mentioned In an order of
the day for gallantry on the fiejd of
action." Don't laugh. For what Is th
soldier but a machine of destruction.'
R.lelmnp. Amj.rie.n- Vv e v. -r-. . -1 -
want l"ncl Jim to protect Constantinople,
j from destruction. The first rule of
j safety adopted bv all the nation is.
When In doubt that anvthing else will
do any sood. yell for help to the L'nlted
New Tork Tost: The Turkish com
mander who retreated from the Sue re
ports that he "shifted the forces from
the field, leaving the enemy nothing hut.
bodies cf our revered martyrs." Na
poleon's masterly retreat f-om Russia did
no more.
Houaton Foet: Houston, of course,
knows Colonel House and 1. ia charac
teristic, so it it not Improper to inform
the outsiders who are to ing to guess his
mission in Europe that thev will get no
hunch from him. Colonel House has
nerer lost control of his . on variational
ar pa rati; a
Philadelphia ledger: G..:ng up. A week
Stiff Joints
Sore Muscles
Oh! Such Pain!
No need for you to endure the
agony another hour. Touch the
painful spot with Sloan's Lini
ment and away flies the pain.
KILLS PAIN (Guaranteed)
DR. CARL S. SLOAN, Inc. Philadelphia, Pa. SC Lotas, Mo.
Price. ZSc. 50c and $1.00
'auhl-:. 1 jet turned a trick with that old rube. ' - secording to Trenner AsMUlth. the
- . -1 r nr i -if war Kan .pa . I iiktimi a
day. Now- the secretary cf the Imperial
j treasury ef Germany puti it at S,'73,l)
1 a week. Anyhow, it is iottin mors than
t the money in th world amounts to. snd
ile can t read a word, ar.d in th deed I worked off i
t-s.c lots on him instead of on." Xv Tork Time.
People and Events
The most Impressive feature of the railroad
rste boosting inquiry rotiimands the least atten
tion. It is the bo ad of sympathy which binds
the big systems to the little fellow, snd lends
pathetic emphas s to the appeals of the strong
for more nourishment for the weak- The mere
fact thst the big fellows would get the crear.i.
is event of success, is an Incidental stimulus to
the helping hand.
l.iitle Mirgsret Honer of Long Island. 12 years
old. never ued baby talk, and now speaks eigt t
luig-ifcs. Possessed of th gift of tongues h wants
to be an dHor. doubtle of th foreign exchange d-
pa. Uuert.
An I creasing number of women in Kc.lacd are
drilling for a reserve army destgwed to repel invasion.
Thouaanda are already enrolled in auxiliary police
force Th training: thus received wi.l he exceeding
valuable when tb Pack hurst renew r rations for
s .rfrwge
Tr streel carmen s sink at Springfield. Mass.
Iat week, brought th Jitney to the from aa a strike-
, breaker. Soon aftr th men quit, a flock of motor
HtlhertO Oyster Bar has scrupulously Ob- j cars earn ca tb street and did th transport business
served neutrality. If It remains mote while Glff. ,or hdi, tb1 sympathy wnt
.... ... . . . . . iUDtn th air and abaadactad ob thrratcned t so th
Ptachot languishes la the back benches ot w.r. I H Btt, Jof? Utir foo
its brand of neutrality is the real article. I an, arr4 to arbitrst.
there will b a dec of a time paying for
it if it vr be don.
New Tork WorM. Accrptirs the theory
of the attornevi cf th BocW Island that
the gentlemen who recently financed U
to ruin were guiltv- of nctrir.g or than
a mistake of judgment.' "it wi: hava
to he admitted that their "mistake" was
aa unusual cne. To Jut- it amounts to
about g.oT,.'X' dead loss Net a.l of
this came out of the pockets of Investors,
but a good deal of It d d.
Springfield Republican: That Charles
M. Schwab is a successful s'tel manu
facturer in computton with tha stel
trust must t sdmitleM. His Ethleoni
steel corporation earned T per rnt for
lta common ttck in the fiscal year en 14
tieoember 31. last, despit th f a. t that
a late as September Mr. Schwab de
clared that th t-i Indeistry wa m
condition tuat hsi vr been ei-
I !
World Motor Bike Free
1 1
A picture of the bicycle will bo in
The Bee every tlajr.
Cut them all out aud ask your friends
to save the picture in their paper fur
you, too. See how many picture you
an get and bring them to The lieu
office, baturday, April 10.
The bicycle will be given Free
to the boy or girl that sends
us the most pictures before
4 p. m., Saturday, April 10.
Subscribers can help the chil
dren in the contest by asking for
picture certificates when they
pay their subscription. Yc give
a certificate good for 100 pictures
lor every dollar paid.