Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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    THh Jlhh: OMAHA, W KHMvMU . Ai'lUL i. .Hid,
Trt nch Report Sayi 0nnan Subma.
rine i EnUnjlfd in Trap Set
in Strait of Dovf r.
TARIS. April P. A German ul
marlno ban bfforaf preurcly en
tsnclrd In a net. purposoly d of I it nod
for that pnrpono ami placnl offi
Poor. ccordlna: to h 1'ftlt Jour
rule's nun kirk corrripondont, hn
adds that th French naval authori
ties fxpoct to raptura tho uhmarln
hen It comes to the mi rf '.
maHaar TtM Oe-I.
Mil-! of ulmartri' trans riavo lxin set
tv thr Prltbh navy At ti arbor nitmnoot
snd otlirr alratrati- potnta around the
PrltiKh lair The trar aro not unlike
r.t prta it hy rhemmv MelN
Inn fram ten trt square, I hive ft-aim-
Joined ar auna l.i a depth of thirty frt,
f urpeiuliHt from Immelpw buoys. Tf a
submarine, wtilrh In a blind thluit when
submerged, rrtrr one of these frame
II Men ere causrit. munnit the brwer
frame to b-Kkle upward mtrhinx the pm--pf
ltn Thus the rraft ia In th position
f f ah fiuindelna" In a net end IU
u aut are doimed.
' It miwted that three auhrnarlnts
"is.; beer . auiilit In this manner lurln
the Tirtt ten rtava-nf the blockade, hut
' th ! report not cor.flrmd.
Trawler ah Sunk.
. , T.l.YTH. Inland. April S.-Tle trawler
lin'iha aitaoked bv a Herman sub.
ajTtne veaterttiiy off t.oiia fitoie ami
lit to '.he tM-ttom. The crew of thirteen
ain ip n c:ed by the Swedish steamer
"JoiM end landed hero toxlay.
The skipper of the Arrant ha said lhat
ahdp teklnn to the boats and after en
urtnn them the AKantha's crew wen
subjected to rifle flrv from the suh.
marine, whlrh had ihiaed the trawler
for an hour brfnre overhauling her.
flr'ng- al her meanwhile with rlflea and
a ainall cuik Jlu Uevc4 that the sub
marine the t'-M.
urp rarrter la Torpedoed.
lrNlKlX. April The Hrttlah ataemer
Norttlar.da -o J tona. with a cargo of
lri ie. i aent to the bottom by a
(Jrrman submarine In the Kngllah channel
aft IVai-hy Head on Monday mornlng
Th" Ni.ittilamla aank In ten mlnutea Ita
ien of twnty-fotir men w-ere pliked up
:at i by the Belgian steamer TopL
(Continued from Pae Kour )
" ? " nlUiietier you Bet abool llTl a
no th." cRloulntrd tho chalnnan. "Have
it family?"
"Yea. elr; wife, four children, two mr
ried, and I take care of my mother. Th
children not married ore In m-hool."
"You have been frugal. thenT"
No. alr. We have lived prettr well
-nut at ft rat th tip wera not ao gener
oua, perhapa" went on Mr. Wajah.
. Son Foaa Wat.
No. atr. . But aa aooo aa they found
nil. tli. 1. 1 n 4 .if a man I waa" ' taUKh-
; ter Interrupted tho wltneaa at thta 4olnt
' and He did not ttntali. He explained that
picre.' were many wealthy people Uvlror
along the line he traveta.
Treat them right and handle them
right and they don't forget you," ha aald.
I'C- you think any porter would jet
along as well aa you do on thia runr
aaketi Mr. Walah. .
"No. .air. .Mr. Walah; torn men would
F.t.irv on that run."
Thy wltncaa conaldered hla a fair a.var
aga run. except that the layover houra
wera adventageoua.
.The,ot wltneaa waa O. 1L Bylvoator
of New York, a porter on the Twentieth
Century Limited of the Lake 8horw
Michigan Southern road. Mr. Bylverter
wote a check pattern suit and two dla
npond rings. Ilia salary. h aald, to 127.60
k'a month, and tips averago about trf a
tnonUu . .. :
' a Raw Tklrteew eara.
J"U la a veteran and has been on th
ireaent mn Tor tMrUen year. li la a--.-tttd
to Hn a week from the PwUman
company he- has alwar earned th a mall
hottUH offered by th company; hla nnl
ferrtM are bought for Mm becaua he ha
Wan mora taau ten year In eervlt-e, and
jw charges hav- vr bn brought
J against hurt, b aid. Ills train Iava
New York tn the afternoon and arrive
in Chicago tho nxt ruomlroi and under
th rulea h 1 not entlUed to any sleep
cept what he gcU during- th layover.
:tBu -don't let any of them tell you
they do not sleep." he said, with a
grin. 'Th man that tells he don't Bleep,
la a dngrou man. I don't man that
. w git to bed, but we nod when w are
appoaed to. be on (uard In th alilo. All
1). uperlntnaenu nera bvew that."
""-But U ta aaTatnat the ral." ugatd
Vr. Walsh.
; "They" do not ear about thaC all they
rar about Is that w don't get caught
al 4t. W alt up Juet to guard the car.
; aayway; they knowvlt. and a breath of
air,wrtl awaken an experienced porter.
It's Instinct and the car really is
X Cbara-e Mad.
"And yet chargea hav never beon
brought against you?"
"No. becauao I always figure that there
is a spotter on vry train.
"But would not the spotter catch you
when you nap?'
" I never d until everybody la asleep."
"I never do until everybody is aaleep."
.C'oremlssloiier O'Connor asked what
would be the effect If congreaa passed an
aeil-i'pitng law.
"Why, the porter would simply quit
You can see for yourself. They oould not
live on f-T V) a month."
"Tten would you organise ao4 petition
the company T' pursued th oommlaaloner.
"W would luat (jult and than tell th
company we could not Itva on th wages.
"But soppoee wages wwre not raised r'
"Well. I want to tell you thkt If th
porter were getting nothing but wage
and a passenger with 2 In hla clothes got
en ha would not be sate."
Former conductors and porter In th
course of th aeaaloa testified that a
many run opportunities for sleep
(Continued from Pap tme
llarrlaona bae hovn democrritle I'ailera
In Chtoaao for reneratlona. Many were
Inclined to believe tM Inrl h nl.-.l llarrlaon
folhtwer woul.l nt their vote f.r
The rlty oouti. il probably went r pub
lican, which would hp the f Iroe tlmo tn
flvw year.
The aoclalint c'te appaiently was
smaller Ihnn pn dli le.l by pnrty leadi pa.
The retnriia,1 tlmt the Sit
clallft vol would not exceed '."Vixv The
prohibition party candidate. John Hill,
ran far 1-ehlnd the aoeiallrt andldat.
Seymour Ntedman.
Won from olann.
In n loae prtuuti v conteat Thompson
won from Harry olann. chief juatlon of
the niiinlcipnJ court, by a plurality of
;..". Swrltarr difeatpl Mnyor Harrlann
bv a plurality of 7!.lsii
Thompaon wna Nrn Iti lloaton, Mu .
In lKliS, and wna tiroimht to ChlioKn by
hla parents tho following year. In a
blonrapblonl aketrh which ho liemipd prior
tn the elec tion he atxti'd tlml it n hoy
he sold newspapers, and Inter went ti
Wyoming and worked aa a cowboy and a
brakemnu. He tvorlvod much of hla edu
cation In the public schools and later en
tered Yule university.
He Is n denier In real est. lie, having
urccedci) t.i the t.uMtu si of hla fathei,
who dhd wenlthv. Thonipsun la also
known as n yachtsman and formerly waa
a)tnln nt the Chicago Athletlo associa
tion. :leellon In K. . K.
KANftAtt CITY. Mo. April O. W.
(iroen tmliiy was iv-electP"! mnyor of
Kansas City, Kan , bv a majority esti
mated at more than F.0"0 ami early ro
turns Indicated tho election of all other
candidates on tho administration ticket
with tho poaslbln exception of James 1..
llogga. tommlsslnuor of Mroeta and pulv
Ho luiprovinrnts, who wiut closely
crowJed for the office by Frank J. Keren.
Opposition candidates conceded tho re
election of C. It." Little, commissioner of
finance, and lu II. Chapman, commit
sloner of water and street llnhtlnn. W.
II. Martin, conunlk loner of pnrks And
public proerty, waa holding a lead over
Otto Anderson.
THowparttaan Men Klceted.
MIUWAl'KKK, Wla., April .f-Nonpar-ttsnn.
candidates for Judicial offices In
Milwaukee county were today elected to
all the vaoanclca with ono exception,
Civil Judge Joseph E. Cordes. social denw
ocrat,' being re-electe,d.
tf the five school directors elected In
Milwaukee, four sca-lul democrats were
elected, on be lug Mrs. Mota Itergrr, wife
'f former tVngvrsinan Vhler HersT.
t'n'y oiip nonpartisan ianll'lnte was
ele. ted.
Karly refiims from throurhnut the slate
show a iraln for the "dtys." In thirteen
towns wp.lla the "weta' gained one town.
Thirty towns now "wet ' remained In that
column wlilUs twenty-three "dry'' towns
remain dry.
The largest cltlew reported Voting on
tha license question are Ashland. Su-pTlin-,
Helolt anil Madison. Tliry went
Ir Slltrea ( nanllea.
I 'ITT HO IT. Micl. April 'omplele un
official returns from the sixteen Michi
gan counties In which local option whs
tha Issue III yesterday's election shown
thnt the "dry" wo successful In six
teen count lc and the "weta' wore vic
torloua In two.
Alger county gave n majority of only
one vote In favor of the anti-saloon In
terests and Oakland went dry by i
majority of from elchl to forty. Chip
pewa county. In which Sault Ht Marin
la eltuatod ahowa a "wet" majority of
tlili ty-ee ven.
Ilepabllcnns Wla.
ST. 1H'IS, Arrll -The entire repub
lican ticket 'of twenty-elifht aldermen,
led hy A. If. Frederick, for chairman of
the board, w elected here today by h
plurality estlmatod ot .1.0 n.
Ileinlllrann Klect Mayor.
Ovcrholacr. republican, w as chosen mayor
In the city election hero today. J. (.
Street, democrat, waa elocted commis
sioner of public, property, and Michael
iHmmilly, democrat. ommlsHloner of
finance. Tho new hoiird of city commis
sioners will consist of three democrat
and two republicans.
AUIANT. N. Y., April A F.llhil Root,
former I'nlted States senator from Nw
York, todny waa elected president of tho
seventh stnte constitutional convention
over Morgim J. O'Hrlen of New York.
Mr. O'Brien waa aupported by tho demo
cratic members of the convention.
The convention which met todny la the
first gathering called to revten the
organlo law .of the state that has 'met
In twenty-one years. Its work will be
to mold a constitution which, subject to
approval by the voters al the polls, prob
ably will qt&nd for another generation. -
A pica for conservatism In rhnnglng In
stitutions of long standing marked the
uddresa of Mr. Hoot In accepting the
presidency. I
" """
Mftellvr Kleeted.
STORM IAKE. la.. April . (Special
Telegram.) H. C. Moeller for the las.1 two
years' county superintendent, of schools
waa Heeled superintendent in Ulack
hawk county today Just aa he was about
to be re-elected at Buena Vista. Ho will
tak np hla duties September 1. No choice
was made of Ms successor.
Eoberti ana All Except Two of
Twenty-Six Are Convicted by
Jury of Conspiracy.
INMllANAI'OUS, Ind. April ft Mayor
Tvmn 'Hubert of Terre llnutr an 1 ail ex
cept two of the other twenty-six defend
ants In the el"'tlon ciinsj'lr-i' y i nso. who
were found guilty by a Jury In the fed
ernl court here today, had ndurnod to
their home tonight to remain until Mon
day morning, when they will be sentenced
by Judgn Anderson. In the meantime)
preparation for an npoal were bclnsT
made by the attorneys for the convicted
I'rmrrutnr onarat ulaled.
I'nlted States I'lstrli-t Attorney Dalley,
upon whom the burden rf the jrovern
ntent s caso has rested, left tho fodoral
building a few minutes after the verdict
was returned. Hn was accompanied by
hla, wife, who has attended all the ses
sion of tho trial. The telephone III Ida
office, rang almost .continuously all day,
sraons calling who aald they wished tn
ooiLgratulHte the district attorney.
Tim trial and Investigation which pre
ceded It has cost tho government upproxl
matnly i:,WlO. The cupense for witnesses
for the trial won estimated at fG,ft.
Only Tno In Jail.
Only two of the twemty-sevon convicted
men ar In Jail here tonight. They aro
Alexander Acsel, alias Stool, who wits
arrested soma tlmo ago ami held under
16,000 I Kind on a charge of attempting to
corrupt government witnesses, and Tim
othy ("Bull") Conway, who Jimt boforo
tho trial oiened wna given a J:UI sen
tence In a local court for carrying con
doled weapon.
fctevcro penalties can be Imposed. The
poarahln cumulative punishment under tho
four counts of the indictment In fines
totaling tJtS.000 and unpriitonineiit for niuo
teen years.
Kitchener Moves to
Put More Men on Job
IXNPON. April . The War offlco an
nounced tonight that lord Kitchener hul
apiHdnted a committee, to take necessary
steps to 'provide such additional labor
a may bo requlrvd to niakt it certain
that thn supplies of munitions of war
hall bo sufficient to moot all require
ment. What the government proposes to do
with tho liquor problem probably will
not bo docloaed until Parliament reas
remMos on April 14, but tho Idea of gen
eral prohibition just ut preaent is not
erlously entertained. The authorities
seem to hope that the desired results will
bo obtained by voluntary abstlnance,
coupled with further restriction on saloon.
Washington Affairs
Th new b ittleshlp Anrona. building at
the New Voi k navy yard, will lx launched
June 1, Secietary I'anlela announced.
The governor of Arliona has lnn Invited
to name the ship's pot r.
Postnl receipt at the fifty largest cities
In March showed a substantial lucres
over those of February, Tostmaster t)in
etnl luirlcHon aunounc'd. Indicating a
Ftiaily (limb toward normal. The 1-ioro-I'mn
ir t'roiikiht nlwait a dH'llne In pos
tal r elpis that continued until No-
imbei .
Constltiitionalltv of the federal law of
lti er ihI rlnt ing American women marry
ing foreigners una sttneked bv Mrs.
I.tlol c. Mnckenxie of San Fram-laoo In
n brief flisl In the aofireme court. She
was d rued the rlirht to vote In Sen Fran
cisco on the ground thnt under the fed
eral law she has lost hi r Anu rlcan citi
zenship by marrying a subject of tlreat
Foreign trade of tho United State from
Mnnh :T to April ;i netted a favornblo
balance pf Ul.lL'l .173. This w.s an In
creasn of JH.Ki.ulO over tho preceding
week. K-xpiirt amounted tn IS7.4i2,SiV
lmixirta totolel S.?i.7M,',:i4. Of the exports.
New York handled l.979.!!4 worth and
New Orleans, the next largest export cen
ter, shipped goods to the value of l.v
K.M.1PI. March was an extraordinary month this
year from a weather standpoint, accord
ing to the official weather and crop bulle
tin Issued bv the weather bureau. Not
i-lnce extensive weaiiior records began,
more than forty years ago, has the
weather over the southeastern portion of
the rountrr been ao continuously cold,
snvn the bulletin, and In portions of New
Knulond and other northenntorn states
the monthly precipitation was tho Icat
ever known for March.
Nourishing Food for Children
GIVE meat to your children In moderation. A study of food
vahieg will convince you of the remarkable nutritive qunlitieg
of macaroni. H la rich In gluten the muarle and tissue builder
easy of digeation, eagy to prepare, and makes fine rating". Serva
this nourishing, economical food often to the youngsters.
ev MAULL BROS.. St. Louis . U. S. A.
nil i in . ii innm.) I
T - - ni.i-iri.i. - i mi i inn il'n m
Gray Hair Darkened So Evenly
Nobody Will Know! --No Dye.
You can turn gray, faded, streaked
with gray hair beautifully dark and lus
trous almost over night If you'll apply a
few times, Q-Han Hair Color llestorer to
hair and scalp like a shampoo. Q-Ban
llnlr Color Restorer la harmless, not
sticky, dcllKlitful to use and darken tho
hair so naturally and evenly that no ono
can tell It has been applied. Q-Ban act
on tho roots, makes the hair healthy and
produces that soft, dark luster and
abundance to the hair which makes the
hair so fascinating and attractive, be
sides prevents dandruff. Itching; scalp and
falling hair and promote lta growth.
Try y-Un and .you'll be delighted with
your beautiful, soft, fluffy, dark hair and
lota of it and youthful appearanoe. Money
back If It falls to darken gray hair. Only
60c, for a big 7-os. bottle at Sherman &
.McConnell Drug Co., Owl Drug Co., Har
vard or Loyal rharmncy, Omaha, Neb.
Out of town folks supplied by mall.
Hon. John C. Lynch Is an Ar
dent Advocate of the Nev
Mineral Remedy.
Former Collector of Internal Rcvnui
and Former Bank Commissioner John C.
Lynch of San Kranciaco In an ardent en
thusiast regarding Akos, the remark
able medicinal mineral discovered by
John 1. MacKenzle.
This natural remedy which has given
such speedy relief In cases of rheumatism,
stomach trouble, catarrh, eczema, ulcers,
piles and numerous other ailments,
promptly drove the gout fmm Mr.
Lynch's system and also relieved him
from acute nervous stomach trouble.
Before using Akoz Mr. Lynch trK!
numerous other remedies and dieted, but
roclved only slight temporary relief. With
tho Akoi treatment he did not diet, hut
mado remarkable progress In regaining
his health.
Here is what Mr. Lynch has to say of
"For a period of over 10 years I was a
sufferer from gput. having attacks which
confined me to my house, from one to two
weeks several times a year. During this
time I tried a great many remedies. In
cluding abstinence and strict diet, with
out effecting anything more than tempo
rary rollcf.
"Whilo suffering; from ono of these at
tacks X waa Induced to try the Akos min
eral powder on my feet. I experienced
Immediate relief. I followed this treat
ment by drinking the Akoi water and be
came premanently cured, having had no
attack of gout for over two years, not-
nos. joiix c. iAxcn.
withstanding tho fart I have placed no
restriction upon myself in my eating and
"When I commenced drinklnc Akoi
water I was suffering from acute nerv
ous stomauli trouble, from which .1 am
entirely relieved. I have induced a num
ber of my friends to try the Akoz remedy,
and I know of no caso where It has failed
to give permanent relief."
Akoz is now being introduced In Omaha
at Sherman & McOonnell's, 16th and
Dodgo St. store, where the Akoz man will
give further Information regarding this
Kent room auica wtih a Boa Want Ad.
Uaboasj tko lsmal.
SpeeUi Twlcgrain.) That buatoawa condi
tions ara oa the uptrrad aod sum rue r
will bring prowwrtty to thta oauntry to
the b-"f of Rdward P. Kearurr. new
prtsldeot of tha Wabash raiu-oad who
with fifteen other officials of tho road
wers r"e I at luncheon at tha ESiua
) oial. proaident Keamy announced that
th V) abaah will immediately establish
in rout n steeper service from St. Louis
berc -
The Desk
Standard Dictionary,
Tho freateet abridged dictionary publis lid.
Defines, explain, pronounces, and ! tho
dcrirsrion ol about 80.000 words and phrase,
all In ono simple vocabulary order, including
information concerninJ persons, places, coun
tries, cities, states, baulcs, treaties, mountains,
rivers, etc., such as, Praomytl, Dardanelles.
Prussia, JofJre, Maubeue, Vistula, Marne,
etc. 1,200 illustrations. Thorough, practical,
and Imtructivo treatment oi synonyms, (ivinf
not mere lists oi synonymous words, but ex
amples of use in actual sentence showing their
varying shades of meaning. Loading events of
American and English history. A number of
tables, lists, and phrases are included coins
astronomy, weights and measures,' metric sye- '
ten, chemical elements, presidents, sovereigns,
law, prefixes and suffixes, foreign word sod
phrases, etc. ' ,
Aa la odditioa o taM wahubls vocahalary btrtrM
aad kaadrxia oi nlir UkMiraoasa, iha hamk raatwas
-S ifwlnimi, srWottncally eorract. aad mw
ally aiuwctirw, wblck Men iha purpoaa m mu1uiu4
tba latoraaboo touch! alter -aack m th pwia plam oi :
Asrkcalmral laptaavaau -Barka oi Trvcv-Eiaaplea ol
Aprkitsciwrc Trpnol Lama mm Wairr BlnW Trs
el Canla-TrOM of Poos-Pood aad Ornm Fkhca
Trpot of Flowm Typra of fowl, of Unrsss I'ui
seo AsMricaa UwvosICac., Etc.
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"It Is s practical tad practkabU worilal airtkxtry
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"TVe aoarott approaca lo aa watbrldsod dictionary
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skill la arvaao'ital kav kea pracotod lo a wary
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OotK SI. SO, TTmmb-Notck lWuroof,
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The Comprehensive
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Of wonderful resourcefulness for all general
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- That dictiooaric hv placed lb lirarr world
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I 6aa r-raaciac. Cat.
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com loco pracucal at a la ariaiioa, raJio-actiriry.
wiralcat lelcgraaOy. etc. la Aamir ira, St.
Pawl, aiiaa.
CsTsaisat KamsrkaHy Exttasie
A dictionary of coarcaieBl au. aad at la aaat
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It la aa loot! rotdy rataroac book." 5oo froa-
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