Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    Til hi Ur.K: OMAHA. TTI'SDA V, AlMJlh (i. 1!H.
mtef city news BIG BROTHER HOVE
Kwr ! Frta It Nsw Bmm Free
rg-ee-raada Co. Lighting Rxturaft
Aaw Xlewlt for city commissioner.
, W.o. shrive, tried, true and efficient.
tor city commissioner. Advertisement.
Andrew Xlewlt for city commissioner.
Stand for business methods In public
office Advertisement.
Admit Judge Baldwin Justice of the
Peace Arthur K. Baldwin hss been ad
mltted to the practice of law la federal
court. .
Tor Oar Stolen Rasp Bros., 10 Mc
ague building;, report the theft . of a
For car belonging to them which wu
taken from In front of K15 North Twen
tieth street.
A FeeUag ef scanty t ene ot the
benitte acquired when ycu office In The
Bee Building, "the building that to al
ways new." Pea us new tor. a few rooms
available April 1. .
raa State Baa at Osaka para 4
par csat on Urn depc-stu. S per cent on
savtngs account. AU deposits tn this
bank ara protectee ar the depositors'
guarantee fund of the state ot Nebraska
MTeaara OoaaBlete VSTle Frore
Ship ia KTew York at Beginninf
of tht War.
slaestfled section today, and appears ia
The Bee EXCLUSIVELY, rind out what
the various moving picture theater offer
guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska
Want e See Cleea J. J. Frleden,
352 Parker street, report to the police
that X towel were stolen from a
wagon belonging to the Nebraska Towel
Supply company standing at the rear of
hi home.
: Bntkus Plead Hot Onllty John
IButku of South Omaha, charged with
theft from a box car In Interstate transit,
his pleaded not guilty before United
State Commissioner H. E. Daniel
hearing wa set for April 10.
Albert Laufert, 16-year-old Ger
man boy of Klberfeld, on tha Rhine,
is a beneficiary of tha "bin brother"
movement of the Elk lodge ot this
city. Dan B. Butler will find a place
for the lad at tbe Fontenelle or Cas
tie hotels. The boy is now being
cared for at the home of Henry
Rohff, on Leavenworth street.
Master Laufert arrived 1n Omaha Satur
dsy evening. .After sleeping all night at
the Union depjt he, was sent by the pollc
to the German home, where he became an
object of unusual interest on account Of
his neat appearance and brightness.
This little wanderer, who is thoussnfls
of miles from his mother, slates that he
was put off of a Belgium ship at New
York shortly after the European war
started. Since then he ha worked in
many ot the eastern cities and saved
enough money to come to Omaha, be
cause he heard this was a good farming
section. He was shipboy for a year anil
a half on the Belgium Fatherland of the
Red Star line, flying the Belgium flag.
His father Is now In tb German army
near Franc and he has a brother In the
'my near Warsaw. He Is about the else
of a minute and Is tinuaually handsome.
He told Dan Butler he would return to
Germany to fight with-his father If he
His I could get enough money. This young
ster seems to take his plight in a phll-
Tithes Give Mormon
Church One Million
Dollars in a Year
8 ALT LAKE CITY. Vlah. April t.-The
(Irst public financial statement ever Is
sued by the Mormon church was t.rescnted
In the tabernacle today before the snnual
conference. The report shows that the
church collected l1.tS7.9C0 from tithes In
1S14, of which $730.!0 was expended on
church buildings, i.0?4 to maintain the
church school. $64,So to maintain the
Mormon temples, ."JT.SWO for missionary
work. M.K to maintain church offices,
1136,77 to' complete and maintain the Ia
D. 5. hospital In Salt Lake City and
$116,223 to the poor.
The report also shows that the Mor
mon relief societies and the local church
organisation gave $110,290 additional for
the relief of the poor and that the Euro
pean war relief fund . of the church
amounted to mow, wnicn has been sent
broad to be disbursed through the
churches representatives. The expenses
ot the general officers of the church are
not paid from tithing, the report nays,
but from revenues derived from the
church's Investments. The repoit shows
net Increase In the membership of the
church of 139,493 for tho period from
1901 to 1314, a birth rate of 30.5 per thou
sand, a death rate of 1.3 per thousand
nd a marriage rate ot 17 per thousand
in 1911.
The report, which .embraces ' the op
erations of the church throughout the
world, shows that 1,31$ men and 113
women are engaged in Mormon mis
sionary work, that 14,717 Mormon children
sro born In 1914, that 7J per cent of the
families In the church own their own
homes and that 319,400 members of the
church mere born in the United States.
The total membership Is not given.
w. Hk.tL- osophlcal manner, but wlshe he could
UiiMini.t I see his mother again. He was on of 130
w.wii a n OraadJDad Police I Germans pot off of the Belgium Father-
Berteant W. K. Marshall wa the re- nd at New Tork.
ctptont of a telegram Monday morning
from hi on-ln-law. H. I Terke of
(Phillip. Neb.. Informing th sergeant
that ha had Just been peresented with
n eight-pound granddaughter.
sTeekett know what to do. Adver
Bavolvwr and Sana- stolen wnue at.
"The Passover" Sung
at Temple Israel
Ashford's cantata, "Th Passover," wss
given at Tempi Israel Bunds y avenlns
Galomblck and family, a9 Davenport tn connection with the annual Passover
street, wer at church Sunday thieve (celebration. The musical treat, which
gained entrance to their home and atole an impressive ceremony, brought out
a revolver and a cmia a nan wnwram large attendance.
several aouer insmaii oiianc. i a. double Quartet took Bert in the
does to Hot tPTlng G. feV Guild, for I program. The regular Quartet, com Dosed
many year proof reader at tn umansiof Air. Johnson, Mr. Grey, Mrs. Lena
World-Herald, baa gone to Battle woun- Ellsworth Dale and Mis Gertrude Alkln
tain sanitarium at Hot springs, a. u. inaa assisted by a spec ally ensaa-ed
Guild ha been in poor neaiu tor om i quartet, composed of Mis Laura Goetx
tiro and he hope to recuperate. I soprano; Ml Graoe Pool, contralto
crinkling" System In Ferk Superln- I Walter Dale, tenor, aad Charles R,
tendent Hummel of the park ha com- I Gardner, baritone. Th production was
Dieted M new sprinkling system In Mil-1 under tbe direction of V. C. Bennett,
ler park. Four thousand feet of three- I organist of Temple Israel, and It beautl
quarter Inch pip were used, affording I ful rendering showed much careful traln-
eventeen outlet through th park. ' ling. Particularly beautiful was the alto
Xnakett will d It. too, Advrtle- and chorus, "Within Each Lowly
tnent. ' lDrew Tent.
i Several Divorce rraat jne io-i xne cenoiuding reesover sen Ice was
lowing deoree of divorce - have been I held at Temple Israel this morning at
granted in district court: John smith io o'clock.
against Kate, desertion: NelU Frieee
aatnst Herman, drunkenness; , Charlotte
Jenkins against Orlle Lee, cruelty Mr.
Emmy . Ries has filed suit against
Charles, alteglng cruelty.
To Oanoal ITstnrallssUon Fapars
Tour case filed by the government t
- a .tiiMllt.Hnn la.
" I ... w 1 I. i 111.
amed to Omahan. -ire now being tried iw. wo
In federal court .before Judge T. . C. iunner repor
4ha wisslaf linmsflsa flUatntitlftfl Of Ball
fit Loui. to prosecute the cases, which up , .
jr f ndmul fa nerandina'. uerenaanui i w ---- - -
are Mom Bear Corseteer, vFrtdoltn Brlx, nJ"nln-
Jan Keaek and Oscar A. Anderson.
lasn szoramsai w n" i v.. . .
Wl 4 If, " uciwvni fkW V.rtl..
mere l" ' ""'" I r . u.i.t. (Ifli.nua. rmrm
the- vicinity bt ehertdjn. W yo.. 'e l1UBf t wnU p,r bushel H t0
tney win ' - ,4 nt h,.hM. than Saturday.
Makes 61 Feel Like IB.
I suffered with kidney ailment for two
year," writes Mrs. M. A. Bridges, Robin'
son. Miss., "and commenced taking Foley
Kidney Pills about ten "months ago. I
am now able to do all my work without
fatigue. 1 am now Jt years of age and
feci like a l-yar-old girl." Foley Kid
ney Pills strengthen and invigorate weak,
tired and deranged kidneys; relieve back
ache, weak back, rheumatism and blad
der trouble. They are tonic In action.
Sold everywhere. Advertisement.
Wheat Price Jumps
Three Cents Higher
Report of a big decrease in the visible
On the market there were seventeen
car of wheat, prices ranging all tbe
Oats failed to follow the pace set by
wheat and oorn.and sold dova to S2tf
MH cents. U to Vi cent lower.
On account of the city primaries, there
will be no market Tuesday.
country tributary. Generally the people
going are Russian from Lincoln and
town out In the state along the Repub
lican river valley. At Sheridan a beet
sugar factory Is being constructed and
will be ready tor operation in time to
handle tne crop oi vine mnmon. - i ..,uV Tliaiiaaf UUO I aTC
suit a large acreage ot beet are being WHY ZIMMAN WAS LAI t
planted under contract. N STARTING CAMPAIGN
T Jay jntiam ut Twf my ouiwb
a. T ImmIsb 1st the BUsnaltA. t1 Which offlc
you sent me by the highest vote of any Harry B. ZImman 1. busy making hi
'en th ticket, prevenu me from making Personal campaign prior to th llmlna-i-
.....i .,nni. b.nM this wav to tion voU today, aad this 1 keeping
l reach you and ak for your support in te"'a,J.tto
.the election Tuesday. My record and in'
itereet for you and the best for Omaha
. J... II .ffk. M.Anl MMm, h.v.
, voice wneuier tney want oneaper iignis
friends why he was so late ia getting
under headway.' ,
After he had 'filed for commissioner hi
wa brought down by an attack ot grip.
ar with pneumen,. Under th.
v f I A u In. . H. .- maI mx-m fi.n.
mitted to use the telephone. Since he
has been out' he has been quite actlv
and offers this as an explanation to many
friends aa to why he hss not called on
hard tot thorn - and got them through.
Having always mad good. I leave It in
I your bands Tuesday. - With my best!
Alleys and Back Yards
MusVBe Cleaned Up
Health Commissioner R. W. Cornell
iKas directed his inspectors to make
round of all alleys and backyards snd
serve notioa In ail occasions where they
discover accumulations of unsanitary
material. It Is probable that a weeki from dog at horue. The animal weighs but
net Saturday will be designated as an- four pounds and, according to Hall, is
tiual clean-up day when the city wagons hi boon commnlon. having accompanied
wiu gather alrefuse ami rubbish with- him to Europe and over a greater portion
W. A. P. Hail of New York la anxlou
to go to California and want to travel
over the Union Pacific oa one of the
regular train, but it ia doubtful it lis
will go, unless he concludes to leave hlr
3ut Out Tongue of.
'Hello' .Man Refusing
To Tell Buss Secrets
LONDON, April S. neuter's Petrograd
correspondent sends the following:
'A dispatch from the commander-in-
chief received tonight (Sunday) says;
"In the region of Zaleezltrow, during
the night of Saturdsy. the Austrlans
violently bombarded one of our fortifica
tions with heavy guns, their fire killing
almost alt the defenders. Tha Austrian
Infantry then attacked and occupied our
positions, but they were almost Immedl
ately dislodged by a counter attack made
by a Russian company.
"The Russians found in a trench one
of their comrades named Makuksa, who
bad been acting as, a telephone operator,
and, having refused to give the enemy In
formation, his tongue was cut out."
Berlin Announces that Imperial
Forcci Hare Made Slight Ad
vance on Tier Front.
LONDOV. April t.-Stuhbom battles are
still being fought fr the peases In the
Carpathian mountain", but elwwhem
comparatively calm spneaia to prevail.
The Austrlsns In tieir official messane
this morning admitted that mey na.i n-cn
forced to retreat In the Peakld mountain i.
while tonight they claim to have repulsed
many Ruaalnn attacks and to have taken
more than iO-O prisoners.
Nevertheless, it Is the opinion of Brit
ish military expert that tha Austrc-Get-man
forces will have to retire to the
mountain south of the Carpathian range
and make another effort to prevent the
Russian armies, and particularly the Cos
sacks, from swarming over th plsins of
Make "llRtat Adveare.
The Germans have made a slight ad
vance on th Tser front, where they have
taken a village from the Belgians, but It
Is not believed that any big attempts will
be made In this region, as floods, which
can bo borught shout at any time by
openlnr sluices, offer an Impenetrable
barrier to a general advance. J
Flshtlng also continuee In the forest ef
lie Pretre. which has been the scene of
a long and sanguinary battle.
Nothing new has been received from the
Dardanelles or the other Turkish fronts,
although a Russian semi-official report
says thst the Turkish protected cruiser
Medjldleh struck a mine and sank.
So far the Balkans are concerned.
Interest center in the raid by Bulgarian
Irregulars into Serbia, which has been
succsssfully countered. A tinusj, recrim
inations are being Indulged In, the 8er
blsns charging that the raiders were led
by Bulgarian, Austrian and German offi
cers, while the Bulgarians reply thst th
outbreak was the result of the Eerblan
administration of that portion of Mace
donia, which 1 largely Inhabited by Bui-
Settlement Kxered. ,
It Is expected here that the matter will
be settled by Bulgaria promising to
punish those responsible for the raid, it
It Is proved that they actually organised
the operation on Bulgarian soil.
Tho fluestlon of the prohibition of .alco
holic liquors for th period of the war
ussed from the pH'lir thiough- I " a. Tl ff 1 -. - . . .... .... ....
ountryt,.,iN.thcp,ea.i,e,.rg. luaunt as MaKes f TO REMOVE DANDRUFF i
UII Willi JU001
tan dim
out the co
Ing that the example of the klnn ami the
cabinet ministers "liou!d be followed snd
thst the use of alcoholic should be volun
tarily given tip.
A meeting of the labor parly at Nor
wich, on the other hand, strongly pro
tested acalnst the accusation that tho
ouput Of war munition waa being de
layed by drinking among the men.
Apartments, fists, houses snd cottsses
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Bee "For Rent" Ad.
U. W. f.e. nrgro, 1?2 Paul at reft, was
plopped by Detectives Pease and Pheiloek
In the act of walking oft wtth IS worth of
lead tvom the smelter. The lead was caat
In one Insot. it is supplied that he In
tended taking a boiler and tho big smoke
Ma. k on his next trip, when tho officers
put an end to Ma heavyweight perform
ance. Five dollars' worth makes con
siderable ingot.
tiet a 25-cent bottle of Danfierine at.
any drug atore. pour a little Into your
hand and rh It we'.: Into the scalp v. It!,
the finger tips. By morning, most. If not
all, of this awful scurf will hav disap
peared. Two or three applications wi,i
destroy every bit of dsndruff; stop
scalp Itching and falling halr.Adve.--tlaement.
1 MAM IN '"
V- j.m.A.
. A Medietas ot Merit.
A proprietary medicine, like everything
else thst comes before tho public, has to
prove Its merit. The law of the survival
of the fltttest applies in this field as in
others. The reason for the tremendous
success of Lydla G. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound is because It has been
fulfilling a real human need for forty
years, so that today thousand of Amer
ican women owe their health and hap
piness to the marvelous power of this
famous medicine, made from roots snd
herbs nature's remedy for woman's ills.
Before you go a-shopping
here's something to think
Have Dark Hair
and Look Young
Don't stay gray! Nobody can tell
when yon darken gray, faded hair
with Hag Tea aad Sulphur.
Grandmother kept her hair beautifully
darkened, glossy and abundant with a
brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. When
ever her hair fell out or took on that
dull, faded or streaked appearance, his
simple mixture was applied with won
derful effect By asking at any drug store
for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Coin
pound," you will get a large bottle of this
old-time recipe, ready to use, for about 60
cents. This simple mixture can be de
pended upon to restore natural color and
beauty to the hair and Is splendid for
dandruff, dry. Itchy scalp and falling hair.
A well-known down town druggist says
everybody uses Wyeth's Sage and Sul
phur, because it . darkens so naturally
and evenly that nobody .can tell it has
been applied It's so easy to use. too. Tou
simply dampen a comb or soft brush and
draw it through your hair, taking on
strand at a time. By morning th gray
hair disappears, after another applica
tion or two, it ts restored to its natural
color and looks glossy, soft and abundant.
You have some ideas of your own when you
start out to make your purchases. You know
that you want the best merchandise obtainable
for the money. You know that there are some ar
ticles that you have already tried out that give
good service and value. You are quite likely to
ask for these articles.
The chances are that not one of these articles
is Omaha-made, and its a hundred to one shot
you don't know that in each case there is an
Omaha-made article which is just as good and
more frequently better, at the same or lower price.'
It's a business proposition and one directly to
your own selfish interest. Buy Omaha-made
goods whenever you find them as low or lower in
price and as good in quality, as others which you
have been buying. .
p More factories mean more work for Omaha
Tl people, higher wages, better times. Let your
next purchase be Omaha-Made Goods.
The White Sox base ball team. No. 3.
will pass through Omaha at 1:2S o'clock
Wednesday morning, en route from Lin
coln to Sioux City, The members of the
team In their special car will corns in
from Lincoln over the Rock Island and
be switched to the Northwestern. Thurs
day night at 10:30 o'clock they will be
back In Omaha for games Friday and
Met Fasaoaa Boek Beer.
OS draught and in bottles on and after
April 1 Order a cas of this delicious
brew. William J. Swoboda, retail dealer.
Fhon Douglas 221 Advertisement.
The city clerk has lasuea 1,700 dog tags
for 191$. Delinquent dog owners sre
warned again that dog catchers will be
out this week without fail, Several dsy
of grace hav been allowed.
out charge to householder.
Boy, cr Girl?
Great Qi!2Stion!
THE ' 1
C0UP1E3 I !
gasMEf . taajMessale IU&b?s i ml nl T aaBaa!)
around each package has a
Primary Election
Swells Stamp Sale
Fully 1 400 political letters and folders.
seal out by the seventy-three candidate
'for city commissioner, passed through
th Omaha postoffice during the last
few days, according to an estlmste msde
by Assistant Superistendenl of Hails
ef the United States. He has asked per
mission to csrry the dog In th car with
htm, but has ben refused.. He adds that
if the dog cannot go. then he cannot
mak tht proposed California trip.
Thirty lawyers were present in federsl
court, for the call of the law docket by
Judge T. C. Hunger, which marked the
This biinrs to many minds an old and
tried family remedy an external ap
plication known as "Mother's Friend."
Burins the neiiod or expectancy it is
opening of the April term of court. Forty- .Dpll(i l0 the abdominal muscles and Is
of the Garno hind and good toward
the sasno high quality mcrchnn
dsso as the United Profit-Sharing
Coupons announced by numerous
manufacturers and by
local stores.
1 '
la response to the mild weather and
tng thaw during th last few days, the
river at Omaha has risen eight-tenths of
a foot since Sunday morning and is still
rising. Aa sll Ice has gone put of the
liver as far north as Pierre and Aber
deen, no lams can cause overflows.
Forecaster Welsh ssys, aad there Is no
danger cf floods.
The city council has ordered that John
Quint y Adams, fireman, pay to his wife,
.Rose Adams, a monthly allowance until
a divorce case shall have been kettled In
district couit. Failure to comply with
tht order will mes suspension.
four cases wer railed and most of thm
wer set for trial. Judge Munger spent
the morning hearing motions and demur
rers. A petit Jury for service at this
term will be called for the near future,
to take up its work a soon as th equity
cases now pending ara disposed of and
law cases ar ready for trial.
' I Thsr Is no question but what
Telegrams were flying from Omaha to "Mother' Friend" has a marked tendency
designed to sooth tbe intricate network I
ef nerves Involved. In this tnsnnsr It I
has such a splendid Influence as to Justify
Its use In all cases of coming mother- '
hood. It has been generally recom-
mended for years and year and those
who hav. used It speak tn highest praise ,
ef th Immense relief It affords. I'srtlo-
tilarly de these knowing mother spesk
ef th absence of morning sickness,
absence of strain on th ligaments and
freedom from those many other dis-
Lincoln yesterday beseeching Governor
Morehesd not to veto '8. F. 71. the bill
providing tor th motorliing of city fits
departments. Word has reached Omaha
that tbe governor Is not viewing the bill
with favor and that he might veto it.
Business men sent many messsges to tl.e
to relieve th mind and this of Itself in
addition to tbe physical relief has given
it a very wide popularity among women. I
It ia absolutely sfe to ue, renders :
the skin pliable. Is penetrating in its
nature and Is composed of those etnbro-
cations best suited to thoroughly lubrl-
cate th nerves, muscles, tendons and '
ligaments involved.
Tea can obtain "Motnsrs msnd" at i
I chief executive urging th nc.ity ef
a bill that would do away l!b horse .im,t aa drua store.
in tha lira departments and DrovMi .11-1 It Is prspared only bv Bradfl.H jteg.
tomoblles. '. ltor Cs., vl Lajaar ldg, Atlanta, .
m- w A at T ail iannw I J 1 I I I a. BE B waaJaaBssa
a coupon
you save
them rapidly from
Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co.
1203 Kesner Bldg., Chicago
for Spearmen jingle
book In colors.
Scaled nlr-tlnltt
MvjayQ ftcch and cloanl
The Coupons .will
bring a thousand
useful, ornamental,
things attractive
gifts articles for
men, women and
children and home