Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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Huikian Cavalrymen Show Great
Brtvery ia Attack Upon
Forces of Enemy.
rCTROGRAD. April . (VI
London, April 6. The following of
f'clal communication was Issued to
day :
"On the front to the west of the
Niemen river (north Toland), the
fluhtiag ia developing greatly in our
favor. Our cavalry on the road be
tween Kalwarya and 8awalkl, Jn the
region of the village of Zelonalabuda,
after a stubborn flgbt Friday with
German cavalry, which waa aup
ported by Infantry, made ft dashing
charge, sabering many of the enemy
and capturing others. They drove the
Germans from the region they were
occupying and are now pursuing
r;al f;rat Saceeas.
"In the Carfa.thlas on Friday we
trained a grrat success In the section
north of the roads leading to Bartfeld
and also Jn the region betwwn Mrsola
borrx and I-.utovlska.
s Diiiinc that day we csptured on the
Carpathian front more thsn 2.CM sol
diers and three rirt snd three machine
"In the Zslesitltrew region, the Aua
Irlsns essayed an offensive, hut all their
attacks failed completely. We captured
two officers and about 100 men.
"In ths direction of Chotln. after the
grave defeat Inflicted on them, March
30, by portions of our cavalry, who de
livered an Irresistible attack while on
foot, the Austrfatis evacuated our tsrrl
tory and withdrew to their frontier,
where they aro fortifying themselves.
' Skews fire-at Bravery.
"la this battle of March M, our cavalry
bowed unexampled bravery In attack
Ing, while afoot, enemy Infantry units
with bayonet, saber and lance'. 1 i
"In the Gulf of Odessa on Saturday,' a
Turkish cruiser believed to be the
Medjldleh, struck one' of our mines and
blew ut and sank.".
Buff alo Bill Now
Becomes General
DKNVER, April R. Buffalo Bill Cody
has Iflven up his title of colonel that ho
has carried so long snd In the future
will bear Die prefix general. Governor
Kendrlcks of Wyoming has appointed
Buffalo Bill judge advocate general of
the military forces of the stats. ,
When the commission was presented to
General Cody he accepted with the asser
tion' that he ever appreciates ths honars
that ha has received from bis friends,
both In thfpaat snd the present.
Die in Hotel Fire,
On Their Honeymoon
TOLEDO. O., April . The body of Mrs.
John L. Frye j Adrian, Mich., wss re
covered from the ruins of the Niagsra
hotel, which waa destroyed by fire early
yesterday. Her husband tl missing and
is btUevsd to have been burned to death.
They were married three days ago and
wore on their honeymoon.
The hot' contained at least 10 guests,
msiiy of whom had not been accounted
for touleht. '
Russ Take an Army
Corps a Fortnight
LOKDOX. April '..-The Daily Mail's
Prtrosrad correspondent awserts that the
Ruuluii have taken 200,0(4 prisoners on
ths Carpathian front since the advance
besan m January St
A Petrograd dispatch to the pally Tele
grspa says that for some time past the
Russians hv taken prisoners In the
Carpathians at the rate of an army corps
eve: y fortnight
Sootb Vsir t s(k and Cald.
Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey goes right to
-the n.t. Checks the vough; eases throat:
kills the cold germ. Only 25c. All drug
gists. Advertisement.
r i
V. E. Hall of Florence boulevsrd
,cftiiie to the police station Saturday night
.badly beaten about the head and repprted
that be had been assaulted and robbed.
According to bis story, hs wss attacked
by tares man tn tiss alley at Thirteenth
street between Peroam and Dougtas
streets. Hs said hs had ne chance to
get a good look at his assailants, but wss
sure thst at least one of them wss whits.
They Inflicted a number of bruises
around his head and face and tore his
rlyht esr loose from his head. t
1UU lost (to. a gold watch and a half
carat diamond atud.
Iwls Morrettl, who was later arrested
with the stolen property on his person.
was bound over to ths district court, with
- bouds fixed at
Mela Kaaaaaa Dark Beer.
On draught and In bottles on and after
April t. Guaranteed to bs the only
. genuine Bock buer brewed lu Omaha
William J. Swoboda, retail dealer. Phons
Douglas ' Advertisement.
MAX ANTONIO, Tex.. April (.-Eleven
foreigners nsve ueen asmasvtnaied rs
entlv In th city of Mexico, according to
Arthur Bullsrd Johnson, an attorney
rr .resenting the International commutes
i..; ths capital ditilrlct, who srrlved hsrs
t lay. Tli persons aceaselnsted says
Mr. Johnson were aa Anerkn, a Swede,
three Ottomans and six Kpanianls.
Oar -Jitmw-r" Of te-rTkls and e.
Pi'ti't Rite tl.U Cut out this slip, en
i lose ami oc 10 roiey &. to., i-ntcga,
II. arittng your nonie and address
i '.ailv. You will reielve In return a trial
pa kkKs (-t'Utainiiig Foley's' Hor.ey and
7nr 'on.Kund. for coughs, cold mni
i-rx".p; l'ulry Kidney I'lils, for pain In
, 1' and t k, rheumatism, ba ka hs,
Li'ney r,.j bid lrr lhi"-nt, snd Kuley
i iit.' Tntits, a whole... me and tl.or-
tt. t,!.!r th-ikiting ealharllc, iully
.iif'.rUi.g X't stout r,ns. Sold every
i.-ltAJI tleUH'l:t.
Day Calm Along
The Front of Battle
PARI?, April The following official
statement ass leaned by the war office
"The day has been calm on the whole
front, save In the Woevre district, where
our progress has continued.' We hav
tsken possession of the village of Regnle
ville. about two and one-half kllomtres
to the west 'of Fsy Kn Hays, which was
occupied on April V"
German Ambassador at Rome Un
derstood to Hye Propoied New
Solution of Border Question.
ROME, April $. The difficult pase to
which the negotlsttons between Italy snd
Austria have come has had no appar
ent "effect on Prince von Buelow, ths
(lermtn ambassador, who Js continuing
his efforts to bring about an adjustment.
He Is' now undestood to have proposed
a new solution of the boundary queatlon.
It ts that the territory, which Austria
might cede to Italy be occupied by Swlt
serlsnd during the remainder of the war.
and turned over by that country to Italy
when peace Is concluded.
This suggestion was advanced as a re
sult of the representations made on be
half of Austria to the effect that If It
should sgree to cede to Italy sufficient
territory to bring about a settlement. It
muat at the same time assure Itself
of Italy's continued neutrality. There
fore It was suited that this territory
would not be transferred to Italy until
after the war.
This suggestion wss rejected et once
by Italy and It was then propoeed that
the territory bs held by Germany until
the conclusion of peace. Italy dissented
from this plati also, and Prince von
Iluelow accordingly proposed that Swit
zerland assume temporary guardianship
of the territory in Question.
The exodus of the German and Aus
tria subjects throughout Italy continues.
"Denial la given to reports that Prince
von Buelow ties even considered leaving
Rome, although It Is undostood that some
of the belongings of the prince and mem
bers of hta staff have been sent to Ger
many. The Austrian smhaasador to the
uulrlnal and the Prussian and Bavarian
ministers to the Vatican also are reported
to have sent home some of their effects.
Irish Guards Are
Cheered in Dublin
DUBLIN, April 6. A band of the Irish
Guards, which even a few .months ago
would hsve received an unfriendly greet
ing anywhere in Ireland, arrived here to.
day en a recruiting tour and was en
thusiastically cheersd ss it marched to
the Mansion House, playing "St. Pat
rick's Pay."
' The bandsmen were received and wel
comed by the lord mayor snd sheriffs.
There was anolbe remarkable scene
hrre today when John F. Redmond, the
Irish nationalist leader, reviewed 25,000 of
the Irish National volunteers, and In a
speech said that of the nationalist and
Ulster volunteers, wlio had organised to
fight one another, more than 60,000 were
now fighting aide by side en the conti
nent or in training to go there.-
as guests of Runaway June'
Date of Close of Contest The eoatcst' will close at midnight, September oOtk, 1913. Votes will be counted by
Lybrand, Ross Bros. & Montgomery, New York, certified public accountants.. The decision will be aunnounml
) through moving picture theatres and daily papers by October 10th.1 The -forty-eight lucky winners will start im
mediately thereafter for beautiful California as the gueste of Runaway June. - " . n
tffta sT
1 UfcJi -
1413-1415 Harney St., OMAHA, NEB. Phone Douglas
Read the Story in The Omaha Daily Bee
Many Magic City Men Would Like
to Get Into Race if Such
Pending action of the state legislature,
there Is still a faint murmuring smong
many local, men nf n possibility of .get
ting several Booth Omaha meg Into the
race for the city cmsmlsslonershlp of
Greater Oraibi.
It Is. thought that the legislature will
recognise the Injustice of not permitting
3,050 Innocent voters In the Magic City
to take part In the election of ths men,
who will govern them snd will pass the
present pending .bill In rgsrd to ths
postponement of the Omaha .election.
Many Pouth Omaha men are known to
be already for Instant entry In the big
race should the amendment to the char
ter bill become legalised. J J. Iflnchsy
haa announced that he will enter the
frace and It Is thought that Mayor Hoc-
tor, wilt also be a candidate. Jerry How
ard will have some competition.
The vote in South Omaha for the an
nexation bill will probably carry by a
good majority. The sentiment here dur
ing the last right In ths state legisla
ture has been predominantly fr ths
meaaure, and the sooner the governor Is
sues his proclamation of ths referendum
vote, the easier will be the feeling among
local residents and bus'ness men.
ftaffraae Film.
Tomorrow evening, the fg s if'rrge
film, "Your Girt and Mine," wlli be
shown at ths Orpheum theater. Pieral
meetlnga have been held among local
suffrsKtsts and the house is sure to be
crowded to ths limit. Hester Bronson
Copper, president of the Equal Franchise
league, has charga of the picture, and
expects a record crowd.
Mayfleld Willi Sonae Kajas.
George Mayfleld, editor of the Stanton
Pickett, has written Charlie Scarr for a
setting of eggs from rVarr- wonderful
breed of laying hens. MayfleJiT, while
not reflecting upon the delinquency of
his subscribers, -ml vises Bcarr that he Is
thinking of engaging tn the- "chicken
business." In vieV of several concomi
tant circumstances not altogether auspi
cious to his pesce of mind, Scarr ex
pressed some doubt as to the 81 an ton ed
itor's 'sincerity. However, Scarr Is some
what "techy" on the subjects of "eggs"
and "chickens'", these days.
19 area a ErovUrM' Officers.
South Omaha branch. No. It, National
Association Bureau of Animal Tndustry
Employes, held their annual eWtion of
officers' at the Moose hnll, April 1. The
following officers were elected: E." B.
Cook, president; T. B. Itca, vl(firesl
dent; F. ' 8. ' Russell, secretary; R. Ben
son, treasurer; J. J. Rhodes, Dr. II. Bus
man and C. A. Ktanley, members of the
executive committee.
The matter of to
ths national' convention, to be held in
New Tork tn August, and the selection of
a legislative representative st the coming
session of congress in Washington, will
be tsken up la the near future.
Ornamental Light System. ,
South Omaha's new ornamental light
system is being Installed as rapidly aa a
large force of men can dig holes snd
raise the standards which are to hold the
lights. The district begins at Twenty
fourth and J streets and runs south to O
street, where It veers west and runs to
ths Union Stock yards along O street
Another district begins ea lower N
stpeet near Twenty-sixth and runs east
to Twenty-second and N streets. The
-eight free trips
uni.uiirr'SjW' r" S-isxrtr-"
George Randolph Chester's thrilling
moving picture theater
m f? f af afea 4 A sffs-
i Y T.Todsv
PArtMAM THEATER, IStk ill Finn
Ksgutarry Svery Tnssdsy
la AdtUUaa to Oar fcsguJar I-regrasa.
South Omaha
Every Vednesday
Episode 12 Next.
GRAND THEATER, 16th and Binney, '
Every Tuesday. sw I ODAY
Every Wednesday.
Episode No. 0, April 7.
lights are similar to the standards now
In use m Omaha, There are two brsrkels
oc earn light. The standards srs 'stsg
gered" or spaced alternately en each side
of ths street so that each block will have
from three to five standards on each side
of the -street. The old lamps are to be
placed la outlying districts. It Is said.'
Mealt Hospitality. .
Because he ventured to rebuke John
remroks, a, man whom he had supported
for sotrts lime, for not trying to get a
Job, John Ochesky, laborer at Armours,
was badly cut about the head and face
last , evening by the man who had been
the recipient of his hospltsllty The two
men were arrested while fighting at
Twenty-sixth and P streets, by Detec
tives allien and Carey. Ochesky Is a
hard working man and alleges that for
some time he had befriended fomroka.
when yesterday, the limit ef bis hospi
tality waa resetted and he rebuked . his
friend for his laxlness. Pemroka turned
on him with a jack knife and the cutting
At the police court this morning Judge
Reed finew Pemroka t& and costs and
released Ochesky.
Keener Walvee Preliminary.
William J. Feeney of South Omaha,
arrested here under federal grand Jury
Indictment returned at Council Bluffs
snd charging him with theft of railroad
bases ce in Interstate transit, has waived
preliminary hearing before United States
Commissioner H. S.' Daniel. , The next
step In the cess will be hearing of the
motion for his removal to Iowa, which
Feeney refused to walvs. The time of
hearing has not yet been set.
Magle Cty ftoaalp.
The gorgeous 6 -Pert film drama, "Queen
Marguerite," will be exhibited today at
the Beeee theater.
Office specs for rent In Bee office. 2711
JJ street. Terms reasonable. Well known
location. Tel. Hotith XI.
Ths Keep - Dancing elirb entertained a
lsrgs number of giits at a dancing
party held last Friday evening at the
Moose hall, TWenty-flfth and M streets.
Mrs. Fred Ooerne of H2 North Twenty
fourth street, assisted by Mrs. Ingram
and Mrs. Miller, will entertain the
women of the First Methodist church
next Thirsdsy afternoon at f o'clocJt..
The Centurlan club meets this morning
and smong other matters that will bs
brought up for discussion will be the
sniblect of entering the local tennis Ixinm
that is to be formed during the coming
wwi, a mass meeting 01 tennis men
will be held next Wednesday evening at
the high school. . , .
Want sds for The Bee may be left at
The. Hee'a branch office, 231 S N Bt. Rates,
2n a word for one time, IHc. a word each
day for three days and lo a word each
day for a week, prompt and courteous
The Keno Klnb will hold Its tnnnthlv
meeting next Monday evening at-the club
rooms at Twenty-fifth and J atreeta The
club will give a big dance at Running's
hall next Thursday evening, the first to
bo given stter the Lenten period.
Man Plunges Into
Niagara to Death
identified men climbed over the -railing
at Prospect Point late today and plunged
Into the river. A few seconds later he
was swept over the American falls. No
trees of the body haa been found.
Pair Arrested on
Statutory Charge
C O. Karnes, a salesman from St.
Joseph, and Mrs. Mas Figgs of Msson
City, Ia.. were arrested ' by Detectives
Kennelly and Dunn at the request of the
authorities of Mason City. The two are
wantsd there on a statutory charge.
to the California Fair
motion picture serial now running at
s throughout the country. .
- 2319 Vinton Street.
Every Sunday,
Episode No. 6, April 11.
1211 South 13th St.,
Every Friday,
Episode No. 7, Next.
, Omaha,
Every Friday.
Episode No. 11, Nxt
14th and Douglas, Omaha,
Every Tuesday.
Episode No. 8, Today ' J
Slefghinf Enjoyed ia Southern New
EngUnd for First Time in Orer
25 Tears on Pay.
BOSTON, April a FVr the first time
tn more thsn twenty-five years, alelghlng
was enjoyed In southern New Kngland sn
Eaater day, but the wintry ' conditions
checked the customary display ef finery.
In Boston only a few Inches of snow
fell, but In other parts of the state It
reached a depth of more thaa a foot.
While Kasfer la flattens.
KFW TORK, April .-New Yorkers en-j
Joyeil a whits Eaater todsy, for the first
time in many years. Despite the snow,
the annual Easter psrade took place, a
bright, warm sun aiding thousands of men j
In cleaning Fifth avenue for the display.
Unusually large numbei a of flowers were
In evidence and photographere were busy
snspplng society In Its' newest drees, I
Hours before daylight todsv !W,00t men
were engaged In lifting the blanket ef
the ten-Inch snowfall laid on this city
yesterday In one of ths most furious April
storms, on record.
Special attention waa paid to Fifth
avenue, with the result that ths earnest
paraders found It clean and ready. Wor
shippers thronged, the churches for the
special Hester services.
A weather bureau report said that ths
thaw was general over ths storm-
whipped Atlantle seaboard and steam
railroads were running their trslns ac
cording to schedule once mors.
Bnnw I&lsafipeara Fast.
PHIIADKIPHIA, April 4.-Balmy.
spring westhsr todsy restored Philadel
phia and vicinity to virtually normal con
ditions sftsr one of the worst bllssards
In ths history of the local weather bu
reau. The nineteen Inches ef snow which
fell tn twelve hours, breaking all records,
disappeared rapidly. '
atavws at Colon.
PANAMA,. April 4. A severe storm
visited Colon last night doing much
damage fo the west breakwater, which
waa completed last year at a cost of
M.OOO.000. Hundreds of feet ef the east
breakwater, which already had suffered
te the extent of nearly $300,000 damsge In
a recent storm, were Mown out.
Poi itive Relief
for Constipation
The progress of modern medical art
ence Is, perhaps, no more foroefuliy
evident than tn the simplifying of
many of the old time remedies of past
generations. For instance, .the harsh
cathartics and violent purgatives used
by our forefathers to relieve constipa
tion are now known to be not only un
necessary but really harmful. Consti
pation can be mote effectively re
lieved without the ' discomfort and
pain thess old-tlms renvedlee occasion.
A combination t simple laxative
herbs with pepsin, sold In drug a toons
under ths name of Dr. . Caldwell's
Srrup Pepsin ig most effective, yet
mild and pleasant. It is absolutely
free from opiates and narcotics and
equally aa desirable a remedy for the
tiniest babe as for rugged manhood. A
free trial bottle can be obtained by
writing td' Dr. W. B. Caldwell, sol
Washington St., Montlcello. Ill.
and Burdet'te,
Traveler Is Robbed, f
'Three Men Arrested,
One Leaps for Liberty
Three men giving thetr names as George
King. II. Ia Howard and J. Htley wst
Identified early this morning st the poll.-e
station by witnesses ss the trio saeaull
leg snd robbing F, J). Hale on Kouth
.rfenlh street, near ths viaduct, lets thait
I lf an hour before.
I Iain was robbe of ! by threo mei
who ran after knocking him fown as-)
rifling his pnrketa Two brthera, ItarT-r
and Owen Trap of Convert Bluffs, (
ths hold up snd sent In a police rail.
Detectives Rooney and lUnn respotultd
and save chssn. The three men ran fcto
ths Vslln hotel on Tenth street.
One of them. King, jumped out of a
second story - window. He wss rrertd
by Officer Aughe. Hale lives m Kantan
city, and was on his wsy to ths unlini
depot, lie had a ticket to that pi loe
In his pocket, but It ass not taken.
King. Howard and Klley were boinvi
over to the district court, with
fixed at 1.XX.
Harry tounss, 610 South Tenth strict.
In whose bouse the men wsre taken, w
fined ' and cos I a
IJNDON, April R.-Ths question of
prohibition snd the example set by the
king in offering to abstain from the use
of liquors were referred to In almost all
the nulplts In London yeaterdev. it..
archbishop of Canterbury, In the Csntsr-
miry .catnenrsi. Strongly advocate!
voluntary abstention from drink by ths
Satisfying, Money -
Don't Misi
the April fl fj
f.- .. ..ji'iwiat.'.., - a
nhiu if -
hMSTSSViii i ii inn I iminmnif mii'i.i
I ;
Exceptional Values
in Chiffon Dress Taffeta
In Daylight 611 It Eectoa Tuesday.
150 Pieces of Yard Wide Chiffon Dr4 Taffeta, plain colors and
two toned effects, soft drapey quality ttta a beautiful blfjn lustre
finish, one of the weaves pnost In daraibd this season; comes In all
colors and black, up to $1.75 a yd. ra aes; Tuesday, 88S S1.2S
Illark Hat la Mensallnea, Chiffons,
Dress Taffetas, Satin Durness
and Peau de Soles, up to $1.00
a yard r&lues; per yard.
t 58s nd 75s
fl.OO and 91.2.5 hprtng Wool
new colorings In broad assortment of ilaln, and fancy weaves and
checks;' on sale at, yard.
Bargain Day
Sample Klosfit Petticoats
silk mcs salines and Jerseys,
Nohby,SiBc Waists-Pretty
stylos, good colors, made
to" sell fit $3.00 and $4.00
choice $1.49
Misses' New Spring Coats
samples and
Carpet Dept.
$3.00 Velvet Rus. s!se 36x7:,
floral and Oriental patterna.
on sale,
Sheer White
The Xewet Fabrics and Weaves Now 'Shown In This Section.
Calais Voile This Is the best voile valuii have ever shown, 40-ln.
wide. Ivory white, double twisted thread, fully equal. in every way to
many offered at 50c. We have 2,000 yu Cs to "offer at, yard ..25
(iabardine Tho popular suiting fabric, . I ins. vide, shrunken, soft
wool finish, here at, yard , f. . 5
Klre y'oile 3 In. wide. This is the Ii: tat of all the sheer novelty
weaves. Special quality here, yard .... i 35
00'lt 'ejnjwjnneni n8joj 'epia.i aj. 'uoij jpuvjo 'umvj qiuaj
quality, on aale at, yard V '. . . . 50
Long Cloth, finish special: adaptable f t umleraear, 10-yard Uu,
tor f .., G?
Otis sack of flour will make from
i lu lit pound-luavra of bread.
TuoaUtty r. will avll 4S-lb. sark
brmt him arsl Utamond tt flour,
ntitd. from th. b-st Mliti
lieat; .very sack 'ir- CI'Dfl
tnltrd to Ktv. t. t l.tjU
illrtrtioli. pr iiu-k
IS lt. bst frMiiulalvil suitar $1.00
lt. pur. lork buvkahcal
Hour 9e
T ll. beat rulleJ a till, braakfam
oalinral SS
IS bars Hal 'V-tn All. Iaiuinl t:,
Unix or luuJry Qumn , Will's
laundry aoap .. .SSo
I ll-s. tt whit, or yellow com
inl for SSo
ll.s. hrxt bulk chirk fWl ...Sas
4 Iba. ifmi hand pit kl uavy lrais
at Sis
4 lbs. fancy Japan rtr. 1 Ou qunl-
Itv. for ass
T Iba beat bulk laundry slar. li to.
The b-l domrstlo lua.aroiil, vrr-
mtcrlll or OttKUrtll. ka. . .T'o
l ib. ..! let ioiii'. a1,.
I-ll. ran tn. ' susar cum.
wax. strins. ar..u or lima
riu .TVe
S-lb. cans (lol'lvn rumi.WI v liom--
Iny, aaurr kraul or tke4 txoow.
at s
M-Lrrn'a peanut butir. lb. IS1-..
Tall taiia Alaska salmon 10O
Iff tall ar saas'
I m -.!- He said King George bad sn
i n.-c Ms readiness to set the example
a thst he ass In a position to tell his
k irs how confident the sing aa
th reironse of the people to th
ge Hon for abstention would be resi
n I w-Mrspread.
' 4 ccording to ststlstlc prepared by ih
Tl' lf, there hss been during the1 lest
f..i r ' months less beer drlnklnc, but a
fn:it Increase in the consumption of
Si'l its. rhls Is accounted for particularly1
b.- Vie heavy duty placed on beer In the
Is? . budget. The Increase In spirit drlnk
lnc ss shown by ths ststlstlcs, wss ee pe
ris y noticeable, during February snd
M i -eh.
Killing of American
Soldier Unprovoked
P JVAMA, April . Major Oenersl
Leo Iril Wood, commander of the de
par lent of the east, . arrived In Panama
this inorniiig. Tomorrow hs will begin
sn inspection of the Psolfle fortifica
tion l et the cansl. lie already has In
spotted those on the Atlantlo aids of the
wat svay.
Cfirrnlng the disturbance between
Amffican soldiers an! ths police and
ptipw bee of Colon on Friday, In which ons
A me -loan soldier was killed. General
Word said today:
"V bile the Investigation Into the-si-fahr
las not yet been ccmpleted tns evt
denc i obtained thus far olearV Indi
cate; fthat the shooting of ths soldier
by a I'anama polloeman waa entirely un
prov sJ.
T e situation clearly indicates that
some taction must be taken, as disturb
ance ( of a similar nature between the
soldi its and police cannot btjiermittndl
to- t tntlnue."
Saving April Sales ,
Get Our
Prices on
. BeanUfnl New Check Suiting
44 to 64-ln. wide, one of the
gea-too's moBt popular wool suit
lnyn, 3 sizes, 59c and 75c ral
lies, at --.nSd ancr 48
Drm FaJsrtcs 42 to 60-in wide, all
Cloak Dept.
$5.0C.quahties, in v &f QC
good i'olors, at. . . ysWeeyt
Ne- i TaUored Suits fiest
sty 'ifi, "coloringa and most
poiilai fabrics, $20.00 to
$22..rt0 values . . . .$15.00
A splendid lot of styles, in
regular $10 values;-on sale qjt
Tuesday at. .. . . . , . . .' . . .yDeaO
Pretty Silk DresseJ About Half A splen
did assortment of new styles in taffetas,
crepe de chines .and poplins, all colors,
made to ncll at"$I5jfJ0; makers' " ffrrj
surpMj; Tuesday.. V
ous Crcwn Jewel Tail- frni"
ored Suits at.... y.W
Di9(;rminatii)g buyers pro-
ti6imce them sinply
.iatcbiess values at this
trice. '
- 'r '
Drapery Dept.
nen.nants of Draperies of all
kinds .that sell regularly up to
50c .yard, all at one
prlr , yard ........
Dress Fabrics
l-lb i. rotiiue msat T,s
JSmis. jsr nuio fruit-ereavrvra Sis
:Dhi. jar jur atialn.d liuny S&s
Xnrst ey e fr.akfaHt cocoa, lb. fts
Tim 'at toa sifunKa lb.
r.t.klc- i riaj'liui coffee, lb Sos
Tks jest cram.ry attar, cartua
or kola. lb. . . ...r. , os
Tbs i't strictly fresh !. rt' -
en see
NxMnn finer at any lric.
Faric;- No. 1 country creamery hot
ter, lb ass' . daliy table butter, lb. Saa
lVri- yiuil cr.Hin New York while.
Wti jjhnsln orsaiU or Yotins Amer
ica fill crsaiii clieeae, lb. . . lOv
ImcM ied riwtss or llooueli-n
cn , fr lo SOS
Bpao: tl BisrUIaaa Vaval Ora
aa- ,loriua Oris, rralt Sal
lis i rs Hialilan) NaveU. 1... fit
178 t 'tS 1 nc.l ( ui'l Navels, iloa. 8'M
IP '; Sa Hi' lau.l Kaveia. rt... go.
SIS .". lila ilaiul do. IS.
25Q tM HishUnd Navels, .b i-.i.
at 181,.
Tt i Tas-stabU Hukn tow ibs
. rwvla
IS lbi, best cooains potatoes lTa
IX ia d li pounds IH. Uw r.
Kiesl, beetM. rarrots. turntr-s. sh.l-
lo4. wt ladlahea. Iiuwb 4S
FVesl. awlnaib. im Ii Soa
-am a SMW SJ
is that Ji,
s ss f