TTFR TTKF:: UtfAHA, 'ArRTL ini3. WANT ADS Want d received at any ttiaa, but t nmir ;eiper nae, t i-ai.rul murt be pre before 11 o'clock noon for evening edition and T .19 r. m. for irur-ning and Sunday edition. 'Want a" received f,r or boor wlil ha under tba heading, "Too Lata to Clnselfy." CAPTT RAT-. , -even nwwcuUv timet, x cent worn rh Insertion. . ... .- Three time wrthln one week. 1 canM Wfrd each Insert Ion. One lime. I rent a word. rWt eemaecutlve tlrnee. ewU '" a-h Insertion. ,,. Three time aHthla owe wee. " ' t)na each Insertion. On tlrrxv, II rantf Una. Count tg average word to Ip"" Minimum charge. 80 centa, ( An advertisement Inserted to "'tritl til discontinued mult b atopped by w rue tea rdr. All e!ahna for error mm wtthm fifteen days after tba Ut Inani tion of th advertisement ' Tai ran place roar want ad " rh B" y telephone. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" ralle fr and delivered Week. It M reaaonsbls to suppose ft of tha paor below hava made tne d-elred swaps, therefor do " tha balance ef their aniwar. 0 warn ad aura gt reeulta- B5. 14 It' 1M1 1BH 1M7 lt.4 1M 1F4S 1..W Vo7 1570 1571 u: )r- 1:19 ir.7 C. I1T M no l ti r it sn rs IT t Kf 31 10 l B n !kd m t M t 'l J 4 Wl n 1 1 14m 1411 144 1414 14! lw i4.n 144 14 1441 144 144) 14-4 14:4 14J 14. V 14,1 ll 4IS 4i IT ri 470 -1 rr 4t SS v4 H7 ia vtn 1314 IS 3 lMt I 11 ) ' l 1.174 1M I . it 14 14 I DEATHS AND Kt'T4iHAI ,?J M , H A HWR Mr. Jeruaha, April 1. IMS North Tuonty-alxth atreft. V .ymn Ihk J-a.. and vulnT, r-Per Ple topy. VHTTIPOM-IuIh, telovaJ wlfo of Jolm I'tttllH.if, Alll ';. '2 lefkleneo, & Poiith Thirtieth, Meo Kmlral from Croahy't parlors. Twenty fourth ami Hewaid atreitn. April 6. JH p. m. Iiitprmfiil Forrat Un cemetery by .utoiiHbllc. Th. funeral of Mra. Dorllna nchlMlnjw will tf! held from thr- r"-ldiuf ol her Ittunhtrr. M-. hriCB Hxw-water, 3: l erninn fit., Wrdneeday. April 7 at o clo k. . luuol: kotk fj'- MAHNH1 FUNKKAl Metnl-ra of Covert od-?a No. 11, ara tnvKitea to meet at AUnonlo tinpla Tueaday, April . at 2 p. Jo atend the funvral of Brother Tuomaa 11. Ca.nn- 1m11 ' .CHARLES S. M GIVU MA8TEFI. ATTKNTION ODD FEMX)W'. The nmmtiara of Omalia loli . will iret jit Odd Folio' hall at l.l) ne.t Wpdn.aday ovenlnK tmd go la a. body to vlult VVa lodua Ko. I CARD OF THANK! KK doHhe to thank th mcy f WE doHhe to thank th m-ty frtenoa anu Knl.hhnri tt.r l, Ulllllnf llOll U durlnw tne rn kne and dentil of our bplovrd wife aud mother and for floral ' A' CliRISTOKKRRON AND FAMILY. BIRTlia AD DEATH". 'Blrtha Aillo and Qrablo Ainati. North Tenty-fhth avenue, hoy; Oulaeppa end Mtimdensla Im Ci'M'ixi, i:l I'len-e, lvov. Howard ami Munvl Custard, Irvlng- tou, bov; l'l!tid 1.. and ALailn Kalion, L"H Leavenworth, ulrl; Thomaa F. anil Anna P. Kinney. .''-'4 Hn-kory, girl; Thomaa and Jorephttie itiilirhlo. North Vilrtv-fourtn, H'rl; John rtt-1 Mary .MadiwiiT7ll2 North Fifteenth, boy; Frank un.l Annie t hrflu'r. U'i Pouth Kleventh, alri; lia-ry and AKoe Miilf'T, If-6 Pouih l-ift.-i'iiiii, a:rl; Hoy and FYance feiiall. North Twenty-fourth, hoy; Anton aivl Joaie arioiia, ?-i4 Pouth nl h, boy. 1 the-Net tie J. Ii. U yenr. Twenty-fifth Avenue KJiU Harney; Chriat.'iie Klirahtr. 1 yeara. 1K Boutb hnU'i'ntii; K. M.aeiey, 4k yeara Tentli and I'lerca; Johanna Pwanaon, H4 e.iaj 3:12 Parker; Dorothea C. Hartley, venra. ViVes I a 'eiiworth ; Margaret Ji. Kl"l(, niontha.' Florence: Frank Mo Farlund. W viurs. K-H Poi:lh Tklrty-thlrd; .leruvhn Marrla, i yar, North T cr.iy aixth. M HltIE E.HE. The pennlia t. td have lccn iraucd: Charles H. r tar In. Orani la luu Keca, til ant la 30 ticnge V. Tujlor, Oiiolia..' 2" I i-lha C'awyLr. Omaha... .Frank Nadalalty. Caaey. la "1 i- dna Eugler, Anita, la U Artlinr M. ,ca-ll. Omaha 'A .Maiguerltc K. Wilcox. Omana 14 Vailav J. Vakoc. Verdlxrte 2 l.lillaii Kk'.hI. Veit-Ugrea U Joaef.h llrxe'.y, Onwln 22 J.Ik owcue, Sheridan, la.. 12 MILDIMi PEHMIT. Jofe-ih Caldwell, 47it Nortrt Foity-fifU 8uui', fiMJiie daellluir, Jl.uO. TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE l'UOCHAMS ' Exiluivrlf til The IWc. I. Tvaa. 'AMERA PHONE, I4t4 DOUOLAH ST. mm ill iiaek. H-reel Kroncho drayia. lei. , l.uly and iii or. K,l. drama. .Mntiroans Little Hatchet. F.LITE" NoT'" " 11 " F'aitNAM T, i'oilowiug a Clue. (Ruth ltolafiilT Kal. dr. CiiPid'a ol.iiiin i.-ld l'rewi. Vita. com. lie. Weetern Way. raanay W. drama. Ta ltlu If AIlN AM ST. Kunai.y June alii be shown here every 1i--.-y in fooneition with nvir regular t-roiirMoi and e Ktr alone ci,ineuy. 7iii t"i ii Tea7! iLk. l i a a ni n ajs n7, y" lluiea til I'aramount Picturea iAi.iv J Kx.A l ' ( cai4 prokrarrt dally Krviiton '.'oiuctilva. l N. UTH. I Al.Loit, 14i IMJL'OLAS BT. in ,st-x Job. (ChaTlini. 3-r. 1. coin. lot, li. J'.t and tli k.uty. HUjKrai'h dra.! j-k.v of r Itlli Avenue vmh. orHiiut. i.ummIibm of the Fiockx, lKrrruan.1 'ill" Pnieh, Heart Intereat drains (l.lo)d). efi.ltiiir Hells r-I.Mll lilng lAstiort, com. gterlk. ALAMO. SITU AND FORT. I or rc'.s of the kwat Uutual plciuraa V i .11 A il l UA, ll4 NO. 4 ill. 'i i.e'ijs.. 2-r. Broncho Drama. j..,e ever Knew, Amen. n Inama. toiiMKi.le 1 laughter, 1'oauty Comedy. , ,rlci. Mi liary Ave. A Burdette. I inger t'Hnt of rale. 2-r. 1mm. Dra. l.e linihrn Lnilahv, K. B. Drama. .M.,!iei and Fatty a .Nt rrled Ufc. 1 .. i 1 1. A T i. rt, 341 LA li E fc T. Mi, r I'uke, -reel Mary Fuller. .. . Ji.IbI,!.i. -'T it A. u mjmii,.. . t,.i 1 !..-M Coorae 1 I use. r. rismj i .wo J;iio t uaudy. liKgiaph y. "11.. t-r i-aiiii'ul." loiO-lniioey. o i i a l.e in Tne Duel in th , o :;., Iii t'.e Pii' h Toaer. !4. "1 v II i i . - M..e CfO.ieily M lil AM'i 1 .Si ! ,u. jr, 2 t MaJeniP; felure. t tJ a I .-. I ittcec Cojuedy. TOnAV'R CWfPI.FTK !lOVIK mOtiRAMH Ktrloslvrly ill Thn IN orlh. 11 & LOCfST1. IT. i rifIa ftoneitth tlie ."a. 3-rel I.uhln dtomt. Mr. JVpp-rV Ttomp'T, Kalem comedy. The fJhl Nfn'a, drama,. 1V1 'rilll.vAKK Itith and Burd!tte HH. Rldaeway of iMrtntana. -ree Pleon. A Hofcna 'nk MtrllnT Comedy IjOTITIU'H THVJATKR, 4tli and lfthrop. Return niBB4iement of 'The lyand ef the Ixwt," fiay-rerl l-ature, Arthur Imnahlw-n and VHt Ptuart. 1a7vAU 2 CAI,nVELl The rnhldden Teeaaure, S-r. Victor. Iler Adopted .Motiier. Hla; 1'. fte'wr. Bterllna; Comedjr ?Al7icSr iavbS ro r t. "Tina:e Uvea. -r. Oold Real. Father iStrateary, Vlrtor Ootnedv. hFb lltlMV, 24TH A AMKS AVH. Jaid Fah'tfax'a MMUmie. -r. Kalem Pre, The ranredt Aleck i'ontalne'a, Yr. Ira The Mllltmv Man. LuMn Comedy. Soutk. ARBOR. HD AND ARBOR. The Call of thhlUJ. -r. rathe drajma. Man la Forced to Work. 1'ethe New No. 19. - - Al'Utl0 TH KATS-'St. 2C4 fjeavnnwortlv. Tha Open IirawldRe. Kilem drama. Roaelrn, VltAuraph rtratno Hla rn Hero. FhKraph comedy. COL.UMlilATHBATi'.R,, ITiO & lth 3t The Radium Thrwrea, -r. Vlrairraph Dra. Deaperate Jnd. the number. Kalem, com. COM FOB T4 24TH AND V1NTMN. The rl W'fo Wht Have Heen. -T. K. B. lla MyBterime Nelchhor. American. IJttle Rohtiy. Thaiuioiraer. FAVORITMTHF.ATrSH. 171H VINTON HT. Ham and tfrie Jitney Hna, Kal. Cnm.; The Piiiprtue of yiv Life. I-xa. Ira.; Hnatchfld from a r.nrnl.g Teath, 2-r. Vita. Melodra- OKT. r i::FitJTH ISTHiT. The reetro)er. ' Jmp drama. "WTien Hnlta "Married, sterling com. "I"k Tearl. ,I-rec Trrt p. , LYRIC. , KIT VINTON. The Hidden City. -rel Blaon. At Hla Own Terma. Hla; TT. Ralndropa and Olrla. .sterling comedy. fASTTM"k. 2Jd "ami IoavHiwortli Bl. Pmoldcrlng Flrea, i-reel Victor. I-'renelng Hla Suit, Imp. remedy. Tale of a Hit. Mtcrltnir coredy. VKM-ZUA. Uil MO. UTH ST. Four rteU of Mutua.1 tdotuna. ( Weat- MONROR TlfKATBU. WS6 FARWAM PT. AlUllon t.i8lRr MyHery. eHaodca 5 and 21: Tim Wrong Olrl, 2 reel VitagTaph rorawfr. Dig !how, wr reela. MeHawrl. RKNHON. , 6MS MAIN 6T. The lOark Box. No. 3. Ppertal Rertal. HcltoolUaya. Joker otanedy. Mich la l.lfe !au1lnn liunhV. Cowecll Dlatta F.LITK NO. J. T46 RROADWAY. Hid Iraacaon'a Dbimonda. 2-r. Kal. dra. etllnr Rid of Noliow. Hlo. com. . . riomo White Hope. VltHkrraph comedy. ' v -6!7 HKO.VUWA!. I The White Unddeaa. 3-r. Kaleni drama, j RiirjrlnrloDa Hilly, Vlt.v"rlh comedy. j R( KH f llfcATKlT; M7"ltROADWAv! ill a Only Fanlr. Nestor' i"omedy. ( lif.vo of the f'arcnt, Powera. , K'tioon from tlie fur Kaat. a-reel Kex. vati Ohiaka, RKKHR. 24TH AND N 8TS. The Trap Door. i-r. Kalem drama. An He Hlewr he Miow. MSna comedy, tjueen Maritaret. rarta. MAGIC, UTl( AND O BT8. Anlmntcd Weekly. Heirtu am' Flumee. I-reel L.-Ko. torn. V .teilU. ORrHELM, 14TH AND M. World'a Mllllona. S-rcot drama. And a good comedy. ANNOUNCEMENTS ' b MXHA PILLOW CO.. 17 Cumin.; liouglaa 'Mi. Rnnovatea feathois and mttttreMes of all kinds, makes feather maitreaws and down cover. Wrddlna aniiouneeineiita. I'oiig. Pig. Co. ISHKIN'-i CLEANING TIME la here. Your windows cleaned and atorm winuowa taken down at r'"";'"".'?"; 'or 111 Ml t g"S I"TJ v I' 1. t 41 II l""'e) !- . . AMERICAN WINDOW fLWANINH CO.' IIOMF.MADE auUBHe, only one In Oma-, ha. Prim Flher. !" Iavcnw'h. D. x;;::i. , LTTCKV wed.ilng rinxs at BrrwlHgaard'aj gfACl'UM cTTaneis for aale. Vai:uuni ' V Cleaning don In th home. Peoltary l Pervlee o., JI ! Ulllg I. '. , IF YOU are goinu to decorate. Thone Douglas l.tiO for nam of first class decorator In your nc UiMiorhood. o jlNROLL now. YmTC A. night Bchool. MentTrejialr, sell needles and parts for all aewlng machines. NM HRAPKA CYCLE CO.. "Mickei ," ICth and Harney. logias 1W. Needlecraft Phop (woman's exchange), W4 S. IMh. Orders for homo baking. IK 1M5. ill1 rs r 1 ' AUTOMOBILKS C. EIJ3A&SER. enpart radiator and Uuap repair. Ty.llrt. Out Leaveawortlx. t HAVb a -c l.. w H.-p. hub vnr 1 will iru lor iiiipuo n ii,oiQ n "m or greater value. H. Farnatiu Greanoush Omaha Kal. Rep i 'e., LVu Far. AUTO Clearing House, Mi Farnam, buya aad aella ued cars. Phone iHniglaa ir. liiO REWAKD for any magneto we can't ivpnlr. Co'lerepd. Kavadm fr.2'.0 Nil o Overton s for leaky radiator, goe. deaWra. BEST value In the city In need car. A. A. Ahlman, '.'04 Farnam Pt. RUO, Su-horepower touring oar, good, i-on'Htion. 14-J'. Call at i4 Kl,vrme Blvd. W ant'anauto. C. jTt'anao. IJcCajtue bldg. Motorcyeiaa. U15 INDIAN MOTOUCYCLB now ready; Latsaina lu uaed machines. OMAHA Bh'VL'I.E CO.. i-in and Chioarn. I. . FUR PALE Twin cylinder lll Indian motorcycle, overhauled and re-enameled this year. Owner muat aacnflca. la'O All man, Telophone Reft 4410. J1ARLEV-DA 1D.HON MOTOR: YCIES. KaruHiu in ue.l niachlnes. Victor Ron, "The Motorcycle Man," ,oJ Leavenworth. BUILDING MATEKIAL NAiM. per keg. Fence, aheet roof lnti, etc., in pro.eillon. tieiierai aier cantile Co., Omaha a great mall order house. BUSINESS CHANCES A LAit'iE and wall-equipped garage for ale; ha oilier business and unaVie to opt-tate botji. It you want a good estab lished buaintaa, this Is your chance "il," Omaha liee. Council Bluffa. la. laONEIJfON doee more than hat your PuatiieM, be I ell tt 3ul Omaha Nat'l Kk. r'H PALE Have other bualitae, will aell auto auppllea and leaae ol largu fireproof garaae lit good lively town. Ad drei.e Y 4ii, Be. HAVE ON OCR LIST bKVERAL MEN WHO CAN INVKT ) TO ei.mW WITH THEIR. PKRVICKP. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. luio-14 CITY NATIONAL tlONe. aoow t rJ ' 'iark r e,a. l U)V CUl S'l'llV etora building and small atock ot general merchandise for sale. Aoureas Y-4'. Boe. LHl'U ator fur a at Invoice. Addieea, h 273. Bee. TO GET In or out of biihlnea. Call on OANGKPTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. I. 477. LIbT YOUH bUIStM with ua fur Quick action and iuar treatment gUlCK KAX.K COMPANY, 411 Bee B dg. pnone R.d VTA RKNTAl RANT-Good Aaratloo, doing rWation g"od huaiueaa; good reasons lor eelllng ) He. flii.73 A'li.I.n buy, leaae or evil lour the ater, machine and supplies throusk Ikealar En hangs lu , 14 rarnaut OL WHY rentt Will ael lwurt farms In j ed River valley, Minn., erect buiMnige. i I , ly l aud hot oil fliat iiient of 1 '- and II per acre and Inlcrtot at 4 pr . ,t fft'-h ar thereafter. W. G. 'neiU)n. yui bue Bldg., Omaha. niHINF.SS CHANCES ; TOtR hUKlnaea or hI eatato o jlchly j 4Hld. Write Jim Wrmy, Ploux 'lg.' RF1AT. eatatH HiiPlnexa pUea aipWled of handled: all atate. '. V. Knleei, L-maha. Rointlm lloaaei (or la ROOMINO honi.e for aale. Pmiaa 4n. lr"RVV")i7rf7iir7fwrner neat ligation In tiniatia. Will acTl rflaaonabte. Howard. Doug. Kit. , EDUCATION AX PPRINC TEHM POYI.ia COLLKOtJ Mondny. April Sth. s Dar Hchool. Nlaht Hchool. , omplete bualneaa courae, complete ahorthaivl or atenotype oouree. complete telegmphy courae, cH-11 aervire hranchea aid llr-h. Studenta admitted at any time. Write, phone or call for ratal IX B. HOTI.Kfl. Prealdent. D.slPW. Roylea Bldg.. Omah. N'eb. Tel. The Van .Sant Ssohool, Stenography Pay arhool. 00 to CaOS. Night arhool. to .1., 1Mb and Farnara hit r-oaa efcrt. FOR aale the fohowtng aci4rBhipa Ji a flrat claaa Omaha Rueioeaar Uolleget Ona tmllinlted oombtDUiun bua'aeaa and ahortiiand courae. Ona unlimited buatneee raiiraw. One unlimited etenographW uauraa. One three montba' basioeaa , or ataoo graphic coLiree, win be aold at a dlacounf ac tba office of the Omaha Bee. EXFKRT lady atenographer will taka pupil. SHORTHAND, touch typeVnt- Inr. (Delllna. Dunrtuniton. . etc.. taught and complete training given for btjatneaa rareer. itlvate mtrimion ir aeairau. m Uouglaa bt VL Walnut ZS!i. ELECTRIC SWTPLIES EtFX;TRIC waahera. 40.7S: tostrl Iron. 42 25. with (teneral Mercantile. Co.. Omaha'a Great Mall Order liouee. Fon BAhE Faraltare, lloaaehold Ooeda, Kte. New ?d-hand furniture, cah or torma; rtaannable. Amer. Furn. N. lath SM.B. refrigerator, good aa new, uaed on aeaaon, U Webater IJEISKS Taught a nd aold. J. C. Reed. 1307 Farnam Ht. D. 14. lleraea aad Vehicle. 8HIP 1TV atock to South Omaha.) Hava mlleaae and ehrlnkaga. Your conalgn. menu recetvo prompt and careful auo tlon. FARM wagons, f9 oiul up; harneas, MO. Johnaon-l'ai.torth Co. ltth & Clark Bts. FOR HALE Team ot uwrea. Ll'iO t Iba. each for 2150 83:2 HARRTPOJf STREET. Phone Pouth Jftii MARE and horae, matched. 7 years old. Pair lat-claae mare, S ycara old, in toai, weighing !.'4. Rar 1!1" Hurt. OUR winter work U over and I want to aell some of my horse; Id gnol work h oraea. 41 . L. Llg htfoot. 2102 Cum ing Pt. BARGAIN to farmera or city buyer. Munt erll thia week eight farm mareai four geldlntrk weighing from t.ifltt pounda to 3,K0 pounds per span. These nor -a are garnnteed or money refunded. Owner having no uae for them. 124 P. It4th Pt. 20 HEAD of railroad grading horses for sale; also 2-seated aurrey and cow, Rarnln rear 1110 N. ifth. $)7". Ppan geidlnga, ltxm; mare weighs 1 ' l.. fUD. Coal of ilea, 30th and Lake. ' ONE delivery wagon with -ft. box, on Concord tbuggy and one set of heavy single names; one set ot lljrht single harneaa; one horae. 1.M0 lb. Telephone Weh. 124R after p.' m. , HARNESP, buggle. delivery, spring and farm wagnna at a saving of (JO to 140 at Oeneru) Mercantile Co., Omaha's, Great Mall Order Houae. . Ti:.VM of K-year-old marea, well matches t, wehrht 2.MJ0; -year-ld work horae, weight 1.4"). and handsome black and white Shetland pony heavy In foal, gen tle for children: hergnln: ry going to Pen Frnnciaoo April P. M:n lvdge Pt l,U aina-k. 'JTHOROCUIIBRED Jeii,ey cow. gives 1 quarta day. Call Walnut 1S. Ltvo bolc IobibiIwIo Hrirkaata MARTIN bllO.a iX.. Exooange Bldg. Maalual luatraanwixa. Roaewood aiuare grand piano, good tone, J!' . VIOLIN. good condition, ; go-cart, 11. it. l'.t4. coat MU, will tell cheap, ji. 4f)U. j.0,nry, Keaa and Sapitllea. 1TrR(:ntTl'K n.irle mlu tha bait and rheapeal lining for poultry house. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 7Io a hundred at The Bee office. VV HITE WYAN. cockerels. Benaon UfA W. Mixed" g.alli. 100 lb 2L7e. VVsgner SOI N.lfc bTjV'F oilPiNdrON eggs. 11.60 for flf teen. Orund lnyers. Hush vitality. L. W. Lewia, Phenandoah. la. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. 307 P. 17th. Mlevrllaacoaa. FOR SALE New and second-hand carera and socket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessor!: bar futures of all klmla; eaay baymoiua. The Brunswick-Halkw-Colienc'er Co., 4H7-40 8. l th Pt. FOR SALFA lOxls refrigerator meat , box. Muat be sold at once. A bargain. Central Market, Council Hluffa 1J SECOND HAKD panny-ln-elot ma chine ot various kinds, also coal rang and 4 gas range. J. C. Ish, Executor 7C9 I. Slat Ava- Phone Harney 143- FOR SALE Eiiliwe electric sweeper, good aa new, cheap: also Oliver visible I typewriter. No. i. Tel. Web. 207. FOR PALE One stock membership Happy Hollow at a consideration. Walnut m7l. an J d-rana motors, dynamo. naguetoa. ate, and mev-h. repaira lUMB elect, wot as, iia- n. ntn. TIIK FE-PTATION Lamson caah carrier Nyatem for aale or will trada for Na tional caah reglater. Address, Y 4e2, Bee. CIXtHINU OUT HALE Irrigated farm. atock, Illachlnery, etc. Aa 1 intend to close out my farming interest I will sell my three farms, a Pig lot of atock, ma chinery, implements, automobile, etc., at public auction at my home, i miles from Wheatland, Wyo., on Thursday, April lS, m'. DF.SCRJPTIOV OF FARMS. 80 acres & miles from county seat, TO acres in alfalfa; good Improvements; 7 roortt houae, barn for 20 head of horses; gsrsge. aheds and sheep corrals. All buildings nearly new. M) acres hiy mtlea from town: 44) acrea In alfalfa. 30 acres grain land; fr-room houae; barn tor W head ot horses; building all 139 acrea 4 mllea from town: 80 acrea broken. o acre aeaded to alfajfa: tir bulldlnga This Is a good Tc of level land, and Is close to school. Above farm are on tie celebrated Wheatland Kiata and perpetu! water right goes with each place. Terma made known on day of aale. For further Par ticular address underwlgned or Cols. Reed as Ptwd, AutHloneera. K. T. COOK. wner. IV. KARAT white diamond ring, tm Addrea B tTi, Be. snap. i r -, HELP W ANTED FEMALE ( lerteal and Otftme. NQ USUAL FILING FEE. We are now taking applications for atrls lit every line. Call coming in better. Bl'rtlNFSH MEN'S REFERENCE ArS N. lUie-2 WotHlmrs of World. " NO FILING Fl'E. BEST COMMERCIAL ItifilTIONS, Eprwncd uilllinery aalealady. Eiriem-cd ateno. fl'J week to a'art. KOUL14S REFERENCE tVJMPANI. fj.-K Mat Bank. ruiwr and trades. I FARN ha'rdreaalng. Oppenhelra rxHor w"i N TeT I 'rea" maker. a4 P. 27th Pt. Haawkeeaen aad DmrMlw, THE roat Oirl l-roplein jjIvJ. Tk pee will tun a Servant I. rl SV anted Ad FKES until you got iLe dlrl reaulta TI.K ppi,v to rear.icnia of oowria. boulh Omal.a ad l biutfa Eriug ad t It ! t.1 -'' V UiavUMi-e Tiar lMk HEM WANTED KEM A LB llnrkprtrn an4 llomrillri, WANTKTV- Knpertenred t,lrl for gen eral hoiiaework, aina'l family. II. C. Nlfholaon. Harney xvti'. WANT BtTZvVh I ta girl "f nrgen ernFhou ae work. Thr-e In family, al. ?4.o. WANTKD Help (or general hoiieort; on farm; wagex $4 for woman with amall child. 16 without child. Mr. John P. Johnaon, I nderwoml. In., R. R. 1. WANTKD A competent girl for general houaeworkj I In family. 301 8. ith Ave. WANTKD llrl for general Ikii.m wor,a Must he gotKl cook and fumleh rfei-en-ea. Mnall family private home; gM,d Wrtgea. Call Mr. T. V. Redmond, Har ney its;. NEAT appearing white girl tor general houeework. I'leaaant home, 3 In fam ily. Small, new apartment. Phone liar liey 4TW or l'O Po. 4ad Pt. WANTED Toung girl to help with houaework; no washing nor cooking. Wal. 117. W ANTF.D M Iddlo-aged lady or girl for companion: a good home, also good com pany; very little work; no wage. 2764 Irani. Web. 31HS. ) " WANTEl Young white gtrl to aaniat with houaework and care for children; to go home nlghta Pratt 8t. WANTED Competent" cook; alao a houacmiiid, SfXi P. ZiA Ave. Harney W. GOOD girl for general hotiacwork. 17oi Ika Pt. Weh. iul. . WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral houaework; J In':'. Wal i'2il. wXnTEI) F.xrerlenced whfte girl for general hoiiaework; no waahlng; 2 In family; refei-encea required. Lafay ette Avv Wi Innt 94f.l WANTED A white competent eecnnd maid; 2 In family. M7 8. th Pt. H. ?. WANTED A girl to work for room and board: arhool girl preferred. Ml n. 2M Ht. D. 4724. WHITE girl for general houaewotk; SKI Caaa.' Harney 5732. email honae. MAlti for Rerieral houaework; three In fnml'r. Mra. J. .1. MoM-illen, yn7 Dewey Ave, Apartment No. 1. Harney 12?!: WANTBD-'A middle-aged lady; good home and good wage. 10?1 Pacific pt. HOUSEKEEPER Rellnad and experi enced woman or girl to cook and help with work In private family; regular laundry done by extra help; reference reejutred; good wage. Wal. 3174. JHIaeellaaeutia, , TVANTFID WELL EDUCATED OIRUJ FOR WRAPI'KRP AND INPPBCTORS. APPLY PlTPERJNTENDENT, BRAN DEIS ft TORES. , GOVERNMENT JOSS FOR WOMEN S74) month. List free. Frankltn Intl tviM, Dept. 8 C, Rocheater. N. Y. VOIINO women coming to xiuaha aa atrancera ara Invited ta vlalt tha Vnnm Women's Christian asaoclatlon building at Pr,L.. . . ? liui at. nr thay will be directed to suitable boardlna rlaeea or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's gutda at Union station HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and Of floe PQUARE peg In aquare nolo. We find a position that fits you. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., ' 1D1.V1 Oity Natl Hank Bldg. EXPERIENCED mgr., grain elevator and Implement man; must be solar; age 30 to 4.1 years.- German or American, tio to tart. Permanent. Architect and draftsman; salary de pends. . Exta4ienced grocetr boy. ' ROGERS REFERENCE CO. -. B2- Plate Bank. GENJ2RAL machinery supply man. Sal ary -depends. WATTS REF". CO.. . ' KM-4C-42 Brandels Theater. SALliHTdAJTfor city territory. Arply at once 312 - Ree Bldg. - HMH-GRADK cnmmerolal positions. . WEST. REFERENCE BOND A'BSN, 72 Otmaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Aftiti, Salesmew aad Solicitors. NEAT appesxrlng young men - wanted; reference. 'Apply g3S Brandels Theater. THE first payment now covers Insurance til July 1, irs-. This makes our policy easy to aell. Call or write. Mutual Ben efit. Health rind Accident Ass'n, 4-'3-.'i City Nat Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb.. WANTED Auto supply salesman with both houae and road experience: statu experience and salary. Address R 277, Bee. YOU'I.L never ger-rlrh working for others. -Why aot start a cleaning and dyeing business? We start you right! No previous experience necessary; but mall capital required. Big profits In this great re-order business! Full details free. White Wonder Company, 2 Na tional Pafety 'Vault Bldg.. Denver. Colo. WANTED Neat appearing man to travel aa manager; muat have aales ability and be prepared to leave city today. Apply .'.UD tius morning. Mr. Wilson, Hotel FonteneUe.' Factory Mad 'iradea. , M0LER BAJiBER COLLEGE WRITE FOR FRErl CATALOGUE SPECIAL 6PRINO RATK.J4. 1 110 Bo. 14th St. Desk B. Omaha. Neb. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition lu, on account of big tra4e. Wages for k and 10 cent work. Electric inaaeage- taught. Hydratilt? rhalra. Catalog free. 1114 Douslaa 8: , Omaha. Drug store anape; Joba Knelat. Bee Bldg. YOU ML.ST THINK W give you expert auto training; earn a real salary, big money for our trained men. Com right now and get our free courae In Elec. Ltg. 4s Start'g sy sterna; free catalogue. Amer. Auto College. 3062 Farnam St. Omaha. TWO good lathe men wanted; write or Phone at one. Holder Manufacturing Co., Carroll, I, HlMallaas4. GET WISE A thorough, practical automobile edu cation t minimum cost. Ask for cata log u "C" and xp4anatlon of our get reaulta method. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILB 6CHOOU 1413-17 lodge Street. Omaha. Neb. CHINA PACKER. ALSO CHINA BTOCK ROOM MAN. Wanted Thoroughly experienced thing packer. Also an experienced china stock room man. Must furnish good references. Apply Superintendent's office. Balcony, BUROEB8-NA8H CO. vw M r.i i wanes cieraa; ,v Tnootn; Omaha examination April 2a; common education aulfictent; particulars Apply inline, iintely. Y ttej. Bee. Be an Auto Mechanic and draw a large salary, or go Into the auto business fur yourself. Our com pletely equipped school and ahoa wul bring this tetull tor you. Write for free book lot. Nat'l Auto Truining Ass'n, nil N. 20th Pt.. Omaha. Neb. vAN1f ega. lt. l,taa men to eat haiu and Coffee John, 14tn and t'apltol. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted, t.i nionlb: pull uiuieceeaary. Write Uumedt ately lor full pertciuiare. Flank. in luall tute. lept. 221 !., B-heater. N- Y. WAN i"i.l AnvliiiiiMJ man over Xi. to atudv law. Noed not give up eBt poeitlnH. Addreaa A 214. Bee. WANTEJ.1 Mu te work on farm; muat be experience and willing to work; Swed pralerred. "A," Omaha Bee, Coun cil bluffs. la. SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED l'oltlnn, by colored bo, ex perienced houaokaeper. goud eook. can funuli tcfcteacca lirey vita. RITTATIOXS WANTED HOTKL and r-taurant' man. rrperl eneed, aged 2, wanta work either aa dlahwaaher, porter, behboy or any other kind: r.onret, a'-hor and willing. I'hone I'oiikU 4-SH. John, d'J4 Dniiglaa Pt. KXI'KlilKNCLD comptometer operat',r want potltlon atl4 per month. Ad dreea K-J7. Hoe. VL'TS'l ldv Mnnta noaitlon aa llrnoT. I rentier, run aaal.t on book. Addrea Hep. A YOI'NO man with experience aa meat cutter In old country wnnta position. Can apeak and understand Eimtlah. Will ing to work for reasonable aes. Ad dress I Ht:, Bee. ELDERLY lady desires porition as house keeper, ahort rlatance In eonntry or city. For Interview, Phone Weh. .1136. PAY work wanted Weh. snts. Lupla. CHAI.'FFeX'R" wants noalflon; TrTarTlcd man; do own repairing; willing to do other woik; wife la willing to work; best of references. F. Elinor. General De livery, Council Bluffs. tXl'tRili.NCKli yoJng man. 23, having finished trninln as cashier and bill and office cleik. Has excellent penman ship and la college graduate. Desire poaition In Omaha or eliewlicr. I'ougiaa "37, or addreaa J-XA, Be. WANTED lob as chauffeur and butler, have had year experience. Call Web ster f.77. R. T. Richie, oolored. FOR WINDOW washing, houae elean Ine, rng heating, cnll Webster XM. PERFECT home Waahlng; lac curtains a specialty. hter 42W. WANTED Poaition as credit man: 14 years' experience; can furnish tho best of referencea. Address T 4f.5, Bee. DAT work trained. Weh. SS6:"h Luis GERMAN desire pla. e aa econd girl In private home. Tel. Douglas 8321. FIRST-CLAPS gardener want position aa gardener or taking rare of lawn, tree, etc A DEMAR, 1115 Brigs PL Omaha. COLOR KD girl wgnt to do maid work. D. St "S3. Aak for Iena. KKI.IAHI.K colored woman want posi tion doing housework. Dnuglsa 647, MARRIED man, resident ot city, deelrea position a watchman, night or day. Bankable reference, experienced and trusty. Address, L 270, Bee. , YOUNG lady, 1, wlahe position stenographer; alao experienced P. R. X. operator; clerical work. Address, M 2SS, Bee. or call Wehater EXPERIENCED cleik, dry goods or gro cery, 1 years old. desires position: had experience a collector also. Address, J 268. Bee. COLORED woman wants general house work or cooking In private boarding, with good references. I bouglaa KM). 'LOST AND FOUND LOST-SMALL RED BOOK CONTAIN ING NAMES OF REAL EPTATPJ DEALERS, LISTED ACCORDING TO BUILDINGS. FINDER PLEASE PHONE RED 6227 OR CALL DOUGLAS 2603. LOST Eyeglasses In old frame with initials "8. E. I..." between Paxton blk. and 17th and Douglas. Reward If returned to Mrs. Lewis, Room 01 FonteneUe hotel. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would well to call up the office of the Omaha Council Bluffa Street Railway eom- fany to ascertain whether they left It la he street cars. Many art Idea each day art turned In and th company I anxloua to restore tl em to the right?!,! ewaer Call Doug. 41 LOST Pair of glasses with gold pin at tached, between 33d and Lafayette and 19th and California St., Sunday morning. Call Harney 53W. PARTY WHO TOOK BICYCLE FROM IN FRONT OF BF.E BUILDING SAT URDAY AT 4:30 P. M., WILL RECEIVE LIBERAL REWARD IF REJTURNBD TO BEE OFFICE. NO QUESTIONS WILL BE ASKED. . MEDICAL Piles and Fistula Cured 'without' SURGICAL OPERATION or PAIN. NO DETENTION from BU8I NEPS. PAY When CURED. A Written GUARANTEE given In every case treated. IVticnts muat com to tha of fice, 46-9-10 Omaha National bank, 17th and Farnam Ptr. DR. WILLIAM CREIGH10N MAXWELL, Twenty-elght year In OmahaTJreduet of Bellevue Hospital Medical College, Kew York City - N. Y. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cure piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseaaes with testimonial. . UP. E. R. TAliR Y. 240 Bee Bldg H:irvtiira Cured m a few day without niipiure p, Call or wr(te Dr Wray. 20 Be Bids- Omaha, Established 1834. a MAIL ORDER BUSINESS SAVE !a to SO "per cent oaj furnltur by trading with General Mercantile Co., Omaha'a Great Mall Order House, 716 S. Wh St. NURSERY 8EEDS AND PLANTS. ORNAMENTAL treea. fruit hedge, plants. rosea, concord grape, oc dosen Home sales ground, Lst Rlggs, Benson. Omaha salsa ground. 24th and Cuming. Benson-Omaha Nursery. Benson 644. M. P. BYKD NURSERY CO Bargain prices at our old location, 17th ind Dodge, Phones: D. 44S and Web. 4161. J. WE8TROM .NUKrtEHX CO., at our old location. A choice and , complete line of nursery stock. W can save you agent's commission. 30th and Harney. CHOICE, complete line of shrubs, ever greens, ornamental and fruit trees; save agent' commission. J. Weatrom Nursery Co.. at old location. 20 and Harney Ht. 200 DUNLAP strawberry plant, tl; 1.000 14; poatpaid. W. C. Hebdon. Blalef Neb. PERSONAL THY. 6alvatlon Army Industrial bom eo llcita your old clothing, furniture, maga xtnee. We tollect We diatribut. Phono Douglaa 4134 and our wagon will call. Call and lnaiect our new borne, U10-U12-U14 Dud St. TOUNG woinea coming to Oraalia aa stranger are invited to vialt the Young Women's Christian association building at ITth Pt and Pt Mary' Ave., where they will le dire, tea to suitable bearding plaoeg er otherwise aaalated. Look (or our trav elar' aid at the Union atatioa. 'LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA i - . t m r . dwiIIAK" CPA. Addreaa 4X1 Ramge Bldg., Phone Douglas ?. I Addlnar atacaiave. J Dalton Adding Machine. 411 B. 11 D. 144S, aooar jacu. v. u. , i .ic.ii . . , , Aaialaaa Finishing. FILMS developed free If purchased front Photo Craft hop, 41 Bee Bldg. Dept. Li. Architects. Everett S. Dodda. git Pxton Blk. D. 231. ill and Maaaela stalr4n. Magneto reiair work a apaclalty. D Mil, A e 4 1 aatewrs. Hoed Auction Co.. UlS-lt W. O. W. R. t2U. Dowd Auction Co.. Uli-14 W . O. W. R. Ua. Uakeriee. Z. H. REEDER. UVat No. Mth. Web. 37. bika Printing. HORNBY BLI E PRINT CO. 3C2 Omaha Nat'l Batik bldg. ktraaa Fsaagrt- Paxton-Mttcriell Co.. 27th and Matiha Pta. larneatere u4 t lrair. gTKVKNbON. f.g S. 2M. Douglaa Mto, 4 allleraw l.aade. W. T. aVnlth Co.. HO City Nat I Bk. Die IS. t hlaa lalmlasi. Ruth Latckrord. decnraUag, firing, R. 441. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OK OMAHA 4 11 Kaclaeer. II. J. LACY. MS PFB BLPO. DOVO. 471. Cream e j m (era. Tba Sharpie Peparator Co.. l?th Fern. riatersj and Well Dlggtag. NEED well or clatera cleaned mt d'-igt BCHAFFER does It. Phone Web. Mil. JTi;. RICKERTT Well Construction Co! nothing too big or Impossible: eatlmatea furnished. K N. 21t PC. Omaha. Banna Aesscatea, Try Mackle fltvt. 1R1 Harney. Doug. H44A CHAMBERS' Academy, claaslo. D. 187L Deattite. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. WI W. O. W.Pldg. Dr. Todd s alveolar dentistry. 4"4 Brandels Bailey, the pentlat, U City Nat l Bank. Taft Det.tal Rooms, 1617 Douglas. D. 2U Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckea. 74 City Nat. Bank. Ieteclvea. INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any part of United btatea, Caoaoa or Mexico, ff Paxton Btk. Doug, ml Walnut tVO. JAMES ALLAN, 112 Neville Block. Evi dence secured In all case. Tyler 113. Dreusisklsg. Trry Dresamak'g college. tO'.h A Fam arn. KEISTER'S Dressmaklnr college, day and night achool. 12S City Nat'l Bank. Draara. DRI'1S at cut prices; freight paid on I1fl orders; catalogues free. Phcrman & Mc- Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. Evrrytalnsr (or Wtata ACCORDION, Mde, nlfe. sunburst bo pleating; covered button, all aiaea and stylea; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 2M0 ugtas Block. D. 19kK. L'..f.iIiI.. far Wmnem. NEW YORK sample store. . Muat vacate. building coming down: clonks, suits and dr. nca aHi-rlflced1 2Q8 H; mh St- HAIRDRKSPINQ at your home. R. 6031. Eieetrle Papplles. . LEBBON Elec. Wks.. 81 S. 12th. D. JIT. Florlaia. BATH'S, florists. 1S04 Farnam Pt. L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. D. 1 Member Flor.'st Telegraph Del. A. HESS ft 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. A. DONAGHUK. K.a Harney. Doug.-IOOL Oatterlaar and Sponttngr. ' STOVE repairing. Firs Prevention Co. Douglas 4584. ' ' Hat Dyers. Straw hat dved. Dora Else!. 11M C. Nat. Hair breeatag. Harper method. R. , Ralrd Rldg. D. X1L Ligaitlna Klxtarea nnt Wlrtasl. THOMAS DUR1UN Electric fixtures and supplies, contract tag and repair work done reasonable. 241 CUMING. DOUGLAS 261S. I.I re Stoelc Reaaedtea. OMAHA Remedy Co., W7 S 13th. Red 4251 Meneager aad Teamster. WHITE LINE. 910 N. 18th St. Doug. Stll Mask, ( oatntnea and a,ulare SaUea. MFG. of lodge regalia and costumes. Theo. Lleben It Son. 1514 Howard. D. 411C Massenrs. CORA BELLINOY ULIh Air my good, restful Magnetic . Other satisfac tory ireai rnenta. vapor Datns. tpen iw a. m. to 10 p. m.,' including Sundaye. 107 S. 17th St., near Douglaa. Notice: En trance downstairs. Basement, Cor, Podge. MISS STAPLES, masa.. elec. bath. D. i6. open eve., p. m.i eunaays, 13 to e. RATH and mass., alcohol rub. Laura uaih WU(on im Farnam, room 3. Doug. 7Til. Open evenings and Sunday. MASSAGE. 1721 Dodge. Mrs. Steele. MASSAGE 620 Bee Bldg. Doug. 372. MIPS WALTON, mass. R. 224 Neville Blk. VISIT Miss Venlta, new massage parlors ; alcohol rubs and scalp treatments. 109 8. 17th St. - M. BRUGMAN. mass R, 203 Karbacb Bk. R. 2727. Clara Lee, bsth and msage. Doug. 8751. BATHS, 214 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Doug. Motion Pletnrea. OMAHA Film Ex.; 14th and Dong. Motion picture machine and film bargain. Movlsa, Itoraii and Cleanlaa;. W. C. FERRiN, Uth and Capitol. Ty, 1200, Pristine. WATETRS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. S24 S. 13th Pt. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUO. 2754. COREY M'KF.NAlE',VTi. CO. D. S044. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co.. 1620 Capitol. D. 1102. Oateepatalo phyalelaaa. ' Dr. Renicha. 203-4 MeCsgue Bldg. P. SK?g. Dr. Peterson. o.1 BraRdeis Bldg., D. 2144. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. U Bee Bldg Patents. - ' D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H: A. Rturges, S6 Brandels Theater B.dg. Patent Otvelvsaeat, AMERICAN Machln Co..' 119 S. tith St Palatlaa and l-aaeriaa. HUGH M'MANl14. 417 N. 40th. H. (7t. Omaha Paste Co. Pnowflake paste. D. 279). PI at mi en Renovated., PLUME3 aV HATS made over, cleaned 4k dyed. Bertha Kruger, 42 Paxton. D. S394. Prlatlag. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 44. Reach Kx terminates. B B B Roach powder, Merrtt's Pharm. ! Tlnaa leak Inafta. SAFES sssft. T-ji WA AA AAJ port, m podge. D. 1X0. Shoe Heaairlac ... : FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair, gl 8. 14. slaru and Shewoaraa. E. M CLARK A SON. 112 8. 18TH ST. Steel Ce lllnra. CARTER Bkeet Metal Company. 110 8. 10. DESKS, aafes, scales, showcase, ahelv- " . " pvy, mvu. umuii fixture nd Supply Co., 414-14-ls g, mil, D. t;S4. Taeti gennllen. OMAHA Towel Supply. tOT Utb. D. 62H TailSM. CHAS. C. TANPERYOU. V W. IMh Pt OLbEN 4k KOUkAJaisi. Ium Itaxuey. U. gjy. Traaki aa lalteaua . FREEING STEINLE. lig Farnam fit Veterinartaan, DR. O. R. YOUNG. 4102 CenUf. Wat 1024 W ine and LI sen. ALEX JETES, 201-S 3. th St. Wines, '""""i "ami, nan ninners, 11 to I, loc. Globe liquor house. 424 N. Mth; California Win. A! U l ."II I . . 1 .. " ir, e. "nm lor price list. HENkRY POLLOCK LICM'OR HOUSE, . iiiui jnfr. len-ceni luncn. BUY your family llquora at Klain's Lkiuor House. A3 N iut. Dooalaa iog SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTOMOBILE I am an automobile dealer and a trader. I hava a very fine 40 H. P. vpasaeiiger auto, agency In Omaha; .standard, well known make, aa popular as the Ford; car In perfect order, ln model. Presto lights, easy to handle, flood as new. I will exchange for vacant ot or real equity In small Omaha houae wortb I l;l guarantee car. lwn t ofier me land or their eoultlea, or Junk; if ou want to do buetnese dea.-rlbe what you havt In flrat letter. S. C kt4. Bee. AUTG1S14 model. 4-cylinder, 7-laaa. aliit-wt new; atil trade for vacant lot or what have you? Addreaa P. C. a70. Bee. At TOP 6-passenger touring car In first clsaa condition, top, wimiahltid. Preate lite, chaina, etc.; woth tttuu, and would exchange for good building lot In Omaha of the eamc value. Addreaa 8. C. t?7. AUTOMOBILES Foi other automobile bargains aee th "Aulouaihll ' ulasetfk Cation. BULL PUP. male, to trade for fox ter-rw-r. Plate particuUra S. C. tnO. Bee. CIOTHEP-e'our good Suit of cloture. Have been worn but axe in fine npe. Will trade lor good auto tires, slse 3tx4S, or what have youT Address p. C. las, Bee. COOK f-TON ii Foiir holes, good coucil tioa. Make me offer; what hav you? Addrea P. C. IX. Be. DEFIANCE pay roll check writer. Una m offer: a bat hav ou. AaJrcas b. U 7. be. . RWAPrEKS' OOLOIN DIAMOND A good, clear diamond, na . Haws; set In idlea' mounting. Wane an upright piano for thia. S c. Wt4. Bee. FAN-1 hav a fine Hmh fan. housej sixe. I will trade for bicycle. A-l condi tion; alao a lino nickel caor 17-eel watch In fine running order. Wl'1 trnde either for bicycle. Addreaa P. C. A1, Bce1 fTlMPI.T" ft. of film Pathe Turkish. troops In Palestine: also 5 ft: Lubiu comedy; elan song and odd slides.. Ad dreaa, P. C. Bee. GUN Stevens, . 12-gauge hammerleaa pump gun for a Colt's automatic pistol, and cash Addreaa P. C. SM, Bee. GAPOLINE ENGINE. 1H horse-power. Will trade for etnttrlo motor or gooU Sitto tlrea, aire 34x4, . LUMBER for small cottage, Including; doors, window", saah. etc. What am L offered? Value 12.i. Addreaa P. C. Bre., "mTTORCTCT.EWiTi swap motorcycle for a sewing machine; must be a good one.Valnut 12'i2. OAK dining room table to swap. What have you to trade? P. C. KBl, Pee. ORGAN Kimball organ: also sanitary cot, davenport style, for rhalra or other pttrlor and lining room furniture. Ad dress H 8". Bee. PIANO Who has a young driving team about 2,200 lhs. for one of the highest grade, sweetest toned pianos manufac tured? Address S. C. HH3, Bee. PIANO Will exchange a hlgh-grada Ptandard piano for young, sound farm mares. Addreaa P. C. M. Bee. PIANO What have you for a virtually new Lyon Healy piano? A-resa. P. C. KMt, Be. PIANO A burned Wellington piano: In terior good. What have yon to offer? Wa now six months ago. 8. C. roll. Bee. PIANO A good high-grade, used, player piano, with 40 roils music: would .tak .Mbana I.Tnnnil ni Vhlt ViaV you'as part payment. Address 8. C. 853, r . TABLE One dining room table. ft, ma hogany flntah. vwiat am 1 otrered7 Ad dress P. C. 7, Bee. klGNS, ahowearda Clark fc Bon. D. 1J(A WILL TRADE a diamond ring for two 36x4 Q. D. casings. P. C, SC3 Bee. TYPEWRITER Whnt have you that's useful for a Hammond Typewriter In good condition? Addreaa, 8. C. Be.. THOROUGHBRED Anpora cat to trd for fox terrier or Boston terrier or what have you? Address. 8. C. ?62, Be. TYPEWRITER Nearly re No. I Un derwood typewriter; will trade for ( cashier cage or office furniture. .Vhat have vou? P C. S, Be. VACUUM WAPIIERl What have you for B.000 Vacuum washer, latest model, I ratalllng at 23.60 each. Addreaa 8. C 887, Bee. j WATCH-WIU trade a good gold fUled caae new watch for a good pup. Ad dress 8. C. 777, care Bee. 1100 WORTH of meal tickets; a good 25o meat, for diamond or piano, or what have you? Addresa, S. C. &. Bee. FOB RENT Apart rJata aad Flats. 110.50, THREE large room part mod. flat for mall family. 1915 Eim St. D. Air; a. ST. GEeDRGE Apartment, located In elect West Farnam district; ona t-room suite to let Phone Web. Iff? 4. o CLOSE-IN APARTMENT. S ROOMS AND BATH, IN THE CALI FORNIA. SEE JANITOR. DOUG. 6237. FOR RENT S room with toilet and bath, easy walking dlstanoa and das . to car. 1 12. SO per month. TT SULLIVAN. ' ' til Brandels Theater Bldg. ' Doug. 4413. , room a, mod., $30 month. 1414 Chicago. AiArbD ArnimE.icL 26TH AVENUE AND HARNETT BT., Beautiful 4-room apartment with large private porches; elegantly furnished in fumed oak; no children; summer rate, $42.60. Phone Douglas 7&4. CENTRAL No ViuaJ n prloe or quality; T-room house; 4-room flat 230 N. 23d. FIDELITY lEROk FREE Phone Douclas 112S for comnlet llat ot all , vacant houses and apartments, also k lor gtorage, moving, pacaing. nipping. STEAM heated apartments of 4 room; -every Improvement; gaa range In eaoh; best Janitor service; $Ae0 to f&M. Ap ply to Janitor In boiler room. 2064 Cum ing St. Tel. Douglaa 74SL '"-.' - J THOMAS W. HAZEN, " '" . 207 MoCaguo Bldg. Doaigla 1300. ' - Kerala bed iarni4ti, C-reom bHck furnished flat 11 Park are. Board and Room. . LARGE,, furnished or'unfumlnhad room. exceptional closet room. Ideal summer place In West Farnara ' district. . with splendid hoard to young men trr couple. Harney 49S1. . ONE elefrantly .furnished front room., !. south exposure,' with board; two gentle- . men.1 Also one single room. The Hell- I man, 2403 St. Mary' Ave. Douglas two. I Psralikaa Rooms. MADISON 21st nod Chicago; ete.amhat; ii mo. and up; cafe la coanectton. u.sksa, SITTING room and bedroom for two or three business women, in modern, pri vate home; every convenience. Harnty 6630. 10S4 Bo. Slat St. , - STEAM heated room. $1 week. Ogden Hotel. Council Bluffa. - Nicely fur. room. 214 N. 26th. Doug. (US!. MODERN, light, newly furnished rooms. with . bath; suitable for . two . ladies. Harney 466S. 7 . . 2607 FARNAM Neatly furnished room, for gentleman, $13 month. N. 22D, til Elegant, clean rooms; newly fuiished: ail modern convenience ; garage. Douglas 6751. - , LADY for modern room, private family. Hanacom nark. East or west park oar. 2909 Harris. Tel. Harney 1337. - Honaekeeptng ttma FARNAM. 2822 Nice housekeeping rooms. Newly paperoo, electricity, gaa range. HOUSEKEEPING frout rwoma. modern. rteU Ita ton narney pu MODERN room for ilght housekeeping. Phone Rad-frtog. Addreaa 2AH Webster. FARNAM, 2822. Three nice housekeeping rooms; electricity, gas range. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, reasonable. 7EJ 8. 13th St. Tyler 1021-W. Llgbt Houakreriaa Reeaaa. TWO sunny southasst front room and bath; electricity and gas for cooking, at $3.7o. 1&20 S. 24th St. Douglaa 7djA STEAM heated rooms, with alcov, kitchenette, furnished. Ogdeo Hotal. Council Bluffs. ' lienaea nag Cattaajea. . 36. NEAR FARNAM. (-r . east front, only . O KKEFE REAL. ESTATE CO.. 1014 Omaha Nat Doug. 2715. j-ROOM alt modern cottage, 37 8. 8d. 401 N. list St., 10 rooina, strictly mod.. $U). 270 Farnam, t rooma. mod. brick, InO. . 419 N. i. 1 rooma, mod., 2 baths, $46, lot N. Suth. 4 rooms, $12 80. 1217 8. Itith, 6-room flat for colored. $1S. R1NOW ALT, Brsndels Theater Bldg. BEMIS PARK 4404 Hawthorne. I rms.. strictly modern; - lot and location most desirable; good value at $n0. For $16. Webster 3726. or Douglas 17. 27u HOWARD Modern. Harney 4363. - Globe Van&Storage - Stores, moves, packs, ships; storagv, i: per month. VS hen you mover ci call ua. Pa tialactlon guar. D. 4331 and Tier :V: LARGE 4-room cottage, modern except heatjtdceyard. $li. 4110 N. 88th Ave. PARK AVE.. 131 1 T-room mod. brick. T-HooM-ell smxlern. Oi Parker St. a K Van and Ptorata Maggard s.t'-: Ing. packing, shipping. Lit Webster c'b Douglas H'a. a LI. aisea $ r-er month oi VP aatoav 21 N. 11th Pt. Tel. l. Se4 or Web. 130 lillTpAUK AVE . "-ri-om modem rtf J.GReedr t. utwliii, A storaiie. arn am. 11. i t ROO 8. Hsil Jorws Pt.. $.w. Never been occuplca. Sleeping porch: oak fliitah; modern throughout. Apply 306 P. 11th bt phone IVougiH b'7. CLEAN, attractive house, six rooros, modern la every wsy. 2S3 Norh Java St. corner LoeusL Wekstsr KiA