THK JJKl7;: OMAHA, iHWPAY, Atltllj 0, !!.". WANT ADS Vt ant Bda received at any tiros, hut ta Insure proper namnrvAtinn must b pre sented before II o'clock noon lor evening aril ton and 7 P. m. for mo-nlng " Pundajr editions. Want " rwlv"! after ih h hour will he under tha beading, "Too Late to Cllfy." CAPTT RATES. - ' . Bevee, enneecutlvt timet. cent worn anrh insertion. . ,,, Three time within on week. Itt " word each Insertion. One time, I rente a wort. CM it ROE RATES. Tn consecutive time. centt a f'h I rt ton. . - Three time within on week. "- nne each Insertion. One ttnvv Jt cent a tin. Count el avwrag word to B" Minimum charge, W Aa advertisement Inserted 'h7VrV th discontinued nut be stopped by w tea order. All cletme f..r error wjiM within fifteen day after the last Inssr tlca of the advertisement Tew ran pUeVyour ,n B SKotOMTTWR It. Unclaimed Answers to the ,; "Swappers' Column" Hundred of other answer hw railed for and delivered during :1M Weak It M reaaonahla to suppoas all of th people below avt mad in deetred swap, therefor do not call for th balauc or their answar - 4 sum est eultaV HO. PC BC-. BC. VX! 17 is jso ll 1 ! 1.7 m LV. l.wt isd! IW4 iAJ 107? 8C. 1" Ht Hit 1414 141 J 4? 4 ? 1471 14X3 U" 1441 144ft 49 14S4 14f4 r 14-1 Hi 1471 14S1 B.C. !4H2 ICOO 1MI ir.i.1 1M7 i:M lf.2J lt.: It. 10 1M3 ir-f.4 ir,M 1W7 1579 1S71 H7 iys 11 At If"! l&M lit 19 SI II II ?T f H 3 K7 a r . r rt in i-i t m t ' mi ail PA ' vm . rt 1 r 417 41 f Ft KeJ M A m CARD OF T1IAJIKB. E otr to thank tho fl?SM n,.hbor, for th. klndnce- ahown , iur nc me aicaneaa i "'r", ' rlij h-io..d nnd mother aiid for Horaw "f AH"mRieTOFER8Q AND FAMILY. DEATH. KD mEBAl WOTICESI HARRI-Mre. Jeruaha. April tWh. akd W year, mother of Rollln B. ''arrl. it North Twenty-aixth atreet. W'yom Ink Pa., and Wulmy, 111., papara pleeae copy. 1,1IUK aOTKH. ATTENTION ODD FKLLOWS! :Th meiubera of omaha lodg No. wlil nwt at Odd Fello' hall at fxt Wedni-arfny aventnc and go la i x,d y to visit Will lodu No. in TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE I'KOCUAMS ExcluNlvetF lu Tbo Down T. CAM ERA PHONE. I4W POUGLAB ST. M ltinlnk Ba'k. 2-reel Hroncho drama. Tour Hahy and Mine. Rel. drama. Amhro'Ca Little Hntchet. i:iSi'iiS07 . 1318 FARNAM HT. ir. Jarr Hrlnga ITomu a Turkey tUoao TIlcy. The Conflict (Rulb Ptonehouaeh The Randit and the Hihy Hio. drama. pA ltN'AW TH ( 141o EARN AM Bl Hunawny June will b shown here every Ti'rtday In connection with our regular proiirin.t and a aiim cumouy. liii-P TilAlii-n, lofll AND liAKNI llornn of? Paramount Picture. a'Aiili i ll 1 ,K. 7 Feature pra'ram dally Kevetone Coined!. Ik hi, it.Hl. 1'AliU'lt, 1 pOCOLAU HT. Jitied I'ulrfaxs MlUiuna. 2-r. Kal. dr. ( ho jarr Family Pwcon era Harlem, Vila. and Pie Leopard HcHt drnina. I fil 1....-.J Ki.UKlna. iKInit lisoO. " 'lty of Terrible Nl;!it." iI hu im iiio-ln "MU1 of the Mhnt." "lve. Firework, and tha Janitor," Joker t-oin. Aarlk. ALAMO. - 24TH AND FORT. I'cur rvuls of th best Mutual pictures ALIIAMHUA, 1S14 N. 2tTli. )t.un s , t'paet Romanc. Key. Cora. .Vi , Silent liankins (west). K.-ll. Dra.. S-r rialnl and Mnnere. Am. Dra. c1.7iTuJn jTiTitary Are. and liurdette. f-ii((eant Jim's Horae. Y .iidn Orafter, Keystone comedy. , W lf from the Country, V.udora No. 11. piamInLi. i4io" la h. lii ax. In a Jackpot. Neat. Com. i.Ih It-reel fwuure. Th Pip FRAN"KLIN, 44TH AND tUANKUN. The Hermit of Bird Island, -t, Lub. Dra. love and Umbo. Mlna. Com. Ofaml. "Theater Buautiful," ll.t h-lllnuey Ktorence lali&iUe in Xhe Duel In in Dark, 2-r. drama; In trie Switch Tower, 2-r. dricna; Tro Itwl Keystone comedy 1 1 1 ppu! u Mi:. am a nd cj- m inu. Tha Twrenty Million Ikur llvateri. e.taoie No. 17. J pHita: The H, a Brat. K luin. M it .; xe tihien -irafter. Key. rn IT, la tt LoCtaX. b Keeia. Bneni the fa, 2-reel Lubln drama, r. Pt-operia Trmiwr, Kalein The (llrl at Nolan'a. comedy driraia. ivy. 10TH AND UL'WulrrTiir After Her Million. S-reel. L.-Ko. Com. And other 4..k reela. CfJTHhOP, 2tth and lthrop. Life of Our Savior, T reels, hand colored. jratne aoe. leature. Le l.uxe. Wonderful. LOVAU i4A CAUIWELL. i co aiany narneiors. ju-ko. Com. At Jli Own Tvrina. Big C Bliu-k B nx No. 4. t-r. apcclal. PALACE. 2JU1 PAVKNPllUT miw r.ey. r.o. is, x-reel. fpeclal. Fate of Prralatent Pet. Power Com. And a good comedy. M i! 1U1AN, 24TH AND AMEd. 1 n lw-ath Train. Kalera drama. 1 A Paugrner" firange Inheritance, J-reeL , era, ata. jrs,n;rt, iTitny-aecond and Arbor. engenuc Is M in, t-r. MaJ. Pra. . -.v-,.,,.-ru-i .i...L, iveBione uoiiiedy. ...i......M. iin-ri' in irania. A Pol.LO THEATER. si lJ..v.....r.k hlmTh.irl'm,nn.n,. dian.a: '1 he Young lln m, h. it.raph e-.n.e.y. (..LL.MhlA. Kid Houth TentU. faro anu in jitney nua, Kkl. Con. 1 fie Wood Nymph. S-r, Ea. prm. I.'fy of Fifth Avenue. Vita Pra '0U'"HT. j4, ,n1 V'Uiloii. nunawifT june, t.iaoae no. in the Warden Oarden. t-r. Dora. 'Jli Lm-jilwae Ijpve, Keyalone. J A .r-.rri-.. Kit Vinton, ii.a i-n i.rawniiage. Kal lira. ;arrv of tha ttoyal Mounted, -r. Vita. j"h ; ion inio i uaiouy, uto. f'om. C.jl ThKAl'i: 18. UTHbT. i ti ienr lAif. I iff r 1 t.ev vser ou 1 l.elr Honeymoon, Nestor. l. ia..' 1 ii LATER, I'll VINTON BT. Tlia Gcpliitu fptder. Victor. l n on tne l'i nn, Nestor comedy. I' s i l M K. I'ii.n and Leawnwono. i i eir Hour. l-r. tiolj Heal. A i.eo He pr'Bi-.j. Nvstor comedy. Tl lv.Vf, t-r. Ki.-iai. L.-.iA. too. IjI'U or Ffir rala of Mutual plcturea. W est. M"i',)K, SU FARNAM hT. . .-ueii ui Ctir t-rce! Lul l drama. '1 i Two. V itaaraph -niray. jit, i- i jI.i a Duty, i'lJbiapb Uiein. TOUAr'R OOMPLKTB MOYIK PKOORAM Kxrlalvely In The Bed BENSON. SMS Main St. Truth About Dun Peering. fM. Mao Quar rre), 2-r. Rough, hut Romantic, I,. Ko. Co. Arrangement with Fate, Urmml Pr, toancll Blarta ' F.L1TK NO. . Mfi RROADWAT. Did Isaacson's Diamonds. 3-r. Kal. dra. Octtlnv Rl1 of Nephw. Hlo. coin. Home White Hore, Yltaaraph comedy. NICHOLAS. 547 BROADWAY. The White Ooddeas. 3-r. Kalem iframa. Burglarious Hilly, Vltssraph comedy. ROPER THEATER. 6:17 RROADWAT. HI Only Pants, Neator comedy. 1ove of the Parent, Powers.. 1,ee.n from the Far Feat, f-reel Res. nata tiiiii, BKHRK. S4TIT AND N BTB. After the Slorttt. i-reel Hlograph drama. Postponed. Vitagraph comedy. The Weatern ay. Essansy. W. drama. Charles 1ap1ln. MAGIC. situ and o bts. Th Hidden City. Z-reel Hold Peal. Pixie's lay Off. Joker comply. aadevHI. OKPHEl'M. 24TH AND M. World" Mllllona. S-reol drama. And a good comedy. A H NOUNC'r-'ME XTS 0 MAHA PJU-OW H). !Sr7 Cuming. pouRlaa 24H7. Renovatea feathara and maltreaaei of all klnda, make feather mattreaaea and down covefa. Wedding announoementa. Poug. Ptg. 'o. BPR1NU CLKANTNO TIME la here. Your windowa cleaned and atorm window taken down at reaeonnble ratea. For flrat claaa aervl-e cnll touglaB 8S41. AMERICAN WINDOW CI.HANINO Cf. HOMEMADE aauaaae, only one In Oma ha. Pern Fiaher, 1 Ieavenw"h. D. S.1I0. LUCK V wedding rinae at Hrmlaaard'a. V ACI'UM rleaiiar for aal. Vacuum cleaning dun in th noma, fcanitary t-rv. e Co., ftnv Hee Hlilg. P. ul. I W1HH to annoume to my cuatomer that I have moved to my old location, 1211 PouRlna, with a full line of ,'ewelry, rlothlna-, fumlnhlnga, ahoe.' etc at great Largxlne. I. FRIEDMAN. ENkMX now. r. 14. C A. night aubooU rent, repair, aell needlea and parts for all ewlng machine. NB RRAHKA CYCLE CO.. 'Mlcker." IGth and Hamey. Douglaa 1062. Needlecraft Shop (woman's exchanae). S. IHth. Ordera for home baking. D. 14 S. ' AUTOMOBILES C. ELBA8&ER, expert radiator and lanta repair. Ty. 701. 2b01 Ieaveoworth. I HAVE a t-cyi., 0 h.-p. White car that I will trade for . modern home of equal or greate? value. H." Plton. tM Fsrnitm. Oreenough Omaha Had. Rep. Co.. ) Far. AUTO Clfiarlng Houae, 2i( Fernam, buy and aella lined cara. Phone Imualaa 310. Overton'a for leaky radiator. Di:, dealer. Want nn auto. C. J. Canan. MoCague bids, RKO, .Ki-tiorMpowfr touring ' car. go":l, U EST values In the city In need car. A. Ahlman, 2W4 Farnam Pt. condti.n, 4f). Call at I24 Horenc 14lvd. tlatararaxa. 1915 INDIAN MOTORCYCLR! row ready, bargains In used machine. OMAHA B1CVCLK CO.. inth and Chicago. D. tlt IXI1 BAIJJ-Twln cylinder 1U .Indian moton'ycle, overhauled and remodeled this year. Bargain. Lne Jk.'rtaman, 1612 Hurt Ht Douglaa 4M. . 1 . . IIAKLE'Y-DAV 'IPMON MOTORCYCLE, Kargalna In ud machlnea. Victor Rooa, The Motorcycle Man," 3703 Leavenworth. BUILDIXQ MATERIAL KAILH, 12.30 per keg. Fence, sheet roof ing, etc.. Ill proiKTllon. Oenoral Mer cantile Co., Omada'a great mall . order houae. UIHIXESS OIANCES A I-Ail4E and wall-equipped garage for sale; have other businea and unabi to operate botji. If you want a good etab llahed bualncaa, this ta your chant, "il," Omaha Hie. Council j'RIuff. la. ' SON does more than pat your .he sells It. 801 Omaha Nat'lHk. hualneaa ruii SALli Have other bualnesa, will aril auto auppllr and lease of la run fireproof garnae In good lively town. A J drea Y tin. Bee, t HAVE ON OtR LIST SEVERAL MEN WHO CAN INVENT i"U0 TO lo.OuO WITH THEIR HKHVICKH. CO-OPKRATIVK RICFKRKNCTE CO, 101a-l CITY NATIONAL.. r.lGN8. mow card, "lark A lion. D. 137?, (jol'NTUY store building and small atock of general merchandise tor sale. Address T-4f. Bee. PIU'O store for sale at Invoice. Address, H 273. lire. TO OET In or out of business. Call on OA NO EST A P. 404 Bee Bldg. I). 8477. IJBT'YOUll r.T'SlNESSl wtth us for Quick action and aauara treatment . un"K KAUK COMPANT. m Bca Rldn. Phone Ked . it KHTA V RAN T Oood location; doing gooa business: gooa reasons lor selling. A 2h2, IVe. fll E AT E RS Buy, laa or arit your th- atr. nachln and auotilles throuah 1 neater Kxriiang Co., 14 Farnam Hi. i.ouiaa imv. TOUR bualuee or l eatata quickly aoia. wrtt Jim wray, Bloux city, la. Win rent? Will sell Mo-arr farina In Red River valley, Minn., erect buildings. auppiy cows and hogs on first payment of $, and II per acre and interest at per o-ui eacn year llierearier. W. Q.Tem.leton. Be Bldg , Omaha. REAL eslnto Ruslneaa plaeea aupplled or liamlied: all atates. r. V. Knteat, (mini, WANT PAHTNKK-Btarttng bank In new town; Puaitlon tots with It; chanc for making big money. Addreaa K Bee. Haaralas llaaae lar Bal. I ROOM I NO houae for sal. Douglaa 10- 1UKJMM full of roomers; best location In Omaha. Will aell reasonable.' Hull Howard. Doug. WV. EOrOATIONAL SPRING TKHM ROYLE8 COLLl-:aS3 Mo4idy. April th. Day Brhool. Nlaht Mrhor.l mmnleta bualnea courae. complete shorthand or atnityp course, complete telegraphy course, civil service branches and Eng- liien. Btudenta adtultted at any tima. Htllt. nhin nr nil o.r miK . .i,!,.! WJlUiH COL1.EUK. J I II. B. BoYLlirf. Preaident. M- P. IW. Boyle Oldg.. Omaha. Neb. Tl,. t;. C.4 o-lTH ins au i?nui ocuuoi Stenography Pay school. .W to 4 0t. Nlaht srhaol. U tu lflh aud Karnaoa bl teuc'aa 447. FOR ewla tit follow In Uulaiai.ip JBi a unit cIhhs Omaiia hmiuwt Colies:' On unlimited combination buaiaeaa anu anon nana courae. fit unhuilurd bualnaa eoura. On liulimllad loographio oourw. Ou threw ItMUiliia' Luauiwaa or tana. graphic cocrae. WUk b Bold at a a'aeuwt at tha aeriAa ioi tn uuu4ba fee. I L-XJ'tHT lady atenoarapher w III tak Pupils. KHunTHANl) touch tvoewrll- Ilug, spelling, punctuation, etc.. taught and conndei training a I van lor buaiueas career. Private biairuct'ou If doelmi. 4.4 LHiuglas Bl. TfC Waluut rU7. tLLCIIUC 8t'PPLlr.f ELFaJTRIC wasliera, .6. eiaoiric il una. t- . with (ioneral Mnrrantila Co.. puiaka's Oral Mall Order lloua. X)lt SALE Farwlmra, lluaavkala Good, bit a. New 41 M-band turnttur. caah or tnrro; im.viuiUi Awer. Furc. Co.. su K. leia K)H BALK Ptraltare, llnaarhold Kte. nV?iri houpht and old. J. C. Reed. &-1AI. refrlgeiator. rood aa new, uaed one aeaenn, n. Webster BMa Iloraea Veklelea. HIP wvo atock to South Omaha. Bav mlloa and ahrlnkac. Your conaifn menta tecflv prompt and cartful alUa tlon. FARM waaona IW and up; harneaa, Johnaon-L'anrorth Co., llh Clark Bta FOR HAI,F-Tatn of marc. W lba each for II.V0. HARRISON STREET, phone Houth J02. MARK and horn, matched, 7 year old. Pair lat-rlaaa marea, a year old, t foal, wel(fhlntr t.VO. Rear 11 Hurt. OUR winter work Im over and I want to aell aome of m horaea; Ki "ool eork horrea. O. .. KUhtfoot, 2112 Cumlnff ft. TEA; .f a-yrar-old marea, well matched, vr.lKht. 2.M0; y far-old work horae, weight 1.40U. end handaome Mack and whit ehetlnnd pony, hpavy In foal, gn tle for children: bargain; party going to Ban Frn-iao Apt II 10 421 Podge rU. DAROAIN to farmer or city buycra. Mint ael thla week eight farm mare four geldlnga weighing from 2.A0I) pound to 1,00 pound per epan. Theae horaea are garantned or money refunded. Owner having no uaa for thetn. 124 H. 24th 8t. '.: ' - . . . r at HBAii or rauroao graoing norae tor ale; also 2-aated aurrcy and cow. Ram In rear 1110 N. IHh. $175 Lake. Ppan geldtnfta. 2,0W: mare weigh $110. . Coal office. 20th and ONE delivery wagon with t-ft- box, one Concord buggy and one aet of heavy atngle harneaa; one art of light aingle hnrneaa; one horae, 1,00) lb. Telephone Web. 1245 after p. m. HARNEHB, bug glee, delivery,) apring and farm wagon at a saving of tlO to 140 i Heneral Mercantile Co., Omaha' Ureat Malt Order Houae. I. Ire Mock. TWO Jeraey cows, fresh. .14211 8. 42d t?t Walnut 1.T85. TUOIU)tJOllBRED Jraey cow, gives . 13 riiiart a day. Call Walnut i:5. lire MtocW (omialtoa Merrbaata, MARTIN RROS. A CO.. Bxcnanga Bldg. Maaleal Inatramraia. VIOLIN, coat 40, will Belt cheap. H. 47.11. Rosewood aqua re grand piano, good tone. Cooa condition, is; go-cart, lljiw, Fo!rr, Kgga aadl kapitlle. 8TEREOTTPK matrices make tha beat arid cheapest lining for poultry house. Thay are 17x23 Inches, strongor and mora eurabl than tarred felt ana practically fn-eproof. 75cva hundred at Tha Be office. WHIT1D WYAN. cockerels. Benaon 66S W Mixed grain, 100 iba.. I1.7IS. Wagner 801 N.ll 1 full-blooded Rnae Comb White Wyaa- dotte and rooater, lis. Tat, wai. RCKF ORPINGTON nil. 11.50 for fif teen. Grand layer. High vitality. U W. Lrfiwla, Phenandoah. la. Typewriter. TYPEWRITERS old. rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Kxchnnge. vji H., Mlacllaaaw FOR SALB New and aeeond-hand earon . and (.cket bllUjird tablea and bowling alleys and acceasortos; bar fixtures of all kinds; aaav paymsnta. The Rrunawlck lialka-Collender Co.. 47-40 8. 1Mb 8t FOR HALE A 10x18 refrigerator meat box.. Muat be sold at once. A Bargain. Central Market, Council Bluff U HBCOND HAND rnny-ln-lot ma chine of various kinds, also coal range nd 4 gas ranges. J. C. Ish, Executor ;03 S. 31at Ave. Phone Harney Ml FOR BALE Eclipse electrio aweeper. good aa new, cheap; alao o'lver vlalbl typewriter, wo. a. Tel. web. FOR SALE One atock membership HaPPT it.iDow at a conalderatlon. Walnut ail. W and 2d-hand motors, dynamo, magneto. tc and mach. repair. La Bros Elect. Worka, tl-20 B. lath. THREE-STATION Lameon Caah carrier system for sale or will trade , for Na tional caah reglater. Addreaa, Y 4M, Bee. 1 KARAT while diamond ring, . f 276. Address B 27S, Ree. . snap. H EL1K W ANTED FEMALE raetorr and txaaaa. LEARN hafrtireaalng. Oppeohelm Parlora, WANTED Dress makers. 04 S. 27th PL lleBHkernaad Domrillr,. THE Servant Olrl oblem toWeu. Th te win run a bervant Uirl wanted Ad i kle until you got the desired reaulta. Thla applie to realdant of Omaba, bouih umana ana upuncii uiurrs Bring ad to 1 no lice oirice or telephone Tyler lofO. WANTED White girl for general house- worn. . Three in lamny. wal. 24J). WANTED Help for general housework on farm; wagea (4 for woman with small child, $6 without child. Mra. John B, Johnson, Underwood, la., It. R. l. "WANTED A girl for general houiwwork I in family; references required. 4SJJ casa nt. walnut if rift. WANTED A t-otnnetent girl for general nouscwora; in larmiy. aii M. sxib Ave, WANTKvD Olrl for geiteral houae work Muht be good cook and furniah refor- rnc."B, pinau lamuy, private home; good wages, cail air. 1, V. JUdmond, liar ney l-JJ. UIRL for tttt.cial liousewoik; care of children; no washing.. Harney Smia. WANTED Young girl, 16 or over, to as sist wnn nouBewora. call Wal. Ss. W ANTE1 Ulrl for general housework, l i. 29th Ht. 1L 2361. W ANTE D-C hambermald. H. Wlh 8t. Apply at 321 WANTED A girl to wash dish at 114 c. inin nt. NEAT appearing whit girl for general nouseworK. 1'leasant home, S In fain ny. i-siiji, new apartment. lhone Har. ney tr.w or UK ro. 42i nt. WANTtl Good woman for laundry ; rirreiiet-a requireq. v at. jHia WANTED A middle-aged white wyuia for houaework. 27 JO Hurt St. WANTED A competent girl for general iiuusewora, ana also a good second girl. Mrs. J. A. Sunderland, lua B. 2aih St. narney ki. W 4MKU-Young girl to help with no use work; no waehlng nor cooking mi. ii n. 'WANTED Middle-aged lady or girl for companion; a good home, alao good com pany; very little work; no wages. 174 wrant. Weo. 1U. WANTED Young white girl to aaatst wiin nouaewora and car ror children y go noma nmnia. ji yratt BU A GIRL for genuial bouaework, where aino ireaimrni ana good noma wanted; W per week. Call Walnut 1!S. COMPETENT for general houaework muat be good cook and proteetant; ref rencea reuireo.. wal. WANTEX Competent cook; alao houacmaid. liut' 8. jCld Ave. Harney SOS OOOD girl for general housework. 1' lk 84. Web. i W A NTeTD Aa experienced girl for g' erai nouaewora; I in ramiiy. W al l WANTED ExteHenoed wbll girl for general housework; no waahlug; I I entry: rrrerrtu'ea required. SuJI Lafa ft to loot sa.s. WANiisi'- while coiniviant hi'ihh maid. $ In family. 607 H. b ht. H. 3 Mlnallaatwt. GOVERNMENT JOBS FOR WOMEN r nionth. LI at fre. Kranklln lustl tute. lpt. tWI C, Rochester. N. Y. YOUNOs wouian coining t Omaha as - stranxera ere Invited to vlalt the Young Woman b Christian assoctatton bulldlug at Bt Mary' Av. and 17th Bt. wbar thay will b " directed to aultabl boarding rlace or aiaerwia assisted. Look for our iavir's guide w: Lnlua stattoa HELP WANTED- MA Ut 4 ivrieal aad OIIIM HMH-GRAl'E commrclal poaltlon VKT KKKKRUNi'lC tt BONO A'BiiN. ' i 762 Omaha Nat Bank Hldf . Asaala, aleaaaa aad alltiar. THE first payment now cover tuauranc (il July 1. V'-U Tliia makes our poik-y My to iell. cull or write. Mutual Hen c 1 1 1 , Heaiili 'inl Accident Aaa n, CJ-ij Cliy Nal. Bank Jlldg.. Omaba. Neb. HELP WANTED MALE Areata, gafeenea nad Sallrltor. WA NTF.P Atito aupply saleaman with hoth houae and road eiprrlen'-e: atate eprlenr and aalary. Addreaa K 7V7, Ftee. lOI'I.I, n"Vr aet ru-h worklnk for other. Why not tart a cleaning and dyeln hualneaa? We atart yoti rlllht! No previous experience neceaaary: but amall capltnl required. Rig profile In thla freat re-ordor hualneaa! Pull detail ee. White Wonder Company. 23 Na- lonal H:if"ty Vault Rldg.. Ienver, Colo. WANTKD Neat appArln; man to-travel aa manarer; must have ealca ahlllty nd be prepared to leave city today. pply 3n thla morninK. Mr. wllaon. Moto Fontenelle. otel Fc EAT a appearing young men wanted; reference. Apply S3 Brandela Theater. Factory nad 'l ra dee. M0LEB BARBER COLLEGE WRITE FOR FRETO CATALOGUE. SPECIAL PPKINQ RATES. 110 Bo. 14th St. Peak R, Omaha, Neb. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition io, on account of big trade. Wage for 6 and 10 cent work. electric tnaaaage taught. Hydraulla halra. Catalog free. 1124 Douglas St . Omaha. YOU Ml ST THINK We give you expert auto training: earn a real anlary. big money for our trained men. i.'omi right now and get our free coUrae In Klec. I.lg. mart g ayatema; tree cMalogue. Amer. ito Colloge, 2vr3 Farnam Ht., Omaha, Mlaeella iirnt, GET WISE- A Ihorotigh. practical automobile edu cation at minimum cost. Ask fur cata logue "C" and explanation of our get- results method. NEKRAHKA AUTOMOBILE BCHOOU 1413-17 IKdge Btreet. Omaha. Neb. CHINA PACKER. ALSO CHINA STOCK ROOM ' MAN. Wanted Thoroughly experienced china packer. Also an experienced china stock room man. Must fumlch good reference. Apply Superintendent onice, i'. Balcony, , . BUBQESa-NASH CO. GOVERNMENT want clerk: 70 month; Oriiaha examinations -April 28; common education sufficient; particulars rea pply Immediately. Y S9. Be. Be . an Auto Mechanic and draw a large atlary, or go Into tha auto bualnesa for yourself. Our com pletely equipped school and shops will bring this result for you. Write fur free booklet. , ' Nat 1 Auto. Training Asa'n, 114 N. 10th St.. Omaha. Neb. WANT WD 1.000 men to eat ham and egga, lac. Coffee) John, 14th and Capitol WANTED Few men for field work. Ap ply Omaha Field club. 30th and Wool- worth Ave. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted, t76 month: mill unnecessary. Write Immedl- telv for full oartclulars. Franklin Instl- ute, Dept. ffll)., Kocneater. t. . CKXD view men for road work. Apply Huuday morning. 1408 Farnam, Km. 4. WANTED Ambitious man . over 21, to study law. Need not give up preaant poaKion. Addreaa, A Z74. Be. ANTED Man to work on farm: muat be experienced and willing to -work; Bwede preferred. " A, Omaha Bao, Coun cU Bluffs, la. -, I . HELP WANTED UALB AA") FEMALE, PORTRAIT artist, either aez; apply Sun' day morning, 140 amain, Room 4. , " '' f i SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED-PoalUon. by colored boy. ex perlenred houmkeeiier, good cook, can furnish reference, itarney 640, EXPERIENCED comptometer oparator wants position at 140 oar month. Aa dre F-278. Bee. ) . . XUUPfU lady want position a stenog- rapner; can aaaist on doom. Adores F-27, Bee. , YOUNG man with experience aa meat eulter in eld country want position. Can apeak and understand Engllah. Will ing to "work for reasonable wage. Ad dress I-. 282, lies. ELDERLY lady desire position aa house keeper, snort uiatance in country or city. For interview. Phone Web, 3 US. DA Y work wanted. Web. l.upla. CHAUFFEUR want position; married man; do own repairing; willing to do other work; wire is wining to work! Deal of reference. F. Elinor, General De livery, Council Bluffs. EXPERIENCED young man, 23, having finished training aa cashier and biil and olflue clerk, lid excellent penman. nip ana I course iiraaunt. uesir position In Omaha or elaewhore. Pouglaa or addreaa j-lfca. ttwe. WANTED lob a chauffeur and butler. have had year experience- Call Web ster om. K. t. nicnie, coiorea. FOK WINDOW washing, houae clean Ing, rug beating, call Webster JN. PEHFEiT home waablng; lac curtain a epeclalty. W ebeter 4.t. WANTli Position as credit man: 14 Veai a' experience; can furnish the beat or reierence. Aooreaa i nee. DAY work by hour. Red fUi7. DAY work wanted. Web. iouft. Lula. EXPERIENCED clerk, dry good or gro cery, it year old, desires position: h. experience a collector also. Address J w, nee. . COIjOKI .'D woman wants position, , any mn'i. if. aov. COLORED man wants a lob; Janitor or porter; , can furnish best reference. Chas. Anderson, Web. 1117. PAY work wanted. Web. H23. WANTED Position as cook. D. 4778. WANTKD Position as chauffeur; pre fer car going to California. Willing to do work around the house. Will give ref erencaa. Bunker, Aetna hotel. GERMAN desire place aa second girl in private noma. Tel. tougia ski. FIRST-CItSS gardener wants position aa gardener or taking rar of lawna, treea. etc. A DEMAR, 1115 Brlggs Bt Omaha. COLORED girl wanta to do maid work. P. 5o.3. Ak for Lena. HK.UAHLE colored woman wanta poai tlon doing houaework. Iuuglaa 647H. MARRIED mani realownt of city, desire position aa watchman, night or .lay. Bankable reference, expeitenoed and truaty. Addreaa, L 270, Bee. LOHT AND FOUND LOST One sterling silver vanity purse; tnitisla "E. N. B." Reward. Bo. 11 or Bo. S. LuST Abatract of title made by the Mid land uuarantee and A hat rar t Co. Ka- waid If returned to i Hlate Bank Bldg. LOHT SMALL REP BOOK CONTAIN ING NAMES OF REAL TAT W PKAI.EKS. LISTED AtVORPINO To Bl'lLlMNGS FINDER PLEASE PKONU REP 67 OR CALL DOUOLAS Zuul. IXiST Evcglaaaea In old frame with Initials "s. K. ." between Paxton blk. box! 17th and Douglas. Reward If returned to Mr. Iwl. K'x.m tul Fontanelle hotel. OMAHA iXlt'NClL BLUFFS 8TRk7a.r tVAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost aom arU4 would 4 well to call up the oitte of the Omaka a Council bluff Street Railway com pany ta ascertain wbtur tbty Uft It In lne street car. Many articles each day are turned la and the company la anxtou to restor U i to m rUutfal maw. Call Doug. 44. 1ST AND FOtXh Party who thik picyclic' from" in front of di:k wilding 8at i'rpay at 4 l p. ,m , will recttive liberal reward if retirneo to bee offr e. no qi e8tionb wiu br akk ed. LOST liver meeh Fa mam; reward. bag, ncsr 15th anil Phone Walnut 2K72. MKDICAIj Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry curea pile, fistula and other rectal disease -without surgical ope eratlon."Curo guaranteed and no money pahl until cured. Write for book oil rectal dtaeaana with testimonial. DR. K. R. TARRY. 40 Be Bidg 1 ' MAIL ORDKTt BUSIXK8S SAVE 26 to 60 per cent on furniture by trading with General Mercantile Co., Omaha's Great Mail Order House. 715 8. ?tli Bt. NURSERY SEEDfi AXD PLANTS. ORNAMENTAL ll-eea, fruit hedge, plant. rosea, concord grape; .the rioaeu Home ale ground, Rlet aV Rlgga, Renaon. Omaha sale ground, 24th and Cuming. Benson-Omaha Nursery. Benson M4. M. P. HYKD NURSKUY (X) 1 Bargain prices t our old location. 17th tnd Itodge Phones: D. 449 and Web. 41411. J. WEST ROM NURSERY CO., st our old location. A choice and complete line of nursery stock. We can save you agent' commlsBlon. 3fHh and Harney. CHOICE, complote line of shruba. ever greena, ornamental and fruit treea; save agent' commlaslon. J. Weatromiuraery Co.. at old location, m and Harney ista. jno DUN1AP strawberry plants, 11; 1.000 14; postpaid.' W. C. Hebdon. Blair. Neb. personal THE Salvation Army Industrial bom o licit your olu clothing, furniture, maga- tlnes. We collect We distribute. Phono Douglas 4ia6 and our wagon win can. can nd loapect our new bom. U10-U12-L114 Dodge bt YOUNQ women, coming to Omaha aa strangers are invited to visit th Toung Women' Christian association building at 17th Bt and St Mary's Ave., where they will be directed, to suitable bearding place or otherwise aaalated. Look for our trav elers' all at tha Union station. LIVE WIRE EU8INEPS MEN OF OMAHA Aseeaataata. E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A.. Addreaa 421 Ram Be Bidg.. Phone Dougla 740a. Addlaa; Machine. Calton Adding Machine. 411 8. 11. t. 144. Adder Men. Co. Wales). W. O. W. D. WA Aaiatear Flatablaa;. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Crart Shop, 416 Be Bldg. Dept. 1, Architects. . Kvaratt 8. Dodds. t Paxton Blk. P. Wl A a to aal Hasseto UcBMatrlaar. Magceto repair work a .peclalty. P. HH Aaatloaecra. Dowd Auction Co., 1115-H W. O. W. R. 2S5. Dowd Auction Co.. 1116-14) W. O. Vi. R. fc'Ao. Bakerlae. Z. H. REEDER. IK No. IRth. Web. 1297. la Prtatlaaf. HORNBY BLUB PRINT CO.. Kit Oroaba Nat'l Bank Bldg. - ' Bra Faaadrle. Paxton-Mltchell Co.; 27th and Martha Sts. Carpenters sb4 Contractor. BTEVKNBON, Kt & ltd. Douglaa U30. Callfoentn Iad. W. T. Smith Co.. tin City Nat l Bk. D.2S1I, Chlaa Palatla;. Ruth Lttehford. dcorattng. firing. R. 4tAl Civil Baartaeara. M. J. LACY. 611 BEB BLDO. DOUO. 471, Creaaa irwratarl. Tha Bharplea Separator Co'.. 12th 4b Earn. riatera awd Wall DITaviaaT. NEED wall or datern cleaned or dujt euiaircn ooea ii. rnon weo. Ban. J. B. RICKERTT Weil Construction CaTi nothing too big or Impoaalbie; estimate rurntsnea. tui rt. ziat bt.. umana. Daaeiaa Araaaaaiaa. Try Markle flrat. 1811 Harney. Doug. S44. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 1871. Deattata. . Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 9tl W. O. W.Bldg. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 4 Brandela Bailey, the Dentist, 700 City Nat'l Bank. Taft Det.tal Rooms, lt.17 Dougla. D. 21M. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fluke. 724 City Nat Bank. Detect I van. INVKSTIOATIONS carried out In any part of United States, Canada or Mexico. C09 Paxton Blk. Poug. 1373. Walnut 1610. JAMEd ALLAN, 111 Neville BiockEvt- denoe secured In all case. Tyler 113. Dra as ana kt a ST. Terry Dressmak'g college. 10th ex Farnam. KiaSTER 3 Dressmaking college, day and night school. KJ8 City Nat'l Bank. PRUOS at cut prices; freight paid on 110 orders; catalogues free, bhcrman & Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Everything tar Wtata. ACCORDION, ld, knife, sunburst, box pleating: covered buttons, all slaes and tyles; hemstitching, ptcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. J0 Douglas Block. D. IX. Kverytblng for Wanes, NEW YORK sample store. Muat vacate. building coming down: cloaks, sulks aud dreesea sacrificed 2u N. 16th St HAIRDRESS1NG at your home. R. 4W31. Kleetrl nnnilea. LEBRON Eiec. Wk.. 811 8 12th. D. 1171. Flartata, BATH'S, florist . 1804 Farnam Bt. D. fiOO. L. HENDERSON. IMS Farnam. D. liia. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Aaa'n. HESS A 6WOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. A. liONAGHUK. 16-a Harney. Doug, lftit Unttertnsj aad aponttac. 6TOVE repairing. . Fire Prevention Co. Dougla 414. ' ' Hat Dyer. . Straw bat dyed. Dora Eleele. U3t C. Nat Hair Uranlag. Harper method. R- , Baird Wdg. P. nil Llghtinc Ktstaras aad Wtrtas. . THOMAH J) UK KIN Klectrlo fixture and aupplle. contract ing nd rebate work done reasons Ma, t t41t CUMING. POUOI-A8 tSls. 1.1 ve Iteek Kerned!. OMAHA Remedy. Co.. 0T S. 11th. Red 41 Mtntiger and Teaasater. WHITE 1JNE. r.9 N. 11th Bt Poug. tStl Maak, t'aatanrra aad Lalst Sappltea. MFG. of lodge regalia and costumes. Theo. IJeben at Bon. 1U4 Howard. P. 411a. cSSXbkllinoy good, re at ful Mnrnetlc. Other satisfao- lory treatments. Vapor batha. Open 10 a. m. to 14) n, m.. Including Sundays. 107 Sv 17th St., near Douglaa. Notice: En trance downatalra, Baaement, Cor. Dodga. MISS STAPLES, mas., elec. bath. D. 711 Open eve., t p. m.: Kundaya. 12 to 1 BATH " hum. alcohol rub. Laura illu WIIk.ii, 1 amain, room t. Doug. J751. 4 !" evenlnuB and Sunday. MA8.SAOE. 1721 Itodge. Mrs. Hteele. MAsrlAtfE 6J0 Be Bl.lg Doug. kT,'1. Vlt-iT Mtaa Vcnita, nw niaasake parlora; aloohol rub aud scalp treatments, lot 8. 17th St. MISS WALTON, roaaa. R. K4 Neville P.Ik. M BRITtJM AN, (iiaa Bk. R 2,7. B, hit Karbach Clara lm, ba th and maaag. Doug. l-Cl. BATHS. 114 Balrd Bl.lg, 17th and Doug. Motion Plriam. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and f'lm bargalna. Movlaa. Storaa aad tlMalag. ' W. C. ERKiN. iAlh and Cavl- Xy. W. Yivk winr JIV8INFSN MEN OF OMAIIA ; Prtatta. W A TEH S-R A RN II ART Ptg. Co., quality rrlntlng Tel. Pong. 2T W. 5"4 B. 1th Pt. C ENTRAL PRINT 1N( CO. POl'Q. .T754. COREY M'KEWJE PTO. CO. D. 3M. PIES-HALL Ptg. Co.. 1620 Capitol. l 1 102. OatenpataJe phytlelaa. . Pr. Renter,. McCagtie RMg. T. Pr. Peteraon. Prandels Bldg,. P. 2144. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. it Re BKIg Pateata. D. O. Pamell, Paxton Blk . Te I. Red 7117. H. A. flturges, 6KI Prandoia Theater B.dg. Patent Peveloanaeat. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 B. 11th St Palattaa aad rprtag. HUGH M MANUS. 417 N., 4Hh. H. fin. Otnaha Paate Co. Pnow flake paste. T). 8793. Plawiea Renovated. PLUMES 4k HATS made over, cleaned 4t dyed. Bertha Kniger. 4 Paxton. D. rH. Prlatlng. POUGLAH Printing Co. Tel . rou;. n. 4. rTKoaca Fxtertalaatot. B B B Roach powder, Merrif Pharm. afe ti4 Tina Lock Exaerts. SAFES Opened, repaired, comb, changed. F. K. Daven port 1404 Dodge. D. v-21. ' Rraalrlaa. FRIEDMAN BROS , shoe repair, ill 8.14. llaa aad Ikaweaias. E. M CLARK A BON. 113 8. 1TM ST. teel Celling. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 8. 10. atora aad fflo rlatara. . DESK8. safes, scales, ' showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy. well. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-14-11 S. J2tb. D. 2724. Tw Sapplle. OMAHA Towel Supply. 107 8. Ilth. 1. SU "Pallors. CHA8. C.'LANDERTOIT. ll N. IBth 6t OlSEN A KOUaXJHE. Im Harney. JJ. vt. Trnnk and Saltcaaea FRELINO STEINLE. inn Farnam St. Veterinarians. PR, O. R. TOUNO. 40nt Center. Wal. Wtt Wine and Lin tor. ALEX JETES. 201-3 8. 12th St. Wlnea, liquor, cigars. Plate dinners, 11 to i. 10c. Olob liquor house. 424 N. 11th; California wine, per gal, write for price list HENRT POLIXXTK IJQUOR HOUSE, imn ana wnpuoi Ave. ivn-cent luncn. BUY your family liquor, at Klein's laquor uouse. azi M, lath. Ekmglaa uos. SWAPPER'S OOLtTMN AUTOMOBILK I am an automobile .dealer and a trader. I have a very fin 40 H. Pi s-pasaetifer auto, agency In Omaha; standard, well known make, as popular aa th Ford; car In perfect -order, 1913 model, Presto lights, easy to handle, good as new. I will exchange for vaoant lot or real equity In small Omaha houae worth IS50. I will guarantee car. Don't offer roe land or their equities, or junk: If you want to do business describe what you have In flrat letter. 8. C. 861. Bee. ALTOS 1914 model, "-cylinder. 7-paa.. almost new; will trade for vacant lot or what nave youT Address H. C. 170, Bee. AUTOS 6-passenger tobrmg car In first class condition, top, windshield. Presto lite, chains, etc.; wo-th $tX, and would exchange for good building lot in Omaha Of the same value. Address 8. C. 127. AUTOMOBILES Foi other automobile bargain sea tha "Automobile" classifi cation. - BULL PUP. male, to trade for fog ter rier. Stat particular. B, C. MO. Bee, Bl'OQY and harness: will awan for heifer calf, or anything I en no use. WaL 1490. BUSINESS CHANCB Best restaurant in city, always crowded; on account) of sickness of proprietor, for trade tor what have youT Address k. c. bi. Bee. CIATTHES Four good suits of clothes. Have been worn but are in Una shape. Will trade for good auto tires, size Mx4, or what have you? Address S. C. 8K8. Bee. COOK STOVE Four hole, good condl tlon. Make me offer; what have youT Address S. C. 865, Bee. X CORNER LOT FOR AUTO. Fine corner lot. North Omaha, cash value $450, even fer- Ford or light car, Address P. O. Box 640, Omaha. Neb. DEFIANCE pay roll check writer. Make me orrer; wnat nave you. Aaarea o C. 867. Be. DIAMOND A good clear diamond. flaw: aet In ladle' mounting. Want an upright piano for this. 8. C. 154, Bee. FAN I have a iine t-tnoh fen. house also. I will trade for bicycle, A-l condi tion; also a fine nickel case 17-Jewel watch In fine running order. Will trade either for bicycle. Address 8. C. 864, Beei FILMS l.OuO ft. of film Pathe Turktah troops In Palestine; also 500 ft Lubln comedy: slso song and odd slides. Ad dreaa, S. C. 885, Bee. FANS good 16-Inch electric fans; I good t-lnch electric Tan. All In A-l condition. A. C. Current. - Swap. What have you. Address S. C. 85a. Bee. GUN Stevens, 12-gaugo hammerleea pump gun for a Colt's automatic pistol and cash Addreaa 8. C. 858, Bee. GASOLINE ENGINE, 1V4 horae-power. Will trade for electric motor or good suto tlre. sis t4x4H. ' LUMBER for small .cottage. Including doors, window, aah, etc. What am 1 offeredf Value $125. Address B. C. 866, Bee. MOTORCYCLE Will' wap motorcycle for a sewing machine; must b a good one. Walnut l.t. MOTORCYCLE to trade for cow or dia mond. Address 8. C. 850. Bee. OAK dining room table to swap. - What have you to trade? 8. C. 861, Bee. ORGAN Kimball organ; alao sanitary cot, davenport style, for chairs or other parlor and dining room furniture. . Ad dress H 8n. Be. PIANO Who has a young driving team about 1,200 lbs. for one of I be hltfheet grade, cweeteat toned plsno manufac tured? Addres B. C. I, Beo. PIANO Will . exchange a high-grade Standard piano fur young, sound (arm mares. Address 8. C. M. Bee.' - PIANO Wliat have you for a virtually new I, yon 4k Hcaly piano? ACSrea. B. C. . Ilee. - PIANO A burned Wellington piano; lai terior good. What have you to offer! Was now six montns ago. B. c. ant. Bee. PIANO A good high-grade, used, player piano, with 40 roll music; would tak row, chicken, -diamond, or what bav you aa part payment. Address B. C. j3. fee. RESTAURANT and lunch counter doing profitable buatneas en Farnam. Will trade for vacant lot. or what have you? Address 6. C. 713, Bee. REFRIGERATOR 0-lba., good as new. used one season. Will exchange, for porch chairs Address 8. C. 147. Bee. TABLK One dining room table, i ft, ma hogany finish. W hat am I offered! Ad dreaa M. C. tk7. Bee. SIGNS, ahoweards. Clark as Bon. D. 1371. WILL TRADE a diamond ring for tw Kx4 Q. D. caalnna. 8. C, S09 Bee TYPEWRITER What have you that ua4jful for a Hammond Typewriter In good condition? Addreaa. B. O. Bee. THoROlTG4iBRED AnKora cat to trad for fox terrier or Boston terrier or what have you? Adilrea. 8. C 862. Be. TYPEWRITER Nearly new No. t Un derwood typewriter; will trade ' for caahler cage or office furniture. A'hat have vou? S C. '!. Bee. VACUl M WASHEKW What bave you for l.uu vacuum washer, la teat model, retailing at $3.50 each. Addreaa 8. C. am. ne. WATCH Will trad a good gold Mled case new watch for a good pup, Ad. urraw v. in.- carw on. $1.10 MOUTH of meal tickets; a good 3ic meal. tiT diamond or piano, or what nava your jxoarea. a. , Be. FOK RENT AsMartaanaia aad Fines. FOR RrNT-Uon beautiful, finely fin ished and up-4o-oate a. and t-roo at avwrluieiil ta city. Building J uat fln- ihud. Flora Apartment. i J. ona bt I'.ouO, TliKKE larss rooms part mod. fiat for small family, lt.'i Elm St. D. &'$. ' ' t OK RENT ty j Apartaaeat aaa Flata. U I MAPLE APARTMENTS. KT1I AVEM E AND HARNEY ST., Beautiful 4-room apartment, witn larga ptlva'e irfin-hep; elegantly furnished In fumed oak; no children; summer rate, P'2.n0. Phone Pouglaa 7M. ClSE-IN APARTMENT, t ROOMS AND BATH. IN THE CAT.I FORN1A. BEE JANITOR. WO. fW7. FOR RENT S roonia with toilet and bath, easy walking dlstanca and close to car. 1U.60 per month, T. SULLIVAN, 215 Rrandela Theater BKlg. Doug. 4411 CENTRA ly No aqual a price or quality; 7-rom houae; 4-room flat 7K N. ZM. . VIDELITV BErlVICK m Phone Douglas 1128 for complel list of all vacant houses and apartment, also for torsge, moving, packing, shipping. rooms, mod., W month. 1414 Ctieago. STEAM heted apartment of 4 room; every improvement; gaa range in aaoo; heat janitor service: U.n0 to t?2 SO. Ap ply to Janitor in Doner room, anoa turn ing St. Tel. Douglas 743. THOMAS W. MAZEN. tf7 McCagne Bldg. Douglaa 1W. Fwralahed Apartment. f-room brlrk furnished Hat. 1331 Park ave. ' Board aad Rooxo. LARGE furnished or Unfurnished room. exceptional closet room, ideal summer place In West Farnam district,, with splendid board to young men or couple. Harney ONE elegantly furnished front room. south expoaure, witn poarn; two gemie- men. Also one single room, i ne neu- man. 7408 Bt. Mary a Ave, uougiaa w. Fnralshen Rowan. MADISON 21 t and Chicago: team heat: 11 mo. and up; cato la connection,, SITTING room and bedroom for two or three businea women, in modern, pri vate home; every convenience, Harney 1630. 1035 Bo. list St. ... BTEAM heated rooms, $1 week. Ogden Hotel, council Biurr. Nicely fur, room, 214 N. 2&th. Doug. 4o2. MODERN, light, newly furnished room. with bath; suitaoi. rar two laoiea. Harney 4uio. :."A)7 FARNAM Neatly furnished room, for gentleman, $13 month. - N. 22D, i-Elegant. clean rooms; newly furnished: all modern conveniences; garage. Douglas 8761. ' 1810 CAPITOL Ave. Block west postefr flce. Parlor and kitcnen connecting. a piano, hot and cold water and gas range Honaekeeplna Rooms. FARNAM, 2R22 Nice housekeeping rooms. isewly papereo, eiecincuy, gaa ranga. MODERN room fop light housekeeping. Phone Red 4o8. - - - ; FARNAM, 2SI2. Three nice housekeeping rooms; electricity, ga range. . DAVENPORT. 2018 Two nicely furnished housekeeping room. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, reasonable.. 785 8. 18th St.- Tyler lozi-Wy l.leht Honaekarvtaiar Biwal. STEAM heated rooms, with a!cov, kitchenette, lurnisnea. vgaen nowi. Council Bluffs. TWO nicely furnished front, housekeep ing. 20i wepater. tloaaea aad Cuttagea. ' NEAR FARNAM. -C-v. east front only $3R. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO ' 1011 Omaba Nat Doug. 271 S. 6-ROOM al! modern Pot t ago, 837 B. tM. 401 N. 31at Bt0 10 rooms, strictly mod., $o0. 2701 Farnam. I rooms, moa. brick, 410 N. 22d. 10 rooms, mod., t baths, $4o. 1558 N. 20th, 4 rooms, 112.60. 1217 S. 16th, 8-room flat for colored, $15. RINOWAL.T, Brandeis xneater mag. BH'MIS PAlRK W04 'Hawthorne. 8 vms., strictly modern; lot and location most desirable! good value at $40. For $4u. Webster 8726, or Douglas 2017. ' 2701 HOWARD Modern. Harney 436.V GlobeiVan&Storage Stores, moves, packs,' ships; storage, $1 per month. -When 'you move call tie. Satisfaction gtisr. P. 4838 and Tiler 230. LA ROE 4-room cottage,- modern exoept heat; nice yard. $16. 4110 N. th Ave. PARK AVE., lBlJ 7-room mod. brick. 7-ROOM. all modern. 2436 Parker Bt a it i Van and Storage Maggard s-zx: Ing, packing, shipping. 1713 Webster St Lougias i4. ALL !. ta per month up fH Paxton. fordonVanta.S!-' Storage. 119 N. 11th Bt. Tel. P. IM or Web. 1&S5. 1312 PARK AVE-. 7-rcom modern brick. SEVEN-ROOM modern house. 106 8 3S St. l-room mod. house. 2611 Chicago. D. 814a. 301 GRACE 4 pleaaant roonia, ground floor, $14 month. Tel. Web. 634. J: C Reed I ROOFS. 1S6T Jone Bt, $30. Never been occupied. - Sleeping porch: oalr finish; modern throughout. Apply SOS B. 17th St. Phone Dougla fc4H7. CLEAN, attractive house, six rooms. modern tn every way. 2S26 North 24th Bt. corner Locust Webster 8612, 7-RM. mod. house. Florence. Florence 142. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. $40 10-r., 703 So. 31st Ave. Modern. . f (0 a-r., T' No. 80th St. Modern. itO-t-r., 23M No. 19th Bt Modern. $J6 Hr SOU Webster. Modem. 7-r, 1134 Leavenworth. Modem. $42.604-r.. 3724 Lincoln Blvd. Modern. $& T-r.. 701 No. SAh St. Modern. .( -r., 117 So. 30th Bt. Modern. Ito -r., 2WK Mason St. Modern. : -r., ais Patrick. Modern. 1.T0 -r., 8i No. 25th Bt Modern. $30 -r., 3302 Sherman Ave. Mod. ax. heat $1 6-r lliW No. 16th Bt Modern. $18 C-r.. ZXA So. loth St. Mod. ex. heat 122 60-6-r.. 3120 Leavenworth. Modern. tl74-r., 834 So. 22d St. Mod. ex. heat. $l6-o-r., HI" Leavenworth. Mod. x. heat, tlo-fe-r., 8413 No. 80th Bt Mod. ex. heat. l5-S-r., 7 No. 27th Bt Mod. ex. heat. $14 4-r.. No. 17th Bt Mod. ex. hoat. $10 3-r., 2F.16 No. 31st St Mod. ex. heat PETERS TRUST COMPANY. 14123 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 89. SIX-ROOM house, 8044 Curtis Ave., with chicken houae and yard, all klnda of fruit, good shade, nice lawn. Phono Webster 62"8 Do not call Sunday. TTahch ln Parts of the city. S.S N. VTH BT., $20. Tel. Harney 140. Dwelling, 414 So. 38th St ; tiled vestibule, reception hall, front and back parlors, dining room and kitchen, 5 bed rooms, 2 bath rooms, hot water heat, garage. All in first class Condition.- Location A-l. Uenj. S. Baker. Phonea D432, 11317, FOR RENT We have a complete Hat of all houat apartuients and flata that are for nn Tula Hat can be aeen free of charge at Omaha Van tc Storage Co.. lot 8. 16th Bt. FOR RENT! ' ' " 8-3 Pacific street, 7-room, all modern houae, $25. - 1017 Grace street 4-room, partly mod ern cottage, lis. U2l Leavenworth, S-room, partly mod ern flat. $17.60. , 1122 South 324 St, t-room, modem nouse. w. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. Pouglaa 71ET MS Flrat Nat. Bk. Bldg W EST Kara am, S3 N. &th Av., $r.. J bath. i. Douglas 2f7. 10-RixjM brick, modern. 114 No. lulh St Keys next door. $40. Tel. Harney SxA. tara aad Offices. Store and basement, 1531 Faraam... tliw Store and baa, ment. 114 8. 1Mb 7$ JOHN W. ROb BIN 3, IM FAKNAM BT. A I i i i i 4 ! I t i i 'X,