TIIK HKE: OMAHA, MOXI V. AIM.Mli Nebraska s LEGISLATORS FALL FOR THECABARET Member of Nebraska Lawmaking Bodies See "Animal" for First Time Here. MUCH PLEASED WITH OMAHA fProm a Ptsff Correspondent. UNCOTJC, April 4.-8perll.) Mem ber of the legislature returning (mm Omaha today are full of enthusiasm over the reception given them by the Commer cial club of the metropolian city and the people there., ,( They have at other time enjoyed the hospitality of Omaha, but they are un animous In proclaiming that this haa put all other effort In the shade. ' I.Ike Kontenetle. ' Efcpet,lally are they . enthusiastic over Omaha's new hotel, the Fontenelie. where . the reception, to. the visitors . was given and whore the greatest banquet most of them have ever attended was ' served. They had heard much of the Fontencllo end were prepared to see something rnagrilflcent, but most of therri neier ex lected to, see anything quite ; like . It. Omaha has many fine hotels, but In the Kontenelle, they can- say to the world, "Come and see us; .we will show you the best there Is.'' Manager-Burbank of the hotel was everywhere. He learned more about Ne braska, legislators thst he probably ever guessed. They In return came back to Lincoln feeling- that the new ' hotel' was in good hands. Many of the members had heard touch about "cabarets." . Wnnld Mac to Take, It Back. , This waa the first time they ra really een the anrmal at Tloje range and It Is aid that some of them, especially those -whose) hair had refused to grow upward nd other whose hair had persisted In growing downward, would Ilka to have taken tome of the animals back' to Ttn toln. ' . It '1 the unanimous opinion expressed Vary often, that the reception tendered COCOANUT OIL FINE FOR WASHING HAIR If you want to keen your hair In good condition, the lea soap you use the better. Most soapa and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and la very harmful. Just plain, mululttod cocoanut oil A which la pure and en tirely greaseless). Is much better than soap or anything else you cany use for shampooing, aa this can't possibly injure the hair. imply moisten your hair wttn Water and rub It In. One or two tea spoonfuls will make an abundant: of rloh. creamy lather, and cleansed the hair and scalp thoroughly. The lather rinses out easily, and remove every particle of duet, dirtdandruff and exoeaalve oil. .The hair1 drien ?ulckly and evenly, and it leave it lne and silky, bright, . fluffy and easy, to manage, , You ran ret muiaifled cocoanut oil at moat any drug store. It le very cbofip, and a few ounces Is enough to last, everyone In the family toe months. Advertisement. - . POLITICAL AI)VERTl8I(i. . . . . - The" , , Minley League baa endorsed for nomina tion for, Ci,ty Commission ers, to be voted for at th. Primary Election on Tues day, -April 6th, 1915, the following seven named persons: ' ; VOTE FOR ALL SEVEN 17. J. Shriver Marry J. Hackett H. P. Haze Chas. Unitt 1 M. B. Zimman Louis Burmeister Albert W. Bonner Utxrt W. Jeffries, President. J. 51. Talbot, Secretary. UALDEnnn IGOAELSEf Candidate fcr City Commissioner Your Vote is Respectfully Solicited. 1 1 ill Mffiafvy Nebraska the visitors had done treat deal toward cementing a better feeling between the big city and the rest of the state to tho end that not only Omaha, but the whole Stale would make a stride forward In tho future which would he mutually beneflral to both. ' River and Harbor improvement Items ' WASHINGTON'. April l.-Rlver and hathnr Improvement pto'erls to share In the $?0.0,0H authorised 'In a lump sum by rongress for those public works deemed most desirable In the Intrissts of com rrtnree and navigation were announced by Secretary tlarrlson. Congress left to the chief of engineers of the AVer depart ment the cutting of the original estl mitteSfcwhtch amounted to $M,0o0,00O. feme of the protect approved are: Mississippi river, between mouths of Ohio and MlHsourl rivers IttlOUc'; mouth of Mle rourt to Minneapolis. il,o3,C": Missouri rt-.'er. Kanras City to mouth. U.OM.OM); Ohio river, open channel work, WO.OW; lock and ilams, H.SKtonp; Chicago har bor fcnd rivers. $3ffor;' t. .Mary's river, ilchlgn (fourth look),' Jl.r,0W). In addition the Mississippi river com mission has been given ' Sl.WO.ObO for Its regular work, 1500,000 has been reserved tor ' examination, surveys and similar work' and fS.241.G2S haa been set aside for contingencies. . LIVELY CITY CAMPAIGN FOR CITY OF FREMONT . FTtKMONT. b.. .April 4.-(Spe -lal.)- j Enms.pep has been fir led Into the city campaign here by Hi published state ment of the republican candidate for mayor, George A. MurTell, that should he be ejected he will have the affairs of the municipal light and water plant Investi gated by an -expert accountant. This Is about the onlyjlve issue In the campaign, j whlriti close wlth Tuesday's election. ! Mayor R. M. Herre, democratic candidate ' for mayor, tip for re-election, publicly dr our M Implicit confidence In the: Itogfd of Public Wprkf. Ths wet and dry fight, which was at first advised by the Ministerial union and th Woman's Chris tian 'Temperance union, was abandoned uPOU . further consideration of the ed- i visablllty of husbanding all their fighting rtreflgth for the eHte-wiJe battle net yefcr. MINER DOES HIS TIME .:: IN TH'd SPEAKER'S CHAIR . A (From Staff Correspondent. LINpOtjX. April 4. (Sneciil.) Repre sentative Bert Miner of Douglas county (was called to the chair this morning and, j being a railroad man. railroaded, business I through In a lively manner. Mr. Miner fa one of the most popular member of the house and, while seldom I speaking In-debate, hat made good along r legislative line. .;. v DEATH RECORD. '- .. " . ,'' - Jnhm P. Cirlastead.' i FALLS CITY. Neb.. April s.-fSpeclal.) Captain John P. Grlnstcad of Salem died this morning after a long illness. He wa born' in Kentucky about sixty -eight year tgo. lie wa married twice and leave fmir- chOdren and a wife. He had a j notable military record. He wa captain of a company of Kentucky union men during the civil war, and at the outbreak of the Spanish-American war he led a company of Kansas .men to the front and .later went to the. Philippines and served there s a captain. The funeral arrangements are not complete, but It la known that the body . will be taken to Wellington, Kan., for burial beside the body.. of hi first wife end several chil dren, and will be accompanied there by his brothers, R. E.' and George R. Grin stead, and hlv son, Vlrga Ortnetead. - Job a B. Carroll. . -: .CHADROX, Neb.. April 4. (SpeclaJ.) John. B. Carroll, county assessor of Daw county, died at hi home in Cnadron. He leaves.; a wife and four daughters. kfesdame C. M. Stretch, D. V.-McCaffrey, C, K.' Clark and O. P. Kirsch, and one Ben,'. Frank. All reside t Chadron. Word I received of th death of James M. Robinson at Los''' Angeles. H waa owner of a large drug store in Chadron for many years. Hi wife Ann Wright Robinson -died here a fW year ago. and hi only daughter Miriam, la deputy county treasurer and : makes her born with, her grandparents, A. M. Wright, and wife. Mr. Wright is deputy United St tea marshal. " ' " ' '' ' . Valrbarr Notes,. ..FAIRBUKT, Neb., April (Special. ) Tlja-d Mendenhall represented Jefferson county on the live tock market at South St.' Joseph, Mo., with a consignment of f at. cattle. s v Otto Lade, the 8t. Joseph Grand t stand section hand who waa Impaled on a' crowbar while ' working northwest of the city, te slowly recovering and his physician say an operation will be un necessary. ' - . . Easter Sunday was observed by a union service of four Protectant ohurche In the new ' tabernacle. Rev; Oscar Lowry, 4 evangelist, delivered 'f he sermon. It I estimated at last 1.900 people heard his morning rmon. In, the afternoon, he addressed a large mas meeting of men In the tabernacle. A similar meeting for women waa held In the Methodist Kpts ocal church. Easter caught Falrbury lrr the midst of on of the greatest re- , viyat meeting ever held here. Evangelist Lnwry ha secured nearly 300 conversion, j Th servlcea will continue until April 26. I . The Kplsoopal church observed Easter wrth an evening prayer. and sermon, wltU I special music. A solo waa given by MUs i Lena WestUng. The 'Episcopal church i will .observe Easter Monday. - ' le Nate of West Palat. : WEST POINT. Neb.j April 4. (Special.) -The marriage of William Anderson to Mis Fannie Fowl wa solemnised at the home of the bride' parents, Mr. and lira; Harry Fowte, In Grant townsbip, last Wednesday. ' .At the home of Mr. and Mr. J. A. Johnson, In Cuming township, the mar riage of their daughter. Mis Esther A., to .KR)en V. Goran sea waa rolemnised on Thurwlayi afternoon by Bey. L. ' Htrora bcrg, pastor of the Sweden Methodist Eld scope! church, P. W. Zulke, wh for some year con ducted a sewing machine btudnea In West Point, has left the ctty with hi family and will locate on a farm Bear Ltmon, Colo. ' f . Mr. Louise Sclinuidt died at the horn of 'her son, Ferdinand Schmuldt, la Beemer township. Bant room guide" with a Be Want AA. Nebraska LINCOLN FIGHTS FIRE BILL Capital City Struggle to Defeat Howell Anti-Discrimination Imu nance Measure. "INSIDIOUS I0BBY" CHARGED (From a Staff Corrpondent.) IJNCOLN, April 4. - fPpeclsl.) - The frantic efforts of certain Interests and Lincoln newspaper to defeat frcnate file No. 4. the Howell ar.tl-discrlmlnatlon fire Insurance bill. Indicates , that the capital city I not going to give up It enjoyment of a cheaper rat on Insur ance then other cities and towna of the plate. Of course, nobody m blaming the Lincoln people, or some of them, for fighting a measure thst will force them to py the same rate as Omaha, , Fre mont, Grand Island and other cltleal If they can defeat the bytl so as to be shin to keep the cheaper rate and compel other towns to take the higher, that I a good stunt to pull off. but how about the rest of the state? Talk Alat I.nhhv. Lincoln paper are charging that an "insidious lobby" Is seeking to pas the bill which will "make It unlawful for ac company or agent to rut the schedule below the rat agreed upon." If the In surance companies agree on a certain Prhedule and the Insurance .commlaslonrr enforcee that schedule, then It will be un lawful for any company or agent to cut below that rate In order to get business away from Nebraska companle and by so doing force them, to the wall, as has been the case in the past. It is this cut ting of rateswhlch ha enabled Lincoln to have It present low rat while other rttlr of the state pay for It In higher rt. . - , ,In a short way senate file No. Vi 1 nothing more or less, than a bill for uni form rate in Nebraska In order that Ne braska companle ean get a part of tho business. The rate will be under the supervision of the Insurance commit tonr and no individual or town need to be worrying at al loiter the passage of the act, unless it passage will force tfit rais ing of a low rate received now, eo much lower than other towns pay that .It 1 responsible" for the bringing of the mat ter before the legislature, as In the case of the capital city. gee Mole la Doshst. - Now that other legislation Is out of the way the mornbera of the legislature are doing some thinking on the anti-discrimination bill, with the result that they are seeing the hole In the doughnut. This legislature ha tried to proteot-Nebraska snd Nebraska taxpayers by putting through legislation which will count for real reform and' a bill which will enable the state to keep at home a part of the' enormous premium paid out in fire In surance, a No. 4g will do, I meeting with favor by the members who want to legis late for Nebraaka and protect not only the atat but 1U citliena a well. HE ESTABLISHES GLOVE FACTORY AT FALLS CH FALLS CITY. Neb.. April 4. (Special.) W. H. Putnam, councilman, wrlU estab lish a glove factory. The machinery ha been ordered snd the plan la to begin work May L For thla iiimmtr only cot ton work glove will be produce for the tart 1 being made after mofH of the order have been placed for the fall and winter supply. Mr. Putnam ha had ex perience In Glovenrvllle, N. T:, the head center .of the glove manufacturing In America. ' Doable Weddla- at Rain. ' BEAVER CITT. Neb., April 4. -(Special.) A double wedding wa solemnised at the home of Mr. and Mr. W. C. Wil son of Rain. Ne., today, when their two daughter, the Misses Effle and Eunice, were married, the former to Oojr Lam bert, the son of Mr. and Mr. L. B. Lam bert, and the latter to Howard Hewett. only eon of Mr. and Mr. W. N. Hewett all of thi city. The young people are ail graduate of the Beaver .City .High school, where they : became acquainted. They will make their home her. Johnson Trying to "Sell the Cards to Federal league Mag 8T. LOUIS, April 4. A conference ar ranged last night between B. B. Johnson, president" of . the American league and member of the National Baae Ball com mission, and Phil Ball, vice prealdent of the St Louis Federal league club. It waa rnumored. dealt with the possible sale of the St Louis National league dub. The local National leugue 'club. It is said, has been on the market for nearly a year. Mr. 8. P. Britton, largest stock holder of the National league club, haa announced, however, that she would re fuse tfj sell unless her demands as to price were met. . Ball, in accepting the offer of a con ference, I quoted aa saying: . "You may tell Mr. Johnson I will meet hint with the understanding" that what ever come of our talk I shall retain my holding in the Federal league." The conference had net adjourned, at a i tate hour thi morning. ST. LOUIS CARDINALS DEFEAT THE BROWNS ST. IXrtJIS. 1 April 4. After allowing a ingle and . two men to walk, thereby filling the baae. Baumgardner walked a third member of the local Nationals, forced a run and lost for the St. Louis Americana 1 to 1 In the ninth mntng of the third city series ganie here today. Krore R. H-E. Nat'onals WaWaVJ-f t Americana ..0 0 -l Batteries: Doak. Niehaus and Snyderi Percyman, Uaumgardner, Remoeaa and Agnew. ' BIRMINGHAM BEATEN BY THE CHICUBS BIRMINGHAM. A'-. Anril .-The Chi cago National defeated the Birmingham Southern Association team her today, 4 to 1 Soor: . R H.K. Chicago birmlnghfem I Battel W-s: Chensy. Pierce and Arrher. Bresnahab: Johnson. Blauk and Wallace- WLmem Ye' e 1 Beaalar. Aa everyone know, tha bowel ar th etteraga system of th body, and It is of ta greatest Importance . tbat they loose eooe each day. If yaw how via he come eooetlpated, tak a dose of Cham berlain' Tablet Just after supper and they will correct the disorder. Obtabv aU aieiyabexaw-rAdvertLsemAnt FIGHTERS COMPLETE TRAINING FOR BOUT i Crafty Slack Spoilt All Attempts of Anybody to Get Line on Him in Hi 0o with MoVey. AFFAIR PROVES A BURLESQUE HAVANA. April Jack Johnson and Jess Wlllnrd completed their training jesterdsy afternoon for their forty-five-round fight for the world s heavyweight championship on Monday. It was the last public eppenrance of the pugilists before they enter the ring at the Msrlanao race course. Their final work was wstched by the Mggrst crowds since the arrival of the fTghters In Cubs. At the end of the day's t-xhltatjnn. the same .uncertainty and ootibt as to tha probable winner per vaded the mind of close followers ef pugilism had been apparent during tho last two weeks. Neither fighter showed anything like a flash thst would reveal hidden power or ability to clinch the premier honor of the boxing world. Welch Wlllard lies. At Mlramarx a big gathering of men and Wonen watched Wlllard box two rounds with each of hi three sparring partners. He showed some of his old faults, a lack of fighting spirit, wtiicn, however,' may have been due to a-desire not to injure hi opponents, and he sparred with his mouth open and his Jaw loose, blinking hjs eye when lead. Ing or expecting a Now. A great crowd gathered at the stadium to witness the six-round bout between Johnson and Sam McVey, which proved to be a burlesque. The champion did nothing but clinch and wrestle and smlK He did not lead a. doxen times in the eighteen minutes. Occasionally he shot forth a lightning Jsb and he showed fast footwork. McVey, always clover, hit the champion repeatedly, bat tightly. Johnson, obviously crafty, wa lnfllf fprent and spoiled all attempt to get a regl line on hi present ability. Tho situation waa extremely tantalising, as men with money hoped to get some actual Idea of Johnson' form. Take Km Chance.. ' The afternoon wa .cold and cloudy, and the stadium waa wind-swept, and Johnson said he waa taking no chancef. Referee Jack Welsh announced tonight that he had seen and talked to the fight er and had told them he would not deride the fight on a technicality. It must be won In a straight stand-up fashion. Personally ne was Interested in seeing the best man win, only After a fair and equal chance. He Instructed the fighter that they must protect themselves In cllnohes and in breaking and also must break when ordered by the referee. Otherwise, straight . marquis of Queensbery. sules will govern the battle. ' Three set of five-ounce glove arrived fronVSan Francisco late today. The cus toms house waa closed and It required a special permit to got them out There 1 ten year difference in the age of the two men; Wlllard not only 1 the younger, but has the better of tha height and reach. However, Johnson 1 exceedingly muecular, and will . weigh morft than he did In any previous fight Today he probably weighed 228 ponnda, but will takeoff three or four pound "drying out" - '. ! Aery las of Flesh. Wlllard wishes to-enter the ring at he is about fire pounds over that now. Each-will oary Into the ring from fir to ssven pounds of superfluous flesh. In order to have something aside from mus cular energy to burn up during the struggle. . . . Th. apparent endurance of 'each I un-1 limited, neither having shown sign of exhaustion at any time during the last week In their work. - There Is a wide dif ference of opinion among fight expert regarding the possible length of the fight; the style of the principals and tha ad vantage each possess. It 1 generally admitted, however, that the champion I Wlllard' master In the science of offen sive and defensive fighting and that he la fatter on his feet and with the eye. Whether he can make thi acience effec tive, In the shape of blow landed in th right place, remain to be seen. . v. Neacro'a Best Blow. The negro' beat .blow are a left Jab and a right uppercut, although he ha a terrific swing with either had when oo easlon offers. - It is thought ha may have difficulty in landing his left Jab on Wlllard' face, owing to the five and a half. Inches advantage in height which the cowboy possesses. The same may prove true with . hi famous right uppercut to th Jaw and Johnson may change hi usual tactic and pound the body at every opportunity, for Wlllard. so far aa ha been observed. cover hi body In a rather loose and careless fashion. Wlllard, however, ha learned to nap a fin left to the face and body, which Is extremely effective, owing to hla enor mous reach. Th negro can look for trouble In this dlreotlon. The whit man' wing and straight drives ha more power behind them than Johnson'. - Wlllard Blow. Johnson baa the advantage of quickness and sureness of foot; although he shuf fle about, he baa the movement of a cat and Is a flna Judge of distance. Wlllard la slow, it appears, at times uncertain of the next step. Frequently he find him self In an awkward, unbalancing position, and if this happen In the ring the negro will be sure to torn It to his advantage. Kxport opinion supports tha belief that It will either be a very short fight or a very long one. In the past It haa been Johnson s policy Ho havo hla oppoount , como to him. It I thought possible that on nonaag no may cnange ni tacuc and NOTICE - NOTICE - NOTICE "TO , Monday and Tuesday will be the last opportunity of securing any of those delicious oranges from the grove of Gurdon W.. Wattles, Hollywood, Cal. liiiia COURTNEY & COMPANY 17th and Douglas Sti. Phone Douglas 647 rush.' figuring on getting h quick finish. Johnson's I'otla-y, John.on I figuring on get tins; past .Wlllard's comparatively ivlloTe .iefenae for a kiwx'kout while I f la stnmg and fresh. If this I Impossible, he I likely to reeort to a crafty wearing down system. Wlllard' best chance to win Ilea In a terrific msjm landed in a mlxtip In th early round, or the slow gruelling of the older man, although In tho latter case, much depend on th virtually unknown ability of both to stand punishment, such as only these giants can deal. Wlllnrd la a better fighter now thntt ever before In hla life, but the ques tion Is whether he la gcod enough to whip Johnson.- On th other hand. It I generally agreed that Johnson Is slower than he was five years ago, when he fought Jeffriea, but many observers sur mise thst he has not gone bank much. Thla ha reduoed tlie fight question to whether Wlllard has advanced far enough to meet Johnson going bank. The Psyeholoalral Aide. A thousand sporting men here today would like th answer to that ques tion, but no answer Is possible until Monday tells the tale. All realise that there Is a psychological aa well a a phyalcal side to the fighting game, and many bellve that In that reepect Johnson haa the advantage. He always ha been confident In entering the ring and he haa shown ability to keep hi head In time pf streae. The championship will be settled before a gathering largely foreign to the fight ers, although several thousand American have arrived In Havana In the last few day. All the Americana tn Cuba seem ta have come here. The two steamera which reached Havana today from Key West were packed and many aboard were sea sick from their rough voyage across ths ninety-mile stretch. The Cuban public will easily pay for the battle and make up the t.Kl.OOO purse Johnson Is tq get. No on knows exaotly what the arrangementa with Wlllard are, but It seem certain that, even should he win the rhamplnnshlp, he will receive, ne money until all expenses are settled and then only a percentage of the net receipts. Wlllard Ureat I'avorlfe. Unless th weather should Interfere as only Cuban weather can. when rain come down In torrents, there will be an assem bling of Immense crowds. Although Wlllard attracts little attention In the streets, a compared with Johnson, who tra vela about a good deal In an automo bile with hla wife and is always attired In a fashion to catch the eye, yet the white man Is a great favorite among th Cuban and carries a considerable portion of their wagera. Hla training has been extremely popular and victory by him would be wildly aoclatmed. While the Cuban authorities readily granted permission for this fight they will not, It la announced, eanollon fights between local while and black men tn the future. They say they are not concerned with foreign problems, but have tbolr own to deal with. They are not taking any ohancea of untoward happenings on Monday, however, a militia will be freely dispersed about th race track where tha arena haa beon constructed. So ManyCncertalu Angles. There I lea actual betting on thi con teat than on any similar match In year. There are o many uncertain angle to consider that the big better are doubt ful where to put their money. Bote Ver non of New Ttork, who 1 stakeholder for a ayndlcate, said that Johnson had authorised him to offer to bet any part of $10,000 on the champion at six to five. But the champion did not give Vernon the money, and there la no rush of Wlllard fupportera to cover the offer. The Wll lard men ay they want odd of two to one. There I no chance that these odda win be given by the Johnson adherent. Johnson notified the promoters that ha waa hot satisfied with the plan of a nineteen-foot ring, ; whioh be consider too mall for big men. Consequently, the pugilists will battle In a twenty-foot ring, with a three-foot extonslon outside the rope. A large crowd parwed In a steady stream before tho ticket window of the downtown headquarter all day long. Most of tha tlokets were sold In block of two. four and six, and in all aecUomi of th arena. The total taken in for the day exceeded $16,000. Pittsburgh Pirates Defeat Cleveland NEW ORLEANS, April 4. The Pitts burgh National defeated the Cleveland Americana, 6 to 4, In an eleven-Inning game her today. Score: R.U.E. Pittsburgh .13 1 Cleveland .n..i:.i 410 I Batteries: Pittsburgh. Adams, Harmon, Kantlehner and Otbam: Cleveland, Mor ton, Hagerman and O'Neill. MEMPHIS, April I.-The Boston Ameri can pounded three Memphis Southern as sociation pitchers hard today and won, 7 tot. Score: R.H.E. Boston ....T15 I Memphis .w. tt-.uu.-.-.. ...:,. i Batteries? Boston, BMore. Leonard end Cady, Carrigan: Memphis. Merrltt. Kee leo Morrison and BcliU-l, Marshall. ' Dr. TTcTl's Plne.Tar.Honey eaae your cough, loosens the mucous, strengthen the lung. Th first dose help. Oct a bottle today. Only ZSc, All druggists Advertisement CHICAGO WHITE HOSE WIN FROM FORT WORTH FOTVT WORTH, Tex., April 4-The Chicago American league first team won from the Fort Worth team of the Texas league tn the ninth inning here today, after having been held corelesa until the seventh. Collins, with a triple and la ktngt. led the Chicago hitters. Hcore: R!h.E. OrlcaKo 8 0 1 Tort Worth 2 T i Batteries: Bunsell snd Pchalk-; Fentress and McMurray. r0 Storz Lads to Open Season with Combat , With Chicago Team Owing to the unfavorable weather. Manager Bradford, of the Stors, will not book any readier gamea for at least two weeks. In the meantime the team will take advantage of every opportunity to get all the practice possible and shoulj be In good shape for the opening game. The first attraction on the Ktnra' sched ule at Rourke park. Is the world cham pion colonel club, the Chicago Ameri cana, April 2.1-J4. Thla is the first ap- pearanre In Omaha of this club, add the only time they will be able to show here this year, the remainder of the schedule being played on their home grounds, where they open the reason April 85. For the last two weelfs, Maruurer Rube Foster, ha had his team on the coast with headquarters at Fresno, Cel., but at present is touring the Const league towns. Pick Bauchmatt of Omaha, ta playing second base' on the teni and, from all reports, I slated for a regular berth. Tatall to Coaek adets. Trainer Tuthlll nf the Ttrera h re. eelved a letter from West Point military academy accepting his terms aa trainer (or the 11)16 foot ball team. AKOZ AS THE RIVAL OF RADIUM GAINS PHENOMENAL SUCCESS New Mineral Upsets Many of the Accepted Medical Theories. Another California product ha mad good. It I Alio, a radio-active medicinal mineral discovered by former ftate Harbor Commiaaloaer arid Btat Labor Commissioner John D. Mac Ken tie of San Francisco, Although discovered lea than fir rear ago, Akoa haa won phenomenal success, due chiefly to Its merit In th treatment of rheumatism, stomaeh trouble, ecsema, oatarrh, u leers, pile and other ailment. It haa brought re lief In caae after oaae where doctors have fallod. The results tend ta prove Mr. MaoKensie'a contention that Ako haa upset many of the established medical theories. "Ako I quit' Afferent from any other remedy, yet discovered," said Mr. MacKenvte, In speaking of the auooss scored by hi remedy, "It I a pure, natural mineral, free from harmful eon. stltuenta. It 1 alrailar In it nation to radium, and doe all that I claimed for that mineral, rat It la used without the pain, danger or prohibitive eost, "Because the Akoa treatment 1 go different from other, a Hw wordg at explanation regarding th sevsral prep arations ahoukt be of interest, Tha In ternal powder U a wonderful sonlo that haa proven very effective In eo meeting stomach. Uvea, kidney and bladder trou ble. By correcting the stomach and th blood, It haa alio given relief tn an ex ceptionally large number of case of rheumatism, neuritis, neuralgia ' gad ecsema. Where tbN I aoute Inflam mation or swelling In rheumatism, the Ako compound) I also used until the condition 1 relieved. In ponneotlcn with tbe ecsema treatment Akoa oint ment and dusting powder ar used aa remove the effect, wlill the Interna) treatment 1 correcting th can. Th Internal powder I very effective for ' Wear Resistance right on top of the Wearing quality that in 1914 scored the unapproached average mileage of 6,700 MILES in the Automobile Crab of America Official Test That is what we ftiye you in 1915 ; ' And all thb at prices more than meeting our propor tion of the recent revision pi schedules. . Our bii new three-qurter-mi0ion dollar tire plant is effecting savings in manufacturing cost which we are glad to divert to the pockets of our patrons. So that you now not only pay smaller differential tL ever tor Vacuum Cup Tires but you get an increas. margin of service economy that cannot be discounted by the most skeptical tire buyer. y m r- k hi - W Vn 14 i nti -i if. PENNSYLVANIA RUBBER CO, Jeannctte. Pa. THE BEER YOU UKE Ask for the beer and save the coupon. FRED KMJG GEIEVJIHG CCOAfiY Canoe Association Will Hold Meeting On Tuesday Evening .The CarW Iak Cluh Canoe associa tion will hold Ita vond meeting Tues day evening at the Townsand Gun com pany. The meeting Is to be held to boost csnoelng among Omahans. The new canoe association plan several events at Carter Lake this summer. Including an elimination contest to select two representatives to the American canoe championship events to be held on tye St. Lawrence rlvr. George Mac Dougall will give an Illus trated lecture on canoeing at the Tues day meeting. The following will also speak: Oeorgn N. Aulabaugh, Don C. Mc Cowln, Dr. J. F. Deapccher, W. K. Reed and J. 8. White. y Anybody Interested in canoeing la In vited to attend the meeting. , LADIES' PRETTIEST MILE GOLF CLUB MEETS TUESDAY The regular monthly meeting of the t.a1le' Prottleet Vile Oolf rlub will be held Tuesday evening. At this meeting the women will prepare for an actlvp sea son, to be started as soon as the Vtlller park golf link r open. JOHN D. MACKENZIE. Wacoverer of now medicinal mineral catarrh when used aa a tonto and a naaal douche, "I wish to call particular attontlon to. the us ef Akoa compound for burn, praln and bruises, it tfTe ' rtry Vile and aatlsffxotory reaulta and 1 a flrat aid remedy that 1 rapidly coming Into vanaral use. Th Akoa euppoalto na have gtven unucoal satisfaction for Teotal and prostatic troubles. Th phenomenal development of out buU "mm uwn oraugni aDOUt by th eapuanal merit of Ako.' Akoa remedies ar to b demonstrate-! at Sherman MeOonnell'a 16th and Dodge St Store, where further Informa-. tlon may be had regarding this adver- tlsement 11 9 1 w Office in all Cnr '''' Omaha Office 2212Farnam Street COUPONS