Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 8-A, Image 8

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    Tim OMAHA JSUXIUY BEE: -APRIL 4, 1915.
Nebraska Students Who Are Giving Entertainments in State
lTiTe Attractioni Visit the Various
Towns of the State During
. " '-si mi ami iWMMgaagBaJgl
The work of the Vrtlvrraity Week as
sociation of fie 1 nlverlty of :rai.k
during the lest montii has Oone much
to advertise that Institution, nurlng the
spring holiday five attraction made up
of ths major student activities of the
school were cnt to David City, m.r.rd
and Osceola. The nttrnctlon Include
the military band of tmrty member, the.
glee clJ of twenty-four, the dramatc
f-lub with t-enty members, road aliow
with thirty young mm and women and
two faculty lecturers.
The organisation of the Vniveralty
Wee association and tli work of rre
parlng the schedule and program la
credited to the memners of the Inno
cent, an honorary senior society of tha
university. Last year the hand mad a
very urcfful tour f the atai. and
thie arriog plans were made by tha In
nocents to organize several attraction
and tend them' out over the state. In
order to carry out '.he work more suc
cessfully It was derided to form a per
.manent association which would make ex
i tension week a, yearly affair. The au
IthortUee were consulted and a committee
of tb Innocents was appointed, to draw
M a constitution and by-law. At a
ireetlng of the Innocent, itlack Maiue
land faculty member, a permanent or
ganisation waa perfected. Tha following
'were elected at member ef the execu
tive committee: Homer G. Hearlft. Itu
jsell r. Clarke and Frank P. Perkins,
from tb Innocent; Mantarulte Farley,
Oladya Wtt and Lorena Blxby, from the
'Slack Masques; oy Heed. Dean Mary
Graham anil Irof. H. I. Bcotl, from the
faculty. T. C. Willlarua was appointed
i.y tha chanoallor as .permanent aecre
tary of the organisation. He la an ex
'officio member of the committee. At a
mooting of the executive committee Rua
lU F.. Clarke wa seiacted as irealdcnl.
Homer O. Hewitt senior manager and
farlu Lane Junior manager,
' Tha programs given In the various
own follow: ' ,
By the Cadet
The University Cadet Band C. Drown
'ornell. director; I.eon I lllnes. captain;
Knhy Ia. Andoraon. reader: Alfred tuig
llahJ, accompanist and chaperone; iiurrel
"i. lii, bualnca manager.
WarrhJiibelungen Wagner
iioverture I'tuue lame... ttupvo
! Mujrt'-al Monologue
a Lfenvol Kipling
)ia) (my a Man Anon
ib) Mrs. Harrtgan oa Nelghborllnesa.. .
MUs Anderson
'Els Entering tb Cathedral," from
"Liohengriii" , Wsgner
i"Atnerlcan I'atrol'' -Mnu.him
e x trt te from "Liicla" lonltil
"March blsv" Tscbaikowakl
(election from "High Jinks" Priml
its) "Leetla ttlorgto Wanheenton" Daly
.Musical Monologues
h "Not Vnderstood".
'lb "Tbe Kitchen clock"
' Ulna Anderson.
rfnrlng's Awakening' finding
Clarinet Duet -etnnen utid Mlnnan
, Thomas
Messrs. jxvke and Ifnrkaon.
ong of the Warring Nations
(1) France, K) Knsiand. U Itussta.
4l Germany, 3 Turkey, () Aus
tria, i
'The Btar Boengled Banner"....;
K I.. Hlnrs. captain. '15, Ilenklemaa.
II. V. Wagner, lieutenant, 'lft. Unuoln.
1. T. Lain, ', twneca.
K. Wilaon. 'U. Hsstlnaa.
K. (iarrtsyn. '17 Unoiln.
V. U. btrietrr, '14. Hnwaxd.
M. Bixby, '17, llsrdy.
IL N. Aiiirlrh. 'IK, Kosalle.
V. U lirarham. 'Jk. Lincoln.
J. F. Nelson. 1. Scott's Uluff.
William Locks, H lan ton.
V., H. Jlarksoa. '!, tavey. '
Jl. 1 Tuioasi-n. '17. West PotnL
!. H. OlbboiL
K. Young, JK. MUford.
11. Young, 'It, MiliorU.
Mx ttlxbr. '17. Hardy. 'j,.
J. 1. Mevvna, '17, Ik-atrlca. 4 . '
t . ITeuts, . W sua.
O. Meisinser. '17, Incoln. "
lwlht Thouuts. 'IS, Uncoln.
A. U. Andrrsoa. 'Ik, Vv'ahoo.
Klchsrd I.ucke, '1H, Omaha.
' H. J. Haundera, '17, Red Cloud.
V. T. Uabson, '17, Seward.
Vsrnon Larnan. apeclsl, Uncoln.
Klmer Crabill. H. Kidney. , ,
; K B. Kim, 'It, Humboldt. '
Mlsa Hubf Anderson, special. Got ben
Xurg. Aiirede, Engdaiil. special. W'auaa.
Tkv VniTerettr litw.
Prof. It V. Pcott. director: Mrs. C. O.
Crcunden, chain rune. Ralph NorlhUA
.feuauttse manayrr.
Inck Itutbford. '1. foot 'ball captain '1'
I. beatnie: and 1 hll Hiutbwlrk, '1 Un-
j ouln. - A novelty tumbltnit and a robalic
a- dei(nd fr al.ow iMirpoars, but repre
rating tbe work ot the physical depart
seMit. v litriotl fcJxta. 'Is. KcbuyWr, violinist;
'atl by Howard K. Ureer. -17. Lnl
Trity tnace.
A plav In one act. dramatised by Ttohert
Milliard from Kwhard Harding I'svia'
!ery. -Hsr First Appearance.71 CUaj-a'-rs:
Vr. Camthera Orvill. tiatt. la. ftild. Okl.
1 aT.-vrt, servant to Mr. Canithf-rs .
James Allison, Hastings
."Uttiest Otrl" of Lister s Optra com-
' . l-a" Uy Hvrsclf
j Uibber
Halih Northru). 'li, fiouth Omaha
t Boene iiachelor apartmrnta to Berkeley
fUis, Ktftb avenue, ,w York. .
Time Today. '
Lnrthy loc.1e. 'IS, Randolph, la., as
,sited by Mr. jreer.
vsner. -l'. linuoln: LIIMI, 'W. Cni
iveralty llace; Allison. 'U. Ilsstlngs: T(t
I'l. Uncuin; l imrrely of Nebraska U'e
A miidral farce written for th I'nivers
r Kua4 show and in.wrroratlns sran? 1mm t- I'nivsrsliy kismet Klub a
.annual peoiuctivi. Iioth piay and ml1
""' at the I'nl vei.ity. Cl j. i. r.
Jsck tVUIiama ......J. hn KlUott
rrrddy Ikiracnt frul Wa.lwr
jlnlsn orayttwr
t;-Ioolb, tll worth. ";7. Unculi
lietty ll!U-s
Moliy-Ruirl.". ,rtf- ,.'Clty
ocri'iiunY--.1!!!. .J:. Uy
r.rVJi""C:'f-aI i-owenwrg. )',' "LViicoln
Ostatoe,.... .Karhertne Kcife.-. '17. UnoW,.
s'lsos borvriiy bouse. t.3u p. in.
The t.lee risk.
Vr. Cmrrte Bell Raymond, dtrector
"''aina. auJitor of student
ar-tivttles. business nutnagtr. Program:
Kstudianuna". Laoome
Uie CIn.
Qiartet t Ixng lor Tnee J (artel
Mesara. Wukland. rtaglsy, Jaikson.
barcarolle i From Tales of Hoffman!
. . .. 1j
Molin a) Andante U .....Ortrg
.b) b-ien,ir terwonky
- Theodore J. Lcbmer.
Ia4ian Dnatn 'hant" sKtae
Oi 'iul..
ii.llat... Mr. Morr
"Three f-r Jack" H'ilr
Mesara V iuklanl l ouni. lUrkari, Lo.lrr
.'. Cl'.o.
I'lano RigolKto lvi nnh .. Verdi-Lisxt
Stanley li. Msrrn.
Water Ulk.' linderg
Oie Club.
Venc avo Tbe Toppest of My Hesrt
t-1 arwvUr ., VU
Ri.cka.rd Luckc
li i f i . ; , f i- ' ' I '. -. j A
i : . . "...,i?vj .,".;,; -.i-XKs.x f 1
Ralph Kortkrup
ThcoJorc J lekaicr Louis W. Home
Charle r Ttagley.
SketchThe Snipe Hunter
.-Written bv Maurlcn Clam. c. or in.
j Msurlce ClarK Iule Pobbs.
Messrs. Israel, W'lltse. IeBas, Chsce.
Rrasa vjuartet The Rosary Ncvln
Messrs. lollng. Jackson. Aldrlclk lllls.
National Anthem The Star Hpangled
Ranner Key
Glee Club.
Flrl TenorCharlos U. Pag1y, Un-
oln; Leslie W. i:ill. It. Wayne;
Theo'!ore J. Lehmer, lu, HouUJ umaha;
Lflwrence A, Wbklanrt, '11
tterond Tenor Harold N. Aldrlh, la,
Roralle; Russell Israel, , 'W, Omaha;
Raleigh LcHms. 'IS, Beatrice; Tloy N.
Young. 'Id, Honaon.
Maurice Clark. 17, South Omaha.
First Bass 1oreni Ctausaen. 'It.
Una trice: A. J. Doling. "It. Arapahoe;
Vlrtrll J. Hoirgart. '17, fit. Paul; Arthur
K. Jackson, 'II, Nelson; r:llsworth Mo-r,
'1. Omaha. )
Second Bass-Arthur C- Oiaoe, 14 Wan
ton: Harry K. Colbert, 1H, W eejilnff
Water; John Lodir. 'IS, Waveriy;
ReginatJ Wlltae. 1Ui, Ptnder: N. H. Hsa
son. '17. Hastings.
Louise Dobbs. W. Beatrice.
The Drnanatlo' t'lab.
The Mm from Horn' y Nooth Tark.
Ington. Prof. ll.'AHc Howell. LTraniatlo
Art, coach; Ms liossia park, chaperons;
Carl flans.. Vi. Dunbar, buslnoss mnn
sgcr; Leon Snydor, 15, Alma. Uge man-
aaer. Cast: .
Danlet Voorhee Vlke. tha Man from
Home Cloyd SUwart, "li, Lincoln
Kthcl Oralnger-Slrapson ,
Klla WHIIajn. 16, Uncoln
tlrand Duke Vasil Vasllivitch. ..........
J. C. beard. '15. Uncoln
Ivanoff.......Frd Rabcock. 'IS. Columbu
Comtrsse de Champlgny ...,....
lis Jones, 15, Mlndon
Karl of llawcsrtle j. ........ .......
Clarence Oark, 'It, Uncoln
Almerto rt Aubyn
Ixiiiia Home. 'K. South Omaha,
Mariano Maitre d llotul...... ,-;,
ln Pnyder, l.i. Alma
Horace Uralnger-ffioson
IeWiit Toatrr. "1'. Ina
Carablnlere Carl lions. '1. Dunbar
l.1y Creech. ...Klma Reeder. 'KS, Uncoln
lUiir Umlon Lynch, 'IV Uncoln
Two rarablnlere. Beveral Horrentlne
fishermen and musician.
Faraltr l.eetr.
Dr. I.uclle. VUvcs of the political science
and aoclologktil department of the tint
Torslty and Dr. George Condrn f the
Nebraska en,,rva"on .deT'artment lec
tured tn the different town on tb trip.
Dr. Eoavea gavf her lecture on the
"IMbllo Playground and Recreation
Movement In Cltlea." A eerie a of lldeg
from tbe Russrtk Sags foundation were
used to illuatrate her lecture. Dr. Con-
dra's work couetaUd of a aerie ff moving
picture aoowlng tli InduatrlaJ re
source of tbe state and a few film of
tli university and Its environment.
Within .the next few weeks the asso
elation plana on sending out literature to
the riilea and towns of th state, explain
ing the work of the association and how
the various attractions may be secured
for engagements. Next year the aaaoela
tlun plan to conduct a rvgulsr Ivceum
buresu In which the various activities of
the school will be called up to supply tbe
talent. The Cnlvrrslty of Minnesota has
woiked out a system for supi lying attrac
tion from the state unlveralty to ritlc
and town of the state and It baa proven
to be Qul'e an advertising feature for tbe
There are eight Omaha young men who
are membtf of the organisation that j
mado the recent spring tour of the state.
They are Maurice Clarke, '17; Ralph
Northrup, '16; Ellsworth Moar, "IS;
Louis W. Horne. 'IS; Theodore J. Lehmer,
'15; Russell Iirad, '16; Richard Lucke,
'If, and Russell F. Clarke,' '15.
and erect a modern building. Tbe pur
chase price wa S5Q.Q00, and tha church
trustees are now arranging to make the
formal transfer.
Receiver Asked for
the Transatlantic
Shipping Combine
NEW' TORK. April 1 Application waa
made In the United t-tatea dlatrict court
here today for the appointment of re
ceivers tor, th International Mercantile
Marine company on a bill of complaint,
filed by tha New Tork Trut company.
The complaint was filed against th Inter
national Mercantile Marine, th Fidelity
Trust company and the International
Navigation company. '
Th complaint claims default of inter-
jest an SS2.r74.000 4 per cent collateral
trust bonds. The Interest on this bond
j lasue waa due October 1 last, but a clan
i in the bond gave th . company1 xalx
.months' grace to make payment. Tfcl
I term expired April (L ,
No transatlantic steamship were di
rectly operated by' the company, their
; operation being left to subsidiary corpora
tion, whose stock was held by the In
ternational Mercantile Marine company.
Theae companlea directed the operation
of the White Star line, the Red Star line
th American line, the Atlantic Tranapor.
company, tbe Leyland line and tit Do
minion line. It waa said the receivership
proceedings would not In any way dlaturtx
the operation of the company or tta sub-
New Jitney Men's
Association Formed
Some thirty-eight' drivers of Jitney
bolted from the first organisation estab
lished, the Omaha Jitney Bus association,
and formed a new organisation of their
own at a meeting Friday night. The new
association will be called tha Omaha
Motor Bus association.
All jltneya under the new ytera will
carry the Insignia of th association on
the cars and the association will be re
sponsible for all driver. A blanket bond
will be taken out to cover all driven so
that in cava of accident tbe association
will stand good.
II. J. Foator wa elected president. B.
F. Carson was given the office ot secre
tary and J. W. McCab the office of
treaaurer. Blew art B. Dale, R. E. Han
kin and Oliver Barnctt will constitute
tho board of director.
Three New Men On
Motorcycle Squad
Chief of Police - Dunn has appointed
Offloers Anderson, Wad and Thrasher
to th motorcycle squad. The other mem
bers of . this branch of the service are
Wheeler, Emery and Farrand. Upon au
thority of Commlaatoner Kagel the chief
advanced each of the motorcycle men (10
a month, making the salary $100.
Officer Farrand la gradually recovering
from his rheumatic attack and expects
to be In actH service again within a
Next Year's Value
What Will It Be?
This new-type HUDSON ts the car for men who
are necking stable value. 1
High-priced Fours have dropped Immensely la
value since class buyers came to Sixes.
Heavy cars are almost bygones. Refinement and
lightness are In vogue. j
Light Sixes are the cars of the future. They
dominate now In tbe class field. There are ten
times as many as last year.
But the HUDSON the original the result of
four years of refinement Is more stable than a new
creation. x
A design by Howard E. Coffin the top-place
designer Is more likely to be iflnal than another
man's new model.
And the HUDSON name and standing give
permanence to HUDSON values.
A 25-Million-Mile Car
The HUDSON Six-4 0 may today be called the
26-Million-MUt Car. Over 10,000 owners, in the
past two seasons, have driven it at least that far.
What one says all will say. The car has proved
itself ideal.
It la a finished product. Our whole engineering
corps has spent four years In refining every detail.
Motorists today can see no way to add further im
provement. This car has a staple value. It ehows the com-
lng type perfected. Inside" and outside, every part
and detail shows the final touch.
And HUDSON service gives it added value. We
never lose sight of these cars.
Come see If you agree.
HUDSON MOTOR CAR CO., Detroit, Mich.
" Service First"
2563-65-67 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb
Rent room quick with s Be Want Ad.
New Jersey Secretary
of State Drops Dead
. ii
NEW, TORK. April l-Davld a Crater,
secretary of state of New Jersey, dropped
this afternoon tn front of 173 Broadway,
till city. lie wa D year of age. Heart
failure was tha cause of death.
The first payment ef 110,000 has been
made to the First Presbyterian church
for th old church property at Seven
teenth and Dodge street, where Arthur
D. Rrandel will take possession Juno 1
Auto Tops, Seat Covers,
Dust Hoods, Curtain Lights and
All Top Repairing
Phone DoejUs 1915 2C& a&J Harney St.
lu thtse modern days of heavy anna-
nient and scientific sir eiu!pmont, much I
thought t'ss been given to our coast d-
fease. Tbe Question of prcparedneas is
one tbst concerns all patriotic Americans
tor it is always the unexpected attack
that causes consternation.
This Is also true In matters pertaining
to health. That great enemy of health
Lonih trouble may spring an unex
pected attack at any time and It la wctt
to be prepared by always keeping a bottl
of Hosletter' fctumach Bitter In th i
bouse. It ts your bulwark In time of dts.
Be on guard at all times, and as soon
as you notir th appvtit falling, dlges.
tlon becoming Impaired, th liver Iruu-live
and the boa els refuse to perform their
daily f unctkifia. oonuueace taking the lllt-
tera. frompt action. Uigtbr ith the j
aid of thl mhctn, ha bven th mean J
of preventing much suffering from Sic i
lieadacli. Nausa. Poor Appetite, Indi
gestion, CunMlpaUoa and Biliousness.
iJon't trifle with your health, but rather
help Nature when wcaknas l manifested.
lioaietUr' Stomach Bitter I Nature J
ally, an t the, together, form a rotnbt-
liauoa tnai is aur to result to your !.
faie. Try It today, but be sure you grt
UoaU'Ucr a.
Why Wilson Sells the Studebaker
sell Studebaker cars because
w PRL1EVE In Studebaker methods
Studsbaker quality and ttiudebaker ideal.
We acll Studebaker cars becaus
we KNOW that e can loi'k a rnan square
ly In th eye when w answer his uueatlins
and offer our suggestion.
We sell Btudebaksr cara because
we can unhesitatingly DKl'KNP upon the
m uniform d&v-in and day-out service
from every t?tuobeker which leave our
We sell Studebaker cars because
we are offering boueat value honest ma
terial honest uurvoae.
W sell fttndebaktr cars because
we make a friend with each sale. Satisfied
customers are the only guarantee of a fu
ture in any bualnea. ,
Ws sell Studebaker cars because
we are not forced to mak any compromise
wltli our own convletloruv It la a privilege
to do bualnee hand In hand with good,
old-faaiilosud conscience.
V. sell Studebaker cars because
we bave eunfllence In a manufacturing
organisation which haa eadurrd for sixty
two years BEOAUBK of Us rrlnrlple
KECAVS of It Idealism BtCACtQ of
lis sturdy Americanism.
Here you have the reasons. Now, you know
why Wilson sails th Otudebaker.
2429 Farnam Street
SIX '1450
Tomorrow Morning at
Eight Oclock
Will open it' doors to the
Automobile Trade
& Motoring Public
Full Line of Stewart Warner Products
Including Speedometers, Warning Signals, ,
Vacuum Gasoline Systems. Motor . -Driven
Tire Pumps
Factory Adjustment! Made oa all Stewart Warner Products
Jot this address and phone number down
. on yoar pad now
1 2044 Farnam Street
Phone Douglas 2323
The World's Best Buy
One-Man Top Full Floating Ax Jiffy Curtains
Electric Starter Electric Lights Electric Horn
True Cantilever Springs.
It is Absolutely Poor Judgment on Anyone's Part Not
to Look This Wonderful Car Over if at All Interested
TeL Douglas 8602.
W.T. WILSON AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam St, Omaha
Swap Anything in the "Swapper' Column"