o v Omaha Elks' Male Chorus, Who Sing Next-Friday Night METCALFE IN HAVANA . ON THE WAY T" ""JAMA she wi the ruee of General and Mr. William Crawford Gorgaa. While there, Mr. and Mr. Metoalfe were entertained at luncheon by army folk from the canal one. at th Army and Nary club. Mr. Metcalfe ! now In Havana, flvrn whence 'he will rati to Vera On for Mx-week Mexican tylp. Apartment, flat, bouse am) cottngej can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Be "For Kent' Ad. Mf. R. I Metcalfe ha returned from Washington. whro, with Mr. Metcalfe, Daii uvu a sons co. I i U A 1515 HARNEY FOR THAT GARDEN OF YOURS LI?n3 aMWMMMMaMMHaMWBBHnMJM i V J- - Tb Omaha Klk' Male chorus in formed for the laudable purpose of sing ing It way through the went, to be at Loa Angelca when the national Elks' con vention la held next lummcr, there to en. banc the attendance from Omaha, and making the visit of the Klks from all over the United States the more pleasant. Part of the program aa at prevent con.. I templated Include a visit to Iran Fran the exposition there. Active proceeding will he commented by the appearance of the organisation at the Ilraodel theater on Friday evening of thl.i neck, where It will give a charac ti rletlc pronrnm. A tour Of the state la being planned, to Im followed later by a tour of the leading cltlen of the went. Tlfe pprronnel of the Klkii' Male, choru In. riret Tenor I A. R. Nelson W. V. tximnfih T a . to it . rlaco and a concert In connection with j J,; FKHlsor" . II. Vance i. Van Kurnn ' .1. W. A mold I N. Itovsen . V. Oough H V. TTahn K. O. Harwood 2 Creighton Good Fellow ship Dinner Speakers r"""g "f '" Kecond Tetiori W. G. Nclnon 1(. Htudnluikcr K. K. loran Flmt Haaaea F. C. Mi lionnld O O. Kmprv A J. AUord Second Kaeaet 3. K. Iitch U. A. Hchoedaaclc C 'H. William . Alexander Km lie la director of the choru and Tarmll II. Wright 1 manager, Erneat A. Rqr la pianlat and the execu tive committee conalata of Jerome Fl Latsch,. Frank C. McDonald and Farneat Q Itarwood. At th concert on Friday evening the chorua la te have Hie aasUit ance of aomo well-knoh Omaha mu alclan. The program for the evening ! . , PART I. "Foldicr' Choni" (Faut). .Gounod ' Elka Male Chorti. ai "Barcarole" (prlog), (b) "Hedg Roae Walta" Tchlkownkl Members Omaha Cliamher Music. Society 1'nder thn JJlrectlon of Henry fox. 'Annie I'irle" Arrv by Oelbel t ' Klka' Male Chorua. tSoprnno Solo fa I'ntll.. Sandemon j (hi Jlanhlone Your Dancing.. Imaire ; Mfh Carolyn Udmllton, Ml Hertha Ulark, ccompaniti "Bailor'- Cnnru" ... Parry A Klk Mnl- i"hor. - PART II. ' "Rlue Dnnuhe Wnltzea" ..Straue Klk' Mala Chorua. . . Quartet Vocal Combat. .1 udley Buck Klk' Male Quartet, Arthur Nel son, Arthur Van ' Kuran, John ' Alvord and Jerhmn H. Uetsch. "The Owl and the I'uay Cat"..Ie K6ren Mka' Male Chorua. . Violin Poiow . (a) Konnage a l'Amitle, -b) Bolero..- - Panda Mr. Frheatf A. Reeie. " "Fethera Lullaby"..-.... "Star Fpangled Banner" "Wbke A-B New Idea , Gas Ranges U Best Made SPIU IA HERE RITRK THIS TISfB and now 1 the time to Jook for that Bw Gas Range. The A-B Stove offer you everything new and modern In GaSi Stoves. ' ' A Good Rake only . . . . . 19c Garden Iloe ...........Wo "Wire Lawn Rake :. . .39c 85o( Garden Spade . . . 68c 85c ftpading Fork .'. v '. .69c 35c Priming Shear .-.i. ; . 24c ROILRR HKATK8 Ball Dearioir, only 81.48 Garden Hose A good guar an teed rubber hose, ft., ,10c rom I1 'lil H HI 'I 'IT 1111 1" V'MMIK "faHnHBTHWr McGHAV REFRTGERATOU . Made in any size to fit your re frigerator room, with rear ice door If desired. See this before buying and fit it in that new bouse Jf you build. PEERLESS REFRIGERATORS , These are insulated with mineral wool and has a hard baked white enameled lining with round sanitary corners and glass trap. we carry these in an sizes, ui . 13.50 A3 X .D.Ifevana'ghs) I THREE BANQUETS THIS WEEK av . mwm - " ' Crtighton StudenU Lay Plant for it r -Saoa of Feed, Oratory . Z :( ; . and Song.; . ,,! :' COMMENCEMENT DATE FIXED year by the unlvenrtty at the annual commenoenient. Herbert Connell reoelved the degree laat year. . . , ( Arrested on Charge ; of Taking Diamonds Thla will be a week of banquet for Creighton atudenta, three u,eh affair having been scheduled. Thurlay eve ning at the ITotol Fontenelle the law atu denta will bold their annual celebration, ' with Matthew Ovrlng of riatUmouth aa ' tho principal peaker. lyou! D. Kavanagh. atudent at the Uw college, la the head of th atudent rom mlttea which la arranimr for th affair. Friday avenlng Kta chapter, Thl Rho Hlima, th medical fraternity of Oelatv ton, will be tha ruet at, an Interfra tamlty tg rrty t he borne of InU chapter of the aame fraternity, at the medical department of tha rnheratty of Nebravka. I Saturday evening the Hotel Foutcnetle will aaln entertain Cielghton nen. thla lline tha Glee club roemlwr. The lngewi ill glva their annual dinner, and plana r being made for a Joyou evenuig. Tkeal ' KaMttl. Following thla run of, banqueta cornea tha morning after-final exarolnatlona In tha profeaalonal departmenta. The final will begin about April 15 end continue over a parted averaging tw waaka. - Tha annual . commencement exarclaea wtn be hld tho evening of April . Ae- Mn. Mv Jobnaon of Huron. B. D.'waa arretted Friday evening by Officer Hal- termn charged with the theft of dia mond ear aorewa valued at I1.3W from Mr. H..O. Drury, 2120 Dougla atieet. .Vrs. Drury, who owned farm . at Huron, had engaged Mr. Johnsor. to help pack aome furniture at Xhe country j place and coma to Omaha and help her In It unpacking. The pair occupied the ame berth enroute to Omaha. Vpon orrUtng her Mr. Drury mlsaed tbn ear screw, which h had tied In a hand kerchief, .and. had th Johnon woman, ar rented. During th ' night Mr. Drury left the berth, and forgot to tike th handkerchief y with bar. 6 vera! other valuable ring had been stored with tha earerrewa together wllh a maIV (urn of money. Tha two diamond mentioned wore Ui only thing mlMlng, however. l ' W I t K A im- m i hum i urn mn nmn i m m ,m,-wmwmw w mi ytiia fvA 1 I tPTiWM tl ' : j-n 1 nit PiWtA invr. - .mpTi m-- " r ,f I.yJ WiSf M .1 "-88 2c , ,. - - Van ' EA1TER ieSSAT SRDSLD rlXD TOO RArrf AK9 BOPErIL ISM ( ' . M'" i z. - rv , . si .j x mt ' . . . .- . gftr a r bvh bbsbbbbbbihv 1 1 1 - riUU - " illirt i!tir nHne. we invit nnrnTvu-iaon. bftnanaa we kmow that eun ft.r the l(vwat. Ei I pti.t irif?f2rJ 1 v.lllVUJS sr Jt 1 1, s-mid hjj : ntor fuTTiiiTiTw &ou5 in onuuuL BappoM jou crop is. ana ruia oat way, J3?t Nature herself will toon start refornishing, setting an example for man kind; and if there is any one time in the year when a beautifully furnish ed home is appreciated, it is in the Spring; if there is any one incentive that goes to make us happy and hoftrful, it is a finely furnished home. ALLOW US TO CALL TOUR ATTENTION to the fact that you can have a beautifully furnished home i elected from the greatest assortment of fine, hih-grade furniture ever rotten together under one roof ad that, pf course, means the largest stock in this city twice oyer. As for nrioee. we innte comparison, because we know that ours are the lowest. quality considered. There is a reason why Hartman's is the most pop- f ular furniture nouse m omana. suppose you crop in ana una out way. Below are a few of our many raluesj ALWAYS GET HARTMAlf '8 FRI0E3 FIRST PHILADELPHIA WILL ' . HAVE CURFEW LAW PITTUPrT,PHIA. April 1-A POrfew will be ectablUhed In thla city eaHy next week for children under 15 yean of ace, according to an announcement mad laat night by. George P. Porter, director, of public aafety. Buch children found, on th street after 11 o'clock will be taken cording to Deaa Taul Martin of-the law i Into euatody by the polloa and kept at department, It haat not yet been decioaa tha house of detention over night.. Thetr ; parent ' will then be called upon te ex- plain, tha reason for th children being out eo lata at nitclit. the unnouncemet tated V ' ' 1 ' The order wa ukieted yeaterdaf at a conference to diacu the proposed vice court to deal with prol'lnni . of fallen women and we hru uolnu to trv In ut ' the juv'i iillu iiHU;hi Inforo he reache ' the lk of 16. , Greatest Event f- "fT1 wbera t)i avantw.Hl b held, tior who will l be the principal apeaker. Thla year" commencement will be an vl Innovation, aa the giaduaUa of all five J department will iwelv diploma at the same time. Heretofore tha arte student 1' kua been accorded a seivnrat comment - 1, ment In June, but this year U.e eU ecaUors j won., n " of that department will tfke part In the 1 Mot- of our . rim. . .aid Pliertor ' ceremony held for all the Wonche. of the ; prt- ln maklim tUe announcement. ri.. - .... .t.irif.r.1. who will '"may be attributed to youn men and KHWh -." gradual are i John Corde. liEin y Uolan, !' Itaymond O' Donne II. Raymond Traynor, Morrl Howard, preUhnt. and Kmery rianck. Ox-ct 100 Undent Ul rec;lve - Jirea ; . i ''".'"'', ' Httaiecaialaa ' f Alawul. In eonnectlon with Uio immfiiceinent there I beln planned a home-oomlng ot " alumni and an alumni bami'iet the eve v ring of Ai-rH . The faculty and alumni of both th dfntal nnd medical depatt- mehU ara plannlua cllnU-' at ti ho, liltal for the benefit oj the himo-foin-r. ' ' The annual KaaUr vftUn'. wlil.'h Iw- ; can T1uit3y at Crlghlon, wlll.be fin Uhed 'Holiday, when iiaae will c re. turned. v. i ' Tt.a saucer campu 1 being put int' rntitlon for early iring ba ball. Al i ready league are being formed amontr ; th atudent. and a representation pf thi i yearly das games I anticipated. Volowiug tha i:at r vacatlor. tenoi will be started at the arta rllae. Urawlnj: will be held fr an elimination eonlest for the choice of a college team ,whMi will lpr.nt Crelvhton Ihl year. The anpual final e.ocutlon contest for ' tha high school department of frvlghton " university will b t;cld at tlie l'ntvrlty auditorium tha e.vviiiiia ot AaU 1 and that for Ue college tudent a wwli later at the au? vl''c Medal alll be . awarded the winner In ea ii ieclkm. . The Latin InteicolleKlate rontet held annually butwcvti the Result, i'-ft ot lb Miourl Valloy pravini. .wiil occur ' April IS. Titc firhnien and onuuiore of each r jlW t,i r-'re&entd, 111 com- pete. Tr.e contest Ciiirixt of trunalatln into Latin a rtv'ectuii ut la.ll tullh and a. trat.kUilon of rluslt'al 1i.tiu Into j.lorrmtic EnirOh. . CiciaT'iioa hua boiK- of landing a I'lac ' 1 M year. '.tl.onee liundis of Crelahton tot fourth pirn Ukt year, and will again i t. if: te. . ' ' .o lltcr' dgrer will be grafitvd this THCH f'O'fTl VfTmiH post MTlrr.i. nr.nJiL? v k'aiiu.TA i it.;. t. unaisiinic or aiL Niee.1 tmif verni Martin . rinlith, all teelp aprlna;, upn.irlel In the renter, and heavy eottun top netreK rovered with it outfit fur Ull Special Easy Payments Gladly Arranged on Any Purchase, if Desired . . Hi m aty ' '" " f i Sj A LA ROC BIZK COVPORTABLB COUCH. The fraat t of canuln quartertawed oak ana tn upnoiatertns; a4 la hleh-arade Im- erlal leather. The blsntiit tuftlna are tied nann-0er iai (Drins con. teuetloa. A larire aad wonder ful uoue bara-aln at this re. markanlv lew prlee sja ssrv iu $8.95 51 l?bo7?7l a.pri!iTE t.tr'r.a'r.v rttttth Vt sFxtt J A MASSIVE TWO-INCH POST GENUINK fS) BRASS BED Comes in all size and beaaUfuUy flnlwhed in aatin. Has ten fill ers and neat ap onuunentationa. . Do not judge thla bed by the price, as it is fully worth, double what we-ask (or aame. Special for this week at, only S., $5.98 th. TOP HEAVY PLAKK OKNUINSI quarts: OA WKL) OAK DKKK.SK R Very beautifully finished In aoMen. Has feur , roomv drawrr. top two I :nif welled. The mirror la of - wni .ui. r rencn Dv- LTi Z . 9 ie ,n 'tlatically AU hutuaa experlenoe look back to motherhood aa tli wonder of wonder. Tt patience, th fortitude, the uullm fai Uurlnar th period of xpectancy vcond only to th mother love bestowl upon th most belplosa but C:vt toarvel oua rrratltav a baly. women are e.ul W to lern front each othar thote heliful arncic that aid t j oujcfort, that conserve their ncrvou ; tutrgy and yet ai perfectly safe te us j and anion; the thy rtcommuul Mother Vlend., It 1 entirely an external application designed to lubricate the broad. Bat muscles and ilu that protect thti eodooian. It haa been la favorable ua for nearly fealf a century and 1 known to mother la almost every settled com Busily ta th t'nltd State who nlghly reoommaad It. Vuu will find It on aaie In drug aterea "Mother aMend" I utterly Barales, oeulaloa n SoaUantn; drug and yet Its influence la th tklu aad muaele beoeut.i a also upon tb? network of nerve beneath th Jun 1 very (ueneOclal. very aoothlng and a wonderful bala. Th muacle crpand psturalty aad are aot subjected to aaaeo Miry surt.- strain d paia. tict a bwUle ot "Mother Vrtend" t. day at any urug ator and writ to us for eur Instructive Utile book la motber Addmsj riradoeid itecuialog t aU Laiaar tUtlfra A lail U, Ua. MM . at - w w MS , ! lJ II flu ara l'M 0,1m! r-"w i ii c i ' SBm A COMPLHTH ROOM FTTTX. OP FTTRNIT ITRK AT AN TJNTJKTTATXY LOW PRICB. Made throu;ov.t of solid oak, beautifully finished In fumed. Chair and a a rocker uphoiitered la icuaranteed Kpanish Kabricoid leather, over full KM steel pnntr construction. Larg Blue table, fitted witn roomy drawer and tfXU0t book snelf below. Complete set of three pieces at this low prlco ONB MOTION -AUTOMATIC BED DAVENPORT. Heavy frame is. mad of American atiartersawed Imitation oak, with neatly swelled front. genuine imperial leatr tufted over a full prinas. On sal tai only eatly swelled front.- The, H $17.98 1 r v bs attRDcmOatttt In Ai(i n i &tVERT A SOLID OAK, MISSI STYL.K PEDESTAL Fini either in fumed ov golden. Stands 36 inches high, massive column and broad flat base. A very effective piece) of fur niture that will beautify any home, at I on m Jts alu i is u i' "u' ir jjjluu ii n ahod f . !il TVV CtlafLV. f"-v: v.yft 1.IA8S1VE AND . COMFORTABLE MIS SION ROCKER Made en tlrely of geoulne solid oak. upholstered in Spaninh Im perial leather. Ha full steel spring- construction. Tbix value must be seen to be ap preciated. A great bargain, at.. $1.95 A HiaTi ORADB 8KVRN-PTBCK PINING ROOM PtTTB Constating of TWELVE SECTION ADJUST- r7r A BUB DRESS FORM Th oae dresa fcrm on the market that will positively reproduce any form regard less of deformity. Each aeetloa ia ad justed independently.. Specially priced for this' week's selling at. ,$10.90 16.75 jm VV UNUCKFl I. 1 V A Ii U K IN A LAKOE S1ZV. LIBRARY T A- slj uLiK Mad eu- tlrely of hard wood finished ia American i j nuarier-sawea lniiia- 9 Uon oak. Highly pol- isbiid In rrolden. A rraat V i w m SC1 vala at L.V thla low price $8.85 ' Ik .i n i mm "' J iz heavy saddle svat chairs virr atronvlv eonatraetsa and a lata lis. 41-mt n ion laoi. anion extends t six reet. TUe entire suite ts an ad of Anartoan auartersawed imitation oak and brll. nanny poiisaM ia goiaeu. T&ls rsmaraabie Bargain ta ciajij uiirM ir iais wees tsuiaa at only P- r. ...... uwA m tai I 1J ' 4 allllUCAII aUATST UOatKrtsUriSBKSS. mmm -Miaiili Vk:i -?XJCs5.Tif a.y-.s ti.asa. M.. mm IjniaaUrtuai A NEATLY DI S I a N E D T V R U I. A H 8TKEL, BABT CRIB Com plete with a heavy act of teei spring. Pull a 1 s e. Baautl fully enameled I a whlt or Ver- nla U.rtl. Priced x- ti tremely low 1 lor this week. $5.75 K3?3aWCf