Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 2-A, Image 2

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    2 a
Missouri lacific EepretenUtiYe It
Only Ont to File StAtement of
: Expenses of Session,
fFroirt fctafT t'orrespomlent.V.
LINCOLN, April S. (Special. The only
lobbyist thin xMion to flic a statement of
la J. F. Kiiss of Kalis City. siirlnien'l
cnt of the Omaha dlvlson of the Mlsmirl
The ntnlenifnt of Mr. Rubs, an fllr t
this morning, ahowa that he spent a total
of $140.10. covering all tila expenses,- hotel
and othr-rp for the three months of
January. February and March. Ho sep
arates the expenses by month, but this
la tho only itemization.
The Missouri Pacific In the only cor
poration to observe the requirements of
the law, whlrh are drastic. It does not
fully comply with tho statute's provi
sions, ' a hluri require Iteinitatlon as to
each srparat payee. Hunrrlntendent t
Bernarrtl of that road filed a statement
last - session, hut these are about tha
only two on record. The law penallxee
av corporation SHO a day for ich dnv
that the lobbyist's expense arcounr Is
rot Tin record. Many lobbyists do not
even observe ' tho law for' enough.' to
.register. -
Secretary Pool Ready
To Blossom Out Today
(From a Ktaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Arrll 3 (Pi-elal.)-Serre-tary
of Blate I'ool may bo expected to
blnssnm out Fast'r In a stylo m-hlrh will
be the envy of even the modele In the
fhow windows, having received this morn
ing no less than nine hats fiom Manilla,
sen! him b his hold friend Dr. A. P.
Fltnlmmons, who la ono of the commis
sioners of that city. The hat are some
thing lllie a I'annmi, but said to he more
durable and are known aa ."'Mnnlllas."
i:-ieer Killed.
IOWA CITY, la.. April 3WSpec:liil Tele-sram.V-Mart
Huffman, engineer of tha
Iowa, City Power company,: was caught
In the coga of a water wheel today and
horribly mangled to dealt). ......
Legislative ,
. ' Proceedings
Lawmakers Ready
To Come to Omaha
I From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April 3-S.eclal.)-As the
noon hour approached today and It was
announced that the time for the leaving
of the special train whhh was to take
the legislature to Omaha to be the guests
of the Omaha Commercial club at the
new Fontancllc hotel, .the fever to go
struck the members and business was
hustled through In a lively manner. Both
houses adjourned at noon until Monday,
the house until 10 o'clock and the senate
until 3 o'clock In tho afternoon.
Supreme Court Interpret! "Mia
branding" Clause with Relation
to Premiums in Packages.
Sixteen locomotive firemen were cut off
the extra board and five engineers- A
reduction of three chain gang crews was
also mads. Formerly ten crews were re
quired to handle the business on the di
vision and It la mw dons by serta raws.
1L S, Ship Founders
' ' In the North Sea
DKBML'N, April 3.-(Vla 'Amsterdam
and Iomlon.) Wcarf- Zletung says that
the. American stesmer Ureen Brier, from
Charleston. S. .'., for Hreiiwn, has found
ered In the North No.. Us crow was
landed at Wyk In Hchleswlg.
The Vrcan lrer was detained at Jvlrk
wall, Ofkney Inland, on March IS, for
Investigation Ly the lirltlsh authorities,
and sailed for Bremen after a delay of
three days. According to maritime rec
ords, it arrived In Bremen March 22. In
that event I probably was on the re
turn trip. Instead of being on the way
to Bremen,
tary board to enforce ouatentiiie rricu
nous and brand Infected animals "held I
. Bllla Faaaed by House.
H. It. 714, Hunter Uniform sales law.
H. H. 4i-Allowe the commissioners of
Ijitntaater mlae, the salary of
the. county JudKO's c lerk.
II. R. 4' Provides that the county at
torney and surveyor of Lancaster county
shall do the legal and eiiKtiioerlng work
lor the Llneo n. sanitary district.
H 11. i PUts Hpantsh war veterans
under benefits of soidteiV relief fund.
ii, R. 7. Uinlta number of live stock
to be driven ovr a bridge at one time.
H. K. W-Gh-M conservation and puhllo
welfare cooimlftKlcm authority to super
ie and c'iur all moving picture allows.
II. K MS lves Ureiiter Omaha four
narmber of the nolitcla county romnila
sloners' board and. allot the other mem
ber to the outaiiie territory.
1L K. It Permits Lancaster and Doug
las counties to maintain fiscal egenctoe
In New York.
H. R. 2oa Provides method for remov
ing 6t-iih Omaha, councllmen and changes
law in regnrd to city contractu.
II. R. 413 Transfers Btanton county
from Klghth to Ninth judicial district and
creates another judgeship In the Ninth.
H. K. 4S Reg. u ires state auditor to
credit a county with uncollectable taxes
where land sold at sheriff's sale brings
less than amount of taxes.
H. R- WO Provides that the state super
intendent shall maintain a teachers' regls-
i tration and employment bureau.
H. R. 12&t'UM the fees of county
Mills Killed r llose Third
' Readiest.
H. R. 5. Hunter Allowing actions t
l brought at any time within five years
to reulue upon cUcmesilcv Judgments. The
vote was 8u to W. ......
Reroaasaeaded Pass hr IIbs la
CoomUtee of the Wfcole.
11. R. 477 Factiry Inspection bill.
Anwnded to cut out fees. Mr. Jeary
stated that the lahor commissioner was
willing to undertake the work without
H. R. i'4 Changes the time of holding
teachers' Institutes from the summer
months to the fall and shortens the In'
slitute period.
II R r,'-Kenulrlna Water power ap
pit. ants to pay filing fees within ten days
am! to rive bond for development under
rights MMke.4 fnr.
II. K. 7wH-Autlwrlxlng ths county boards
of Lancaster, JjoukIss and Oage counties
to order tie oaving. inacadamlxlng or
nihM Imiiruvenient uf rural htahwaya
uiHin netltlon of a ma tmi I v of tlie land
owners adjacent to auch hlKhwaya, and
assess the cost on property for a distance
of two miles back.
If It ikt Kmnowentur I4ve UtocK Hani
iiuatantine rrguia-
i un
M. 7.l AnPTODliatlng SS.fW to Pay
the state's shar of avtng Iloldreie
street and Warren avenue, running ut
tha stats farm, uncoin.
Bills Paaaed T the Senate
is n Kn t(naett1r and Harris Ap
propriation of K ,D to purchase land for
lulKirculoels hospital. .
11. R. vtl. Foster Appropriates S.(for
rumisiiing new muiuuii m j viivk.w
ii u 19 A MitdMiAn nf Phelna AtMim-
prtates SS.'Aib for relief of Cate Iyer for
loss of arm in lauaary inacnine av kiiuw
IL K, W. Wolry Approprialea $5,000
for relief of Mrs. ld Uavla, whose hue.
band was killed tm prlaon vulWeak ib
nun 11 112 x
II. R. 674. Relsohlck Appropriates r0
tnr xtllar nf C K. Iturhola
if. IL . lloffmelster of Chase Makes
county otficoie' beiins (our years aud
t.iita iit OTlatL-tlnn In 191s.
H. It- VK. heas Appropriates S2.012&4
for relief of Harpy county aa costs for
vrosucuUons In connection with arrests
i.l ,nvrii In nrtson outbreaks
H. it- fS. ttnydnr and Tibiiets Atpro-
TjilatMa l!.uO for widow or K. ti, Tallxitt
killed In auto accldA through uegltgviice
or Inmate or asvlum.
II. R. a", fitearna Amendment Xj stats
Irrigation law.
1L It- s3, Douglas County Delegation
Creates two justices of the pesoe In histead of five.
11. R. 1. Huttcn Prohibits use or tr
eiiio ot strychnine In emtielmliig fluids.
it. k. sua. coiuiniliee oi elate iiimuiu
tkins Changes law governing aduilasion
of Inmates to orthoprdto iio.ulluJ.
H. R. 4 Harmtt Tax list to be pub
lished In balra ot foreign languafe.
H. 1C U. I uiiglaa County L'siesaUon
Limits Jurisdiction of justice of peace to
ins own ciistrici.
II. R. lxu, Mtearns (12.M for use of at
tomey general In dolendUig HKhls o
aur UM-rs.
11. It. i, Negley-Olves Omaha City
crommli'alon pewr to construct alduaalk
atong boulevards.
11. R. Ti, Auderson of Boyd Penalty ot
l.'v or three tiionttia In jail for asMUtlug
a prisoner to escape.
11. R. 74. Paluier-Providea rx-nalty for
fraudulent use uf fraternal InanfiiL or
bther credeutiais.
II. It. M, Richmond Widow of retired
IK.IH' olfioer to receive pension of -w pv
II. R. iu. Bterner Prevents offh-era of
irrigation ciixirb'ta rrom stealing water.
ii. R. t-. Nlchula AuthuriSi-s slat
banks to subscribe to stook of regional
iHims. uiiimnai.
H. It. r. I'altwy Appropriates 1711 fc
relief of Uri. lone toi, injured at Leal
tu s Institute ft,r KeI.I-M ind. d
H R. 142, Cni'der Appropriates S4.0H for
(Unitary rr at HhscIiiks asylum.
11. It. uk Changes name of Home tv
tr.e Frletidleas to Home for liein-ndeii
c niidren and ctiangss rules govvruuig en
It. K. rn. m.liify-1'rovl.i.i conipensa
i..n fur culling aeeds on putllc high
a era
it. it. . w, ictsner frovpis Tor pur.
iiik oi itooi isnas n-r euunty la
rour,a puriuMis: not over forty a res.
II. R. Auihorixee Hoard of Control
lo slant good tuna le -lrusiy" cvoMcts
en Ployed outside.
II. R. tii. l.iKxrtt-Prohibits school
i cta niniii if r..-f a uiicn r coutiact
aoa anoincr cj.f.irn-t.
Ii It. k. H..II1... i.e. r- f ixes age k(
sent ailtiiiAsbjfi tt bur as iuaiiflc sliou f
wunty ellorucy.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. April (Special.) Another
bill In the Interest of tha public-service
corporations was killed by the house of
representatives In shoft' order this morn
ing. It was H. n. 433, providing that
corporations which are subject to regu
lation by the stnte railway commission
might Issue any amount of bonds which
they could Ret ths commission to ap
prove. I v
Ths-Life Underwriters' association will
meet at :) o'clock this svening in Par
lor B. Paxton hotel, where members will
sit at tha monthly dinner. Franklin
Mann will talk en 'Income Insurance"
and John Pale on "Fifty Yean An In
surance Agent."
Apartments, flats, houses and cottages
van iw remea ;quicgijr ana cheaply by a
Ilea 'Tor Rent ' Ad.
(From a Staff Correspondent-
LINCOLN. April . (Ppeclal.)-That
section of the pure food law of the state,
which defines putting premiums or prises
jjn psckages of merchandise as "mis
branding." was upheld by the supreme
court this morning In decisions rendered
In three test rftses brought up from Lan
caster county. .
The opinion Is written by Judge lt-
ton, In the habeas corpus application of
Nick Arrlgo. who was fined 110 by ttvs.
lincnster county court and In technical
default of bond supposedly,, but not nct-
lly held In jail, for selling s package
of ersckerjnek containing a toy but
The case was appealed to the district
court, which held the law bad, and from
there to the supreme court, which re
verses the district court and upholds the
The defendants contended that putting
prize In a package of foodstuff was
not actually "misbranding" and could
not bs made such by the legislature. The
supreme court holds that the Intent of
the law is to eliminate "and act or ele
ment designed to ronceal the true nature
or value of the article packed." It argues
by analogy that many nrtleles are "adul
terated," that have no foreign elements
In their composition, but are merely be-,
tow standard, such as purs Ice cream with
less than tha required 14 per cent of
butterfat. , '
Ths Nebraska law Is unique among the
states. It goes beyond the federal act
In this respect, but this does not In
validate the law, according to the su
preme coutr.'
V ' J 'i
Falrbwrr News Notes.
.FAIRBURY. Neb.. April I-8pcclal.)-
Rev. Oscar Lowry, evangelist, spoke to
several hundred Rock Island mechanic
and helpers In ths locomotive shops Sat
urday noon. Rev. Mr. Lowry extended
ths mechanics g cordial Invitation to visit
the tabernacle.
Members of the Falrbury Golf club met
In ths Commercial club rooms end held
their election of officers. Practically all
of last year's officers were re-elected and
Include: Ed Wunder. president; Edwrrds
Goodrich, treasurer, and Olen LeRoy,
secretary. It was - decided to hire tha
earn golf links for this year and to en
deavor to Increase tha membership of the
ReVeral prenuptla affairs , have been
given by the younger get in Falrbury thlg
week In honor of Miss. Carolena WestHng,
who Is to be married to Harry Wood next
Wednesday. ' '
The Merchants hotel is now being coo
ducted by Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wlnslow,
succeeding Mr. and Mrs. W. Mlddleton.
The latter have moved to Lincoln to make
their home.
Owing to Impaired business on the Rock
Island, offldala road a sweeping reduc
tion in engineer zd firemen yesterday.
OPHKOSH, Wis., April 8-The Pslne
company ef Oshkosh, operating a large,
rash and door factory, saw mill and
veneer t-'nt was placed In the hands
of receivers today by Judge -Durnell n
the circuit court. H Is stated that the
company ha assets largely in excess of
Its llsbllltles and that every creditor will
he paid In full. Judge Bumell appointed
A. L. Osborne of- Oshkosh, J. A. Klm
serly. Jr., of Nee nab. and tha Wisconsin
Trust company of Milwaukee as receiVr
ers of the company. They are required
to file an Inventory by May 10. ,
Destroyer Watches
the Interned Ships
NEW YORK, April 2. An unexpected
trip by tha destroyer Parker up the Hud
son liver early today from Its anchorage
near the Narrows, ' gave rise to reports
that some of the vessels of the German
steamship lines might try to slip out ot
port without clearance papers. ' The
Parker Is en ' of the warships sta
tioned her to maintain the neutrality of
the port. But, a'fter cruising along tha
Hoboken piers, where ths German ves
sels lay, the Parker returned to It an
chorage. It was said at the navy yard
that the move was merely precautionary.
The guard maintained at the entrance
to the harbor appeared to have been
tightened as the result of ths statement
by pilot that the British cruisers for
merly on duty off shore, had disappeared,
apparently to watch for the steamship,
Prln I Eltel Fried rich, off the Virginia
rapes. There were suggestions that the
German commanders might take advan
tage of the absence of the British cruis
ers to escape from New York.
LONDON April I. The first morning
mall to reach Chancellor of the Exche
quer Lloyd George today brought about
15.000 letters, virtually all dealing with
the question of abstinence from drinking
In England. This number indicates that
the day' total ef letters will be in excess
of 25,000.
These communications' were received l y
the chancellor In answer to tha full-page
appeal appearing in the newspspers yes
terday, urging cltixens to writ Mm In
favor of absolute prohibition.
Miss Mary Garrett,
Philanthropist, Dead
BALTIMORE, Md., April .-Hss Mary
Garrett, a widely known philanthropist,
died suddenly last msiit at the deanery.
Bryn Mawr college, Pennsylvania, where
she had been living for several ycara M.
Garrett was considered the richest womnn
In Maryland, her fortune having: been esti
mated as high aa 130,000,000,
Easter When Spring Fashions Blossom Forth
20 Uhusual Sale 20
All Scarf Pins, 'Cuff Links and
, Bracelet Watches at 20
16th and Harney Sti.
r '
Omaha's Oldest Established Jeweler
Mr. Robert Nicoll
Returns to New York
This" announcement is of
particular importance
because it insures the con
tinued supremacy of our
Fashion Service.
Mr. Nicoll has been in
Omaha during Easter
week carefully studying
the wants of Omaha wo
men. He' now returns to
New York with an accur
ate first hand knowledge
of the Fashion situation
in this city, and is thus
better able to maintain
tho leadership rightfully
Accorded Thompson, Bel
den's apparel sections.
A leadership, not only of
styles, but also of moder
ate pricings.
When the Brightness of Spring
Bids Us Discard Our Dull
Winter Clothes
Today for Us Was thd Crown'
s ing Achievement of a Season
of Successful Fashion Service
More hundreds of beautiful gowned women
wore Thompson, Belden apparel than on any
other Easter Sunday.
In our vast showing of refined fashions
no, worthy style idea is unexpressed. Our dis
play rooms are commodious, artistically ar
ranged, convenient.
Over all is sunlight; no one ever experi
ences disappointment because of the false color
ings fabrics often assume when displayed under
artificial light. Attendants are courteous and
efficient; fitters are experienced.
Prices, are as low as is consistent
with highly dependable quality
McCall Patterns: v
When ' . fashioning your
spring, clothes you always
pay particular attention to
the fabrics and trimmings
but do you always con.
aider, as carefully, the
choosing of - the . correct
pattern, which . after all
has most to, do -with -the
rr success or failure of your
McQul patterns ' repre
sent one of the greavtMt
fashion service m the ,
x ii nrwmi cprui iijwi
loc and loe
Wash Goods More Beautiful
Than Ever This Spring Season
You can have the most stylish and becoming dresses
for spring and summer wear at a very moderate cost.
and 40-in.) in attractive
stripes, floral designs,
rosebuds, etc., in all new
spring colors. 25c a yd.
. Every style and color im
aginable, 10c, 12c, loc,
25c a yard.
In light, medium and
dark colors, 12c and
15c a yard.
ETTE (27-in.) in new
color combinations for
spring, 15c and 20c a yd.
Basement Wash Goods Section.,
Sea Linen ,
. .
We have received a
large shipment of
this celebrated
brand of sheeting
and pillow tubing in
all the leading
widths. Be sure to
see "Sea Linen" be
fore buying your
Your Spring Clothes
Will Be Right If . You
Get ThemuIBeddeo's
Mas your sslsotloa from our ihibmi stoexs f hlsra grass
t-armsnts. a styls to salt srsry tast aa4 at prtoas that wUl saraly
plsaa yon. Com bars sarly Koa4ay an rst oa ef taa masy raal
arraU w ars offsrls- la Man's ana Womaa oft.
Three Specials for Monday in Women's Suits
taTany attractlv asw snodols
assr anatarlais, aaw aaadsa.
Thia vrioa is provlas? popular
saoanaa or tbs saoousat auauty
or materials aa
Tha ax axoaptlonal ralas.
Tn s&odsls ar oopU of tnaca
hiraar vrlo salts asw snafls
li .?.T. I?1. ... $ 1 950
Vsry latMt aoraltls la MTaaaaA
sty US f fla uaUty kiiar4
eaok aa aaaay axoavtloaal
a4l la sasolaar4 suits ar
ffr4 at tais sxto. Tksy ar
Sf?!1. .T1."!". $22JS0
$12.50 to $27.50
ry it rft fa sjiyl. fit
aa Xlalea. Vkl is ta ator taat ,
sua yo ta salt you ars stius
ta at a prle yea oaa afford to
pay. Meaday ws'r fatarlaaT
liaaa4 f Maa's aa Taa
Mas' alts antt a say tsraa.
at la.SO, ais. aa $ia.o. . jlU
tn aswsst stria aa4 pattaraa
$8. SO, f.10.75, ia.50
World's Uvsst Credit Ct&thier 1417 Douglas St.
Wt har received
another shipment of
3C9 b;:rted Asdressberg
BcIIer Canaries x
The last one of this season.
We osier them this week at the
Sseeitl Price 01 CO
ef csly, c:ch, uliuU
This la your last chance. Just
bow Is the right time to mate
canaries. Canary breeding; la very
lntereetlna gjid fasclnatlnr- Try
It once; It will pay you, too.
A copy of "Max OeUler'a Bird
Book." telling; you how to breed
canaries for pleaeure and profit
fre with every female.
.lax Geisler Bird Co.
1017 Far nam.
For Grip, Influenza
Coughs Sore Throat
GreeplDg chills and general lassi
tude are the first feeling of catch
ing Cold.
That's the time to get results
front Dr. Humphrey's "Seventy
sevea." Don't wait till your bones ache.
till you cough and sneece. have sore
throat and loOuems or It may take
Pleasant to take, handy to carry,
fits the vest pocket.
He and II. SO. at - all drucrlsts or
atmphx.r'i tiotiic. Madicla CJ . lsu
Nai:aiu buaat, New Yora. -
The Greatest Fraternal Event in the History of Omaha
The Opening and Dedication
By Druid Camp No. 24, W. O. W
of Their Magnificent
( At 24th and Ames Ave. .
Entire I'Jeek of April 0-10
Oraad Opaalns; aad Oaaarai j-ratar-
aal aTiffht.
All Candid atas for Cooucissloaar I
wui a rrat.
todara Weodjna of Amsrtca aad
Stoyal MalaBr m;ht.
jLMioat Order of U ailed Workman
aad Decree of Xoaor sTlrht.
TavmsjAAT jrzoaTT, Ana 9
Boyal Aroannm aad Xalfbt aad
I.adl of the ataooabee Vlarat.
rmisAT viaxT, dnrti
Zlks, Moos, Xae-lea. aXedmea aad
Omaha ) OoaaaU Bluffs BH.
By. Employee' Wlht.
0aeral W. O. W. and Woodmsa
Circle BlglU aad Oraad riaal.
JtBarr OBaVSro mil rrtat-OUa Bound Trip Ticket to Panama.
Paotfle latexaauoaal Kssoeitloa at Baa rrancleoo, CaL
S3 CO BTS aMAWD rKISa X.adys or OettUBM'i Oold Watoo.
Everybody come and have the one big time of your life.
Bring the ladies and let them have a share in the fun.
jjii.,..'ijl,is ,'. :.-JJUiiii 1 i Hi i . i 'V!M.mmwv,m i 'TfliiflifrTHIi
,. t .'c "a '
San Francisco ,
OW ..ii, The Missouri Valley's
SU 11 ER Greatest Fara Paper.
The leadlna flret-!aae Hole! ,
of fan fcYanc-lsoo whlrb has not
ralacd It. rate. 110,000 Copitt Weekly
Rooms from 11 & ter day up. ' r .
Direc t car lin. to Expoe.cloa y IS9 mil if Ommk. , ,
Send for tovMet and room
rhart slioatng prices of every