Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Image 16

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Byron Hastings Tells What an Acre
of Land Will Do Darin? Period
of Ten Tears.
Hi Irving thst frw people realise the
Increase In value of ncrrgje In A few
I'hort yearn, e dffin It advisable to fe
int some of hc Instances that have come
i r.4cr our observation during the last ton
1 ars.
In 1903 we purchased a tract of land at
Twenty-fifth avenue and Fort street for
t'fn per acre. Two years later we pur-
iasod the corner of Twenty-Jpurtli and
Kort street. similar tract of land, at
ll,'i an acre, rhowlnv an lnerease In
value In two years of $410 per acre, These
irnrla were subdivided Into lota that sold
lrom JJIj I) $v rr lot. Today they are
re'llns; frvin t7".) to SI .200 per lot.
Ten year ago you could purchase, acrra
vest of Miller park for $..00 and S600 per
acre. Today many of them are worth aa
r.Uh as t2.0no per acre.
One year ago a tract of land lying; only
a few Mocks north of Twenty-fourth and
IVrt streets wn purchased for 11,260 per
a re. This was subdfl Ided Into lota and
told readily aa high aa 11,200 per lot.
Twenty-two yeara ago thla name tract of
Inrd. or the tract Immediately aouth of It.
i vild have been purchased for S1B0 per
nrre. From tlila It la easy to se why
1'n.n that are prominent cltUens today i
are fortunate enough to have ona block
ti" ground for their homeslta. I
.n wm majoiw oi ins.anres. oi course.
these tracts of land that were purchased
ten years ago have all boen subdivided
li:to lots and are almost entirely built up,
Viit In order that anyono avail them
selves of this same opportunity they must
at this time go on the outskirts, which,
lrhapa, at times seems to he a hard
ship and too much self-denial.
Take o rkaurr tr.
In til early days It was a question as
lo whether Omaha would be s,,clty. To
day you are not taking- these chances.
The city Is steadily growing and anyone
v ho purchases an acre or two of land ad-
.micni o mo cuy can resi assurea tnai
they will receive a handsome profit. If
retained as a whole, or If they wait until
!he proper moment they can subdivide It
li'to lots and make from 600 to 1,0"0 per
The Western
Manufacturers of Umbrellas and Raincoats
VntbreUaa Recovered aud Repaired.
jmAnjLnAArijmASSwrrrtfW.Vi -i-n-
The Heating Plant in This Building
Installed by the
Heating and Plumbing
Sanitary Engineers
TrX. IJOI'O. 0O7.
fijiruini i.n n i-ii-ni.ri n nri-i-i
U-nj-ij- j-.i j rir n.r.r -.1 -
School of Dancing
one or the leading builders
Byron t?. Macims
rent profit during the course of few
short years.
Th mmmt trnutile with the mntorltv of
, pf op)e who apM.nUy are MgeP t0 rnaks
money Is that they do not want to pio
neer. They want modern facilities of
every kind and are not content to do as
the early aettlers dld-to purchase land
on the outskirts and wait fur the de
velopment in their direction.
We give aa an Instance the experience
of It. B. Wallace, 307 Hedtck avenue, who
In 1X9 purchased the aero of land on
which he la now living at a very small
consideration. It Is true that It Is hard
at times to put up with the incon
veniences, but today he has the advan-
tega of street car service, city water and
many of the Improvements enjoyed In tha
heart of tha city.
In the meantime he has raised a fam
ily, developed hi acre of land into a
beautiful home and made and received
Umbrelja Co.
1810 KT. M.IRV'M AVE.
- ...------,-
- - - --------
Attractive" New Halls for Rent.
Hisnrlal lUtm lo Clubs and
lrit at Tart Ira for Rental lhir
Ing Hummer Months.
Harrison k
In Charge of
See them for Farnam Street Property
Telephone Douglas 314
914-915-916 Omaha National Bank Building
the profit of the Increase In the value,
and toilny thin acre of land Is probably
worth U.OiO to say nothing of tl Im
provements thereon. In other words, Mr.
Wallace Is today Independent and Uvea In
comfort with beautiful surrounding. It
I a trent to talk with him and rj-e. how
dearly he loves his yeterdaya, even
thouph they were at times very trying.
A a Example of fialn.
There are only a few of our wealthiest
rllitom who can nfford to purchase Inrge
tracts' of land where they desire them
and make It their home. To Illustrate
how fsr-alRhled men of means ore, you
have only to take "Fairaeree," that
benutlfijl subdivision on West Hodge,
street, as an maini'lo.' A few years ago
when this land was placed on the mar
ket, many of cur best business men real
ised the beautiful location and what the
future was snd took advantago of the
opportunity to buy one to five acres of
land; and while some have todav ererted
beautiful homes and are llvl there,
others are landscaping and developing
to the highest form their holdings In or
der that In the near future, when street
car service and other convenleneea are
Installed, that they may heva a large
sWjIece of land to live on. This develop-
trent has caused in advance of from ITOO
to S00 ner ace. original purchase price,
to from S2,0(V) to SJ.000 per acre.
Where can anyone make a more hand
some profit than t buy suburban acre
agi? There are. If space would allow,
many other Instances, and locations, that
might be mentioned in regard to quick
sdvancement In values, out t3 the think
ing public it is only necessary to call
attention to the existing conditions In an
acre near Omaha to have them appreci
ate the rahte and growth of our city, and
the advantage of Investing In close-in
acreagb well located.
Locating- the Trouble.
The floorwalker said to the manager
of the shoe department:
"I had the doagondest time with my
furnace this-mornlng."
"What was wrong with UT"
"I couldn't get a Mt of heat In the din
ing room, and I couldn't understand It."
"What did you do?"
"I went down Into the collar and took
off a part of the pipe, but that was all
right." ,
"Huh!" .
."And then I examined the check damper
and that was all right."
"Then I looked at the draft and that
was all right." 1 .
"Well, well!" '
"Finally, after working about an hour
I found out what the trouble was."
"What was It?"
"The dining room register was turned
off." I-oulsvltle Times.
- i
v. II :
J !
Maker and
Designer of.
head of one of omaha's bio
a(- .v... 'it."' 1
Still Has a Line
On Omaha Property
The Internatlcnii! Realty association,
the Investment comnany composed of
leading members of the National Asso
ciation of Real Estate Exchanges, still
has In mind the purchase of. a tract of
property In Omaha.. It has practically nn
option on a piece of ground offered by
Byron -Hastings a week ago. Parties have
wired, however, that they are considering
some property In Minneapolis also. They
have recently made a purchase In Kansas
gtrenigtbens sore Back.
Helps Kidneys,
Take sis drops of Moan's Liniment four
times a day and apply to entail of back.
It kills the pain. All druggists. Adver
tisement. JHIfeJeaaa
Joe Saunders Advocates Seeking
Professional Advice When About
to Buy Property for a Home.
"The majority of nil the wealth in the ' good enough or Is too good for the nelgh
fnlted States lies In real estate. It Is ! borhood, It may be extremely hard to sell.
. .... Pitfalls such as this must be guarded
natural then that the business of the anit
real estate man la of the utmost Im-1 .v ,!n ' t0 thvst, lUf fart tnat th ,r(al
portance," save Joe E. Saunders of the j work and numerous Items of detail are
Paunders company, I2ir.-1 Woodmen of looked after by the broker., and it will
the World building. He Is strongly of
the belief that the better class of real
estate men have as exacting and neces
sary a business as a dealer in clothing,
and his standing as a professional man.
In the supplying of exjiert real estate
advice and service, compares favorably
with the lawyer. Continuing, Mr. Saun
ders adds:
"When you homo hunters go on the
war path In search of a home there Is
one way In you reign supreme.
lou Know wnei uppeais lo you as win,,. m . . . , ... . ,k - ,ne
comfortable and attractive, "lou have j Rea, fxch&nKft a,t Wednesday,
the final decision on that very Important ,f aavorlltf.d R oop in the present -down-matter,
but. since you are Investing good . . HUt,,rt wh.r. . .... .ouid mak(,
American money In your home, there is
more for you to know.
"You need the special expert knowledge
that comes of daily study and experience,
that the modern, well posted real estate
specialist offers you. Your decision Is of
course final, and, to repeat, you are the
only one who knows what appeals to
your Ideaa of comfort and attractiveness,
hut his advlce-and help cover very Im
portant considerations. For instance, he
gives jrou access to:
''Complete, lists and knowledge of prop
erties on the market.
"His expert opinion on the values of the
"Ground values.
"Resale possibilities of the property.
"Les;al work and1 detail connected with
a transaction.
"The advantage of having access . to
a large list of properties on the market
Is readily recognized. The value of the
house Itself Is usually a technical ques
tion that the average buyer feels that he
ran, at best, only guess at. lie should
be told why it has value.
"The ground value Is also of great Im
portance and as difficult for the layman
to arrive at with any exactness. , The
better real estate offices have a vast
amount of Information and experience
with ground prices and values In all lo-
-I I'v e tr f
, rj
-as', j Aimtm '
e am
Quality and Service Assured
Come in and Look
Demonstrations Made by Appointment
Murphy and O'Brien Auto Co.
19th at Farnam Street. Telephone Tyler 12$
ralitles that make It possibla for them
to make such close and comprehensive
comparisons aa to arrive at a definite
value of a lot.
"The work of careful estimating of
values should ba carried even further
snd the resale possibilities of the prop
erty considered. It Is a . well recognised
fact that if you buy. a house that does
not correspond with style-and the prices
of the surrounding homes. Is either not
be understood why the up-to-date realty
firm's services are becoming more and
more highly useful and prof.tsble."
we are ever to have a permanent
business district In Omaha we,' must have
HUIIKIIIUOli .W Vl.uio run. .
,ald John U McC.r,e. president of the
town district where all cars would make
the turn and start back - to points of
"Then," said Mr. MeCague. "the car
that comes from Albright, for example,
will come downtown, make the loop and
go back to Albright, The car thai cornea
from Fremont, .when the ir.terurbans
shall extend that far.- will come in. make
the loop, and go back. But Just as sure
as you don't establish a loop, the business
district will continue , to go westward.
That Is what la, the matter with Kansas
City now. Kansas City Is literally on
Model War Petltloa.
All these prayers that, precede the. de
parture of armies pale Into Insignificance
when compared with the few stirring
words that Shakespeare wrung from tha
heart of Henry V. You recall them:
O God of battles! steel my soldiers'
Possess them not with fear; take from
them now
The sense of reckoning. If th' oppos'd
Pluck their hearts from them!
That was strong stuff.
And after the - king had risen and
dusted off Ills knees he went out and won
the battle, and made a lot of deathless
history to say nothing, of a deathless
play. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
,v in 1 i ut
' (it , 1 . 1
1 n - 1
' '"taJE? . .....
Suite 305 Lyric Bid.
It Takes the Experienced Rental
Man to Handle the Many Affairs
Connected with Property.
Ry C. 1. MATTsOS. j
Doe my property pay? U not, why
not?" This question, concerns every
property owner. To answer it, "Who
manages your property?"
Do you, the owner, with varied Inter
ests, manage It yourself? Does one of
the clerks In your"offlce "look after"
things? Docs your attorney. In his upai-e
moments, try to follow up affairs? Dock
an experienced friend or agent handle ,
your property? Or Is it under the care
of a, responsible firm who makes a spe
cialty of the managing of property?
Managing rertlng property. Is a busi
ness and not a side Issue. Your doctor
and yout attorney can handle your cas,.
better than you yourself. It U eqt:a ly true
specialists in the management ' of prop-
t,A noltlr.IT
- - ...
ing business. They are acquainted with
the laws pertaining to the landlord an J
tenant, and can negotiate all transac
tions impartially. They are experienced
In handling tenants, doing promptly
what Is necessary; holding good tenants
and their confidence. They act aa ad
juster between the landlord and tenant,
avoiding friction, and at the same time
securing a larger net Income from the
Investment. They know what Is reason-
j ab)B ,n a, an(J what conmtlon ,0
keep property for the beet results. They ,
can save the owners on repairs; having
their own repair rnen and knowing tho
condition of the property at all times,
know Just vViat material to use, and at
tend to them promptly. Their office Is
a clearing house for prospective tenants
to get what, they want with very little
trouble They are always on the Job;
taking care of the plumbing, the plaster
falling from the ce!llng, the careless Jan
itor, and the thousand and one thlnps
that happen In the average building
which require prompt attention; with the
result of satlf-fled tenants and happ;.'
owners. '
Sigmund Landsberg
Pianist, Cdmposer
and Instructor
Phone Douglas 6648.
Suite SOS X.yrlo Bonding,
lath and ranuun streets.
Miss Loretta De
Lone, recently Solo .
Harpist of several
of the larger Sym
phony Orchestras,
announces that dur
ing the coming sea
son she will engage
principally in Reci
tal,Concert,Church Work and Teach
ing. Harps Furnished for rractjee.
Free) Term 8cholarthip Offer
' v ed and Use of Harp.
To Students Interested, Apply
at Studio April Bib, 0th, 7th.
them over
219 South Nineteenth St.
Phone Douglas 78