Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 15-A, Image 15

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11) A
A"ii i rv . -.rr-, i v t f i.ij - f i i , , ,
(PMrBKH . X- Jj. A eT j- "W
JjL . - , jma
Your lawn should have a reseeding of our Stand
ard Grass Seod and Fertilizer to insure a perfect
green lawn for the entire season. Ask for Catalog.
Stewart's Seed Store
119 North Sixteenth Street. .
Phone Douglas 977. Opposite Postoffice.
Ornamental Trees and Shrubs
Also Fruit Trees and Small Fruits OF OUll OWN GROWING.
StronK Concord Orapn Vines,. fiOc per .dozen. 3.00 per 100.
FIRST CLASS APPLE TREES, 3 ft., 10c. 4 to 6 ft., 15c.
Heavy Apple Trees, 6-7 ft., 35c each.
A large Btock or Dwarf Mulberry in all sizes at greatly reduc
ed prices. Large assortment of other hedge plants.
Large stocks of Shrubs and Roses. . We save you 30 of the
agents' prices. .
WRITE, CALL or PHONE Benson 534.
Office and Salesground, 61st and Riggs Streets.
Benson-Omaha Nurseries
P. J. FLYNN, Proprietor
C SNYDER & SONS of Atlantic, Iowa,
are going to close out
5 acres 'of thoroughbred
Senator Dun lap straw
berry plants at wholesale
prices. They muBt be
closed out by lay 16,
and to do so we are go-(
ing to send to any ad
dress -800 thoroughbred
Senator Dunlap plants
for $1.20 postpaid, - or
$1.00 by Express, F. O.
B., 1.000 plants $2.50
by express, 100 plants
50c by express, or 60c
by mall, postpaid. All
plants are new plants
and dug from new beds,
well rooted and are sure
to grow. A few quarts
sold will pay tor them.
Free catalogue. Tells how to grow them.
.The niggest and Bent Line of all kinds of Fruit, Shade
and Ornamental -Trees, Small Fruits and Klirubery ever seen
c sold In Omaha win be on sale, starting: Monday, April 5th.
Apple Trees, 10c and up; Cherry Trees, 16c and up; Grapes,
5c and up; Currants, 10c and up.' Roses by the thousand,
from 10c and up. Other stock as low. Must be sold.
What are known to many as tender varieties of the hydran
gea are not all as tender as is generally supposed. Many of1 them
are in a degree' hardy In a latitude south of Illinois and only
require a slight .protection of coarse manure or litter to protect
the tender shoots which produce the flower buds. When this pro
jection is given it should be allowed to remain until all danger
of frost is past.
North of this latitude most varieties are easily killed, and to
avoid this they should be kept in tubs or large flower pots In a
frost-proof cellar during winter. When removed from the cellar
they should go into light and heat somewhat gradually, which will
insure a greater and more prolific foliage and bloom.
When the plant has started nicely there should be a littlo
liquid manure given the plant twice a month at first, and then
once a week, and later two or three times a week. It requires
plant food to nourish a plant of this type and make it produce
flowers in abundance.
' Pink flowers sometimes change to blue. This is due to cer
tain properties in the soil- , A pink or blue flower may be changed
to the other color by placing a few iron filings or small nails 1"
the soil, or by mixing a little soot with the earth about the roots.
Powdered alum mixed with the top dressing of earth in a
hydrangea tub if applied in small quantities will change the col
ors as well as soot or iron. Stnall lumps of alum are better tha i
the powder, as the soil with its moisture can absorb Just what is
If rose bushes are ragged and sickly owing to the attack of
slugs, the blossoms will be poor, faded ones, but if care has been
given the bushes to prevent disease or attack from injurious in
sects, the bloom will be full and brilliant, and the perfume will
not only be stronger, but more delicately scented. If you own
roses you must own a gun and keep some Insect powder in the
house ready for the peats. Apply it at night, to cath the little
creatures awake and at work and to get the assistance of nature
through the moisture.
It would be well to examine even the small fruit or orna
mental trees, and if they are Infested with ants or any other kind
of insects give them a shot of the powder. It Is not unlawful to
discharge this sort of a gun, and' there is no license charged for
carryng one.
The most essential part of your landscape plant
ing is getting exactly what you want, and hav
ing the planting so grouped that it will fit and
harmonize with the building and surroundings.
One Hour from the Nursery Row
to Your Ground
Another essential part of the work Is having
the treea and shrubs delivered promptly. Our
Nurseries are In the city limits and the stock
can be delivered to you In one hour from the
time it is dug. Our landscape architect will
be pleased to call on you, giving Instructions
what and how to plant.
Our Nursery Stock
was never finer than it is this
year. Everything you want
you can get here. Bring this
and with you and get a free
souvenir with each purchase.
Sales Ground Cor. 17th and. Dodge Sts.
Rear of Hay dens Store.
i ' J . V.A.-"
One of the little things commonly overlooked in the garden
is careful, marking of both vegetables and flowers in order
that one may keep tabs on varieties, dates, yields, colors and
so forth. How often one sees an empty seed packet on a stick
or held down by a stone as the only garden record! It does not
take long to learn that such a makeshift tag will be blown
away or obliterated by the mud and rain. When 106 eight
Inch garden labels can be bought for 35 cents there is no ex
cuse for the gardener who does not know when and where lio
has put everything that growa in his garden. A more expen
sive, but more convenient form of label Is a small plate placed
at a convenient angle on an upright iron stake; on this a
record card can be kept plainly visible, but protected from thii
elements. - . ' .
If you have not made a planting plan In advance secure
a good-elied armful of stakes; pieces of shingle, or kindling .
strips, or whip of willow or birch bofore you begin to sow
seeds. Stick them up along one edge, marking off with eao'
. the apace for one variety of seed.
If you haven't a reel and a marking line, by all means get
a ball of atout twine, and f couple of, short atloks. For rowg of
plants, or for such seeds' as are not planted with the seed drill,
a one-row marker may be made by nulling or bolting a atrip
of Inch ttuff to the wheelbarrow. A regular marker may be
made easily with a aix-foot strip of two-by-two-inch pine and
a half dosen twelve-inch spikes. Find the center of the strip
and make marks six lnchee from the center on each side; theu
make marks erery twelve Inches each way to the end. Bore
six holes slightly smaller than the spikes and drive these Into
place. Fasten a handle to the strip.
Probably nothing will so cut down the gardener's work,
take It the season through, .as bright, sharp tools. After us
ing; them wipe them off with a few old pieces of burlap and
then ao over them .with a cloth well soaked with oil. Have a
good flat file, costing 15 or 20 cents, with which (Jb "touch up"
your hoes, wheel-hoe attachments and so forth, as they be
come dulled through use. " If the heads of any of your tool
become loose half a day's soaking in a pall of water will
usaally tighten them np. if the garden Is not handy to the )
tool shed much time may be saved by getting a substantial
dry-floods box of convenient else,' fitting It up with a pair of
cheap hinges and a couple of shelves, and giving It a coat of
paint; It will make a miniature tool house to be kept at the
head of the garden.
Guaranteed in Every Way Prices Right
Be sure that the order blank reads: Meperay-Oniuhu Nursery Co. Do not be confused by
a similarity of names. Also beware of misrepresenting salesmen. We are repreHcnted in Omaha,
South Omaha and Council Ulufts by the salesmen named below, only: F. VV. Menerny, A. O.
Meneray, M. Jackson, C. L. Clark, J. Hoeldoble t, V. Majevbky and W. A. Webber. If solicited
by other salesmen, claiming to represent us, phone our office before ordering.
We are the Old Establtuhed Meneray Nursxrles, since 18GX. only large growers In the vici
nity of Omaha or Council Bluffs, l'.e sure your order reaches ua.
I'M .State Hang B1(1k. 11 ion Y)!t 1 10 1.
Omaha, Nel.
.J 1st Strt-H and Avenue A. Ihne 87a.
Council Bluff n, low a.
Wire and Iron Fences and Gates for Lawn, Garden and Poul
try Yards. Trellises for vines and roses. Grape Arbors. Flower Borders
Clothe Poets
Iron and Wire
Window . Guard
Screen IHwr Guards
Send for Catalogue
Wire .Irene
Summer Houm'k
ChuIrN and Setter
, Trve and Flower Guards
Lawn Vases
CHAMPION IRON U WIRE WORKS, 15th and Jackion. Tel. Doug. 1590
A subscriber asks how to Induce an oleander to bloom each year, saying that the plant h
failed uDder his care. '
The oleander la not a difficult shrub to grow, and utually under proper culture it will bloom
each year. The plant requires plenty of root space, and Is set In either a large flower pot, or a tub
niade especially for such plants.
Successful Lawn
Requires a variety of
grass adapted to the
soil. Let our service
department help you ,
make your lawn a ;
good one.
The Nebraska Seed Co.
Douglas 1261,
1613 Howard Street
U awiui lb
brat whea tt
lalv th rooiit f-
fortlv ir. iai wh.n thing. h.. to
tm ion, to In kmplng rhli .tn. Ira
rem Y-rniln ni prarantlOK ttwlr minor
dlpordrrg from booming vpldtmln or
Lw'i Klllfr nd Omnionf ir
m.nti.l. to ikt,'i n-ttlt poultry. The
former la .Imply .nr.r4 ar patntr4 on
rtot. and hills all ln,U th.ra u
wll h. lira an (ha blla af tho
chlofcna rooattat ar V actl.? lag
mltte, att. Na handllni. diwtlng. dip
ping or fr.tnr Uamioion. Ii gln
In Iba drinking wat.r. It purldra the
wmtxr and rmtlt It anmnli annta
(Ion (rum ona to the ntli.ra. It eoun
teracta muitr or .rolled load. 1 It pre
vent, aad rell.Tea bowel trouble. It la
a ready remeilr (or roup, rnlda, ewelird
nat, ranker or akin dleteec.
Convealealrr obtainable t moat very
eltjr or towa.
Oat Mr In l"eultry Bonk.
E0. H. LEE CO., Hlri. Oat.., Nek.
lf? - , " 3'- s
Cyclone Sanitary
Lawn Fence
Is llio hlahoht artdo trnc on
ths market heavier, ntrono
rr in closer spaced than any
other. Complete, erected on
wood post. 2S rents per lineal
foot and up.
Wa carry a full. Ilea of wire,
and Iron, fences and aatea,
trellises for rosea and vtnaa.
flower bed bordors, fonco
taya. carbo ateel posts for
fluid fenclna. Com. In and
see the line and Krl our low
prices. Send for catalogue.
807 jr. m. . '
Fhooa Bad 814. .
S0 lavjb inieSS Sill
FREE Dooklct
V have preparetl a
fine little booklet un
der the title-
It telln . how to make
old lawna new. what
kind of gratia aocda to.
uan, and contain muh
Information about treea
ahruba and pliinta.
lJmp ua a postal card
Wa Will Mail You Copy
Choice Naw Crop Heed at Uiw Pricee.--Kentucky
Bltta Chraaa ... lb. JOoj lb., il.00
WWta Dutch Clover. . . . lb. Oo i B lba. a.85
Bwara-raaa Uwi Qraaa . . lb. JSo j B lba. JI.O0
Shady Flaoa Uwn Otaaa . lb. 8l B lba. l.BO
Terraoa liawa Ormaa... lb. BSol lba. $1.60
nborba Home Oraae . . lb. aoo; lba. 1.00
Postpaid to aoy home ia OoaTia at.
abOTa price. ' .
Matrons la etha Wabraaka towna add
4o Vr pound for poatare,
Dcs Moines, Iowa
An Acre of Ground with
a Brand New House
This acre home can be bought on easy term
small cash payment; balance like rent.
Large vineyard,' big crop of grapes last yeai1;
balance of soil fine for truck gardening.
Will take you to see this any day
net week if you'll phone us.
ffiankrrs jRfaltn gnurstmmt tf cmpanu
(rtiiind Ho'nr lev IliiiWIInR.
Teleilmne DtiiiK. !2il. ,
Back Yard Garden
This page will tell
you how to do it
and where to buy
Seeds, Shrubbery, Etc.