8 THE nKH: OMAHA, SATI'RDAV, 'APRIL 3. 1915 ROBERTS BRANDED AS CRIMINAL CHIEF Teire Haute Prosecutor Say Mayor Had Finger in "All the Dirty Outrage." EVERYBODY DID IT FOR MONEY INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., April 2. After Judge Anderson, in the Vniled States district court, had overruled notions to Instruct the Jury to brine in verdicts of not guilty, Milton W. Mangus, assistant Vnited States dis trict attorney yesterday began the opening argument in the trial of the Terre Haute election fraud case. Each Bide was given ten hours for argu ments, which means that the case 111 not go to the Jury until late Mon day or Tuesday of next week. aa Kllilrnrr Insufficient. Clarence Nichols, attorney for William Doyle and George Woodall, moved that the court Instruct the Jury, to bring In a verdict of not guilty for hla clients, on the ground that the evidence Introduced against them by the government was not suf ficient to constitute a prima facie case. A. O. Stanley, attorney for Mayor Donn M. Roberts and the majority of the twenty-right defendants, made a similar motion on behalf of George Zovern, Pearly McKay, Andrew O'Brien, Joseph O'Mara and Richard Knuckey. Jery Present. After t'nltcd Ststes District Attorney Palley hsil siokcn In opposition to both (notions Judge Anderson luitde hla ruling. He stated that the evidence against Doyle waa the weakeat link In the chain, but that It was sufficient to be given to the Jury to decide. The Jury was not present luring the consideration of the motions. "Donn nt.rta was tiie real leader of the conspiracy and had hla flngor In all Die dirty outrages." Mr. Mangus aaserted. "He had direct charge of the con spirators." He ssacrted that money waa the motive for the conspiracy and that "loyalty to party waa no excuse for the many Crimea commlttecd In connection with the elec tion of November 3. ISM In Terra Haute." He. said I'll H. Redman Joined the con spiracy for the aalnry he would receive aa judge; that the city employe entered It In order to hold their position and, draw their pay: snd that tho saloon keepers and gamblers were In the conspiracy be cause of the favors they would obtain from the city administration. No Loophole Left. Vr. Mangus referred to the testimony of Policeman Thomas Barry and Detec tive Fred Armstrong, who were called by the defense and on cross-examination gave evldenre favorublo to the govern ment as 'The evidence that made the rase undhpulablc and the opportunity for the government to foreclose on the de fendants, if they had no gap luft for esrsrie." .' HpraMrn of the suventy-nlne of the tlKhtyy-lsht who have pleaded guilty, that nrreared wlrneaea for the govern ment, ifr. Mansa sa'd: . . 'Kor. nniny of thet It was the first opportunity of their lives to rorrie into court and t-H t!ic truth. Fraud had been their livelihood and they had ben told that the sheriff, the courta and the police were with them. Tot', "entlemen of the Jury, could see the Kladness on their facea as they came here to the wltneas tand. confessed their crimes snd light ened their conscience without receiving any promises of Immunity or leniency whatever from the government, Arc of Two t'lnaara, "The witnesses for the defence were of two rlnssea first those thnt were U la honest and perjured themeclvea; anil ser ond, the hotxst men who on no.-ex-amlnstlon hud to admit the real cilinlnul eta of the defendants." The asuUtant district attorney spoka for two hours. Five attomoys for the de fense will speak and Mr. Dalley will ion dude for the government. RUSSIA'S GIFT TO FRANCE The photograph shows M. Millerand, the French war minister, and the Russsian military attache at Paris, with Princess Narischine, inspecting ambulances presented to the French army by the czar's country. ARMIES ARE MARKING TIME1 SiJaXX&SUllU,UJMJttlmi i vw) v 1 . " rt &; 1 s it o jp Lfi ( Vrx l-v - t i'-n I h-i .-.in immmiwmamm. J III 1 1 1 III ISSII U ,1'MMaj,. I mm m. wtMHAJM jAC&triltiim Zafciaiiif ilKSEk . toiW.. aa.AArge- Official Report Give Little Newt of Importance of Operations on Either Front MINE WARFARE IN THE WEST Beer Only Article Taken Aboard the Eitel Not Limited WASHINGTON, April 2. Secre tary Daniels announced tonight that the naval board appointed to ' de termine the amount of roal, food and other supplies allowed to the 1'rlnz Kitel Frledrlch hnd completed Hi task. . No Information was vouch safed as to the extent to which the Eltel will be permitted to provision, or aa to how much longer It will be permitted to stay at Newport Newa. Secretary Daniels admitted, how ever, that the naval board limited the amount of every commodity to be taken aboard, with one exception beer. NEWPORT NEWS, Va., April 2 Sixteen hundred tona of coal enough to take It to the nearest Ger man port had been placed aboard the cruiser Prlns Eltel Frledrlch to night, and Captain Tblerlchens was preparing to take stores aboard Sun day. While he told frlenda be waa much relieved, now that hla ship waa coaled, be declined to discuss bis plana and the immediate rourse of hla raider still waa problematical. During the day local government officials were In communication with Washington and Collector Hamilton conferred with Captain Tblerlchens on board the Oerman ship, then with Hear Admiral Helm, commander of the Atlantic reserve fleet. At a late hour nothing had been learned con cerning the conferences. Through out the day and tonight the James river was patrolled by American sailors In a launch from the battle ship Alabama while coast artillery men kept guard at the Eltel'a pier. TT R TTrcrPQ MoYi'nn City Neutralized; ; ...-VillaBide Willing WASHINGTON. April L With the hope ot securmg permanent protection for the IS.OOO foreigner In Mexico City the Vnited HI a tea government has proposed to the Villa-Zapata forces and to General Car ransa that the Mexican capital be de clared neutral tm outside the field of operations hereafter In Mexico's civil war. The Vllla-Zapata forcee have agreed to the propoaai and are willing to evacuate the city aa soon aa a similar agreumant Is obtained with the Carratia authorities, wno rc now oeing negotiated wiin. On General Carransa depends also whether or not the effort of the United State to neutralise the railway between Mvxlro CMy and Vera Ous shall stand, aa the Tilla-Zapata offirlala have. likewise Uven their assent to Oils proiiosaL The plan with respect to Mexico City -contemplates an arrangement whereby order would b maintained there t y a local council, made up of prominent real Jnta selevted b mutual agreement be tween the opposing factions. Grinnell.Glee Club Songs Please Crowd Nearly 0 persons enjoyed the concert iven by the Grinned College Ol- club at ulght at Uis Klrst Congregations! church. Nearly every number rivvn was the signal for warm applause, but It was the offering of "Masaa's In De Col' Col' Ground." ana the "Hanjo Song- that ere ted Vhe beot tuiraton of toe club. The CJrinn. ll uu club baa been In ex istence ainca IKH and Is one of the but , organisations of Its kind In the sol. It makes a tour of the country annually, for the benefit of the college. Lat Bights rrotrrain woe under the auspices of the Ladies' society of the church. Pay Honor to Memory Of Iron Chancellor UK RUN (Via London). April 1-Almoet for the first tlma since the outbreak of the war Berlin today wore the appear ance of festivity, the occasion being the itlebratUm of the MDth anniversary of fcijuusnk's birth. Th whole city waa veritable blase of color even more gaily than for the biggest victories. America Demands Indemnity for the , . Frye from Germany WASHINGTON. April I.-Indemnlty for the full value ot the American ship William P. Frye, destroyed at sea by the German converted cruiser Prlns tit el Prtedrich, has been 'formally re quested front Germany by the United States ' government ' . ' Actlntf Secretary Lansing announoed to day' that a note on the subject had been sent to Ambassador Gerard for presenta tion to the foreign office at Berlin. Tending Its receipt In Berlin the docu ment wilt not be made public, but It was described officially today as a recital ot the facts and a premutation ot a claim for.damagea on behalf of the owners of the vessel. No representations were msde concern ing the cargo, since It was established after an Investigation by the Btata de partment that It was sold en route and waa British owned at the time of the sinking. Navy's Most Expert Divers Are on Their Way to Honolulu NBW YORK. April 2.-Flve navy de partment divers left the navy yard here early today for Honolulu to uld In rais ing the lout submarine K-t. The party was headed by George I. MilNnn, ihlof gunner's mate. The others were Frank Crllloy, Kredolln O. C. Nlclson, Ktcphen J. Urslllashak and William F. Ixjuh man, all gunners' mates. Rtlllson is said to be one ot the moit expvrt divers in the world, and Drelllahnk holds the world's record for dupth In diving. An airlock. In which to place them after their return to the surface after a deep dive, was among the equipment they carried. "The F-4, according to dispatches we have received, lies In fifty fathoms of water," said Htlltson, as the party left. "While that Is exceedingly deep for sub marine operat-ons, I feel confident that our men will be equal to the task." "I muy come home In a wooden ki mono." snld Drellllahak. "but I will stick It out to the end." WASHINGTON, April ii. Five of thb Navy department s most expert divers, equipped with special diving apparatus, were on their way today to 8nn Fran cisco, bound for Honolulu, where they will assist In the work of raising the sunken submarine, F-4. They are ex pected to reach Han Francisco Monday nlKht, and tho trip to Honolulu will be mado on the cruiser Maryland. Advices to the department todny from Roar Admlr4l Moore at Honolulu, in charge of the work of raising the sub marine, said that efforts to that end were being continued pending the arrival of the divers. All British Cabinet Members Agree to Go on Water Wagon LONDON. April .-The king's abstemi ous example Is being rapidly followed, for In addition to Earl Kitchener, all the cabinet ministers In London announced to Chancellor ' Lloyd-George yesterday) according to the Daily Mall, their Inten tion to follow the king's pledge to abstain from alcoholic liquors during the war, If it Is thought necessary... Among other prominent men who will do likewise are Earl Brassey, Baron Cowdray, Baron Sydenham, Sir Charles W. MacAra, chairman of the committee of the International Federation ot Master Cotton spinners and manufac turers' association and the heads of many of the hlg manufacturing firms. , Earl Grey writes to the Times, sug gesting that the government should take over all the licensed houses In specified districts, as It has already taken over the railways and factories, giving1 the license holders a fair compensation, and either cloning the houses altogether or administering them on reformed principles. CHESS EXPERTS TO TRY THE BLINDFOLD GAME Frank J. Marshall. United Ptstes ehess champion. In his simultaneous perform ance at the Omaha Chess and Checker club a few weeks ago started some local experts to emulate his work. Last Sat urday evening La Rue Williams, the local champion, played, thirteen games simultaneously. Beven of the outside players won their games, one drew and only five were beaten. Mark M. farmer wilt attempt the sim ultaneous stunt asrninst all comers next Saturday evcnlnR, April 3, at the local club, 21 Continental building. Those who wish to piny should bring their sets of men if convenient, as there may not be sufficient club sets to accommodate all. Mr. Coyle, former champion of Iowa. Is a bllndfcld player, and has promised to undertake the feat of playing six games simultaneously without seeing the boards at some future date not fixed. Investors with money teat) the Real Estate ads in The Bee. Advertise your property for a quick sale. LONDON. April 2.-The official war re ports contain little news today, and that which they do give relates only to opera tion of minor Importance. Mine warfare ha been In progress at many points in the west, and at other points there have been artillery duels ano occasional In fantry attacks, but nothing that has In any way approached the proportions ot a battle. In the east the smiles stand about as tliey were. The fighting in north Poland ha been of a desultory character, both sides apparently having given up any Idea of advancing for the present. In centrat Poland, however, the Russians arc show ing a certain liveliness. The German offlclsl reports for the last two days have noted attempts of the Russian troops to resume the offensive on the Rawka river, while Vienna re ports a severe attack by the Russians In the vicinity of the Plllca river, which they claim to have repulsed. Thexe movements doubtless have been undertaken to prevent the Auntrlsns and Germans from sending reinforcements fi-om this front to strenpthen the armies which are trying to hold the Carpathian passes against the onslaught of the Rus sians, who dally report the capture of a large number of prisoners, but who sp parcntly are making very slow headway In the operations against Lupkow and 1'xsok parses. The Russians also are nlowly pushing the Turks back In the Caucasus. Belgrade has sgaln been bombsrded by Austrian guns, while Austrian airmen have dropped bombs on Cettlnje, the Montenegrin capital. The operations of the allied warships In the Dardanelles are still In a state of abeyance. Tinware to Allison. The Chicago club has released Out fielder Peter Allison to the Memphis club of the Southern league. PIMPLY? WELL, DON'T BE! People Notice it. Drive Them Off With Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. A pimply face will not embarrass you much longer if you get a package of Dr. I-M wards' Olive Tablets. The skin should begin to clear after you have taken the tablets a few nights. Cleans tho blood, tho bowels and the liver with Olive Tablets. Dr. Kdwartls' Olive Tablets are the successful substitute for calomel there's never any sickness or psln aftor taking them.- Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do that which calomel does, and Just as effec tively, but their action Is gentle and aafe Instead of severe and Irritating. No one who takes Olive Tablets Is ever cursed with "a dark brown taste," a bad breath, a dull, listless, "no good" feeling, constipation, torpid liver, ba1 disposition or pimply face. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a pure ly vegetable compound mixed with olive oil, you will know them by their olive color. Dr. Edwards spent years among na tients afflicted with liver and bowel complaints and Olive Tablets are the Immensely effective result Take one or two nightly for a week. Pee how much better you feel and look. lc and 2Rc per box. All druggints. The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus, O. MESS lip Fli a EflgTEB i "ore EY IcSilEJOT lULlJJimsiiisiisj UJUMflMnbHBl sm.mjsi siiii,MMj,.i y fiitjL.ssws TEBMS mi p( You don't have to wear your last year's suit or dress Easter. We will trust you for a new one and you can pay a little down, then $1 a week. Ladies' Suits All wool and the lat est styles, from $11.0.1 up. Ladies' Dresses New lot just in, in silk and wool, from $fl.7." up. LadieR' Coats The new, snappy kind, in serge, poplin, chinchilla and mixtures, from $H,50 up. Large lineDf Ladies' Hats, Skirts. Waists, Petticoats to select from at the right prices. Buy your Men's Suits now. All the new models are now ready to select from. Prices from $.50 to '.K). Get the boy an Easter Suit. We have the largest assortment we ever had to pick from. Prices from $2.00 to $0.50. Men's and Boys' Hats and Shoes. $100 a WEEK THEAB?LL Honest Credit for Honest People Union rtf i tti ri cr r OMAHA t Vj a.t.tgK.I5!f WACK50N 5T5. (rOBMEBX.Y PEOPLES' BTOBX.) i e.r as ;i Apartments, flats, houses and cot tages rented quickly by a Bee Want Ad. POLITICAL ADVKRTIHIXU POLITICAL ADVERTISING, POLITICAL ADVERTISING. k POLITICAL ADVERTISING. Austria for Peace, Says Russ Journal PI2TROURAD (Via London!, April t The Rusaky Stovoe prints a note Intimating- that the Ruaalan government has been approached through neutral chan nels with overtures from Austria for a separate peace without Germany's knowledge. Washington Affairs Kmersency currency amounting to tts . lKI.Sba waa outataudlna at live rloae of buaineas. according to an announcement b the comptroller of the currency. Secretary Daniels has awarded a medal of honor and 1 1 in) to Tel.-aforo Trinidad fireman, swond class, for herotam In leM-iiln two aliipmatea when fire room explosiuna on the cruiser Stn !l-go. off lh cant of lowa-r California last Janti ary, killed nine men and threatened the Uvea uf all .aboard. Trinidad a home la In I'avlte, I. I. The rh h augar content of beet and a hlh pvrcentaso of estrailn heljed make a good irop of U-rt auger In (he l ulled Hates In the campaign beginning In 114, the Itepartinent of Agriculture announced, production amount, d to Ui - short tona, or about n.duu tons leas than In The area harvested waa 4m . M at rea and the a. re yield eleven tons the largest since IM. Acting ervtry Newton of the treuV urv announced that he had written to Ouvernor VY human of New York setting forth the advantngea to he obtained by New York t'tiy and the country at large from a traasUr .f control ot tbe New ork atate quarantine atation 4 the fed eral govcrnmrnt. New lurk la irtuaUy the only tiiipuriant port In (he country where iuaran(ine stilt la under state control. Clears Skin Steps j All Blood Trouble, Goes Right Down to When; the Germs Start From, V v. t r r 10s The action of 8. R ft, the famous bloo purifier. Is notable In the akin. It Is but natural that blood Impurities should seek an outlet. Water, gas. oil and nearly all the active products of naturt seek the surface. It seems to be a cos mic law. Even our thoughts will un dertake to And expression. And so what, ever we take Into our system will even, tually come out changed In form. con. verted often Into some other substance but constituting; always either waatt or that which has served Its useful pur. pose and muat be eliminated. And th skin Is the principal avenue for escap of certain acids or poisons. If the skin and blood be healthy, these wastes paa off as vspor or perspiration. But Ira pure blood loads the skin with ecsema plmplea, acne, rheumatlam. raah, fevei bliaters, blood risings and other erup tions. And a a 8. has been found the very beat, safeat and moat effective ' remedy to purify the blood and thus re-' tore the skin to clear and attractive I Health. Uet a bottle today of any drug, giat, but be emphatic Do not allow any one to hand vou a aubatltute. Wraoped around the bottle Is sn Interesting clr, rulsr that telle you how to obtain skill, ful advice free on any subject concern Ing the bloed. H. R a la prepared only by The Bwlft Fperllto Co. Ill Swift Bids:., Atlanta, Ga, Look (or Ibis name on the package, MARK THIS ON YOUR SLATE I PLEDGE MYSELF TO THE FOLLOWING DECLARATIONS : BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION. I will give the business of the city my close personal attention. Nine years of experience as Councilman, Pres ident of the Council, and Mayor of the city, with a careful study of Municipal Problems, has given me a practical understanding of the needs of this great city, and will en able me to enforce new economies and secure efficient service. BETTER SERVICE. I will extend my influence and ability for the re organization of the various city departments, to the end that better service may be obtained at a less cost, and will see that the taxpayers' money is spent with the same care that would be exercised in any well regulated private corporation. LAW ENFORCEMENT. Am in favor of the enforcement of the Slocumb Law, believing that the legalized liquor dealers should have proper protection and that bootleggers should be uncom promisingly suppressed. Joints breed crime and should be stamped out without further delav. POLICE DEPARTMENT. It is ray contention that Omaha should have a police department entirely free from outside influences. The aim of the police department should be to enforce the laws, reasonably, humanely, fearlessly and impartially. The Administration of Justice in the police court will be a farce as long as the present City Prosecutor is retained in office. I am for his removal. MENDICANTS AND FAKIRS. The annoyance of street mendicants should be stop IhhI. Hegging on the streets is unnecessary. Street fakirs and itinerant merchants should not be tolerated they have no bargains and only interfere with legitimate business. PHYSICAL VALUATION AND RATES. 1 have for a long time favored employment of ex Hrts to determine the physical valuation of all franchise corporation properties, to the end that the city may regu late and control such service and effect reduction of rates. Elect ric light rates should le reduced without delay, by ordinance. FRANCHISE RIGHTS. I insist that the right of franchised corporations to occupy streets and alleys should be specifically deter mined and in no event should an extension of any fran chise be granted. MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP. I am in favor of municipal ownership rf all public ntilit ies and I contend that steps should be taken imme diately for the acquisition of the gas plant, rather than to wait for the expiration of the existing franchise. I favor the idea of the city taking steps to acquire the elec tric light plant and to operate this monopoly for the benefit of the city, and I will exert my best efforts to in duce the voters to approve bond issues for the gas and electric light plants. It is also my belief that in the event the city cannot satisfactorily agree with the electric light company on the terms of purchase, the cityhould have the alternative to compete by municipal operations. GARBAGE. The city should have complete control of the collec tion and disposition of garbage, instead of letting three year contracts to private interests who reap large profits. A reduction plant should be established, thus affording the city a more sanitary as well as profitable garbage system. The by-products of the reduction plant can be sold and the plant made self-supporting. I am for mod ernizing Omaha's garbage system. STREET LIGHTING. The street lighting system of the city needs improv ing, and I stand for placing this city in the front rank of well-lighted municipalities. CITY CHARTER. A city charter convention should be called without delay. Omaha should be working under a charter of its own making, without being compelled to go to Lincoln every time the charter needs changing. A home rule, city charter should be written at once, ami it should con tain the best and most comprehensive declarations PARKS AND BOULEVARDS. The improvement of the boulevard and park system would be a splendid way to advertise Omaha. Other cities have stent millions to Omaha's thousands in boule vard improvements. Omaha has a fine boulevard system laid out, and it is time for public spirited officials to work toward the completion and the beautification of this magnificent system of pleasure thoroughfares. m CONCLUSION Asking for the support of the voters of Omaha, I refer to nine years as a public official ; also to various campaigns for the people, when I worked without salary. I challenge anybody to point out one questionable act during the nine years I was Council man, Persident of Council, and Mayor. It has been my contention for many years that tbe public busi ness .should be conducted upon a business basis; that a public of flm Is not a private tsnap. and that the administration of municlDal affair Is a business worthy of a man's best efforts ... 1 JlVe uled municipal t-roblems for years; have gone Into th. subject of franchised corporations, physical valuations, munic ipal ownership, occupation taxes and other subjects. I feel com petent to serve as city commissioner and my best recommendations are the records of my past bervice. I promise to devote all of my time, energy and abil ity to the office. HARRY B. ZLMMAN. 4