Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Wisdom of SuDDlviiur the Weed to
a a m o
Soldiers in the Field.
Modrr Warriors Aipnt What the
Harkunbrr Warrior Frowned
t'poa Brarlna; on Battlr
Won. and Lost.
Mrs, Barlow Wins United Golf Honors
The value of tobacco on active rvlce
jft In now so well esteemed by the military
authorities that today one awn Oie Brit
ish government doing what it had never
done before, supplying free tobacco to
tlie troops, and in Fiance the factories
of the Rale working at full pressure so
that the French soldier shall not lack
smoking materials.
Only within comparatively recent t'mes,
however, has this necessity been officially
recognlzpd. Wellington condemned the
practice of smoking as being "a species
of Intoxication occasioned by the fumes
of tobacco." Terhaps his dislike arose
fiMin an unpleasant experience of his own
on the only occasion on which ho at
tempted to smoke a pipe. The weed
proved no reipector of the Iron duke,
and the man who ended Napoleon a ca
reer had to succumb to its disturbing
properties as any schoolboy. Kven Na
poleon himself, although a habitual snuff
taker, was defeated by a pipe of to
bacco. Official efforts to discourage the use of
tobacco were completely negatived in the
Crimean war. The privations' suffered
then by the troops resulted In officers and
mn taking to the panacea adopted by
their French and Turkish allies, and by
Its aid their discomforts were so allevi
ated that ever since the practice of smok
ing on active cervine. If not actively en
couraged, has been nt any rate passively
countenanced by those in command both
In the army and the navy.
In consequence tobacco has played a
rminhlA and beneficial nart In the wars
of the last century in fact, from Water
I loo to South Africa. Probably Us sola
ing and Inspiring qualities were never so
' strongly manifested as In the Franco
Oerroan war of 1870. It nvght be said, In
deed, that the crushing defeat inflicted
on the French was duo largely to the
soldiers' lack of tobacco, added, as it was.
to tho breakdown to the commissariat
whereas on the German side the authori
ties did oil Ihey could to insure the
troops belnti pl-ntifully supplied with tho
weed. An association, headed by the em-
. 1 l 1 ! I
press, refeu looacco uii-npuuim
every town to enable the fighters of the
fatherland to keep their pipes filled.
Souaht by Soldiers.
What a friend In need "sublime tobacco-'
proved to the fighters In tho war
of 1!70 was indicated by the correspondent
before Metr. In his accounts of the cam
paign he said:
"In every letter we read of the ex
hausted soldiers, prisoners and maimed
victims of battle eagerly asking for the
soothing narcotic, begging for It some
times, finding it a solace under the hard
ships of weather, of hunger, of disease,
finding It enables them to endure the
painful searches and amputation of the
He related how the pay sergeant of one
company smoked his cigar while a doctor
cut a bullet out of his back, and again
how n maimed soldier lying upon the bat
tle field, with tho dead and dying around
lilm and In bodily agony, asked but tor
one relief a cigar. And thus it has been
in evrry waf.
Tho maimed and shattered on the field
of battle piteously cry for tobacco: the
poor wounded In the hospitals appeal not
for bandages or medicine, but for tobacco;
the troops In the trenches undergo any
hardship if they have but the comfort of
tobacco, and even in the midst of the con
flict, fighting their way through a mass
of foes, the soldier, pipe In his mouth,
calmly stands shoulder to shoulder with
his comrades and bears the shock of bat
tle. Tobacco has often proved more than a
'rf'paiiacea to the victim of war; It has
been a source of courage and Inspiration.
At Baarbrucken In wro tne wrunawicK
Blussers galloped, cigars in mouth, amid
a hail of bullets into a mass of French
troops. The Uhlans in their advance
movements Invariably carried plpea in
Ihelr mouths, substantial, capacious pipes.
large enough to hold an ounce or the
weed. And whenever ' the conquering
troops entered asurrendered city they at
once claimed not money nor food, but to
biweo. The mayor of each town, waa di
rected to find cigars for everybody before
anything else was done.
A Bismarck lnrlarat.
The German troops regarded but little
the scarcity of provisions, ,but tobacco
waa indlspensablo to them. Even the
reat Bismarck, whose devotion to tha
cigar was very deep, did not amid the
lesponstbilitlcs Incumbent upon him put
aside his attachment to the weed, and a
touching story, which he aftreward re
lc.ted to a party of friend, Is well worth
telling here. "At Konlggratx I had only
;.ne cigar left in my pocket, which I care
fully guarded during the whole of the
battle, as a miser guards his treasure,
j did not feel Justified In using It. I
painted in glowing- colors In my mind the
happy hour when I should enjoy It after
the victory.
"Hut I had miscalculated my chances.
A poor dragoon lay helpless, with both
arms crushed, murmuring for something
to refresh him. I felt in my pockets and
found that I had only gold, which would
be of no use to him. But stay I had
still my treasured cigar. I lighted it for
Mm and placed It between his teeth.
You should have aeon the poor fellow's
grateful smile. I never enjoyed a cigar
to much as that one which I did not
The great genera. Count Moltke. also
found tobacco Indispensable. lie took it
in the form of snuff, and throughout the
three weeks' campaign which culminated
in !3an the annfotance of snuff was
i ecettary to the forming of his plans.
T) roughout the Prussian advance he
did nothing but take snuff, and at the
sut.reme mcment, when he heard from
the L'hlans that Mtu't'hal MacMahon waa
northward. It is recorded that
literally emptied his snuffbox as he
his tent to organize the move
ment which resulted in the capture of
the French monarch.
The methodical and comprehensive
manner of the German preparations and
conduct of the campaign is well Illus
trated by tha fact that at the end of the
war Moltke waa presented with a bill.
duly signed and countersigned by of
ficials, "For one pound of snuff supplied
to General von Moltke, one thaler." Thus
he was actually required to pay for his
txtravagance, notwithstanding the m'm-
orablo achievement which It helped him
In effecting. New York Sun.
K j i I 't "Sv f
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E) At 4 . 4
week and sold their wares to replenish
their treasury.
Miss AMa Hrawnor. who Is tenrhlng In
Superior, Neb., a as at home over Sunday.
Hi. IVters and Miss Martha I'eters
left Tuesday for F.xcclslor Springs. Mo.,
tn he gi no a month.
Mrs John Miller, who has been vlsltlnc
I Mr. mill Mis. Frank I'omte, rft for home
In Cheiry rounty last Monday.
Tho section house on tbe Itock Islsrtil
this side of Meadow burned last Tuesday
uight. with nearly all Ita contents. The
family of Foreman Clifton escaped.
i? t' i. " 1' J
Gi orKe Hansen ws In Lin oln on busi
ness Wednesday.
Sheriff Qulnton was In Nehawka on
business Wednesday.
August Kidke from Itenedict has moved
into the Chapman house.
V. P. Sheldon was on the South Omaha
market with cattle Tuesday.
Stuart Kaugh'a yo'ing people are home
from schuol lor the Kaster vacation.
Sr. Wolpbe's young folks are home
from Crete through the Kater vacation.
1 C. Todd went to Lincoln and brought
home two of his children, who were sick.
Mrs. William H'.ack of Nebraska City
Is n guest at the John Opp home this
Miss Isadore Sheldon Is In Omaha thl
week to visit her mother, wlto Is taking
treatment at a hospital.
Thomas Plttman of Avoca Is here thl
week at the bedside of his father. Andrew
IMttman, who Is very sick.
Bx -Governor Sheldon left for his Mis
sissippi home Monday after a two months'
Isli with his Nebraska friends.
Hen Haback and wife lert Wednesday
to attend the funeral of Mrs. Hoback's
sister, Mrs. James Rerkner, at Ploom
field. Neb.
Mrs. Klrkpatthk Is In Onlial City on
business tills erk.
I'anlel Vleifhmjn has been seriously III
this week,
SiwIhI program will be rendered at
both churches Snndiiy.
Mrs. Anm Meyer was visiting fierlln
relatives first of the week.
Mrs. J. M. Tiunbsr was visiting
relatives at I'lattamotith Ibis week.
Miss Alma Schomuker of Nehawka was
visiting relatives here this week.
Robert Iiean has been spending the
winter at Fall City, has returned.
J. M. iMinhsr was called to Mlisourl
by the serious Illness of her father.
Miss Anna Altlinsen entertained the
Woman's club Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. George Masemsn and Mrs. Clara
Witt were visiting Syracuse relative this
Mlss Margaret 1'alston of Blair was
visiting her sister. Mrs. W. R. Graham,
this week.
Miss Clara Mariiuardt, ho is teaching
school at Havelock, sient Sunday here
with her parents.
Mrs. F. W. Ruhge and daughter. Mrs.
William Morley, were Omaha visitors the
first of the week.
Miss Avis Roberts of Omaha Malted
Papllllon friends Wednesday and Thus
day. Mr. and Mrs. James Pavldsnn moved
Thursday to the Iavldnon farm southwest
of Springfield. '
Ifarold Ijingdon of Omsha, who la at
tending the state I nlverslty at Lincoln,
wa the guest of bis father, A. R. Ians
don, the first of the week.
Mls F1la ltVkey and Mrs. Gnssle
Slmonds of Gretna were guests of Mrs.
K. S. Nlckerson Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. lRoy Catherwood and
children ft Omaha are visiting with M'.
and Mrs. Alex Catherwood Uiis week.
The regiilur open meeting of the Wom
an's club waa held Wednesday afternoon
it the home of the Misses Ituldsh -vl
F1e Jungmyer. A plsn. "How the Kbry
Grew." was given by members of the local
club. Mrs. Gussle Stmonds of Gretna
sang a couple of solos. Marlon Hrown
gave a reading and Wesley Jungmyer a
tvlolln solo.
The Modern Woodmen met In regular
session Thursday evening.
Mrs. F. W. Puvenkrnbbe was an Omaha
visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. Fred Ohrt was In Omaha Werines,
day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert KmiiM entertained
friends at a birthday party last Friday
Miss Rena Witte entertained a number
of relatives and friends last Sunday In
honor of her birthday.
Misses Pearl Sumner and Helena T
Ruse went to Fremont last Saturday to
attend the Fet Central teachers' meet
ing. A party of young people gathered one
evening last week at the home of August
Uogemann. who was recently married
to Miss Klsle Meever of Washington
Miss Mlna Witts wis In Omaha Monday
to attend committee meeting of the
Royal Neighbors of Pouglas county. Mrs.
Boyer was also a delegate.
Rev. Mr. Nuehaum and his confirma
tion class went to Omaha Monday to
have the group photographed. The mem
bers of the class are Naney Oft, Tenns,
Petersen, Hiilda Petersen. Margnret
stelnert, Pauline Hiihrr. Charles Mnhiv
John I.uschen, Clans Paulsen and Fred
Aviator Scared
Off by Rockets
I.KITir. Scofand, April 2 Two algnsl
rockets, fired point blank at an attack
ing aviator by the captain of the steamer
Staffs, frightened off the airmen, act
cording to the captain's report here.
The rockets exploded very close to the
air machine.
The Ftsffsj has arrived here from Rot
terdam. The captain stated that a Ger
man airman, who was flying low, dropped
two bombs. Neither struck the ship, but
one exploded close by.
Scores Escape Before
Building Goes Aflame
NKW YORK. April 2. Five minutes
after fire alarm bells sent nearly 2M men
and women employes of a big box factory
In East Seventeenth street down the fire
escapes to safety the entire building, a
four-story structure. ws In flames. Hsv
eral women fainted In the rush to get out.
Half a dozen firemen were rescued from
the roof by companions working with ex
tension lr.dders.
P1NEHURST. K. C, April 2. Mrs.'
Roland If. Barlow of the Merlon Cricket
club. Philadelphia, has defeated Mrs. W.
3. Faith of the Wykagyl club. New
Koohelle, N. Y in the annual TTntted
North and South amateur golf champion
ship here. The match waa all square at
the turn and for the first four holes com
ing in, which were alternate wins and
losses. Mrs. Faith won the fourteenth In
four, but lost the fifteenth and the lead
to a three.
From Our Near Neighbors
Tho old mill here is being torn down.
O. E. Hazen was a business visitor at
the county seat Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Close have been
111. but are much Improved at present.
Elmer Johnson of Omaha Is visiting
friends in Arlington for a few days.
Mrs. Judge Marshall and daughter, Mlsa
Blanche, were Omaha shopper Monday.
Mrs. Mae Cottrell and A. M. Laidwig
were' visiting with friends in Blair Sun
day. A Catechumen class of eleven was con
firmed at the (St. Paul'a Lutheran church,
north of town, Sunday.
Louis Nelderhoeffer of near Berlbner
waa a visitor In Arlington Tuesday on
his way from Omaha, where he had
marketed hogs Monday.
Mrs. D. W. LaWBon and daughter,
Marie, returned1 from Long Pine, Neb.,
Saturday, where they bad been visiting
relatives..' . .. .
'The Weber property,'' on the corner of
Sixth and Elm streets, was bought Tues
day by W. S. Cook and N. G. Morley;
consideration. $1,600.
8. H. Lock man loaded out a car of
stock to South Omaha Sunday night.
William L. Scheer and H. M. Ingalls were
other shippers of thla week.
Postmaster Fassett. who has been con
fined to his home for some time, is ao
much Improved that he was seen at the
postoffice again Wednesday.
The Rev. William Esplln. pastor of tho
Crowell Old People's Home at Blair and
formerly pantor ef tho Methodist church
here, v'eucnrd ,n n0 Methodist pulpit
Tho Congregational church is making!
elaborate preparation for Easter services
Sunday. Tho Congregational and Metho-
olst enurencs win num oiivo n.B.v....
in the Congregational cnurcu.
fine review of Winston Churchill and
some of his books.
Mrs. W. E. Weekly went to Omaha
Tuesday, returning Wednesday afternoon.
The Valley Woman's club gave a very
enjoyable farewell reception for Dr. and
Mrs. Ager at their home Monday evening.
nr. and Mrs. Ager left Wednesday for
their new home In Fremont.
The senior class of the Valley ITlgH
school ably presented their olass play, I
"The Kingdom of Heart's Content.1' In !
the opera house Friday evening. The door :
receipt were uc, tne largest or any class
play avar given.
Miss Jessie Williams Matted from Fri
day till Sunday In Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Otte and Emma
Otte visited in Bennington Sunday.
Albert Bertsehlnger of Osmond, Neb.,
is visiting at the Ncls Rasmussen home.
Mr. and Mr. James Johnson and. chil
dren 'visited In Tennant, la., Saturday
and Sunday.
John and George Knight from Custer
county are here tor tho funeral of Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Brewster are in
Missouri Valley, where Mrs. Brewster Is
taking treatments.
W. IT. Rills has gone to Grand Forks.
N. D.
"Miss Gertie Smith of Tilden, Neb., is
spending her uprlng vacation with her
parents here.
The Glee club from Doane college' will
give an entertainment at the opera house
Monday evening.
Members of the domestic science class
of the High school gave an exhibit of
their cookery in one of tho stores last
the L'hlani
J mart'hlng
'K):t litcrall
nttred hi
Apartments, flats, houses and cottages
tan be rented qulikly and cheaply by
tlco "For Rent'' Ad.
Mrs. Chart? Witte entertained for her
birthday Friday.
Emil and family of
Eugle, Neb., have moved here.
Mrs. A. Mockelman and daughter,
Lena, were Omaha vtsljire Thursday.
Clarence Briggs and Wife were visiting
friends near Klkhor tha tirst of the
Mrs Frank Roach and Httla daughter
of Papillion came Thursday evening to
visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Brunner.
Mrs. C. W. Hlckey and daughters, Ber
nlc and Roma, are here for a visit at tn
formers rarents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
William Hansen of Osceola. Neb., was
her attending the funeral of his grand
mother, Mrs. Lena Wlcht, on Wednesday,
Mr. Thomas McCleneghan and chil
dren came Thursday evening to Mslt tier
sister, Mrs. Jak Wintcrburn, and hus
band. Oscar Brugman of Elkhorn and Miss
Wet Rett of Benson were married in
Omaha Wednesday. They have gone to
Oregon on their honeymoon trip.
The Farmers' State bank has opened
In temporary quarter in the Chamber
lln merchandise store. It will erect a
building on the site of the Nick Witt
Mr. Wlcht. mother of Mr. II. A. Han
sen, died Momiav after evei-al months'
Ulno?a She waa 79 year old. Funeral
service vera held at the Hansen home
Wednerdsy and the body taken to Yutan
for burial. I
Considerable surprise waa caused th
first cf the week by the announcement
of the sals of the State Bank of Elk
horn to the Commercial State Bank of
Elkhorn, which was to have commenced
business on April 2 in the old postoffice
building. The new owner took charge
of th Institution on Wednesday. Those
Interested are Otto H. Kchurman. nresl-
dent of the Commercial National Bank of '
Fremont: J. N. Wyatt, formerly of liar-!
rishurg, Nen.: Ernest Schurman and A.
Gibbons. J. M. Brunner and B. P.. Bald
win started thi hank about twenty-eight
year a so and conducted It continuously
since Mr. Brunner will retain an inter
est. Mr. Baldwin retiring. He expects
to nut in considerable time on his ranch
In Blaine county.
Mrs. F. C. Kennedy and children
tn Fremont Saturday.
Mr, kf. H. Garrison was quite 111
eral days last week.
Mr. Ptrln Allen and children are spend
ing the week with Valley relatives.
Mr. and Mr. De Land and Mrs. Butts
and Orlo Gaines motored to Omaha Tues
Mrs. Earl Garner entertained the Ken
sington club at her home Wednesday aft
The Valley library was moved Wednes
day from the Marshall confectionery to
th Earl Hail drug store.
Mr . Gaines and Oneita came down
from Fremont Thursday to be the guests
of Mr. and Mr. But is until Monday.
Miss Esther Bryan of Omaha arrived
Thursday evening to be the guest of
Helen McKee until Saturday morning.
Mrs. Merle Rathburn and two children
of Chicago arrived Friday for a two
weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. V.'. S.
The regular meeting of the Woman's
club was held Friday afternoon at the
home of Mis. Manalion. Mrs. Webb gate
Do you like thrilling,
red-blooded detective
by Arthur Stringer
is the best series written
in many a day.
Kestner, United States
Secret Service, is sent to
hunt down the counter
feiting band.
He begins by falling in
love with Maura Lam
bert, their dupe and ex
pert copyist.
He ends by exterminating
the gang and well
Get a copy of April
Hearst's and see what
happens to the girL
1 1 JOHN A. SWAXSOX, PresiuVut.
i sits JL aIk
i MMt-&$mm.-ri&': n i ncs. the
Ills pwiitt wMl
fsSSS Sis sRiKV1---'- 11 T
mm -M i JO '
.S1Mm 1111 l fclav
lit in'- iTIL.'.l i:.f J fililW:Bii SI I II SVl' ? U:
111 liplf lilw
( I (Pi mv&rrrrty )
, , V" "S i wm ' V jwimjswHg V mmmi vm
AV M. L. I10LZMAN, Treasurer.
For Careful
i MiHMnilUaAl4lZy
r- r- - r- v
Mini ii.?
Come in and see the masterwork of Ameri
ca's master clothes builders. Here in one vast exhibit
are the finest Rochester, N. Y., hand tailored
clothes, known the world over as the supreme
attainment in ready-for-service apparel.
The most exacting tailoring, the choicest fab-
newest models and all-new assort-
ments three times larger than elsewhere com
bine to make our showing most extraordinary
Men's and Young Men's
Spring Suits at $15, $20, $25
Distinguished styles for men and youn? men. Swagger broad
lapels, patch or welt pockets. Beautiful Glen UrqubartB, new
blues, soft Tartan browns, fancy weaves, regimental stripes,
checks. Vanes unduplicated at $15, $20, $25.
All bIzb, Regular, Stout, lone or short. '
Men's and Young Men's
Finest Spring Suits
$30. $35. $40
Masterful designs and fabrics that stand supreme
in the tailoring world. Such superb suits are a
revelation at these prices none better can be
made at any price. Compare with to $00 to-
mcasure suits. Tho best at $30.00, $35.05, $40.00
Classy New Balmacaans,
$10, $15, $20
These fancy weave sprint overcoats are the rnont dis
tinctive styles that have appeared on fashion's stage.
Beautiful soft tone Scotch and foreign weaves; a
medley of harmonious colorings. Self or velvet col
lars. Modified sleeves. Never before so much spring
overcoat style and value at $10, 915, $20.
Men's Chesterfield Toppers,
$10 to $25
New style touches give added distinction to these
ever favorite top coats. Many men find the Chester
field Just right for year round wear. Made of extra
quality- Oxford vicuna. All sixes, richly silk lined
Chesterfields at 915, 920, 923.
I Largest Showing in the City mf
Men's Correct Spring Hats
Select your Easter Hat at Omaha's greatest hat store. We're
ready to serve you with the season's newest creations from the
foremost maker of men's and voung men's correct headwear.
- ' MJ
Thm Famous
John B. Stetson
$3.50 nd u
Th Nebraska
De Luxe
Men's Neckwear
Mala rioor Dat U1.
Th Nebraska
Boys' Easter Clothes
Don't miss the opening of our greatly en
larged boys' clothing department.
A guaranteed
"With boys' suit, at $3.50 or over.
Boys' Norfolk Suits, $2.50 to $10.
Boys' Extra Pants Suits, $3.50 & $5.
Boys' Confirmation Suits, $3.50 up.
Children's Novelty Suits, $1 to $5.
Boys' Olotkin oa rioor.
Kverybody's ideal Kaster cravat here. Humchunda
coin spots, diagonals, florals, Persians. No end
to the wonderful showing of newest four-in-hands
and bat wings supreme values at
Others at 81.00. 81.50, 83.00
50 c
Men's Spring Shirts
What a surprisingly great shirt stock here. Manhattans,
Bates Street. Yorke. every conceivable new pattern, color
Newest madras, silk and silk mixtures. , tr
jOhoose your Easter shirts at headquarters. X Q JJ
The Original
Unlemm you may HORLIOK'Sm
you may got a Suttatltuto,
83 to $r
Men's Spring Gloves, Hosiery, Underwear, Belts. Largest showing in the city.
ionms "f"TT"T7VJTt
inn iniiir " fiir if'
!Tfinrni"rt iiiim if rrrvaa.aa
a i iMHMinnCbt t
F tV
' 'IW
- - .fe
81 to 825