THE UHK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, 'APRITi 3, 1915. OWL TO SOON MOVE FROM THE SCHL1TZ This it Taken to Indicate that Ne gotiations Are Fast Coming to a Head for Building. NOTHING DEFINITE GIVEN OUT It rosy at least be said that the negotiations for a move one way or the other on .the Schllti corner a' Sixteenth and Harney and the Boar.l of Trade corner at Sixteenth and Karnam, are drawing closer to a head. Napoleon Picard of New York, who win faid to be negotiating for the purchase of the Schlltx corner, remained In the city for sereral days, and got some of the capitalist and Insurance men. considerably wrought up on a proposition to buy the Schllti corner and put up an Insur ance exchange building. Meantime the rumor la afloat that tha Fherinan McCennrll Dru Co. la to vacal. the corcer of tha bulldlns; wliere the oonpanr now operate the Owl dros store, wul la to vacate it within thirty 1ay. While It la said to be common ttnowledire among even the employe of the drug store that In thirty day the store la to dlsoontlnue there, neither Mr. Fherman nor Mr. MtrCnnnel will admit that this la the case. Charles Slwroan pleaded Ignorant of the whole negotln tlona when aeon and declared that hla acttrttiea at Mnooln on the elertrlo light hill and o'her matter thnt Interested him In the lrnlslatur. had kept htm out of town while the mora recent negotiations are aald to have been In progiee. A. B. MrConnetl, rice president of tha fherman MfConnell Drug Ca., aald he cou'd not be wtperted ta know what was going on in regard to that corner until be read the Kvenlng Bee. "Tha whole matter seema to be rague and up In tha lr," he said, "and no one aeems to know what Is te be done." While the "Sherman VcOnnetl Irug Co. lease I good for two year henoa, it la aald the firm ha Intimated they would rellnqulah this right for assurance that they might go back Into the same corner In tha new building- as soon aa it ahall have been completed. Concentrate Omaha is on the eve of nominating fourteen candidates from among whom seren are to be chosen to ad minister the city's affairs for the next three years. Those who want to continue the present city government will sup port the incumbents seeking re election. Those who agree with The Bee that we should have some changes in the city hall should concentrate in the primary to make snre of a choice of good men later in the elec tion. Without reflecting on others, The Bee commends the following candi dates: 1. ls J. Anderson. 111111(1101- Contractor. 2. Walter B. Jardlne, Transfer Heavy Hauling. 3. W. O. KhriTer, Real Estate. 4. Thomas F. Htroii.J, Wagon Manufacturer. T. Harry R. Zlmman, Former Mayor. These men are all substantial citi zens with tried business experience Concentrate. SHORT-WEIGHTERS QUICKLY CAUGHT Woman Immediately Telephones In spector, Who Lands Two in Jail, Third Escaping. HAT OF ONE HELD AT STATION Many, Given the Opportunity to Go to Church Friday stoat of -tha city employes availed them aelrra of the opportunity rrsterday to attend special Good Frldny services, thla leave of absence being granted by the mayor in a proclamation. .County employes were a-lven the am privilege and various bualnee houses took cognlaanee of the hours held sacred by many of their cierka. In moat Instances leave was rrantad between 12 and S o'clock. At 11:25 Friday morning Mrs. K. F Riley, 2030 Harney street, bought half a bushel of applpg from ped dlers. At 11:27 she weighed tha ap ples and found them short; at 11: SO she telephoned the city Inspector of weights and measures and at 11:45 Inspector Pegg was at the police sta tion with William Beaseley of 1417 Cass and A. W. Dean of 513 North Sixteenth street, both charged with selling short weight. Kaew Soanethle A boat Weights. Mra. Riley knew that the legal relght nt half a bushel of apples IS twenty-four pounds. The half bushel she bought weighed eighteen pounds, which she de termined on her own scales and hd the weight checked by the city Inspector. Held as evidence against Beasely Dean la a peck measure not of legal size. A third man ran away with a half buahet measure, leaving his hat, which Is icing held. Inspector Pegg commends the quick ac tion of Mra. miry. Me declares vhat It Is such co-operation aa this from house holders that helpa to put a atop to dis honest peddlers. ' He adds thst the legal weight of a bushel of potatoes I sixty pounds. ' and fifteen Pounds to a peck. and he advlaea housewives to weigh their provisions now and then and to report short weight. Peace Petitions Have Been Called In Mrs. C W. Hayes, local representative of the Peace society, has called in all the peace petitions, to the number of 150, which hare been circulated In theaters, churches, business places and club meet ings for tha last two weeks. Mrs. William Perry has been In ehsrge of the work In Fouth Omaha, Mrs. Flor ence Btewart of the petitions la the Protestant churches, Mrs. Walter N. Hal- sey In the Catholic churches. Miss Eva Ma honey of the Omaha Woman's Press club In the locsl theaters and Mrs. Ilsycs In the whoeaale and retail dlstrli t.i. The petitions also have been endorsed and signed by many mothers' clubs and women's organisations, with the excep tion of the Omaha Woman's club. ACROSS THE MOUNTAINS IN A HUDSON MOTOR CAR In the early days of tha automobile Many people thought It waa limited In II radiua of travel, somewhat in tha same way aa Is tha steam car. Tha atuam car necessarily muat have rails to run on. It waa thought that tha automobile would require level, hard road in order to realise Ita fall efficiency. Owner and drivers of old-time cars would have doubted very much that within tha short space of a few years they would ba able to cross mountain and deserts with their cara and consider It only commonplace. The development that baa taken place In all mechanical detail of tha motor car waa well ah own by a trip recently made by a party of tourist over the Sierra it.ountaln In California. Tha mountalna were crossed through the Sonora pass. which Is believed to ba the highest paaa In the Hierra mountains. Tha altitude I Mil feet. After crossing the mountalna tha party motored to Antelope and Caxaon valley, returning the sain day via tha "H. H. Vs at an altitude of 1,(00 feet and then through Ansel's Camp to Sonora. ' During tae Jsy tha actual distance traveled waa miles, practically all of which waa mountain driving. Tha nest morning tha party returned from Bonora to fitockton. Cat. Tba entire distance covered during thla trip waa 411 miles. Tat, aa evident of the efficiency of tha modern motor car, it la noted that the Hudson alx required only two- quart of water to completely fill the radiator, and no water had been put Into- tt at any time during tha trip. Not a alngkf adjustment waa made aa tha ear. . . , EMPLOYES OF WESTERN UNION HAVE ORGANIZATION At a meeting held Thursday evening at tha local Wtrn t'nlon telegraph of fice final plana were perfected for the organisation of the Weatarn Union Elec trical club and tha following offloera for the ensuing yesr elected: President, Robert M. McDonald: vie 1 president, Prank I Keller; secretary and treasurer, William J. Keana; counsel, F. I Gartepy. Initial memberehip number some thir ty-five member of tha different depart ment of the Western T'nlon Telegraph company In thla city. The alma of tha new organisation la one of education along the various llnea of Improvement and the better understanding of all tha different departments. Tha aerial aide Is not lost sight of and T. P. Dudley, A. A. Lytic and A. V. Tripp waa named aa a social committee to provide entertainment. - Tiia club will meet twloa each month In Its quartera In the local office in the Woodman of the World building. v Doa't ea;leet Oeagbi and ('olds. Dr. King' New Discovery should be In every home for coughs and colds. Child ran and aged Ilka It. GOc. All drucglat. Advertisement INCREASE WiAlL SERVICE ON STAPLETON BRANCH; Double dally mall service on the Kear-ney-tapl-ton branch of the Union Pa cific haa been authorised by the railway mall service. That branch has been hav ing only one mall train a day each way, says Huperlntendent C. M. Reed of the fourteenth division, with headquarters here. He ssys that the additional service wHI be Installed on the daily motor car sen Ice of the branch, If necessary ar rangement can be made with the rail road company for equipment, either In the way of postal car trailer or mad room, In the regular motor cars. t " FIRE WARDEN ON TRAIL OF AN APRIL FOOL JOKER Fire Warden Morris Is on the trail of an April first joker, who rushed Into the premises at 1119 North Nineteenth street Thursday afternoon and told the occu pants that their root was afire. A fire alarm waa turned In, and after tha apparatua had left, tha Joker tele phoned tha number mentioned and asked hla victims whether they were angry be cause he fooled them. Easter ITJUillinery Cone Up Stairs and Save 1 GO Per Cent " t We are showing a new line of beau tiful ostrich trimmed millinery, ranging in prices from $10.8 84.95 .to Hats that cannot be duplicated else where for less than double our prices. A call would be appreciated. Stairs Entrance .Through Alexander's Shoe Store. 1512 Douglas Street. We Issue Shopper's Mileage. 0 if?S DEPUTY ASSESSORS F;0R THE YEAR NAMED i ' ' ' County Assessor H. Q. Opunsman ha announced to the counts' board hla ap pointments, of deputy asecMorg for this j year, lie gave preferenoe la naming tha deputise. Ui wa who needed , work, aa Mated to the board, Ha appointed, ao ' Kaat Omaha, but win da the work there himself. Following 1 the list of deputies. Fred Pruning. Marry Iwbolt, H. i. Stone, V. U Houtk. 3: O, Arthur, xfi ' x f tt nn fcxaE' ffiexatt jjfesatg xa!l TT? fx" It iie IF A. P. lisnexin: M. J. Twmiwett, K. T. MuiUcfc, L Aiuur. Oeors V. t'ovell. :i.uie Cavbtmugh. it. C. Dillon, jonn vr. i sung, Asor ennttn. j. j-. r-moirn, 1.. Dopaiioa, -W. F Uurllnaim. If. C. VtnAwr, Frank Murgaa. V. K. : krutipa, Abrahain Hlrton. WtUlatn Mlrmne. 1. F. Hlt.a, . at. Le-ia, Jeorgo JewetL T. J. Wlilejr, ' Oeorg Vugannan, tun Mots, 1. M. lively, K KoMnson. WJUTU DM All A. J. T Kubat. liarnvy Taylor, 1. J. Hurley, John t'nnnieck, , Jtnwa Austin. V. J. liartt tL ituuide i'l -Hn'-te J. P. MoCormli-k. ( hii-rtu; D. K. Taylor, K lk horn, C'l-rtst DaJmke, Millard: P. O. Harrier, Val.ey; K. K. Hume, Dundee; Henry liul ttr, t'nUiti; hX C. Ilenaman. Doualaa; blnn ly Ietorsky, Ploraace; Kratik A. Mo Ardle, WcAidle; John Hofeldl. WaUrloo; O. H. Kiractuter. Jafferaon. FILE AMENDED ANSWER TO , SUIT STARTED BY MATTERS Aa echo ut tha recent trial and convic tion of Thomas It. Mailers In federal court la brought up by the filing of an auwndod answer to a civil suit started sums ajme ago by M altera against Frank 11 MoCornikk. receiver of the bank. The National Surety ouinpany, bondamaa for the receiver, la aa amended separata an- wtl to tha civil ault. disputaa Matters' orlalnal uialna that the Mm National bank of SuMoa owed hint about M.0U0 whaa It failed, and ma.kes counter claims and aet-offa toUllng tl.0U0, aUeged to be due the bank from Mattera N pareat would' raaarloiialy be aaraleas of tha children. Joe A- Rua anaxln. Clarkaoa. Neb nsea Foley liqney and Tar fur bis twe children for croup, eougba aa4 eolda. Ho aaya. "We are never without Foley a Honey a4 Tar in the Boaae. A dlatreassnc taugn. aleep Uaa aighta. and raw, InfUned threat Had to a rua down ooaduiaa la which tba iblld la not aUa to reals aontagtoua or tnfectlaita dls'Ss Foleya Honey aund Tar Is truly heading and prompt la action It rrUevea cougtja, culds, crvaa sad whourug oough. Keld vary wb-r, Ad ert i asms m. fiire DRUG AND TOILET ARTICLES 60o Malvlna Craam for..20f 2(o LateU'a MasaatU Tal- 12 cum .... 2 So Mistletoe Cream for 14g 25o Mennen's Talcum (4 kinds), each :12t Mentholatum 4t n(i 34a 60c Pape'a' Diapepsln. . 20 60c Pebeco Tooth Paste 31 $1.0(5 Pinaud'a Ulao Vee- tal. for 594 60c PoHonl'a Pac Powder (4 ahadea), for 34 Sal Hepatlca 10c, 34c, 60 50c Soctete llytleniqua Soap (Sana Odeur, big cake la purple wrapper), for . -20 50c Toujour Jeuna ....29s 26c 4711 niilta Rosa Soap. 'or 12a? 26e Woodbury's Facial Soap, IT EASTER CIGARS. C'iifars by the box, 50f to $10.00 Ntnudard brands at about wliolesale prifoa. Any 10 cigar in the houHo, Saturday Gf EGO DYES. Fleck'i Easter Kxg Dyea Rf Tbrea for 10c IMPERIAL GRANUM. rood for tba ft nralaar aCotke ncreasea the a u a n 1 1 1 y and atiality of her milk and gives atreng lb to l-ear the strain t nurelng. Tor tba Baby liuiertaJ Oranunt la the food that glvi-a hard, firm flvsh. aood bone and rich, red blood v 25c, ISe, $2.75 EASTER CANDY. Uggetfa Chocolate H pound 40g 1 Pound Liggett' Fruit Cordial "i pound 50 . Pound 81.00 Dainty Dutch Dollghta Vi pound 40t Pound so Maslx Chocolate Cherries 1 Pound 3f), Cararaela da Tuxe. 1 lb. 3i)g Crat of Chocolate Cream. Easter Eggs 25 PERFUME SPECIALS. 60c Standard Perfumes, 6 kinds, at 29 Allcork'a Porous Plasters 12 6O0 Bromo Seltser 29 60c Bourgeois Java Rice Pow der, (genuine. In green boxes) i.20k 36c Castorla, genuine . . 21 60c Carmen Face Powder. (4 shades) ,-29 50o Canthrox. 29 $1.00 Fellow's SyTup ..84 $1.S5 Oud6'a Peptomangan, r 98 25c Hill's Cascara Qui nine 14 $1 Horlick's Malted Milk 69 25c lloublgant's Rice Powder, 'Of 17 25c Peroxide Cream . . . 14 Strictly pure Peroxide of Hy drogen 14, 10 and 29 75c Jad Liver Salts . ...40 $1 iisteilne, Lambert's 5 25c Lyon's Tooth Powder 1Q ELKAY'S HAT DYE. Now la the time to dye atraw hats. colors, )tt black. Cardi nal red. brown, aage green, na tural navy blue; per 9K bottle ayO FREE TALCUM. Baturdar m 1th each (So pur chase. This tu close out soma odd boxea vf good talcum, whicn are not selling freely lust now. I I I I You Savo Tlmo and Talonoy by Trading at Tho Roxall Storos I 4 Big texoll Drug Store; 0 60. CXES L0CAT1CSS The Store of the Town 5 Join the Crowd of Good Dressers! Our reputation for sound clothes values for men and young men has lieen built by winning men to investigate the superiority of Browning, King & Co. clothes. $15 to $40 EASTER HATS That Are Different Vi4 US The By-Word." . Getting exactly the right hat, many men figure an accident but you can go a long way and never find a store so well fitted as ours to help you get the one hat that you will like to own. B. K. Special $3.00 Stetsons $3.50 to $12.00 World's Largest Distributors of John B. Statson Hats "The Dudley. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS To The Front! In "Allway." Always "We're showing the best offerings in Men's Accessories new and fresh selected with extreme care for the MEN" WHO KNOW. Manhattan Shirts, $1.50 to $10.00 Easter Neckwear, 50c to $4.00 Vassar and Lewis Underwear, 50c to $3.75 Interwoven and Phoenix Hose, 25c to $2.50 Phoenix Silk Hose for Ladie3, 75c and $1.00 Browning, King & Co. GEO. T. WILSON, Mgr. Hay Veer Easter Sppare " 1 1 swav aasss Choose from our immense lines of beautiful spring wearing apparel for the entire family, and pay as you are able. We gladly extend credit to every honest person. Six thousand square feet of floor space filled with high class wearables for the entire family. nn $14.50, Very Special Values in asteir $10.50, $22.50 At 514.50 Slanr attract! ts nv models at this prlca; naw matariaia la tba new atiadrv Thfa prlca ts pror lnar popoiar bifiw of tha cxccllant quatltT af matartals' sn1 llnlnrs. At $19.50 Krary suit at thla prlca la an excep tional Talus, offered for Saturday's Eas ter buying. The modela are copies of much htaher priced suits new shades and new materials. At $22.50 Very lateat novel tiea in advanced sty lea of fine qual ity shepherd checks and many exception al modela in em broidered auita ara offered at thla prlca. They are sneclaf val yes at taa.BQ. Ladies' Coats for Easter. .At 58.50 010.75 $12.50 $15.75 Full Line of Ladies' Waists, Skirts, Hats, Shoes and Petticoats. ray Just 1.00 a Waak. am 1 r (i 1 MEN'S SUITS $12.50 TO $27.50 Pay $1.00 a week. Credit Gladly Extended. Every Suit perfect la style, fit and finish. This Is the Store that sells you the suit you are entitled to at a price you can afford to pay. Choose your Easter Suit from our immense lines. Saturday we're featuring hundreds of Men's and Young Men's Suits Suits on easy terms, at $12.60, $15.00 and $18.50. All the newest styles and patterns. Men's Spring Coats, 018.50 and 022.50 Boys' Easter Suits, 03.50 and 05.00 No Charge for Alteration. o ; o ) Open Till 10 Saturday P-Pi World' Llvwat Credit Clothlar 1417 Dougla s BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES These ads will start you on the road to wealth "i