Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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    lilt iifch: LMi.UJ.-i. hAKuiul, . Amll,
1 Ll ami Wm S mm mi
Selecting Vour Easter Suit
adc Easy Here
Easter is the day that marks
the change of winter clothes
to spring suits. Knowing
that every man wants to
look his best for Easter we
will offer you an unlimited
selection of newest styles
and fabrics for your choos
ing tomorrow. Select your
suit from Omaha's largest
stock of America's finest
Extra Special Values at
9.85, $12.50, 515,
Blue Serge Suits
Every garment guaranteed
fast color, Saturday.
$9.05, $12.50, $15 EJ UlSjLii
With Every Suit $2.50 Up
Easter Suits for tiia Boy
This is the place to get
your boy his Easter
suit. A large selection,
besides the money sav
ing values we offer you.
Many suits have an ex
tra pair of trousers. Re
markable values at
$2.50, $2.95,
$3.50, $4.95
Correct Hat
Combined with value ' ' and
makes your Easter hat "selection
pleasure here. "Guarantee Special"
Ilats in newest styles, $2.50 values,
at ; ....$1.90
John B. Stetson's novelty and conser
vative styles $3.50
Easter Furnishings at Cpcclal Prices
I"t.r iMkWMf-Silk Tlsa la Bw-
quality rfm
ink Ties, Iff opes .ad shapes, BOo
valssa . . . , 850
Cooper's Calibrated Closed Crotofc
Union Suit Te. 91.00, $1.60
at colors and itipM, special .
Wilson Bros.' BSs rare, ilgle Km,
pedal ...4SVa
Exploits of U-21
. Toldby Writer
(Correspondence of The Associated Press.)
BERU.V, March 4--The second of Otto
von Oottberg's semi-official accounts of
the German navy Is devoted to the ex
ploits of submarine. U-21. He write:
"On the torpedo tube of the C-21 Is
now the Inscription: Through 1 shot
from thin tube, on August , 1014. the
captain tank the English cruiser rath
finder.' Of thin encasement. Lieutenant
Commander von Iteming; (Iron Crow)
aid: It wanted to enter the Klrth of
Forth, but I lay across Its course and
sank It. An Kngllsh destroyer pursued
me. but I naturaly took the tT-21 under
the water, and we e soared safely.' "
Of the recent work of U-21 tn the
Irish sea, von Oottberg MKT: "Soon
after January 20, the taut put to sea. It
headed for the vicinity of Liverpool, and
sank the Hen fruachan, loaded with
general canto. While the Hen Truachan's
boats were still In sight the Linda was
sunk. Then a coal steamer sppeared
and Lieutenant Merging waited for it,
but' by this time the "wireless ha-1 sent
an echo of the thunderous .explosion on
the Hen CTuachan Into every office of
British shipowners, and Herslng waited
in vain for several days for new booty.
Hut John Bull was clever; he had or
dered the . stoppage of all shipping- In
the Irian sea-
"From Liverpool Bay, Hersing cruised
off into the Irlah Sea, bombarding an
airship shed as he passed. A neighbor
ing port shelled the little attacker, whlcn
dived unharmed and proceeded leisurely
Germany Starts Lace
Making to Help the
Women and Girls
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
. BRUSSELS, March 20. The German
civil government has decided to do some
thing to enooursge the Brussels lace
trade during the war. A concern called
the "burean for encouraging and promot
ing the lace Industry during the war" has
been organised here under the auspices
of the government Its object Is to find
a market for Brussels lace In Germany
and thus make It possible for the thous
ands of lace workers of western Belgium
mostly elderly women sad girls to find
These women have hitherto received a
small part of the profits going to agents
and merchants.. It la claimed that when
a lace collar was told for 80 francs the
women who made It received only 50
franca, rm maximum, for her labor. The
German bureau proposes now to remedy
this discrepancy. It will not be allowed
to make a profit, beyond covering Its
own expenses; and by offering luces
cheaply In Germany, giving the buyer a
part of the profits that previously went
to the middleman, the bureau hopes to bo
able to par better prices to the lace
maker than they have been earning In
peaca. ,
A Guaranteed mattress,
Made of High Grade Pure Felt
to try tils hand with a rope. At midnight
he slipped out of the trench and crept
close enough to throw a slip noose over
the box, then another and another before
the German realised what had happened.
Wltr the aid of a number of .comrade
the box with the German in It was
dragged Into our trenches."
(Correspondence of Ihe Associated Press.)
LONDON, Msrch !. 8ea gulls perhaps
saved n cruiser and M men from a sub
marina, says a British bluejacket with
the North Be fleet In a letter to his
family in' Hull. He says that he was
standing by his gun when a large flock
of sea gulls suddenly rose from the sur
face of the water. This drew the attention
of the sailors to the periscope of a sub
marine, which' the gulls had seen ap
pearing above the water, ...
The warship turned and made away
from the danger wltlv a, algsag course. .
A splendid hih grade felt ninttrosR, dust proof ticking, roll
edge, non-absorbent vermin proof and built in layers, never
mats or becomes bard and lumpy. Our price $0.75.
Our Famous Restwell mattress eannot bo excelled. It is a
perfect mattress in every respect. It is made of tho choicest
of pure felted' cot ton and covered with the finest grade of
satin finished fancy art ticking and has heavy roll edge
which id double f-titchod. They are always clastic, soft aud
pliablo and absolutely dependable in even- wav. Our
price $12.50.
We are also showing home very excellent values in the low
er priced mattresses and every one fold by the Central is
made to our Kjiecial order and whether it be a mattress at
$1.93 or one of our lfestwell mat tresses you can always de
pend on getting one of the best mattresses that it is pos
bible to produce for the money.
You Make Your Own Terms at The Central.
Wants Military
Drill as Part , of
Educational Course
(Ubrresnondence of the Associated Treaa.)
LONDON, Mann SI. The recent re
fusal of the educational authorities to
sanction the Introduction of military
drill In the elementary schools of London
and pther cities lias caused much dissatis
faction, and the matter has been taken
up; by. several members "of parliament,
who propose to see that it Is discussed
during the present session.
In the House of Lords the matter has
been brought to the attention of. mem
bers by. a motion Introduced, by Lord
.Wllloughby de Uroke:
"That, in the opinion 'of this house,
definite military, drill. Including the use
of arms, should from henceforth form
part of our national system of education,
and that cadet corps', with universal mem
bership thereof, should be by law estab
lished In all male public- schools and col
leges In the United Kingdom."
Here's a Wound that
Has Caused Loss of
Both Taste and Smell
(Correspondence oftha Associated Press.)
LONDON. Feb. a. One of the curious
effects of shell explosion reported at the
military hospitals la the toss of the senses
of taste and araell. tr. Charles Myers
states that be haa met three cases of
litis tn his own experience. The men re
ceived no flesh wounds at an. but because
of their toss of senses they could not
distinguish by tasts between sugar,
quinine, acid and salt, which (alt alike
to the tongue.
."These cases appear to constitute a
definite class among shell-shock effects,"
says Dr. Myers. "The shell In question
appear to have burst with , considerable
noise, scattering much dust, but this was
not accompanied by the production of
odor. It Is, therefore, difficult to under
stand why hearing should be unaffected
and the 111 results confined to the senses
of Kltfht. smell and taste. The close rela
tion of these rases to those of hysteria
appears certain.
American Woman
. Warn$. Those Who
Would Be Nurses
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
LONDON, March IS. A young Amer
ican woman who. volunteered for service
as a lied Cross nurse In Serbia two
months ago has written letters to friends
In London, urging them against following
her example, unless they are sure that
their nerves and physique can stand the
strain. "Many of the volunteer nurses
collapse after a week or two," aba says, j
"and the strongest of us am quite cer
tain ' that we shall have to give It tip I
eftftr two or three months' or else go
mad. ,. ." -... . . .. !
"Pur hospital is not a large building,
but we have 1,300 patients And have to
Inspect 500 fresh cases each day. The
congestion of the whole place Is so terri
ble thst major operations frequently
have to be performed tight in the wants,
with all the other patients around.
"The hospital Is. close to the railway,
and men.'arnt from the battlefields are
brought In , to be dressed... before con
tinuing their, journeys to other towns. I
call the drewtpg room the hall of pain.
In It are nine tables of agony, and there
are benches' all around oh which sit the
other men wKlnr.4o have their wounds
dreesed. . ... . i -'
. "The hall throbs -with cries; greens and
shrieks of.' pain. rJalnc , sometimes to a
crescendo. that the strongest nerves can-
hot endure. :' i ...
1 "We' have'seen none' of the glory of
war only the horror and suffering of
soldiers and the civil population, too.
But I am sure no glory ran compensate
for all this. To see the refugee children
and the wounded men and the suffering
women Is worse than any - nightmare
genius could dream."
Land Mines Used
In Killing Germans
(Correspondence of the Aaaot-tuted Presa.)
PKTROGHAD, March K On the Pollah
front the Russians are using land mines
tor blowing great holes In the land be
tween the Russian and German positions.
The infantry then use theas holes as at
tacking trenchta.
' A series of ekploeton of land mines
placed close under the 0rman trendies
at one point west of Wsreow rrcraiir
klUed 100 Germans. ..
T IFop Results
-i Bcc Want Ada.
('oiTrpondence of the Associated Press)
PARIH. March 1. -The second lieuten
ant of a battalion of Alpine t'htaseurs
teilj huw the lasso . k u t 111 tt ru!al
the tlermeiis In the Vuaifei
"Y occupied a wooded knoll." he sax.
"so well iJced the tiermant couldn't
think ef Uklng It by assault, so they
set their miners and sappers at work.
They arrived thus wrthtn a few yards
ef eur trearbos and had the audacity to
Skene a sentinel there, well protected in
a surt of armored box with loopholes In
It. Ttwre was no way ef driving bun out
One day a chasseur who had aeea life
ta the America plains asked permlsaloa
Move on Foot to
Colonize Mormons
In Western Panama
(Correspondence ef the Associated Presa.)
PANAMA, March JO. Arrangements are
being made to bring the former large
Mormon colony that at one time flour
ished In northern Mexico to the province
of Chlrtqul In western Panama. President
Forraa of Panama has designated his
willingness to aid in bringing this class
of agriculturists to the republic.
It Is understood that the Panama gov
ernment haa set aside a large fertile tract
in the province which will be sold to the
settlers .at the lowest possible pries for
public lands. Some of the lands selected
will have to be purchased from private
holders, but It Is said tba government has
promised its aid In obtaining them at a
reasonable - figure.
For some time negotiations looking to
the bringing of this colony to Panama
have been conducted by John Q. Critch
low, a leading Mormon high In the coun
cils pf the church at alt Lake City. Ha
has recently made a number of trips to
the Isthmus and is now engaged In se
lecting the proposed sites for colonisa
tion In the vicinity of David, La Concept-ton
and Boqurte in western Panama.
1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET.
That Easter Suit
"VVc undertake to provide men with the right tilings to wear;
right in QUALITY, right in PRICE, risht in the WAY THEY AKE
SOLD TO YOU, right in the "WAY THEY STAY SOLD. We mean
to stand back of every transaction until yon are enre you are satis
' fied; until you have tested the goods in service and are convinced of
their high merit. That's what we mean hy satisfaction guaranteed.
The human figure is easily classified into groups;
into which 98 of mankind can be placed.
In view of this ;we carry clothes to suit each
group, and suit them well.
For the young man who wants snap and the spirit of youthful
ambition written into his garments we have the famous Sam Peck
clotheg. For mature men, who desire dignity as well as grace, wo
recommend the Stein-Bloch line.
Read the Stein-Bloch ads in the Saturday Evening Post.
Come and see the goods in our store and be convinced
that better clothes cannot be found in America.
Glen Urquharts, Tartans, Stripes, New Mixtures and Plain Serges and Flannels. Plenty
of variety for every visitor.
We Lay Special Emphasis on Suits at
$11 e $
We have them better yet, but we draw your attention to these figures, because at
these points quality especiallj- asserts itself.
Top Coats
Easter is not so warm but what a lightweight topcoat is very welcome. Many of
the materials are Crnvenetted, while Coverts and Tweeds are very desirable.
Saturday's Scarf
Service .
1 !
"Count d'Nalloh
"The Haymarkct'
la view of the big business our
Scarf Department is doing we will
price two set of neckwear In
stead of one. at
and we trust that by so doing the
many people who watch our East
. Window tor this special value will
be taken care of.
A Hat for Easter
Ten men came into our fitore at
a busy hour yesterday to look at
Hats. Nine made the purchase
that's a record and it means that
' we have not only a very good
line, but a very comprehensive
one. We can take care of every
$2.00 and $3.00
Soft styles in a variety of colors.
Stiff styles with, High Taper
Crown and Medium Brim.
Shirts in High Colors
The kind that fashion demands. Soft cuff negligees
in silks, mattaleese and many other sheen materials.
1 to
S.Y9 tfl3
and get valuable premium
. v ....
Turkish Baby Is
Child of Regiment
iCorirtiKmdvnre of Iho Associated Prsa)
PETROORAD, March 16. "Our tI
rnrnt has adopted a 3-ysar-ld Turkish
girl baby," writes a Cossack who Is serv
ing with th Russian advance into tha
Turkish Caucasus. Its explains:
"During our forward movetnrat last
week one of our men found la a farm
house this baby, which had been aban
doned by her fleelna parents. The starv
ing- llttis rreature was cleaned, clothed
Bd ted, and then taken to the atsff
q'lartsrs. In tba Greek church of the
villas, of Bard us the fond Una was rhrts
teited according to tlvs rites of the Ortho
dox rhurrk. th. commander of) the regi
ment acting as godfather and Princess
Oluvsnna. a Red Cross nurse and wife
of a member of the Duma, as godmother.
TIim "child was named Aleiandra Don
skaia, after the bams of the regiment
The officers and men of the regiment
subscribed monthly amounts sufficient to
say for rearing and educating their regi
mental daughter."
Your Boarders and Roomers,
They Are Your Investment
There are many securities in the form of
stocks and bonds, that are supposed to yield a
certain dividend. Some do and others do not.
Your Board and Rooms are your stocks and bonds,
so to speak. Are you sure of your dividends?
Those who read the "For Rent" columns of The
Dee are people of character and integrity. They
want and appreciate the comforts and advantages
you are able to offer. They are consequently good
pay and mean steady dividends to you on your in
Tftmr 1009