18 THE BEE: OMAHA, APRIL 1015. WANT ADS Want ads received at any Urns, but t Insure proper ciaeetiiration mit be pre ranted before 11 o'clock noon for evening edition and 7:30 p. m. for mo-nlng and Sunday editions. Wsnt ls received after uch hour will b under tha heading. Too Lata to Classify." CASH RATCS. . Seven rnnsecutlv time, t cent word arh Insertion. . ... . Threa ttmea wltMn ona waek. Itt cent word each Inaertlon. On time, t renta a word. CHAROE RATES. W-ren consecutive time. I canta a una ach Insertion. . . - Three ttmea within una waek. C Una each Insertion. One time. II cent a tin. Count at star words to a una. Minimum chargn, to cents. An advertisement Inserted to J2'" tl) discontinued must be stopped by wnv tea order. All claim for tmn rro within fifteen day after Ua " """ Hon f th flvertlamnt. Too can plaoa roof waat ad In Tha Baa 7 telephone. TKLWPHONE TTLKR ! Unclaimed Answers to the . "Swappers' Column" Hundred! of other answer have Been ailed for and delivered during tha last weak it ta reasonable to suppose tnat an of tha people below have jnada tn eatred swaps, therefor do not call for the balaao et their anawara. Bo want ada sure set result. 0 ItC. id tC C SC. 11T W Jl f? 2 M m i.va il Jf h in u lien Mil til til 416 W 1414 "? rt tit fl is ?U ft PJ 4' !M "2 1 W 430 iim "'I SJ M JM it IW 14 tn m u? i ?S Ul 41 4?t 174 , 1441 T Mt 4U U1 ! M W 9k 1 KI KI M M M 1ZJ n m imi im 14JJ ' M M 14 1 J4JJ 4 M l;M I4M 4h t n 1V7 14i) jw? u ar ! IKK lf'1 M Ma 1U4 1407 LODUR NOTICKB. PAINTERS, NOTICE. Special meeting Monday. March a, LA bor Temple. ATTENTION ODD rBLL5W8l The member of maha lodg No. J will meet at Odd Kellowa- hail at 7:W next W edneaday avenlng and go . la a body to visit Waaa lodge No. 181 BIRTIlB AND DRATIIS. 'Itirtha-John and Amelia Hlbbemaen. 6121 1'ratt, girU John and Lillian Wed more, hospital, girl; Charles and Rebecca Kavors, hospital, boy; William and Myr tie tvnner, 211H Ieavenworth, girl; Johef and Caroline ZltylcbergT, li'u North Uli teenth, girl. Deaths Marah Bnlley, 30,. 2M Ohio; Zella Napped, 13. liiW North Twentieth; Iienar Miller. 07, IKIt Vinton; Marlus 8or enaen, 4H, Sjni Lincoln boulevard; Nnllle lren Ollnger, I, 14 North Fortieth av nue; Amelia Oroh, 7fi, Ml North Twen tieth; Mary M. Chrlstopherson, 62, Twenty-ninth avenue and Dewey avenue; Ca pello Kebastlana. 47, 1Z11 Dorraa; Cynthia V. Allen, 72, 12L2 South Thirtieth avenue. MARKIAGB I,ICEK. Tba following marriage license! have bee a granted Name and Residence. Age. John K. Iteese, Neola, ia 3f Mabel Oearhart, Neola, la 24 T.r V. Wvant. Council Bluffa T, Mabel F. WyanU Council Blurt 23 Sraonta R. He near, Omaha. SW Iargarlt Peters, Omaha 1 Ray W. McFlelen, Omaba 26 Irene Hogan, Omaha 1 BllLUlKu PERMIT!. Qua Anderson, M3 South Fortieth, frame dwelling, 11.00; Crelgh Hons company, 4 XV Wakeley, frame dwelling, TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE rilOGIlAMS Exclusively la The) Ilea. lions CAMKRPHONE. 1403 DOUGI.AS. Tit Ureen Idol, 2-r. RellHtice drama. Ills Return, Majestic orama. Mishaps Of Marceilne. I", LITE NO. 1, 131 FARNAM. Tha Night Operator at Buxton, Kal. dra. The Radium Thieves, l-r. Vltagraph dra. tLao Ielanav I ah Kalrdi. FAHNAU THEATER, 14U FARNAM bT. Runaway June will be shown hers every Tuesday In connection with our regular program ana a ive stone comedy. HU-F THEATtH, UIH AND liAKNUT Horn of Paramount Picture. AilK TiiUA'f S.H. f'catur program daily. Keystone '.'omedlaa. It N. UXlt Parlor, ie douglas. The leth Train, Kalem drama. Roaelyn, I-real Vltagraph drama, Father's New Maid, Essanay comedy. wRiNcrt. "uTt-iTi o ug la h. Tha Oaklawa Handicap, t-r. race track story t Frank Lloyd). Ills Last Trick, dra. Olive s Hero tUttleBillle Jacobs). IVarlau S4TU AND FORT. aiLAUO. four reel of the bast Mutual picture. ALIIAMblU, 114 NORTH 24TH. A Man of Iron, I-r. Thanhouser drama. Maslo Hath Charms, comedy. The le'uy'a hance That Won. Rc. dra. CLIFTON. Military Ave. and Uurdette Tle Iog Catcher's Undo, Than. com. The Other Man, Reliance drama. Runaway June No. 10. ILiMOND. Tha Gulden Bolder. Victor. 2410 LAKE. They Were on Their Honeymoon, Nestor com. Hlack Box No. 4, H-iwI speckil. FHA.NKUN, S4TH at FRANKLIN. Hearst-Kellg. No. 1'.. Tha Hage-Hrush Gal. Vltagraph drama. Orand. "Theater lieautlful," HitiTTtlnney The tilrl Might Have Been, 2-reel drama. The Reward. I-reel drama. Caught by the Handle, uimedy. HIPPODROME. STir CCM1NU. On a Table Top, Majestic drama. 1"he Lone Ptrale. lu-llauce. i-rtl feature. Caught In the Park. Keystone comedy. IT. M Iam.'L'bT. lieneath the ea. 2-reel Lubln drama. Mr. Pepperie Temper, Kalem romedy. Tlie Girl at Nolan's, comedy drama. TVV. wrTl A BI RD ETrTt A Voice In the Nlfclit, I-reel Eclair. Almoel a Hcandal. L Ko comedy. And a good drama. noTHKOP SITU A IA)THIUJP. .kp!oite of Elaine. Path Weekly. Paine Cartoon eoreedy. AT" " ." ' W1AU, UM CALDWELU llauBted Hearts, 2-reel Uoll Heal. Some Nightmare. Joker comedy. The Deelroyer, Imp. palace; : da v en port. JIrt of Iim'oln. 2-reel Gold Be. ena m gKMi coilleoy. - SLM KBAN. 2TH ac AM La A Hcarn-ellg. No. 21 ktars Their Courses Chang. J reel Es sanay drama. lb. ARBOR CD AND ARBOR. iuwn isoiiar ayviery in x Zi. Tha LnwUltng ilrl.le, Koyai oowedy. Nell's tstrategy, Pruirasa dxama AKjLLO, 2C4 I.KAVKNWOHTH" id laaacaon a LMatnonu. l-r. Kal dra. Peicgy of rVth Avenue. VHavraph dra. imn my iimimnn: aiina cttltiedy. olumTi1a. itwIs. ivTinsf! J sied Fairfax's V111II.hu. l-r. Kal. dim. i i a iame at aik k Kon tain e s. Km dra. The Jarr Family ldacovera Harlem. Vita. comfort. 24th and vi's iuv Fatty ar.J Mtnnl Iic-lia.w. to-rl pM-ial Kaystoa. TUe Mas nu iiaaord. I-rwal p-iifia. TOPAVS COMPLETE MOVIE PKOGKAMfl Etclnaivdy In The llee oath. FAVORITE. 171 VINTOV. The Ixive of Women. .Vreel Luhtn drum. The Yoiinu Man Who Flggered, Vlta- itrapn cdiumv, GEM. 12T.8 H. 13T11. Animated Weekly. The Hidden City, two-reel Rlson. Dixie's Dfy Off, Joker comedy. L Y lilt lf7 VINTON! The Refugees, Joker comedy. Playing with Fire, two-reel Victor. Hay of Sfiven Islea, Leemmle drama. PASTIME, 2JD AND LEAVENWORTH. The Heat of the Year, two-reel feature. Peggy's Snieetheart, L-Ko romedy. Ojre of the Dejtert, two-ree Hlnon. VENEZ1A. UU 8Jl3Tli ST. Four reel of Mutual ploturaa. Waat. MONROE, 2T.56 FARNAM ST. Hearst Sellg No. 21. The Mystery of the Tea Dansant (Ruth Roland) 2-r. Kal. or. Cupid's Column Vltagraph romedy. Brasen. BENSON, 6M5 MAIN 8T. Outside the Gates (Pauline Hxiehl. Runaway (Hoent. 2-r. Hterllng comedy. Ace of Cluha. Powers dram. Coemcll Blafta , ELITE NO. 2. 646 BROADWAY. Hhks of Oold, S-ree I.nblfi drama. Hearts to Iet, Vltstfraph comedy drama. Sweertle Ooes to College, ksanay com. NICHOLAS, TifTt ROADWAY. A I'niiphter's fttrange Inheritance, 8-reel Vltafrrnph drama. Ham and the Jitney Pus. Kalem comedy. ROPER, 637 BROADWAY. Hearts and Flames.. 2-r. L.-K. comedy. Maid of the Mint. Rex drama. The Law of Love. Victor. osjtn OuiaaBa. BEP8E, lilTII AND N STS. Ilearat-Rella: No. X. The Only Way Out. 3-reel Lubln drama. MAGIC. 24T1I AND O 8TS. To Redeem an Oath. 2-reel Laemmle. Ona Nlitht. Imp. Vaadevllle. ORPIIBUM. 24TH AND M STS. 5 reels war pictures, drama and good comedy. ANNOUNCEMENTS OMAHA PILLOW CO., Cumin. HoukIbs 24K7. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, makea feather mattresses and down covers. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. SPRING CLEANING TIME Is here. Your windows cleaned and storm windows taken down at reasonable rates. For first class service call Douglas 341. AMERICAN WINDOW CLEANING CO. HOMEMADE sausage, only on In Oma ha. Ham Fierier, Leavenw'h. D. MM). LUCKY wedding rings at Urodegaard'a. V ACTUM cleaners for sale. Vacuum cleaning don In the home. Sanitary Service Co., 9M Hce Ulrtg. f.604. I WISH to announce to my customers that I have moved to my old location, 1211 Doufrlns, with a full line of lewelry. clothing, furnishings, shoes, etc., at great baricainff. 1. Kill EDM AN. fcNROLL now. Y. M. C A. night school. NEEDLECRAFT shop, 304 8. lhth Bt. D. lews. nna wore for rjnsier aula. WE rent, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing midlines, NE HRAHKA CYCLE CO., "Mlckr," 15th and Harney. Douglas 16(12. Political. Your support eolicited. H. P. HAZE Candidate for City Commissioner. AUTOMOBILES ONE mil Chalmers, C-cyllnder, eleotrio ii. . . 1 1 . . i .i . i r.. j,ii Co. of Omaha, 2oS4 Fartiam MU C. E IX Ads EH, expert radiator and Una repairs, if. (is, ami ieavenworui. 1 HAVE a e-cyU, 60 h.-p. White car that I will trade for a modern home of equal or greater value. H. Pelton, lkO Farnam. Greenough Omaha Rati. Rep. Co., iu Far, AUTO Clearing House, 22ij I'srnum, buys anil eeue used cars, flume iougia U1V. Overton's for leaky radiator, (aOc, dealera. 1100 REWARD for any matnelo wo can't repair. Colls repd. riavadoirur.zio N is. o Want an auto. C. J. Canan. McCague bldg. MstSMVSltS. tl( INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; vsriauia ill uku liiacninea. UMAJ1A RlCYCLK CO., xitn and Ohaao. H. 17 W. HAlll.EY-DA 1DSON MuTORt: YCLE8. liarKains in used machines. Victor Roos, The Motorcycle Man,". 201 Leavenworth. BUILDING MATERIAL NAIIJI, tiSo per keg. Fence, sheet roof ing, etc.. In proiKirtlon. General Mer cantile Co., Omaha's great mall order nuiue. nUMNESN CIIANCEH A IAttWE and well-equipped garage for sale; nave oinor business and unable to operate bote. If you want a good estab lished business, tills Is your chance. Omaha Ree, Council muffs, la. DONELBON does more than list your buslneas.be sells It. lot Omaha Nat'lBk. filGNS, iiih i -id- 'Murk ivin. O. tSTX TO GET In or out of business. Call on OA NO EST AD, 404 lice lildg. D. 8477 GENERAL stock merchandise for sale. Involve II2.0UQ, fur 60o on the dollar. No trade; nothing but spot cash. Address LIST YOUR BUSIN&Sa wKh ii for Quick action and aauara treatment. QUICK BALE COMPANY. 411 Be Bldg. Phun Red MM. R EST A 1' 11 A N T Good location; doing giMiq nusiiu'ss; good reasons lor selling. A 1S, Bee. Ill EATKKH Buy, oi sell your the- ater. machine and supplies through Theater Exchange i.o , Hub Farnam 8i. TOUR I uxlnass or -al estate quickly uiunnn Jim r8y, nicux i lly, la. WHV rent? Will sell liio-acre farms In llel Klver valley. Minn., erect buildinss. supply cows and nogs on first payment of tiu and II l r acre and Interest at per cent each year thereafter. W. O. Templetoa. tim Be Bldg.. Omaha. HAVE several sections of good land. Want someone Willi Borne capital to go In deal with me In sowing wheat and flax. Art quick as spring la nearly here. 1 his Is an extra good urv Posit Ion. Ad dress F :. Be REAL estate Business places supplied or handled: all slates. F. V. Knleet, tmsha. WANT PARTNER Starting bank In new town; position goes with It; chance fur making big money. Address K Jail, Bee. FO It HA LE A bst racT lumltTioiiTy books and records good loea county, Prlc lll.O"'. half cash; I's lance terms or lan'l Jim Wray, Sioux City FOR MALE trading cute, Ice cream pur lor. low loan, !; division ix'lnt reaaonable rent; receipts I.O per day. l ... jerms. Jim wray. hioux i ity A lir.SrlJNt oung man to represent a la rue Cincinnati Mfg. Corporation in the Omaha territory. Requirements: Enemy and push; ability to sell and handle other sale-tmen: gad character; ability and ef forts must be worth lu a week to begin on; capital of tt-'4 necessary to carry In itial lock. which Investment will not be necessary after first So to m daya I n lesa you are amiutious to make money tor y'Airvelf and are willing to put push ami energy Into your work, do nut reply. Mr E. II. Kuhr wUI be at tha Hotel Home In Omaha on Saturday. April 3, oi.i, m apiHoni represeniaiivea C. M. EATON. Bus. Broker, lli W. O. W., will help you In or out of business. FOR HALE Up-to-oate moving pKture show In Lincoln at a sacrl'lc prlc on account of continued til baiia of owner. T 44, tie, EDUCATIONAL HPRINCI TERM TiOTI.ES COLLEGE Mondiy, April Mh, Day School, Night School, complete business course, complete short hsnil fit stenotype course, complete telegraphy course, civil service branches and Kmc llxh. Students admitted at nnv time. write, phone or cull for lls catalogue. BOYLE COLLEGE, If. B. TIOYLKS. President. Tel. n. IiVTi. Bnyles Bldg., Omatia, Neb The Van Sant School Stenography ex 7 i iniui, sr.w iu w.vw. Night school. 4;U to .U. l'th and Farnam SO rta aaW..l SB-Atl S) J'aft r-oiisa SM7. FOR sale the following s hnlcrslilps ai a first rlnns Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. One unlimited business course. One unlimited stenographic course. One three months' business or steno graphic course. win be sold at a discount at the orric of the Omaha Be. EXl'ERT lady stenographer will take pupils. RHoRTHAND. touch typewrit ing, spelllntf, punctoatlon. etc., taught and eorriplet training given for business career. Private Instruction If desired. 4t,4 Douglas St. Ti!. Walnut 2S7. ELECTRIC BUrrLIES ELECTRIC washers. $40 75: electric Omaha's Great Mall Order House. fXiR SALE Faraltore, llonaehold Goods, Ete. New 2d-haiid furniture, cash or terms; reasonable. Amer. F'jrr.. Co.. eo N. letn PIANO, slightly burned, at a bargain. Douglas 4410. I)L,K'S! bought and sold. J. C. Reed. LrV3J.YQ 127 Farnari St. D. 146. Horses and Vehicles. 8HIP nv stock to South Omaha. Save mileaiie and shrinkage, tour consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. FARM whkous, K and up; huinesa, 140. Johnson-Danforth Co., 16th A Clark ts. FOR SALE Team of mares, 1,1'JO lb each for 1160. 3.122 HARRISON STREET. Phone Kouth 3021. MARE and horse, matched, 7 years old. Pair lst-class mares. years old. m loai. weighing 2.H.1O. Rear ltl Burt OUR winter work Is over and I want to sell some of my horses; li (tool work horses. G. L. Llshtfoot, 2103 Cuming St. TEA.V1 of 6-year-old niares, well matched, welHht 2.W0; 0-year-old work horse, weight 1.40U, end handnomo. llnrk and white Shetland pony, heavy In foal, gen tle for children: bargain: party going to Snn Francisco April 10. 2421 Dodgo St. HARNEHS, buKgies, delivery, spring and farm axons at a saving of 110 to 140 at General Mercantile Co., Omaha's Great Mall Unler House. NICE team of mures; weight 2,:i0 lbs.; suitable for most any purpose; 7 and 8 years old; alMo team, welnht 2,000 lbs., one in roai. coil staples, a llarney Ht. TWO Jersey cows, fresh. 242S 8. U4 i?t. 1, ' I ... ,"ur LIt Mtoolc tommlMlts Merchants, MARTIN BROS. St :0.. Kxcnomf Bldg. Mnslral Inatrameats. VIOLIN, cost 140, will sell cheap. It. 4iMl. Ponltrrt UfK applies. 6TEREOTYPB mstrlce mak tho best and cheapest lining tor poultry houe They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and mor durable than tarred felt end practically fireproof. 7 bo a hundred at The Bee otfic. WHITE) WYAN. cockerels. Benson 665 W. R. C R. I. Red eggs. 7bc, 16; H. 100. A. M- IMfrn. ootn and center, wal. 104. o Mixed grain, loo lbs.. 11.76. Wagner 801 N.ls. 13 full-blooded Rose Comb White Wyan dotte and rooster, lift. Tel. Wal. 15.TH-8. HUFF ORPINGTON eggs, $1.60 for fif teen. Grand layers. High vitality. U w. Lewis, Shenandoah, la- Typewriter. RENT An Oliver typewriter. I month iur e. & lie uilTrru iwwnier -u. sais TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, reimlred. central Typewriter itntcnange, am n. I7tn. Mlaeellaaeeaa. FOR BALE New and second-hand carorn and ticket billiard table and bowling alleys and accessories; bar future of all sinus; easy payments. 1110 urunswicg. Ha Ike-Col lender Co.. 407-400 8. IJth it, FOR SALE A 10x18 refrigerator meat box. Must be Sold at once. A bamaln. Central Market. Council Bluffs IS HEOOND HAND penny-ln-slot ma chine of various kinds, also cool range and 4 ga ranges. J. C. Ish, Executor 703 8. 31st Ave, Phone Harnev 243. FOR SALE Eclipse electric sweeper. gooa as new, cuenp; also utiver visible typewriter. No. 1 Tel. Web. 30,9. FOR SALE One stock membership Happy riouow at a consioeration. wainut zm. N EW and id-hand motor, dynamoe. magneto, etc., and mech. repairs. Le Broa EleCt. Work. 118-20 8. 12th. THREE-STATION Ioxinson cash carrier system for sale or will trade for Na tional cash register. Address, Y 4i2. Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. NO FILING FEE. BEST COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. ROGERS REF. CO., 636-3 State Bk. Bldg. Factory a ad Trade. LEARN hs'rclrosslng. Oppenheim Parlora HesaekerDers aad Dosaestlea. THE Servant Olrl problem uoiveu. The nee win run a Hervant Girl wanted Ad FREE until you gut tha desired reaulta This applies to residents of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffa Bring ad te 1 lie tie office or telephone Tyler luuO. WANTED White girl tor general house work. Three In family. Wal. 24J). WANTED An experienced servant girl for general housework: must be a suod cook; references required. Call H. 17OT. WANTE1 2 women to work In attchen at French Colfe House, Ilartlngton. Neb. WANTED A competent girl for geticrul ..1. 1. WANTED A girl for general housuwork; 3 In family; releivnce required. 4S-3 .Csss St. W alnut 2715. WANTED An ex)erli-nced girl for gen eral housework, where second girl Is kept; good wages. Apply 420 South Sin St, Council Blufts. Phone 1263. W ANTE IV Girl, while to assist with housework; no washing and no cooking. vv to. &u. WANTED A competent girl for ger.eral housework: references required. Mrs. T. M Orr, IM S. SHih St. ANTED A girl lur general housework. 110 H. .11th r-t V ANTEl till I tor general housework. Must he good cHk and furnish refer enda Hmall family, private home; good wages, v ail sirs. I. 1'. itedaiond, Har ney 1787. WANTED Young girl to help wllh housework. No washing ;. no dunking. Wal. 117. GIRL for general housework; care of 3 children: no washing. Harney W ANTED Voung tirl. lt or over, to aa , rk. Cull Wm. b0!. . tor ;eiierul housework. 4:tt 2:hj ."i. 11. 23.M. WANTED Chambermaid. Apply at sFl H. ih M. WANTED A girl to wash vlUhes at 114 N IHih Ht WANTED Good woman for laundry wrn : riprrni pi reipnreo. v al. .Ii W A.vTEi -A luiddio-aaed wlut Woman for housework. JTM Burt St. WANTED A competent girl for general housework, and also a good second girl. Mrs. J. A. Sunderland, 1"2! H. mh Hi. Harney 7. A GIRL for general housework, where kind treatment and Hood home U .... . . w " - . . nil,.., , . j. COMPETENT for general houeework: must be gtod cook and protvetant; rvf LXOttccS required, WaL s7i HELP WANTED FEMALE Mlaeellaaenwa. GOVERNMENT JOR3 FOR WOMEN IT! month. List free. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. fir C. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED A lady 2." or over, resident of small town or country, who has taught r.v prepared to teach and Is capable of meeting the directors and patrons of the rural schools. A splendid Income to ne aln and chsnce for steady advancement. Address Atlantic, Ioaa. Box 2?4. YOUNG women coming to Omaha a strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler' gu'de a: Union station HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and Office. BOOKKEEPER AND 8TENO., EXCEL LENT FUTURE, SALESMAN, FAMILIAR WITH AUTO SUPPLIES. CO-OPERATE REFERENCE CO., 10lf.-1 CITY NATL. BANK. SHE US FOR A GOOD POSITION, EITHER IN A WHOLESALE HOtTSK OH IN THE AUTO.M'VGLH Hl'SINEi-lA THESE LINES ARE PICKING UP. HUSINEK-t M EN'S REFERENCE" ASSN. 3I!W2" WOODMAN OF WORLD. ARCHITECTURAL draftsman, salary depends. Salesman, paper experience, SMlnry depends. Watts Ref. Co., KW-4fM2 Brandels The. NIGHT cashier, over , 3o and board. THE CANO AGENCY, 00 Bee Bld WE are getting calls for high grade sales men. Hce us at once. MIDWEST BONDING CO.. 312 Bnei Bldg HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. WEST. REFERENCE A BOND A'SSN. 712 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Agrnta, Salesmen sal Solicitor. THE fust payment now covers Insurance til July 1, litis. This makes our policy easy to fell. Call or write. Mutual Ben efit, Health and Accident Ass'n, 423-2J ity JNut nank mm . ymana. Neb YOU'LL nver get rich working for others. Whv not start a cleanlnsr and dyeinir huslners? We start you right: No previous experience necessary; but small capital required. Big profits In this great re-order business! Full details free. White Wonder Corr.panr. 22. Ni. tlonsl Safety Vault Bldg., Denver, Colo. HIGH-CLASS salesmen wanted to call on bankers and business men throughout tho state. One representative last week renelved commission of IB80; one received IM) nnd nil made good. An exceptional opportunity If you are qualified. Address G 2H7. Bee. W A NT E I Neat appearing man to travel as manager; must bave sale ability and he prepared to leave city today. Appiy :so mis morning. Mr. wuson, ll..te Fontenelle. NEAT appearing young men wanted; reference. Apply 833 Brandels Theater. Boy. WANTED A irood boy to deliver g-eo-cerles; references required. B. A. Simon, 9M Douglas. Factory aad 'trade. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE! SPECIAL SPRING HATEK 110 So. 14th St. Desk B. Omaha, Neb. Tri-City B-arber College. Tuition 1I6, on account of big trade. Wage for. 6 and 10 cent work. Electric massage taught. Hydraullo chairs. Catalog free. 1124 Douglas St. Omaha. . fulfill VOTIMO UCM T A wmirr. IVM UTlI 1TUI V Til., a--. . ... ........ .v .... ..u . . 1. . u.iimjiu 10. our Magnetic Elec. Starter Auto gradu ates. Too many untrained tinker repair men. Good men positively needed. Big spring rush. Free catalogue. i 1 n 1 c rtuuu wuw OPEN. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 2063 Farnam St.. Omaha. WANTED An experienced all around blacksmith. Must he sober and Indua trlous. A. Mallcky. Barneston. Neb. YOU MUST THINK W glva you expert auto training; earn a real salary. hl money for our trained men. Come right now and get our free course In Elec. Ltg. Slart'g systems; free catalogue. Amer. ""i" ouege. r arnam m., umaha. Neb. Mlaeellaitooac. GET WISE A thorough, nractlcal automobile evo cation at minimum cost. Ask for cata- loiTOM "l T, .1 ..nl.n.tln. . . . - . w ui VM- sla results method. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 1413-17 Dodge Street. Omaha, Neb. GOVERNMENT wants clerks; $70 month; Omaha examinations April 28; common education sufficient; particulars Ire. ppiy immediately. Y S(9. Be. RAILROAD GRADING. About 4o.Ui0 yds. embankment at Klrks- vllle, Mo.; blueprints on file offlc of Big Creek Coal Co., at Klrksvllle, Mo. Be an Auto Mechanic and draw a larg salary, or go Into tha auto business for .yourself. Our com pletely equipped school and shop will bring this result for you. Writ for free booklet. Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, 2814 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Neb. WANTED-l.OOO men to eat ham and eggs. Uc. Coffee John, 14th and Capitol. WANTED Few men for field work. Ap ply Omaha Field club. 8tth and Wool worth Ave. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted. 176 month; pull unnecessary. Write Immedi ately for full partclulars. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. 221 D , Rochester. N. Y. SITUATIONS WANTED COLORED man wants a Job; janitor or porter; can furnish best reference. Webster 1S87. ELDERLY lady desires position as house keeper, shot t Uisiunce In country or city. For Interview. Phone Web. ai35. YOUNG man wants position as collector; knows th city thoroughly. Call Wal nut IMS). COIjORED girl wants place during day. either housework or chambermaid. Ad dreaa G 24", Bee. DAY work wanted, Web. WH8. I.upla. DAY work or bundle wash. Web. 2b7. EXPERIENCED young man, 23, having finished trainlnn as cashier and bill and office clerk. Has excellent penman ship and Is college graduate. Desires position In Omaha or eUewiicre. INuAVlas kJ7. or address J-&i. Bee YOL'NG man wants to go to work; will do anything; prefer outside work. Ad dress S 2U. Bee. YOUNG man wants work on farm or ranch, city or country. D. Stlftf. HOTEL and restaurant man. experi enced, aged IS, wants work either as dishwasher, porter, bellboy or any other kind; honest, soler and willing. Phone iKiuvlss tfws. John. 224 Douglas St. PERFECT home washing; lace curtains a siecla'ty. Webster 421. DAY work by hour. Redv)7 DAY work wanted. Web. Luis CHAUFFEUR wants position: good care ful driver and can keep car In first class ehaie; willing to do other work; wages reasonable; best of reference. F. Elmore, Council Bluffs. Ia. EXPERIENCED clerk, dry goods or gro cery. 1 years old. desires position; had experience as collector also. Addres J 2fis, Bee. COliKI D woman wants position, any kind. D. srocV COlsJRED man wants a Job; Janitor or potter: can funilah best reference. thus. Anderson. Web. Mli.. DAY work wanted. Weh. J1J3 W ANTE1 Position aa cook. D. 4771 WANTED Position as chauffeur; pre fer cor going to California. Willing to do work around the h jus. Will glv ref erences. Bunker. Aetna hotel. LOcVT AND POUND L 1ST One sterling silver vanity urae initials "E. N. S." Reward. K. X61 or So J 6. LOST-MALL RED BOK CONTAIN ING NAMES tiK REAL ESTATE DEALERS. LISTED ACCORDING TO BUILDING. FINDER PLEASE PHONE bed 2.'f ou call Douglas ta. LOT AND POIND OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Person having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left It In the street Cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company u anxious to restore U em tn the rlsht'el owner Call Doug. 44, IF THE person who stole my grip from 2114 Chicago St., Saturday afternoon will return the bunch of keys 1 will pay a suitable reward and ask no questions. Joe B. Endlcott, Her Grand Hotel. LOST Gold lorgnette, monogram 8 B. Ij., between Paxton block and 17th and Douglas: reward If returned to desk clerk Fontenelle Hotel. LOST A Boston terrier, male; screw tail brlndle with white markings, small brtndle spot between ears: answers to name of Tat; liberal reward. Call Har ney ffMT. LOST Platinum lavalllere, site of dol lar, set with 7 diamonds; locket form, opening In hsck; piece of black silk In side; reward offered. Phone Webster US. LOST Package containing 4 pairs ladles' gloves; finder kindly return same to Dr. Zora D. Clark. 310 Ramge Bldg. Re ward LOST Oliver mesh bag, near loth and Farnam; reward. Phono Walnut 2K72. MAIL ORDER BUSINESS SAVE 26 to 60 per cent on furniture by trsdlng with General Mercantile Co., Omaha's Oreat Mall Order House, 715 8. Mh St. MEDICAL Piles and Fistula Cured without PUROICAL OPERATION or PAIN. NO DETENTION from BUSI NESS. PAY when CURED. A written GUARANTEE given In every .case treated. Patient must come to the of fice, 408--10 Omaha National bank, 17th and Farnam Sts. DR. WILLIAM CREIQiriON MAXWELL, Twenty-eight years In Omaha. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical ipltal Medical College, new Torn city, N. Y, Rupti nro iura in a raw aay wunoui 1X10 pain. Call or write Dr Wrar. tnf Bee Bid.. Omaha. Established 1A4. o Kles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op e ration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal dlaeaaea with testimonials. DR. K. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg DRUG habits successfully treated, 6-day guarantee; harmless and painless method; full ctock; you can be treated at home. Address Dr. C. C. Altken, 828 Park Ave. Phone Harney 3396 o NURSERY SEEDS AND PLANTS. J. WBSTROM NURSERY CO., at our old location. A choice and complete line of nursery stock. We can save you agent's oommlsslon. Soth and Harney. 200 DUN LAP strawberry plants, $1; 1,000 4; postpaid. W. C. Hebdon. Blair, Neb. PERSONAL $7,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS Unless we receive 800 subscription to th L. H. Journal. 11.60; a K. Post, L6o; or Country Gentleman, It, in April (also 600 hv Sept.) that 37.000 for THE! IN VALIDS' PENSION ASSOCIATION can not be earned. Your renewals contribute 60 cents. Phone Douglas 7163, or mail Gordon, The Magazine Man OMAHA. THE Salvation Army Industrial bom so licit your olC clothing, furniture, mag. Cine. We collect. We distribute. Phon Dougla 4I8a and our wagon will call. Call nd Inspect our new home, U10-iL2-U14 Dodge St.- YOUNG women ocrolng to Omaha a strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St Mary' Ave., wher they will be directed to sultabl boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at th Union station. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OP OMAHA Aoeosstasls. E. A. DW'JHAK, C. P. A.. Address in Ramge Bldg., phone Douglas 74U6. Addlagr Macklatt. Dal ton Adding Machines. 411 S. Ii. D. 144. Adder Mcu. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. D. Aaiatesr Flalshlasj. FILMS developed free if purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 416 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. Architect. Everett 8. Podds. 612 Paxton Bile D. 291. MagTxto repair work a specialty. P. 2413. Aactlaaeer. Dowd Auction Co.. 1116-16 W. O. W. R, 1286. Dowd Auction Co., 1 116-14 W. O. W. R. 32X&. Bakeries. Z. II. REEDER. 160 No. ISth. Web. 2227. Bin PrlatlasT. HORNBY BLUU PRINT CO.. Kit Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Braas Foaadrte. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha St. t araeatera a s4 toslraclsn. STEVENSON, (23 a 23d. Douglas 6430. (alifornl-. lsiis. W.JT. Smith Co., W City Nat 1 Bk. D.tSla thlaa Palatla-. Ruth Lsichford. decorstlng. firing. R. 441 Civil Ka-laeer. M. J. LACY. 61 BEB BTJK3. POUQ. 4716. I rraja Separator. Th Sharpie Separator Co.. 12th A Farn. Cistern aad Well DI-laj.T. NEED well or clatera dransd or dugt SCHAFFER does It- Phon Web. UiX. t. B. RICKERTT Wall Construction CoTj nothing too big or Impossible: estlmat furnished. 610 N. list Sc. Omaha. Dascisg Assstasiea Turpln's Dancing- Academy. 2ft h tc Farn. TryjJ ackle's first. 1W4 Harney, Doug. 6446. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 1371 Dr. Bradbury. No pain. Ml W. O. W.Bldg. kjz. man s aiveoiar oeniisiry. 1 tsrandsis Bailey, the Dentist. City Nat'l Bank. Taft Dec.tal Rooms, 1617 Douglas. D. 2U6. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckes. 724 City Nat. Bank. Detectives. INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any part of United States, Can so a or Mexico. tot Paxton Blk. Doug. 1.T71 Walnut lj2tf. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Block. Evi denc secured in all rase. Tyler 113. Unusiaklag Terry pressiuuk'g college. 20th Farnam. K LISTER S Dreasuiaklng college, . day and night school. lOt City Nat'l Bank. It rasa. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on 210 orders; catalogues tree. Sherman 4s Mc Council Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. livery th last lur Wesaea. ACCORDION, side, knit, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sloes and styles: hemstitching, plcot edgtug. Ideal Pleating Co.. Doug 1 as Block. D. la.! HA1KDRESS1NG st your borne R. aJi. Kvrrilklsx fur Wsata. NEW YORK sample ator. Must vacau, building coining down: cloak, suits aud dree sea oatrlttced Slsi N. hith 8L F.lfplrl asilSBlte. LEBRON Elec. wka.. X S l?th. D fl7. Flortaia. BATH S, florists. li4 Farnam St. D 8Qu. Florist L. HENDERSON. ISIS Fara&m D. USS. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Ass'n HESS A BWOBODAV 1416 Farnam St A. Do,NACHILK, U22 Harney. Dou. idol. LIVE WIRE Bl SIX ESS MEN OF OMAHA C.atterln and onlla. STOVE repairing. Fir Prevention Co. DoukIss 4.4. Hat Dyers, Straw hats dyed. Dora F.lsele, HS C. Nat. lair Dressing-. Harper method, n g, Palrd BMg. D. Srtll. Llahtlna Fixtures aad tVlrtaar. THOMAS DURK1N Electric fixture and supplies, contract ing and repair work d"n renonrhle. 2419 CUMING. DOUGLAS t61. Mve Stock Remedies. OMAHA Remedy Co.. Hrj R. 12th. Red 42S1. Messenger and Teamster, WHITE LINE. 910 N. 1th St. Doug. MIS, Mask, t'mtnmri and Loiltr Sappllea. MFG. of lodge regalia and costumes. Theo. Lleben 4V Son. 1614 Howard. D. 4116. CORA BELLIXGY good, restful Magnetic. Other satisfac tory treatments. Vapor baths. Open 10 a. m. to 10 p. m , Including SUndaya 1"7 S. 17th St.. near Douglas. Notice: Bn trance downstairs, Basement, Cor. Dodge. MISS STAPLES, mass., elec. bath. D 713. Open eve.. p. m.; Sundays, 12 to R. MA S3 A OB. 1721 Dodge. Mrs. Steele. TIAT"!! ,r"l mass., alcohol rub. Iura Z x Wilson. 12 Farnam. R. 2. Dong. SJM. Open evening and Sunday. MASHAGB-R20 Bee Bldg. Doug. 6372, VISIT Miss Venlta, new massage parlors; alcohol rub and scalp treatment 108 S. 17th St. MISS WALTON, mass. R. 221 Neville Blk. M. BRUGMAN, mass R. 203 Karbach Bk. R. 2727. Clara Lee, bath and massage. Doug. 875L BATHS. 214 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Doug. Motion Pie tores. . OMAHA Film Ex.; 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargalna. MotIss, Storage aad CleanlaaT. W. C. FERP.IN. 16th and Capitol. Ty. 120ft, Printing?. WATFRS-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 8. 13th St. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 37S4. CORET M KEN2JE PTG. CO. D. 2644. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co.. M70 Capitol. D. 1102. Osteopathic Physician. Dr. Rerncha. 2AS-4 McCsgtie Bldg. D. SfiM. Dr. Peterson. 603 Brandels Bldg.. D. 2144. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG, 615 Be Bldg Patent. D. O. Barnell, Paxton BTk. Tel. Red TU7. H. A. Bturgea, 4Vi Brandels Theater Bldg. Patent Developmeat. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 S. 11th St Palatine and t-awcrlnar. HUGH M'MANCrS. 417 N. 40th. H. 672S." Omaha Paste Co. Snowflak psste. D. 3780. Plnme llenovated. PLUMES 4V HATS made over, cleaned A dyed. Bertha Kruger. 429 Paxton. D. 8394. Prtatlnar. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. Reacg Exterminator. B B B Roach powder. King's, 24th Jk Far. Safe and Tins Lock Experts). O A T?T7Q Opened, repaired, com. OxA.1V X!0 enanged. F. E. Daven- ho Rnulriae. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. Bt B. 14. Igas and Bhowearda. B. M CLARK A BON. 1U S. ISTH ST. Steel Celliaars. " CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 S. 10. Mtmwo and Ottlmm tv-w.b..- DESK8, safes, scales, showcase, shelv ing -fr TX7- V. 11 . . b, v v uui sen. umaai fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 8. 12th. D. 2724. Towel BaDolle. OMAHA Towel Supply. Kff g. Uth. P. 628. Tlawork CENTRAL TIN SHOP, 1117 Dodge. Doua;. Tailor. CHA9. C. LANDERTOTJ. 108 N. 16th 8t OLSEN A HOUaXJHE. 1&U6 Harney, ii. Ka. Trank aad Saltease FRELINQ A gTEINLB. 1806 Farnam St DR. O. R. YOUNG. 4601 Center. Wal. 8026, Wine and Liquors. ALEX JETES. 201-3 S. ISth St Wines, mom, i isma. j-iqie oinncrs, IX to a, 10c, Olob liquor bouse. 424 N. 16th; Csllfomla per gai. w nto tor price list HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE. .mu nu .)iim jtTt. ien-ceni lunch. BUY your family liquor at Klein's fcwwr nuuae. rt. tOUl. JJUUCias 1SUS. SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTOMOBILE I am an automobile dealer and a trader. I have a very fine 40 H. P. 6-paseenger auto, agency In Omaha; standard, well known make, a popular a the Ford- car In perfect order, 1913 model. Presto light, easy to handle, good as new. I will exchange for vacant lot or real equity tn small Omaha house worth $0. I will guarantee oar. Don't offer me land or their equities, or junk; If you want to do business describe what you have In first letter. S. C. 856, Bee. AUTO 1913 6 pass. Bulck, fine condition. Will trsde for lot valued $1,000 on paved street Will pay difference If lot la worth more. Call Webster 4816. AUTOMOBILES F01 other automobile bargain e th "Automobile" eiaaaUt cation. BULL PUP, male, to trade for fox ter rier. State particulars. 8. C. 860, Bee. BUSINESS CHANCE Best restaurant in city, always crowded; on account of sickness of proprietor, for trade for what have you? Address 8. C. 851, Be. COOK STOVE Four holes, good condi tion. Make me offer; what hav you? Address & C. 8tt. Be. CORNER LOT FOR AUTO. Fin corner lot. North Omaha, cash value $4Ti0, even for Ford or light car. Address P. O. Box 640, Omaha, Neb. DEFIANCE pay roll check writer. Moke me offer; what have you. Address S. C. K7. Bee. DIAMOND A good, clear diamond, no flaws: set In ladles' mounting. Want an upright piano for this. S. C. KM, Bee. FARM Fine quarter section, northeast ern Kansas; near Kansas City; extra good Improvements; flue water; all tilla ble except 40 acres pasture. Will trade for Omaha Income. This is not ordinary trading stuff. W. T. SMITH CO.. City National Bank Bldg. FAN I have a fine 6-Inch fan, house size. I will trade for bicycle, A-l condi tion; also a fine nickel case 17-jewel watch In fine running order. Will trade either for bicycle. Address 8. C. rt4. Bee FANS 3 good W-lncti electric fans; 1 good 8-Inch electric tun. All In A-l condition. A. C. Current. Swap. What nave you. Address w. c. HiZ. Bee. FOR EXCHANGE An up-to-date Eclipse sweeper (electric), also No. $ visible typewriter. "Oliver," nearly new. What hav you? Address- 8. C. M8, Be. GUN Stevens, 12-gaug hammerleas iiumD gun for a Colt's automatic pistol and casn Aoures ev . w, nee. LUMBER for small cottage. Including doors, windows, sash. etc. What am 1 offered? Value Ili. Address . c. MB. Bee. MOTORCYCLE Will swap motorcycle for a sewing machine; must b a good one. W alnut li MIILLNERY stock and fixtures doing good business snd making money, for wbst have you to trade. Address 8. C. Mb. Bee. . MOTORCYCLE to trade for cow or dia mond. Address S. C. 850. Bee. OAK dining room table to swap! What hav you to trade? S. C. Sfil. Be. ORGAN Kimball organ: also sanitary cot. aaveniKn siyie, lor nairs or other narlor and alining room furniture. Ad dress H Bee. PIANO Who has a ojiik driving team about 2,1 lbs. for one if the highest grade, sweetest toned plincs luanutu:- tured? Address 8 'tTf.: PIANO Will exchange a luxri graJ Standard piano for young. Bound farm niarvs. Addres 8. C. 649. Be. SWAPPERS' COLUMN PIANO A turned Wellington piano; ln-1 Was new six montns aKO. f. v '. piANO-Ag"od high-grade, used, player Iiano. with 4U rolls music; would take cow, chickens, diamond, or what bav you bh part payment. Address 8. C. 83,j I'ee. RESTAURANT and lunch counter doing prolitsble business on Earnam. Will trmle for vacant lot, or whiit have youT Address S. C. 712, Bee. REFRIGERATOR iES-lbs., good as new., ued I'ne season. Will exi-hnnse for; porch chairs. Address S. C. M7. Hee. TABLE One dining room table, 6 ft, ma-. hogany flnlh. What am 1 offered? Ad- dress 8. C. ST.7, Bee. SIGN'S. showsrUs Clark A Son. P. 1378. WILL TRADE a diamond ring for two 3fix4 Q. D. rasing S C. H09 Bee. THOROl'GH BRED Angora cat to trade! for fox terrier or Boston terrier or what have you? Address, S. C. S2, Bee. TYPEWRITER Nearly new No. 6 Un derwood typewriter; will trad for cashier rage or office furniture. Vhat have you? 8 C. CB, Bee. TRUCK For sale or trade a ton delivery; truck. What have you to offer? Ad dress S. C. 843, Bee. WATCH-WII1 trade a good gold Mle1 case new watch for a good pup. Ad dress 8. C. 777. care Bee. FOR RENT Asartmrsti and Flats. I CLOSE-IN APARTMENTS, THE LAFAYETTE, 17TH AVE. AND JACKSON ST. Two and three rooms, with first-class 1 equipment: reasonable rents; references! required. The Janitor will show you t through nt anv time. PAYNE SLATER CO., B16 Omaha National Bank Bldg. FOR RB7NT Most beautiful, finely fin ished and up-to-date 8, 4 and 6room apartments In city. Building luet fin ished. Flora Apartments. Sjl Jones St- FOR RENT S rooms with toilet and bath, easy walking distance and close to car. $12.50 per month. T. SULLIVAN, 21S Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 4413. $10.60, THREE large rooms part mod. flat for small family. 1915 Elm St. D. 072. CENTRAL No equal n prlc or quality; 7-room house; 4-room flat 20 N. 23d. FIDELITY ftt& FREE! Phone Douglas 1128 for complete list otli all vacant houses and apartments, also for storage, moving, packing, shipping. I HIGH-CLASS APARTMKNTS, CLOSE IN. THE ANGELUBi APARTMENTS, 25TH AVE. AND DOUGLAS ST. Three and four rooms, with disappear-" Ing beds, electric elevators and other first-class equipment Janitor will show you through at any time. PAYNE & KLATER CO., 116 Omaha National Bank Bldg. 8 rooms, mod., $30 month. 1414 Chicago. Furnished Apartment. C-room brick furnished flat, 1331 Park ave. MODERN 3-room furnished apartment for th summer. Apply office. New Ham ilton. Board and Room. LARGE furnished or unfurnished room, exceptional closet room, ideal summer place In West Farnam district, with, splendid board to young men or couple. Harney 49X1. Fsrnlihea Rooms. MADISON 21st and Chicago; steam heat; $10 mo. and up; cafo Id connection. D.6993. SITTING room and beSroora for two or three business women. In modern, pri vate home; every convenience. Harney 0630. 1035 80. Slst 8t. STEAM heated rooms, $2 week. Ogden fioiei, louncu ruuris. Nicely fur, rooms. 214 N. 26th. Doug. 6402. MODERN, light, newly furnished rooms, with bath; suitable for two ladle. Harney 4555. EXCELLENT modern room. In private family. Call Harney 6813. MODERN front sleeping room. Red 7466. 2208 Harney. 2607 FARNAM Neatly furnished room, for gentleman, $13 month. N. 22D, $21 Elegant clean rooms; newly furnished; all modern conveniences; garage. Douglas 6751. Untarnished Room. 633 8. 28TH Two large, modern unfur nished room. Water and ga In room. Harney 3136. llonsekeeplna Hooma, LIGHT housekeeping rooms; also e!gant ' sunsniny steeping rooms, zjos-io Doue;- ' las. FARNAM, 822 Nlca housekeeping rooms. Newly papered, electricity, gas range. DAVENPORT. 2018-Two nicely furnished! housekeeping rooms. Light - HoaaeUeejtlnir Rooms. STEAM heated rooms, with alcove, kitchenette, furnished. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluff. TWO nicely furnished front, housekeep ing. zuiy vveoeter. House and Cottages. 86, NEAR FARNAM. 6-r, east front, only $36. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat. Doug. 2715. Dwelling, 414 So. 38th St. ; tiled vestibule, reception hall, front and back parlors, dining room and kitchen, 5 bed rooms, 2 bath rooms, hot water heat, rarage. All in first class con dition. Location A-l. Benj. S. Baker. Fhones D482, II317, 8-r., modern, 30th, near Dodge, $40. 7- r., mod. ex. heat, Cass, near 33d, $20. 8- r., modern, 1677 North 24th. $W. 6- r., modern, Ohio, near 14th, $18. 9- r mod., 22d and Davenport, $.18. 7- r. mod. ex. heat. 33d and Maple, $16. 6-r., mod., 3Jth near Chicago, fli. 8- r, modern. South 10th St, $4U. 6-r, mod. ex. heat. So. 13th St, $16.. 6-r., mod. ex. heat. 40th and Blnney. $12. APARTMENTS. 4-r, mod., s. 24th near Ieavenworth, $12. 6- r., modern, 2"OS Reea St., $15. 7- r, modern. Park Ave., near Hans com Park, $&. 7-r. mod. flat. 2.1d, near California, $27.60. 7-r. mod. flat, S. 30th. near Jackson, $-'0. 7-r. mod flats. 8. 25th, near Farnam. $35. We have one of the largest lists of rentals In Omaha. Call up or come Into the office. W. M. NASH A CO.. Real Estate. Rentals, Loans, Insurance. 602 Be Bldg. Ph. Red FOR RENT We have a complete list of all houses, apartment and flats that are for rent. This list can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van A Storage Co., "8 S. liith St. FOR RENT. Very fine, all modern, 6-room home. In Cathedral district; everything brand new CALKINS & CO.. Doug. UU. 2714 Davenport St., 6-room modern cottage. Large lot, $25. 210 S. 30th St., 9-rooin house, modern. $35. Inquire 212 8. 30th St. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; storejjv, $.' per muntn. When you move cail 'us Satisfaction guar. D. 433S and Tyler Is". LARGE 4-room cottage, modern except heat: nice yard. $15. 4110 N. feth Ave. PARK AVE.. 1313 7-room mod. brick. 7-Hi hi. VI Ml modern. Parker St. Maggard's; Van and Storaen Co. Call us for es timates fi,i r.,nu ing. pat king, shipping, ril Webster St. 1 ju ft in v i--"D. ALXs i. IU i r munth tip sv - iov Gordon Van Co. .! , .a j . 211 N. llth St. Tel D frt nr w, h l ; CALDWELL- noma, partly mod vi'7,lbVduiU "ly; '" dlsiaiic.