1) hie bee: omaha. Saturday, aprtl 3, 1915. HO WAR REPORTS ! much to eat and then some FOR THESE WOMEN Betty Stoll and Two Other Austrian Women Adopt a Plan and Then Go Into Hiding. BARRICADED IN THE HOME CorresponiV n-e nf tl.c Assoriatwl Prss.) AMSTERDAM. Mr-h W Austrian taper rerelvcd I rrr I'll how throe women who h1 lionr-n to lilhrrnatr throiiuh the r have hern inro cred by the Prsgue t,f hi'lrlrn n n strongly brti 1 !! house In that r)1 . The rhlef of poll'' rercntly rri-elvfd a letter from a resident In the ionik- Britiih Army Rations that Are Laid Out for Inspection of News paper Correspondents. EVERYTHING TO TICKLE PALATE i Correspondence nf tho Aikx laleil rre ) JRmH OKNKRAI, HEADCil'AR- "TERS IS FRANCE. March 27.-A picture J ithat will linear In the memory of the! newspsfior men who visited the front as auc-st of tne British staff, ws the alsht or hi' k of variety, laid out fr Inspection 1 on a hotel falile, aim looking not unlike j it study of the content of a larder hy a I I iil-h r.nlnter. ! There heef and mutton, a pound of mli. ithe fresh meat ration la one i pound). There were lr:i Una of pressed beef, wlilrh vary th frh mrat. or are Ribbons for Easter A splendid BftBortmtnt of millin ery ribbon In new and stylish shade wide and narrow. Wide moire roeraln In all th) food millinery shade. Special, yd., 8c. Black. Velvet Ribbon 2 S Inches wide. A yard, lc. J.-.-U- U UW IB l.J. V-l -A.-)-- Correct Easter Millinery f Timely in StyleLow in Its Price n U $-0.39 trso, Mating that tne widow, Hetty i taken when truth meat rannnt ls got. Stoll, together with her two daughter. , There wan a two-pound loaf of excellent had l-een murdernl The writer of the j bread and the alternative ration of bla letter. on being Interrogated. n.ld that fur (ililt. many week no ono had t-een ton to J The biscuit. a cording to the soldiers, lejive the hoie. tlie window shutter of are a vast Impiovement on the Routh which remained closed all the time. A. j Afrlan war biscuit. There are freh vege number of constable, under the leader- i tallica. Including onion; toa. augar and tarn, of which tha English soldier la Inordinately fond, and, by way of luxur ies, fifty cigarette and two ounces of tobacco Thl quantity of cigarette and were ahip of the i-oinrnlinary of police. forced open by a locksmith. In tha front room an elaborate buirl i ade had been erected. Table, w ard- tuliep, portmanteaux, chnlr. and even a j tobacco I served out weekly, llano filled the apartment literally from j There la, beside, a ration of mjpor lloor to celling. The police having with j excellent Imoon, cheea, butter, where po dirflciilty made a clearing In thja artl- j alble, and a bottle of army rum. The fil ial Jungle, punned through to the Inner 1 rum ration la two ounce dally, a rather inom. , large wine glBfu. Apart from the dally Here In three l'1. placed aide by vide. inane of ration, every limn carried hi Ih- tne three women Hn eelng the In- j trnderr the three. In an angry i-horua. e!ioi:t"d to the police chief: ; 'Clear out. all of you; clear out, and il'.ilck. too! Leave u In jieace. ' "Kor the laat two monlha we Imve I tlved here barrif aded becauae we don t ; wish to hear anvthlng whatever about ' the war. It sicken ua to bear about It. W are In need of nothing. We have pro Aion in plenty." In the adjoining room the police found a atore of provision ufflclent to laat mother clx month. emergency ration of beef and blacult, which he mtiat not touch till be ha been twenty-four hour without food. German Woodworkers Urge that Hatred Be Kept Out of War Corroiondoiice of the Aaaociated i'ren ) AMHTERDAM. March .T0.-"Ve found it lmpnalble to avoid the war; but let ua t leaat take rare that It I not conducted with hatred.'' date a bulletin gent from tho Herman Federation of Wood Work er to the International headquarter of the wood worker' union In France. It continued, urging a aan view of affair: "Our moat ardent wish la that Ger many ahall lue victorious from thl war. Rut tho people who cannot aay an) thine too flattering about Oerman statesmen, or too Inaultlna about foreign ruler, and who ran aee nothing that I not vile and contemptible In tho people at war with Germany are fale patriot. "We understand perfectly the attitude of the worker of the countries at war with u. Just a wa are convinced of the rlRhtneaw of the Oerman eauae, ao abroad re people convinced that It I for their country a Just war which It I tha pa triotic! duty of evaryen to support. "When tho war la over," adds the bulle tin, "the old domestic! feuda and clan wars will start again, and the workers of various countries will need each other support and friendship. The reaamna which went to create International rela tions between the trade unions will still exist la no less degree after the war, and will oblige ua to apllca the bond that war has torn apart." Germans Eat Cake In Place of Bread 'oi reapotidence of the Aaaocluted Pre.) HKItLIN, March HO-Thone who have been unable to adapt their appotlte to Hi" new style of bread now In uc In icrmany have taken advantage of the ruin allowing a certain percentage of white flour to lie lined In ctie, and re entlng wo inuih of tho latter that the miiynr of l'.erlln ha had to laaue a wrnl.ig to them. He declared that the permission to use flour In cke diw not Indicate a pernils plon to use rake without restriction, and my thnt thl auhatltutn for bread must le eaten sparingly. Tho continuance of the habit of using rake without limit, he au. will be followed by action on tho part of tiiu authorities Autograph Copy of Goethe Comedy Found (Correaiiondence of the Aaaociated Pre.) HKKUN, March .-An autograph copy of Ooetne'a comedy, "The Accom plice," written In his youth, has been found among tho effects of an aged woman, who recently died In Dresden. The manuscript wa In a packet that had not been opened for forty years. It had long been known that there wer In existence two copies of this comedy, written In 176, but Ooethe researchers had hunted vainly for It. 'Tho owner left a will, giving the manuscript to the (loethe Archive In Weimar. The will placed tha value of the manu acrlpt at W.noo marks (t'.ttO). and the city has required the payment of Inheri tance taxes thereon at that valuation. Austrian Censors Hard Working Men (Correspondence of the Aaaociated Pre.) VIENNA. March SO-Forty thou sand letters. In more than forty lan guage and dialects, to be read dally; e trt mesa ax written In cipher with In visible Inks to be discovered and pusxled out; atl manner of question from dis tracted parents about ths whereabouts of their sons to be answered; thousand of complaints from Austrlans regarding their treatment In foreign detention camps and prisons to bo lnveJtt(ated. Thoa ar some of the duties of the censors between J"0 and m of them w ho form ths personnel of the censor ship bureau of the Austrian empire which Is located In the war ministry, and which has been dubbed "The Organised Mabel." Both Incoming and outgoing loi ters have to be scrutinised carefully. The staff Includes mnr than JOO volun tar)' worker, who are divided Into tiroups according to their familiarity with Russian, Ci.-ih, Herman. Slavic, ferbian, Croatian, Italian. Rumanian, Ruthrnian, Polish. French and English language and dialects. The Russian censors tn turn are divided up into groups who know the Esthenian. Finnish, ixttiah, Armenian, TeraUn, Turkish. Tartar and Hebrew tongues. Tha Rua alan prisoner even receive letters in llea sarabic and "Sanskrit. At the head of each group I a respon sible official, before whom must be laid each auspicious letter, and each missive containing useful Information. Ha In turn makes a monthly report to tho chief censor, and the latter reports to the min ister of war. More Or lea Innocent attempts to de ceive the censor, especially In ncitif)lng friends and relative of their exact lora .loo and condition, are made reeatedly, particularly by the Rueatana. This One Was Put Over on the Censor (Correspondence of the Aasocialed J'reas ) VIENNA, March 'M Etvcn the censor sometimes naps, and the one who chose the time of Count liercblnld'a deiar ture from the office of minister of for eign affairs for hi lapse from .watch, fulness, managed at leaat tu enhance the gayety of nation. The political critic of a Vienna news paper cboae the count s departure from state affair for a review of bis work, and began hi articio with the question: "How does the brain of this much tor mented man look? I will picture It for jrouT" Tb censor did not approve of th cri tic S sketch of Count lerc-hUld's brain and ordered it chiselled out of the al ready prepared plate. He forgot, how over, to erase the question preceding- It, so that, when the paper went to preos, tne Query appeared prominently, followed by a WoeT and atgnirkant blank space, and tnea the concluding word of the riUt: t "it lucAa Uks UiiS.' Brandeis Stores Easter Plants Saturday Special The Finest Plants We Have Ever Had. Easter Lilies, blossom 13o Dutch Hyacinths, each 19c Large Spireas, each.. 98c Hydrangeas, ,98c to $1.50 Many other pretty Bloom ing Plants at Special Prices. Cut Flowtrs Violets, sweet peas, tulips, jonquils, earuations, roses, lilies of tho valley, etc., ete. At sjeeial prices. Easter Candy and Novelties Mui'kIuuuUow lien's Etfgs, ( for 5c Marhliinnllow Chocolate Eggs, (5 for 5c Spiee Jelly Eggs, a., 10c AssortM.Ielly Kggt lb.lOc x rmre) Smart Hemp and Milan Hemp Shapes All of t lie large sailors, new tricorns, new poke and mushroom shapes, made of good qnalitv hemp or milan hemp. They are in rose, new blue, nand, black, etc., and would sell in a rcg. way at $2.50. Saturday's price. $1 39 1 For Those Who Trim Their Easter Hats V'a have arranged a special lot of flownra, branches, la smart wreath effect; beautiful bows of ribbons, all wired ready to new on. These are In all the new combination,, uch an black and white, navy and white, old rose, Helgtan blue, black moire, velvet bowg, faille bows and satin bowg. Those who do their own trimming will be enamored of the pretty new butterfly bows, Alsatian bows, Mer cury bows, Exposition bows. Augur bows, and others that are especially featured, the moat fascinating; mod els shown tbts spring. They will be found very adaptable to present styles In trimmings. Prices 98c Gradually up to $2.50 n Beautiful Trimmed Hats $5 A decidedly unusual pre-Eastcr of fering of hals especially adapted to the occasion, being designed for both dress and semi-dress wear. They are the large, elegant Milan hemp sailors, some with cable l4ts edges. The shades are those that are most in favor this spring sand, army blue, sea gull gray, black, and black and white. They are beauti fully trimmed with ostrich bands and novelties, all of prime stock selected because of the extreme width of each flue. Saturday choice from a large selection worth $7.50 to $10.00 $5 The "Baby Jane" Hat for Children Is Very Clever These delightful hats (as illus trated) fit any child's head perfectly due to a special fea ture which makes them self-adjustable. They are very smartly designed for ages 2 to 12 years. They may bo found only in this store and the price is very moderate. r.!:r.i.s.-.$2.98 m a a' ., 4)abyJzne Trimmed Hat Special in Basement FIVE HUNDRED sample trimmed bats secured from Apt & Co., Phila delphia, known as the leading Eastern makers of trimmed hats. They do not, In a regular way, make hats to sell for less than $5. For this great basement sale we have these half thousand hats, each one different. Street and dress hats In the newest spring shades. Values ot from 1 rp 15.00 to f 7.50. Saturday, choice, at. only J 1 Boys' Much Boy's Thousands of Easter Novelties . Kaater Kaakrta Killed. IPc and 15c Kalibtu Kach. 5c, 10c. 2Ro and )l.oo Cotton Chicks and Kabbtta A dozen Kr One-pound Easter Vox. of Chocolates 2.1c Sis Chocolate Eggs la a Crate S.V I'ompelan Chocolate bitter Sweets and Swiss Style Milk Chocolates Fruit and nut centers. A pound tuc Assorted Nut Hrittle Wal nut, almond, filbert and lira- ail nuts. A pound liic All kinds of Chocolate Cream Kg-gs Wry floe cream cen ters. Each 6c, 10c. 16c, 2 fie and 50c lit Splendid Clothing Is Underpriced in the New Department K To introduce the new long trouser suit section in connection with the splendid new boys' department on tho Third Floor, Main Hldg., wo will sell you young fellows $12.50, $15.() and even some $1(5.50 High School J1 rv ff fcvuits for 4 JLU.UU English Models. Semi-English Models. Included are 111 tie Kerge Sulfa in new model, sjtil the grMMet variety of snap py new pattern In Hcotehe, Tweeds and taaslinere) ever shown at our price. Snappy Double Breasted Models. Modified Norfolk Models. Boys9 New Spring Two-Pair-Pant M mfr- m m w w w Hoys' 4.00 Two-Pair-Pant Suits Pants are fully lined. Very special for Saturday, at a.-t.oo. $7.50 and $8 SO Hoy $5.00 and $6.50 Boys' Suits With two pair of full lined pants; a belt to match many of theae suit. Saturday, at "l.oo. Suits With two pair of full lined pants, also belt to match, 0.3. Dlue Serge Suits for Confirmation Select a blue aerge suit where there Is day light and where the assortment ot weaves and models Is the largest at prices far les. Highly tailored models In blue serge suits; many with two pair pants, for $3.00 to $10.uO. Strictly All-Wool-Blue Serge Suits for fJ.50. Hove' Mouses rxilsette and madras blouses in white ant cteltrais Mailt iriil. 4e lv 100, Move' Spring Neckwear All all k four-ln. bands In re versible and !.! end, a&e and SOe. Boys" ShlrU A large va riety of pat terns In all stles, 4c, 91 Iv"ir Easter Gloves Special Values in Stylish Handwear Pre-Easter Sale A limited quantity of Women's Two Clasp Overseam or One-Clasp Pique Kid Gloves Black, white, tan, brown, gray and Pegalle. Some of the black and white gloves have con trasting backs. Eicellent values, ordinarily sold at consider d A ably more. Saturday, pair. . V 1" Women's Two-Clasp Overseam Im ported Kid Gloves Black, white, tan, brown and gray, In light or med ium weight. Special Satur- '7C day, a pair lOC Perrln's Overseam or Pique Real Kid Gloves With plain or contrast ing backs. Black, white, tan and brown. Excellent values: every pair guaranteed. f rn A pair plt)U We show a wonderful assortment ot the new fancy gloves at moderate prices. Beautiful new embroidered gloves In black, white and the new colors sand, putty, gold, ivory, etc. They come In real French kid, made by Perrln and other famous makers. In addition there are the new wash able kid gloves made by Adler aua Bacmo. They are in puttv and sand. (Of the latter there is but a limited quantity.) The prices are $1.00, 411.75, r OO, $2.23 and $2.50. VKRV SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Women's Two-CI an p, Double Tip ped Fine Silk Glove With four row heavy embroidered fr backs. A pair.... DUC Two Clasp Guaranteed Washable Chamoisette Gloves Kayser and LL, make. In white or white with black barks. Chamois color or J f pongee. A pair. tDC Our Stock of Kayser Silk Gloves Is Comprehensive and Complete. Misses' and Children's Gloves Misses' Two-Clasp Chamoisette Gloves White or natural. OC, Guaranteed washable. A pair. .aCuC Misses' Two-Clasp Overseam Kid Gloves Tan only. Special Saturday, a pair. Children's Pull Pique Kid Glovea Fine quality, none better for fit or wear. Black, tan, gray and white. Ages 1 to 14 years. A pair 59c $1.25 Stocking Spls. $1.00 Women's Pure Vy Bilk Thread Stock Ing Embroidered Inntepa, fancy clocked in black and while, two-toned boots and many other novelties; alao plain. colors to match ahoe top and evening dreeaes, AU full fsnhlnned, re inforced heels and toes; aounie sole and wide aarter top. Reg ular f 1.21 and 11.50 quality, hpeclal Women's Pur 811k Thread Boot Stork lnsrs In sll shoe and dress shades. Full regular made; double aolea, ff heels and toea and garter jlJC tope. Special, a pair Women's Silk Thread Boots and Mer cerised LJsle Stocking In black and white. Oood quality, full fashioned and eamleas; high apllced heela and 1A toee with double olea. Regu- IJIC lar 25c quality; for.a pair " w " Children's Pure Thread Silk Stockingj Black only. Flat weave; full fash ioned; spliced aolea. heels and O f toea 8Ue 4 to TVs. Regular 60c jr quality. Saturday, a pair " Mle' and Children's Ribbed Storktnga Medium weight silk lile; II) 1 double knees, heels and toes. l&iyC llegular 19c quality, a pair. ..." Smart Shoes A partial shipment of side-lace shoes just came in. $9 a pair. Patent or Dull Kid "Beaumont ' Pump s Hand turned soles, Louis XV heels and small sharp point tongue. One of the daintiest styles la plain IT": $4.95 The Brandies! Tie for Women The one radical new style, shown In high grade shoes. All hand made. Patent fawn and gun metal and gray tops. Misses' and Children's Dainty Easter Footwear Ankle strap In patent, dull and white canvas all white kid lined and beautifully l Cf finished. $1.50 to P.OU I $6 Toilet Specials peolal aTnahes Oennla Ideal Cushion Xalr Brnsbea aiagl bristle. 94 Special. Saturday, aaoh ."- S-lnch Manicure Files Made of best tempered steel, with sharp and blunt polnta. Worth 24c and S5c. Kxtra in BPeclal Saturday, each lwt fngram' M 1 1 k -weed Cream ?Qr 50c l Melba Ka-e Cream too 29c 1sr acme. Ise BeU'S Taos rowdn 33- dOc ie. . . .. Aubry Slater Vanlaliing Cream alxe , l u .1 n n n Rle oder 25c 2e Rouge . . 33c Peoil or. 29c alxe Meloroae Spec'la.!. hfte sixe NnnMil ant 50c siie - tHxonl F ) n w d e brunie Ih. with rouae. ljt Flcir'e t'reain 60c siie iar. . . firavea' T O I'liwder lie sise.... r e n 33c Cold 29c O t h 14c netchers C a a torla Joe 71 - bottle C Sloan's Liniment 50c bot tle I.isterine 60c bottle. . . Peroalde of drngen 1-lb. bot Broino Seltxer 0e bot- 29C Bells Vine. Tar and tloney 30c slae. 81 Kepatlci SOo hot.. Heldilts Powders boiV." 12c II a v s' II i I ' Health 50c 0 bottle C iturlick'a Malte.1 Milk-Hos pital sise. 29c .29c llv- 16c 29c 29c $2.69 Special P rfume Sale All aisTtae triple estraets, laelad. Ibst sack odors as Bloaeyaaekle. anew. drop. White SVoee, Jockey Club, Arbutaj, Xaiae, TtoU. ote. atarday, OQ. tne onaee . OA BCIAXfl rsresU. Skt Sataraay, lOe eake. So 4711 Wkits Boss Olycexiae Soap, oa. lie Kirk's Jav.aile Boan A cake So SO Male Twa Boras 1-1 a. pkg. . . Vs rreek Baasafras Bark 1-lb. pkg see Slaanoaa Iyee -AU colors. A pkg... as Saturday the day be day of the Anniversa nities it offers you and greatly simplif Great Day-Before-Ecus Smart Spring Apparel Especial preparations h event, making possible the various sections which will be heartily $25 and $29 Tailor A collection of about 250 pretty .mil y Every good style, materials and eoltir in the lot. Very special Saturda $35 Silk Tailored Suits, An assortment of about 12T) pretty, dr "Women's and misses' sizes offered an favored shades are in the group. $15.00 and $17.50 Si But few times in a season does suh a a ing present itself. Especially interest i way of Easter. These dresses are of ta meteor, etc. The colors are Belgian bl gen, navy, taupe, wisteria, etc. Chftj $25 and $35 Silk Dre A prettier assortment of afternoon frocks a fered. Anticipating the demands for such y curing this beautiful lot. There are smart poplins and similar beautiful dresses. Includ colors for spring. Misses' and women's s-i $15 and $17.50 At this price choice of a very nobby lot o yoked and pleated models. Comprised a poplins, serges, tweeds, silks, etc. Every good color. Women's and misses' fcize $25 and $30 Top Coats, A selection of top coats for the Easter Day Parade t est of. wide flared and wide belted effect, fetching y Made of the swell covert, poplins, checks, silks, etc. Easter Petticoats for $1.98 and $2.98 Enpecial attention has been given to these two lots assembled for Saturday selling. We have here some of the prettiest new flared and flounced models in every color to match the Easter suit or frock. Special, $1.08 and $2.H. Taffeta Silk Skirts; S For this Day-Bef ore-Easter selling we 1 sell at $7, $8.50 and $10. They are in tli wide pleated effects and similarly fasL for : Very Charming Attire Girlish white irocKs tor con firmation, . graduation and Easter services. A rare show ing of these dainty frocks, made of sheer lawns, organ dies, voiles and batistes; n prettv lace and embroiden trimmings, ruffles and flounces; ages ( to 18 years. Prices range from $5, $7.50, $10 up to $25. Girl' School Coats, Sat urday, $3.98 A special group of snappy top costs for girls, containing features that are most pleasing to them. All pretly colors and materials included. m If Pre-Easter Offering c Georgette Crepe Blouses in They just arrived from New York and comprise special purchases secured from several of the most prominent Eastern manufacturers Other Easter Blouses lingerie and .lap silk blouses; special ly priced, $1. Handkerchief liuen blouses, beautiful ly tailored, $2.50 and $2.98. Dainty French organdie blouses; spe cial for $3.50. Knit Underwear Women's Milanese Silk Vests With shield reinforcement, crochet beading tops and silk ribbon tapes. Pink and white. Also Bloomers in black and u few colors. Regular dt 1Q $1.50 values, each $1.17 Women's Munaing I'nion Suits Fine lisle: cuff and umbrella knee style: shell edge or laca trimmed. A suit . . . Women's Fine Lisle and Cotton I'nion Suits Munsinx. Kayser. Nu bhape and other well-known C brand. Sale price, a euit .. . OUC Children's "M" Knit I'uion. Suit Patent tailed scam---, buttons and hose support fasteners. Sire-".' to nr 12. Regular quality, pair OC Easter Lingerie i For this Easter sale twenty j dozen crepe de chine under j bodices nicely trimmed vt'i'jh a wide band of Val. lace aiw I run with ribbon. All sizes are included. Saturday's t- ' special price aj)l I $1.00 Easter Handhc Men's and Women's I'lu n AlV i I.incn Hundkcrchiels Wi ll row hemstitched borders- hutui- I embroidered coiner in r.! .r ami white: narrow Val. Princ ;uid limitation Atmenian la ed ,(. Ke.ular iirlre 2 0c, -i g ' for J iUC E3E3E3: