Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 12, Image 12

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April '
Thought for the Day
, Smlacttd fty . oaaaWWar
"The do not frap at tha atari, bl do !'
common wrh a t earns, etrtain that daily
duliet and daily brtoA )r (A rtceUt thina$
of ." ' . .
The stress of war sounds hitherto unknown
depths when royalty..' expresses willingness to
iihount the, water wagon. ' '
In loss than six' months the inhabitants of
Che annexed territory will bt wondering why
they objected to the union.
As the hour of adjournment approaches th
treasure of the lobby increase. , Ceaseless vlg
tllance U the, trice cf safety.
The pnly wondef Is that our graft-fTtaed
(sheriff docs -not demand a dollar a day for feed
ting county jail prisoners so there will be more
Joot to divide. ', V , r
It' will be a short ballot with only seven cross-'
marks to be' tnsde. Recall the seven-foot ballot
,ast November with fifty-etftbt cross narks, and
note Aba difference. .. . : . ..' i. ' .
The blanket, killing of all the bills remaining
on the fUe always snuffs out a few good ones,
i but compensates ror it ny sending a wnoie 101 oi
; bad ones into the discard. . " ;
That protest sgalnst Mayor "Jim's" religious
.holiday prociamatipns Is timely and to the point.
, The complete separation of church and state Is
one of the -foundation stones of the republic.
When it comes to. sppolntlng conference
committees, which are often the most Important
committees of all, the autocratic power of the
speaker bos not been diminished in the slightest.'
' ." ' Lj; i r
Tlioso Dundee people act aa If they would not
have to help pay the bill, aad are therefor II
Vensd to practice unlimited extravsgance. That's
-where Jthey are likely to discover later that they
have been. fooling themselves. '
One would-be manager of our municipal cor
poration has hved in this county only som4 three
months, but be. la doubtless sure he knows just
what pur civic needs are better than any one who
,has been pns of us for years. i ; j ;
One "of the .measures. logrolled through tha
legislature Js, designed to band over to the' cat
tle barons most 'of the state, school lands tn
Grant county,' buf there Is prpmlse that the con
stitutionality of this procedure will be tested.
! "Eternal rtgflance Is the pric of Safety."-
Student In the college of the' city of New
iTork refusing to take the' course In military, sd-
tence obliged the faculty to drop the coarse. ?ht
reason is obvious. , A profession tn which the
shovel has begun a dominating factor offer lit
tle attraction, for ambitious youth.
i . ii .
The attempt to work up enthusiasm for the
national administration among the democratic
majority of the legislature, as might be ex
P f tod. fluled out. Appeals to party patriotisti
do not. get, very far while the federal pie coun
ter is a guiltless of nourishment as a squeezed
lemon, . . ,
-um aty aaocia.uoa ootnpietaa Its or-
canuatloa. arlooUna aaatiutlva, ehorua aad ' mualc
vomujltteca. Ttie" firat rt-hearmi called out about
aUly UiK-re. Uidudip the Met mvulcal ialont of tha
oUy, aoa ti is piauuad to hav a arajid chorus of lit
vol. a.
Policeman C"r for U tha happy father of a new
Tha city 'Uark la of frln bU of l lo llftl on tna
electloa of lioyd for piayur, and to loan tha t on 'a
KuaratiUrd cWk. On tbM terma ha ought to "col
lar" a multitude of wagers.
K. b'. ,Lwia, t(M dtnuKTuXic caudldaU for auditor.
4alra It atated that ha la no relation to J. K. It
UU, Ui pruftaalonal laburtna luaa.
C. I. Ftah.'.who has ettenalva barbed wire tnter
rata la- tlilraco. la' In Omaha raproaaotinc capital
who may atar a factory In thla city, '
A ryowdd and anthualaatlc bouaa Uncased
Thomaa W. Koroo'a prvMNtatlu of "Richard 111" a
tl l-'-ord ,
Mi re.nry.Tk iai.da.II i vlaitlna friend in
i- " trf.i. ... ( -- .
';'. tv '. i Yil iV ta t lr .
. ; ' .:.... fci U ! ;..iul tali. Ir.v n : t
it- ii a-d Ma lf Irft Crja a '. j t iv i
rMdco.a la ft. Chant. Ma
1 n
Getting Back.
The dinner ot repobllcana at Lincoln may b
taken aa indicative of Urn spirit that now ani
mate tha party In Nebraska. "Getting back"
is not a problem, ot strategy or tactic, but
merely a question of time. The people are rap
Idly tiling of the failure of toe democrats (
make good on any of their promises. Bare tin.
one that they would, aa far aa possible, sma-h
tip all the republican party bad constructed.
So far, the smashing tip process has been very
complete and very successful. Bute and nation
alike suffer from the effects of the experiment of
allowing the democrats to try their theories of
government. Congressman Sloan mildly pictures
the outcome In these words:
Two yeara art) we turned over to the democratic
party tha country at the noonday of Ita existence
with all department. In good condition, but today
after only two years of power, we find a depleted
treasury and every department In trouble.
Divisions among republicans are rapidly dis
appearing, and its united forces will surely re
store to power the party of truly progressive
policies. More than mere party success is in
volved In the approaching campaign. The des
tiny of the country rests with the republican
party, and It Is the future that concerns the
voter, more than the past. The signs of change
are multiplying.
Serious Breach of Hospitality.
The editor of a great Paris newspaper, re
cently Is Washington, cabled home to bis paper
purported Interview with President Wilson,
which the latter gentleman repudiates in toto.
The patriotic seal of the editor seems to have
led him into a serious breach of hospitality.
While the president of the United States may
have said word or two of friendly Interest to
th editor when the French ambassador pre
sented bis distinguished countryman, It Is highly
Improbable that be indulged In any extended
comment on the war In any of its phases. It Is
unreasonable to think that Mr. Wilson would
fall Into the blunder of making statements that
would .five "aid and comfort" to either of the
combatants, )
Little of real harm will result from the In
cident, but It serves to show how Jealously the
nations Involved .are watching and bow eagerly,
they scire upon any. point that may be turned to
advantage' .
The Mechanics of the City Election. '
Confronted with an Important city election
only a few' days off, our people seem by their
UstlessneBfl to be largely unprepared for meeting
the requirements Involved in expressing a pre
liminary choice from among the long list of can
didates seeking their favor. This, perhaps, Is
due In part to th distractions of other pressing
subllo questions and to the continuous talk of
postponement, but also In part to failure" to
grasp the mechanics of the election.
. Let us. therefore, impress it again upon one
and all that tha so-called city primary, which Is
scheduled to take place next Tuesday, Is Ln real
ity not a nominating primary, but an elimination
election; that of the seventy-three names on the
ballot only fourteen will appear on the ballot in
tbe regular election to be hold five weeks' later.
Under our commission plan scheme, abmlnattons
are made not by primary, but by tbe petitions
accompanying the filings, and nominations have
been closed.
f At the Impending preliminary election, each
voter may Indicate his choice for not to exceed
even candidates7, the top fourteen to go on the
official ballot, from which he will, again select
seven.' jit is imperative, therefore, that suffi
cient concentration be secured In tbe elimination
race to keep enough good men In the runn'ng
for the finals that a satisfactory selection of suit
able material, may be bad out ot the fourteen
who stand high In the first count. '
Our advice. la for each voter to study tha
qualifications and capabilities of the different
Candidates and, with such disinterested help anu
dvics as may be had, to make their decisions
before going to the polls.
'. . Vfhat About Hucrtat
It Is reported-from Spain 'that Hncrta has
sailed for Argentina, Ills ultimate destination
being Mexico, where he proposes 'to bead an
other,' section 'of the many-sided ; ''revolution"
now ,1a progress in that unhappy country. The
muddle will be all tbe more delightfully murky
should the ex-dlotator add , bis presence at this
time. Huerta Is tbe most, vigorous of all thil
leaders who have arisen since the demonstration
sgalnst Plas took head, and showed In his short
time the most capacity for real government
' CTarranta' star seems to be statlonsry, If not
waning.', Villa Is pursuing his former chief with
more vigor than he exhibited against Huerta,
and bis prowess 1 still potent.' An Interesting
light on the nature of the soldiery Is shown by
the Associated Press dispatch, Which tells of ho
a body of Villa's troops, mistaking a bugla call,
mad their way into a Carr ansa camp, and find
ing where they were promptly transferred their
allegiance to a new "leader.." This Is qulta an
Illuminative commentary en the chsracter of th
army of liberation," the on common Impulse
or fsctor of cohesion being plunder and rapine.
Uncle Bam Is1 still patrolling the border, still
annoyed by the Immediate presence ot the com
batants, who pwBlateutly bring their battles
right to the border. "Watchful wafting" is
being' sorely tried by 'these maneuvers.
. . ' Start Public Improvement Early.
. This Is tbe time to urge an early start of
whatever program ot public improvements may
ba planned tor Omaha for the coming season.
Our trouble each year has ' almost Invariably
been that the preliminaries, are prolonged, and
contracts delayed so that Jobs of paving, sewer
building and the like either hav to be rushed
to their detriment to get In ahead ot the cold
weather or hang over unfinished till the next
season.; It Is seldom, moreover, that such d-
Isys could not have been avoided by more timely
proceedings - at tb. outsat. .We do not know
how It Is la this respect in other cities, but It Is
certainly possible for Omaha to do better in ex
pedlting this class of outdoor Improvement work.
Mre man as a book agent Is esteemed tbe
most artistic salesman on the road. The fame
that was, bis is no more. Ills halo Is dimmed
snd dished, lie is a mere a gsn.o
)iWh women now adorn with iri-Intn-itng U"t
J"''- I'ultow with tbe cowlug t.f babies in othri
The Political Caldron
I V -li- Koiwtlon of candidates for the city eommts-
i I' h T!or of eyen ta the mort desirable?
. hni. brown-Kray or
gray-brown T Tb alectors may select from these
.......... .1 .in record kept by
i.....ii.-.ioii'-r Moornead, thcr ara thJrty-
tliree jialea of blue, eyea among the soventy-three can
didate who have filed. The brown are aaxt with
nineteen, gray third with fifteen and then harel.
black and mixed.
Voters who llko baxel eyea may vote for W. N.
Chambers, 1L B. Zh-nman and Robert Druesedow, the
only candidate bavUwr the kind of eyea which In
spire poets. W. r. Wappich la the , lone candidate
having a pair of black optica, and tbwy are normally
black, too. T. C. Birmingham la recorded aa having
brown-CTay eyea and Jamea R. Muagrava has gray
brown eyea. Th colors of tha eyea of the present
city commlMioners are: Wlthnell, gray; KugeU gray;
MeGovern, brown; Butler, gray; Hummel, blue; Ryder,
gray; Dahlman, brown.
It has been aaid that nobody love a fat man,
but Julius Caesar la reported as having remarked:
"Surround me with fat men, who sleep weU tf nights:
not Ilka the lean and hungry Caaalua" Mlater Caesar
had a deep regard for men of wide -girth. After hav
ing Selected the right color ff eyea. th voter may
ebooae from many weights, from EL I. Morrow, IS, to
Peter Mehren at 140 ringside. 'Th other heavyweight
candidate ara: John DrexeJ. 210; Thor Jorgeneen, 900;
W. O. Bhriver, 200; T. T. Stroud, 22&; A. A. Lamoreaux,
VX; James it. Cuatck, 220; Henry P. Haca, E; H. H.
Claiborne, 300; Anthony T. Monahan, SOS; Ed Walsh,
210; M. J. Lacy, SOO; B. B. Howell. 222; W. F. Wap
pich, 800; Ncla J. Anderson. UJ; Julius Schmidt Coo lev,
200; Daa B. Butler, 235.
Those who are not taken to men ot embonpoint
have thla list of lightweight to select from: B. I.
Morrow, 122; Albert U. Hlldlnger, 130; A. W. Boaner,
142; PavUl H. Christie. 142: Nicholas Cherek. US; Harry
A. Foster, 140; 3. C. Dahlman. 140; W. N. Nash. 142.
Th average weight of the present commissioners la
US pound. Dahlman and Butler being the extreme.
Ia height any qualification in th candidacy of a
man aspiring to. greatness aa city eommlsalonerT
Nloholaa Cherek i feet 1 Inch and en of his op
ponents, Patrick J. Welch, Is S feet Itt Inches, these
men being the long and th short of th eotrte as
shown In the regletratlon record. Her are tha six
footers: Patrick J. Welch, feat Inches: John H.
Cualck, feet 1 Inch; James W. McDonald, feet;
Albert Mitalaff. feet; M. F. Funkhoueer, S feet; E, E.
Howell, feet; Dan B. Butler, S feet. Tha "aa wed
off" are: Albert U Hlldlnger, S feat H Inches;
Nloholaa Cherek; feet 1 Inch; Fred H. Hoy, feet
5 Inchea; Jacob Xopp, S feet ( Inches; C. T. Walker)
feet 5 Inchea; Frank'' Barker. S feet S Inchea Th
average height of th commissioner now serving is a
fraction over a feet S Inchea ' -
i , .
When It con to ages the candidate range from
n to 70. In the younger et are: Edward Bimon, 28;
A. W. Bonner, 29; Frank Qulgley, 29; Frank J. Rlha,
ft); Emll Ablla Erlceon. 32; Harry B. Zlmman, 16; W.
N. Charobera, 35. The candidate of year are: T. C,
Birmingham, 70; Jeff W. Bedford. TO; Jacob Kopp. 87;
Ed Leeder, f4; Owen Slaven. 62; W. N. Nash, C; Jerry
Howard, SD; Jamea A. Davie, SO; T.- F. Stroud, SO;
Edward Walsh. 60; John Tlrak, 0; Patrick Hytand, SO.
Th average age of th present comrniasioner Is
60H years. .... .
The city conrmlaaloners hav learned a new atrld
which la known as tha campaign canter. It consist
ot moving th feet In a sort of double-ehulfl. th
effect being that the body I moved forward at an
alactrltou rat of speed, rather undignified for a
public official.
There'a a reason.' , '
This Is th season when candidates are atopped by
all sorts and condition of men with all aorta and
conditions of requests and pleadtnga .
. Thla state of affair ha become so marked that
publlo business la threatened with aartous Interference.
A special policeman was placed In th city hall to
keep out professional political moochera, bat th police
man has been-with drawn and th eld order returneth.
Then the commie loners hit upon th Idea of assuming-
a myopic condition and accelerating their gait
by throwing their feet Into high speed. This works
like a charm. . i ;
It Is am mrlng-te see Commissioner Kugel, for In
stance, doing a hot foot up Far nam street toward th
olty hall and then do a marathon until he reaches th
elevator. V ... -
"Bay, At, Just a minute!" Importunes a. wayfarer.
Kugnl speed on, turning neither te th right r.or
to the loft
"Say; Al, oaa I you for a second T" Is another
salutation. , '
At the rate Al la going It la posslbls to saa him
only for a second. '
This sudden and simultaneous buret of speed by
the vote-chasers lends a bit of levity to an otherwise
dull campaign- It Is good moving picture atuff.
Twice Told -Tales
, ' '. Thw Leveler. . .
"Mir Thomas Upton," said a Chicago iea broker.
"haa turned hi yacht Erta into, a hoapital ahlp aad
gone off In it to th aid of Serbia. . ,
"Maybe thla philanthropy will aeeur th recogni
tion of Sir Thomas in Tondon society. ' 1 1 doubt It
though. 'English society Is so exclusive, ,
"Blr Thomas one told me a little bitterly, perhapa
a atory about bla native aristocracy. Ha aald a good
old city knight had died, a millionaire pork dealer, who
had tried for thirty yeara to work his way Into so
ciety by mean of philanthropy, but all In vain.
"After the old knight' a death a eounteaa, whose es
tate had adjoined the knight's la tha country, eigne
and said:
" 'Poor dear' old Blr Samuel! And so he's dead, ahT
He was very good to all my chart Ilea. H was so vul
gar, poor boy, I couldn't know him la London, but
w shall meet In heaven.' "Chicago Herald. '
Ota aa Billy.
Billy Sunday stopped a newsboy tn Philadelphia
th other day and Inquired tha way to th poatofflea
"Up one block and turn to th right" aald th boy.
"You aeent a bright little fellow." aald Sunday.
"Do you know who I ?"
Nope!" ' ' 7
"I'm Billy (Sunday, and If you coma to my meeting
tonight I'll ahow you th way to heaven." '
v "Aw. go on!" answered th youngster: "you didn't
even know th way to th postof floe " Uoaton Trans
cript. . .
People and Events
John D. Rockefeller haa given th boy of Pocantlco
th us of a three-acre field for a baa ball park. Th
old aport readily "come across" when approached
without axlu.
lido FlUalarunona la about to enter tha -matrimonial
ring with wif number threa He was eUltgod to ahow
up a ith tw divorce decr-aea to get a Uoenaa to marry
In Brooklyn, N. T. .
The spring cleanup I under way la New Tork.
Publlo aiatuary la Included In tha rub-down. Besides
removing tha aocumulated amadg from ninety odd
statu the art commission propose ta give Walter
8lt a aairmit, ahln the brona ehoea of Bobby
Burns and crease the paata of uauhtl Webster. -
A Jury In a Washington (D. C.) court soaked a
street railway company for 11.000 for humiliating a
atrap-hanser who failed to "mov. up ta front.-' Th
Jury Intimated that the company was within Its
rlg-ht in requiring passenger tp move an. but pen
alised the company because the eonduotor calked the
passenger a "boob."
An American asa captain puts eut an alluriaj
5 am on th low coat ef living In Mexico.' II reports
lliai oi afternoon be had a shave, a haircut, mas
r.', rTi0. sM tips, treated two frtttida to a
i l:irtr. Uuuviil lx louods of drinks and went to a
iht.vr on une.merlan dolla . turning hmne with
51. a la iteatoaa Suoneg ta change.
SOUTH OMAHA. April t To the Edi
tor of Th Bee: Th writer I Just like
T.. H. Weeterfleid a to annexation, ex
cept th writer doe not believe the hon
orable body, th Nebraaka leglalature.
would commit such a farce as to have
Omaha decided (by vote) whether It
wants ta annex such a great city as
South Omaha without her consent - Non
of the smaller suburbs have anything to
lose compared with th "Magic City."
Will some on explain? Even The Bee
doea not explain, nor does It give th yeas
snd nays ot the vote In the senate. This
Is withheld from th publlo so th South
Omaha traitor cannot be spotted.
Oa Divorce.
OMAHA, April l.-To tbe Editor ot
Tha Be: I bolleve the divorce habit la
spreading and. If so, I am glad of It.
The Idea or getting married and remain
ing In that unfortunate condition
throughout a long life eh owe a want ot
taste aad refinement and the sanctity
supposed to be connected with th mar
riage relation la only a species of hum
bug contrived to darxle the Imagination
of tha vulgar. Women especially ought
to study this divorce question, and learn
to take advantage of, and appreciate
their privilege la this direction. If your
husband baa but SIS a week salary, and
haa no prospect of promotion, he Is a
rascal, and you hav only to apply to a
lawyer In order to obtain counsel, con
solation and a b&l of divorcement
la order to secure a divorce, you must
ef course, he able to assign wins reason
able motive; you may. for example,
plead involuntary servitude, unexpected
maternity or unbearable domestication;
or you may charge him with chronlo
laborlousnass, unpopularity, carnality,
nepotism, fanaticism and panudo-sanctt-rnonlousnesa
I am of the opinion that
men who commit thee crimes are unde
serving of tha boundless and undying love
which women everywhere ara showering
upon their worthies husband. O women,
women! how long will you love, her!ah
and protect such pusillanimous villiansr
How long . will you allow your - atupid
husband to open hi own pay envelop
and have his own bank account? How
long will you allow him to whip your
children, aaas your - mother, and stay
horn from th picture show? - Dadlea,
divorce la cheap, and th marriage Insti
tution la unscientific, tmeugenie, and un
fashionable. The baby business, too.
needs reforming: our: babies are born
without education, and many of them
speechless; ten thousand years from now
w will look back and see what fools we
'Men used
epra ta
aay tha
Hod re
that I use
wr ror permitting young folks who are
neither athletes nor. trlef1sliter A
marry. Let us have plenty ef war mnA
divorce, and be thankful for our blessing
The Late RUbn T)eba.
OMAHA. April t To the Editor of Tha
Beet Believing that a mora mim
sketch of the life of Bishop Dubs than
was given lnf the nreaa dienair.h wnnM
ha of Interest to your readers. nTaby of
wflom knew him well. submit the fol
lowing data,, which I have to my pos
session : , , - .
Bishop Rudolph ' Dubs. I D.. I.T. n
who died la Harrisburg, was a pioneer
preacher and presiding elder Jn Iowa,
rteoraaaa ana Kansas. His career has
been a remarkable one. Ha VvaS hnm.
r the olty of Worms, Oermany, May
SI. 18J7. H; cam with his father to
America in 1R5J, locating near Freeport
III. The mother died on the Journey and
was Donea at sea. .. He entered the mln.
Istry In r, lh which work he was ac
tive until his last illness. From lira to
162 he waa a pioneer missionary la Iowa
ana Kansas; 162 and 186a he was fin.n.
rial agent of Northwestern college, Hope
vllle, III. He was .presiding elder from
1864 to 1S6T, traveling ovr Iowa and Kan
sea In 1WT ha Was al acted editor of th
Herman organ of the church, Chrlstllch
Botchafter, and' moved to Cleveland n
In 1875 he was elected bishop I at th age
was also editor of the Evan
gelieal Zeltsehrift His career as elte
extended over almost twenty yeara and
or Disnop more than twenty-seven years.
H waa a maater of assemblies and hts
services were always in e-rat Hm.n
Hi oldest son is superintendent of mis
sions,- ttunaa. China.
Pastor of Oraoe Evangelical Church.
Editorial Viewpoint
Boston Transcript: - Tha 1W RajI Cvrxmm
tempi la Washington, will aland through
" as a testimonial to the fact
that woman' placa Isn't alwaya In the
Philadelphia Ledger: In Japan tha in-
goaa swept th eoutry and elected nearly
two-third of tha new houae. Jingoes
era th bras band boys who spend the
money. Later the wise, serious patriots
ara callod, la to devise .means for paying
th fcUla
Cleveland Plain Dealer: It the ground
hog superstition Isn't thoroughly ex
ploded this year, tha humaa race tg in
corrigibly superstittou February 2 was
cloudy. Eight week . have passed and
anow la on tbe ground. Kill every ground
hog yon sea.
Philadelphia Record: There Is a de
lurhtful candor about the Bulgarian
statesmen that we find nowhere els.
Languag does aot serve 4 hem for the
concealment of thought; it expresses
their thoughts beautifully.-. The premier
ia quoted aa announcing that "the Bul
garian government has decided to keep
up Bulgaria's neutrality ao long aa It
waa In the interest of the country so
to do." - - - .
Nebraska Editors
Editor of papers la Merrick county are
considering the organisation of a county
association for tha creation of a co
operative aewa service and tha discuaaton
ot matter pf Joint Interest . '- V
, Th nam of Joseph Ha Ins agaiu ap
pears at th head of th Vardlgre Cltt
aea as publisher. . J. F. Paplk will re
ma la with the paper a foreman.
' A daughter was bom to- Editor and
Mrs. W. H. Majora of the Sutton News
last wea. ,
'Editor B. A. Brown of th Friend Sen
tinel Is a-candidal for postmaster, and
tn addition haa beea nominated for mayor
b the teoiperaaee caucus.
Editor Murray of the ' Pender Times,
whoa plant waa destroyed by fire a tew
flays ago, has installed new type and
mrhlnery and th Time Is again panted
j noma
contains the phrase "ha Pipe music."
Cleveland Leader.
ear Mabel' huaband Is cruel to
Mnfli-Da voti tninK mat tyiew in
street attire will continue to grow m
He'B never riven her a chance
Marine! Tf thev do. rnV dear, th
ta find fanlt with Mm since they've ben
married." BaltiLaore American.
will have to wear masks. Club Fellow.
"Tou any rmir husband wss cruel?
"ye. Very Inconsiderate. He'd Imdst
cm playing times on the phonograph that
my feklnsee pup utterly dtcts.
Washington Star.
"The war besan the very day we were
to be accused of going to the
nedar to see the ballet"
Times have Chan red. Now Wives
opera plots are Improper, but
take us to see the claaalo dancing."
Washington Btar.
Hodge It'a funny all auto have tha
tobacco habit lan't It?
married," remarked young Newedd St the
"Ton hare nothlnr on other married
The tobaoro habltT
Tea I understand the aasolme
men there." retorted a crusty old bach
cars smoke, while an electric won t atart
without a plug. Brooklyn C'itison.
elor. Boston Transcript
Bella D you mean to ssy be haSnV
"Pm a retired acrobat," explained the
tramp at th door.
"Then." replied the atern-faced femin
ist "you can go to the woodpile and do
the split for your dinner." Philadelphia
"Wliat are you doing now?"
"Two a day." aald tha artnr' "And
proposed yet?
iMia rot m so many woroa.
Bella Well, whr didn't you accept him?
Richard Le Qalllenne,
1 abhor.
And yet how sweet
The sound along; the marching- street
Of drum and fife, and I forset
Wet eyea of widows, and forget
Broken old mothera. and- the whole
Dark butohery without a sout.
Without a sout, save this bright drink
Of heady music, aweet as hell; -And
even my peace-abiding feet
Go marching with the marching xtreet.
For yonder, yonder cornea the ftfe.
And what care I for human life?
And tears fill my astonished eyes.
And my full heart is like to break;
And yet. 'tis all embannered Ilea.
A dream those little dmmmera make.
Oh, It 1 wlckednesa to clothe
Ton hideous grinning thing that ataiks.
Hidden In munic like a queen,
That in a garden of glory walks.
Till good men love the thing they loath
Art, thou hast many infamies.
But not sn Infamy like thin.
Oh, stop the fife and stlil tbe drum,
And show the monster as she Is.
"I can't quite eual that." responded
the popular novelist "Two a week is
about ray limit" Louisville Courier-Journal.
DIE Cftif&TV4$A$EI"
'What do you mean by saying
"paradoxical expressions?"
I mean that you say Impossible
iuis atory or yours, (or Instance,
Easter Joy
and a Good Dinner
Always something special to mark the day,
together with every seasonable good thing to eat.
Cooked and served better than ever before in
town. Easter, Sunday Dinner de Luxe at One
Fifty the person from six to nine with the added
attraction of this program of music, by P. .1.
Christman's Fontenelle orchestra, Ernest Xordin,
director. .
1. March Mllltalre Schubert
2. Pa des Amphores Chiminade
3. Selection The Firefly Friml
. Tarantella Forosetta Arditi
4. Overture If I Were King . . Adam
6. Ballet From Meyerbeer's Operas
i Kroetschmer
7. Violin Solo Meditation fronj
Thais Massenet
' Mr. Ernest Nordin
8. Scenes from Pagliacct. . .Leoncavallo
9. (a) Schoen'-Rosmarin, Fritz KreiBler"
(b) Liebensfreud
! j; j :
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March of" the Bojaren
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