r v. . 10 TIIF, BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AI'PIL 3. 1015. Bringing Up Father Copyright 114. International Nawa Drawn for The ee by George McManus . - i 7 ' A f titCOLL-Y THERE -00 ,KNOw I ( ' ) . - M,tE. - HELLO-JKb THERESA MORE BoT COT ME. NAME IT 1 YpO CAN'T ( 7, 1 THIKKb IM 1 WHAT ARE I I LCTT of'CM I COULDN'T ON HERE ' rJ LICK NF AL V acowaro Rf toum: oo.n? . r ' ; I y pelltheir. C , J TV- do tou CHT- ILL POT rScI fSLiYr " S V flT tin ILL TAKE DOWMTHE 1 -y- r . 1 1 U ' J YOOR NAME " - . 1 -BLDES EASILY COP 1 THE SECOND GAME Hammer Roy-Crabb.All Over Scen ery and Run Up' Eleven Runi to Rourkes' Two. ONE HIT MADE OFF SANDERS : Icfty George, ex-big leagiier. and Pep tanii-r, prospect, stood tho Rotirka bat tin on their heads yesterday while their al hat tr red the pill all over the land scape, , Tli result 11 to I. with thn locals earning" the lesser end. Tha lad from Kay See were on the arath right yesterday and the, way they Jarred Mr. Roy Crabb a caution. 3t didn't make any difference what lloy delivered, they knocked tha hall In the ife and. a la generally the rase when tha ball la smacked -In the face, several 1 ita wera made. Twelve ' blowa were caromed off Crabb's alanta In five stsnsns vhlle three were made off Style In four rounds. IWty George opened the game for Jhn Silues. . Two run ware counted by our noble athletes In the second when befty fermltted a couple of walks. Teseh's bob b'e and safe pokes by Kruegcr and Krug. That settled It for the Rourkes. lluelsrnan busted two-base wallop In the sixth, but couldn't advance, j One lilt Off Sawders. ' That hit was the only one made during Banders' term of five Inning, rted V'helan and Artie . Thomason . . axeevted wm neat fielding during the combat, lut couldn't connect' with the war-club. Morris Rath started tha game for the boy from the village down stream By pasted ion to the right and his mate fol. lowed the good example he set by con tinuing tha bombardment. .John Titus, who Invented the ilghtflold position, slwinmed a home run over the right field wall with two on the sack. Kid Wort man, the coming Maranvtlle, knocked out three hit, a single, double and triple. If also Yomped all over the ahort field, citing up all chance sent hi way Jack Lellvelt appeared on the flnld with scarlet red cap. . That he Intended It as a danger algnal waa evidenced when he started, a few argument with Vmpa Van fickle. ' Started la used advlvajlly. for that Is as far as he got riavstiamra with Make. I'a Ronrko announced yesterday that exhibition games would be played with .Lincoln.' April 11, 15. 1 and It. The flrat ; wo date will be filled at Uneoln and ih. 1attr two In Omahn. , Pr. K; J. Prhldcr hai been appointed lb phVsl.lan. Tpon learning the new d M'iiclan hat put In a bid for an ap-j-endrrltl otratlon. Ftcd wants to break Into scck-tV and figure that the casltwt y ay to do tt. ' Indianapolis wll be here for two battles today. The game this afternoon wllj be tailed at I o'clock. Score: : r KAN8AH CITY. t A. It .. 1 1 .. h I .. 4 1 .. & 0 .. & 0 Thomason. cf 4 0 0 S. 0 0 Hiie)Hm;in. rf 4 0 I 10 0 Alton. If 4 0 0 0 0 Snhlletner. lh 1 1 0 13 1 0 Whelnn. ss 4 1 r. , 4 0 Kriirsrcr. c 2 . 1 I 1 0 Kafora, c 1 0 0 2 1 0 CruMi, p 1 0 . 4 Hlvles, p 1 o 0 0 1 1 H'onley 1 0 0 0 U 0 Totals SI 1 3 27 la . Hatted for styles In ninth. KnriKim t:ity Huna 0 6 3 II 0 M I 1-11 Hit 2 6 1 0 0 0 1 2-1 Or aha Huna 9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 O i litre 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0- 8 Home run: Tllus. Three base hit: Woi-tmnn. Two-bane hits: U llvrll, Mooro, Worltnnn. Ilunbman. hlolen be"'-: Tltns. Kru. Hic-rlflce hlts: TefCh, Rath 2). tmih.i play: Wort mn 11 to l.elivrlt. Hits: ff friibh, 12 In five Innings: off Ptyle-i, S In four InnlnKs; off Georn. 2 In four In tilnKs; off Kunders, 1 In four Innlnn left on Iwscs: 'tinahn. 10; Ivanxas Tlty, ?. HtriiiH out: Hv Cicorce, 5; by Hnnders, 3; by tvlea. 3. Hhjms on" balls: Off 4eorKe, .1: off Zanders. off Crnbb,2. Hit by pitched hall: Bv Panders. Kafora Bnd Pchllebncr. Time: 1:4. Vmplre: Van Pickle. . Jack Hendricks and .His Squad Come -for Games With Rourkes BEG JOHNSON NOT TO BATTLE H'YEY Everybody Financially Intemtedln Monday Boat Afraid Black May Hurt Self. BLACK PUGILIST IS STUBBORN Jack Hendricks and hi itquad of In dianapolis lads will be In Omaha Satur day and Cunday to pastime a bit with the nnurkovlnlan at the Vinton street ball yard. Hendricks and hi men went to San Diego to train and have been Playlajl exhibition game ontho way hark. They are said to be in good condi tion and playing good ball. Several old Western lenguer are In the llooalcr lineup In addition to Hendricks. Dan Tip ple, who hurled with Omaha laat year, t with, the team and will probably work in one of the g.tme here. Ooseett wan a cntoher with H. Joseph and Dlackburna received for Lincoln laat year. Hank' Butcher, gardener for Denver, Is playing right for the Hooaler lads. Hoth gamas will be called at J o'clock. . Lineup: Indianapolis. Position M.-is.. Crandall.. Brouky... Ualloway. Rilejr.7.7.'. Mean...., Hutoher... Uos-ett Ulackburne..:. cf. 'lath. Sb. 1 ' inpton T'.tua. rf I Mvelt. lb.. Mmtick. If.. '.Vortnian, u Tearh. Jb... Moore, e 're. p.. t-sneer, p... Totals .. 'ynef':tb. Krtn. . 1 . ,:...w 11 OMAHA A. It. u 0 X 0 H. O. A. E. 1 1 0,0 I 2 1 S v :i 0 1 0 2 0 0 2 4 & 0 rt I 4 w t 2 W l o 0 0 0O 15 V 1 1 H O. A. H. u 0 u 0 cQuillin A Whisker South ol . Farnatn oa I5!h A New Spring Hat GPECIAL ss S2.C3 ssd Op C:t Cuiy fcr Enter KHIHTS. XECKWEAK, t'XDFHWEAK, H08II.HV. liTC. HUTS tni CZCEEWEAI Willi Iturk p. hard t... atitwcll. Tipple..... ..First . . .(ittcond ..Hecond .iTMrd ..Short , ..Khort .. lrt ..l-eft .. Center ...Itlmit ........ .. Catcher .Catcher , .Catcher ,1'ltcher .Vltcher . ritchor....... . IPtcher . rttcher .PiUher.V Omaha. Bchiiebner .... lirwn Krug .... Payne .. Whnlan Tilnski ... Conlcy Aiten Thompson .Huelsman .. Kafora .. Kruaer ...Nelman C'rabh .... Htylea .... Wlllla , fHosmau . Hlixtgrtl . Eveidun ( hsunnaa la ( leaaap. Manager Joe Birmingham thinks Ray Chapman will otitahtne ell the ahort llelder In the Johnson circuit tke com ing Meaaon. Chapman has Iwn honorfnl with the clean-up iioaltlon In the Indians' batting order. HAVANA. April 2.-Dtscudqn today between, the fight promoter regarding Jack Johnson's proposed exhibition bout with Sam McVcy led to some sharp ex changes. This bout I adertlsed to take place In the stadium on Saturday. Jack Curlcy, Harry Farzec and others i.re urging Johnson cancel It for feas of Injury to himself forty-eight hour before he 1 scheduled to go Into the ring and battle with Jess Wlllard fcr the world' heavy weight championship. Johnson la stubborn. He say he will carry out this program and that he la anxious to find out Just how good he Is. Every man financially interested In the fight Is exerting his influence on Johnson today,. , 1 . ...... Lara Force at Wsrk. A large force of clerk wa at --work the beat part of laat night la allotting and distributing tickets.' No less than 1.000 complimentary seats will be given out.. Out of more than seventy press representatives who will be about , th ring more . than thirty are' from the I'nlted State. ' The ring, it was decided today, Is to be nineteen feet Inside the- rope", wtth a two-foot extension ' outside. Thoatenlng weather again Interfered in a measure with the training work of "the two men. Heavy rain laat night left the road wet and slippery and, a .A result, tha early morning work wa short and slow. The promoter are rapidly completing the final arrangement fbr the fight. With , th expected ' arrival of Referee Jack Welsh, all directly concerned in the conteat will be on hand. Including prin cipal and officials, there will be twenty persons in and about the ring during the battle. This number will be made up of the two pugilists, the two referees, time keepers, the eight seootuja. four phy sicians, stake holder and announcer. ' Rata ITxpevteal. Th first rain of the season are ex pected about April S, the day of the fight. Tho promoters are planning to avoid any disastrous delay In case of a shower or o downpour by t.a erection of a temporary protection over the ring. Provision has been mado for four posts, on at. each corner of the ring, support ing a light overhead framework with a tarpaulin canopy rendy to bo stretched oter the fighters If necessity arises. Veteran sports in Havana today are marvelling at the great change in th conduct of prlxe fighting elnce the early day of the championship contests. The fighter are training In fine quar ters, each with a Urge staff of helpers. Willard's camp Is In the most expen sive hotel in Havana, where he has a large suit of rooms with windows and balcony overlooking a broad boulevard. Jackjjohnson lives further out of Havana on The same shore road- He has rented a large private apartment, beau tifully furnished. His meals are pre peard by a Cuban cook, except when the champion desires to do thla himself. NO CONFLICTIG DATES FOR CLEVELAND FANS V , CHICAGO, April 2.-Confllct between tho American league and the American association In Cleveland will be avoided this year by transferring several of the games which the association ordinarily would play In Cleveland to some other city. A whole series In May was transferred from Celeveland to Columbus and an other from Cleveland to Milwaukee, ac cording to the schedule which was given out today for release April 8. The twelve transfcra made reduce -the number of home games for the Cleveland team to sixty-five. PHILS WIN FROM THE NORFOLK VIRGINIANS NORFOLK, Va., April 2.-The Phila delphia Nationals defeated the Norfolk Virginia Wgue team here today, T to 1. Sp""'! . . R.H.B. Norfolk , 14 2 Philadelphia 7 10 I Ratteries: Waller. Cochran and Mace, pif.wart: R,y. Oeschger and Adam, O'Connor.. . ...... . . . . . ,., . . . . . ). il jffi r, 1 .Hilar. ..111 itu 1 ' Hadon 141 1JS 144 l'lner...im lit 171 .'.vlnxtoji..lM MO tiii lUuin 144 l!3 It (.ate City l.na. j DKEXEL. KHOK CO. 1. ?d. 3d Tot. V. Palmer. ..147 1.0 l ! Hadon 141 1JS 144 4 I Mt 474 lea 444 TotaN .....T4 '2i TKItStl) FAIRMONT CltKA.M Kit V. It, td. 3d. Tot. McCov Jiti JT ill (tihson 1.4 In' iK' nertwell ....140 H0 il 4ii Illand 1V 171 Sis M9 Uobrr in 1;1 My ' . I til 1IYV19?. RAUAN8. ' lat. X.I. Sd.Tot. l.an I-J 11 m 64S Mitchell .....H0i2 I 4. ! Mine 1 l.'.l 2 lleer 14u v 4 4s'i j liufman ... Usl XU) 10 !na 1 Totals fr kfd DM) X7l I If LACK K KATS. 1 1st. Xd. d.T"t I lndtrpm..l 210 ins 6? Klteii 1 VDi 3 4IK 1 . 1 m it; 1 .i mir, ......i.w . . Hofl man ...1H0 ia iwi It) Lee IS3 2u 12 K Totals K7 &: &U i': l.ll b.iaraparrs' l.raaue. HANCOCK-KPriTKX. 1st. Sd. Tot. k. Paetow...l;r T0 ). 4lt tohnson 124 1M if. 4t Adams It 1 U4 41 Totuis 4.J 4t; 4.'i LtARV PR1MH. 1st. 2d. W.Tot. IMallny Iil I'M ir' 4i'.t ! Wright l.'-J lis iJ IRealirow il4 441 Totals M 472 Cj 1412 HL'BER INKS 1st 2d. id. Tot. Wlsdam )M 4i eu8 Oallun 14 1J KS 441 Jam 123 1X7 IK M Totals ? 4o4 4! 121 OMAHA PRINTS let :d. vt.Tut. Robinson ...I'T 14 fi 44) Ruhr i:o It. 1 414 Urupa ...... .l 147 12 i Totals is) - Jvt 12? tarlvr Lsk laajae. AK-SAlt PfcNS lt. 2d Tot. Ftsnton 7 l-i? IsS liauXiaui M il 12 Worlck Aleyvra fctroup ....153 H S7I .... to - 111 ....lua 7 io Total 4i7 4Z3 ltHO TlOEtt LILIES. 1st. Xd.Tot. Jameson ... Kisher PlisiNttrlck Mans Wells ..101 !:; .. M 1'jy . .101 ..121 U MCt y.t in 1 2M TotaN 476 My lot 4 CLOVKR LEAK. 1st. 2d.Tot. Ra'iber 1 7 179 Beard U S4 114 I'vhrbry 63 73 1VS .Mattcrn XI W la Flynu ii 1M 1U Totals SO 4l 7 TllUErJ HLNnilFP Int. S.i.Tot. Kink .... ldmlck .. Kvans ... Iakt Johnson . K4 U 2" .tin w .! 1U J .11 HI S.13 .64 fc 140 Totsla IM 479 1126 MIAMROCKH. Int. 2d Tot. C.arr M 1KJ Rnar 70 1T 174 C'rtwby 114 Mi 10 lleyden 14 t S3 Campbell Ill M 2" Total 42 40 012 NOCTl'P.NKS. 1st. ad Tot. Zimmerman ... M 77 PS itUdys Tnt ....DC H'-t 21 Humtali TaM ...l 104 'J Mr. Iicona..: s P4 IM Mrs. haul- :'....! 1(1 ill Total iil 10E.7 tatrsi tiaaae. CII VLMER H OCTl-AWS 1st. Id. t Tot. rinman ,...1V K'l l0 Mi .30 174 7 Kent C. PrinieaU XIX 17 4 if A. Roer..lM !) 1 a2j Totals... X WJiN KARNAM COLT. l.t. 2d Sd Tut. Hums 14H 2"0 SM Itlihardson lei 1M Kd 44 Kruvuir ...l-"J l ! 47 t.vck ..177 Ik; 17 4 Kafora M lw 214 J07 Totals ... MT. 5l 72 'I ilt'U IV'fl . l.t Sd M .Tot. I Hunlky ...-! 3 sue I Spence 1T 1M 148 441 htevner 1J4 172 11 4M iUrriaon ...13 111 144 R4 8od. 1 holm ..lw 17 1M 6"3 Total "S3 743 224 I N ION OUTFIT. CO. 1st. 2d. Sd.Tot. Jamison ...11 lk) 127 424 Irvine Ii7 14J 1JS 45 lleesou I lit 1 12 491 flenaelo 1st i 2il 'l WarUhow ..14 isi IU7 7 Totals til HOI SU) 2141 Mooae OMAHA. 1st 2d. SdTot. rlttaw V7 12 116 Mi Ward H 14 17S 44 Ikitson i a :li lit X4'4 Johnsen ....1-1 1"1 U- 414 Reynolds . . .114 1W 174 44 Totals ,....( 70S 734 2061 LOYAU 1st. 2d. Sd.Tot. Tllaner tJ 128 221 :X Wheeler ....11 170 1) 44J Hall 7 l:4 l.Vi 8s4 Klrscher ....14 14 116 Sx Luesler IM 14 4tl Totals 7U 740 731 2Wi NO. 0. 1st. 2d. Id. Tot. ...17 122 1M 426 ...171 L. 1 4i ...1S1 14s UJ 42 ..AM 12H li.i 4; ...140 I"i2 1J6 447 NE WYORK GIANTS WIN- FROM HOUSTON HOX-VrON. Tex.. '' Aprii " 1-The New Tork NtttlpnaJ regulars got sixteen hlU for thirty bases In today's game here and defeated Houston of the Texas State league, 15 to 1. Score: ' R.H E Houston 17 1 New York ".'is 16 J Batteries:, Glenn. Ware and Baker: Teareau, Schauer and Bnilth. YALEjCOLLEGIANS ARE EASY FOR SENATORS WASHINGTON. April t-The Washing ton Americans had little difficulty In de feating Tale In an eight-Inning game here today. Score: , R-H E. Washington 1111 t tsu ..- : : z Uatteries: Clarke and Henry; Watrous, Hunter and Castles. CHATTANOOGA TEAM DEFEATS CINCI REDS CHATTANOOGA, Tenn.. April 1-The Chattanooga Southern association club de feated the Cincinnati Nationals her to day, 1 to tit Score:. jitj m Chattanooga .. lit Cincinnati 0 4 0 Batlaries: Currle. Roea and "kitchen; Benton, Lear and Doom. Uonsalea. , Coast Uses . V.nlo- ' RITE. enic 111 1 Pall Lake J battcrlca: West. M.-wnnlwi" wa fpenoer; J. William and Rohrer. . . R.H.E. rnnmrai t j wm AiMivirv 4 7 3 Batteries: Leonard. Krause and Ma her: Ryan and rBooks . . R TT E Oakland ......U I San Francisco 16 ( Batterlrs: Prough and Elliott; Pernoll and Schmidt. OMAHA FANS TO SEE MATCH-AT LINCOLN 1 Dan Gaines Guarantees Special Train in All Who Wish to See Weytergaard-Ster.ker Match. TO BE AT LINCOLN MONDAY Omaha wrestling fans are to have 41 special train to the Stether-IVeatergaard match at Lincoln Monday night. This waa arranged last night by Dan W. Oalne, proprietor of the Merchant ho tel, who not only put up the guarantee for the special, but also made arrange ment with the management of the event at Lincoln to send ut a block of Lrescrve scats, so that all who desire to go may be assured of their seats before thoy start. The special will leava Omaha over the Burllrtgton at 6:30 Monday evenlns, and returning will leave Lincoln immediately after the bout. No sooner had It become noised around town that a special had been arranged so that Omahans could return home the eamo night In time to catch a street car that Mr. Galnca wa besieged with applicant for scats. ' Promoters at Lincoln had long dis tance messages from both contestant yesterday, assuring their presence there. That the affair I to be- conducted In a ; high class manner Is assured by the prominent business men of Lincoln who j are backing It. The Auditorium at Lincoln hold 3,500 j peop:, and present indications are mai all' room will be' occupied Monday night, Special trains ar to" be run 6ver tiie j Northwestern road from the section of i the stata around Stecher's bom Dodge. Wilkes-Barre Car System Completely Tied Up by Strikp WILKES-RARRE. Pa., April I. Prac tically ' every man of the nearly 400 motormen and conductors of tho Wllkes Farre Railway company answered the strike call yesterday and not a wheel turned wi the entire system of 106 miles. There was no trouble Incident to the strike- The men demand 28 cents an hour and the company la not willing willing to give more than 2$ cents. Federal and state mediators here are" trying to settle the strike by arbitration. Germany Refuses to Lift Potash Ban WASHINGTON. April 2.-Ef forts of the T'nited States government to obtain con cessions from Germany which would per mit the importation cf German potash fertiliser failed today It became known here, when American officials were ad vised that Germany would make no alter ation of it embargo. Negotiation had been In progress since the outbreak of the European war. Detroit Will Buy Street Railroads f 01 Twenty-Five -Million- DETROIT, April 2. Announcement ws made today that the stockholders of tho Detroit Vnited Railways hve authorised the directors of the company to accept the city's offer of 24.900,ono for the pur chase of the city street railway lines. According to members of the municipal street railway Commission a few minor details concerning the transaction are yet to be arranged after which tho proposi tion will be submitted for the approval of the voters a special election. INDIAN APOLI STEAM AGAIN BEATS LINCOLN LINCOLN. April 1 The Indianapolis American association team repeated its victory o yesterday by winning today from Lincoln by a score of 5 to 4. Frits Returned to Cklfeds. CHICAGO. April 2 -Thc St. Louis Fed eral have turned Harry Frit, inflelder, back to the Chicago Federals, it was an nounced today. Frltx had a three-year contract with the local team, and when the St. Louis club found it could not use him, Manager Tinker was forced to make room for him. Big Wrestling Go Stopped in Omaha w Goes to Lincoln LINCOLN. April I Ppeclal)-The wrestling match between Joe Stecher and Ja Weetergaard. - which wa to have been held at the Auditorium in Omaha and was prevented by an order from Chief if Police Dunn, will be held at the Uncoln Auditorium Monday night. J. T. Hetroanek, manager for Stecher, and At torney Cook were in favor of taking legal steps to force' Chief Dunn to permit the holding of the match In Omaha about April 16. Westergaard, however, has some engagement In the east about that time and wanted th match held earlier Accordingly Hutmanek came to Lincoln and procured the big Auditorium here to tag the match. Special train will be run into Lincoln from the podge country and an attendance of 4.000 1 anticipated. It I also expected that a large crowd of Omaha fan, who are Stecher boostars. will come down to th match. ' Rent room Quick wtut a ee Want Ad. Phila Athletics ' Defeat Richmonds RICHMOND. Va.. April I The Phila delphia Athletic defeated the Richmond International here today, I to 2. Score: R.H.B. Philadelphia t I Richmond J 7 4 Ratlertoa: Wyckoff, Myers and Schang; Morresaette. Jaimun and tk'haulfe. Pnhenk Sletena I'a via . Neby .. Kehm . Totals ...: '.16 7a z.m MOOSF.. 1st. 2d. d. Tot. uperry 14:) lvl P4 fctraw 140 12X l.fi '.5-7 Nelw 1J l.l 1 4:' Newton ,...17 12 IdO 44 lorn )i 171 13 4M, Total .'. 77 T T74) 224 NOOEHEKT. 1st 2d. d. Tot. Kranda ...14 125 12 W r:dniundan..llu )i im 4' I nioomuuUtl4 Us 11 XM Strah 114 117 I T S Nrtermg. 14 t V 411 Totals .. K4 r4 J0 ! ont'KR. lt. 2d. M. Tct ttedmond .114 IM 1S4 Pittr 1.' U V 427 Kewpfle . .. I..5 127 1 Vetwig ..,.174 17) !.' 44 Duno 117 loi 4-s ToUU .74 70 Tit U7J 1 (Omaha's New STORE FOR MEN - This opcalnit of the Faddrn niitncr Store, at Sit S. 16th St., five Omaha one of the finest lil&h grade hubertlasher In the count ry whr a tilendid new tto4lc of meu'a furnishing a moct couipre henale h--w in: await your Inspection. The Only Store in Omaha Showing Ilnth UunUp null Stetson HaU. Drop In to gee us. You will find us ready. Ready, not only with a completely new stock of the latest spring styles for men, but ready as ever to help you In making a p propriate selections. ; 1 i ( " 1 " EASTER APPAREL For Particular Men "'Hats for, Any Head If you have trouble in finding a lfat becoming to : you let our. bat man assist you. lie will select a hat that looks well on youand will leave the buying of it to yoursef. You will see the newest shapes and colors to your liking. Get one for Easter. Stetson and our own label hats, $3 to $5. Beautiful Assortment of Neckwear Nothing tones up a man's appearance like a natty, new tie. You can easily se lect some beauties for Easter from our new patterns. Open end bows and wide end four-in-hands, 50c to $1.50. Distinctive Shirt Patterns Never have we shown such a won derful range of shirts In handsome col orings. Our $1.60 line of soft shirts is beautiful Indeed. They look like $2.00 worth and some of them even better. From $2 to $3 we show some exclu sive designs. In Manhattans. The silks this sprlnk are unusually beautiful. They are especially appropriate for Easter. Colors guaranteed. 413 S. 16th SL 9 a" W. M. B4tBv 1 7J BV W. raddaa lis- 4 xi am St OMAHA. NE 3. (T marly With Bdward Baia. X attar aa4 Msa's rralkr.) Ia the Her draml Hotel Huiliiiug. "Aou Block." World Motor Bike Free A picture of the bicycle will be la The lie every day. Cut them all out and ask your friends to save the picture Lu their paper for you, too. See how many pictures you ran get and bring thetu to The liee office, Saturday, April 10. The bicycle will be given Free to tho boy or girl that sends us the most pictures before 4 p. m., Saturday, April 10. Subscribers can help the chil dren in the contest by asking for picture certificates "when they pay their subecription. We give a certificate ood for 100 pictures for every dollar paid. A "5 .'1 X