Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Measure Relaxing Provisions with
Reipect to Issuing Stocks and
Bonds Killed.
(Tram a Ptaff Corrr-spondnnt)
LIXCOLN. April 1 (PpcrlaU-Whether
H tm Intended as an April fool Joke of
not, Nebraska not a rolar plus blow
thla morning; when the senate Indefinitely
postponed annate flic No. ISO, a bill to
promote Interurban railway bulMing- In
Nebraska. The bill hn teen opposed by
Commissioner Thomas hall of the railway
commission, ad it was npslnst his Idea of
Issues of Storks and bonds In cennectlon
,wlth the building of interurhan roads and
Is notice to eastern capital that Invest
ments m Nebraska are not to be enoour
aiced. The bill waa killed by the senate com
mittee of the whole after Dodge of Dohb
las , had moved Its recommendation for
Hpeclflc amendmnt. Tt had, previously
been advanced to third reading by a nar
row margin. .
The bill waa made the subject of bitter
attack by reason of lta liberality' In
amending- the stocks and bonda act.
Dodge sought to amend It. but evidently
his amendment cune too late. Eighteen
voted to kill the bill, aa against fourteen
for H.,
Barked In DnnvlM.
ThS ,blll had strong Douulas county
backing. Including the Omaha Commer
cial club. It provided that bonds up to
130,030 a mile could b elssued. Tho only
restriction was that the company must
realise 79 per cent on the sale of bonds,
allowing SO per cent -for discounts and
Beal and Shumway led the attack on
the Wit Dodge and Qulnby were Its de
fenders. Dodge explained that a reason
able amount was absolute necessary for
development purposes. Twenty per cent
would have to be struck off as discount
in order to find a market. That would
allow only 6 per cent for what some peo
ple termed "promotion" purposes. Ha
made a strong' plea for the people that
took the hazards of such interurban de
velopment., i
Holding It . for Nebraskmna.
Bhumway and Beal argued that the peo
ple of Nebraska would In good time build
their own Interurbans and that there was
no particular necessity for giving eastern
capttal any concessions. "
The vots was as follows: .
Wilson (Dodge)
Wilson (Frontier)
Down With the Jail Feeding Graft
Rrsolwtlans Adopted by the Xertaeest Improve meat flab at Omaba,
WHEREAS, We believe that in the provision for paying" the sher
iff 40 cents per day for feeding- county prisoners in Douglas county,
s proposed before the legislature in House Roll No. S32, there is an
enormous graft and unnecessary expenditure of county funds an un
necessary waste of money and an increase in the taxes of the prop
erty owner, and
WHEREAS, The sheriff is paid $4,000 per year for his services,
besides having all mileage and his deputies paid, and that we believe
that plenty of competent men can be secured, any one of whom
would be glad to feed the county prisoners without compensation,
providing the county furnish the food, provisions and supplies, and
would do so for the regular salary, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, By the Northeast Improvement club that we stand
vigorously opposed to such legislation as would pive the sheriff of
this county such a graft, in addition to his already overpaid salary,,
and we ask the legislature to either defeat said bill and proposed
act or to so amend it as to make the feeding of prisoners in counties
of the population of Douglas countythc duty of the sheriff with
out compensation.
S. W. J0HKS0N, Secretary. J. L. COUGHLIN, President..
(From Wsff Owpondent.)
MNCTH.N. Apr!' 1. (Special. Lieuten
ant Oovemor Pearson accompanied his
family a part of the way this morning on
the way home, where It was necessary
for them, to ro April 1 that the children
could finish up the school year with the
proper record of attendance A
Soma were of the opinion tnat the
"panning" the lieutenant governor re
reived at the Gridiron stunt put on by
the newspaper men ot the Commercial
club last' nigh! wss rv naihle Ifor his
absence, hut It appetrs that the arrange-
mrnt were made before the stunt wasj
P'Uled o!T.
Mr. Fesreon appeared ' to enjoy .the
jokes as much as anybody.
(Trnnt Ptaff Correspondent.)
LTKCOXX. April' 1. - (Ppertnl )-ftate
Tresswer HsTTs monthly statement
shows the effects of the monthly remit
tances that a large majority 'h
county treasurers ara now making. The
balance on hand yesterday evening was
II.I'a.lM.flO. as eompsred with a balance,
of Sl.lU.7ia S a month ago.
Under a law passed by the present leg
islature the stato treasurer Is Investing
his cash funds, or rsther W per cent of
them. In county and state ; wsrranta.
carrying the latter as cash. The state
ment shows fHO.SOJ.OT of such warrants
on hand; cash on deposit with tianks,
IWCS30.SS, and cash on hand, W.2S.
ft Ptixf OftGUTHTTvt. y
VmrOVTf, April l.-fKperteU -tary
of Ptste Iool receive S,2. In
fees snd renautles during the month of
March. The largest item was t,470.W for
filing articles of Incorporation; the nett
largest $441.10 for corporation permits
Licenses were tswiued for 431 new motor
cars and renewals for 1. cars. Thla
money, under the present law, slays with
the county treasurers.
nail farm six miles south of Morse Bluffs.
North faced will vote "wet" or "dry'J
at tho coming election.
! ' Mtnden He-elects Teacher.
I MtNDEN. Neb., April 1 (SpeclelV-The
school hoard has elected all Its teachers
'for tho ensuing ' year, including Superin
tendent Tt. W. Wenillnnd, for three year
M,r. Wendland has been superintendent
for four years snd the schools have made
sifrh splendid progress that the hoard
fejt warranted In retaining his services
for three more yesrs. The. high school
teachers are In addition to the supertn-
(lApdent, Miss Hearl Harris, principal; A.
F, Wen-nund. asslHtant, superintendent;
Louis) Kasex,, Martin U Morlensen, Lot
tie - VAderhlll, Beth Wlmmer and Joy
PchrcckengaKt. ' All the teachers ot the
grades were re-elected. The high school
now has an enrollment of 1S1 pupils.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., April 1. Spectal
Telegram.) TVIItt Thomson ' has ap
pealed to the supreme court her claim
the common law wife of, Charles W.
Thompson. In which the Poiiglas county
court rult d against her. She asked t be
declared the wife of Thompson, and for
sepsrnto maintenance and support, her
alleged husband having a short time be
fore Inherited fioo.ono from an uncle and
having teen worth IfiB.oOO of his own
money, according to his wife. Judge Sut
ton found that the common law relation
ship had not been proved.
Anton Weidnor of Columbus has ap
pealed to the supreme court from the
Judgment, entered against him for 12.50
to pay for a subscription of a year and
eight months to the Columbus Telegram.
The plaintiff, Weldner, pleaded the law
forbids the collection of newspaper sub
scriptions where there has been no defi
nite renewal.
Newa Notes of North Bend.
WORTH BEND, Neb., April 1. (Spe
cial) A two-story brick business block
will be erected on the west side of Main
street as soon as the work can be started,
F. B. Datel has purchased four lots now
occupied by framo buildings, which' he
will wreck and dispose of and will erect
a modern building to accommodate nis
department store.
A force of men is at work here putting
up the poles for the proposed electric
light plant. Tha current ts to be brought
from Fremont.
Clyde Skinner of this city was married
today to' Miss Ruth Miosier of Omaha.
They will go to housekeeping on the Big-
Small Takes Over roelofflee.
FRKMONT, Neb., April 1. (Bpeclal.)
N. " W. Smalls yesterday afternoon as
sumed the duties of postmaster at Fre
mont, succeeding B. W. Reynolds, whose
term expired this month. Mr. Smalls has
been a resident of Nebraska since 1SW,
and up to a fnw years ago waa in the
newspaper business In- Lincoln and Fre
mont from that early date. He was the
victor In the postofflce primary In which
there were nine candidates. Mr. Rey
nolds owns aw stores adjoining Fremont
and will look after Ms farming Interests
while living on Easy street. No other
chr.ngea are scheduled among the post
office forces.
smallpox at Fell. 'lt.
FALLS C1TV. Neb.. April l.-(Specul.)
William Slmmonde and family moved to
this city less than three weeks ago from
Norfolk, Neb Before coming here the
family had been In the hospital for small
pox, and now tho father and one of the
daughters has the malady and are under
quarantine. Three of tho children have
been attending public school since coming
f . , , i
New Bank t hsrler.
LINCOLN. April L-CSpeclal.) The
State Banking board has granted a char
ter to the Bralnerd Stato bank, organised
with $, capital and the following offi
cers: Frank C. Horacek, president; Jacob
Horacek. vice president; Emll Kavale .
vice president.
No Stomach Pain,
1 Gas, Indigestion
In Five Minutes
''Really does" put bsd stomachs In order
"really does' overcome Indigestion, dys
pepsia, gas, heartburn and sourness In
five minutes that Just that make
Papa's Diapepsln the largest selling stom
ach regulator In the world. If what yoa
eat ferments Into stubborn lumps, you
belch gas and eructate sour, undigested,
food and acid; head Is dly and actie;
breath foul; tongue coated; your Insides
filled with bile and Indigestible wssto, re
member the moment "Pspes Diapepsln"
comes In contact with the stomsch , all
such distress vanishes. It's truly aston
ishing almost marvelous, snd tho Joy
Is Its harmlessness.
A large fifty-cent case of Tape's tls-
pepsln will give you a hundred dollar
worth of satisfaction or your .dTugglM
hands you your money back.
It's worth Its weight in gold to men
and women who can't get their stom
achs regulated. It belongs In your home
should always be kept handy in case of
a sick, sour, upset stomach during the
day or at night It's the quickest, surest
and most harmless stomnch regulator in
the world. Advertisement. ,
Tho Bee Want Ads Are Best Business
MINDEN. Neb.. April l.-(Special.)-A
well attended mass meeting wss held In
the court assembly room Tuesday even
ing, which commenced preliminary tir
rsngements looking to the entertainment
of the Grand Army encampment to be
held In Mlnden on May If. 19 and 20.
W. R. Watt waa elected executive di
rector and preliminary committees were
arranged - for and regular meetings or
dered to be held. The citizens ot Minden
are highly pleased wtlh this opportunity
to entertain the Yew remaining veterans
who now gather at these annual encamp
ments, and the Commercial club is strain
ing every effort to make it a real suc
cess. The county schools will take part
under tho supervision of County Superin
tendent Oscar Warp, and the city schools
under our city superintendent, H. ' W,
" li 'l"l'-.,,,.,,.:-"-"tf1 OFFERED TO THE PUBUO AT
? wnnfifnin r?(5nn I?
l'J: l;IL
A Coasisi Medicine that Helps.
Dr. King's New Discovery will help your
ccugh or oold. Keep a bottle at home
for emergencies. 60c. A,ll 'druggists.
Advertisement. f ,
Don't miss It. Nothing superior to It
has ever been brewed. A genuine long
aged mellow bock. On draught and In
bottles on and after April L Watch for
the "Storm" sign. Phone for a case for
your home. (Web. 1260). Advertisement.
Farmed Killed by
Train at Tamora
SEWARD, ' Neb.. April L (Special)
Fred Felgion, a farmer aged about 40
years. Jumped off of Burlington passen
ger train No. 39 at 13:35 o'clock today at
Tamora and .was cut la two. - The oro
ner was summoned. . .-, -
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., April l.-(Spe-clal.)
Levi Everett has brought suit In
the Cass county district court to 'collect
from Henry E. Thlele. a saloon keeper In
l!ilsvllle,.and his bonding comrany. tho
'' Illinois Surety company of Chicago, the
sum of SlO.OOv damauea.
In his petition the plaintiff alleges that
while In . the . saloon of Thiele he was
sold, given and furnished With .intoxicat
ing liquors on. May S last; that by rea
son of that fact the" plantiff wandered
out on the Burlington railroad, and while
attempting to walk slong the track under
the Influence of liquor, he 'was struck by
a train, the result of being hat he was
thrown from the track end injured in
such a manner as to render him incapable
of earning a livelihood, as his injuries
are permanent.
The petition further states that he was
formerly capable of earning $75 per
Plattamoath Elects Teachers.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., April l.-(Spe-cial.)
The Board of Education has se
lected the following teachers for the en
suing year: High school, A. O. Eggen
berger, principal; Ml uses Margaret Qib
berson. 'Anna Daniels, Ruth Moore,
tatelle Balrd and Luclle Gass. Depart- i
mental, E. R. Frana, Mrs. Mae Morgan, (
Miss Anna Ileisel and Miss Pearle Staats. ,
Grade teachers, Misses Claire Bookmeyer, I
Elizabeth Kerr, Clara Weyrich, Venm j
Cole, Amelia Martens, Nettlo Hawks-,
worth, Vesta Douglas, Alpha Peterson,
.Hilda Bsrwick, Christine Hanson, Marie
Svoboda. Crete Brings, Rose Prochaska
and Gold's Noble. Superintendent W. O.
brooks was re-elected last month.
Falls City Boosters Offer Frlif.
FALLS C1TT. Neb.. April l.-( Special.)
At a meeting of the Young Men's Booster
Uub last night Will Maupln, editor of
the Mid-West magaslne, made an address
upon the development and resources of
the state and expressed a wish for the
club to bring the same before the school
children snd offer prizes for the best
composition bringing out the good points
or Falls City. U was decided to offer
the high school student writing ths best
raper $5, "With Superintendent Crow of
the school and Guy Qreenwstd and En
Jcnes of the Boosters', club as Judges.
Alliance "Will Knlertaln Slorkari,
ALLIANCE, Neb., April 1. (Special.)
Tho state stockmen's convention will be
held this year June U. 16. 17 and 18, and
the Commerciul club it planning on hav
ing Hanklnkenn'a auto ;-olo team for one
of Its big attractions. The stockmen will
hold their meeting the afternoon of ths
15th and tho morning of the leth, and the
big celebration U1 take place at the
Fair grounds every aiternoon except the
tirst day.
Fifty dollars round trip to Portland,
Seattle, Taconia, Spoksne, Everett. Van
couver, Butte. Great Kslls. Lewlston, and
many .other points In the Northwest.
Tickets on sale dsllv. For further par
ticulars tnui of Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul Railway. 1317 Fsrnam St., Omaha
IA ' a.
f he Best
Ham and Eggs
For Easter Breakfast
Haven't you always
wanted a delicious breakfast
of ham and eggs flavory
ham with the hickory tang,
.and fresh, wholesome eggs?
This is the kind of breakfast
tht will r wait you tomorrow morning
to- Eastcx it you ask your dealer for
Order Supreme ham
and eggs today. Serve them
tomorrow. See if you do not
agree that these are the highest
quality food products. Remember that
Supreme ham and eggs bear the
Supreme label the label that is backed
by the house of Morris & Company.
Look, for the Supreme
label when you buy.
There is a Supreme'
' dealer near you who will
be glad to sell you Supreme
ham and eggs today for
Easter breakfast.
Morris & Company
u. S. A,
We Guarantee
to Save You
From C1GO
to G1GO
On Any Piano
Durintf Thiai Sale
. '
This hi a rara oppor
tunity for ptanolMs bora,
aa that rm cannot afford
to orarlook. Thsm makaa
art bish-radak. flnt-elaa
la strain enti, and wa ara
offartof them to 70a at
whalaaala prloaa, which
tin ) us a small
profit. Wa moat nor
a matter of aeooadarr tat
portABoe, tha first ara tha
lowest . possible, and tha
econd wa eaa arranga to
tilt yourself. Tha thought
wa hare uppermost tn oar
tntnds Is to CUBAN THEM
OUT, diapoae of than
New Pianos tfo
$220 and $248
During this Sale
The general buainoaa dspreagdon ail over the country
dnrlnff Optober, November and December, three beary celling
mobtha in the Piano basinets, naturally curtailed otor tales
tho past winter, and bat left us with a big stock of the Warld!
Beet Pianos on hand. Our new spring stock, contracted for
. months ago, Is beginning to arriT, and In order to make
room we are forced to adopt extraordinary yricfc-eelling
methods. We hare a surplus of 250 Pianos that ZIUST be
remored from oar floors at once.
Csr Fc:tory Connesliccs Ecsblo Os to Sell a
United Hanbcr of Pianos Direct to tho
Gocsaner st Viho!cxslo Prises
Coma early this weak. Rem amber all theee Pianoa ara ABSOLUTELY
K3W, of alchtrede maautaetare, and yon ara protected by our Iron-clad
(uaraataa. Bealdes these new pianoa, wa have alao Included la thla aala
a pur beautiful upright that hare been take la wohaaga oa Player .
Bate eaa aamplea of tha barsatna:
Former Sale
Price. Price.
$200 Chase ft Baker Cabinet
Player ....... $25
250 Pianola Cabinet Player
for'.'. .;..35
$425 Emerson, upright. . . $25H)
$300 ivera & Pona, upngut $;io
$300 Rlchter, upright ...3100
$360 Schilling, upright
$275 Schmoller & Mueller,.
upright S125
$875 Bteger ft Sons, upr't $150
$300 Arlon, upright '....$158
Former " Sale' i
Price. Price. I
$400 Bteger ft Sons, upr't $175
$250 Kimball, upright ....$75 I
$B50 Chlckerinf & Sons, 1
upright. $115
$450 Steger ft Sons, upr't $210
$1,000 Chlckerlng ft Sons,
Grand $200
108 41.100 Stelnway. Grand
$550 Clough ft Warren,
Player Piano ........
$700 Btuyvenant Pianola
Piano . . '. . . .
Frta tlsel. Free Soarf and Free Ufa Ins an no Kith Every Piano Soli
Our stock consists of rach Idgb-grade makes at Stelnway,
Weber, Eardman, Steger A Sons, Emerson, MoPh&U, Zindem&n A
Sons, Schmoller 6 Knoller, and the complete line of Aeolian
Fl&noia Pianos.
Schniollcr & Llucllcr Piano Oo.
You ran wear a beautiful, au-i.
ulne diamond on Easter Bufiduy,
or make a handsome Easter iros
ent, by dimply opening a charge
account with : -.
rtratsli Airtafel Is Salt Tnr Csmaktet.
.75 xn $2.S0a
lOasWrlst WatchCase and Bract
1st ara both fins solid oli. Lvr
st, full nickel lewelod, choloe -of
either white or aoW dial. .OA 7tZ
Guaranteed I O
S3.S0 m Month.
eaa ivies'
hln. 1 i U ...1 1.4
sold Lof tin MaRounil TMoher
1'orfeo 1 1 o n" nuut Bins, 1H mU4
S5 a Mooth 14.(10 k Montk.
Tbln MiMlol TJllB, Waltham er tum;lv
Watch. tusnuitMS tnr ti yr, fi-om II. i
sp. Twins low m ft aumtb. i '
0ft Daily Till t. M. StimUjt Till $ 30.
Call sr Writs tot CaUls No. SOS. fhtint
Oouslss 1444 nt our nlnitu will Mil.
H0FTIS zriaz
1 1 m
srtasa fa Y1a4ralas
mm ttvafsaslaa,
ars mm Missattoa.
IT t
Now Is tho
2 Time To
Start Ybur
Homo .
. This rompany wtll furnish tha
money and . bnlld your house
complete lit every way.
We can have it ready
'for you by aummer
Call or write for our booklet,
"Better Homes", which explain
this couipany'a balldlng methods
and how you can buy your home
on the easy payment plan.
m- r-r
It yoa like the appearance of this bungalow, come
to our office and inspect the plan or write us.
This house has five rooms and bath. The plan
we'll show you calls for all modern conveniences.
1 Offices Ground
1 T5i Ti n "Si fiT.' Flixir, Ilee Building,
i -4i.tmtit?rn KKmuit finuPBimrni tiLonipanu . eb.. Phone
i Urn zj J. , . -W l nr iHiug. 2026.
Hotel Lenox
mm M
One block from Copley Sq. and
Public Library. Convenient to
Shopping and Theatre District.
All Outside Rooms. Excellent
8ingle Rooms 92, with Bath S2.50 and up
Double a3.50, " " $3.50 ' .'"
(Good Osrsges 3 minutes' walk)
L, C. PRIOR. Mamaosn ' '
Two minutsa from Back Bay Suuoa
Ten minutes from North Statioa '
I :
if,' Y4j I
,,.-. f i 4
Oeaeral DUtrlkatsrs
Oafkt, Nab.
will serve a special
. , T .
At 12 to 3 P. M. . At 6 to 9 P. M."
Tables May Be Reserved in Advance
An Appropriate Musical Program by the Thrtt Cotterill Sisters
Hotel Uraslm
Dro&dway at 29 St
"As Hotel Whare Guest ara Made
to Feel atttoaM
Not too large, yet large
enough to afford the
maximum of value at
minimum expense.
Exceptionally Accessible
5M Room MoUrtt UtitmmU Ctsrfst
Slasls Rosas vltb Rusalns Vaur
S 1.00 ts 2.00 per ar .
Slsfls Rooms with Tub or Shower
ll.SOlo S.0l)py4r '
Decbls Room with Roimlnt Viler
12.00 is H.UUptr day
Osutk Iomi with Tub ar Shower
13.00 to to.00 Px Uy
EDWARD C. FOGG, Uammming Virmtr
ROT l BROWN. Aasxfont Mmnrfr
Rent room quick with a Be Want A 4.