Till; BEE: OMATIA, JO WANT ADS W ant ada received t in; time, but t Insure proper rinwnnaiion most be pre. rented W'rjre II o'clock noon for evening edition and I N p. iyv for mo-rtlng nii Bunds y e-lftlona. Want sfa reee-tved artar eueh hours will be tinder the heading, Too Late to Classify." CASH RATE, . Beren nmwtutlvt times, x cent word eeeh Insertion. ... Tkrm time within one week. 1H eentg nrfl eeh Insertion. On time. S raid word, CttAROB rates. . veti cmsecutlv time. cent a mt h Insertion. . - Three time within oim week. celts Pna eseh Insertion, fme timtv It cents tins. Count l average word to tmm. Minimum cnarge, 30 cent. As advertisement tnaerted to IU dlecontlnued must be atopped oy w tea order. AH claim tnr errors most ha witnm fifteen dy after th last tnr lieu of the advertisement Ti ran place yow want ad In The Boa y teteohOBa . TELETHONS TYLER lOflS. Unclaimed Answeri ' to the 4 Swappers Column" 4 1 .... ., . -J. ...am ArMV hftTD railed or and delivered during tha lest week: It M reasonable to suppose the a of tho people below have ms1 aeetred swaps, therefor do wet call ior . tho balaac of their answer. Bo wool orta aura rat fwaulta, kc. fa u a I HT m 8 1W1 P OM IH . tv - 8i4 I I 17 ! HI I 411 1 ii r 4 i-vd iM tn n Ir ra 4t i' 1 21 , I 4. lsM i 88 vt is : 8 7 as 43-7 liwl t- : t M lr.H r J J sn ja t Kt (-4 a7 M : n Ji 14 ) 0 ! 1J 1 4 ana . 1M 1 : M M Ult 10TT SO. J 1411 HI 1414 14l li4 14- 14 11 IV 1441 144ft 144 14.4 J 4(4 li- 11 i4n KC. 141 1V4 mi 15)1 itn ir,?0 li23 li 1M Jf.45 VM IftVi 17 ir.w 1571 J 571 1M ir7 1M DEiTHS AND rClKAI. NOTICES Kimftral from First United k-vanifelU al churt b, MX Krarklln Ht.. r.uy at 2 ft luriaJT Forest I -awn cemetary. 1.0D42U NOTICK9. ' PAINTERS. Nonca Fpertal mooting iUiuday. March . L bor Temple. . ' ATTENTION ODD IXUWa! ' V The rtiemter of Omaha lontja No. S will most Rt Odd Keilowa' hall At 7:W nit W!ii!lay evening and go In a body to vlitlt Waea ludu No. lw. ' BIRTHS AKU DEATH!. Hirthe-Alflo and Tereea Omma, 1423 Hnith Wxth, boy; Ko!xrt and Ixile, HuWn jnnon, W Houth Nineteenth, girl; Arthur n.l Bertha Krauee. aU North Forty flut. girl; Faiihlof and Julio, Lundberg, i.'4 Franklin. lKy; V. J. and Mable I.mnbke, 191J Ixroa, boy; Lowry and Ilatsel Moore, 6212 North Tonty-f iltli menu, boy; Joseph and Ann i'reroet, 37 Houth Fourteenth, boyj Nell and llory Kyan. ti Ktith Thlrty-'lret, boy; Jajma B. and Ueorgla Smith, KI10 laven rit. girl; Walter O. and lilna To4e, SiiS wN'orth Eighteenth, boy. t IHratha Andrew K. Vance, IS, JB Amea avenue; fc.inina Nloliwn, 10 li30 North Thirty-third; Nellie Ollfiger, . 14 North Fortieth avenue; Julio Hayea, S, hoe llal; Mm. Luclndd J. Bmlth.44, Florenoe; J'rank Whltroaroh, i. SulJ Bhermaa ave nue, nt'ILDIAO PERMITS. V. P. thlodo, M14 Maaon, frame dwel liAg. tZ.CM; I'halcn Whlrley. In-8 Fur ram, brick atora, $a..0(A); u. 1. Klplinger, Famam and 3MC Harney, brick apart jm'tit houa, $.5,0(10; lreaher Wroa., rear .U2 and 214 Harney, fireproof ahed, t2,3u0. TODAVS OOMTM'ma MOVIE PltOGUAAia Exclusively In Tbtt lino. IMai Towm. CAMERPHONfcl 1403 DOUOLAS, '1 iren Idol, Z-r. Reliance drama, lita Knturn, Majeatlo dranta. Mixhapa of Marreiine. KUTE NO. Z. Uii KAHNAM. Hnnii-lied From a llurnlng Leath, J-r. Vita. molO'tra. Fatlier'a New Maid, fa. com. The Famuy Hlble, FdL or a. JtAHNAM THKATKII, 14.i KAliNAM b T. Kunavrav June wlil be ahown here every Tuewiay in connection with our regular proxrHin and a Keyatone comedy. lUrl 'liiiutlt.it, Ulii AKU iiA-l(.NKt Homo of Foraxnount Plcturaa, alt N. UTli. Feature prcgram dally. Keyutono Conolea. iAJOAi. 1 JjiLJkB. TTmj Bllont Pie. Vita, drama. ilm &n Ilaio, Ulngraph omUy. P1UN"C6S. linll tMJViiULti. llaart aad Flow era (Hilly Ritchie), -r. Tho tajier Liu, Myera 4k ltoarniary). Tho lve of Mary VVeat tKdna Malaon). Jrtku ALAMO. I4TII AND FORT. Foot reala of the boat Mutual plcturaa. AUUMMiA. 1114 NO. S4TH. Colored Vlilainy, Koyaton oommiy, w'i Advatiturua In tha City, S-reel Proneho drama. Above Hr, loeL arm. L Jr-ljN. MlUuury Ave. 4c UUrdelte. X'n.'jal Wekly. K'';nlng Kireo. li.:iuii.t Burglar, 2-reel. llAMONl. Zil'l IAKE. I'utna of Fiagl Mountain, 2-reel Llaoa. f.,iae Niirhtinare Juker comedy. Nt MotitD to Live, Reg. J liANKUN. 24TH AND FRANKLIN. na Ituuiuii'i DUmiouda. 2-r. KL or. Tlj Ojien Dm wbrV'ffe. Kalem drama. It All Impend. LuUn comedy. Oranil. "Theater Bea.utlfuL," KHh.Bluuey. Kiplulta of Llalne No, 11 Your Baby and Mine, 2-reo! drama. AVrerklaa Ixve, Keyatone comedy. Jiir-i'uijlioMK. SiTH & CCMINQ. ?.i-r l.oardrr, Itoyai romedy. 'i ! U ajt W Ithlii. IWianco drama. V IjiI h!iKht Have IWn. MaJ 4 r. feature. IT, KTH AND lxicUnt. Herat-fWllg No. 2& The Silent Plea. -r. Hi, dra. Ham ajid tha bauaage Fac- tory, coin. -r. Broadway klitit Blory. ' fv y, iTi7TTiCrRD,rr Mr.a or o;a Hrandt, 2-roel lies. 'I li'rti Unait Not Ulrt. 1- Ko. comedy. A n1 one d ra ma reel f7?i T Y K. JiT wui a lif iikui5 The Fate on the Ceiling, I-r. Bron. dra. I'vJ.in MUBxy Job, Keyatone coniody 1 he H.oken jAill.it. y. Ala), drama. I.'jVAU iM CALDWLLL. mi Itn lynamtto. Joker comedy. Tii Five Pound Note J-reel Imp. l(miri' of I.Ai'kwmwni, 'l tor. I'AUl'K. loS lAVCNPUtT i(airea e-f a Man. 2-ree! Ri'X. A II over toe Hiecutt. Nestor comedy. One oti.er itirfv) reel. hi). I KhAN. 24fH AN O AMKd. A N Lv 1 1 1 Out (Chaplin), I-r. Laa. com. Tht l.tttle leteeuve, I-uUn drama. Tin Worthier Man, Vltagraith drama. . A I! KfiR. J?D AND ARBOR. L. out -itlon, Z-reel Ajuarltan drama. '1 he I'ruiivrty Wan. Kevatone comedy, ti 'iii'K I'narlea Cliap'lo. '-'i,. -V IJAV 'sWdliTH i' -mi t-i-.-lig No. 'ii. I tifalLhiul to 1 lie) 'I i l iu.t. :-r.'-l Kalei.i drama. The Jarr i nil lM,. orr. Ilnrn in. it cnn. 1 .1 . ii h 1 A . HiS UTH IflTBL S Mien uf C.ralra. 2-re Lubta uraine. Ti e. t-al,ie of "l he Invln tpara 'i hat 1 lad a Mini Circuit. :ii,n. nJH ,M VlN'TuM Ml. 'I :.. neraa VUalun. S-rel MaJatlc. e I . tr r a Mi!..(ry, B-auly. j-l.t iy Hid liaou.a, lvomio. TODAVS COMPLETE MOVIE PIltMiHAMS Exclusively In The Bern fot a. PAVORITK, 171 VINTON. The still, 8mll Volee. S-r. dra. Fable of "The ('old tirav 1'amn of the Xtnrnlng After," mm. iluman lnveatment. dra OKM, 12.-.S )TH 1JTI1. Too Mnny Paelirlora, 1..-Ko. comedy, Ulack llox No. . 2-rrel anoiitl. Hay of Seven laloa. Iiemmle drama. f-rRic, in vTnton. When Jealotiay Tumbled, Hg I. It Happened on Krlilay, Neaior comedy. l'lark Hox No. I. J-reel apeclaJ. rAHTIMK, SlTuSD I .RAVEN WORTH. Kplanile No. 1. The lll k Hox, 2-reel. ('t In Right From the Mart. Four other reelo. VENfeZlA. Ul (to. UTH ST. Four fee la of Mutual plcturaa, oac MONROE. FARNAM. O'Oairy of the Royal mounted, -r. Vita. drama. Come' l(onil and Take That Klephant Away. Pelig comedy Beneoau FENPON. M3S MAfN ST. i'rancla Ford-Orace Cunard In "The Phantom of the Violin," In I parte, fjown on the Farm, Neator oomeny. Coaaell Blaflav ELITE NO. 2. K4t BROADWAT. Hnxa of Ootd, S-rnet Iibln drama. Ilearfa to Lt, Vltagraph comedy drama. Wwdle loea to t'ollege, raanay com. NICHOJ.A rTI i47 it ROAD W A Y . A Iaughler' Strange Inheritance, 2-reel Vltagraph drama. Ham and tha Jitney Hua. Kalem eomedr. ItOl'liH, am BROADWAY. The Dticheaa, 2-reel Oold Beal. Tho H'ipreme Imptilao, Imp drama BEaSB THEATER. 24TH AND N. The Wh! to Ooddeaa, 2-r. Kalem drama. Blown Into Cuatody. Blograph comedy. MAtHO. 24TH AND O. Mlack Box, No. 4, -r. Epenlal. Tho Phantom Warning, Rex drama. Light of the Blind, F'lalr drama. Ralndropa and Ulrle, Ktarllng comedy. aovilla. 24TU AND M 8TS. ORPIIS7UM. S reela war picture a, drama and good comedy. AN NOUNCKMENT8 DECOltATOKS, ATTENTION Leave your name and addrea with tia. We have many lticjulrlea from people who have work to do. Aa we do no contract ing, we refer all aitch Inquiries to dec orator who handle our book a OMAHA WALL PAPER CO. OMAHA PIL.LOW CO.. 1307 Cuming. Douglaa 24H7. Renovatea featliera and inattreaaea of all kli.de. make feather mattreaara and down oovere. Wtxldlng aiinooncementa. Dong. l'tg. Co. Bl'RINO CLEANING TIME la here. Your wlndowa cleaned and atorm window taken down at reasonable rate. For mat ciaaa aervice call uoiiaiaa .u. AMEMM'AN WINDOW CI. KAN I NO CO, tlOMKMAlE aauaage, only one In ma- na. ram r tener, iw ivnw n. u. .fw. wadding ring at BrodeKattrd'a. V ACl'UM cleaner for aaie. Vacuum cleaning don In the home. Baa) Lory Service Co., to Bee Bldg. L. lioi4. KNROLL now. T. M. C A. night aaoot. N KEDLKCRAFT shop, 204 S. IKth 8L D, 1MH. Hand work for Fhster gift a. ' W R reiU, repair, aell needle and part for all eewlng machine. KB HRAHKA CYCLE CO.. "Mlckol a." Vith and Harney. Louglaa lfiC Political. Your support solicited. H. P. HAZE Candidate for City Commissioner. ACTOMODILKa ONE 101 Chulmera, 6-cy Under, elect rlo linhte.l. full ejuiprml. (1.1(41. Cadillac Co. of Omaha, 2tm4 Farnani ft. C. E LKA tia li H, part radiaur and Uun repair, ly. im. luui Loavenworta. TTaVk a e-cyl., Wh.-p. White car that I will trade for a modern home of euual er greater value. H. Pelton. 2 Farnam. Creenoiigh Omafia Kau. Hep. Co., 4u Kar. AUTO Cluarlng Houae. taut Farnam, buy aal aeua uaej cats. I'lione Kougiaa 7alt Overton a for loaky radiator, !, dealer. 100 RE W A HO tor any magneto we can't repair. Coll repd. Hayadorfer.ZlO N U. Want an aul.j. C J. Canan, McCague. bldg. F 'H aalit l Trado, at your own terma, fu-h"rariower, reven-paaaenger touring ear, 47i. Mr. Reynolds, &! Farnain til., Motoroyelea. , . 1016 INDIAN MOTORCYCLB Dow readr; oarguina in uaei macninea. uuaha BK'lt'l.K fO.. ivitti and ChleKgo. I. trii. II AH LET -DA V II HO.N MOTORi ' YCLKel, Hargain in uaea luHChlne. Victor Kooe, 'The Motorcycle Man," U.'ca Leavenworth. DUTLDIXG MATtOUAli N'AIIH. ti.M per keg. Fence, eheet roof ing, etc.. In tvroiHirllon. General Aler- cauiile Co., OuuUia'a giaat mail order iiuujie. ' ' UVSLNESS CHANCES A LAl)U and well-equipped garago for ale; have other buatnaaa and unable to operate bota. If you want a good eatab- iianert buaiiua. till la your chance, "ll." ....., ...I In..,,. I - w , 1 1 i . , vvui u muni, it, uorihiuN ooea more than llat your Dumnesa, n aell IV am Omaha Mat I ., . . v .. . ,. i , , i . i ca. . lj ml L. . . . . I. . . . ....... . i . . v , . . .j n lmi . , w n vi ve.iiiiia, avui iut ntahlnga. hat, cap, ahoea, etc., dam aged by fir and water. 11. Kothhola, 429 . ' . A., k. D. S3 . 1 n I nurm Aim ci. , cuuin V'lliaiia. SIGN, mow earo Clark Hun. 11. 171 TO OCT In or out of buslneaa. Call on GENERAL atock merchandlae fur aale, lnv,il,. A19 fk.l hi, nM K K' . trade; nolhipg but apot caab. Addreea IWSIIW. - Ur YOUR Hl blNltft.- With 11 fur All Ii' W .,'llri. mA MllftM treat aient jinCK BAUD COMPANY, tt Pee H da. Fhone Hed 23R4. C M KATOM Hum krnk., IHU VU W., wlllheVp you aor 'Ut' of bualneaa! HK.sTAtn-VNT-Good location; doing g'HJd mialneaa: good reaaona for aeliltig A Bee. THEATKHS Buy, Iiim at iril .,ur tl. aler, machine and auppiiea throtiKtl ineaiar r.xchanga Co., 14 r'arnam bL juiUi.-iai YOLR bualneaa or "eal estate ulckly old. Writ Jim Wray,giouxClty, la. RlTj"FNIE.ST.'maha for buyer a. WHY reutT WllleU lwi re I anna lu Hed River ralley, Minn., eretf bulldinga, aupply cowa and Inig vu ftrat payment of t:i and II per acre and intereat at Ier cent each rr theraafter. W. O. Tenipletoa. vm l-m Bldg.. Omaha. HAVE aeveial am-ttoiia of good land. Want aomeon with aome capital to go tn deal with in lu Bowing wheat and flax. Art quick aa aprtng la pearly here. Tina la an extra good prooeiuon. Ad dreaa F . Hee.e HEAL eatato luneae. 1'lacea uppUd or handled; all atalv. F. V. Knleat, Omaha. HmmIps lleaeee tr Sale. I WANT M-rvom (more or leml klgU lat rMiiiliig house In good local!. -n. Have arieral if unwind caati and In come proper ty, t . W. Eaton, llul W. O, W. Hid. I'hur.e liougla 14. EDICATIOXAI. LXtKHT l"dv leoiiapbr wul take puplia KlluRTHAM), touch typeariu Ing, pelling. pum-tuatloa. 1C, taught and complete training givan for bualneaa aer. I i lxa'e li.ti licli.ie if daalied. 44 L'ouglaa bt- TL Walnut 22i7. KmCATlONAL M'RINO TERM POYLKH COLLEGE Mondny. April r.th. Day fchool. Nlaht School, complete btialneaa cntirae, complete ahorthand or utenotype conrae, compile telegraphy rnure, civil aervloe branches and Eng llHh. Ptudent admitted at any time. Write, phone or rail for V'lS catalogue. BOYI-ES roMjKd E, If. B. HOYLES. Prealdenl. Tel. D. VfS. H. iy lea Illdg., Oinalia, Neb. The Van .Snnt School Stenography lay acbool. f ou to 4.0. Night actiool. to 1Mb and famam Kt T".etig' gWJ, FOR eale the following choiarriip .0 a flrat clae Omaha Hu1nea College One unlimited combination buii and ahorthand courae. One unlimited buatnea eourae. On unlimited atenographlo courae. On three montlia buaioeae or ataeo- giaphfo rcur. Will be told at d'acouat at tha office of the Omaha be. KLF.CTRIC SITP1JE9 ELKtTTRIC waahera. 40 7fi; electric It on, 'iV, with General Mercantile Co., Omafia'a Great Malt Order Houae. --r-,rr- - , i FUIl 8 AXE Feraiture, liowaekold Qooda, Bte. Neat a ?d-hatid furniture, caab or term; reaaonahle. Amcr. Fuin. Co.. anj jttn PIANo, llghtly burned, at a bargain. lxiugla 44)f. ' II d'Sk'S bought and aold. J. C. Heed. lloraea aad Vehicle1. SHIP ilv atock to South Omaha. Bav mlieaa and ah rink ax, yotir consign. mania lecetva prompt and careful anea- Uon. OUR winter work U over and 1 want to ell wing of my noiaes; lu food wot a horaea. G. L. Ltghtfoot. 2102 Cuming St FAHM Waon and up; harneaa, 240. Johnaon-Oanforlh Co., 16tli r Clark bte. FOR SALE Team of maree, l,lo Ibe. each for 1 1 SO. 2.S22 HARRISON STREET, phone South W'M. TEAM of fc-year-old marea, well matched, weiEht 2.800: -rear-old work horae, weight l,4ui, and hanrUotne black and white Shetland pony, heavy In foal, gen tle fur children; bargain; party going to Kan jrranciaco April 10. Mil iodge St. LI v atock CoaaaatMlosi Merchaata, MARTI N UROH. i;0.. Excoange Blilg. HARNEHtf, bugglee. delivery, aprlng and farm waifon at a aavlng or 10 to 140 a General Mercantile Co., Otoaha Great Mail Order Houae. NICK team of maree; weight 2,300 lbe.: aultabi for moat any purpoae; 7 and yar old; alao team, weight 2.MI0 lb., on In foal. Call atablee, VA Hamey St Meslcal Iaatraoaea ta. VIOLIN, coat 240, will Bell cheap. 'H. 451 1 OWNER leaving city offera fine Docker piano for ITS. If aold quick. Telephone Harney 118. altry, Kin aad aapplle. eTEHEOTYHS matrlce make the beat and cheaoeat lining lor poultry bousea Tliey are 17x2 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 76o a hundred at The Be office. WHITE WYAN. cockareie. Benson Kb W. R. C. R. I. Red eggs. 76c, 16: 24. 100. A. M. La rsen. Both ana Centwr. wal. miH. o MUed grain. loO Iba., 11.76. Wagner SOI N.ll LET cblckena pay your rent; aend for r.u hrnib . "T i , r, , I r, Wtr urn tnln rtlf.k. na Into IKiliars." anif f r sample world only batching chart: book desorioes May racubator: atv moat chick: hatch on on gallon oil. Rayo Incubator Co., 101$ 0. 12th St., Omaha, Neb. Phone Red 2364. Typewriter. RENT An OHvr typewriter, I month for 44. The Oll- er Typewriter Co.. IX. Sl TYPEWRITERS aold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange,. W7 a. 17th. Mlarellaaeoaa. FOR BAIB New and aeconoV-hand carom and packet billiard table and bowling alley and acceaaoxlea; bar future of all kind; easy payment. The Brunswick- Halka-Coliender Co., 4tr-4Vv S. IJth Ht FOR 6 ALEA 10x12 refrigerator meat box. Must be sold at one. A bargain. Central Market, Council Bluff IS SECOND HAND penny-ln-eloi ma- cninea of varum sunas, also coal rauga and 4 ga range. J. C. Ish, Executor. ;02 B. Slit Ave. Phone Harney 243. 2-haiit inch. Gios XCreck Co., -'1 Ac faul. FOR KALE Eclipse electrlo sweeper, aood a new. cheap: aJo Oliver vlalbia typewrltor. No. 2. TeL Web. 207. ' FOR SALE One stock membership Happy jiouow at a consideration, walnut 2UL N EW and M-tiand motor, dynaraoa. magnetos, elo., and mech. repair. L Bron Elect Work a, aiH-gO B. 12th. THREE-STATION Lamson cash oarrier system for aale or will trad for Na tional cash register. Addreea, Y 414. Bee. FOR SALE All leading make of incu- I . u I .... 1 I . k. .. . ' " . .v, . 1 1 ,11 I.,IU , ll V'O, delivered to your town. Write for free catalogue. Johnaon Bros. . Seed Oo Nebraska City, Neb. , HELP WANTED FEMALB tlerleal and nfflpe. NO USUAL KULJ1 irir.pi 0ALIS are now starting to come tn. BUoLNEHS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. itia-M woodmen or world. NO FILING FEE. RF5RT COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. ROG ER8 REE. CO., State Bk. Bldg. Agteat u4 BaUeaweaBea. SHOE SALESWOM AN. woman; muat be experienced; excellent channe for advancement to right party. Apply superintendent' office. BALCONY. BURGESS-NASn CO. Kaetory aad Trade. LFARN ha'rdreaatng Oppenneira Parlor Iloaaekeeper aael Pinantlca. THE tervanl tjirl t-robleiit Hoiveu. Th Bee will run a Servant Ulrl Wanted Ad FHa,IE until you gat the doatred reaulta This applies to residents of Omaha. Mouth Omaba and Council liluffa Bring ad ta lie He office or telephone Tyler luuO. A COMPETENT white girl for general houaework; no washing;, reference re quired. Jl. 117. Hodge St. WANTED W hi te girl for general house- wora. inree in lamny. wal. WANTED An eauertenoed aorvant alrl for general housework; muat be a good coa: reference required. Call H. 177 WANTE1 I women to work In altohen at Frnch Cvtfe House, Ilartingtoa, eo. vANTEU A competent girl for general nouaewor. Hartley aiuii. WANTKl A girl for light houaawork no waahlng. Wal. S3l WA.NTKl)-A Hildule-aged lady to do housework: good horn and reaaonable wasea. r.nfl W ANTED A aood girt for general houaa- wora, muat lie good cook; good wage. Datlme, Iioug llu; evening. Weh. 4e.la, IKU'SEKEEPER wanted; woman agai 30-40. to keep boure on farm and take car of two little children; country woinau Preferred. Send reference ai.d stale wcgr. Arthur ensiug, U. F. 1A. Me. . .'ri. ieo. wanted An M'ini tri fu ral houaework. where awwud rtrl la kavt, guevl watfe. Apply . buAlL Xa, at. ceLk.i Hiurie. f.oo uag WANTED-Girl. white to analat with housework; no washing and no cooking Web. kid W ANTKlk A competent girl for ger.nraJ houaework: rererence required. Mr T. M. Orr, itl a. aatb bL HELP W.XTEI FEMALE Howaekeeera 4 DonrMiet, 4CAPAULE white girl for general house work. Mo (;aa Ht. Harnev r.t. W ANTEIi A girl for general houaewor;. no x. ;th st. W7TNTEH A girl for general houaework. 114 North 30th Pt. WANT 1'I 4 J I r I for general houaework. Muat t.e good cook and furnlah refer entea. Small family f rlvate home; good wage. Call Mr. T. P. Redmond, Jlar ney 1797. WANTED Young girl to help with houaework. No washing; no cooking. Mai. 117S. GIRL for general houaework; care of 2 children: no waahlng. Harney XM. WANTElv-Young girl. 16 or over to a lat with houaework. Call Wal. sk. W.rNtl l'-Cliamhermaid. Apply at 324 j i i , lor f:ci M. Siith St. H. general houaework. 22S1. "WANTKI A girl to wah dlahca at 114 N. 18th St at larellaaeoua, GOVERNMENT JOBH FOR WOMEN IT month. Llat frte. Franklin lntl tut. Dept. to C. RocheaVr. N. Y. WANTLD A lady 2i or over, resident of mall town or country, who ha taught r.r prepared to teach and la capable of meeting the director and patrorm of the rural chool. A splendid Income o be gin and chaace for steady advancement. Addreea Atlantic, Iowa, Box 224." YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa atrauger are invited to visit the Young Women Christian aaeoctatlon building at St. Mary' Ave. and 17th tit.. here they will b directed to eultable boarding place or otherwla aaaiated. Look for our traveler' gude a.: Union elation A YOUNG woman between 2& ed ao years old as companion for an old "ady; 17 or II per week. Apply 204 ilarnay Ht. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and Office, SALESMAN, AUTO.S $11 tJA LEHMAN 1" OFFICE MAN, INSURANCE 109 TUB CANO AGENCY, 00 BEE BLDG. WE are getting cull for high grade sales men. See us at once. MIDWEST BONDING CO., tn liee img. A FEW places opon for experienced men In verlnii linen. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. 1S1 i-20 Wood men of World. SQUARE PEGS IN SQUARE HOLM. We find a position that fit yoii. CO-OPERATIVE REEERENCM CO., 1015-M City National Bank. ARCHITECTURAL draftsman; salary depend. Salesman, grocery trade, salary and exp. WATTS RKF. CO., KVi-A2 Brand. The. HIGH-GRADE commercial ooaltlona. WEST. REFERENCE A BOND A SSN. 1(B Omaha Nat Bank Bldff. Agents, galeasaea aad Solicitor. THE first payment how cover Insurance til July 1, u:s. This make our policy easy to sell. Call or write. Mutual Ben efit. Health and Accident Asa'n, 423-:"5 City Nat Bank Bldg., Omnha. Neb CORPORATION manufacturing nation ally advertised product, ha opening for two salesmen. Muat be asrarreaalve. hard workers, with self confidence. Real money and assured future for right men. Phone Mr. Sutton, Room 445 Loyal Hotel. YOU'LL never get rich working for other. Why not start a cleaning and dyeing business? We tart you right! No prerlou experience noceaaary; butj mail capital requirea. tig profits In thle great re-order business! Fxill detatla free. White Wonder Company, 2T6 Na ttonal Safety Vault Dldg.. Denver. Colo. HIGH-CLASS salesmen wanted to call on bankers and business men throughout the state. One representative last week received commission of KtO; one received 2500 and all made good. An exceptional opportunity If you are Qualified. Aldr G 2CT. Bee. wanted Neat appearing man to travel aa manager; must have sales ability and he prepared to leave city today. Appiy r:ai mn morning. Mr. Wilson. Hotel Fontenelle. NHAT appearing young men wanted; rmnrwiw. ,piuy aa nranneia Theater, 8HOHJ SALESMAN. . Wa wan a viaaf mpi a.I -I i mah; must be espertnced; ' excellent chance for advancement to right party. Appiy supvruiiciiueni a oruce. " ' BALCONY. BURQESS-NASH CO. Icaetery aad ' rades. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE. 8PEOIAL SPRING HATRH. 110 So. 14th St. Desk B. Omaha. Neb. niRHt.e w A Trn -, n...l..l .I n only flret-claaa need apply. J. B.'Lerch' Dead wood, 8. D. Tri-City Bber CoHege. Tuition 15, on account of big trade. Wagea for f and 10 cent work. Electrlo iiiaaaage taught. Hydraulic chair. Catalog free. 1124 Douglaa Hi. Omaha. fVM'lll VlilTTCa ULTM Ufivrrr, IMMEDIATELY. B Ingest demand for fills ikl M ST naif I A Vlaii (Uf u elna A. .a. ate. Too many untraiafed tinker repair men. utna men poaiuveiy needed, ilig spring rush. Free catalogue. MUMT BCHOOL NOW OPEN. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 2u2 Farnam St.. Omaha. WANTED Aa experienced all around blacksmith. Must be sober and Indus trious. A. Mallcky. Bameeton. Neb. OU MUST THINK W ive you expert auto training; earn a real aalarv. bla money for our trained men. Come right now and get our free course In Elec Ltg. aV Start' g aystemn; free catalogue. Amer. Auto College. Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb atlaewtlaaiewaia. . GET WISE A themuh- n-- r-4im 1 11 l...Kl ! - J ,. cation at minimum coat Aak tor cata logue "C" and explanation of our get result method. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. iu-w AHMge street, Omaha. Neb. GOVERNMENT want clerks; 270 month; Omaha examination April 28; common education aufflclent; particular free. oi'fir immeoiaieiy, x jca, tjm. WANTED id) men to eat ham and j'asa, ijc. soiree Jonn. 14th and CapltoU RAII.RTIAIl llUllllVil About 4() UAl Vila Mmhank,nnl -1 VI.L. villa. Mo.: bluaorinta nn nia ffin r m. Creek Coal Co.. at Klrkavtlle. Mo. Be an Auto Mechanic and draw m Imrwm ..I... . i . - " ' I V. V . ui, auto bualneaa for yourself. Our com- pieuiy equippea school and auopa will bring this result for you. Writ for free booklet Nat 'J Auto Training Ass'n, 2814 N. 20th St. .Omaha. Neb. HELP WANTED MALta AND rtCMALM. MEN. WOMEN W KNTED-Government Job. e to tit month. W rile tor list Position now obtainable. Franklin In stitute. Dept IU C, Rochester N. Y. SITUATIONS WANTED COlAilU.D man wants a ob; jtuutor or porter; can ruruiaii Deal reiereooe. Webater lto7. LLLITHLY lady desire position aa houee keeper, abort diatance in couutry or city. For lalervlew. Fhon WU YOUNG riaa want poaliioa aa coliKtor: kaew t' city Thoroughly. Call WaA- aut in. (XlDlKEIl gtri etiher housew'i sht aAsaat Aartu day. elihcr housework or cliaoubei uuud. Ad- dreaa O 240, Bee. Wimlilng and Ironing by day. Weh. S4kv DAY work wanted. Web. . DAY wore or bund. wash. Wtb. kJ7. SITXATIOXS WANTED EX PF.Itl ENCKD young man, having fintahed training a raehler and bill and olflce clerk. Ha excellent penmaji hip nd la collese praiuate. Dealreii poaition In Omaha or eUewhere. I'ougla frtr. or addreaa J-tA Hee YOI'NG man want to go to work; will do anythinx; prefer outAlde work. Ad drea 8 2l. Hee, .YOUNG man want work on farm or ranch, city or country. D. levs. HOTEL and restaurant man, experi enced, aged 2:!. want work either aa dtuhw axher. porter, bellboy or any other kind; honeat, oher nnd willing. J'hone linnelaa 4:i-. John. Cir.'4 Douglaa St. PERFECT home washing; lace curtains a specialty. Webster 4:'8.t. DAT work by hor7Rrd m7. AY work wanted. Web. 5.WV Ltila. CHAUFFEUR want roaitlon: good care ful driver and can keep car In flrat- claaa aharM wtlllna In .In r.thee unrk- wage reaaonable; beat of reference. F. Elmnpe, council Fluff, la. EXPERIENCED clerk, dry good or gro cery, 19 year old, desires position: had experience as collector also. Address J 2t. Bee. LOST AXD FOUND OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Peraon having lot some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha Council Bluffa Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left It In the street car. Many article each day are turned In and the company 1 anxloua to restore item to the right?i on-cr. Call Doug. 4S. LOST One sterling silver vanity pure; Inltlala "E. N. 8." Reward. So. S61 or So. a. 6. LOST SMALL REP BOOK CONTAIN ING NAMES OP REAL ESTATE DEALERS. LISTED ACCORDING TO BUILDINGS. FINDER PLEASE PHONE RED 8217 OR CALL DOUGLAS 2.02. IF THE person who atole my grip from 2114 Chicago St., Saturday afternoon will return the bunch of key 1 will pay a suitable reward and ask no questions. Joe B. Kndlcott. Her Grand Hotel. LOST Gold lorgnette, monogram 8. B. L., between Paxton block and 17th and Douglas: reward if returned to desk clerk Fontenelle Hotel. LOST A Boston terrier, male; screw tali brlndle with white markings, small brtmlle apot between ears; answers to name of Tat; liberal reward. Call Har ney 917. MAIL ORDER EL 8IXE88 SAVE 25 to 60 per cent on furniture by trading with General Mercantile Co., Omaha'a Great Mall Order House, 715 8. 9th St. MEDICAL Piles and Fistula Cured without SURGICAL OPERATION or PAIN. NO DETENTION from BUSI NESS. PAY when CURED. A wrltton GUARANTEE given in every case treated. Patient muat come to the of fice. 40-10 Omaha National bank, 17th and Farnam Ms. DR. WJLLIAM CREIGHT0N v MAXWELL, Twenty-eight year In Omaha. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College, new Tor tny. . x. N. Rimtnra Cured In a few days without lltiptlirtt pajiv CaU or Write Dr Wray. 202 Bee Bids . Omaha. Established 1X94. o Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry curea piles, 'fistula and other rectal dlseaaea without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diaeaees with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldtf. NURSERY SEEDS AND PLANTS. 200 DUNLAP strawberry plants, $1; 1,000 24; postpaid. W. C Hebdoh. Blair, Neb. PERSONAL $7,000 FOR INVALIDS. , 70S subscriptions to the L. H. Journal, 21.60, the 6. E. Post 11.60. the Country Gentleman 21 00 earn that 27,000 for Tho Invalids' Pension Association. Y'our order or renewal contribute 60 cents. Phono Oouglaa 716S. AUdresa GORDON, TILE MAGAZINE MAN. OMAHA. NEB. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licit your ole clothing, furniture, maga zines. We (ollect We distribute. Phone Douglas 4185 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, 1110-Ul2rU14 Dodge tt YOUNG women coming to Omaha a stranger are Invited to "Islt the Young Women's Chrlstlsn aasoeUtloa building at 17th St and St Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places er otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union La uon. SUMMER RESORTS TO LET for the season at Buxxard'a Bay, Maaa., seven-room seashore cottage at entrance Cape Cod canal; pictures of cot tage at Bee office. David Moore, 20 River, view 8t, Campellc, Mass. LITE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA Abatraeta at Title. jr Title Guarantee and Abstract ierr Co., a modern abstract offlce.J Xi So. 17th St. Phone D. 64X7. Jesscn & Morrell,Bk,rsa REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldeat abstract office In Nebrasaa. jn nranaeia -. nee. KA."dw"jRAK, C. P. A.. Ad.lresa 43 Ramge Bldg., Phone Douglaa 7406. Ad-lag Naeklata. Dalton Adding Machines. 411 S. 15. P. 1448, Adder. Men. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. P. MA Aauilrsr Klnlaklag. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 418 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. Architect. Everett 8. Dodds. 412 Pax too Blk. P. tm. Aale aad Ma a wet t4eiMklrlasi. Magneto repair work a apeclalty. P. 9411, A wc 1 1 aec ra, Dowd Auction Co.. 1US-18 W. O. W. R. 82SB. Dowd Auction Co., 1115-14 W. O. W. R. itoa. Uakeriea. Z. Ii. REKDER. 1608 No. Wh. Web. 8237, Bine Printing. HORNBY ULl.'S PRINT CCk. 802 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg Bran r"enndrtn. Paxton-Mltehell Co.. 27th and Martha Sts. 1 rvralrra nnd tssltaelsrs. STEVENSON, 83 a 13d. Deugla 643. raltfornt- Lands. W. T. Smith Co.. 1127 CHy Nat l Bk. D.2S18. i'hlnn falattasi. Ruth Lstrhford, decorsttng. firing. R. 4S42. (lvl tsrlsrin. at. J. LACY, 618 BEB BIJVJ. DOUO. 471. (renns feeparater. The Bharplee Separator Co . irth ft Fam. Cistern aad Well Dittglasc. NEED well or cistern cleaned or tfugT BCHAFKER does It Phone Web. ttUL JTe. RICKERTT Well CoasUuctlon Co.; SMithing too big or Impossible: estimate furwlahed. 610 N. 21st St. Omaha. Daneingr Aeaacnatee. Turptn Dancing Academy. 28th ft Faro. Try Maekie'a first U14 Harney. Iioug. bto fKAUEKHS' Academy, claaalc P. 187L taeailsta. Dr. Brad twiry. Ke pain. HI W. O. W.B Id g. Dr. Todd alveolar den(iiry. Ilrandel Baliey, Ilia Iwiuiat. lu City Nat I Bank. TartDwrtal Booms. 1617 Doulaa D. 2LMV Pyori hee. Dr. i'Kku, U4 CUy Nat BaukT LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA !eeetlve. INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any part of United States, Canada or Mexico. cpax yn Blk. Dou g. i;r?3. Walnut 16J0. JAMES ALIVN, 212 Neville Block. Evi dence secured In ail caaea. Tyler II nreaarwaklwar. Terry lresinr.k'g college, 20th tk Farnam. KF.ISTER'S lresmnklng college, day and night achool. Ia4 City Nnt'l Bank. Urn DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on 210 nrjlnr,' enlalnui,.. 1 m. iJi.rmin A Mc- Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Evrrythlnsr for Weu. ACCORDION. sMe, knife, aunburst. ho Pleating: covered buttons, all sixes and tyles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Heating Co., ? Douglas Hloca.. I), I smb. HAIRDRK8SING at your home. R. 6931. F.verylhlna: for Wnnea. NEW YORK sample store. Muat vacate. bulldins comma down; clonks, suns and dreases sacrificed 20 N. 16th St Eleetrle SaDDlle. .LEBRON Elec. Wka. 21 S. 12th. P. 2178. Florists. BATH'S, florists. 104 Farnam St. D. !W0. L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. D. 12T. Jlcmber Florist Toiegraph Del. As n. HESS ic 8WOH45DA, 1415 Farnam St A. DONAGHUE. 122 Harney. Doug. 1001. I.atterlna anil Spoatlasj. STOVE repairing. Fire Prevention Oo. I otiglas toil Hat Dyera. Straw hats dyed. Dora Elsele. 11 C. Nat Hair Dressing;. Harper method, r. k. Balrd Bldg. D. tfitl. Llgbtino; Flxtarea aaal Vlrtar. THOMAS DURION . Electric fixture and supplies, contract ing Und reonle work dne reannnhle. t419 CUMING. DOUGLAS 251. 1 .1 e nrnruiri, OMAHA Remedy Co., 07 S. 13th. Red 4S2. Meaaenaer and Teamster. WHITE LINE. HIP N. 16th St. Douif. 113. Mask, oatumra ami l.ilirc sapplles. MFT5. of lodge regalia and costumea Theo. Lleben & Bon. 1614 Howard. D. 4118. Maaaear. CORA BELLING Y rVrft good, restful Magnetic. Other satisfac tory treatments. Also vapor hatha. Open 10 to 10, Including Sunday. Notice: En trance downstairs. 107 8. J7th St.. base ment, comer Dodge. MTSS STAPLES, mase.. elec. hath. T. 713. Open eve.. 9p. m.: Sundays, 12 to S. MASSAGE. ITU Dodge. Mrs. Steele. 1l rril and mass., alcohol rub. Laura L,''1--Li-1 Wilson, 1S02 Farnam, R. 2. Doug. 8761. Open evening and Sunday. MISS WALTON, mass. R. 221 Neville Blk. M. DRUG MAN. mass R. 203 Karbach Uk. R. 2727. Clara Iee, bath and massage. Doug. H75L Motion IMctorea. i OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film nargntna. U . J - .1 . 1 , W. C. FERR1N. luth and Capitol, fy. 1808. Pristine:. WATETtS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., oiiallty printing. Tel. Doug. 2130 524 S. 13th St. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. riot. COREY M KENTZ.IE PTG. CO. D. 2614. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co.. 62ti Capttol. D 1102. Osteopathic phyaiclsuas. rr. Rericha. 203-4 McCsgue Bldg. T. Dr. Peterson. 403 Brandeis Bldg.. D. 2144. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG, 816 Be) Bldg Patents. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Pateat Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 S. 11th St Palatlasi and rapcrtnsj. HUGH M'MANrf, 417 N. 40th. ii. 612. Omaha Paste Co. Snowflake paste. D. 3780. Plume Renovated. ( PLUMES AV HATS made ever, cleaned A dyed. Bertha Kruger. 429 Faxton. D. 8394. Prlatlag. DOITGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 44. Roach GitermUatoi. B B B Roach powder. King's. 24th & Far. Sat and Tins Lock Expert. SAFES ssot. Shoe Repairing. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. 211 8. 14. eigne and skswcaraa E. M CLARK ft SON. 118 S. UTH ST. Steel Celling. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 a 10. Store and Office Ftatarea, DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. we buy, sen. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 S. 12th. D. 2724. lowtl Bappllea, OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 8. Ilth. D. 628. Tlnnork, CENTRAL TIN SHOP, H17 Dodge. Doug- 18S U4. - Tailors. CHAS. C. LANDERTOD. 108 N. th St OA43EN 4k KOUECAIE. 1MJ6 Harney, D. tin, Trnnke and Snltcaaes FREIJNO ft STEIN LE3, 1808 Farnam St Veterinarian. DR. O. R. YOUNG. 4602 Center. Wei. SOU Wines and Llsjaere. ALEX JETEH. 201-i 8. 12th St Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinners, U tot, 10o. Globe liquor bouse. 424 N. 16th; California wine, also per gat, wrty for prlco list HEWRT POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family Uauore at Klein's Liquor House, kit N. iMb. Douglaa laua. SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTOMOBILE I am an automobile dealer and a trader. I have a very fine 40 1L P. 5-passengcr auto, agency In Omaiia; standard, well known make, as popular as the Ford: car In perfect order, 1913 model, Presto lights, easy to handle, ?;ood aa new. I will exchange for vacant ot or real equity In small Omaha house worth thoO. I will guarantee car. Don't offer me land or their equities, or Junk; If you want to do business describe what you have in first letter. B. C. 866. Bee. AUTO 11113 6 paaa. Bu.ck, fine condition. W hi trade for lot valued 11.000 fn paved street Will pay difference if lot Is worth more. Call W elst-r S16. AUTOMOBILES Fo other automobile baigaina see the "Automobile" classifi cation. BI LL PUP, male, to trade for fox ter rier. Slate particular. 8. C. 80. Bee. BUSINESS CHANCU-Best restaurant in city, always crowded; on account of sickness of proprietor, for trade for what have youT Addreea S. C. 861. Bee. CORNER LOT FOR AUTO. Fin corner lot. North Oniaha, cash value 24.10, even for Ford or light car. Address P. O. Box M0. Omaha, Neb. DIAMOND A good, clear diamond, no flaws: set In ladles' mounting. Want an upright piano for thia. 8. C. 6u4. Bee. DESK Will trade a roll-top desk and chair, or bookkeeper's counter, or six foot double-deck show case, or auto parte and accessories, for a leather Davenport or settee. Address 8. C. o-'tN, Bee. ENGI.N IJaV-Gaauline. lj 11. t. Will UaJe for electric motor. Address S. C. S3, Bee. FANS 8 good 16-clierk electric fans; 1 g od a-check electric fan All la A-l e ndltion. A. C. Current hwap. W hat have you. Addresa s. f. x3, Hee. lull lii lUMilu-An up-io-uale El lipse sweeper (electric), alao No. 8 visible typewriter, "Oliver," nearly new. What have ybu? Address 8. C. 84. Bee. GUN Stevens, 12-gauge hainnierless pump gua for a Colt's automatic pistol and cash Address 8. C. aoa. Bee. HOTEL Good lct-1. doing a rood bbsi neas; will trade tor auto. What hare you Addreea K. C. STT. Bee. LEDGLHs Two looae-leaf ledger, nine by twelve, brand new, complete vith jOO ledger sheet, coat 217. te awap for tent or shotgun. Address 8. C. 842. Be:-. UANIHJLIN Bet there la. cost Ii. I want a diamond, or what he you? W riia 8. C. 4a. Bee. SWAPPERS' COLUMN MOTORCYCLE-W ill awap motorcycle for a sewing machine; must b a good one. Wal n u t 12 2. M1ILLNERY stock and fixtures doing pood business and making money, for what hare you to trade. Addreea . C. 4, Fee. MOTORCYCLE to trade for cow or dia mond. Addrnss S. C. 8."A Bee. ORGAN Kimball organ: also sanitary cot. davenport style, for chairs or other parlor and dining room furniture. Ad dress H 8'.9, Bee. . PIANO Will exchange a hlgh-grado . standard piano for young, sound farm Itiares. Address P. C. M0. Bee. PIANO A burned Wellington piano; In terior aood. What have you to offer? Was new six months ago. 8. C. K.V. Hoe.. PIAVO A good high-grade, used, player piano, with 40 rolls music; would take cow, chickens, diamond, or what have you as part payment. Address B. C. 81, Bee. . i - , RESTAURANT and lunch counter doing prol liable bualneaa on Farnam. Will trade for vacant lot, or what have you? Address S. C. 712, Boe. - REFRIGERATOR 26-lhs.. good as new. uaed one season. Will exchange for porch chair,. Address P. C. 847. Ilea. TABLE One dining room table, 6 ft., ma hogany finish. What am I offered? Ad dress S. C. 857, Bee. 6IGXS. shpwcard.. Clark ft Son. D. 1878. WILL TRADE a diamond ring for tw 86x4 Q. D. casing. 8. C. 809 Bee. SCA LE Grocer's computing scale; will so. I or trade, or what have you? Ad dress s. c, 727, nee. THOROUGHBRED Angora cat to trado for fox terrier or 1'oston terrier or what have you? Address. 8. C. Bee. TYPEWRITER Nearly new No. S Un derwood typewriter; ; wlH trade for cashier cage or -office furniture. .Vhat have you? S C. 3, Bee. TRUCK For ile or trade a ton dell viry truck. What have you to offer? Ad dress S. C. 842,' Bee. WILL trade my 2500 lot near Miller park for -late Ford auto. Give full particu lars. Address P 2S0, Bee. o WATCH-Wtll trade a good gold Mred case new watch for a good pup. Ad dress p. C. 777, care Bee. WATCH Man's H-knrat gold esse watch, cost 127.60. Want diamond ring or make offer of what you will trade. S. C. 841, Bee. , . , FOH RETT ApartraeJMs and Flare. a CLOSE-IN APARTMENTS, THE LAFAYETTE. 17TH AVE. AND JACKSON ST. . Two and three rooms, with flrst-clas equipment; reaaonable rents; references required. The Janitor will show you through nt any time. PAYN E & SILATER CO., 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. FOR RENT Moat beautiful, finely fin ished and up-to-date 8. 4 and S-room ; apartments la city. Building lust fin Ished. Flora Apartments. 8661 Jones St FOR RENT S rooms wifh toilet and j bath, easy walking distance and close to car. 812.50 per month. ' T. SUIA.IVAN. ! 21S Brandola Theater Bldg. Doug. 4413. JlO.fiO, THREE large rooms part mod. flat for small family. 19i5 Elm St. D. 607. ST GEORGE Apartments, located In select West Farnam district; one 6-room uite to let Phono Web. 1674, o CENTRAL No equal n price or quality; 1-room bouse; 4-room tiat aw w. r-i. FIDELITY RENTAL pn?FK Phone Dougln 112 for complete list ot all vacant houses and apartments, also for storage, moving, packing, shipping. HIGH-CLASS APARTMENTS. CLOSE IN, THE ANGELUH APARTMENTS, . 2STH AVE. AND DOUGLAS ST. Three and four rooms, with disappear' Ing beds, electric elevators and other flrst-clasa eautpment Janitor will show. you through at any tlmo ... rAINUCBUlitnut, 618 Omaha National Bank Bldg. . Farniahed Apartments. FURNISHED Apt. In '"Traverton." The fireproof, close-in apt house, that Is furnished, everything to make It pleas ant for the tenant will have vacancy April 1. Call TTaver Bros.. 70S Omaha Nat Bank Bldg.. Tel. D. D63. C-room brick furnished flat. 1331 Psrk ave. . MODERN 8-room furnished apartment fori the summer. . Apply office. New nam-' llton. 1 : FnrnfBhea ttocma. MADISON list and Chicago; steam heat; 114 mo. and up; cafo lo connection. D.6'cl. : SITTING room and bedroom for two or three business women, in modern, pi I- vate homo; . every convenience. Harney I tx. lt6 So. 81st St - , STEAM heated rooms, $2 week. Ogclcu) Hotel, Council Bluffs. Nlcelv fur. rooms. 214 N. 26th. IHug. 64S-1. 1 MODERN, light, newly furnished rooms, with bath; suitable for two ladle. Harney 4656. - TWO handaomely furnished rooms for ladles. 2819 Jackaon. Harney 4217. . ( EXCELLENT modern room, in prlvatol . 1. , 1 AO., 1 Zamiiy. --wll ninioy mio. I MODERN front sleeping room. Red 746 i. 28 Hamey. 2a07 FARNAM Neatly furnished room, I for gentlemn. 118 month. , i Hoaaekeeplns Room. LIGHT housekeeping rooms; also elegant sunshiny sleeping rooms. 2306-10 Dou-r- las. FARNAM, 2822 Nice housekeeping room. Newly papered, electricity, gas range. DAVENPORT. 201s Two nicely furnlalied housekeeping rooms. Light llonelteelngr Rmi. STEAM heated rooms, with alcove. kitchenette, furnished. Oguen HoUl. Council Bluffs. lloase and Cottage. . NEAR FARNAM. S-r., et front, only 83. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. IMS Omaha Nat. Doug. 271S-; Dwelling, 414 So. 38th St ; tiled j vestibule, reception Hall, front and back parlors, dining room and kitchen,. 5 bed rooms, 2 bath rooms,; hot water heatJ i it I as a jrarase. All in nrst clasa con--ditipn. Location A-l. Benjj S. Baker. Phones D482, 11317,1 W EST FARNAM DIST1UCT. . . 276.00. , High clasa brick aad stucco 8-rouni residence, new, and in excellent condi tion, well built and up-to-dal In every detail, with garstie; hai sleeping porch, and sun room: ready to move Into. DLOVEK ft r' PA I N, 1 918-20 City National. Douglaa 2il FOH RENT XV Visa v . aAmnUU a .tl ta...... a 'em 1 1 uir-uun UI1U liesi IiMll mJV I Or eVnl.f This lUt ?n bs ttren fr of charge at' Mah Van K to ray? . i'o., ha H. lVh Pt.j FOR. RENT. Very fine, all mod rn. 4-roora home, lii Cathedral district; everything brand n;-w.' CALKINS ft CO., Doug. 111! i 2714 Davenport St. 4-room modem cottage.'1 210 S. 80th St.. 8-room iioure, modern, 1S,I Inquire 212 8. ,lh Ht t Globe Van&Storagel Store, moves -packs, ahlpa; storaxe. S er month. When vou novi ru raiisraction guar. D. 48 and Tyler '..'. t-ROOM buugaJuw. modern ; rent reason-l able. 8422 tiarpilton. Her. 1177. Doug. HW. LARGE 4-room cottage, modern except! heat: nice yard, 116. Uii N. 28th Ave.