Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1915, Image 1

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of the want ad pages of The
oee. i fy a Ucc want ad.
VOl XLIV-NO. 247.
Oa Trim ana at
total Xawa Stands, 5.
The sure way to aatisfy
your want i trun. .....
r H Air U U
, atAefceM aaaV A m seaST aa-ai at A 1 SBj
V. 0. Powell' Figures to Show
Roads Are Generally Prosper
o hi Are Subjected to'..
Witnei Sayi Inatructed by Com
f mission to Get Facta, but Al
ways Against Carrier.
CHICAGO, April 1. U. O. Powell,
irate expert of the Nebraska Railroad
.xpmmlBBion, subjected to a pro
longed eros-Ttamlnatlon at the In
terstate Commerce- commission hear
ing of 'the 'western freight rate case
today. He appeared In opposition to'
the forty-one western roads' petition
'for Increased freight rates on certain
MmmnifitiM These Increases, the I
railroads say, are necessary to equal
ize fates and to increase their rev
ennes In order to maintain their
properties. -
Generally !.
If. Powell presented figures in
tended to show the roads were gen
erally prosperous'and that they aver
aged in earnings more than 8 per
cent. Certain of the roads which
would participate in the increases,
if granted, he said, were accumulat
ing Surpluses. .-
"As an expert of the Nebraska com
mission haven't You, always opposed in
creases In fretgVi: rates t" asked C. C.
Wi ght, general con ml for the railroads.
"I can't say that I have .alwaya, op
posed them. The commission instructed
me to act the facts." said Mr. Powell
,"Ynu have always been on ths opte
lug side, haven't your' .,
Takes'Represenlattve Hat.
The witness said, in arriving- at his
figures he had not tad time to consider
all the railroads Involved." but hs had
taken . a , representative list composed
equally, he thought, or the strong and the
weak ones. Among the strong- ones he
Included the Chicago, k Burlington
Qulncy; - Atchison, Topeka Santa Fe.
the Bunset Lines of the Southern Pacific,
the Chicago, St. Paul. Minneapolis,
Omaha, and-the Chicago. Milwaukee
St. Paul. He Included the Kansas City
Southern among the weaker enes.:
The contention ' of the railroads ' was
that Mr. Powell's figures, showing a.
prosperous condition, were' baaed on- a
majority of the-stronger toads. TepresenU
leg 47,090 miles, whlla the onas hs called
weak represented only 17.609 mile. ,"
' "ToU call tlie Kansas City Southern a
freak road when the fact is Its earnings
are aiS.OOO at mile, among the highest in
the list.".: .:
Wot.Pay1 PtvWeds.
'"TUaVs because of Its obligations. It la
not paying dividends."
Mr. Powell 'stated he had not included
roads In receiverships. .
"Do you mean a road in the bands' or
receivers should have no consideration In
refei-enc to adequate rates?"
"if their location Is representative they
orght to bo onalilered."
The wltrns' said he thought It would
have been more fair, had he had time to
Include.-all the roads in. In the list, he
aid, he gave the capitalisation of the
Kansas City Southern 1200.000.000 more
than It should have been. This wss due
to n clerical error. In reply to questions
from Dr. M. O. Lorena, atatistlcian of
the Interstate Commerce commission, Mr.
Powell ald, in determining his values he
h..,i... lAd from Investment In prop
erty whatever had come out of surplus,
but in year when the "roads paid no j
dividends lie had not added any percent- ;
hge to the property investment figure, j
Jolut Revival at Ida Grave. '.
IDA OHOVB. ' Ia.. April 1. (Special.) j
Three churches of Ida Grove. the.Metb-l
otiUU Presbyterian and Church ol uon,
villi hae Billy Sunday meetings on a
smull seal" from May W to June i0. Thoy
bUn to erect a largo' wooden tabernacle
on a prominent comer,' close' to the busl-
noss center of the city, and have con- ;
traded with the Newlln-Maltble party of i
Winona Lake, Ind., to hold the sen-ices.
The Weather. !
Forecast till 7 p. m. '
Kor Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity ,
Fair; not mueh change In temperature.
Temerataro -t
t Ouaks lltMt.
Hour. Ick. I
5 a. m v. ;
fa. m... A. l
I a, m , ..l i
$ a. m 29
a. m.. 34
10 a. m.... . S
II a. m KB
12 m.. 3
1 p. m
, a p. m a
3 p. m 41
4 p. m 42
t p. m 42
5 p. ra 41
7 p. m 4L
S p. m 4('
lea aa rati v'
I aVar4.
1915, 1914 1911 1812.
43 A 71
Highest yesterday.'.
IO west yesterday..,
Moan temperature..
Temperaiura and
4t 31
68 40
00 .00
il 4S
, .01) T
f:ro from the noimal:
Normal temperature 44
rficlcni-y (or the day 10
Total deficirncy inc March 1 IW
Normal prrx lpilauon ., Ot inch
1 deficiency for the day i inch
Total rainfall sinoe March 1... .1.67 inches
Kxcess since March I 12 Inch
Kxcess for cor. period, 1014...... .07 liu-h
Kxceas for cor. period. 1913 1.64 Inches
Report from Statlva at T P. If.
Station and State Temp. tgh Rain'
of Weather. 7 p. 111.
Cheyenne, clear tt
I oven port, eloudy 41
rviwer, cloudy 44
Iea Moines, ck-udy
North I'la'it. pt. cloudy.. 3d
Omaha. r)oidy 41
Kupid (Ity. cloudy...- ti
.hrrldan, cloudy 4.2
Hioux t'ity, clr
Valentine, clcudy Xi
T ind'eatea tree of praoi
est. fall.
4 T
. 44
54 T
4-' .no
40 .Oil
42 .e
34 M
M .01
4 .00
L. A. WtUill, Loial f orecaster.
son o r toi i , ti vw ni
(arro na ca'er vIvV :ilve).
. C3 i
Both. Hoaseg', of Nebraska Legisla
ture Accept Invitations to Ban-
qnet Here Saturday Night.
The entire Nebraska legislature.
Governor Morehead and the- state
officials are to be entertained by th
business men of Omaha at a banquet
at - the ' Fontenelle hotel Saturday
evening at'6:30.. Plans ' have Just
been made and the Invitation baa
been accepted by both houses of the
legislature. ;v'T..
V The Burlington Is to run a special
train, leaving-Lincoln at .5 o'clock:
and arriving in Omaha at 6:30. The
visitors are to repair at once to the
Fontenelle, where the banquet will
The business men of Omaba fegl that
the legislature has been giving a great
deal of attention during. the session to
matters that concern largely Omaha, and
it Is out of appreciation of this fact
and with view to Introducing the leg
islators all to Omaha's new 11,000.000 hotel
and the metropolis In general, ' that the
dinner Is planned by the business men.
All Omaha. Invited.'
It is expected there will be not less than
150 guests, as there are to be 1.13 from
the two houses of the legislature, and
between fifteen and twenty state offi
cials. No lines are drawn hi Omaha as to
who shall attend. The business men are
evb -ing, interest In ths occasion and
ticket ire selling at S3. The ticket are
on sale lit .the Commercial club rooms.
Informal toasts will probably be given
following the dinner. The legislators and
state officials are to have their owe way
about going back to' the capital, as the
rteclal train Is not "to carry them back.
The Douglas county delegation will, of
course, remain over, and perhaps, many
others wilf remain over Sunday, getting
back to Lincoln In time to take up their
work Monday morning. . .
Dodgelnterarian. . .. .
Railway Measure
-Killed by Senate
CFrom a Staff Correspondent)- ;
UN'COLN, Neb., Apcll t-SpecUl
Telegram.) Senate file No.' 180. the Podge
bill to encourage Interurban railway build
ing In Nebraska, waa killed In the senate
this morning." As a general thing repub
licans voted for the bUl' except Kiecnvl,
Lahners, Mll ry, Ruden and Shumway,
while democrats voted against it except
Hiwell, , Kohl. , Mattes and
Mumford Observes '
Fifty-Second Birthday
" (,Frona Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. 'April l Special. )-E. P.
Mumford, private secretary to the gov
ernor, is celebrating his fifty-second
birthday today. His desk is overflowing
with the floral tributes of his friends. In
cluding some beautiful' flowers from
Palbey and Bteinhart, two members of
the Oage county delegation In the house.
Mr. Mumford'a home is at Beatrice.
(From a Btaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April ' 1. (Bpedal.-Tha
house agreed today to accept the sen
ate's amendments to II.' R. 222, the Mil
providing for the Torrens system of reg
istering land titles. As the bill will go
to the governor. It la not to beonme
operative In any county unless IS per
cent of the freeholders petition for It.
Wherever It Is made operative the mat
ter of registering titles by the Torrens
system will b optional with each owner.
Jr-T- . '
ARMY Prince Henry, third
ned the officers' training corps
; - - ' i
Party Hen in Legislature Tender It
to Those in the Banks in
- the State.
(From a Staff oCrrespondent.) ''
LINCOLN, Neb., April Spe
cial Telegram.) To the maaid of
"Getting Back Again" by an orches
tra 150 republicans marched to the
banquet room of the Llndell hotel
and sat, down to the banquet' given
by the republicans of the legislature.
... genatQr: Walter Klechel.rjfjjjj
as toastmaster and the toast 14t,was
as follows: . 1
'"National Legislature Affecting Ne
braska," Congressman C. H. Sloan,
Geneva. ......
. -"The Old Ouard,"- John M. - Thurston,
Omaha.' ' : " ' ' ' i '
"The ' Republican Press," ' Representa
tive Donnls Cronln, O'Nell. ' '
' "Economy; Senator C. 1 B. : Sandall,
York. : '
'"The 'Republican Party," Cheater H.
Aldrlch,' Lincoln. '
The speakers' were all greeted with en
thusiasm. Congressman Sloan said that
the republican - party was keeping no
I book, ' but was in a position to show all
i who oppose In 1 918 what a real party Is.
"Two years ago we turned over to the
democratic partythJe country at the noon
oi us existence wun ail department in
good condition," said- ha, "but today
aftcF only two years of power, we find
a v depleted ' treasury ' and every depart
ment til trouble."
Action for Damages
Brought Against'
Senator Warren
'(From a. Btaff Correspondent.)
! .WASHINGTON, April 1. (Special Tela
gram.) Alleging -that Senator Francis E.
Yarren of Wyoming caused lil deten
tion. for several months In the govern
ment hospital for the Insane. Albert 6.
Connelly has filed suit to recover $60,000
damages from the senator in the supreme
court of the District of Columbia. r
The plaintiff says' he' Incurred-, the
enmity of Senator Werrpn ' by Investi
gating the alleged practice of. private
Individuals fencing public? lands -in Wyo
ming.' He says he waa especially Inquir
ing Into the rumor that' such alleged
fencing waa being done by the Warren
LKe Stock company, of which, he asserts,
the senator was a stockholder. -
He declares this activity led to his ar
rest on a charge of Insanity. . He declares
he was released front th asylum May
23, Ult i
SVPERIOR. Neb.. April l.-Rpeclal Tel
egram) C. E. Dederlck, who has .been
editor of the Superior Express for the
last ffteen years, took his office as post
master here this morning. C. & Btine,
who retires from the office, hss been
postmaster for twelve years and has
seen th office grow from two clerk! to
Its present sire, having now four clerks,
three rural and two city carriers. '
Th clerks and carriers called Mr. Stlne
and his assistant, Mrs. Nesbit. to th of
fice last night and mad each of there a
present to Mr. Btine a gold watch and
to Mrs. . cubit a gold handled umbrella
a tokens of their appreciation.
liONDOW. April 1-Premler Asqulth
temporarily has taken charge of the Brit
ish foreign office. 8lr Edward Grey hav
lug been compelled to take a short holt,
day. It is expected Sir Edward will bs
away from the ministry about three
weeka. The premier received diplomalla
caller at th foreign office.
British Steamer Seren Seas, Bound
front London for Liverpool,
Sank with Nina Off
Beachy Head.
Freighter Emma Destroyed by Ger
man Submarine and Nineteen
' of Crew Drowned.
NEW HAVEN, England. April 1.
The British steamer Seven .Seas,
of 6S2 tons, was torpedoed by a Ger
man submarine oft Beachy Head this
afternoon. The attack was without
warning and eleven of Its crew of
eighteen, Including all the officers
except the socond engineer, were
drowned. - The steamer wss bound
from London for Liverpool.
' 8uch was the force of the explo
sion that the hatches were blown off
and a big hole was torn In the steam
er's side, -causing It to sink within
three minutes.
The survivors, three of whom were
Injured, were lsnded here this eve
ning "by a deatroyer.
French Steamer Sank.
LONDON, April 1. The French steamer
Kmma. bound to Bordeaux, was torp-
tedoed Wednesday in the British chan
nel off Beachy Head by a German sub
marine. Nineteen members of Its crew
were drowned, only .wo being saved.
Th periscope ot the submarine had
hardly been sighted from the Kmma when
the torpedo from the undersea boat
struck th Emma In the engine room.
No warning of any kind was given. The
ship foundered within three minutes.
A British destroyer subsequently picked
up-two men who bad bren in the water
for a couple of hours, and at the
time recovered two bodies. The Eknma
had a crew of 'twsnty-on men.
Arreat Detrh t'srg Boat. j
LONDON, April 1. A dispatch ts the
exchang Telegraph company from New j
Haven, a port in . English channel In I
pusseg, says a large Dutch cargo boat
ts Lodawtlk Van Nassau, has been
brought into New Haven by two British
torpedo boat under the suspicion that it
had bean supplying German submarines
with fuel oil. The torpedo boats gave
ehaa to th Lodewljk and 'captured It
near' Brighton,
It la said th members of Its crew ap
pear, to he Germans. Ths name of the
vessel ! la painted ' on' each side In huge
letters. It has a csrg6 of oils an board
and this ts new being examined. When
JuU by ta British trpedo boats the
Dutch , steamer refused to stop, but it
eventually was brought to a halt.
. ' - . Hobseaa Klaated. t ,
, NBW YORK, April l.-Three German
submarines were sighted off the Hook of
Holland by. the 'Holland-American liner
Potsdam, which arrived her today.
The' periscopes of th submarines were
observed by the Potsdam about two miles
of the Hook. The underwater cra't fol
lowed the ship for .a short distance with
out . attempting to stop It, and then
branched, off In different directions.
Justice.Holeiibeck" .
.Memorial Services
To Be Held Monday
(Prom a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN,. April , l.(ilpeclsJ.) Memo
rial services will be held in th supreme
court - Monday in memory of ' the lat
Chief Justice Hollenbeck, who died early
In January, a few days after his Inaug
uration Into office..
Th services will be held with the su
preme court sitting en banc In the pres
ence of th bar. A committee on resolu
tions will report.
Thresher Officially
Is Reported Missing
WASHINGTON. April l.-Report that
an American life had been lost la the
war son sround th British Isle were
brought officially to the attention of the
Washington government late today when
Ambassador Page and Consul General
Skinner at Ixmdon cabled that Leon C.
Thresher, an American mining man, was
supposed to hav bee'n -drowned In the
destruction of the British liner Palaba
by a German submarine,
Th reports merely transmitted unoffi
cial statements, and Instructions were
sent Immediately to both official to be
gin an Investigation and report promptly.
No action will be taken by th govern
nient until this official version of Thresh
er's death haa been received and'all th
fart surrounding th destruction of the
Kalaba have teen carefully scrutinized.
Want a Bird House?
Just the thing for the boy
or girl. Coupon for it in
Japan Warned Demands on China
Violate United States Treaty
TOKlO, Japan. March IT. ( Delayed In
Transmission.) The American govern
ment note recently forwarded to Toklo
concerning negotlntions now In (iroirress
between th Japanese and Chinese sov
rrnmenta, dwelt In particular; according
to reliable Information, on three points
In the Oemands made by ji an on China.
Of these three points, the first concerned
the selection of foreign advisers by Chlnnr
the second was In regard to the purchase
of munition of war by the Chinese gov
ernment and' the third dealt with the
question of foreign loans.
The Washington government, It Is un
derstood, submitted that If Japan Insisted
on the right to be consulted by China In
the selection of foreign sdvteer It might
be a violation of the sovereignty of
It Is further contended that If Japan
Insisted on the purchase by China of
munitions of war In Japan and Insisted
that it be consulted with regard, to cer
tain foreign loans In the province of
Fukien In fouth Manchuria and In East
ern Monogolla. this course might be a
violation of the principle of equal op
portunity stipulated In the agreement
reached between Bsron Takahlra when
Be wss minister to the I'nlted (Mates and
Kllhu Root, at that time secretary of
state. That agreement provides for main
taining the Independence and Integrity of
China and the equality of commercial op
portunity In that country.
Carranza Bandits Kill Yankees for
Their Cattle and Villa Ex
ecutes Syrians.
EL PASO, Tex., April 1. The
killing of two Americans by Car
ranza soldiers and the execution of
two Syrians by Villa officials be
came known here today.
Baron Smith of Houston. Tex.,
and Roscoe T. Bllings were killed
by Carranta soldiers a few miles
north of Mexico City ' two months
ago, according to R. H. Aitkin, who
arrived here today after two months'
flight to the border.. The soldiers
murdered the Americans to secure
their cattle, according to Aitkin.
Salamon Nigrl and. Rafael Fereze,
Syrians were (executed Tuesday at
Torreon In accordance with General
Villa's recent decree Inflicting the
death penalty upon those convicted
of Implication In the circulation ot
counterfeit Mexican "money. "''''The
men were merchants of Torreon.
Details of the execution reached
Lnls Nigrl, brother of Salamon, here
today. ,
According to the information re
ceived today by Luis Nigrl, the mer
chants had shown their money to
Villa officials, who had declared It
genuine. Shortly after a squad of
soldiers arrested and executed the
merchants. 1 '
Refuses to Eaise
Sectarian School
Inspection Bill
. , (Krom a" Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, April 1 (Special.) Repre
sentatives spent two hours today In th
endeavor to place each member ot tha
lower house on record on II. R. 2S7,
known as th bill for th inspection ot
a'.: School of a prlvat character and
which would provide for state Inquiry into
religious schools.
Finally mustering only ' thlrty-flv
vote In favor of raising the bill over the
head of th sifting committee, which hsJ
not reported It for consideration, the ad
vocates ot the measure gave It up. Mem
bora were routed out of cloak rooms,
committee rooms and corridors and mado
to go on record.
The vote cannot be taken as indicative
of the vote had th bill been up for pas
sage, for many voted against th mo
tion because they were opposed to rals
Inir any hill over th heads of the com
mltteewhll other voted for the
because they were not satisfied with ti e
work of the committee because they had
bills which had not been lifted out and
took this way of "getting even."
Following are those who favored ad
vancing the neasure:
Anderson (Phelps), Mrant, Burgess,
Crinklaw. Dau, Druesedow, Evans,
Harris. Hornby, Howard, llutton, Jeary,
I.arwn, l.lniley, limlaren, slattetaun,
Meredith, Miner, Mockrtt, Moseiey, Nor
ton. Orr, -Peterson, Iteuter, Reynolds
(Lincoln), Rudlsill. Aass, Hcott. Hlevers,
Kmith, Horeusrn, titeariia, htebhlna. Ward,
Five Employes of
Powder Mill Dead
ALTON, III., April l.-Flve employ ea of
I the Equitable Fowder company, Inciud
! Ing James A. Colburn, superintendent,
jwere killed today when an explosion
: wrecked the press mill at the plant five
j mile from here. Five thousand pounds
of black powder were in th building. Th
I shock was felt here.
WASHINGTON, April l.-Prestdeut
'Wilson ha confirmed . th sentence of
dismissal imposed by general court-mar
tial at Nace, Arls., upon Second Lieu
tenant John P. Markoe, Tenth cavalry,
who waa found guilty of "having be
come violently drunk." IJeutmutnt Mar
oe waa appointed to the military
academy from St. Paul, Minn., and was
graduated last yar.
PEKING. April 1. The negotiations be
tween Japan and China looking to the ac
ceptance by th republic of the demands
presented by Toklo shortly after the
Japanese occupation of Klao-Chow were
again saved from disaster today by the
fact thst the Chinese statesmen made
further concessions to Japan. The
Chinese offered to waive entirely the
question of Chinese Jurisdiction over
Japanese Immigrants to South Manchuria,
except in esses Involving land ownership.
M. Illckl, the Japanese minister, under
took to submit this proposal to Toklo.
Articles II. Ill, lv, and Group 5 were
presented without any offer of modifica
tion by Japan. (These articles provide
for the ownership of land by Japanese In
the Interior of China: for the employ
ment of Japanese policemen on certain
rimlgnated Chinese police forces: that
China purchase munitions of war from
Japan, and that China grant certain
railroad concessions In the eastern por
tion of the central part of the republic.
Th Japanese advanced the argument
that they wished to unify the system of
arma now used throughout China, which
tndsyls made up of a medley of In
numerable atterns. They said that
China would benefit by an Increased
number of schools and hospital (as pro
vided In article 11) and that they were
only asking privileges which other na
tions iyw enjoy.
Czar's Forces Win Victory in San
gnin&ry Battle Fought at At
kutur, North of Dilman.
TABRIZ, Persia, March 31. (Via
Petrograd and London, April 1.)
Hostilities between Russian and
Turkish forces in Persia have 'been'
resumed. On March 25 the Russians
defeated the Turks In a sanguinary
battle at Atkutur, north of Dilman,
in northwestern Persia.
The Turks lost 12,000 in killed,
wounded and prisoners, as well as
many guns.
Ilaadreds of ( hrlattawa Mala.
TAB1J5, March Sl.-(Vla London, April
1.) Preceding the re-occupallon by the
Russians of 8a J mac rialns. In Azerbai
jan province, northwest of Urumlah,
hundreds ot native Christians wera
rounded up by th Turks in th village of
Haftdewan and massacred. Many ot
these wera searched out from the homes
of friendly Mohammedans, who tried to
hide them.
The-'Ruslaiis on entering ha' village
found T30 bodies, mostly naked and mu
tilated. Th . recovery of bodies from
wells, pools and ditches and their burial
kIt SuO men busy for three days.
' The wailing of Women Intensified the
horror of the scene. Surviving widows,
who wer able to Identify th bodies of
their husband. Insisted, upon digging
graves and burying th bodloa. Borne of
th victims had baen shot. In other
casea they were bound to ladders and
tbelr heads, protruding through, war
hacked off; eye were gouged out and
limbs chopped off.
A general massucre of the 10,000 or 15,000
Christians remaining in Urumlah Is ex
pected, unless Ushould be averted by
orders from Constantinople.
Verbal message from Urumlah con
firm earlier . reports that more than MO
persons already have been killed In that
neighborhood and that more than, 1,000
have died of diseases. The messages
alos confirm ths reports of th maJ treat
ment ot Rev. Pr. B. T. Allen, an Amer
ican missionary at Urumlah.
President of Pueblo
Bank is Unable to
Procure Bondsmen
PUEBLO, Colo., April L-vV. , B.
Slaughter of Dallas, Teg., president of
the defunct Mercantile National bank,
waa arraigned her today, charged with
the embeixlement of 11)0,000 county funds
which 'were on deposit In the bank, II
pleaded not guilty and was held In bonds
of StO.OOO. Preliminary examination was
set for Saturday, April 10.
Counsel for Slaughter stated that pre
liminary examination might be waived
and pleaded that the $20,000 bond was ex
cessive. Th court declined to reduce the
amount of ball. Slaughter remained in
the custody of the peollc.
Scott Believes
Piutes Accused of
Murder Innocent
Washington: April i.-Brigadier
General chief of staff of the army,
returned from his successful expedition
bringinif in the recalcitrant Piutea, Im
pressed with the belief that Tsc-Ne-Gat.
their leader, Is Innocent of th charge of
murder.' or that at least the evidence is
purely circumstantial and possibly fur
nished by unfriendly Utes.
Th general believes the Piutes thought
th marshal' posse, which they resisted,
a lynching party of cow men. Oeneral
Scott found officials responsible to his
representations for leniency and thinks
lh s.1 h-rJ f ,K. ....... 1. . . .
j loose to loin their tribes.
Work for 10,000
. in Steel Mills
CHICAGO. April 1. Ten thousand men
who have bean Idle since the first ot th
year, today returned to work In the steel
mill and factorlee of Chicago Heights, a
suburbsn town. Tb plants resumed oper
ation after a three months' shutdown,
caused by shortage ot material and busi
ness depression.
Great Britain Must Solve Problem
of Ammunition Supply Before
the Spring Advance Can
Be Pushed.
King's Letter Supposed to Be Pre
lude to Measure that Will Equal
Absolute Prohibition.
The Day's War News
A FRF.NCIt BIIIP was torpedoed la
the Radish chaaael, and a far
kaiwi only two aaesaber of Its
crew of tweaty-one were aared.
submarines haa been eaotored tr
British toroedo boats.
Tl'BKRY BXPF.CT9 other Ballus
aide, of the allies.
eoneerala; the arreat strasral la
th Carpathlaa arc oosapletelr
variance, althooah they ' a a re
that heavy fl;htlaa; I coattaatnsr.
boaahardeal Tarklah towa la Asia
today that Btl.ftOO RaaataB were
rapt a red In March.
Tlfpj HOLY WAR haa malted la a '
farther maaaaere of Christian la
Persia. Ia oae Ttllagr the had lea '
of TXO Chrlatlaaa were foaad ky
the Raaalaaa.
and Tarklsh arm lea la north wet-
rrs rfms aavo ovea rename, ia
a battle last week 1S.OOO Tarka
were killed, wonaded or eaptared.
1 . LONDON. Aprfl 1. The war on
j alcohol, an outcome of the labor sit-
j uation in Great Britain, has defl-
nltely taken precedence over the
1 much-talked-ot "spring ' advance of
I the allies In the west," the reason
IhAln that IKa nrAhUm nf ammuni
tion has become more pressing than
th'at of recruiting.
To Hound Pnblle Sentiment.
Th pronouncements ot cabinet leaders
and th letter of King George on the
Question of temperance are Intended to
r. fli. 'AW n r, uimA nnhllrt ,i i nin i I
preparatory to either shutting off abso
lutely the nale of drink throughout th
country, exoept on physicians' prescrip
tions, or th adaption , of some measure
which, whlla perhaps not called absolute
prohibition,- will hav almost as drastic
an effect.
War Secretary Kitchener has announced
that no alcoholic beverages shall be
served in his household for th duration
of th war.
Th battlefields In the east and west
afford little news today and, although
the allies are reported as having resumed
operations In the Dardanelles, nothing
official Is forthcoming. Today being th
centenary of the birth of Bismarck, the
newspapers ' reviewed editorially tha
career of this German statesman, ending
In th break with the present emperor,
and speculation what might have been
th outcome of th war to date had Bis
marck been at the helm.
Austria would seem to be strengthening
Its forces in Bukowlna with th Idea of
thwarting a formidable Russian advance
In th Carpathians, and this, according
. 1. T1 I V. ... v.1 . I . - k -
incursion into Russia ovar the Dniester
river at a point near Csernowtts.
PETROGRAD, April L (Via. London. V
Th German bombardment ot th Russian '
position at OMowets In Russian-Poland,
haa been definitely abandoned, aeoording
to semi-official dispatches published here
today. '
For sora days naat the German artil
lery fir on Osaowets has been weakened,
and on March SO It was discontinued. Th
cessation of these operations la regarded
in Petrograd as an indication of the end
of the German, offensive movement In
th north. The argument is ' advanced
that In abandoning the siege of Oasowets
the Germans wUl appear to have given)
up the hope of establishing connection
(Continued on Pag four. Column iVwr.)
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