Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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Where Trying Fails
Love is a slknne full of woes.
All remedies refusing;
A nlant that mit with cutting grow,
Jnuet barren wttti bc.t uing.
-Samuel Daniel.
If thr lingers In man's mind some
thing which h would give worlds, If he
had them, to forget, that one llttlo thing
will prov to the end of hla day that
he possesses a. good memory, for forget
he can't, and the harder ha trlca to
dislodge .It from hla brain the closer it
There Is nothing that possesses the
burrlike tenacity of that which one wants
to forget.
Thera comes from the prairie town of
a middle-west state a cry from a man's
heart for a way to blot memory.
"1 am In love," he writes, "and 1 want
to forget It. The girt I love Is beautiful,
but she has a bad temper, andanother
thing against her la that ho knows very
little, about cooking, and my wages would
not permit the hiring of a servant."
ile wants to forget her. and man-like,
no doubt, is trying to accomplish his de
lre by keeping away from her presence,
and by doggedly telling himself early
and late that she has a temper, and can't
cook, and servants are a luxury, ' etc.,
etc., and man-like, no doubt, he la look
ing at other girls whose pie-crust Is more
perfect than their complexions and who
-4 and man-like, no doubt, he is trying to
The. Heavens in April
There is nothing of unusual Interest go
ing on In the heavens during this month,
' except perhaps the close conjunction of
ike two bright planets, Venua and Jupiter,
on the niornlns of the lirth. At the time
or their ' closest approach, they will be
about one-third the diameter of the sun
or moon apart. As both will rise that
morning at 4:30 o'clock and the sun at
&. o'clock, we will have only a short
time to enjoy the spectacle, If the envious
clouds do not Interfere. We ought to look
low down In the sky a short distance
south Of east. Jupiter will be about
right' times and Venus about fifty times
as bright ai a standard star of the first
magnitude. t
The sun rises on the 1st, lfth end 90th
at 1:11, 1:48 and t:J7 o'clock, and seta at
:i5, 7:01 and 7:18 o'clock,' thus making
the day's length twelve hours thlrtyour
minutes, thirteen hour fifteen minutes,
thirteen hours forty-ulna minutes, ago. In
crease of one hour and a quarter during
.hi month. On the 21st the ' sun enters
Taurus. '
c - HereSee
special arrangements for thlsj paper
loto-drema corresponding to trie in
Itailments of "Ilunanay June" may now
. , be keen at the leading . moving picture
theaters, -By arrangement with the Mu
tual film Corporation it is not only poa.
jf nible to read "Runaway June" , each
"7 week, but also afterward to see moving
pictures illustrating our story.
Copyright, 1816, by Serial publlctlrn
June, the bride of Ned Warner, lm
pullvely leaves her husband on their
honeymoon because she begins to realle
that she must do aeiwnoent on nini or
money. Blie deulres to be independent.
June Is pumued by Ollbert Bl. a
wealthy married man. She escapes from
his clutches with difficulty. Ned searches
distractedly (or June, -and, learning of
Hlye'a designs, vows vengeance on nlm.
After many adventures June is rescued
:ioni river pirates by Durban, an artist.
The Spirit' ot the Marsh.
CHAPTER ll.-OContlnued.)
"My dear," his voice vibrated with
pleasure, "I can't keep my secret. To.
morrow Is the fourth anniversary of our
wedding, and here is my gift in commem
oration of that happy event-"
Her eyes shining, the woman took the
document and. opened It,
"A deed to this house!" she cried.
"And all that it contains," laughed ber
bubnd; "everything, including myself."
There was an exclamation of delight
The woman kissed him asaln and again
aua called bim a dear boy and a good
buy and the best husband In the world.
Juue, who vhad awakaned and followed
thein, drew back, so they would not
know ' that the had heard, but she was
glad for once to have been an unwitting
eavesdropper, glad ' to, have shared In
this joyous moment. '
t'HAPTliil in. '
Down at tlio dock Ned Warner' detec
tive appeared, and Bouncer, picking up
the trail at the landing, ma excitedly up
the street at the point where June and
Durban had taken the Uxl. Bouncer U
ttn to go round and round In widening
circle, whining, hi nose close - to. the
ground. The trail waa lest, a they .had
known that trail would be, and from
here the detective scattered, seeking ev
erywhere in their own method for a clue
to the wherabouts of th runaway bride.
As they left the vicinity a rowboat pulled
slowly up to the dock, dragging behind
It a steam yawl with frosty mist on Its I
ateveplp. and a very much begrimed I
lady with a long nose and high arched
brows landed and went away without a
word, pausing only to cast a look . of
aitherlng scorn at the well known and
justly famous private detective. Bill 'Volt.
That short, thick individual, with much
puffing exertion, scrambled up and re
newed the sraudg oa hla fax with a
rotary motion of hi sleeve and damned
profuaely; then he, too, atomped away.
Bly and Edward and Cunningham In
a luxuidou limousine stepped at a bouse,
where Oiey were ushered into a gay par
lor, wlier half a dosen handsomt'ly
weened young women crowded around
llieui wtth hilarious greetings. A large
klcnd woman canity m to greet the callers,
and to her Bly showed the pk-tuie I
transfer hla heart to orro of thoe pat
terna of domesticity, thinking to do It
as easily as If It were a piece of unen
cumbered real estate.
That is not a way to forget. There is
no way to forgntfulncss that lies In the
trying. That is, of course, when ona loves.
If you would forget her be with her more.
Oct a snrfeit of her society; call on her
In the curl-paper hours and encourage
your stomach to every feat of endur
ance her cooking exacts, remembering
that the way to a mans heart lies
through his stomach, and that the path
by which love goes in . love may also go
I do not promise good results. Your
desire to forget will make yon remember.
You may marry another girl, thinking
that will conquer memory, but when
years Jiave whitened your hair your wife's
plainness of feature will remind' you of
the pretty girl you once leved, and, alas,
still love; and her faultless pastry will
cause you to remember some that was
very faulty. And memory will not bo at
tended by a 'whisper of congratulation,
but by a sigh of regret.
My dear young man, if you live her
you will never forget If you love un
wisely, that Is better than .not loving
at all, and if you decide to stand ' by
your heart end give it a chance you hnve
this to comfort you.
Time and experience have a way of
softening a woman's - temper, and ot
bending her to & better understanding of
the kettle and the atewpot
The sun la four minutes slow on the 1st,
according to a sun dial, on time on the
10th, and threo minutes fast on the 30th.
Accordiug to standard time it is twenty
eight minutes slow on the 1st. twenty
four minute's on the 15th and twenty-op
minutes on the 30th.
Venus and Jupiter, as said before, are
to bo found in the morning twilight,
Mars will be there also much nearer to
the sun and scarcely visible. It rises on
the 15th at 6 o'clock, fiaturri is evening
star, ami sets on the 15th at 12:08 a. m.
The moon in in last quarter on the Cth
at 2:1S p. m., new on the 14 1 at 6:8 a.
m., in first quarter on the 22d at 8:39 a.
m., and full on the 29th at 8:i a. m. On
the nth It la near Venus and Jupiter, and
on the 19th near f-'aturn.
East or Is celebrated on" the 4th, accord
ing to the rule that it shall fall on the
Sunday following the first full moon ot
spring. Spring began '(and begins every
year) on March 21. The- moon was full
on Tuesday, March M. The Sunday fol
lowing. April 4th, Is'thercforo the date of
Easter. '
Crelghton Unlvcrrlty Observatory, Omaha.
it at tne Movies.
the watch
She laughed and nodded her
bead, .. : - ,
Gilbert Bl ye gravely left Mrs. Russet'
. In the high celllnged studio June quietly
watched Bennett Durban walking about
with a perplexed air,
"I can't find my brushes, Vivl," he
blurted as his wife came In.
"It will be the easiest thing in the
The following Omaha and Council
Bluffs dealers carry complete lines
of Victor Victrolas, and all the late
Victor Records as fast as issued.
You are cordially invited to inspect
the stocks at any of these estab
lishments. PIANO COMPANY
1311-1313 Farnam St Omaha, Neb.
SlSsS! Cycle Co.:
The White
c'Mhtonahles at White Sulphur Springs
have taken up the "inking" fod, and
morning or e'arly afternoon an may en
counter groups bent on getting the full
health benefit from' their stay- here.
. Mrs. William C. Pinsmore of New York
was seen on her way to the golf links
the other morning. Hive was attired in
a auit of black and white check worsted,
made with a gore skirt. '
The jacket was of the Norfolk persua
tion, with 'a deep yoke front and back
and large pockets 'on either hip. ' The
pockets were distinguished .by a deep bos
world from now on, Bennett," she in
foimed blm and showed him the box at
the side of the big easel.
He stared at her In surprise.
"Good scheme," he granted, looking
down at the brushes, and then he laughed.
"However, I suppose I'll have them scat
tered all yver the place again by tomor
row." ,
"Oh, no, Bennett," she returned. "I'd
rather you'd keep them here, please, I
don't like my house all cluttered up."
"I don't believe I ean paint If J don't
Branch at
Sulphur Girl
plait down the center. Introduced to ac
commodate golf "balls.' Mrs. Pinsmore
wore a small suedo hat. encircled by a
narrow groe-grain ribbon, tied at the
Mrs. Amos Tuck-French and Mrs.
French Vanderbllt often take their walks
together. Mrs. French appears to be par
tial to walking suit of. plum colored
cloth, made on tailored lines, and com
pleted by a broad lingerie collar. Mrs.
Vanderbllt wear a little tallleur of vu.
let hnme spun, crowned by a small black
hat. I
have to find my favorite brush behind
something or other," be confessed. "Why,
whare'a my good old chaise lounge?"
"I had it taken out. It was so very dis
reputable." Mrs. Durban , was studying
the room with haughty severity. "I want
my house to represent me."
The young butler came In, dragging a
tall atedladder.
"What are you going to do,' Oscarf
Inquired Durban sharply.
(To Be Continued Tomorrow.)
Victrolas Sold by
;a. hospe ox,
1513-15 Douglas Street, Omaha, and
407 West Broadway, - Council Bluffs, la.
Talking Machine Department
in the Pompoian Room
$ Masks and Masqueraders 0
Uncivilised Natives of Wild Regions Delight in Weird Creations .
Whoever walks thoughtfully throuu'i
the hall of the American Museum ef Na
tural History that are devoted to the ex
hibitions of the life, pevsnns dwellings,
occupations, apparel, customs, ceremonies,
wcrn. utensils, ornaments, toys and
fetiche of the former red-eklnned owners
of this continent will gain an Insight Into
the minds and ways of savage that
hardly any amount of reading could give
so well, and that will place before his
ryes, almost as vividly aa In a motion
picture, the thrilling scenes by which
our forefather wera surrounded when
they were subduing a new world.
Among the things there shown nothing
Is more curious than the strange mask
that were used by various tribes In their
religious and other ceremonies. The Im
agination of the red man rioted In the
Invention of these grotesque ohjorta, and
yet Iho play of fancy exhibited in them
was not purely raprlrlnus, but was di
rected according to certain fixed notions
and beliefs concerning the gods, demons.
Imps and .other superhuman powers and
souls supposed to watch over and Inter
fere with the lives of human being.
The tendency to represent the human
race under extraordinary disguises and
in nondescript forms and to Imagine
supernatural powers to be concealed be
hind such mask la common to savage
all over the world. Among civilised peo
ple It show itself, without the supersti
tious element In maaquerades, carnival
and conventional symbol. But even elv.
Illsed or partially civilised people, in
some eases, have not been free from the
superstitious practices connected with the
use of masks. When Dr. Sohltemenn un
covered the so-called "royal graves" at
Mycenae, which he supposed to contain
the bodies of Agamemnon and his com
panions, slain aXter their return from
the siege of Troy, he found. In some of
the gravel, masks of pure gold, fitted or
pressed over the faces of the skeletons,
snd although these masks are though to
have been Intended for portraits of the
persons on whose faces they rested, yet
there can be little doubt that they had a
ceremonial meaning, just as have the
various objects that nearly all primitive
peoplea deposit in grave. Their grotesque
appearance may be due ' to the luck
of skill of the makers and to the fact that
the graves caved in centuries ago, flat
tening out all their contents.
The Iroquois Indians, the anginal "Five
Nations" of Central New Tork, had
most popular Institution called the ''Falsa
Face Band," consisting of certain mem
bers of the tribe who wore for ceremonial
purposes grotesque wak. Imitating the
Imagined faces of evil demons, who were
believed to Inhabit the earth, and to be
bodiless, except thst they possessed
hideous faces of the human type.
Whether in visions or y pure force of
fancy the Indiana had acquired definite
Idea concerning the ajpect ' of these
demon faeea, and their typical forma were
closely mimicked In the mask- It was
believed that the maskers, by their mum
meries, were able to counteract, er reader
Innocuous, the evil Influence of tit de
mon. The power to heal the sick was
also ascribed to the maskers. In which
case they reversed the magic of the
"false faces," as the demons were catlrd.
One of these masks, which may be
seen in the museum, has a etirlou story
connected with it that shows the reach
of the Indian imagination. The face of
the - mask 1ia one side singularly distorted.-
This was done m strict Imitation
of the fancied face of the particular
demon whose evil practices It was In-
Thar is
The proof is in the hear
ing. Any Victor dealer
will gladly play your
favorite music for you.
There are Victors and
Vtctrola in great variety
of styles from $10 to
Victorjalking Machine Co.
Camden, N. J.
A musk worn ly Hie Indians of Vancouver Island.
U - . : . .... . '
Krr y
1 v' " .: :. 'hi
i.- i S
1 1 - :-'-::Tr' hkA
tended to render Innocuous. According to
the legend, this demon, one day met thn
god liawenlyn examining the world which
ha had made, whereupon the demon de
manded of the god what h was doing on
hi . earlb. They . were standing (n the
middle of a valley and the indignant god,
to show his power, and at the same time
punish - the arrogant "fslae-face," com
manded the hill on each side to approach
uatil the fsoe ot the demon va per
manently squeexed out of shape. Then
llawanlyo gave permission to the "false
faces'' to remain on the earth on condi
tion that they would not hsrm the chil
dren of men whom he was about to place
there. Thry promised, but proved them
selves false-faces Indeed. ,
The derinltenea of conception under
lying some of the grotesci oeeks used
by Indian tribe In their ceremonials
I shown by the forms employed by the
Zunl of Now Mexico. Many of their
gods, of which the sun I the head and
chief, are represented by masks of fixed
shapes and color, worn by chosen per
sona In til ceremonies. Home are hid
eoug, some simply fantastic, but the
Indian recognise each other on eight.
The same principle I seen In the won
derful carved stone representing Astec
god. A careless observer might think
' A' masV worn at feasts and
weddings in Kolomon islands, they and the masks had been made
as horrible or terrible as possible, in
orJor to Inspire fear or worship, without
regard to the precise form; but. In fact,
everything about them I symbolical and
has, or had, a meaning.
Do You Know That
Of British peer 177 are, or have been,
serving In hl majesty' forces.
The English Income tax was first es
tablished seventy-three years ago-
- r