Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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COLLEGE folk will take possession of the Commercial club t luncheon
Th Association of Collegiate Alumnae will entertain at a
large luncheon In honor of Mi fa Vlda Hunt Francla of Philadelphia,
national secretary, who arrlvea today to spend a few day.
Another college group which promises to enlighten the Business men
usual surronndlngs will be the Grinnell College Glee club, to the number
of twentjr-twt. who wll be entertained by the local Grinnell alumni. The
Glee club la to give a concert at the First Congregational church Thursday
The college youtha promise to make the welkin ring with their joyous
choruses and It la Intimated that the college women's table will also re
' apond in merriment. ,
Grinnell Collfje Luncheon. - I
Loral Grinnell enimni. wno win enter
tain the Grin not! Olee elub at luncheoa
at the Commercial club Thursday. In
ilude: Messrs. sad Mcsdamee
R. M. Martin,
i.oran kdnerly,
K. K. JVni.on.
W. A. Willr.
K. A. rentier .
iVUr Waters,
W. If. Rhodos,
k. a. iwa.
Kaiph West.
K. T. Rnaere.
t'herlea McMartln.
A. i. McMartln.
K. T. tills.
Mint Bculah Adsme.
Mr. B. I O'BHpii.
Kev. Charles .Fleming.
Tine Arti Lecture. '
ilra. Frank Crawford will - give an
iiluatrated lecture en "The Life and Art
of Rome'' before the Oniaiie Society ot
Vtn Arts Thureday morning at 16 o'clock
at tha Young Women's Christian Aasocla
tloa auditorium.'- Her aublect will be
The RomaoHUt Religion and TfmP'w
The rantheon.", i
Birthday Tarty.
Mrs. C. I. Slump gave a children's
party Monday la hoeer ot the etchth
birthday of her daughter, Arlene. i.Tha
afternoon waa spent' in games and music.
The doeoratlona. which were gugpestlve
of Easter, were ta pink and whit. Those
present were:
M lesre -
I.uelia l'lecker,
lela llnnU,
Hive Warren.
I'aullne HartnrU,
Aline Cox,
Mrrt Wheelock.
1-onlil HMiIleetcin.
lVrolhy I eiit'l,
Virginia Heyilnn,
Kdna Coffey.
t'arolln rimlth.
3na Hhsmp.
Jdarjorle Mcllwaln, Artona Shamp.
llwln Cutler,
Ixn Nnrdln,
V alter Warren.
IkU Blsnd.
. hi-Ktfr Warren..
r.per Kmlth.
Mclvlrt Woulden,
Kdrnoral Cotton,.
Ji.lm iJorg,
Wllbfr (Sml'.h.
Monte Emith. ,
Eight Cousin' Party.
Mrs. George O. F.dgerly will entertain at
aa "eUsht-cQuelns'' dinner Thursday
evening in honor of George .Alfred Mot
rett and AHce Morrcll of Ottumwe, la.,
who are pendlng A few cays In the city.
After the dinner, the little couMne wlli
attend the GrlnneU College Glee club
cenrcrt- The other cousins in the parly
lelen Kunderlnnd,
Krsni'M llrtlt -t.'ilReriv.
John Suederland,
A Ilia gunderlaad.
Kulh fclundrrland,
Htuurt Kdgerly,
Fleasures Pst.
Fontenelle chapter, No. ii. Order ot the
Western Ktar. entertained the arand wor
.1 ... Peii K. AliH-rton, and
Mr. CeftBO 'J. Chatbt.rn, arand worthy
,tro- of Nebraska, at dinner Friday
venl'.a. The matron and patroua of
Vm. Maple and Ada chantera of
1-epllHon and fouth Omaha end ct the
nunorary cliapte pt Canmll Bluff, the
paxt erond watrena and patrons of Ne
f.raia and Iowa were honor gueata. The
dinner vii followed by initiation eere
tuonlea. Miaa Mae B. Walenth ia worthy
mat roe and Mra B. A. Wtlcoa werthy
?Btro of Fcnteeelle chapter.
To Hoaer Kr. Lynch.
A vl"ant aarprlre party waa tendered
Ur. Humphrey Lynch, ar., at lila home
tnttirday evetttng by hie fvlenda'et th
.! t J'arine ahnpa, of whlvh he Ivaa
an enudoya for the lat forty-four
and waa retired on penMoo in
li.a:y. in honor of the oe-ln, Mr.
Uyn'-lt waa presented with a mlloa rt k.
ng chair. The preaeetatlon apeech maa
mill by Mr. (ieorea (Itorra Of Council
bluifj. Mr. Lynch respondw), thanking
them for their beautiful remembrance.
i;e then aang eevoral ac'.ectlor.a In a
vharmtng manner, which were ittartlty
apidaufled. The eventng wea apent la
ainging and story telling and a dainty
repast w served.
Mr. Lynch ta the faihar ef County
Commissioner John C. Lynch.
Yellow Hogg Club Party.
The numbers of the Yrllow Iloae club
ebtertaia4 Monday evening at the home
of Mr. end Mrs, Jeeepb Morris la honor
of MUs Kate IPrstt, who is leaving Aprtl
u to niaXe br bonis la VaknUn. Neb.
The evening waa spent with muilo and
various garoea The guests were:
Kana VViillams,
Cenl M-Cuiiey,
ii. ln Vom Weg,
Kbte Pratt.
Ai.'.ry 1'r arson,
h!Oiti Kilsay,
Ji-e Hultand.
1-.. Clark.
'I em looe.
Anna Andreesun.
Mary Frink.
M.irfers-t Ptlce
l.i la Joltnson.
Dr. limtonnt,
K1'lil Hanwit,
ictaard Kelly,
I'atruk fclattdy.
t i-twlt k Kelly.
'Mr. and Mm. Joaei'h Moran.
Mr. and Mra. patnnk )Unao
Ta "oner Mist Francis.'
Miss Vra Must Freaeis, national aac-
rtary f tr tha Association ot Cclleglats
Aluinnsa. will be honor gut' it at a dinner
forty at the Hotel Fentrnello this eve
in.f. 1 tioae present will be: '
MImv MisKe
VMa Hunt Francis, t.luuiKitli Vllrbnil,
Alma I iv. iilan' t.e C! i mull,
r.,i.lic!h Fr'. Anti Prtfraon,'
l.usae hlfntter, Juliet t'lriltm,
.-a i 'iiuvit.
1 r. tuts Mxniiny,
Mis. H. . NsaUanch. a '
tevr for Eelief.
1 'l.e Dundee clrcla of tiie KrS'-0-bt I-
Sitin Illwf was eutertatnsd this after-
in...o at the home of Mrs. -ra Millard,
Tl-e moo Urrs ef this clrile include:
StrdiaMM-S .
A rtliur CiKley,
I i.iiIk it. l;iVh, VHt,
hamuel Kes, jr.;
J. A. 'd,
Kolx-rt Hi Ulster.
M iurne Jo-xltHjjy,
i 'tiarlea Puwuii,
liua(4 Vt. Multtl.
Cl. It. V tillaias.
i 4 V 4 it-.i ,
V It. '1 uiilil. liffS.
t ' iUs Juiivxi,
i i mil A r-y.
,1 - rr ! n i-iurar,
A .it i I A tki'tti,
ti.;e .'-iilmyre.
. 1 1 iitr li i a.
i la! i y Pit f ikjoL
Ilenorfth Society to Meet
1 he Mennrah aorMy win ,olS as tin
j,i tai.t nat '.ing this evening at I o'cUv
at tha I'Jii trti in the Metrupolitan
Ait artment iicnefiL
1 I.' ' t i'' rt mi nt of the imaha Woiik
na u . e ji a aa r (iiiitful ta tit
Wednesday, March 31, 1915.
club rooms this afternoon on behalf of tho
department fund. Mra.' C. J. Roberta, de
partment leader,' gave au Illustrated trav-
elosue on European countries which she
visited last eummer. ,
Oa the Calendar.
, The Omaha Woman'e ' Tress club will
have luncheon at the Hotel Loyal to
morrow. A daneJtig party will lie given thla even
ing at tho Prairie -Park club house by
the Taira club. .
Newg of the Wayfarers.
Mr. A. i rVott Is realstered -at tha
Hotel McAlpIn In New Yolk c:ity. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T ' Hamilton have
gone en their vacation trip west, which
will include the Panama exposition and a
vlalt te the-Wattles place at Hollywood.
For House Guest. , ' ' '
.Mr H. J. It. McCarthy entertainad
Tuesday afternoon In honor ef her house
guest. Mrs. William Sevor-IIunt f Den
ver, who leaves the aat of the week for
her home. The gueafe present wei:
.1. 1 Onnshv.
J. It. VlKarer,
t'liarloa 1 lender, -'
Frank Jnhner,
Council Lilurts;
M. Jjyrne,
II. . W.lmnald.
John I.lddell,
1oula Knee,
Jack Phrlddn,
N. H. Jurv.
AiiBiistua if olio. '
Thomaa Dennlnson
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mrs. If. T. Cooper of WMtewooa, . D
ia SIK-ndlna a few dava In Omaha with
Mrs. Georve Piay.
Mr. Luther Drake ta hack from a mil. k
trip to California and tim " in FranHarA
eaaos'Uon, which he made In company
with Dr. W. O. BtiUgea. the latter re
maining for a longer atav and mora
leisurely return.
Mr. and Mra. Frank J. Murphy Irft
Paturday for Collfornla and tho exposi
tions. In eouthern California they will
be the guests ef Mr. and Mrs. B. J.
Farmer. Mrs. Farmer was formally Mlsa
Florence Ilathrlck of Omaha. Mlsa Anna
Murphy of Chicago will visit at the home
of Mr. ml Mrs. Murphy during their
Mrs. U W, darner returned Wednesday
from a three montlia' trip. Mrs. Garner
visited her daughter, Mrs. U a. Lowe,
and Mr. Lowe at Sidney, Neb., and an
other daughter. Mrs. F. I. Whltlock. and
Mr. Whltlock at PeetS. Colo.
Personal Mention.
A son, Kdward. licnlamln. waa born to
Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Cuslilng, la Houston,
rex., on Tuesday, iianlt Kl. Mr. and
Mra. Gushing formerly lived in Omaha,
Out over the Northwest
or tnor of the South Omchsi. liv-
commission men. In one and perbape twe
specun cars, win atari today on a
tour ot the range country, of
South Dakota and Wyoming, to be gone
From Omaha the South Omaha men
111 moke, the run direct ta T!.n ie,,..i,.
Then they will come bark to Rapid City,
going from there te Douglas. Cgsper end
Douglas, on the Northwestern. At Pow-
uer niver ineir cars will be turned ever
to the Rurllnglon epd tha home trip will
commance. wlto stupe lit Wyoming end
westers Nebraska.
Hunk clearlnga f Omaha during- tha
month of ' March recistnreit .i
! 3.000, ooa over March of 1U. The clear
lags for the month were ti,t7S,00XSl, while
me clearings ror March la Wit were IH-
7.I7J.t. . . i
Tinilf y Roberts, charged with passing
wai'Uilesa checka en the Merchanta hotel
and the Durgeas-Nash end Ilayden Broth
ere etore waa aratcnoed to thirty days
In the county Jail. It la wife, who Is
slso wanted en tbe same offense, ia be
ing held.
Cfea p't faa?eea
During several weeks ef expectaacr
there la a artiendlJ, external embrocetloei
In our "Mulbere Friend' la wbic
tbouaands of women have tbe seas,
unbounded eonfUauoe. They have used
tt and know. Tby tell ef Ite wonderful
Influence to eaa the abdominal muacleo
and bow the avoided Mhvaer dreaded
eretcbur pains tlial ere ao muck talked
About. This safe asternal epptuatiuat ta
gently used ovor tha ski a to render it
amenable to tbe natural eiretcain wale
U undergoee. 1 be myriad ef fterve
threads juat beneath the akin, ia tbue
relieved of Vi.aeceaaary patu-pToduelng
eausee and great physical relief la tae
raeult as epreaed by a hoat of happy
Bioihere wbe write from personal
It Is subject tlat all woman should
Va familiar with aa "Mtbar a Frteud '
has bea ia use many years, tiaa been
gttaa Ihe moat severe testa unSer most
a.l trying conditioas and la reuomwiead4
by Women who to-day are graudmotbere
end who In their artiv yaare Wraed
to rely upon thia rpleodtd aid to wvmeo.
"Muihera Friend" . la declared by a
multitude of women to be Just what ex
pet tatit molkarhoo4 reoulree.
You' emu eMaia "Moiher'a Friend' at
almost any t'rug alure. Get a bottle
lo-da' and tkea write fur our llcle bwk.
Ajerr-a tutiSn.t t"rutr t, ii
lainat i.Jg., A.Wula, ut, .
THREE AMERICAN WIVES OF TITLED AUSTRIAKS, who offered their services to
Dr. Charles McDonald, United States amy, in charge of the American Red Cross hospital
in Buda-Pest, were told that a hospital full of sick and wounded soldiers wa3 no place for
society women to stroll about in. The trio thu3 turned down were the Countess Szechenyi,
who was Gladys Vanderbilt; Countess Zichy, formerly Mabel Wright of Boston, and the
Countess Sigray, formerly Marriott Daly, daughter of the late copper magnate.
Hear Suit to Enjoin
Oity from Attempts .
to Collect Big Tax
Whether or not Douglna county shall be
allowed to continue ' with Its efforts to
collect 30,000 In Inheritance taxea from
Qeorge Warren Smith ef Rock port, Me.,
and New York City, depends upon the
outnnme of an injunction suit being heard
In federal court by Judge T, C. Munser.
The millionaire nilth, received . much
valuable Omaha business property from
Ms brother, Francla Hmlth, by deed be
fore the latter'a death. , The county made
a contract with Attorneya John II. Cross-
man and Qeorge 12. Burtrand of Omaha,
by which they were tq sue to collect In
heritance tasea on the transferred prop
erty, for which the lawyers were to re
ceive' a contingent 'fee of 25 per cent If
they aucceeded. (
To atop the county'a suit George War
ren Hmlth secured a temporary restrain
ing order and now seeks to have It made
permanent. He asserts that his brother's
tranafer of property was not subject to
the Inheritance tax law, and ' that the
contract made by the county with the
Omaha lawyera far tha collection waa
contrary te public policy. - .
Free admission to a big dinner at the
Toung Men'a Christian association will
be glveti to each member Who secures
sne er more membere during April. Ths
'1 vi Yif i
I 7 t " - a-
1 , Ham or "Premium" Bacon with Brook
field Eggs for Easter Breakfast has become as
well established as Turkey and cranberries for
Thanksgiving dinner.
"Swift's Premium" Ham
Prepared with care.
Beyond compare.
Order "Premium Ham and Bacon,
and Brookficld Eggs of your dealer.
It is not necessary to parboil
"Swift's Premium" Ham
before broiling or frying.
dinner will be given at the association
cafe May t. It la hoped to eocure at
least 100 new membera during the month,
and for that purpose a "Century Club"
bus been orgunlscd among men who will
promise to help In the movement. It Is
being directed by A. E. Knton, member
ship eeyretsry of the association. . .
Residents of the vicinity of Thirly
nlnth end Fa! nam st,rect have secured
a restraining ordtr in district court for
bidding the Standard Oil company to
plane a storage station for oil on the
corner. Hearing haa been sst far April
10 before Judge Rodlck,
Tbe plaintiffs are Persia B. Smith,
Thomaa Flynn, Mary N. Crofoot and
Mary I. Klnsler and Catherine B. Nash
ia eurety on a ,000 Indemnity bond. .
The funeral ef Tielen O. Roggen, wife
ot former Secretary ot Btats Ed Roggen,
who died Tuesday morning at her resi
dence, 2001 A street. South Omaha, will
be held from -the residence this
afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Ilurtal. will be
made . at the Forest Uwn femetery,
Friends are requested to net sent! flowers.
Gospels, Testaments and Blbtea are of
fered for aale at from rente up by a
a fceyx -wc sl a
"Swifts Premiumw
Ham am
The custom of serving "Premium"
"Swift's Premium" B aeon
A streak of fat,
A streak of lean.
With lets of goodness
ia between.
representative .of the American Bible ao
clcty, who haa a stand at Sixteenth and
Dodge streets. He wheels his stock of
books to and from his ofi'lce en a two
wheeled truck, and displays the books on
a large American flag.
Comb Sage Tea
Into Gray Hair
Ladies! Try this! Darkens beauti
fully and nobody can tell Brings
back. Its felons and thickness.
' Common garden aage brewed Into a
heavy -tea, with aulphur and alcohol
added, wilt turn gray, atreaked and
faded hair beautifully dark and luxuri
ant; remove every bit of dandruff, atop
acalp itclilng and falling hair. Mixing
the . Sage Tea and Sulphur , reclpa at
home, though. ' troublesome. An easier
way Is to get the reedy-to-use tonic, cost
ing about 69 -cents, a-large bottle, at
drug atorea, known aa "Wyeth's 8aga
and Sulphur. Compound,", thus avoiding
u lot ef muss. .
While wispy, gray, faded hair Is not
sinful, we all desire to retain our youth
ful appearance . and attractiveness. . By
darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sage
and Sulphur, no one can toll, because it
does it so naturally, so evenly.' You
Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with
It and draw thla through your hair,
taking one small strand at a time; by
morning all gray hairs have disappeared.
After another application or twe your
hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy,
soft and luxuriant and you appear years
younger. Advertisement.
are distinctive of
Easter. So arc Easter
lilies and
Brookfield Eggs
Yolk and white ,
Freshly right
Germans Celebrate
TJJi4-V rt T3i nrv n vrvTr1
in Omaha Sunday
The ens hundredth anniversary ef the
birthday of the great German atatesman.
Bismarck, will lie maRnlflccntly Celebes
ted next Sunday at the German Home on
South Thirteenth street. No effort ta
spared in order to -make the celebration
worthy of matchless genius, who
welded Into unity that great nation, now
struggling for its existence against the
combined forces of the greatest ot the
European powers.
Tho program, whlrh has been care
fully prepared, affords Interest snd en
tertainment for all, whether one. la In
sympathy with the German cause or net.
The Joy Recipe! .
Take Cascarets"
Be Cheerful! Remove the win.
tcr's poison from your
liver and bowels.
Spend 10 cents! Don't stay
sick, bilious, headachy
It's Springtime! Clean up inside and
feel fine. Take Cascarets to liven your
liver and clean the bowels and atop head
aches, biliousness, bad breath; coated
tongue, sallowneas, - aour stomach and
gases. Tonight take Cascarets and enjoy
the nicest, ftentlost liver and bowel cleans
ing you' ever experienced. Wake up feel
tng grand Everybody's doing It. Casca
reta best for children also.
5795. SI 21 5795-
TheVcrlds OcslCuy
Ois-Kia ep. Jiffy Curtala, ra
J loaUii Aa. Xlectrlo Born, Xleo
trie X.lgbted and. gUrted. True
Caatllever Cprlnar.
W.T.WilsQS AutoCc Omaha, Reb.
110 raraam. .
Hotel Lewox
ut- i f att b at.
One block from Copley Sq. n4
Public Library. Convenient to
Shopping Bad Theatre District.
AU Outside Rocrna, Excellent
. ..... ,
BUigleRooroe $2, with Bath 92.50 and ne
Doubla " ea.39, 11.50 " ,r
(Good Oaragee a minutes' walk)
U. C. PRIOR. Masmis
Two minutee from Back Bay Station
Tea minutee ben North Staueei
c-,M.l . - r yi
T " -
a n i
r.lepheae goeg. lesa. a-lfO
, gCONalY
It IlPa A
'r ' 6 tJ J
I .1
For Easter
Each season as Eas
ter a p p r o a c h e s, tho
thoughts of particular
givers turn naturally to
the store of COMBS,
where are certain to bo
found the newest, most
appropriate offer i n g s
that, can be obtained
from the noted marts of
ttre country. Our now
stock offers many Eas
ter gift suggestions.
na auer
teas) nvai er csmatia
Guarantee of
Our greatest satisfaction Is to
have our patients tell us of the
benefits they receive from our
treatment. Tbay KNOW from
personal experience that we are
Ffm lereegA mnamination
te begin with, until discharged,
we give esch cues the C'ARBr'p'U
TENTION that makee even the
. moat disheartened realize tt was
a LUCKY DAY whan they availed
themselves ef our services.
Incurable Cae$
Ws do not claim that there are
' no incurable cases, but we tie
claim that many cases absolutely
Incurable by such treatment as
has been gfven them will yield
prorrtotlv to the correct and sci
entific methods we employ. CON
fone$ty built our bu$in$
to oae ef tie largest practices In
Nebraska. Ws tell you on first'
consultation Just what you need
and .eaaetly what cost -of earns
, will be.
wAurxiss xx ?m actio
Tafs Dental Rooms
On Easter Sunday evory
well dressed woman will
ion pair of aew pumps.
Tb new ones are here in
e o ta b i n a Uona of black,
fawn, bronxa and gray. A
wide rang in all glzes.
$3 to $7
Parcel Post Paid
1419 Fernara
Lantern Slides
Hag yea seen
tkem at tag Moriei?
for window display and
cards. Made without delay
Candidates for Office
will obtain tbe best pub
licity results by using
these; we make them.
Call or write to ua
for information.
The Bee Engraving Dcpt
103 Bee BUf . OmaVa
rrtl CP
J ma ever