THE" BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY. APRIL 1, 1913. UftlEF CITY NEWS Boat Frtn n New Baaron rraes Barftss-Oraaa: Oo. Uf htln frttura 9 tit W. Bodfora for city commis sioner. Advertisement. Vtbraska aariara MA Ioa Ass" Nsw offica bstwsva city hall and Fon teMll hotel. tU Pouth Elht?iitb St A fNlliit of BsSjnrtty Ts ens of the bant Una acquired when ycu office In The Baa BulldlDf. "the bulldlnc that la al waya nw" Pea us now lor a few room svailable April 1. ' Many Wast Work About 250 Idle men have applied for work through the federal employment bureau at tha Omaha postofflce, mice it was establned dur ing tha winter. The bureau has now used up all Its application btetiVa and Is awaiting a further supply. Tie State Baas at Omaha para 4 par cent on time deposits. I per cent en savings accounts. Ail deposits In this bank ara protected by tha depositors' guarantee fund of tha state of Nebraska. "Today's Complete Morte rrorrasa classified section today, and appears 1a tha Be EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what tha various moving picture theaters offer, guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska. Was rowaer Keg-asiae Korea On hundred and fifty residents of the vl'-tn-Ity of the. Dupont Powder company's storage house for explosives west of Florence have signed a petition to the county board Asking that the company be forbidden to store explosives there longer. A hearing will be held by the board next Friday. BOARD IS MAKING BUILDING PLANS School Authorities. Will Hare Defi nite. Program in Event Bondi Are Asked For. EXECUTIVE SESSION IS HELD Escaped Patient Sought When Held Under New Name King Albert Denies He Is Hero; Says They Are in the Trenches While suffering from temporary In sanity, John Tipner Of Plslnvlew escaped from St. Joseph's hospital yesterday aft ernoon, where he was In the care of Dr. K. M. Barnes, and twice attempted-1- end . his life. He wss taken in charge by the police and returned to the hos pital, where he was booked under the name, of John Smith. Meanwhile, police and hospital authorities spent their tlrve Peking Tinner; It was not until nearly 'I o'clock that the hospital authorities and the police discovered that "Smith" and Tipner were one and the same. Tipner was first seen by John Cronln, toll-taker on the Douglas street bridge, lie was standing on the bank, divesting himself of hls clothes, and aa Cronln yelled, he jumped into the icy wate,r, iwam several feet out into the stream ind then turned around and climbed out Before Cronln could reach him he. had cut several Jngeed wounds In his throat with a pocket knife. Police Surgeon J. T. Tamieiea says Ms condition is serious. . After in exhaustive session of the Board of Education last evening President C. J. Ernst announced that the members had decided not to an nounce their deliberations on the Question of relieving congestion In the schools until the matter shall hare been brought up In regular ses- Islon next Monday evening. The members discussed conditions as they found them during several re cent trips of inspection. It is agreed among the members that more school facilities are needed and a proposition meets with favor among the members. , j Graff Oatllaea ih, j Superintendent E. U. Graff told the board of crowded rooms In various I schools. Conditions at Psrk, Mason, Lothrop. Clifton Hill, Bancroft and Sara toga schools took up much of tho time of the meeting." x ' t The board favors enlargement of .the four-room Bancroft unit to sixteen rooms and the abandonment of the old build ings now being used as Bancroft annexes. That congested rooms at Lothrop should receive- early attention Impressed the board. The meeting was as a committee of the whole and was quite Informal, except that the door was kept closed and publicity dented. a in Technical Hctinol. Or. K. Holovtchlner still contends that the proposed bond Issue should Include provision for a technical- high school. In the Very probable event that a bond Issue should be submitted on May 1 the board will have a definite building pro gram to'present to the voters. Smith Under Foot And Mouth 111 Ban . ROCKFORD,. Ill.i March 31.-A quar antine was established today at the home of Thomas Cunningham, a blacksmlUi In Winnebago, for fear he might have con-J tracted foot and . mouth disease. The disease broke out ' recently In herds of cattle In the township adjoining Winnebago. GBNEVA, Pwltserland (Via Parts. March Jl. "I am not a hero;, you will find them In our trenches," said Albert, king of the Belgians, at his headquarters In the field In an Interview today with Edotiard Chapulst of the Journal De Geneve. Iurlng the conversation the guns of the Belgians and Germans were sounding constantly. "I affirm that before the war I and my country observed scrupulously all the requirements' of neutrality that the pow ers prescribed for us with a precision of the specifications in an engineering con tract. "Tour neutrality," said King Albert referring to Switzerland, "la an act of sovereignty. Ours had been obligatory by an agreement of the powera. Neverthe less you see the result." ' Further on. the Belrian king remarked: "We had no til-feeling against Germany. We received Its business people. We hsd bond cordial and courteous relations. tven at tne present moment i am at a loss to explain why we have been made to suffer what we have -suffered. I ran explain to myself still less those acts of cruelty. I never could have Imagined that the German was malevolent. On the contrary I considered him as a quiet and domestic character. I know many Qer mint. I have German blood In my veins. My mother wss tho counters of Flanders a Hohensollern. Why all these cruciy ties?" DMAHA DOCTOR ON SPECIAL ' - TRAIN TO REACH PATIENT Dr. Palmer Flnd;ey of Omaha was called to Beatrice Tuesday to adminis ter to the daughter of R. J. Kilpatiick, who Is very ill." From Omaha to Lincoln te:. traveled on a special train, there latching the regular, train into Beatrice. STORZ GENUINE BOCK BEER On draught and In bottles on: and after April 1. A real . oldrfashloned genuine bock of exceptionally fine "quality and flavor.1 sure and try It. Ordetf a case for your home now the supply is limited. Phone Chas. Stors (Web. 1T80). , ., . SEATTLE CARMEN ON STRIKE Trolley Workers Walk Out Because Refuted Eight to Organise a Union. HALF ELECTRICS ARE STOPPED Rockefellers Will Give $100,000 for Relief of Miners NEW YORK,- March 31. T John D. Rocke e feller, Jr., In a tolcgram to the Colorado state committee on unemployed and re lief, announced that the Rockefeller foundation stood ready to contribute 1100. 090 to relieve distress among the workers In Colorado, particularly In the mining districts. On March 23. the committee sent a tele gram to Mr. Rockefeller saying that there was considerable distress in Colorado and that although contributions had been re ceived or pledged from various sources the Indications were that the funds so gathered would be Insufficient to meet the needs. - W. Mackenzie King, formerly commis sioner of labor of Canada, but now con nected with the Rockefeller foundation, is at present In Denver, fn his message Mr. Rockefeller said that Mr. King would represent the foundution In this matter. SEATTLE, Wash.. March SI. An Immediate strike of employes of the Puget 8ound Traction," Light and rower company, operating the .street car lines 'n Seattle, was ordered to night at a mass meeting called by the Central Labor council to consider thn company's refusal to permit Its men to organise. In a short time half the cars of the city had been stopped. The com pany sent Inspectors and shop em ployes out to take stalled cars Into the barns. Other cars which had not been deserted by their motormen were being run under direct super vision of Inspectors. Guards were stationed on the platform to prevent strikers boarding the cars and to keep men from cutting the trolley rope. Frequently great cheers arose In various parts of the- downtown dis trict as carmen who had secretly Joined the union abandoned their cars and others listened to the ap peals of the committees and accom panied them to "the-labor temple. The masa meeting was attended by an enormoua crowd. Supporters of the. strike movement advanced the argument that with automobile buses available to handle traffic the gen eral public would not bereatly In convenienced by the strike nnd that the men's position would therefore be strengthened. Women's Clubs Of Third District Meetat Randolph RANDOLPH. Neb., March SI.-BpeMal Telegram. -The twelfth annual conven tion of the Third district of the Federa tion of Women's Clubs began Its first session In the Randolph Preshyterlsn church this evening, Mrs. W. 11. lllll, president of the Randolph club presiding. Visiting women Were formally welcomed on behalf of. the city and local rlul: by 8. O. Reese and Mrs. Tatge of Randolph, with response by Mrs. Foster of Med.son. Mrs. K. R. J. Kclholm of Omahs, govern ment special agent for the department of the children's bureau, .gave the main ad dress of the evening, speakinfi on the birth registration test In Nsbraska. A large percentage of the towns the Third district were represented at the first session, following which a reception aa tendered th delrgstes and visitors. Mrs. O. A. Williams, district president of Nellgh. will have charge of the Wednes day session, at which time Mrs. A. 3. Davlsson of the college- of agriculture, t'nlverslty of Nebraska,, will address the convention. STCRZ DELICIOUS BOCK BEER Don't miss It. Nothing superior to It hss ever been brewed. A genuine long aged mellow hock. On draught and In bottles on and after April 1. Watch for the "Stors-' sign. Phone for a case for your home.' (Web. 1W0). MARSHALL TALKS WTH MEXICAN ACROSS BORDER PAN niK.OO. Cel.. Mareh .",1. While Vice President Thomas R. Marshall stood todsy at a monument merklng the inter national bundary line between the tnltd Ptates and Mexico. Mrs. Marshall, es corted by a committee of Pan Piegann, went Into the town of Tijuana, Mexico, and purchased souvenirs end curios. The vice president did not cross the line and while he stood at the monument he chatted with Lieutenant Colonel Juan Mendleta. commft.ndnt of the . Mexican forces at TIJusna. who all the while re mained on Mexican soil. The officer extended a warm -greeting to Mr. Marshall and the two shook hands. . Apartments, flats, houses and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent" Ad. Culls from the Wires ' Population of state - hospitals for the Insane- in Illinois has been Increased by 200 since the Harrison federal drug act recently went Into effect . An order to strike Thnrsdsy morning waa issued by union officials to 7,000 mem bers of the Chicago painters'- council. whose wage agreement expire tonight. . James P. Brown, sssistant secretary of the International Harvester company tor three years, died' at his apartments in a downtown hotel at Chlcngo after an ill ness of three weeks. He waa 55 year old and formerly lived In Ban Francisco; Abolition of capital , punishment In Illinois, which waa asked in a special message by Governor Dunne, virtually was shelved In the legislature at Pprtng field. -The annate committee on judiciary voted to report out an anti-capital pun ishment bill with recommendation that it "do not pass." Villa Collects One Million in Monterey SAN ANTONIO, Tex.', March 81. Gen eral Villa Is reported from Monterey to have received and acknowledged a con tribution of 1,000,000 from Monterey mer chants. Americsns. It 'Is said, were exempted from contributions. Movements of Oeras Pteasaers. Port. ' . Ariired. Ball4. OITIHAT.TAR. Europa l , - PIRAEUS.,.. .... ThcmlatoclM.. GENOA Turnout Floltns. VI.ADIVOHTOK. . Rio Puis..... -BORDEAUX. ....Rochambiu..- LIVKRHWL Onluna CHRI8T1AMA Jutland!. HONG KUNO I... MtnnMoU. Salts Fine for Aching Kidneys We eat too ntnch meat, which clogs Kidneys, then Itack hurts and Bladder bothers you. Most folks forget that the ' kidneys, like the bowels, get sluggish and clogged and need a flushing occasionally, else we have backache and dull misery In the kidney region, severe headaches, rheu matic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of blaiMer dis orders. You simply must keep your kidneys active and clean, and the moment you feel an ache or pa'" In the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good drug store here, take a tableepoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juloe, combined with llthla. and Is harm less to flush clogged kidneys and stimu late them to normal activity. It also neutralises the acids In the urine so It no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder dis orders. - Jad Baits Is harmless; Inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent llthla water drink which everybody should take now and then to keep their kidneys clean, thus avoiding serious complications. A well-known local druggist says! he sells lots of Jad Baits to folka who believe In overcoming kidney trouble while It Is only trouble. Advertisement. , Wednesday, March 31, 191S Burgesa-Nash Co. STORE NEWS FOR THURSDAY Burgess-Nash Co. Phone D. 37 MERE you ARE. MEM MEW Your Opportunity P to Select Your From the IB. Edward Zeiss Stock " "Which we bought and offer to you beginning. Thursday, at but a mere Fraction of the Regular Price EVERYONE knows the "why and wherefore" of this sale that B. Edward Zeiss, Men's' Furnisher and Hatter at 1504 Farnam street, was forced but of business because the World-Herald is to raze the building he-occupied to make way for their new structure. " Mr. Zeiss was in business at the one location for the past ten years and was probably the best known furnisher and hatter in the city. His Stock of Hats Include the Famous "Dunlap" as Well ' as Other Well Known Philadelphia Makes, Embracing a Shape to Suit Every Fancy Wo've divided the stock into six big groups and offer you choice, beginning Thursday, like this: Men's Hats, Soft or Stiff, Zeiss Pric $3.00, for an Men's Hatsj Soft or Men's Hats, Soft or Stiff, Zeiss Price Stiff, Zeiss- Price $3.50, for $3.50 to $4.00, for Men's Hats, Soft or Stiff, Zeiss Price !$5.00 to $6.00, for Men's Hats, Soft or Stiff, Zeiss Price $7.50 to $12.00, for Men's Hats, Soft or Stiff, Zeiss . Price $15.00 to $18, for $ Zeiss Stock of Men's Caps Offered Like This: Men's Caps, Zeiss fl r- Men's Caps, Zeiss m p I Men's Caps, Zeiss p I Men's Caps, Zeiss I Hr 100 Sale Pric 1-50 Sale IITP Price $2.00, Sale swl TnA - AWWI WW Price 50c to 75c, Choice Price. Price. 85c urgess-Nash Company. EVE RYBODYS STORE' :-ZaHBS Store Hours8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M.; Saturday, Till 9 P. M. URGESS-WASIi GOMPANY. WettnrsdH)-, March At, 101A. "eve r yd opys STOKE HTOHK NKWS Mill THLKSDAV. ritone 1. 137. Many New Goats With Unusual Style For Easter Wear , $15.00 to $75.00 OATS with the swine coats with the flare coats with V bolts straight line coats Every new style'thnt is good, in i . I- c -l. i i.. i ii tsviKi-, vuverui, iuuu, ck-ou'U ihitus, jjvuiui:r iulaiiuvb, bhiv a; faille, taffetas and water-fall cloths. fV -Utility CoaU $15.00 to $25.00 In mixtures, coverts, chinchillas, serges and checks. There a wide range of pleasing styles. .1 The New Tailored Suits At S16.75 and Up to $125 SUITS typical of the season's very smartest modes. An as semblage of pleasing styles of "un individual and distinc tive character that will appeal to every woman who gives a thought to her dress. There is practically' every material and shade that Is In good taste for this season Including poplins, serges, garbardlnes, checks, worsteds, etc. . r . - 2-r. - r irv Bnrfs s-Wath Co. sepBd Woor, Charming New Easter Hats At Burgess-Nash Thursday at $5,00 Km aa If! SCORES of exquisitely trimmed creations a shape and style to suit every fancy, smart new effects, all tast ily trimmed with flowers, ribbon.3 and wings and faced with faille silk. ' ' i . qnapes or iineBi , quality nerop, niuan ntmp in ne large Ivand small sailors, pokes, shepherdess and turbans. The elderly as the younger woman and miss. An assortment that will please t S5.00. Bnrf ssu-ITasB Co.- soona Tloor. . 4 , ; , Pick Out Your Easter GLOVES AND we know of no better, place than Burgess-Nash to make that selection., The most worthy makes are , represented and at prices that are pleasing and satisfactory to every one. Expert fitters In constant at tendance. agf ss-sTash Co. Main Tloor. Easter Novelties of Endless Variety HEN . and chicks, coop and chickens, candy eggs of all 'Sizes and kinds. )len on nest, roosters, bunnies with carrot and o on an almost endless variety at modest prices. , Banrsss-XTssh Co. Bsssmoat. NEW EASTER NECK FIXINGS DAINTY new con or its la wide selection of styles to com plete the sew Easter toilet. Col lars, gulmpes, veatees, coltar and cuff sets, etc., price 2ftc, 5(o A Burarss s-BTasa Co. Main rieor. A COMPREHENSIVE showing of unusual attrac tiveness, embracing all the new style features favored for. this season. v WONDERFUL BLOUSES, $1.95 AND $3.95. MATERIALS. .Pure Handkerchief Linen Blouses.' 811k Crepe de Chine, attractive models. Very. Pretty 8Uk Lined Lace Blouses. Very Smart Silky Pongee Blouses. Pretty Tub Bilk Blouses. Extra Heavy Japanese Silk Blouses. Dainty Fancy Trimmed Lingerie. Black Over White 811k Shadow Lace. SHADES. Sand Maize Flesh Peach Candy Stripes Black . Silver White MODELS.. , Piping Rock l-in-1 Country Club Tlpperary Matinee Mllltalre Tallleur For Dress, Etc. OUR BLOUSES AT $2.50 AND $3.95. Cream Lace Over Chiffon Blouses. Crepe de Chine Blouses, extra heavy. Handsome Georgette Crepe Blouses. , Richest Radium Silk Blouses. Beautiful Filet !ce Blouses. Combination Chiffon and Lace Blouses! ' OUR BLOUSES AT $5.00 AND $5.95. Embroidered Georgette Crepe Blouses. Excellent Quality Crepe Meteor Blouses. Paradise Meteor Silk . Blouses. ' Filet Lace and Net Combinations. Gold and Silver Net Blouses. AH white or color combinations. $ 1,000 NEW MODEL BLOUSES IN VOILES AND ORGANDIES, AT $1X0. BQTf ss-Wssh Co. gscaad floor. Untrimmed Hats in the Basement Thursday at 63c Instead of $1.49 sBSBBflBSBttas OftO J, IT'S A SPECIAL lot we, were fortunate in secur ing at an underprlce. Hemp shapes. In black, ' white and every wanted color, worth to 11.41, v for 29o FLOWER WREATHS AT 15c. Four styles of beautiful wreathes In the new spring color ings, 29c quality, at . WE TRIM HATS FREE OF CHARGE Burcsss-Bask Co. Boosomy Basamsai. isrr--rrr fw r DUIiQ ESS-NASII COMPANY 63c 15c 15c Hyacinths, hy drangea, asa leas, Splreas, rhododendron at a p c i a 1 prices. - . Barrass-araaa Co. mows ftoctloa, Basomsai. ll Great Display of Pretty New Blouses for Easter Wear Roller Skates for BOYS and GIRLS Just the thing for sidewalk or street, pin or ball-bearing. Spe cial prices. Bar a -Bash Oo. ronrta Floor, EASTER LILIES, 15c LARGE, healthy plants, potted, with S to 8 blooms, spe cial Thursday, at per bloom,