Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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Girls! Lots of
Beautiful Hair
23 cent bottle of "Danderine"
makes hair thick, glossy
and wavy.
Removes all dandruff, stops
'. itching scalp and fall
ing hair.
" f
Man Who Crossed on La Tonraine ii J
Accused of Trying; to Destroy I
the Vessel. !
- $
PARIS, March 81. Raymond
Swoboda, one of the passengers
aboard the French line steamship La
Totiralne, which wag Imperiled by a
fire at sea on March 8. has been ar
rested, charged with setting fire to
the vessel, according to the Matin.
Swoboda. the paper asserts, ,1s sus
pected of having "c,0Be relations with
the enemy," and .correspondence
found In his rooms Is Bald to lndlcato
he had been charged with the task of
blowing op the Touralne. He has
been taken to Hafre. . , '
taaard hy EastlftelsMs.
Inclination mads by experts appointed
by Admiral Charller, who I conducting
the -Inquiry Into the steamship .fire, has
established. It la said, the fact that the
bias aboard the Touraln must have
been caused by tha explosion of some
detonating device, autement made by
pasenrs and member of the crew up
port thla theory. The explosion waa
sufficiently violent to wrench loos tho
doors of cabins near by. The authorltlea
believe the explosive had been placed
with criminal Intent In a trunk which
was stored w1thh-baa,q &f flrst--las
paxA'nfcer In No-.'" hold.'- ' .' ' J
; lth; this first' report " of ' expert at
hand th state 'attorn at iiavr -
antlneil as mAnjr passengers a oul b
reached. .The witnesses Stated, abeordlng
ttr the Ut(n.' 4hafttMy had Tjeerf eraasea
at tha atatemtnt mad onr night during
the voyage by fellow passenger when
they were discussing th German threats
to torpedo Vessels passing through the
war son. Thla passenger la quoted as
having remarked: ' ?
"Oh, that Isn't the only war son that
woiUi h dangeroua:. Germany Is strong
enough to do what It wants. Thla ship.
Itselr, ' tvsn before It reaches the war
sort .mlgnlf. b obliged Jto ,hv reoours
to the doctors and nurses aboard to cam
for the paaeengere.",
Only paliiB heed, however, was given
'to this" assertion, when It was made, but
In "view of Jmlrtmnuent' evU It appeared
t ih Investlsatlng attorney to have
considerable Importance.
Tha nassenscr In onestlon, who was
quoted of having boasted of Germany's
power, was listed on' (the ship's records as
Raymond Pwoboda, 31 years of as, an
American 'iltlaen; , profession, financier;
declination. Parts." ' ,'
Commissary Pubert, ' attached . to th
secret service department of the-ministry
of the Interior, undertook the task of
tracing Swobeda. Ii found that 'Ah man
was fairly wall ftneern In Parts of h
clerical and' had been connected with
several more or less Important transac
tions. II was supposed to be a Russian,
for he often spoke of hi family connec
tions at Petrog rait and Moscow. He had
served aa a foreign representative for. a
broker named Morrison, who , conduct
one' of , th .' large ' brokerage 'houses In
pari,',;; . Vi ;.' V .'v
None of ftwobode'a business associates
- 1 - V--r"" ' itiiA .., Mfn after the arrivaf of ttia
ThousiAds :Have ;l)igcovereVT -Towsine. at ,'avr where n .docsi
t. .j ' nn,-TAl,B aieir pnarcn ...nut -pwm Vacco mm
' are a' Harmless Substitute 'X
tContlnned from Par One.)
rial bodies are coming forward with ol
fers to back tho government In drastic
action against tha drink evil, while the
liquor Interests r beginning to expreaa
fear of severe government regulation.
Austrian I, oases I'.norinonn.
GENEVA. March Sl.-tVIa Tarts)
A net rien losses in Lyutta valley and tha
province of Dcreg (Northeast Hungary)
on the day of March 28 are eatimated at
l,Wu. according to dispatches received
by Swtea nes.-spB.pers. These advices
state that a column of 4 ."00 Austrian
was annihilated In less tnan an nour dur
ing a desperate action in Bcreg province.
six miles north of Verecake. Austrian
troops In thla territory are reported to be
demoralised s the result of their enor
mous losses.
Defcla Pass flattie Renewed.
VIKNNA. March 31. (By Wlreles to
London) Tha cessation of fighting In
Dukla Pass lasted only twenty-four
hciurs, the newspnper report, the Bus-
elans then bringing up fresh reserves.
FlKl ting in tha valley of the Ondava
ml Laborcxa I as recommenced and now
s In full swing. The Austrian troop are
fighting desperately and Uie Russians, It
reported here, in spite of furious at-
arks with large forces, have not been
able to gain their objective at any point
for an Invasion of Hungary. Th fight-
ng In the Carpathian la going on during
heavy rainfall.
The battle In Ilukowlna yesterday la re
ported to have resulted In favor of the
Austrian.., ,, ,' ' .'
' To be possessed of, a head of heavy,
beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, fluffy, wavy
sad free frprrf dandruff Is merely a mat
ter cf tiW rintr-UamJeTm." : '
It I ey. and Inexpensive to hav nice,
soft halr.snd lot of it. Just get a' 25 eent
bottle of Ikiniwlton' Psndcrlne now all
drug tor'ea'rcoommena It apjflValtttla
aa directed and Within ten. minutes there
will be an appearance . of 'abundance,
freshness. (Mfines and an Incomparable
close and lustre and try ayou will you
i?n not find a trace of danrtmff or fall-
ing hair; tiu your real auryruiw
after bcM two weeks' usewhen you .will
see new'hnlrttn Jid downy at flrt
es but really new hair-sprouting out
all over your- aoaJp Danderln is. we be
e, ths flnly ,vie heir grower, destroyer
f dandru'rf srd tur for Itchy scalp and
K nev.r fulls to toa .falling hair at "once.
If you' wantjlto prov how pretty and
soft your hajr, really is, moisten a cloth
with a Hie t'andarlne and carefully draw
K through ' your hsJrrtnking cm small
strand at a time. Tour hair wUl he soft,
glossy aoC beautiful In Just a fee mo
mentsa dellKhtrul surprise awaits every
on who files thJs.-Advertlement .
5 e, J f a ' -( if :---.
( '
- Or. KdnJa' Olive Tablet th subsU
, lute for calomel are a mild but sure laxa
tive, and their effV't on the liver Is almost
instantaneous. They are the result of Dr.
Kswards' determination not to treat liver
and bowel complaints with calomel. His
el forts U banish it brought out--these
little olive-colored tableta.
These pleasant little tablets do' the good
that calomel does but have no bad after
erfects. Tirey don't Injure the teeth like
strong liquids or calomeU They take hold
at the trouble end quickly correct It. Why
uro the liver at the expense of the teeth T
t'aiomcl sometimes plnys havoc wlth-th
Kuma. Io do stronn lluulds.
.-It Is best not to take calomel, hut to let
Vr luilwsrds' Olive Tablets take Us pUce.
Mom hrfttlurhrs. "dullness" and ' that
laiv feelms; coma from constipation and
tMsonltrwl liver. Tuke lr. Edwards'
Hlvo Tablets when you feel "lonuy" and
"lioMvy." ite how thev "clesr " ilouiled
lualn and how they "park ep" th spirits.
At lit- and per box. All drtiKKists.
'flic Olive Tablet Company. Columbus, O.
Ycu'vsCot $10.00,
perhaps ' more. You
may ilot alwgyg have
It, but you have It
While you have It
bring 4t to the Bank.
' It will' open that ac
count 'ou haven't, or
Increase the-one you
Come while yoii.
have the money.
Russians Evade Trap Set for Them
in East Prussia and Cat Kaiser's
Army to Pieces.
PETROGRAD, March 31. (Via
London) The long silence in Petro
grad concerning the operations on
the German front waa broken today
by an authentic report of a daring
German maneuver in the Nleman
river district which, according to this
Information, began abortively and
ended in failure.
The gradual withdrawal of the central
part of their tenth army, a move calcu
lated to draw all the Russian forces Into
the advance between Ruwalkl and Kal
varla, waa to be followed, according to
the Russian Interpretations of the Ger
man plan, by a quick encircling move
ment of their left flank from the vicinity
of Lake Dusa and Ntmno to the rear.
This It was planned would cut off the re
treat of the advancing Russians.
Overxealouanes led the German to
throw a large part of their twenty-first
army corps, with three reserve regiments, J
u ui.iu ill inn ill tnii ... m . v,
pcross the melting be of Ike Dusa be
fore tiie Russlsn forces had advanced suf
ficiently to assure the success of the pro-
pesed encircling maneuver.
Having surmounted, the haxards of the
transportation of these troops over weak
Iro the Germans discovered, according to
the reports coming to Petrograd, that
their movement was premature, and In
a desperate effort to retrace their steps
they were met by a fierce Russian on
slaught. According tnt their account of
this ftchting the Russians annihilated en
tire divisions of the Germans.
At other points along the Gorman fron
tier Isolated engagements continue, but
they are without strateglo significance.
Crown of Castile
is Torpedoed Off
the Scilly Islands!
C.iROIFF. Wales, March Jl.-Thc
Cardiff Kcho declares that the British
steamer Crown of Castile has been tor
pedoed and sunk off tho Ecllly Islands.
The Crown of Castile was engaged In
the transatlantic trade and sailed from
Pt. John, N. B., on March 19, for Europe.
It was SS3 feet long, 2,52 tons net snd
was built and owned in Glasgow.
Rent room quick with a Bee Want Ad.
Prominent Seattle
'Pioneers Drowned
in River Duwamish
K CATTLE. March !1.-Funeral arrange
ments are being made today for the four
prominent pioneers drowned In the Du
wamish' river lata last niKht when an
automobile belonging to Mrs. Morgsn 3.
Csrkeck ran off the bridge at Allentown
on the- Tacoma road ten miles south of
here. Mrs.' CarVeek and her Japanese
chauffeur were -the only persons saved.
Those drowned were Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas W. Prosch, Miss Margaret I
Denny and Mrs. Harriet V. Beechcr.
Mr. Prosch, who was 65 years old, was
tha son of Charles Prosch, who founded
the'Puget ftoimd Herald at Pteilacoom In
1(C. Mr. I'rosch was editor of the Post-
Intelligencer for several years. He was
postmaster of Seattle under President
Mrs. Prosch was a daughter of General
Morton M. McCarver, founder of tho city
of Taooma.. Bhe was 64 years old.
Miss Dfenny was the daughter of Ar
thur A. Penny, who founded Seattle In
1SS1. Khe wae one of the last survivor
of th schooner load of people that landed
at Seattle In November of that year. Bh
waa'TO years old." !
i'Mr-. Beecher. was the wife of Captain
Herbert1 F. Beecher, on ' of the late
Henry Wai-d Beecher. the Brooklyn cler
gyman. She we 65 year old.
Wages, of Copper !
Miners Increased
to a hotel in ti4C AvenWXleber.
" Pass port ! tm Sryr York.
WASHINGTON, March 31. Search o
Btal department record today revealed
that Raymond Swoboda made applica
tion for an American passport In New
York on February 24, Swoboda gave hi
residence as San Francisco. The State
department today forwarded what in
formation it has to the Department o
Juatlo for Investigation,
Clreamstaocea Re-railed.
NTW. YORK. March !1 Th circum
stances under which Mr. flwoboda railed
aboard the La Tourain February 27 were
clearly recalled today at th office of the
French line here.
Mr. Swoboda, it waa said, came Into the
office of the line on February it, th
day. befur the steamer sailed, and pre
sented what appeared to be an American
passport vised by the French consul here;'
said he wantvd. to engage passsge to
Havre. Th bckat clerk, whom he en
gaged la conversation, recalled him today
as a pleasant man,
.i ..
CHfCAClQ. March JU A
MICh.'i ' dispatch to the Gold
Ticker state that the copper range mines
today announced that they would In
cress wages 10 per cent beginning to
morrow. The advance restores the seal
to th standard which was reduced upon
the outbreak of the European war,
When Women Suffer
No remedy' rive greater relle! than
Auti-kamnia ( A-K) Tablet la sll condi
tions generally known aa "Women's
Ache and Ills.'' One trial will satisfe
any woman that she has at last found
the remedy sbe baa so long been look
ing lor, .. ..
Indigedioii Dyspepsia
Are you distressed alter eating T Do
you have naunea when riding in the ran
or on tn train or boat r iae A-n. iso
teU and get instant relief.
.Garni A-K TmlUf 1W In H
tonogesissv At mil VruggiM.
Japan and China Are
Near Eupture, and
Ultimatum Probable
PERTINO. March 31. In diplomatic cir
cle th altuatlon arlstag from Japan'
negotiation ef Us demands upon China Is
regarded as more serious today than at
any time since th conference to this
snd were inaugurated.
After further consultation between
Preeident Tuan Phi Kal and Foreign Min
ister l4i Chetuc-Ksiang th Chinese per
sist that they cannot accord ..absolute
extra territoriality t. Japan Immi
grant in Maacburia, and at the confer
ence of yesterday M. Hlokl. th Japan
minuter, refused to discus this qusttlon
further. ...
It I believed In Pekln that the confer
ence to tske pUce tomorrow very prob
ably will bring a break la the deadlock
over this question which ha lasted for
number of week. Failing to break the
deadlock It la felt In aom quarter that
Japan will present an ultimatum.
TIIE COAL TllA r SA rtsfu
V It
Can They Win
The odd are big against your kidneys.
for alone thy must fee foes Ilk uric
ackl, poisonous germs, rheumatism,
dropsy; Bright' disease and many oth
ers. Your system baa to depend on the
kidneys to subdue tbese enemies. But,
th kidney should ba re-inforced. Tbey
should be given two alllea flrat, Care
fu 'Living, and then Ooan' Kidney
PHI to stimulate them In their atruggl
against urlo acid's attacks. Doan'a Kld
ney PlUe are In auocees ful u all over
th world. Here' a horn case:
Omaha Testimony:
Edwin Meredith.
142S Fherwood
Ave.. O m a h n.
ay: "I had a se
vere attack of
kidney complaint
three year ago.
In fast, I had been
annoyed more or
lea all my life.
The trouble was
broutftt on by a
ever lck n e a
Of all th medi
cine I tried.,
I o a n'a Kidney
nil proved the
moat effective. .
They trengthened' (
my kidney ' ao
that X a 1 d o in
hav any cause for
It take all say
complaint now
50 al )ll Prug Stores
FoaWr-MUburn Co. aw. Buffalo. NY
For Coffee, Cereals or Cooking
Hr Ii an evsporstsd milk WITHOUT THAT COOtED TASTE
milk that has overcome tha last objection to an evaporated milk.
can be used for every purpose for which fresh milk or cream Is used
for beverages, for cereals, for the baby's milk and for cooking.
And it is always fresh, sweet and par. No danger of souring.
ii is gooa ana oi aniiorm newness, to tne last drop. .
The !.13k Wi&ort tbe CookeJ Tt
f. !i3
Ppsre on I I
. 108 sq. ft 1 1 .
Our Office
April 1, 1914
Our Office tpace one year later.
April 1 1915. E94 square feet.
How Advertising Service
Has Made Us Grow ,
The progress of an institution is measured by Its services to others
and usually is reflected in physical size. Superior adverthting-'
merchandising service has brought progress and rapid growth toua,
requiring us to sextuple our offices in one year.
That is because we give to accepted clients far greater service than
mere copy-writing and schedule-making for we prepare a' sound
merchandising foundation for the advertising campaign to stand
upon before we fire the first gun. This taker time) but It pays.
If you desire to open, to broaden or to stimulate a market for
anything that humans use. an interview should profit both .of us.
In Omaha and nearby, there are a score of manufacturers ' .
doing only a small sectional business, who should be .
selling nationally. Let us help you broaden your field..
- '
An Advertising Agency That
MERCHANDISES Then Advertises :
Omaha Vebr.
RhGumatlsrn Con Be Cured
Why suffer when the new treatment will positively cure Rheumatism
In tea days. Stop suffering and avoid Serious complications which may
bother you for life. . Call or write for testimonials and full particulars.
311 Bee Building. . Omaha, Nebraska.
1mmmmEB-new ownmsmmam
i IMi i M : i''ur" 1 ...... -su: ! h .. a
The Desk
Standard Dictionary
Define, esplains, pronounce, and gives
the derivation of about 80,000 word snd
phrases, including information concerning
persons, places, countries, cities, slates, battle,
treaties, mountains, rivers, etc., such as for
Instance, Prsemysl, Prusiis, Joffre, Maubeuge,
Vistula, Msrne, etc. 1,200 illustrations, thor
ough, practical, and instructive lists of syno
nyms. Lesding events of American and English
history. A number of tables, lists, and phrase
are included coins, astronomy, weights and
measure,' metric system, chemical elements,
presidents, sovereign, law, Lafia, etc. . .
"Of escomsMa useful dm sad coavenUece."-5.
Justus Ktpnilic. .
Oath, $1.50 1 Thumb-Notch nfjrcf,
fl.80. Holf-Uothtr, ne?jcl $2.25
. Ae swrWowe tkmrf lc surtra
Tie Comprehensive
Standard Dictionary
Of wonderful resourcefulness for ellgeaersl
purpose. . Defines snd explains 48,000 word
snd phrases. Coots ins 1,000 pictorial illustra
tions. For ease ot reference, everything in
the volume is in one alphabetical order. Valu
able tables and plates are included in their
proper alphabetical order, socb at : Coins ef
tk World. Ceortollsilons, Planet, Stars Metric Sys
teai Pmidsau, 8vTisas Vera mi Cm Disaonds
Tree ef Oo Form ef Kaou as How le Mali Tkssi
Presses, Suguea Weilllt as Measaret Trpss el
Cattle Types ot Cats BirdssWks W Trasa Bs
las ot Architecture Acrovlaaes Ike Zsppeiia Flew
-rel tlerses Uesves etc.
"Tksee dietioasrlct kave place the rhsrsry werli
oder sa oblUatlea sot eaar t Mtit. Tke Ceaivrs
krasirs it ia evsrr wsy s 4irsM 4iiioa.M A rft, .
Sa Frsacltoo, Csl.
OtK 51.00 1 Thumb-Notch
lnJ,x,d. 51.23
Asre earriesre eAar- IMm. turtea
The Concise
Standard Dictionary
I Gives the Spelling, Pronunciation, Meaning,
etc., of about 35,000 word and phrase. Con-'
tains 780 pictorial Illustrations. Designed to
meet the most recent demand for en up-to-date
and convenient dictionary for handy
home and desk vs. Ia addition to the page
olate of Food and Gam Fish CattleFowl
Architecture etc.. etc. it ceattia valuable tab! af
aad It Orreono Kale lee Bvellia Proper Maatee
ForeUa Wore SM rkrssss r lowest, JLietss. asa
Tketr Rrsabolitts Abbrerlatioat sad Coatrsctieas,
ete. Tk fct sipeoslly wU Uluttrste tor vol
as W It tu.
" Especially rick as srsetisal laiorsutioe."-Jsf te-
mwMIM irtsss. ,.
., Will prav eesvsslsscs a mtaT.'fif. T. 5mm.
Cloth, 60. t Limp Morocco, $lJ2St,
Thmmb'Notch Indmxmd 25c, oxtra .
Ammrmfm mmrrimtm catrrsros f Jc. mtrm .
General Garcia
Pays Sll,300 to
Widow of McManus
WASHINGTON. March a.-WspWtche
to th Vlll agency her a that Oen-
ral Garcia, at Ua head of th lexlo
City government, has paid to th ldow
of John B. MoMano. One American killed
by Sapata trooper. ! pesos, which.
at th present rat or exchange, equal
approximately I11.S0O in gold, as Indemnity.
r. ,
More Heat
Less A ah No
Smoke Aak
Your Dealer.
Oav "Jltaer" Offer Tbl sat Sr.
ton't ml thla- Cut out this allp, en
cloe with to to roley tt Co.. Chi go.
111., writing your asm and ad Ires
cLcAj-ty. Ton will recalv In return a t-ial
package containing Polea iloney snd
Tar Compound, for cough, cold and
croup; rolsy Kidney It lis. foe para in
side and bach, rheumatism, baekache.
kidney and bladder ailments, and PoUy
Catlisrtlc Tablets, a uhulesouie and thar
oiigtily tleauelng catlisrtlc. eeperUlly
ruinforttr-g tu Sluul irs.nt. eold eveiy-
a lr -AtivertlsctiM-ut.
Lady tiivea Simple Home Kectie
That bam Vaed to lrken Her
dray Hair.
For year I triad to restore my gray
hair to It natural color with th pre
pared dye' and talna, but none of
them gav satisfaction and they war
all expensive. I finally ran onto a
elmple reelp which 1 mixed at home
that give wonderful result. I gave
th recipe, which la aa follow, to a,
number of my frtenda. and they are
all delighted with it. To T - of
water add a small boa of Barb Cam
pound, t os. r bay rum and oa
of glyoerln. I'm every other day un
til th hair become th required
had, then every two weeka It will
not only darken the gray hair, but
remove dandruff and eeelp humore.
and art as a tonic to th It Is
not sticky or greasy, does not tub off
a.nd duea trot colr the sculp- V"
run prepare It it hunt at vry llttlo
expense. -AJvertlsemsot,
Deeds That Will
Never Die
Being a series of stories of heroism in
the present war, all iounded on fact, and
fivini some of th brave exploit of the
snco engaged in this mighty struggle.
I2m, Cloth. 75c. net; by moil, 57 1.
Successful Selling
A valuable little book, treating every
phase oi the science of selling pprosch
ing the protpect, the presenution, objec
tions, tact, how to close, personalities,
moods, persistence, patience, productive
factors, etc.
Tk sstkor kaewt every twist asd kasck of sell-lial-trom
loa sad wide practical eipsrirace. It
'will iiaviw how sa lacrosse YOUR aalae-hew
le wia blG ordari.
" Buyer aad seller silks stay sraSt tkiwuh tha
reaoia ol I hit cUver sad practical little book.
I tmt-fitmtmm. New Urlesas, La.
1 2 mo, cloth and board. 50c. ft;
by mad 54c,
Important and Timely Intimate Memories ef Life
in tie Highest Circles ef the Inner Courts ef
Memories of
Forty Years
By reason of her close association with the -Russian
and German Court end her rnsay years' reei- '
dence in France, to say nothing of her friendship
with those oi "high degree" ia England, Princes
Catherine Radxiwill has accumulated a fund of re
miniscence which not . unappropriated may be
labelled as "unparalleled."
Is tkla big, thick vohiia, ka aatkor iatredacst as le Ike
kishrai circle ol Ruaaiaa, Ucrrnaa. Fresck, sad tatltas tadsty
Is wkick tk iov4 s the iatiaute ( kisaa, essaas. e-riacos.
atstwoisB. etc. Her work akeda stack lisbl ea tka Srowtb ml
ike poiiciea wkick ksve tkrowa Europe lot Ike Brsteal duat-
conflict. 4 rmttmrf UXl.
Largo Octov, Cloth. 337 Pag. $3.73 nmt;
i by mod 16c. extra
Child Training as
an Exact Science
MaJsr Pi7calgy
Mseicia, aad HygisM
Heretoior there ha been so one book
which (food out high above others es a
standard, scientific, aad reliable popular
work on the subject of Child Training la
its mental, moral, and physical aspects.
. Dr. Jscoby. a man of high attainments,
hs wriitea this book for the teacher, th
parent, snd th physician.
"IsvalasU aa! MeeWa"
"A iavsluableaad ssodsr treatise wkick tkould
ba aaed as s test-boob by ail iataroated la asp
knack ml ckild traiaia." rw. Wsskiao.D.C
Tt Sto i'tri Tim sayt
aaaterlal will aedoebiedly U
Study of this
t tsecker't
$1.50 notf by mail. $1.32
Lectures by Hon. Wm. Jennings Bryan
Has. W. I. Sara
Five Great Lecture that Have Stirred
Thousands, bound in book form. One
of the most timely just now ii
The Prince of Peace
The Four OTHER Volume are :
"The Price cf SouT
44 Man"
"The Value of aa Ideal "
"The People'. Law"
They outline aad ei pound th ethical, social, economic aad religious
teachings of the most popular orator ia th world. H is most eticctiv lecture
sad addressee which have beea delivered be for ssaoy great audieace.
Is) fioo mmiform oolama. thim !2mo. Orm.arnmm.tal board,
dainty ttyio. Vic of mock tUU 30c. mmtf by mail 35c
Essentials of English Speech and Literature
M,m,t't Edttmr U " fern tt Wttmmll, Uto Sumimri
Oulnmmry, A mtkmr '
a BmtlUk.
"4 Dtt-Bmtrrrt
yBAVv R. vmratLT
Lot U-lt
A record in concise aad interesting style, ol th
Origin. Growth. Development, and Mutations, of
th Knglish laaguag. It treat of literature and
, it Element ( oi the Dictionary, a a Text-Book,
. aad Us Functions s ol Grramr, Phooetics, Pro-
; aunciation and Raadini ; ol th Bible st a model '
' of pur English ! of Writing (or Publication and oi Individuality ia
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