Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Douse Amendment Providing tha
, Krthod for Furtliise of FUat
it Toted Down, It to 15.
One ReUtei to Schools and Other to
Enforcing Quarantine Regrnla-
captain of warimp minni at aan
Dieppe Tuesday.
IPmm a fltsff Cnrreapondsnl.)
(from a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. March 31. (Special.)
Discussion ot 8. T. 6, tha bill to
How the Omaha Water board to en
ler the electric light business drev
a good gallery and lobby rail crowd
thla morning. Tha senate refused to
concur in tha house aroetxfanetit pro
viding for appraisal of the Omaha
Electric Light plant jind purchase by
the city. The bill was Bent to con
Chairman, W. H. Thompson ot the
democratic state committee came In
for another, bit ot free advertising at
the hands of his comrades, being
charged with being present and as
sisting In trying to Influence leglsla
tion. Penator Howell said be had no
rlftbt to do so as a democrat and to
emphasis his feelings In the matter
nonnded bis desk fiercely sereml
Arthur 'Mullen also received
sufficiently large amount of adver
tising to keep ,hln In the limelight
tor a time."
Aanendntesite I nfalr
Mallery. who had formerly been for the
hill In Its original form, was asaJnat the
amendments and said they were unfair.
Ho admitted that he had consulted the
tlchtlnr rrrmpany and had rwceled
enough Insight Into the matter to con
vine him (hat the amendments were
utterly unfair to the company.' "Cor
porationa hae tbair 'rights,' eetd Pena
tor Mallery.' "and -are entitled to fair
treatment tha same a aa Individual, hut
thla amendment ta unfair."
Kohl did not Ilka the Idea of palming
elf such a bill In the gviee of municipal
ownerahlp and in thla he was bached
by Msttes. who said that tha bill waa
beind paraded aa a municipal ownerahlp
bill when It was not municipal ownership,
Vie objected, to. democrats attempting to
brand It aa a democratic ida or connect
ing it In any way with the democratlo
principal of municipal ownerahlp.
HeweO lauded tha democratlo party as
tha real friend of the people and the
republican party as the corporation party
Cemaaltlee ta ri-temdlr
Tha conference committee finally named
la friendly te the bill, ceualstlng of Saun
ders of Douglas, lta author; Mallery of
llox Butte and Deal at Cuater. Baundera
hlmeelf. was allowed to name thla- com
mlttee after a hard flsht on tha part of
tha oppononta of the amendment led by
Mattes of Otoe, to name a committee
that tha friends of ha amendment deemed
hostile to It
The amendment allows the Omaha
Water board to so Into the electric light
imlnes only after an appraisal of ,the
xl-tln privately owned electric light
lant and a purchase approved by the
enple of thla plant, the appralaers to al
nothing far franchise value,
alatrs Object lea.
The chief objection urged by Haltes and
practically ail who opposed the bouae
intendment waa that only alkty daya was
allowed for tha appraiaal, a period
hort aa to. be ipractloally Impoaalbla
lhey alao urged that It was lust
reasonable to appoint a conference com
mittee oppoaed to Ui a amendment aa to
tppnint a oonlereaoe committee conalatlng
tf its friends.
The democrats resented the charges
made by IvxJjre and Qulnby that Thomp
ton was lobbying for th eblll. Wilson of
)ode and Robertaon of Holt both state
that Thompson had been in the chamber,
but thut hta business there concerned the
lro.aed adoption of the Alt and ltxon
survoy. nn entirely different matter.
Uutftte Makea t'karae.
lod then nmtte the asaartl'm, 'al
tliuuah lie sijk with rirtaln quallfUa
tluna and snmo dare ot admit tod vm
trtalnt', that Thont!anh hud been re
tained aa attorney for the electric light
After alellery'a amenUirirnt tu appoint
a friendly committee, for conference had
carried. Tha vote waa then taken on
the main proposition of concurrence. A
motion not to concur rarrks by n vote
f eighteen to fifteen. The 'vote waa:
Ayes (against the amndment
Hutinnsa Mattea
(iatea filler
(irac Kuden
Henry eiencer
more hllla wte aenl to the irsiaiaiur
today by Gorcrnor Moehead and were In
troduced In the lower chamber as H. R.
Noa. 7KI and TO.
The former measure was formally In
troduced by the Oase county delesatlon
and provides that school board members
In cities of to Mfttti shall be elected
for terms of six year, one-third to 1
ehieen every two year.
Tha second Mil confers special powers
en the eta to veterinarian and tha live-
etock sanitary board, to make and en
force quarantine regulations governing
Interatate ahlpmenta of etock, to brlna
about the crn'llcntlon of contngloua and
Infectious dlsesaea. " Authority Is con
ferred en the l veterinarian and his
assistants te brand or mark Infected
animate in quarantine for the purpose
of Identification. . .
Fm pwercd fe Make Arreata.
They are also empowered to make ar
reata withont warrant. It Is made Incum
bent upon county attorneys to proaccute
violations of the law reported from the
state veterinarian's office.
In another message to the bouae, Gov
ernor Morehead requested that a apodal
ommlttee lie appointed to confer with
htm Wedeneday afternoon on the amount
of an appropriation deemed neoeaaary to
reimburse owncra of cgttle which may be
trilled by erder of the atte veterinarian or
the live etock sanitary board because of
foot and mouth dtseaae.
Committees Warned,
Speaker Jarkaon appointed on this com
mittee Meaara. Hornby, Itegen. Itrant,
Htclnnicyer and Chambers (Thuraton).
The senate named Ktechal, Iahmers, Byg-
land, Weeaner and Robertaon.
While dealing with live stock matters
the house declined to concur In senate
amendments to house roll 272, the bill
fixing the profeaslonal qualifications- of
veterinarians. Tha aenale had tnaerted
provisions allowing noh-graduate practi
tioners to uee the title of "doctor" snd
also permitting anyone to vaccinate hogs
for cholera or cattle for blackleg. Meaara
Puller, Liggett and Harris were named
aa a conference committee.
PAWS, March 31. A statement
indicating that a German submarine
may have heed sunk by a French
cruiser was given out today by the
ministry of marine. It Is as follows.
"Yestarday afternoon a French light
rruleer sighted a German nubmarlne
maneuvering on the aurfaee off Dieppe.
The crtilaer Immediately gave chaae.
forcing the submarine to dive, firing
meanwhile at the periscope and turning
in order to ram It with the bow.
"The cruiser pursed above the submar
ine at the moment the periscope disap
peared, and from the spot where the
aubmarlne waa laat seen quantities of oil
floated to the surface."
British Freighter Sank.
LONDON. March 31. The F.llerman line
steamer Flamlnlan; with a general cargo
from Olaagow to Cape Town, waa aunk
off Bctlly Inland Monday, March 29, pre
aumablv by the German aubmarlne U-M.
Thla la the aame veaeel that waa ro-
ported sunk laat nluht. It name was
not then known. It had no paaaengera
on board. Its crew of thirty-nine men
took to their boats and were picked up by
the Danlah steamer, ('Inlander, and
landed at Holyhead this morning.
The Itrltlah ateamcr Flamlnlan waa of
2.318 net tons. Shipping records locsted
It at London oil March 8.
The Flamlnlan sighted the 17-28 t 1:15
o'clock Monday sfternoon. The crew at
once prepared to lower the boats, and at
the aame time the veaeel waa arnt ahead 1 1
at full speed. , The submarine eaally over
hauled it, however, and fired three ehota,
algnalling It to stop. Tha Flamlnlan waa
stopped and the crew, abandoning all
personal belonging, got off In small
boats. ' The submarine then fired ten
shots at the steamer. These appeared to
bn Ineffective and accordingly a torpedo
was discharged. This sent the Flamlnlan
to the bottom.
aaa In special stocks, particularly auto
mobile 'amies snd other pelnltles which
have profited more or less by war con
tracta. Thcae showed further galna of
I to I points.
United Statea Bteel was the only specu
lative favorite to ahow mire than a mod
erate amount of trading. .
A considerable part of the buying
orders was placed by commiaaion hounea,
indicating that much of the demand
came from out-of-town source. The
main Impulse back of the continued ad
vance was the Increaalng growth of tl.e
country's foreign trade and the eae of
Walker Gives Site in
Colorado for Home
for Newspaper Men
NEW YORK, March 31. -John Brlsben
Wajkcr, formerly a magaxlne publisher
hcr, now retired to a Colorado eatate,
nnfiounced through the editor and pub
11 her today an offer to give a alte of
f'tty acres at Mount Morriaon, Colo., to
iKtabtlah a home for newspapermen. Mr.
tValkcr atate that he had reached tho
Ucciaion to offer the gift after confer
ences with New Tork journalists.
In his announcement Mr. Walker de
clared that "although no profesalon
makes more serious demands upon the
health of its members thsn thst of
Journalism, no attempt haa been made
up to thla time to establish a country
home, where tboso who have given their
beat efforts to the press may find a re
treat In the event of a temporary or per
manent breakdown."
Apartments, flats, houses and cottaeri
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Uee "For Rent" Ad.
Wheat Cargo of
tho Frye Not Owned
in the United States
Quinby's Taste
Is Jarred by the
Senate Frescoes
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, March 81. (Special.) VThat
the mural decorations on the walls of the
WASHINGTON. Msrch Hi-It has been senate are a disgrace to Nebraska and
established to the satisfaction of tha
Bute department that tha wheat cargo
of the American nailing ship William H.
Frye was not Americsn owned when the
ship wss sunk by the Prins Eltel Fried
rich and the American note, which will
v iuiwb.u w " .... .. . ...... , w ... ,-. 1 ,1
presented will ask only payment for the lT l""
ought to be painted out was the teat ot
la resolution offered this morning by ban-
Is lor Qulnby.
Although the member from Douglas
I pleaded seriously - for his resolution, the
members refused to tska It other than
hull of tha Frye,
I the artist had evidently done his worst
Officials take the position that there intentionally that the decorations might
waa no warrant In International law for l narmony wun me rest ot tne state
tha sinking of thn Frye and they expect house,
Germany will readily consent to pay
dsmsge arid express regreti
Counsal Lanaing ot the Mate depart
ment conferred with President Wilson
Howell offered tha suggestion that' lie
new knew what had made his Douglas
oounty collesgue so irritable.
The lieutenant governor finally ruled
tday ovsr the nnta on tha subject which that tha resolution be made a spealal or-
soon will be dispatched to IlerlTh.
der of hualneea for nesi Fourth ef July.
Agree.on Transfer of
Normal School Fund
(From a Ptaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Msrch 8t-(peclal.) Threa
members ot the State Normal School
hoard. Majors, Cavlness and Hayes, mat
atth Ftate Auditor Smith and Plata i
Dills Pasaeal ta Hoaae.
H. n. is To arrange boundary line be
tween luwa and Nebraska,
t If ftl t.M.uuABa Min.k. Cllu Mim,
mission to lay out and Improve boule- Treasurer Han today and reached .an
varda agreement concerning the transfer of
H. r . tax r-ermita removal or certain f,i. .Th. u.j i.ih. n..
iibh iruiii ttiivi wwtviiw a.iu nvn i .... .... ...
ale to defray coat of handling. "' n0" ana tne noara aesires to use
11. H. 7 1'rov dra that in suits to eoi- some or the money that It originally set
loct rentals the defendant must give bund txmti for other schools for that instltu-
III ul'H T V"itiri m vwiivmusiHvaj,
11. K. tli-l'rovldea that after real eatste
haa len offered twlca for sale under I The Board of Control was not allowed
man ant ee r- 1 a h.,. v... .t.
than two-lhlrds of" . 1 . ,r"",ur
iniaao im apecuio appropriations for tne
s eesner
Wilstin of IHxIie
Wilson of Frontier
V IllK
Nas tfor the amendment)
Heal Howell
tlrdford Klechel
Hrockisy (Julnby
Huvhee . Itobertson
Hysjand alulaU
1'iMlue 'aundrs
I x, ui net t Bhumaay
Kuaaalnd .
Republicans Plan to
Hold Big Banquet
(From a Ktaff Correepeadent.)
LINCOLN, March' SI. ((Special. -Tomorrow
Is "April Fool Lay," and rapub
Itcsas connected with the iegialature pro
rose to foci the democrats by pulling off
a gathering which will apeak vulumea for
the future. The occasion will bring forth
some of the beat known lepubllcan ora
tors Ui Nebraska.
Tha banquet will be served at the Llu
oell hotel and all republicans are In
tiled ta be present and of any democrats
are seeking salvation they will not be
denlsd a placa,.
Amos Thumaa of Omaha may be con
ferred with for aaslgnmanta and tickets
or a letter with tt enclosed sent to Sen
ator Earl Mailers at Lincoln will fix
things for a seat at tha table.
Terre Haute Defense
Completes Its Case
INDIANAPOLIS, lad, March 51,-The
defense ta the Terra Haute lection
fraud rasa la, the Vnttad Ftales district
court bare, completed its side of the vase
shortly aftar't eretocg thlsafteraoon.
t'ourt waa then adjourned until to tour
row. when the government wUl begin
its rebuttal.
appraised fr more
ah;s first fixed.
Moseiey Hill Fixing a minimum sgeofHarloua institutions. In tha case of the
i 'or.';,nuo,n " Normal board the money la divided by,
II, K. 4S-Prohlblllng minors under 18 resolution of the bosrd itself In the first
years of age to have alrguna and making I place,
it a miauumeanor to aeu main su n
II. U. TIS-Uiitltlea civilians who pass
aallsfactory examination to receive jiau-
tenanl cuiumlaalons In rttserva militia.
touts Reeammeadatt ta Faae by lleass
t ommlttee of Whole.
B. F. il-Requlrlng a W per cent petition
te eecure paving in vlllasss and second
class t itles.
8. V. l.'.V-Provillng that fi.OOO copies of
the Session laws. I.OuO ho us Journals and
I, (AO senala journals shall be printed and
uiatribuie by me aiata.
Senate Committee of the Whole,
II. R. eUi, Dates of Cheyenne Provides
... -.r, ... b . I . . , . m k. 1 i ,
iiioiiaya now divided on basia of number I Precepuoiy,
IUnrrucrn,re.mmu,lon form of Sales on the Stock
Exchange Largest
Since Opening of War
NOW TORK, March 1 -All ' records
or activity on tha Stock exchange since
he closing days of laat July when the
local market waa In a state of demoral
isation because of the Furopean altua-
tloa. were broken today. In tha first two
houra sales exceeded tOO.OOO shsres. In
the afternoon, however, trading fell away
The finest ever brewed In Omaha, n
lii.kl,t and in bottlea on and after April
of pupils; bill pruyoaes to divide eue-
fourth of moneys on basis of territory.
It. It. r. Hti antr of Thomas-Adopts
Dixon and Alt resurvev for boundary
lines of school lands in Urant and Hooker
H. K. IM. Kberman Provldoa thit
Judges and clerks of elections ta country
piecliH'ta shall receive 3D ceuta per hour
aa tuna aa iney work.
b. k. us. ui'ira or faiine rrovidea tor
ascertaining the amount of freight due
al uistination on carload lota ana penalty
or collection of more tan tne amount
II. R. VH, nafoe and Johnson Amends
pure food law so a a to Imlucte Imitation
Jelllea and preserves among the fooUa that
must tie oramlot aa to limreilienta.
It. It. J&. lafoa and Johnson Amend
ment to welghta and nieasurea law, di
viding the state Into els dlatruu for
puiiHisea of invpection.
11. K. n Hunter or Douglas Provides
for an audit, of Omaha water board by
atata auditor.
II. It. 13. Lancaster County Delegation
Makea more specific the power of the
city to compel proerty owners to con
nect up with sanitary sewers.
II. K. lis. Lanc aster ( ountv He ega on
Perinlta Un.oln city council to l-ave
within limit of 8.VO fret of the city hall
upon a !' per cent petition of property
owners ariectea
Bllla Killed by the geaale Tom.
mlttee of the Whole.
S P. II T. Dodge of Pouglaav-Newapaper
publication of eaJoon license applications
need be la a turner of svnerer circu
lation' insuaf of the uncertain one with
"largest" circulation.-
Makea Ol reel 1.1 be 1,
'( auffered with kfclney ailment tor two
years." wrttea Mrs, M. A. Vrtdgea. Ho bis
bob. Miss., "and commenovd taking Foley
Kidney Fllla about tan fnontha ago. I
am now able to do aU my work without
fatigue. I am now ct years of age and
feel like a lt-year-oUl girl. ' Foley Kid
ney Pllla strengthen snd Invlgorste weak,
tired and deranged kidneys; relieve beck-'
ache, weak beck, rheumatism aad blad
der trouble. They are tonic la action.
A large pro per tion of the early business
Even A
Day's Delay
in making your Will
uml appointing a reli
able Kxeoutor may
make quite a difference
to your estate.
Appoint the Peter
Trust Company in tbia
capacity then you aro
sure of Baf ety and care
ful management.
Capital and Surplus
Sale Announcements
Made by
TU House of Menagk
1613 Farnam St.
For Thursday's Consideration
A $25.00 Salt of
Easter Suits and Coats
The usual House of
Menagh qualities that
are worth S30t 1
$35 and $40
Silk Suits and
Wool Suits, in Fancy
... Semi-Tailored and , ,
, r ' .Tailored Models.
, .
A comparison is invited.
A $193 Sale of
Trimmed Hats
These hats are
designed by the best
milliners In New York.
They usually sell for
' $7.50 to $15.
An April Sale of
Muslin Underwear
At 1.0) you can
find near French gowns,
combinations, enoe
lope chemise.
At 7$cyo will find
some wonderfully well
. made gowns.
Come Early.
The House of Menagh
7a Sfere fr Cearfsyasisa
is comparatively slender there is no mistake
about that but it is individual. The figure is
beautifully modelled not shapeless as in the past
two years; and this trim, erect military pose is not
secured at the expense of comfort quite the con
trarythe corset is only felt for its comfortable
Tht waist is smaller, but in effect only slightly
curved at the sides, and the bust is firm and deli
cately rounded. The length of skirt is suited to
the site and height of the wearer. The figure is
individually corsetted, as it were.
The new lines, in fact, are exactly those shown in
the new model
Why not, since they are designed according to
ideas suggested by style creators as the founda
tion the new fashions would require. We have
many models in the Redfern each an individual
one for the type intended, and we take pleasure
in fitting Redfern Corsets, since they always give
Priced $3.50 Upwards Be Fitted
Corset Section Third Floor
. i.
The Store for
The Easter Week Special
of Fine Blouses for
New models added each
day, Crepe de Chine,
Georgette Crepe; hand
embroidered French
Voiles, $5.95,
Other Waists
95c to $16.50
Beautiful Hand Tailored Suits
19.50, 24.50, 29.50, 33.75, 35
It's a generous offering of a host of
handsome new styles not merely
a few models from which to make
a selection. A wide range of col
ors and fabrics. Unusual values
at these prices.
Apparel SectionSecond Floor
World Motor Bike Free
A picture of the bicycle) will be In
The) Be every day.
Cut tbem nil out and ask your friends
to save the pictures in their paper for
you, too. See how many pictures you
tan get and bring them to "The Bee
office, Saturday, April 10. .
The bicycle will be given Free
to tho boy or girl that sends
us the most pictures before
4 p. m., Saturday, April 10:
Subscribers can help the chil
dren in the contest by asking for
picture certificates -when they
pay their subscription. We give
a certificate good for 100 pictures
for every dollar paid.
i Northwestern University-
College of Engineering
Tfve yasre ot bread, thsrougn trslalng;
small claaaee. la which each student receives
sn unusual amount ot rndlrtdusl attention)
from besS srelnsors. Bzesllset eelldlnsv
aiMlsned tor Us purpose, with ua-te-date ap
paratus. Unsurpsaswl opportunities t M
sreat .nglneerlng projMts od to ateM sl
neert. A younc organisation, unhampered or
embarrassing traditions. Writ, tor "Beat
prapsraUoa tor Jtsslnewtag" and "booklet ot
jour T. KA-rromD, Director
Beaastea. Illinois.
I. i
Most Modern and Sanitary Brewery In the West.
Family trade supplied byt South Omaha WM. JKTTER, 2503 N
Street: Telephone South H3. Omaha HI' tiO F. ItlLZ, 1324 Douglas
Street: Phone Itotiglas 340. Connril Bluffs OLD AGE HAH, 1312 South
Sixth Street; I'hone 8023.
TTl 0 JT
M lV
Eoom Without Bath ,$1.00 single; $1.50 double
Room With Bath $1.50 single; $2,00 double
Room With Bath $2.00 single; $3.00 double
Suites Parlor, Bed Room and Bath $100 double
Sample Rooms, With Bath. . . v .$2.00, $2.50 and $3.00
Mnateal anlrleja, atteia ft Kama,
Xeao. Welob ft Melroee. Xeyt, .
Stela ft Kalej aa
. Ilobt. Warwick,
In Ills Greatest Euoceas,
"The Man Who Found Himself"
New Show Sunday.
Tonlffbt aad Week
With TandeeUle Veatnre, Gladys
Blahop, Cy'o" aad Others. Mate.,
W ed., Thuro., Bet., sse : M tshta. M.eoe
Wait Week, The aTlffer; Taes Bo
elsty Itlsht. The West tHatere'
fttxlar Quartette,
Dally Mat.
Bears 1 VasO-76o.
AtTD a oooa OKI
la Joe MawarS's P.rpMusI Dllakt, "A Srowf
tUc.yaooa." BweMMt, lirssaMst. Stsatea)
la Builo,u. ., '
Ladles' Dime Matinee Week BJi,
Sua a W: Ab. R.ysoio. A "The Cellsse Olri."
gg , a S9TASUI.1
raose dcbst. see
Bally Msi, 845
Mla-bt. 2:15
Other sou 1 Mm JiaH, vttvm v.
Hrown A Co., T Oaiei
V.nllr. Mr. A Vr.
Jlmmr Bsrrr. Rivos A HirrlMB. Krnl. a Km..
Orphnra Trai.l WsHy. Prtrw: M.lloee, Ul
lrr. lci bt Bats (eirspt Ssturtar aa Bwi
uv). Sr. Nilin. lr. ttt. fc snd lie.
Mr. and Mrs.
Carte Se Baeea
repola Musical rrorrasm
10.1 a. SO eente to holders ot member
sbipa. Reserve aeata at Boa
it Hoaiot PtramQunt Picture.
Faaaoaa Flayer Wiwoasteaa Ceasedy.
1. r-iicne Oias. btors I Web. 1vO) for
iae lui ) our bemc.
bo 14 everywhere. Advertlseiucut.