8 Tim HKK: OMAHA, WrlPNEKDAV, MARCH 101.V By MELLIFICIA. Tuesday, March 30, 1915. ARE you planning to move (his spring? And If not, ire you consid ering your garden? These are the two vlUl questions of the restless days of early spring. At every function, no matter how Inconsistent, flower talk predominates. To belong to a sewing clans la desirable, but to belong to a garden club or coterie Is necessary. Not many people, as usual, seem to be moving .this year; most an satisfied with the present roof, but every year more are. Interesting them selves in growing things. Mra. C. C. Allison, who la fuQ enthusiastic over her gardens at "Rosemere," la experimenting constantly with all sorts of new varieties of roses. There are roses, roses everywhere at Rosemere. Trailing roses, rose bushes, trellis of roses, roces the most unusual greet you, when you go to Rosemere. Mrs. Lawrie Cbilds haa literally thousands of floral specimens around her estate, "Maxweltoh." The iris holds a favored place In her heart, and ia mid-summer the water lilies below the hill at Maxwelton are a chsrnHnR rarity.-- She -told me the other day that the pussy willows in the woods of her place have long been out, and now they are waiting for the Witch Harel blossom, which mill soon fill the thickets. j Mrs. luls Nash does not spend ao much time in variety at "Naab wood.'V Her attractive hedge of crimson ramblers takea all of ber time. This hedge' extends entirely around her place and makes a veritable hill of color from the road. Carter Lake Club. The Carter t-alte Pnirr.mlng and Howl ing club entrrtalnrd at luncheon Mon day at t!i Oommerrlai Hub and aftrr wards bowled at th Karnnm alley. The Mh score via made tjr Mrs.. C. M. Johnson's band. The member present included: Memtmnoii T. A. Kiwis ml, it. I. lnrirwood, 11. O. Piorman. William H. Gould, W. J. r'atttn, J. XI. f flinlrk. Ij . Ool'lptrom, V. J. Levering, Mrslamea A, J. PITnn, Frank i'arnenter. J. A. H"Kr., It. n. Whitehall, M. M. llHKWtt, II. J. Harkett. C M. Johnson. Charles Movers, Eaater Part A! ma Kathryn Pmlth sara 'an Easier party Monday afternoon at ber horn. The table wu decorated with Kaeter llilea and Easter novelties. Those pres ent wens: MiM-S J'.lla Korcerson, Knthertn ThHufnoon. Ionise MeKwan, li'ith reler.n, j:thr U'eldner. Violet Brolchle, MIhiks Milrire.l klopp, I orl Peterson, . Ktlif h Hurshsrdt. Kvelyn rioronette, MUdys Venatle, Kathryn Pinllh. Merle Oldflrld. Tor Trof. Flinz, Mr. and Mrs. Janiea Richardson will entertain at dinner this evening at their Jiome complimentary to Prof. Flinty who delivers the lt of his lecture aeries this eVcninc In the rlty hall. The tahle will te decorated with Jonquills and covers will bo i .laced for: llpwri.- Mepsr. Tret. F. M. Fllnx, ,Frnk Woodland. MIum- , Mtveo Kete MeMusTi. J.miia Yand'.'l. Mr. and Mrs, James Richardson. , At Prairie Park. The 1 follawlnff guests attended the Prairie rrk club's dsnrlng party 8ut urday evening: . . Measrs. and Mesilanies William B, , H. J. fr-annell, Mewart, Jr.': ' U. J. Weherg, Klmer V. Conley, S. M. Kent, ur. U. II. Mallard, (.'. C. Haynes, C. I., Pf-esnn JLr. V. i!. Ulster, I'.. A. Ui-kn, Wttltam 8. Iree, 'llohart .!. W'elia, S'utt K. Iteshiol. .IcuM'h Innafellner. William Ktk William II. llatner, W. M. flark, I., il. L'laiiop, I.o'll. Nelson. I mnH A, Parflun, .. Hunt. A. A. Widnnieyer, K. H. Hralnerd, Mfj'lnme 8. S. Walt. Miners ! Wait, l-.tln-l M'Tkan. J'hylllM Wrlei, iilala Ambler, ISracp litinl, .MpMrB. iank l ee. C 1.. Aiickey, U U f'arr. lluarU Itratiden, Kcnyon Mnlin, Fred Wedemeyer, Daniel Uart. llohart II. I.aals, II. tl. King. I'', J. I'MlllpH, J. M. Nurrls. Kiard a. ( !, 'Iisrlea Neff, Jr. .1. Hex MelL 11. J. Birkler. W. W. Kerr, M lanes Kvm lavery. Allro I'lement, I'orla eteraii, Kliiel Weldner, Meara- iillHin M. Kent, Cers W, Oardner, ieorne Mulnml. ;e(ir. V, Abliott, Ilayuiuixl I'oHell,. Fred iteliuc trier, hips, carried but seventy passengers. Tha siX'day trip made In ten days. Mlas Shorter has visited In Omaha sev eral times before. News of the Wayfareri. .Mr. and Mrs. II. R. Itowen and in, Raymond, are spentlm the week In Chi cago. Registered at the Klma hotel In Kx celclor Hprtngs are Mr. and Mr. Charles M. (iarv..y, Meadanva John U Webster, George H. Prlng and F. If. Davis. On the Calendar. . The Twinkle club will give a masquer ade dancing- party this evening at the .Metropolitan club. .- . .- In place tit the usual week-end dance ine mind Pork club' will give a' mas querade Hatiudny evening, .April S, at their clilb houso. Tills party will be for niomorr Only. ( Penonal Mention. : .: ' Mr. and Mrs.' AV Pomberg of Klk i.ree. .Neb., are spending the. week In Omaha st the Vontenelle. ', , Mr. Clarenoo Dcrlow, eon of Mrs. Al fred Darlow. who. Is atunding Cornell university, wilt spend Easter holidays with friends In Baltimore.. Cutllsie V. Allan. whV la atudvinv architecture at tho University of Illinois, will fpend the Ranter holidays with his pnrtnta at 817 Fouth ThlrtyJeeventh street. Mr. Allan . was editor-in-rhief of the Omaha Jlinh Brhool ReKlater during', his senior year, and Is now cornected with tho "Pally,IUlnl,."and the VSnout," the srhool papers at the Illinois university. , Grain Receipts Are ana rnces i Make Slight Rise While recdluts tin the Omaha Grain ex. change were light, the market was strong lo higher, wheat advancing IMWPb cents per bushel 'and selling at i!.4at 47U There were sixteen carloads on sale. Corn ruedo a gain of rst of a cent. prices ranging from 6 to t', oents, with There were but elcht cara of oata. shi.-K sold ot WiSl cents, 4 cent up from Mon- '.-.' LIKES HUBBY HO. 2 BETTERTHAH K0.1 So Mri. Delia Terrii Goei on Wit ness Stand for Second Husband in Suit Against First. OLSEN IS SUING FOR $5,000 Mrs. Delia Ferris, pretty 21 -year-old y, fe, who as a witness is defend ing GrandlRon Ferris, hunband No. 2, In a $25,001? t brought by Krnest Olnen, husband No. 1, for alleged alienation of ber affections, Is unabls to say why she prefers Ferris to Ol aen. She now loves Ferris and dls likeiTOIsen, but refuses to try to give a resson. Hhe was asked the asme question laet Dectmber when the raso wss first tried snd resulted in a .-.,rti0 verdirt. afterwanl set aalde by District Judge Troup. "Just look at htm," she said then, directing her psso toward her husband and smiling. "That will explain why." That OWn was too attentive during the time he was married to. her Is urged by the defense as the reason why he lost her affections. Olsen maintains however. that Ferris, who Is only SO years old and inherited a valuable farm In Buffalo county, persuaded her to love him rather than her first husband. . Mr. and Mrs. Ferris first met st a dance In the Douglas auditorium. - Affects Ilia Ilenltfa. Oliien, who Is a I'nlon Fsclfio, fireman, testified on the witness tand that the loss of his wife hsd affected his health and caused him acute suffering. He as serted that while she was still bis wife he found her and Ferris In her room at Twentieth and Douglaa streets early in the morning of October. 13. 3913. They were partially disrobed, he declared. Mrs. Ferris denies the latter statement, explaining that she had akcd Ferris by telephone- to take her to breakfast and that he hsd just arrived when Olsen made his appearance. Several witnesses for Olsen testified that they had seen Ferris and Mrs. Ferris together prior to their marriage. Ferris . is now engaged In running a jitney bus in Omaha. Treasury Official is Here to Inspect Federal Building Numerous Improvements In the nuartera of the Omaha pnstoffire department were outlined to A. B. Rider of Washington, I). C. superintendent of construct tt for the Tress-ury department, who ; her Inspecting the Omsha federal building. It Is planned to Install a new and larger window for psreel post peck aires and new drop boxee for letters. Other contemplated Improvements include painting the tn tarlor of the postofflee work room and reconstruction of the msl! platform, drive way and fence on the Seventeenth street side of tha building. , "Ore Throat sad Cheat. . Quickly relieved by Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Iloney. It eases the' throat, soothes the lungs, loosens . phlegm.. 'Only' 25c. 'All druggists, Advertisement. JAMES GREEN BURIED IN - WEST t-AWN CEMETERY The funeral of. the late James Green was held from the Crosby undertaking parlors yesterday ' with . burtal in . West Uwn cemetery. Among those In attend anoa were two brothers, Jerry S.' Green. Davenport,-la..-a lecturer for the Odd Fellows for thlrly-flv years, and A. M. Creen of the same city, besides two sis ters, Mrs.. Martha. ' Brenner,'- Arapahoe, Neb., and Mrs, Jennie " Peters,' Kvsa City." i , '.'..'. , Mr Green leaves a-widow - and - two children. Me Was found dead In bed dun day morning. ' A post .mortem revealed the fact that he died from enlargement of the heart and hardening of the heart valves. . : . Colle-e Women Have Guest Miss Vlda Hunt Francis of I'lille dciphla, national soci clary for the Asso ciation of Collrnlale Aluiunue, who will be honor gutt at the college women's luncheon at tho Commercial club Thurs day, srttvfs In Omaha Into YVednceday afternoon. Miss Kradci wilt be c uter is InM at dinner Informally Wednesday evening. Surprise Parties. A birthday nuiprlro party was given In honor of Miss Grace Schneider Saturilay evening at' her bon.c tn 13noii. The eveHng; aen In game ant) musk'. Tivee present cr: Jllles a V nioi e, M.vrtle Tlmir.rt. Lilhatt li.ilnirutn, i-UMon Tliiiiur, MUncf I-ut Johns' n. (iia.e Hctuied r, 1 1 no 1 itiunc. Louise Tiiume, Slfti Vlicr IlofWrc, SVIIliert hchm liier, I-? Ivinn HchneiOer, l 'loyti Johnsun lias lae4 lkialerlts'l Cesfh Remedy far Tweilr Tears. "Chamberlain's Cough rtemedy has been used la my household for the last twenty years. I besnn giving It to my children when they were small. As a quick re lief for croup, whooping cough and or (Unary colds, It has no equal. Being free from opium and other harmful drugs, I never felt afraid to give it to the children. I have recommended it to a large num ber of frlrnda ar.d neighbors, who have used it and speak highly of It," writes Mrs. Mary Mlnke, ghortsvtlle, N. V. Obtainable everywhere, Advertisement. " Body of F. I. Ellick is Placed in Grave The body of F. I. Ktllc k, general a-an-agor of the Omaha Printing company, placed in the receiving vault after ha v. Ing been brought from California, was Uken out and burled lit the family lot in Koret -Jn, friends from the print Ir.g company fenm-th lesal depart ment of the fnt n Pacific asslsling. Mr. Klllck died in California. Vhere he had gone for a rest, foil owliiir k ltm lll,,i hrcldent to a breaking down of his heMh. Fred Tlnime, Hobcrt ooie. I'onald Kllinrtun. D( 01,-on. N liiia'ii llilin.-k. :t..i. ni Mctdainen H . it. John.u. William T. Fchneidcr. Sllniiie Tiiniue. II. C Timive, MIks Malic Jorgtnaon wss honor guest at a aurprise party Monday evening lit honor of her twentieth birthday anniver sary. Kho reclvod several bcautlfvil gift of lloers. .Tho evening was spin In music and game. I'rlien wero awardxil to Mieaea lJMa lKc. Mary Lac.Mesar Datld Lt. tieva ll' ii -y and Ilcnrv lse. . The gucsla present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Jorisnat-n. M'-sdaiiira A. l.i 11 hi, J H. U'jreutsen. .Mitrm Jorgettsen, I only Uliler, Lilian Ikc. " Mur I.khc. Mur liaiiiicn. Vcia Jlen4ey, Anna Jurgenaen, ilrMrl.- Joseph traer, Hf-ory Itse, KikIoIi'Ii liKlnrni. Arll.ur Walntroni. Masters Nels J"tci.w n and Aage Lor-eutMrn. Messrs. iner Walstrom, lHii l.rfg.-. Adolpli Linse. Informal Lancbeo" Mr. Chester Iudl-y entertained Infor mally at luineoii toy at her home la t'bumll Hluffs. Tne tvble whs attractively decorated with spring flowers and covers w-ere iwl4 for: Mlw- Mlsjies .eiiie lnlun. Tlicrta rtorfheliit, 11. K B i.l curler, Mnriiv tlowiand. Hcliblx Girl Wedi in Omaba Iorihy gi.oiir of t'owes. Isle of Wight, lusiu'iJ. ariixed Monday to b the jacut i.f her ttolljer. Mr. Kted fchoiter, n irt siLorter. Miss r'lioi-ter w:ll ts inaTicd AiU T lo Jlr. Arthur Jl' rio of iJenver. The weiiding will l i.ie'. rct.d at l.lvb nMin at the I liuich ytt-t e'K.rtcr sensed on lh Megsntlc, li !: ttn:n one of the largest stism- Mm m V ' e , s - - , NTK. 1 1 x'vrs I S .V -a I lei V&r MNDoonsN i s oftea wealena area a ktropv rantJHitt.a nowa ia aenroua STmptoois, laa foot and repeated colJs. RCflTT'Q rtnteinu i'i.i. 1 .wa u bJiVJUtlU.l ia BCjpulgj snvuMuiua wvery osr) Harare oil-food enriches the blood, Ida the lunra It is a strenrth-aostal ninj toale free from alcokoL try it. Makes Stubborn Coughs Vanltk in a Hurry farartatagly Ceed Ceagh tjrmg CCaslly aad Cheaaly Mad at Basse If some-one in your family has an ob stinate coujjlt or a bad throat or chest cold that haa been hanging on aud refuses to yield to treatment, gef from any drug store 2V4 ounces of Pine and ruake it into a pint of cough ayrup, and watch that cough Tsjiisb. Pour the iy, ounces of Pines (r0 cents worth) into a pint bottle and All the bottle with plain granulated sugar ayrup. Tha total cost is about fit cent:;, and ives you a full pint a family supply-of a most effective remedy, at a saving of 2. A dav'a use will usually overcome a bard cough. Kasilr prepared in 0 minutes full directions with Pinex. Keeps perfectly and has a pleasant taste. Children like it. It'a really remarkable bow promptly and easily jt loosens tha drv. hoarse or tight cough and heals the inflamed mem brsnes in a painful cough. It also stops the formation of phlegm in the throat and bronchial tubes, thus ending the per sistent loose cough. A splendid remedy for bronchitis, winter roughs, bronchial asthma and whooping cough. Pinex ia a special and highly concen trated compound of genuine Norway pio titrsct, rich in guaiacol, which is so eating to the membranes. t Avoid disappointment by asking your druggist for ''2V ounces of Pinex?' and dp not accept anvthlng else. A guarantee of absolute satisfaction goes with this preparation or inonev promptly refunded, she Piuex Co., tt. Wayne, ImL Make Teething Easy for Baby use . Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrcj A SPLENDID REGULATOR rt'RCLY ITGETASLE-tiQT NARCOTIC ? FLITTOi 8? Telephoae Song. t83. ") .. ' . . -- ' COME IN AND INSPECT OUR DISPLAY FOR EASTER MRS. T. E. BRADY & CO., 304 So. JSih St. K J r-.r f M J i ? 1 See the New Arrivals in IVhite Suits Julius ton 1510 DOXJOIavZkS ST. The Waut Store of the Town." Announcing ' ( For Easter Wear hi S , ' unto Julius Or kin Suits At $25 Are values for which many women would gladly pay $35.00, and include exclusive styles In 'Gabardines, Series, Shepherd Checks, Coverts and Novelties, - In the latest colors. We spe cialise in sulfa at $25.00, tha enormous patronage we have built up on them enabling us to aell at a very close margin and till retain a satisfactory profit. Julius Orkin Suits At $35, Beprosent values and styles that cannot be obtained elsewhere in tha West A ' big selection of tailored models of which we ahow but two or three of a kind, in both silk and ntw cloths. These are $50 values. Waist Styles and Values that 'r Makez.This" Store, a Leader T remwkavbla showing of .niperiliit rain. SoorM of stylea ta eriip,: ew. atrSped acdplala crep' do cblneft, eflk ponsees. oandf itrtpefl. awliiailakaa m ivl aval an' anau4Ti mssIaaJ smsY . , -s viast v ss svg smim airvvtaat I $3.95' arid 05.00 "Hasty Lunch" For Busy Men ml Daily from now on in the Men's Cafe and Grille. Your choice of two combinations at fifty cents. Served in a manner very especial to savex the time of the busy man. Liberal value at a most modest price and an added value inv conserving your noon-day hour. Usual a la Carte service at such expense as you shall say. Everything cooked and served better than anywhere else in town. "Built for You to Enjoy."' HOTEL fTONTENELLE Call the iRiUM Before Easter Maybe 70a won't even have ta bny in Eaater Suit. You'll . have the same sensation tf too let the Pantorlnm "Easter lze" your 1014 suit. . A thorough Pantorlnm treatment puts the NEW In. The eharse la not above the average. And 70a are re lieved of the anxiety regarding the finished results. - The quality of Pantorlnm service la known everywhere in Omaha and . the awrounding territory. Quick, reliable . motor service. . All work left before Friday noon will be delivered Saturday night If desired. THE PANTORIUM "Oooa daaaeca and Dyers." M15.1t Jones Bt. rksaa Bomg. S3. UT XMQWCr, rraa. araaeh Offioe, aoi raraam Street. Bo. oaiana ornea, saa Jio. 84ta -St. So. Omaha Faeaa, , souta lasa. Swap Anything in the "Swapper Column Take Occasion By The Hand on Wednesday! It s a; pretty and worthy custom the putting on of something new at Easter Time. Our heads of departments have met .in council, and paraphrasing Tennyson they know the' seasons, when to take occasion by the hand, and make the bounds of business wider yet. Silk Stockings When in doubt, instinctively people buy stockings, the silk kind, the Kilpatrick quality. Wednesday, at 10 a. m., a stock ing sale -white, taupe, sand and all the shapes, colors and tints and blacksthe fast and lustrous kinds. These do not bear the maker's stamp. We bought them from Lord & Taylor, the distributors of the 'famous Onyx brand, the same quality of stocking sold by JA them to i-etail at $1.00 per pair, Wednesday at 10 a. m., pair . . wC , i , W ednesday we will repeat the Glove Sale which waa SlcirtO staged for Saturday but which was a fizzle because of ' , ' r. ' J. . . i Ny rain and dihagreeable weather. . of the 1915 mtage taftetas and woolens. Two Numbers of Long Silk 16-button lengths, 79? TZ TZ 1 Z and Q8(?, Will be $1.00 and $1.25 hereafter. Chaldron S , Section One lot of Ileal Kid the best colors and black, 98 Mothers are wonderfully drawn to this department. Wednesday instead of $1.25. There are so many attractive features and the children . ' . find so much to amuse them that they all want mother to Women's BlOUSCS take them to 'Patrick 'a again. From the Babe to College Daintiest of .ilk creations at from S2.50 to S25.00 Girl and DTebutant; Suitable uita for the small or lithe rr, , - ... . , . figures. Hats for every age wonderful in variety and Two numbers of pure silk, many embroidered, at $1.29 . . appropriateness. Crepe de Chinesthe popular shades, look like $5.00 grades, for ...2.98 VT T" "71 ' T . . I Undermuslins Cfo ' Special sale of Petticoats, pure wkite, 95 instead T . . . , . ,, f , -, , j of $1.50; S1.89-instead of $3iX); S2.89 instead of Latest arrivals specially made for Laster trade. m, , , v i J $4.00. The present mode of shorter skirts necessitates care in selection of petticoats. "We have provided the wOlVtS daintiest conceptions dainty lacs and delicate embroid- Covrty checks and 'blacks showing the highest eries. You '11 revel in our gathering of attractive lingerie. workmanship and tailored excellence. AND FOB CORSETS see Miss Coleman. 'ei