4 T1JK J3EE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAKtH ill, 19l5. Bringing Up Father Copyright. 114, InUmatlouaJ News 8 . Drawn for The Bee by George McManus ex ;ouuv OH'.MACCic- l I'M ON FIRE.' &R1NC me HELP.'!! , v ice COLLY ' CERTAtNLY ENJOY Ng PIPE- t WHAT DO YOU MEAr-t Bl EENC OUT HER I" JOIf AND JOIN THE c.ucvrs ALL R14HT MACCJE' I I I J I LHJUT MF I I I. II I HQW DO YOU OO WILL YOU tJT down i wih TO PEAK. TOTOU? 7 3 A. A. ARRANGES ITS DATES I 1 Committee Files Schedule Calling J; for 154 Garnet with Preiident Chivington of Association. A . LONG SQUABBLE E5TS ' CHICAGO. March SO.-A t4-gma sohed lila of the American aoclatlon was (tied jnday wltli President Chlvlngton by the schedule committee, which . lies been squabbling about It (or several weeks. fkt reason open April 15 and 'closes ptetnber 1. , ' The following dale were made publlo tonight: Openlns Games Txiulavllle In Colum bus, Indianapolis in Cleveland. Mlnne- rlK.lla In Milwaukee, St. I'aul In Kmual ly. 1 Memorial Day 8t. Paul tn Minneapolis (morning), Mlnneapolla In 8t. I'aul (after- -V Our Kensington Cloth ct at $20. $25 and $30 , .'possess that just ratio be tween quality and price, which has won us a repu tation as value givers. If anything their quality is just a little stronger than their price. For Easter' try one of these Kensingtons. No tiresome waits a n d no needless trips to the tail or shop. You will be prop erly fitted at once and can , wear the Suit right out of the store. i KENMOR fTKOlAU U Wa mil them at tlila low figure becauae we 'know that every KEN MOH SOLD WKANS A IKILTND MADB. . ; 413 South JOttj. , . noon). Milwaukee In Kansas CUy, I.oula vllle In Columbus, lndlanapolla In Cleve lnlcp ndenro Py-Mlnnepoii in mi. 1 . , t mnnMO' u u ill In MinnManollS lafternnoni, Ka'nana City In Milwaukee, IndimiHDolta In Ixmlrvllle. Columbua In Cleveland. ' Lhor IJav Minneapolis in it. i-ui (morninx), Ht. I'aul in Mlnneapolla faft- ernoon), Kaneaa City in Milwaukee, f'lnv.l.n1 In f'nltimVlllfl Tvilllfl-l le i in In dlanapolia. , The achedula -committee waa competed of Oeone Tebeau. Kahaaa City, chair man; M. K. Cantlllon, Mlnneapolla, and Ai V. TImnw, Milwaukee. ' t ' ., Tebeau waa for a l8-tam arhodule. ROADS EARN MORE THAN EYER BEFORE Iowa Expert Says Western Carrieri' i Profits Greatest in History of . the Business. GAINS BEAT THOSE OH FARMS a irreat aucreaa and th proeperta are equally bright for a sucreaeful meet thla J ear. Dick Breen Comes ' ! In from Brooklyn Dirk Ttreen. aecond - aaeker f ir the Rourkea, arrived In Omaha Moaday and jAnM . ..iAm tn l.lf. narl In ihe practice. Breen came from Brooklyn and hla arrival was delayed a rew daya cy an atlark of the arln. which keDt him In Brooklyn, unable to travel. The attack waa light, however, and he declares he la In good condition t- play. Now that Breen la bere, two lull tea ma tan be lined up and some practice games wllll be played. MACKS BEAT CHARLESTON BY THREE TO NOTHING rHARLKSTON. ft. C. March M-The Phiindelohln Americana defeated the Charleston South Atlantic league team here today: Boom: Vhlladalphla Charleaton - 1 llatterlve: Bnawaey, vvyceon nu Thomaa; Catee, Spald and Eubanka, ton- tiolly. . , RICHMOND. Va,, March 36. Harper struck out ulna conaecuUva batter here today In the game between the Washing ton Americana and the Richmond Inter nationals. Beore: R. H. E. Waahlngloa sv .''" I-? Itlchmond .1:.. ............ S S Hatter!: Harper. lientley and Aln smlth; Hhamlln,. Khmllng and Haason. ; SCORES AT PRAIRIE PARK WHIST CLUB FOR MONDAY Scores at the Prairie Tark Whist Monday were as follows. ' . EAST AND WEST. 'W inners. roil and Marttn MrCann and Whelock Abbott and Flcklrr Losers. NMnon and Cook Iilttlnger and roaa Price and Manning Hcannel anil Hryfooa WORTH AM) SOUTH. Wlnuurs, Wtlaon and Morris Ross and Ilurk Karlon and KryuuUia Bruce and Bhawcroaa Losers. Conley and Lewis , Crampton and lanefol'ner Itaweon and Krell club Se-T t 4-T .14-7 .IS-T .S i-1 .41-7 .IS-7 .1 .VT .1 V7 .1 J-7 IS-7 . 4-7 .1 -7 .& 4-7 Rent room quick with a Be Want Ad. r ' , i The Lavfca "PIPER" No way to enjoy to bacco so thoroughly as to chew it and no chew ing gives you the rich, luscious tastiness that "PIPER", does; - A law yer does a mighty lot of rumination (chewing). Go into any law library or court and youll see that while he ruminates a knotty problem he chews good old ii illi LrLu. ti h a m m a U rilDlEiDlDGkl CVewfaf ToUros Csaaif m Flaver It helps him to think clearly and carefully.1' Try "PIPER" yourself and e. The famous ."Cham- par. ne Flaror" fl?e PIPER' a rich smack ing taste that Is uniquely delicious. Made from the finest selected tobacco leaf, "PIPER" la tfca wartd'l MtW t typa of chawing tokaeca Jar as a Bare loud, kaalts at gaa MtiifyUj. sWUi tv 4eeln everr k a Se aad )0a ata mm iianr. f etU IK ' tU'tJl-'fWTW, Tie Aaatltaa lase tism 4Mli U.T. frnpfrt Sen! I6e and FREh ixixiv bl well send a f ull-atia le eotof"PIPl!.ii" and ttsnd oma leather coach tilt, . aoywttre ta U. S. Ala tuider about "PIPER." Tha tobacco, pouch aad aaaUUc will coat os 20c, wakh wa Will I'.adlT Jnd becaaaa a trial will make yea a tUUf wear tt " HrM.it.' ClIICAbo, March 80. Tcstlmotty that the western railroads, Instead of becoming impoverished, havs in the last five years earned more revenue than ever before In their history was offered at the Intergtate Commerce commission hearing; today ot the forty-one western railroads petition for higher rate, on certain com modities. ' Appearing in opposition to the railroads' -plea that they be permitted to charge rates that will yield them at least 110.000.000 year more reenua, Wayne Ellis, statistician of the tnwa Railroad commission, as serted that the railroads. Judged by gtatisUca which he compiled, were prosperous. Greater Tkaa F.ver. "Their not reventlea for tha last flva years have been greater than ever be fore." aald Mr. Ellis. ."Compared wun 190ft the last five-year period ehowed a net increase of 76 per cent Leaa taxea, tha total net ahowa a corresponding in crease. The ran roaa a ciaim ina operat ing exiense have Increased at a greater rate than net . revenue, but,. thla la true only of the last five yea re. "Tha cause f this la that the railroads have charged to operating expe'neW large amounts eott- nected with addition and betterments. The western railroads are , being built and lmpro'ed from operating expenses. "It Is also slgniflcent that the total maintenance expense per mile of line In the western district waa greater In both 1!H3 and 1S14 than 1910 and In 1914 the gros revenues were, reduced by 4 per cent aa compared to 1913, but the main tenance charges were reduced only one sixth of 1 per cent and the maintenance ot equipment was actually increased." Their Borrwlae; Hate. Tha wttneea asserted that the railroads were nv paying more , dividends than ever before and .that the rate at which they were abte to borrow money com pared favorably with the rate which In dustrial had to pay. He will be cross examined tomorrow.- I Henry C. Wallace, Dee Moines, who ap peared as aa agricultural expert and who had testified that tha railroads were at tempting to Impoaa a burden on the farmers, was asked whether In Iowa rail road securities were considered a better Investment than farms. "I don't know, but If I owned an Iowa farm I would sell It and buy railroad securities." ha said. "You. aeem to think there la a bad out: look for Iowa farmers?" aaked C. C. Wright, general counsel for tha rail roads. "You can put your own Interpretation on R." "Your theory is that tha bigger tha crop tha woraa off is the farmer." Xat Gettlas Raaaah. "That ia the effect The farmer Is not getting enough for hla crop." "In other words the coat of living ought to be increased to those who buy farm products so aa to increase tha proaierlty of the farmer that would apply to other Industries, would it not?" Perhaps." aald Mr. Wallace. Prominent Man Kills Grandmother and Commits Suicide PHILADELPHIA, March 30. - Mrs. Clotilda Cohen, 85 years old, member ot prominent family of this city, was shot and killed today by Henry B. Cohon. her grandson, who then turned tlio revolver on himself, inflicting a wound from which he died later tn a hospital. The tragedy occurred in Mrs. Cohen's home and she wa killed while in bed. Cohon la. be lloved by the police to have been Insane. The purpoMleaanes of the shooting pussled tha police. Cohen was well liked by hi grandmother. He Is said to have been a keen buslneaa man and never to have shown Indication of a deranged mind. His rather, who talked with him thirty minute before tho ahootlng, aald the on at that time appeared In good health and normal mentally. The family physician pronounced It a caee of audden and unaccountable Insanity. Charlaa Cohen, the father, la a paper manufacturer and president of the Cham ber of Commeroe of thla city. The family la an, old one, prominent in social Jlfo. Henry B. Cohen wa In the lithographing business. He was a member of a number of exclusive clubs. Lleutenoant Albert Mf. Cohen, a brother, la with the United States battleship Delaware. Miss Eleanor Cohen, a stater. Is a tennis champion of Philadelphia. ' I appointed tearher at the Genoa Indian school, Nebraska. The secretary of the treasury ha se lected the rite of the public uui ..... . be erected at Oeiwein. la., located at the eolith went corner of Firat street and First n venue east; owner Donald Roes; price S,O0O. Two More Eoberts Co-Defendants Deny All Wrongdoing STATE LEAGUE MEETING FOR. GRAND ISLAND HASTINGS, Neb.,, March 30. -Special Telegram!) President C. J. Mtlee today Issued a, call for. a. meeting of the Stat Base Ball leatctte )n Grand Island cxt JTrtday" afternoon: , - '. " x'; 1 . .,. ; . . i. ALABAMA PASSES WITHIN THE CAPES One Report Says British Ships Lear ing Norfolk Are Carrying Coal to Warships Outside. STATUS OF EITEL IS UNCERTAIN NEWPORT NEWS, Va., March 80. The Grman auxiliary cruiser Print Eltel Frledrlch lay quietly at 'its dock today with smoke lazily pouring from cue funnel, with no evi dences of an intention to dash through the fan of hostile cruisers, off the Virginia capes. There seemed no doubt that the limit of ita-stay was hourly drawing to a close, but the time still was guarded as a secret. Vh battleship Alabama hp arrived In Hampton Roads. Marine men ' here as sert that one reason for the presence, of the Alabama la to aee to It that Rrltiah merchant ship, which leave almost dally, ! "h,ch could rodceni at SI ea on Men Robbing Banks In Oklahoma Again Cut Of f by Posses CHANDLER. Okla.. March .-Sheriff Wilder said today he had located the five robbers who escaped after looting " the two banks at Stroud laat Saturday. .The outlaws are In the Osage hills -about four teen miles from Btroud and have been completely surrounded, he said.. IKDIANAPOLI9, Ind.. March 30.-Two nernr wuacr saici ne was p.amung. defendanU-Georgo Ehrenhardt. member ? " , . .W ot the Board of Publlo Work, and John-" J""""" "rT.s""! E. Gresn were among the witnesses who testified In tha Terre Haute election fraud casa in federal court here today. Green and Ehrenhardt dented specifically the government' charge. Green aald he waa not connected with the, Terre Haute city administration. He admitted that he, the election inspector, worked the lever on tha voting machine for about two. hours, but. Quit when it was pointed out that he was violating tho law. Tbe defendant also asserted that he did not see how anyone voted, and that he did not band cards td voter do not carry fuel, to the allied wnmhlpa eff the cape. . Score of men at the dock declare that British merchant ship after taking cargo and coaling their bunkers have taken on deckloada of coal aich a would not be needed for an ever sea voyage. ' Marina men also insist that tre allied warahlpa frequently havo been within the three-mile Kmit at night and that one of the ships ventured wlthtn the capes last week. Department , Orders. t ' WASHINGTON, March 30.-8pecial TeleKram.) Arthur H. Hurkholder waa appointed postmaeter at CrOW CreYk. Rurtalq county, Mouth .Dakota. Vice ikmel Olaon. ' . " Delta L. Ilarlow of Mitchell, a D.. was the outside. Ha also denied talking with Mayor Donn M. Roberts, another defend ant, in regard to the duties ot election Inspectors. . " On cross-examination it wa brought out that Green ha lndlctmonta pending agalnat him for alleged criminal opera tion and that he operated gambling de vicea with a circus. Ehrenhardt. who was registration In spector as well a election Inspector, de nied signing any "application for- regis tration . or barrasslng voters on election day by using the lever. ' .'.,. investors with money icad the' Real Estate ad in Tho See. A4vrtle your property fo'a quick iiala.''' ' k He raid he expected a battle'and bad re quested those not willing to take the r1s of being killed to stay away.' The fugitive are believed to be without provisions, They still have their own horses, and, according to Henry1 . Starr, their supposed leader, who 1 in jail, they are well armed and desperate. - Starr said today lie did not believe any of fne men would be taken alive. " '' Will Try to Indict Alleged Mail Thief Before Next Monday DENVER, Colo., March 3nSX federal grand Jury today began an Investigation of tho theft of S25.000 from an' Atchison. Topeka St Santa Fe mail trala between Kansas City and La Junta, Colo., In April, 1U11 The ' investigation " followed the arrest in Kansas City on March 24 at Charle Oldfleld, a railway 'mall clerk, charged with the' robbery. ' ? ; u A the-' federal atithoritie are in doubt whether tho crime wa committed : In Colorado or Kansas, grand Juries In both state were entrusted with' the investiga tion with the idea of returning tbe in dictment before April t, the dat on which" the statute of limitation will expire.- .. ' ;o J tvi-. Allen and Allen Win Doubles Title PEORIA, 111., march SS.-C. H. AUen and It. Alltn of Detroit With a score of L297 today won the championship ta the twa man event at the fifteen annual tournament of the American Howling con gress. D. Maloney and J. Nolta of Elisabeth, N. J., and F. J. Kelly and A. Toemmel Of Chicago are tied for aecond place with a acor of 1.29. W. Hartley and M Lindsay ot New Haven are fourth with UTS. DIRECTORS OF AMATEUR ASSOCATION TO MEET The board of director of tha Omaha Amateur Baa Ball aasoctatlon will hold a meeting tonight at the etty nail to d lacuna plan for tha WIS season In Omaha. Tha amateur association baa ax tended Ita jurisdiction thla year to claa A club. Last year only daaa B and O leagues were entered la the association. Kearney Hal K4 far Staoe Meet KKARNF.Y. Neb., March .-Speclal. A eumiiH-r racing mwi will be held In Kearney (his summer July 1. 1 and X iha laame bring held at the Buffalo County Mali- irat-ka. A committer of local buii i-as men easily tauud the funds for the nt on Monday, and the actvertisiiiK i-r ine vri win bc .nt unrt. r wy onre. i ne rat'iiitf un-ei last auiniii. r wa 1 TTi 9a. ii'on'tt stow mis away under your hat. Use it! Here's the dahdy-handy. package that's full' of the tobacco that lets :men know what a good time they can get out of-a pipe or makings cigarette. , the national joy smoke M111IWF7 AH T PhiMll!3lLf Mlk, ' TA W'.W--V v 'A iwA'vy- , f ' is genuine pipe-joy plumb full of smoke happiness and that means flavor and fragrance and dream stuff. But the one thing that puts P. A. in solid is the famous patented process that has sent the tongue-torture kinds back to the hills. The patented, process V v CenrrlfM I . Icw 1; i t A V V J that makes P. A. so friendly is controlled exclusively by us. That's vVhy we say there never can be another tobacco as biteless as P. A. Prince Albert is sold at all smoke stations. The tidy red tin, 10c; the toppy red bag, 5 c; also, pound and half pound tin humidors. Sere's Awm-A." Wm r fe rcontmMdf f 0 jKtr frim-Ju (A i-a. crjr&ml-glas humidor with tAa cawflh'ffow. mtwmym 1 in tKm fop tht f. A. in fin OM Aoma. at m afwa. sntoA R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. WinatonS&lem. N. C