T1IK HEU: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. MAKdf 31, 1D15. 3 Fairy Dreams j of Appetite One Sliiart's Dyspepsia Tablet Mill Kiialile One- (( Divot Any Meal, Any Time. Make up your mlml to go to ynur next rtieal with the tlt-slrc to eat what vou and do It. W "IrtrT Ksal SmUn at Ma Sow Bines I've Been Taking Stuart's SjiDnila Tablets." After that meul t:tke a Stunrt'sV Dys jepsia Tablet and fertr no evil effects Irom the food you have eaten for It will lie digested elly, quickly. Then gradually fairy dreama of ap retlte will come hark to you and In a short tlmo the old romping appctlto will return to ou. All druggist carry and recommend Stnart'a liywpepeU Tsblets, Bc a box. Trial free by Bonding coupon below. Frie Trial Coupon P. A. Btnar Oa, 160 Btnart Bids;.. Marshall, Miolu aend me at onr-e bv return mall, a free trlnl package of Stuart a Dyspepsia Tableta. Name-1 .......... State City State....... In Thousands of Homes early and certain relief is formd for the ailments to which all are subject ailments due to defective or irregular action of the stomach, liver, kidneys or bowels in the most famous family remedy, the world has ever known. are justly famous because they fcave proved to be so reliable as correctives or preventives of the sufferings, dull feelings and dangefdue to indigestion or biliousness. If yon will try them to cleanse your system, purify your blood, tone your stomach, stimulate your liver and regulate A your bowels, you will know why so many rely on Beecham's Ftfla to insure Health and Happiness Large SmUafAa? Medicine fai the World. SeU eveiywtoe, la boxes, 10a, 25c DOES RHEUMATISM - BOTHER YOU? The Doctors Say 'Use MuKterole.'' 8o many sufferers have found relief Jn MU8TEROLE that you ought to buy a mail jar and try it. Just spread it on with the fine era. Rub it in. First you feel a gentle glow, then a delicious, cooling comfort. . MUSTER OLE routea the twinges, loosens up Stiff ened Joints and muscles. f - MUSTEROLE is a clean, white oint ment, made with oil of muetard. It pen etrate to the aeat of pain and drivea it away, but does not bliater the tendereat skin- -v . y ' v ' It takes the place of the roussy, old fashioned mustard planter. MU8TEROLB la recommended .- , for Bronchitis. Croup, Asthma, ' Pluerlsy, lumbago'. Neuralgia, Sprains, ' Bruiaea, Stiff Neck. Headache and Colda of the ChAfct (it often prevnta Pneumonia). At your druggist's,- In Haa and Wc Jsrs, and a special large hospital sriso for S2.A0, Be aure you get the genuine MUriTEK OLK. Refuse imitations get what you ask for. The Muaterole Company, Cleve land, Ohio. , risk saving r o u UilldlDf lis profsu-.y onset. 4 iwcauit of Uck of U-chfticBl h row led (4 on lh kwrt of ih oalrsc- lurev It's o..avra in our pocket to oiuplu a port Uciinical tutwrviav Ion uU a 1 am ablo ta robtier. Call phoua or wiiLa. S. G. PETICOLAS llenber American liutltul I Electrical Kuf,t utra. 1S04 W. O. W. Bid. Pilous Douglas &037. tgHasgJ?J!MiSl ilihaWlUaUlLl&fcal APPLE 3 to 4 reet 10 Xot I.liJS.L.a 5 to 6 feet Ot Than 100 Concord Orapes $3.50 I.OO 1,000 Catalpa Speclosa $) Order. Cash With Order. Sent Prepaid. GATE CITY NURSERY ISO 2 Farnaut Street. Omaha, Neb. inttaluit Ultl. iniiiM-, ..u Mia iicai Estate ada In The ilee. Advertise your property for a quicg , llllf - 0 ff mm ff a ff a Nebraska EUGENICS BILL IS KILLED! 'OnlT ThirtT-Seven Home Memoen Favor Measure When It Comei . Up for Passage. SAY DOCTORS BACKING BILL (rrom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March Sft.-3pecial.) After going through committee of the whole with a big majority only last Friday, the Meredltb-LIggctt bill for eugenic mar riages loat out on third reading by an equally decisive vote today. It received only thirty-seven votes to fifty-four against. This bill, house roll No. 671. as amended in committee of tho whole, provided that everv male annlicant for a marriage li cense should undergo a physical sum- i Inatlon at the hands of a physician. The I latter was allowed to cnarge a tee or w fcr thla service. A futther feo of SIR was Included for making a laboratory, test when tho physician should deem It advisable. Py many members of the house the bill was regarded as a measure In the Interest or the doctors. The unsuccessful opera tion of a similar law in Wisconsin, which has cauBel many couples to go to other states to tie married, had been called to their attention before the vote was taken. Mr. 8cott declared that he would have voted for a bill which applied the eame to both sexes, but he would not support this one fta It stood. Those voting for house roll No. 61 were: t r-i , nn..n.a f'nnhtv ftafoe. lAloe. ! Prueeedow, Evans, Hoffmolster. Hornby. ii . Unnl.p ITi-nalf lji.n. l.lH- gett, Meant. Meredith, Mockett Negley, Nelson, Norton. Ostermsn, Palmer, Peter son, Relsner, Reynolds (Lincoln). Rich mond, Rleschek. Rasa. Smith, Horensen, Stebhlns, Kteinmeyer, Tlbbets, Woodhurst and Speaker Jackson. KEARNEY GARDENERS OBJECT TO STATE COMPETITION KEARNET. Neb.. March SO. (Special.) The Kearney Commercial club acted favorably upon a petition presented oy sardonnra nf thla vicinity, at their meeting on Monday, in which the gardeners asked that the state industrial nhnnt h MatpaJned from selling their garden crops in thla locality. Tho selling of the crops ralaed at the school has Fr.llir Interfered with the sale of pro ducts raised by private growers, is al leged by jtardenera in their petition. AS a remedy to the situation, the gardeners air that the crops of the school be used to supply other state institutions with food stuffs, thus avold'ng the congestea market in Kearney. The Commercial club delegated Dan Morris, cashier of the City National bank, to present the petition and the views ot tne ciuo, oe fore the legislature and left for Lin coln on Monday evening. JOSEPH L ROY. NEMAHA COUNTY PIONEER, IS DEAD AUBURN, Neb., March . (Special) Joserh L. Roy, an old-time realdent of the county, died at his home here Sunday night Mr. Roy was past 80 years of age and Is. survived by tils widow and several grown children. Mr. Roy came to Brown ville in the fifties and went Into the un dertaking business, which he continued for .years. He then' moved on a farm between here and Brownville, where he resided until about ten years ago, when he retired and moved to Auburn. He was an active member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Ho hall, all the sturdy qualities of the pioneer and did hla fun share In the upbuilding of the community. He waa a charter member, of the Maaenlc lodge at Brownville and very seldom missed a meotlng of the lodge. The lodge will have charge of the funeral. STERLING RAILROAD MAN HONORED BY FELLOWS TECUMSEIL Neb., March 80 (Special.) At the recent meeting of the Order of Railway Trainmen, held In Chicago, Will F. Denton of Sterling was elected gen eral chairman, with Jurisdiction over all Burlington lines. He is now agent for the Burlington at Sterling, but this place he will have to give up. The new office will require much of bis time on the road, and it is likely his headquarters will be located at a more central point on the Burlington. - ' Baby Chokes ta Deata. TECUMSEH, Neb., March SO. (Special.) -Philip Walter, Clark Walter and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woqlaey have goni to Bradford, 111., being called there, by the tragic death of litUe Philip Jones, the t- year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Jones, who choked to death on a grain of corn. Mrs. Jonos Is a daughter of Philip Walter and a relative of the other parties mentioned and formerly lived In this county. Throe Horse, Killed by Train. BEAVER CITT, Neb.. March 90. (Spe cial.) Burlington train No. 178 ran "into and killed three horses yesterday three miles east of town. The animals ran onto a bridge ahead of the train and were caught before the engineer had time to stop. They were the property of M. H. Forney. The engine was slightly dam aged, but remained on the rails. Yob a a Maa Dlea of Asoplexy. DUNBAR, Neb., March 30. (Special.) Roy Scarborough was found dead here yesterday afternoon, death being caused by a. stroke of apoplexy. He was about Zi years old and bad been an Invalid sine -clnfancy. What a World Famous Dietitian Says of Macaroni If we Americans selected our food more from the standpoint of nutrition, we mould hear lias of the high coat of living. We find, especially among families of very moderate incomes, that meat is eaten to excess, the idea being that an abundant meat diet Is essential to main tain and reiwlr the inatem. We can well afford to cut down ma terinlly on m. at and look elsewhere for nutritious and much mom economVal foods. Take Faust Macaroni, for in stance. Of mat'aruni. Lr. Hutchison rec uf lilted as one of the world a famous dietitian says: "The energy value of niHiaronl compared with be-f la in the ratio of 100 to w"; and tliat "Macaroni is i aliuorbt-il almost In Ita ntlre.ty," w hich meaiM tnat II is praitlcaiiv ail utilized to enrich the blood and build tissue. Faust Macaroni la a highly glutinous food muscle and energy bulldnr. C"an be prepand in many tempting ways Costs but 14c a large parktaKe fut down on meat aubstitute F"st Macaroni. L11LL BIU8. bt. Louis. V. ts. X. Nebraska MOREHEAD POSHES BILLS Governor Presents Paving; Measures Providing for Work by Con Tics 'to House. HE BEQUESTS CONSIDERATION (Frm a Staff Cnrrepondent.) LINCOLN. Neb.. March .-(Speflsl Telegram.) Just at the close of the aft ernoon session of the house Governor Morehead sent tY bills to that body with a -eejueat for their consideration. One la fethrre.1 by Teterron of Lan caster, Palmer and Douglas and Dal bey of Gage and la designed to create paving dlxtrlcts In counties of VW) or more. The second Mil wss by the lfioaster county delegation and asked for an hp- street on the tw o sides of the state farm, . .... . , , . opposite sid-s of the street. The governor would advocate the use of convicts at the penitentiary for the work and In this way save much to tho slate. . , TAKES SMITH TO OKLAHOMA. WHERE HE BROKE PRISON ' SUPERIOR. Neb., March D0.-(Spl Telegram.) Sheriff "Jones of ' Nelson stopped here tonight with Alvln B. Smitli, the escaped convict he captured at Hardy about a week ago. He Is taking him to tbe authorities at McA tester, Okl., where he la wanted, having escaped from the Oklahoma penitentiary about three years ago. Smith saya that he has been ar retted several times in thla atate for carrying concealed weapons and having home-made burglar toola In his posses sion, once especially at Norfolk, but the sheriff failed to Identify htm as the wanted man in Oklahoma. J COMMISSION WILL RULE ABOUT PHONE DIRECTORIES (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March 30, (Special.) The State Railway commission held a heating this morning on the fHebblns complaint regarding the placing of advertising In telephone directories. The commission took Its ruling under advisement. It Is more or- less under stood, however, that a ruling will be made satisfactory to all parties, allowing advertising at the top and bottom of the page, but not in the center of It. SNOW RECORDS BROKEN , IN COUNTY OF HERMAN LITCHFIELD, Neb. March 89. (Special Telogram ) From December 9, 1911 to March 29. 1915, a period of 110 days, Sher man county has had forty-five days. This Is a record that the old timers say has never been equalled. . The roada are the worst that they have been In years Rasssr School Conventloa. BURWELL. Neb., March 90. (Special.) The annual Garfield county Sunday School convention was held at the Metho dist church of Burwell Saturday and Sunday, March 27 and S8. , State workers. Mr; Klmberly and Miss Browa, were present-There was a-large attendance at each session, there belnr about 400 pres ent Sunday evening when Miss Brown gave her stereoptloon lecture on her trln to the world's Sunday school convention at Zurich, Swltserland. Seems Good Crop Weather. NELSON. Neb., March 30. (Special.) Four Inches of snow fell laat night Farmers are beginning to wonder when they will get at the spring work. - How ever, they are very Jubilant over the out look. Never has there been such a pros pect before for a bountiful crop, There ts a large acreage of winter wheat in. this section and It does now seem thst there surely will be a rich' harvest ' News Note ofGeaeva. . GENEVA, Neb., March 30. (Special.) One hundred and fifty rasoa of measles are reported in town snd the schools are closed as a consequence. Gaylord Spear, 13-year-old son of Walter Spear. - hardware- merchant, la quite- sick - with measles. In 'the family of W. C. Peter. son eight children are ill. ' ' ' ' Irving, the , 14-year-old . son , of , W. Q. Carson, died yesterday . of measles rand complications. Sixty-seven dollars and fifty cents-to tha California expositions over the "Trail of the Olympian" via Bntte, Spokane, Seattle end Portland, returning, direct For rates, routea and information call on or write Chicago, Milwaukee &.8t. Paul Railway.. 1317 Farnam street, Omaha. DEATH RECORD. Mrs. Emmn . Kennedy. NELSON. Neb., March . (Special.) The funeral of Mrs. Emma Konnedy took place today at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. S. Sourck. The deceased was one of the pioneers of Nelson, having come here together with her husband in 1S42. She was a native of Ohio; shd . Was (ii years of age. Mrs. Kennedy was stricken with psralysls two months ago. Six years before thst Mr. Kennedy had a stmilar stroke, but survives the wife. Mr, Kennedy is a veteran of the Civil war, m.M.v,.a i merchants of survive the and was one of tho first Nelson. Two children mother Mrs. , F. B. Bpurck of this city and Mrs. Fred Greenwood of Chicago. . oaghs aad Colds Daageraas. Don't wait, take Dr. King's New Dis covery now. It will help your cough and soothe the lungs. eOc. AH ' druggists. Advertisement. HYMENEAL WIlllaaue-GiHsasj. 8TELLA. Neb., March 30.-(SpedaI.)-Mr. W. C. L Williams and Miss Idabel Gibson were married at I o'clock Sunday at the Baptist parsonage In Btelli by the Hev .C. J. Bukouts. The witnesses were the bride's cousins, Ben Lambert and Miss Opal Lambert. The bride is the daughter of A. G. Gibson, a contractor at Sbubert The groom is a prominent farmer and is the son of Arthur Williams. Mr. nd Mrs. Williams will make their home In the Prairie Union neighborhood. Do Yaa Vim Faalt With Kveryhodyr An Irritable, fault-finding disposition , la often due t- a disordered stomach. A I man with good digestion la nearly always' good natured. A great many have been permanently benefited by Chamberlain's ' Tablets after years of suffering. These tablets strengthen tle stomach . and en- j able it to perform Its functions naturally. Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement ' ANNEXATION FIGHT ; WINNERS PRAISED (Continued from Page One.) good cltlaena of the city of Omaha aill object. ThrouKhout the entire campaign. If It can be called eurh. The Bee has pursued a dignified poller and has kept the people apprised of the progress of the bill, giving a fair hearing to both sides." J. IL Millard, president nf the Omaha National bank: v' It Is a good thing. It meana a greater city and aa a result, we will go before the world with a higher standing In many ways." Ed Walsh: "I am glad to know that the bill has been passed. Prom now on we go Into the big city class, and sure a city with a population ot 1TB.0N) to -009 is going to command more respect and attract more, attention that one with lB.onO population." T. P. Godfrey: "I am glad of It. 1 be hove that annexation Is going to give us a boom. It will enable ua to all pull to- i ,( . ',h ..,,, , . . ... . , ilnto the metropolis of the Missouri val- John Lewis: "It means that Omaha Is bound to now get to the front, with Its JW,M people hulling together. It may near up and d'sorganlse party lines and party slates, but it Is bound to be bene ficial to the masses of the people. I like the way The Itee handled the controversy. In all tho discussions It stated the posi tions .fairly and without stirring up strife.""-. . ln 8. Baker, attorney: "I am glad the., bjll, hps passed. .The Bee did good work and the people of all classes ought to feel satisfied with the results." Jonathan Edwards: '"It was only what had to come -eventually, and It is prob able that the -matter has been settled at thla time. - Now we can go ahead and plan for a -great city." . Clement C. Chase, editor the Western Hanker: "The action or the legislature is very pleasing to me. . I believe that annexation will be of as much benefit to , the suburbs and municipalities an nexed as to Omaha. v'It will add to their Importance and atandlng. and ought to reduce their rate of taxation, for It Is cer tain that one 'municipality can be con ducted proportionately cheaper than four or five. The Bee's course pursued in the campaign for annexation was clesn and eflertlve, and was conducted without leaving any sore , spots." Ellery' H. Westerflold. attorney. Dun dee: "I am very much dlsanDolnted. Tha submission of annexation to a vpte looks to me as a huge Joke. As I understand the law the territory annexed and that to'whlch It Is to be annexed will vote on the proposition. Then the . majority vote will decide. Of course, Omaha with Its large vote will control, and we will be forced In without our consent. We had planned many - improvements, but of course these will all have to be dropped and abandoned." ... J. W. Gamble) president of the Omaha Manufacturers'. association: . "The Manu facturers' aasoclatlon was, of course. In terested In the anexatlon bill, but we took no active. part In the, fight as an or ganisation, because most . of our most active members., in thla campaign were working , along, this, line, through some channel as Commercial club, men rather than as Manufacturers'-association men. We are pleased, of course.' and feel that it will make for a bigger and better man ufacturing , center. It Is bound to help Omaha as ' a . manufacturing center. It will help bring new Industries, because naturally investors look at the popula tion of a city.' f It la a great thing to .have South Omaha; with Its great In dustries." Oppose' lasaraaee Bill. .BEATRICE,., Neb., ixMarch . .-(SpeclaL Teiegram.)At the weekly luncheon of the Beatrice Commercial club today the merits and demerits of the Insuranoe bill, senate file No. 46, were discussed and a resolution waa passed opposing the pass age of the measure. Apartments,, flats, houses and cottages can be rented quickly and ehesply ty a Bee "For Rent" ad. Railroad Meat at Beatrice. BEATRICE. .Neb!, March 30.-Speclal Telegram.)-G. W. Rourke, asalstan gen eral manager of.tjie Rock Island, and a numberof other company officials were guests of the- Commercial club and ad dressed a meeting. Ah Easy Way to : Increase Weight Good Adrice for Ttin F.Ikt The trouble wltn most thin folks who wuh to gain welgnt is that tney luaist on tJU.,,1,. uielr stoiuacfi or stuuin. n witn greuav lOous; : luubiug on useless "flesh creams, or fojowlng some too.ua pnysi- ai ,cuiture atunt, w.,ne the real cause or thinness goes untouched. Kou cannot get tat, until yuur oigeaiive .tract aMlmUulea tho tood you eat.' v 'i hanks to a remarkahlo new scientlflo discovery, n is now po.sib.o to comolne into simple form the very elements need ed bv the digtttitive organs to neiu uiem convert f cou into rich, ; fat-laden blood. Thla master-stroke of modem cnemistry Is tailej eaigol and has been termed the greatest of f leeh-bulldra s.r,,i ...... tnrougn its re-generative. r...nt.w,. I f,0'" t?con: th stomach and Intea- . "V n aliening tlemcnta ot your food and pass them into tne- bood. where they are carried to every starved, broken-down cell and tis sue of your body, you can readily pic. turp the result when this auiaslng trans formation has taken place and you notice how. your cIibckb fill out hollows about your neck, shoulders and hu 'snd you take on from 10 to pounds of aolld, healthy flesh. Sargol la absolutely i harmless, inexpenslveefflclent Hhermsn ...v-.f.iiic.i aim uiner leaaing oruggiata of Omaha and. vicinity have It and will refund your money If you are not saiia flrd aa per the guarantee found In every Jl8 ( K ft H ' ' CAUTiON-Whlle Sargol hss given ex cellent results In overcoming nervous dyspepsia and -general - stomach troubles It should not be taken by those who do not' wish to gain -ten pounds or more. Advertisement., I f eT , J J CROTTB BHDS. CO. Ocaaral UlaO-thatara Osaaha, gyeh. ii? ! DODGE TO PRESIDE ATG.A.OROGRAM Noted Civil War General to Lead in Celebration of Appomattox Day. PART OF NATIONAL MOVEMENT General Orenvllle M. Dodge of Council rtluffs has consented to preside April at an anniversary program to bo given by Omaha rOand Army of the Republic posts In court room No. 1, DoukIss county rouit house. In commemoration ot the surrender of Lee to Grant at Appomat tox. This day will be observed throughout the United States and haa been desig nated aa "Appomattox day" by the Grand Army of the Republic, The local committee which called upon General Dodge yesterday was composed of Dr. S. K. Spalding. N. K. Van Husen. Jonathan Edwards. C. Barothy, C W. Allen and C. W. Adams. General Dodge Is the rsnklng officer of the living retired army officers of the. United States srmy. He waa a notsbln figure In the civil war and was prom inently Identified with the development of the west nearly half a century ago, after the sword of battlo had been turned Into a' plowshare. Superintendent B. U. Graff of the pub. Ho schools has requested his teachers to observe the day by Including special his tory and reading lessons referring to civil war activities of April 9, ISST.. and events leading np to that eventful day. "day School Meeting. NELSON. NcK, March 30. (SpeclnJ.)- The officers and tenchers of the Sunday acnools of Nelson held a big union rally hereof tho Chriatlun church. Inruc-i tlvo talks were given by the ectivo I workers, and at the close a dainty ! Enrich the BLod Hood's Barsaparllla, a gpring lonlo lfedloiae, Zs Ksosssary. Everybody la troubled at this season with loss of vitality, failure of appetite, that tired feeling, or with bilious turns, dull headachea. Indigestion and other stomach troubles, or with pimples snd other eruptions on the face and body. The reason Is that the blood in Impure and Impoverished. Hood's Sarsaparllla relieves all them ailments. It la the old reliable medi cine that has stood the test of forty years that makes pure, rich, red blond thst strengthens every organ and builds up the whole system. It la the all-the-year-round blood-purlfler and health-giver.. Nothing else acts like it, for nothing else 1s like It. There la no real substitute; so be sure to get Hood's. Ask your druggist for It today, and be gin taking It at once. Advertisement -' l Ml. 7I",' "ill II I I SJM,I'W SajSJ 'SALESMEN-' VOTED For the biggest and best sell ing Une of Calendars and Ad vertising Novelties In the JVeBt SEVERAL OPENINGS IN GOOD TERRITORY : 7 FOR HUSTLERS i i Call Personally or Write M. F. SHAFEft &CO. 12th and Farnam Sis.. OMAHA. 773 Trial Quart I B a. a Covered Flask 0 d Finest Whiskey I Lowest Price L We are mat afraid to let roe try Pels t-Rtsr WhlUrr a ur . ipeiM. H'l a pure, nonfat wh).ke of beet punaible quality. It never fail to pleaee the .aa who really knows (ood vhUkry. We include u jar Area 7 raj itmrt wit a your erqr fur Fcls 3-Star Whiskey sUgped dlrert at fallowing whnlaaale priere: 8 QTk. FullES Measure QTSeFuii $srs,.95 Measure L " EXPRESS CHARCES PREPAID rellter eeeerod Saaa Ailed with tvU 8 Star Wtii.key. If poo are not aa!laAc4 with the whukey eftor yuu drink tbe Free Trial Waart. return the ehinmAnt at our expeiiae, and we mfund the full arauunt of mom- yea said lie- brt fvu tuajr kotp the laalrwif Mtvervd r -k -it. ywi.e alMu.luirJy. we are an CM, I, ltaBlauiML Kelnlas Firm. I'epitel .''. 00(1 (10. twnryjuMa'm rai-a distillino company. SS Sals Sua., Sioeo fttty, St. A Daudsrstemof treataaeot Usteares mit-s, H-.ul sad RerKs) Uiaesses wlihout he uee of a kulfe. Heehle. fersn, other or other general art aseiueua used. No uaosueaaarr Se lsf IroTD bualnsas. Aa absolute our aTuaraotsed lo rr esse suoepiad. PAV AfTtm VOU At CUHtO Tbe euro first, then thepsr. Thai's s olluy. It s fair aud square, I also sirs a Written gusrs'ttee thai 1 he euro will last allletims. Write for Free at, whleg gies fuU parhntilara ir I ' "' v..' SaltB 014 ft f. a. Ms sr. J40 BMa, e. luncheon wss served My the gifts of the different snrierlos. The purpose of this meeting was to nap out plans for the werk of the year. CCLFAX COMMISSIONERS SEEK AID FOR BIG BRIDGE (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March 30.Spcclal.)-t'ouM a bridge aa Important as one across the Tlstte river be considered, technically speaking, as not on a -Yialn traveled" road. The commissioners of Colfax county may come to such a conclusion hi order to get state aid for the finishing of euch a bridge. The commissioners were at the state house this morning conferring with Dep uty Attorney General Rsrrett. The bridge was started and six spsns built n Wis, The plans called for a lightweight bridge. The law requires a twenty-ton capacity bridge on all main traveled roads, with s-SaBaBwaagBBBaawMSAetvrTaBa Turn your gaze at those high flying hat styles we are featuring for Easter iota . They'll put you in the front rank of the Easter style parade. Good ones at any prico you care to pay from . If7 Ml 16 afTi V. r It has been said that Americans do not know how to make toast. But that was before the E ec tric Toaster came into such general Nuse. With an Electric Toaster right on the breakfast table the bread is browned and crisped to just the proper tone just as you like it It is never served cold, burned or underdone. Toast Made in the U. S. A. is Toast Made the Electrical Way. ' "Ask Your Neighbor,V Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. c ' ' Omaha can be made the best City in the United States Walter S. Jardine Candidate for Nomination (or Citv Commissioner a minimum of fifteen tons on all rrsds thst the county commissioners may not consider msin traveled highways. This Ip.tter concession wss wrung out of the picsent leulslnture. Tho deputy attorney general haa not an nounced his ruling as yet Colfax ounty haa two alternatives, either to finish the olo bridge or to build a new one entirely. They would have a right to ask for state aid on a new bridge that would cost about $7,0Oi. The commissioners In Lincoln were: Dorsey Conrad, F K. Sindelar, August Kloeppel and ex-Commlsaloner F W. Trokes. f aeh "Tom, the Peeper." SUPERIOR, Neb., March 80 (Special Telegram.) Marshals Oourlay and Oates caught a "Tom the Peeper" last night and gave him a good lecture, making him promise to behave In the future. He hat been seating the women of the town fot several weeks. $2 to $5 OWARD m ltii- VaL JJ-- J JmFYT frrm