TilE JJfcK: OMAHA, WKDN'KSDAV, .UAKU1 .M,' J!M ). SEHATE GIVES BACK HORUALSCHOOLCASH Changes House Bill to Include Money that Had Been Cut : Out of It STRAW SHOWING THE CUB.BXNT (Tron) a Ftaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March M.-Spectal.-A very aubstanttal straw showtna; the direction of the wind tn the state senate to appro priations vm the action of the uirr Jioase this morninK In almost unanimously advancing to third reading the Normal school appropriation bill aa amended by the senate finance committee. Tha senate amendment strikes out the entire Mil its' It left th house, appro prlatlnit total of V&,m piecemeal and apedflcally by Itema anion? the four nor mal schools. Old BUaket Method. In its place the senate provides for the old blanket appropriation of.K, of a mill. r tether, tha appropriation of the "col lectible S per cent of the .K-mlll levy." This blanket appropriation thus gives to the normals the aurplua of the levy above SXS.t which amounts to about $13,000 more. The house committee has Bone on the assumption that this surpt". "nap Iroprlated, would lapse back Into the gen eral fund. , , Kohl Is Liberal. Kohl ef Wayne, chairman of the finance onrmlttee, with many others went on teoord. in the course of the debate on the Wll. .as unequivocally In favor of liberal ppreprlallons for state Institutions. Howell of Douglas said that the house htd passed the buck, to the senate and that the latter body was willing to take It Byglatid of Boone was the only mem ber who supported the house attitude. He said that the time would come when too liberal statesmen would be called to ac count by tha taxpayers, Several answered Mm by showing that the appropriations outside of the natural Increase In the assessment rolls would be no larger than that two years ago. - University Money Is Appropriated by The House Members TFrom a Ptaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March 30. 8peclaL Keem li'gly undlscouraired by the strong oppo sition ta his stand taken against bulk appropriations for the state university and Its activities. Representative IV . J. Taylor fought to the last ditch this morn Ing and when defeat stared him in the face stood by his guns and read a long explanation of Ms Tote. In his fight for a reduction of appro priations along these lines Mr. Taylor wna successful In getting a cut of about llts.rw in the maintenance bill for the university: In Ihe vote on the bill he was sustained by Barker, Dan, Fults and TtUdeall. but there were eighty-one Voles for the bill and It went through, carry ing l!.l0,000 In a lump sum. The finance committee still lias In Its hsnds the bills carrying appropriation for a supreme court, library and historical building, a state reformatory and a state Printing plant. All of them will probably be recommended by the committee for Indefinite postponement. Land Registration Bill Passes Senate From a HUff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March Sft.-fSpeclal Tele gram. ) The Torrens system for the regis, tratlon of land titles, aa embodied lit house roll No. 222. passed the aenate on tlilrd nading without difficulty today. As amended the bill provides thst any county after January 1 can add It as an optional system upon a petition of 10 per cent of the freeholders. GREATER OMAHA BILL IS PASSED; UPTOGOVERNOR (Continued from rage One.) nexatlon as proposed waa fair or right or really demanded. They simply had to deliberate and take the word of the members of the Douglas delegation for details. It was the same way with sev eral other big measures affecting Omaha which passed with only a vote or two to spare. "But everybody seems to be happy over the results. Already the legislators are talking about Greater Omaha' with real enthusiasm, and congratulating us upon getting out of the flt. Joseph and Sioux City class and getting Into the Kansas City class, r know of farmer members 300 miles away who are as happy and aa enthusiastic over the pas sage of the Greater Omaha bill as are the Douglas county member themselves." MANUFACTURERS LABOR -WIT HHOUSE MEMBERS Detective Tells of , -Duping Anarchists NEW TORK. March 30.-Amedo Pollg nanl. the young detective who uncovered hat tha police call the St. Patrick's cathedral bomb conspiracy, waa tha only wltneas heard today at the trial of Frank A. Barno and Carmine Carbone, charged with making and pjarlng a bomb In, the cathedral on March 1 Polignanl, posing as an, anarchist, gained tha confidence of the defendants and he associated with them until they were arrested. . Tha young detective explained In detail Ma association and his conversations with the defendants and told of their plans ta Mow up ' tha cathedral. . i'ollgnanl ( also testified that In' conversations with Car tone the latter had said "We want to get after 'Carnegie and tha Vanderbllts" and ht., "Rockefeller should be blown up " A vigorous cross-examination failed to cause the detective to change his tea-' tummy." ; ' ' V V Legislative ; Proceedings , HOUSE PROVIDES AGAINST . RAILROADING OF BILLS From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March M.-flpe lal.)t,"nder a new rule adopted by the house today no report of a conference committee wlil hereafter be accepted and approved until It has been read In full from the elerk's dcak and the number of the bill which It concerns haa been displayed . upon the blackboard at the front of the chamber for two hours. The rule provides further that upon the request of five members the clerk must furnish mimeographed copies of the report, to be laid on the desks. , This rule, like others, csn be waived by unanlmoue consent at any time. It Is In tended to protect tha house against rail roading through any conference agree ments on bills without tho members knowing what they are voting upon. The committee on employes filed V re port showing that 11,713 has been paid but lit salaries and wages during tha last two weeks, of which I1.1M waa for, regu lar time and I5W for overtime. ' ' (From a fitaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March .-(Hpeclal.)-Bellev-lng that the members of the house did not fully understand the purpose of senate file 214, the Mattes bill to encourage manufacturing Industries to come to the state and aa an Inducement would cut out the occupation tax, F. 8. Knapp of Omaha, president of the Nebraska Manu facturers' association; F. I. Ringer, com mlasloner; C. B. Towle of Lincoln, and C. D. Marr and John dumb of Fremont, with others, were working with the mem bers today with the Idea oi getting a re consideration of the house action yester day In killing the hill. DOUGLAS COUNTY ASSESSOR IS NOT TO BE RE-ELECTED E, E. Howell Tells Position to Voters LINCOLN, March .-(gpeclal.)-Stae Senator E. E Howell, father of the Greater Omaha annexation bill which haa passed the leglalature. In the following Interview today gave his reasons for be coming a candidate for the Omaha city commission, notwithstanding the fact that It will be Impossible for Mm to make a campaign before the primary: t "At the earnest solicitation of my matiy personal friends and the business .and commercial Interests of Omaha I Con sented to file for city commissioner, but my present position In the state senate will preetit me making any personal pri mary campaign for this nomination. "If my record ss a state acHator, not only In this, but In two former sessions, and my standing as a cltlxen and busi ness man In Omaha for forty-five years will warrant support. I earnestly solicit It. When this legislature adjourns I hope to h?ve accomplished legislation which will mean a Greater Omnha. an act which will be of unbounded benefit to our great cltv, whose best Interests. If elected, I will aerve with all the energy, courage and efficiency I possess." business there hereafter, provided you ere within corporate limits. Henate file No. 2.U paused the senate on third read ing and will probably pass the house In Ho amended form, which exempts the country districts. SENATORS RECOGNIZE WESTERN SCHOOL DISTRICTS (From a Ptaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March (Special) The senate committee of the Whole thia morn ing spent gome time In considering Sen ator Bhumway's amendment to II. It. 4X15. The amendment proposes a more equit able distribution of the school money of the state and Is sweeping in Its effect. Aa It now stands the money is distrib uted pro rata among the various counties according to the number of pupils. The original bill proposes that a fourth of the money derived from school land leases be distributed according to territory and three-fourths according to census. The amendment goes further and pro poses to recognize the western districts having unsold school lands not subject to taxation, and to make up to them by an Ingenious scheme of apportionment what they lose In this regard. SCOTT'S BAND CONCERT BILL GIVEN A SWAT (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March . (Special.) If the vote on Pcott's musio bill, house roll . Is to be taken as a criterion, there Is not much music In th esoul of the average democrat In th eleglslature Just now. The bill provided that small villages could make a small levy to raise money for band concerts, but nearly every democrat In the senate voted against It, the vote standing 18 to 10 against the bill, most of the affirmative votes being republicans. The defeat of th ebllt Is lsrgely due to the action of Bcott in th ehouse, who has persistently voted and worked against every bill of whatever nature which car ried an expenditure of money. It waa charged on the floor of the house by Nichols this afternoon that Hamilton county could have sent a man to tre legislature for $2 Sday who could have spoken and ovted as effectively as rtv tha Hamilton county member. Sues Lincoln Police Chife for Slander (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb., March .-(Spcclal Telegram.) On account of charges made by Chief of Police Malone at a public meeting last night held by candidates for city offices, Jamea H. Walker todny began suit against the chief for slander, placing the damages at tlO.000. In an altercation of a verbal nature between Malone and C. E. Cometock, who U a candidate for the city commission. Walker also a candidate, came in for a roast from Malone: - x Walkes disputes tha charges and brings suit against tha chief for damages. Rent room quick with a Bee Want Ad . Bills raasea) in lleaae. General Maintenance Kill for University' u Nebiaaka ilul carries a total of 1. 1 l.MI, H. K. r.7 The bill appropriating 99 TT cvDi or ?-jrhti levy fur unlveraily cainnia f&tenrion. will) proviso that not .more man l",000 shall be spent for the ur t iimsq of land. v II. It. JK-Aijrorriates J150.0IX) for state mhI in building krlilgva over streams more than 1V& fort wtctn. 11 It 1 Appropriates fUR.000 to estab nl )nJUiriea at the peoltenilHrv. II. ii. bi AwroiwlHlea I4n.uu r build ing and lniruvrmniiia at iieatrice tuali luie f'if feeble minded. II. ft. mnmprlaui $30,00 tor bulldV inge and improvements at Lincoln tnaana hpliL .. li. K. ' 64-ADnroprlatei $27,000 for a building to house the home for dependent iliilUrtu, Liuooln. H. IC Apvropriatos tSSW for sewer age and laundry outfit at gtiia' Industrial svltool. Geneva. I, n Appropriates $2.f0O for a lairy barn at Mil ford Industrial hours for women. . . II. R. SO-Appropriates $1,000 for relief of the blind ouialua the statu acliool. It. all If the house) .... 11, R. o! Appropriates tl,2M for build Inea and improvements at Kearney tui.rcuur hospital. M H. Appropriates U MO to grade and Improve the grounds st Omaha school IOH.K 4.. Lahnere Forbids ahootlng on the' public liialiwaya. H H.S4, Gormley-Provldlng for Tefe' endum vote to ealablish towniihlp hiKh a lioola oa the filing of a per cent peli- l?" R &18. Mocket Jcary and Hutton All-Uie-year-around registration for Un roll at utflce of the city clerk. HeeaaaeBe t Pause y Haweo (aaaltte et Ik Whale. M R A Conley State superintendent to maintain registration and employment bureau for teachers. . , , 8 F BrooWly-Cltles of second class may levy tt mills school tax after ques tion submitted to voters and ratified by thHn' R. U. Nlcbolln-riacee Stanton county In Ninth Jud.rlaJ district. li R 41V-Transferrlng hlandm county from the fclghtu to the Ninth Judicial die- iHtp. 91 -Giving atate conservation and rub!lo welfare coinnilsalon authority to I.. .nrf reaulate moving picture H,'s and suppresa films of an improper ii ri to Glvlna Qrealer Omaha four riv. Mmbrra on lKiUKlae county board and providing that the fitih mem kr shail be elected from outside terri tory wAe4 kr .the, fleatate Thlr4 Readlag. H. 1L SCO. Mcott of Hamilton Allows councils in Cities of less than &. to apiruprlaU not less than ll.uto for mil ikllMU bands. Ayea. 10, naya, 1$. ' Bills Faaaed la Vraate. . II. R. f.t. Five Members More stringent law Kovernlng practice ot veterinary surgery, rienala amendment moli(lea lie li. It 3bl, Klxht Members 'onipre herative motor vetiliie ivKUIratlon law, chanKlng bula of paviiM-nl and provliilug Zor kimjU rn futiu. If. R 2 Companion bill by same tnnoduoera providing for atate advlavry tvlrhvay rainmloMon. li. H. M, t rue of Howard-Makes sale of deceased meat a fi-iony, ptintehnble by tine of not to excand $1,10 or tiiirUton- ment in penitentiary not to exceed alx months. ' li. it. til-. Iafoe of Johnson All. a slate treasurer tti Invest per cent of I. a rash lun'ls In state and county war- run i aii mrry lie sun.e as rasn. H. H iri. H Mernhere N.rniitl ochool aproi'riaiiott till. Amended by senate to make blanket a p propria lion ot full .hi of a mill levy. S. K. iret. Maites of Otvs-Provides that anils on wrltii'ii contracts tui'( be brousht in tuuntlta where principal S. F. I. iil!ry of Hox Putte-Makea irtit,itika a uii!o1 trii-ka In cities and lufi a riitfcl-iiit-snor. K. K. 1. IhI ! t i-eier Bnbalitule public WartbrnuM bill H R StK. Twenty M-nihers Torren POOVIDES SALOON SUITS . T BROUGHT IN HOME COUNTY (From a Staff Correspondent) ' ,' ' ilNCOLN, March'. tW Special Tele gram.) Ruination sutta agatnat saloon keeper must be brought m tha "county in which the prlnclrsl signer to the surety bond resides," according to tha provisions of senate file No. tn, which passed the senate on third readlng-'today. Tlila will mean that l-ancastcr ronntyiwtll ceaae' to be the , haven of ruination suits from Douglas county, Otoe and other outside counties,", provided, tbe.. bill.- pasties the house. . i. . . .. . , It will further mean that saloon keepers uot rt siding in the same counties cannot be sued Jointly.. , , ... (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March 30.-(Speclal.)-lIousa rolt 296, by Hunter, to make the Douglas county assessor eligible for re-election, was killed this afternoon by a one-sided vote. JUDICIAL DISTRICT LINES ARE CHANGED BY HOUSE (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Neb.. March 30. (Special.) II. n. 413. the Nichols bill affecting .two Judicial districts of the atate was recom mended for passage this afternoon. The bill takes the county of Stanton from the Eighth district and places It In the Ninth and gives the latter district an extra Judge. Scott of Hamilton, who moved to Indefi nitely potitpcne the bill, wa warmly scored by Nichols, who charged him with attempting to kill legislation on a mat ter he knew nothing about. The new district will compose the counties of Antelope, Knox, Madison, Pierce, Wayne and Stanton. Kent room qolck wltn a Bee Want Ad. property for a quick rale. WILL BE TRESPASS TO LOAF ON RAIL TRACKS (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, March 30. (Special Tele gram. )-It will be a trespass to walk on railroad tracks If you have no legitimate Rent room quick with a, Bee Wan. Ad. 3C IDC 21 1Z A BOUT the only busi- ness that runs itself is tie one that's runninV down hill About th only plpa that's left to lti Is tha one, that aa-vef did glr gatisfac- tiofi and maybe that waa tha fault of' ""th tobacco. Try VELVET, .TbV i Smoothest Smoking Tobacco, It aged . ? l-thwood mellownesa makea momry : ' Pip thd femtorif. 10c tlos) gad Sc matal-Uaed bag. 3 DC ICZZZ3E "annrsnn 24th and L 9to., South Omaha QUALITY HIGH PRICES LOW Hot Ono Pay, Put Evory Pay THE MOST USEFUL OF ALL PIECES OF FURNITURE IS THE WE BELL THEM IN ALL FIN1SIIE3 AND OF LATEST DESIGNS. SEE OUR SPE. CIAL THIS WEEK. $30 VALUE AT n mrJsmm$m m u . 1 ,' - t saue y3 on r.w qy Dovinavoon ATiio:?e 9x12 SEAMLESS BRUSSELS RUGS, for $3.53 9x12 SEAMLESS VELVET RUGS, ONLY $12.00 9x12 AXMINSTER RUGS, for only . . , ; . .$16.00 Hee our complete line of lllon and lkxly CruaaU 1 ltu. Geo Our How Payllcht Display Room THOMPSON, BELDE'N COMPANY' A Special Value Wednesday $1.00 and $1.25 Crepe Ratine 42 to 45 Inches Wide . Your Choice for 25c A Yard An out-going of odd lots, mcstly skirt and dress lengths, in a good line of colors. ,k Value" never meant as much to you as it will Wednesday! ;. ., . W . . ,t Dress Goods Section , Main Floor. Fine Hand Tailored Suits M. aai aW HO30 050 $nA$0 '22! $24fe We have never before offered such values this early in the season. Fabrics, Gabardines, Serges, Novelty Checks. Bright cheerful spring colors, besides the very popular black and navy blue. The Suits for $35 Clever Americanized adaptations In new spring cloth3 and colors. These fashions were brought to us direct from New York by our personal representa tive. Apparel Section Second Floor. - You cam. wear a beautiful, gen uine) diamond .on EaAter Hundar, or make a ttandsome K aster pre ent, by simply opcnlug a charge account with . .. . LOFTIS BROS. & CO. ftrataU knttfri H Stit Taw Cmtukic. 1.75 Jra .$2.50 a month . SO A 103 Wrist Watch-Case and Brace, let are both fine solid sold. Lever swt, full nickel jeweled, rholce of either white or gold dial. . KOAntL Uuaranteed. 3. BO a Month. 68t LadleM' iunr, 14k solid nold 1, o f 1 1 a ferfeo 1 1 o n" mou n 1 1 n K. brilliant ft Diamond. ou A a Month SOftV-Rnund Felcher Clu.i.r Bins. Uk sella (old, T tlx Ulaamxl. set la tUtlnvm, lank. Ilk. a .Inula I. 4S crat st.n. M.60 a Month. This Medal etgla. WaJthasi T Hunpd.a WaichM. suarant4 tor tk r'r. from flV up. Tan a. low aa II a mos. Opes Daily TiU T. X. Satsiitp Tin 9:10. Call ar Writ, tor fVtaloa K. SM. Phoaa Uouslaa 1444 and ear aalMmsa. will call. OTICL THE RATI ORAL M 1 ED Credit Jiwelers I Bros & ca ; w "omIkaT CIIa for First Half- wwu Mila, 48o for tach iiit!l milt liara- Rer for tha distaaea yea rido. Ho charca for call Ing or raturahif. Waltimr Vina at mat . oi u&9 rev Mvmr. Thafa Oa Scrrloa" , v :. Telephone Doug. SO. , Gmalia Taxi Senrlaa Go. 2104 Fanuun SC. OMAHA ttrui. El ttt? 5 VUAAI . . . . I t 1 v 4 a sjw ennsans cwh MTTlfD-IM-BONI m mm m m r- . a is-- fTfoabaseaaTWedHayaarWIilaaay. 1 trtt. atUaataiaaawllhoaBa la stamp se ram sad w. wtil ast4 ya fait quart battle of Hajmtr frtvat Suck itU4J d WhikrT te aaalsi nil imn -r-r-'J llmmMM'i-tm-Bam bak of U Baaat kiad aJad with the U . 8. OmraMt i (inw Dtuap errar taa eark fully aa. full luu proof, full saaasure tin U plaaaa jroaiaawyway. Yao take io fheM t-woeraeoeef tha Wr DuUikm aa AaMrica dmo ta bwuMsa eapltai SO0.eu0J. Order rt ardar or thaa aae aoart tr r mds WUl K fsrwai4 t ant siraas N. .. CWIa- Wr. unf.. thewff .(IN Ml for Miai u-m I I U ii Mi . mmm ilf iTIraT THE HATXE1 DISTIU1N C CO. Dos. 1 OS bvtaa.0. WW. -C. kUaJU, lao. a . au. I.. Ck,.bu. fceaOrteia. JJ awl .11 mu j SAVING PAYS It is the direct road to pros- Iperlty -to comfort or your family and yourself. This strong- bank offers SAFETY' and 4 on Savltfgs accounts. (This bank has the protection of the DEPOSITORS GUAR ANTEE FUND. , , $1.00 opens an account. I INSURANCE FIRE TORNADO AUTOMOBI MS ' UARIUTY " BURGLARY ' , . PLATE GLASS v. . ACCIDENT and HEALTH SURETY BONDS W;. Charles SandUad OXsTXKAX. AOKsTT. CHICAGO BOXDIXG and SUHETV COMPANY CHICAGO, ILL. KANSAS CITY CASUALTY COMPANY KANSAS CITY, MO. Stat Bank Dldj., Omaha PHONE RED 1203. I SOUTH OMAHA SAVINGS BANK 24th and M Streets H. C. BOSTWICK, President llil'MAN BUCK, V. Proa. F. R. GETTY, Caa tiler. ii i - - B i 1 The quality printer urgtt Um automer to spend money for good engrnnngt, because it is money well spent. The best printer in the business cannot get re sults out of an inferior cut We make them to suit the job. TI1K OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPEU Hotel iltelm DroeJwTvy &i 299 St. 2few otU -Am Hotel Wsers Caaats ar Mada ta Faal at 1 iotas' Not too large, vet large enough to afford the maxim urn of value at minimum expense. Exceptionally AcceaflU SOS tusai afaaVraaj ffiiasarasrf Caeree BlaiMj Knesis vlrk Kaaales Vsasr .0tea.60psray aiatis leeaas li Tea or Seever l.&ra.0lMra.r Devbls Ream, vita Raaalss Vsanr 2.era.0araar Deais Imm a ltk Tak er Shaver U.4kvMt.vsarda EDWA.RU C. FOGG. Mnaruw Ww ROT l MOWN. it. AMUSEMENTS. OOYD OatSXA'SJ MOST Ojrux.AJk Theater aUTim TOD AT, S:90 Toaifht aad Weak "Ar.VZELLE" With Tanaavtlla Teat are. Oladys MtaiiOB, "Cyro" aad Otkara. Mats We4, Mara, at, aaet areata, ss-aoe STeak Week. The aTifr! Tuse f)o. elety i;hk. Tha .Weak sHsters' trtaa; Quartette, OKAUSJ TV OMTIV 2?AylM Bvasa, 1-6-0-to. a w on a aro a oood oars ! The PRIZE WINNERS RSSJ.. i DON BARCLAY In J. Hnwanl'. PvHtutl D.1IKM. "A aro.4v.lr Huai." BvumU Preauwa, KU(l.at Chora. tAdlaa Sims Xsttaae Week Says. Hub. Wk: AS Rars.laa "The Celiac OlrW , AST AaTWXO TAVDsTUtl AtrssTTxxai 44 as Othw aot: Mm. Jmiu joswiiit. bovms a ... Tha IXTUe f ajallT. Mr. .d SUB. JMI Barry. HIM im H.rrkwa. Krai a aa4 Br.M, Orpkcua IttMl ni lau (napi bui aa4 Suayl. a. Meau, air. aad Mrs. Carter Xe usrim inuxs wo. ta THE IYEATKEBWAX Q8ABTET rosala Kuatoal rregraas AVDXTOaUtnC APaVII. 1 )alS-aO cents to holders of mrmler ahlpa. ReMrrve ants at Bos Office April 1. si-m (nr ji t 'nil tolmci l land titles. t