nn; th-:k: omaha. MAHCII 1H15. WANT ADS Want ads received at any ttraa. but ta rnaura rroiwr ciaeanraiion moat ba pre sented be'ire 11 o'clock noon for evening altin and 7 SO p. m. for mo-nlng end J Hunrtay edition. Want "a receive "r nth hones will ba under th heading. ' Too Lata to Clsaslfy." CASH RATE- . ra renaecutlv tinea. 1 cant ft word each Insertion. . ... Three time w.thtn on week. 1H mtl word each tnaortlna. On time, t rent a word. rwtunit RATFS. IUrn eonaeeutlva tlmea. t cents ft lino n-h Insertion. Three times within on week. ctmt line earn Insertion. One tlnM. It rent line. . Count si s' erw- words to ft " . Minimum charge, centa. A aJrertlaement Inserted to be ran 10 discontinued must ba toppd by wni tea order. ' Alt tlctma for armro rt within fifteen day after Uia 1 mser tloa of the a! Teniae merit. Tot can plaea your want 1 I Th B by telephone, M TELJCPHONK TTLEB Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappora' Column" ' Hnndred of other answers have been eaile4 for and delivered during the la at ek It ia reasonable, to auppoae that ail of tho raopla below hava jnnd l eaalred swaps, therefor do not call for tho balance et their answer. Boo want sr. it un u i 1414 141 14J4 HA 141 141 14 1441 14R 144 l-4 I if 4 14. 10J ir im ia B.r. 14? IV ir.il 1513 1&1T )F70 1S5 )(. IMO lf 1Mv4 1WS 1SA7 1D7I) IS 1 Ij7 1S luM DEATHS AM) FVKl NOTIClii BI.KICIf-T. F... at local Iioapltal, Sun day, March 2S, aged 22 years. Funeral from Ht. Mark'a church. Twen tieth and Il'irdetie, Welnesday at 2 p. m. Iniermen1 Forest Lawn cemetery, b au tomobilo. ROOOKN Mrs. F.dward !., this morning at a a. m.; at 2Ki A street. Frlonds ru Ouesled not to send flowers. Funeral ajinouncomcnt later. rOHEVSEN- Matlciia. March iO. I'.'l'i: axs 4S years; at his lute residence, Wl Lincoln boulevard. I Funeral notice later. VANCE Andrew V... Hpaniah war vet eran, brother of Jerry Vance. Funeral services from Dodder' chapel. Twenty-third and Cumin otrcela, Wednesday, 2 o'clock. All ripanlsh war veterans rcueated to atte.nd. q CARD OK, TIIAJIKIi We wish to express our alncer thanks to our many friends. Including our nelijU bor, the memliers of lmnianuel llnpttst church. Welcome Srov lodtta No b, and Hoiial lodge No. 102. for the many kind ncssea shown us, and for the beautiful tloiai oficrliiB, Cdrlng- out recont be reavement and sorrow, In the loss of our husband and father, MRS. C 11. iiOYDKN AND . MILY. a We wish to thank cur friend for their kindness to us In our loas of wife suid n-other. also for the many beautiful floral offerings. Their sympathy and helpful ness have been of great comfort to us In our affliction. J. L, Norton and daugh. ters. " LODKH NOTICBJS. ' PAINTERS, NOXtCR Hpcclal meeting Monday. March 9, Lay bur lenipio. ' ATTENTION ODD FELLOWS I The minir of Omaha lodga Ko. I will, mevt nt O-.IU Fellows' hall at 7:1) next Wcdnesdny evening said go In ft body to vIMt Wasa lodge No. 1(4. HIHTIIS AD DKATIIS. Klrths Anton and Anna Vetrlcek, 2fl ttouth bcvenUi, boy; Jtwnes and Llhby i'BBw.ok, 2714 tfouih tieventernlh, gin; I'Hiir and Elizabeth Adotnsou, J'.' BrlKlol, l-y; tlvnry 1. and .Minnlo' H. Krwr, 4LU Franklin, bey; Uyfonl and ttose Kline, boHpital, boy. ' Deaths T. K. l;hlih, A 2T2S Parker; Kebetvft J. Tanner, (.. 11M Webster; jaoios 11. G i ot-ik, hi, :il Is'crLh Twenty eiKhlli; Clisries t'lenient 11, J13 North h nte,-iith; Maude M. liullck, 46, hospital; Jorlo Wtiiklr, 4U, 4u4 California; Ltiah L Nhhols, K", 4'.'i Orant ;Mra. Maren ltaa iiiusscn. C, 2Li Nicholas; W. J. Coan, XI, hospital. MAHHlAOSw LICENSES. License to wed have been Issued to tba following: A' a in and Address. Aa". Perry Neal, Rosalie c He Maud lias aril, Itosatic 31 Walter Koebler, Omaha 3D Marie Walkup, Oumiia It drover Koehler, Pllger 2 liirdio Uunien, i'llger S Oscar J. Llndor, Omaha. ...... ........... 33 Caroline Mukat, Omaha 'M William F. Ilaugh, Omaha..' 21 Francis Grass, Tabor, la, over..... Ui Oocsr tlurgmann, Benson...... 11 Waiter lieu, Ucosoti , , BL1I.D1U I'EHHITI. Drake Realty and Ccnatructlon com. paiiv, stucco 11 hii. 'JV... 31 and Ul U) Haauail. each; ttamlaril OH cotn- jiany, Farni!i, auto iillmg station. .'i, Chrltiline Ahlbach. 4Ji ltocatur, rrnme dwelling, 11. Wo, Mia. IWtha Uxl, ai Jayncs. frame dwellnn, . Ij.Sou; J. Rahn. - &ruUt Ninth, frame dwcllng, 3-i.iuO. TODAY'S OO.tPLETE MUV1E PlUXilLAMS Exclusively in Tho lie. luwa Tsn. CAM ERAPIION U. 2KJ3 DOUQLA8. Minerva a M lesion, 2-r. Ms J. Dra. On Account of ft Dog, Pi In. C. D. His Myi'ertous Neltcihor, Am. Ir. 1.1.1 IK N. 2. iil FAKNAM feT. HcarM-rW-hg No. 23, In the hiudow of Death. 2-r. Edison dr. Blown Into Oimody, Biopraph coined y r A HNAM THEATKJt Hlo FARNAM b'i'. liunaway Juu will be ahown har evury Toew.lay in connection with our regular prot-'raoi and a Keystone comedy. UU P 1tiLAis.it. li li ANU HAilNLY llunt vt raramount Picture, si N. 14111. Ftature program dally. le v stone Ci.iu'tils. I'A R i Oh. i.400 DJL''iLA8 fcT? I niaiihdil to His Trust. 2-r. Kalem dr. I rtiittrloii Hilly. Vitasraph comedy. nr..i' hti iillys Velijieanie, V.ttm. t nr. l'HI.M I 14JI-IS iKl( liUH r-T. 1 1, a Im. k Box Mystery, Fourtn ilsKie. In si JiM.WPot, NeeK.r com. i Eddie Lyons). Lstesi Animated Wrrkiy, war news, clo. Aertk. ALAMO, . 24T1I AND FOKT. Four reels of the best Mutual picture ALU A U bit A. 1M4 NORTH 34TH WEEKLY." Jn the Jury Room. 3-rx:l Than, drama, A Flurry in Art, Komtc coititOy. iTTi i- 1 uS. MilTVYE. A BCKlTtTXbr the Isbie lop, MaH'sli Uiftina. I i!.i m a i uj. Krslou cviuHly. ''. No. 17. t tIav hiik.jAi). iu LAKli. .-iii'.,iMl kly. A at liiui. Nsior comtrfy. i.iphot ot l.istor, li-ro-i rivi'itl i ka Ki.iN. .nn a"ni'fuankiTn! i..r r.. pitm,- .-s... nfl-e, ;-r. Kal. Dra. r')..i- Wi tt" lu.4-. iia. torn. i. ii. im l.;' s i. viin. r. !. w. Dra. aoa aure aet reeulta- a d no, c. IT " ' im t 4 44 191 to jno til 17 tt r at i t rt v it n r7 i 4 n it- M t4 nu 1 -0 r lTi ti k r ' ui i74 rm Sht tvj 1X7S r j r m iw -t V4 M X4 F4 1 HMI 151 i ism w 1 14 4 n ld let n rn ui! i tO Ui 1W TODlVS COMPLETE MOVIE PROGRAMS Excliiaive-ljr In Thr Hoe Aortb. Grand, "Theater Beautiful," p: ft Rinnry. Charlie Chaplin In 2 -reel. Kryatone In Dough and Dvnsmlte. a ttec ul Poison, 2-r., Pra.. Mitiial Weekly. No. 1). III Pit HilioMK. rtlTANT fUMi M.l. The Speed King, 2-tce Thanhausor dra. At the Bottom of Thing. Reliance, dra. Who Got Stung, Prince rnrnedy. IT TMKATEH. HiTII KUTST. The lied Signal (Helen Holmes). Kal. dra. Underneath the 1'Hlnt. 3ree Bmsdwav. The I'nwlKiy'a fonii"-t, Hlogrnph dranv IVY. 1ST 1 1 AN D MT'liTlKTTli' Smugglers tflnnd, 2-ricl O. heal. Dear Old Hypocrite. Dig U. And a Dandy 4'omedv. IflTM RO 2ITH AND l, ITH R P. The Ioat Inrd lovell, 2-reet MeJ. dre. The Express Messenger. Gratitude of Conductor "M, Thanhausor comedy. LOYAI 2406CAMVHl,U The Hard Road. 3-reel Vict. Pooling Katlirr. Joker comedy. r a lack! miTTiAVKN hjiit! ld I'ea; lyRa Will, 2 i-eel Illiwvii. Koola and l'alamai. Joker comedy. And a iood I 'onidv, sFlUJHHAN. S4TII AMI AAIIX. Old laa-cnn' Ilamonda, 2-r. Kal. I va. Youna: Man Who FlKgerett. Vtta, Com. Hllm IMkkIiih. 8el. V. Ir. Sooth. ARBOR. ??T A. ARIIOU. Mother Ilulaa, 2-reel( Bron.'ho. The Man and Hla WiVk, drnma. Ye Old 41rafter, KeyaVine conieflv. i APOLLO TH K A TKI I, HilTLcb v e n w o rtli. The Knalneer'a Peril, Kalem drajna. 'I he Hermit of Utrd Inland, 3-r. IajI. Pro,. o.Li MiuA, r7it)o. uTrti. The ten Drawbrlda. Kalem drwna. Hencath the Hea, I-rei Luh!n drama. Ha cedle'a Hofwleaa live, KHftanv cim. IIJIKOHT, 24TH VINTON. The Adventure of Florence, K-rcel Than. Only a Tramp, Rellnce. I k I lone It, Royal. r A V OKITK, 17W VINTON. The Mystery of the Tea tianennt. 2-rel Kal. drn. A Terrible Break, Mlna com. The Quality of Mercy, Vitwaraph drama. ;km. Hchultz'a Lady Friend, I2T8 HO. 1STII. Joker comedy. No. 5-H. 2-renl Dig V. Plx Months to Live, Rex I.Ylil', 1I7 VINTON. The I'nhldden Treasure, 2-reel Victor. Martin Uwr, Financier, Lnemmle dra. Too Many liachelors, Ia Ko. comedy. V AHT I M K, Ml A LEAVKNIVOKTI I . Feature Week HoecUI. "AH Aboard." A Hogus llandlt, Victor drama. tmr I eat tire, Winning liack. VE.NE21A. UU SO. KlTli ST. Four reel of Jdatual clcturaa. West. MONRO K, FARNAM ST. Colnmha, 2-reel Klosraph draiiiii. I t'llppoi'ir mim'a Weddinic Day, Ksaanay I "'. com. The Hood In Him, Luhln dr. Beaaon, n en son. r.x-. main HT. Diana of Engln Mountain K'leo Madison). rllx or Nine, -re'l (Hen Wilson). It Mlifht Have Keen Serious, Nestor. Council UlMftft ELITE NO. 2. RI5 HilOADWAT. The Death Train, Knlem drama. Tho Glory of Clementina, 2-r. Edison dr. Elvira and Farina and the Meal Ticket. N K'HOLArt, t.47 JUROADWAY. The Htrcngth of the Weak, 2-r. Kes. dr. A.Mnn of Parts, VltsKraph comedy. Tho Human Investment, Luhln drama. Roper, an uroadway. Playing with Fire, 5-ree Victor. Around the World In Ten Minutes, Joker. Tho Ace of Clubs, Powera. float Uusta, BER8E THEATER. MTll AND N. The Night Operator at Buxton. Kal. dr". A Woman Went Forth. 2-r. Lubin drama. Father's New Maid, Kaaanay comedy. MAUIC, i!4'l'H AND O. The Desert Breed. J-reel Rex. A Change In Lovers. U Ko comedy. a, ode villa, 24TH AND M 8T8. ORPHEUM, ( reels war pictures, drama. ANNOUNCEMENTS IJECORATOJiS, ATTENTION Leave your name and aMress with us. We have many tnguUles from people who bay work to do. As we do no contract ing, we refer all audi Inquiries to dec orators, who handle our books. OMAHA WALL PAPER CO. OMAHA PILLOW CO., lfc7 Cuming. Douglaa 84fi7. Reaovatea fathr and niattrso of all kinds, make feathei mattrrKHee and down rovers. BPRINil CLEANING TIME la here. Your windows cleaned and alorm windows taken down at reasonable rates. For first chins service cull Douglas S.UI. AMERICAN WINDOW Cl.KANINO CO. 1IOMKMADW aaussKe, only one In Oina ha. riani Flwher, Imo lavenw'h. D. .:0. Wedding annooncementa. Doug. Ptg, Co. V ACTUM cleaners for sale. Vacuum cleaning don in the home. B solitary rlervjeu Co., Bee Bhlg. D. fH, ENROLL now. Y. M. C A. night achooT LTJCKY weeding ,i Iiims at BixUesaard's. w B rent, repair, eli nnliee and part for all sewing ruu)hioea, Nii LRAbiCA CYCLE CO.. Mlckal'a.' lith and Harney. Douglaa Nail. WALL paper cUanlng. las 74se Call Berry, Doug- NEEDLECRAFT shop, i."4 b. 1Mb tit. D. 1MX, Hand work for Easter gifts. Poll lira I. Tour Btipport solicited. H. 1?. HAZE Candidate for City Commissioner. ' AUTOMOBILES ONE IVU Chalmers, s-cyliuder, electrio lUhted, fully rquipiMHl, $i.hv. Cadlllau Co. of Oniahs. 3u4 V'arnaiu M C ELKASlsKR, export radiator and bus repairs Ty. 7M, lH Leavenworth. I HAVE a -cyl 60 h.-i. White car that will trad for a modern honi of suual or great? valu. H. Plton. ZMk Farnam. Orsenough Omaha U.. Hep. Co.. M) Far. AUTO Clearing liuuat, Fainam. buys eeiis u.i tniB. riiuiiv ovimiat ajoa U Overton's for leaky radiator, dealer. lino REWARD f.ir any maaneto we can't rvp.tlr. Coila rvpd. Baysdorfer.ilO N Ig e W Ant an auto. C. J. Canan, Mcc'ague bldg, Maiarexvlea. HARLEY-DAV1DSON MoTORCYCLEa Barsain In used machlima. Victor Huoa, 'T tie Motori yi ie M a iu' Ulua lsvenwp rt ft. Ulit INDIA.- MOlOilC'YCl-sw now read d: barsaiDS In ud inaxhut. OaiAliA Bit; 1 C LU :o. lulU and lilcago. D. 1791, ilLHl.LSf CUANCEai A l.ARUK and wll-quipped garage lor sals, have other buUio and unabl to oinraie botjt. If you want a good eatab libcd biisiot s, this is your chance. "IL," Omaiia li.-e. Council Blufls, la. 1U ACKcii 1TH shop, tools and lo.k ou eaay lei ma; only anop In town. Asa (or I articumra. Box 43. Jansea. Neb. IiONELHON da niore t list your business, he Bells It atd Omaha Ns at'l bk. FvK ciA f.E stuck of ciolliiiig, geula' (ur niahlnsa. hats, caps, shues, etc., dam aged by fir and water. 11. RotbboU, 4JI North 24tn St , South Omaha. Hil'jNeC imm 'lam . akia. D. U14. UKNKilAI, stock mercliandla for sole, luvuhe II2.UU), for tc ui th dbllar. No trade; notnUig but spot cash. Address Y 4Js, li TO OFT In or out of business. Caul oa OANGKSTAH 44 Be Bids. D 3477 Liar with ua lor Uva'tm'i.t YuUR bl't.lNk.h. qui.-k actlua and squf Ql'H'K 111 Be fi.da. ALK COVPANT. Pucu lied 3XL BUSINESS CHANCES Forced Sale of BAKERY EQUIPMENT The atork. fixturea. ma'-hlnrry. waaona formerly leed h Otto WairriT 'o. In - modern bak ery Ht 2Mh and lravrnworth Ktn., Omaha, vill he aohl at pnhlln mle at the nbove nddr, ralurlity April .1. 1 '1... at 10 ii. m. All pror"Tty may be examined on the nhove premlee ni followa: Marrh .11. IMS, 11 a. m. to noon. April 2. 1915. 11 a. m. to noon.s If. M. CHOSSilAX, TIIU8TKK I.N BANKRUPTCT. ? State Bank Hid:. Telephone loug!aa t3. I, IAV'K leat retail c.irner In Omaha, occupied with a email Mock of hdw., no tions, ladlea and Rent' f urniehlna. Yoti ran buy stork and fixtures for ll.-VD. There ouaht to he a t'.'.i or gl.ftuO stock carried here. Rent. :f). r"ee me at once i ir you want a ooo nualneea at moderate price. .Ask about stock No. 101. C. M. EATON, im w. o. w. nid. iouB. t9M. c M. KATUN, Una. Rroker, 110R W. O. help you In or cut of buMnesa. TH EATERS buy, lease or sen your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., 14u6 Farnam Bu Dounlas 1 hj7 TOUR buslnOH or real estate quickly gold. Write Jim Wray, Bloux City, la. WILL KELL lni-Bcre farm, erect bulld lns to suit, supply you with cows and hogs, on payment of 3.VO and $1 a year rer acre thereafter. Aak about this. W. O. Temrdeton. WXI Bee. Omaha. WR1TE. tNIKatrOnifthft for buyera.' KDICATIOXAL SPR1NO TERM BOYLES COLLElE Monday. April nth. Day School, Night Kehooi: complete business course: complete shorthand or stenotype course: complete telegraphy course; civil service tranches and Eng. INh. StitdeotB admitted at any time. Write, phone or can for UIA catalogue. BOY LES COLLIDE. H. U. BOVLEH. President. Tel. P. 1Mb. Boylles Rldg., Omaht, Neb. The Van ftant School Stenography Par school. y.UV tu 4.(. Night school. :1& tu .U. lth and Kainam bt r-oucss cMt, FOR sale the following scholaralups Jl ft first class Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination buaioes and shorthand course. One unlimited business course. On Unlimited stenographic course. One three months' business or steno graphic rcurs. Will be sold at ft discount at the office of the Omaha Bee. EXPERT lady stenographer will take pupils. SHORTHAND, touch typewrit ing, spelling, punctuation, etc., taught and complete training given for business career. Private Instruction If desired. Ui louglas fit. Tel. Walnut 2327. LEARN to speak French; trial lesson free. Conversational method; uoces guaranteed. Address 8. 2114, Bee. FOR BALE Karaltnre, ilousraiolal uosdi, tCt. FOR HALE Complet et of quarter sawed oak postoffice futures; about 4"0 combination lock boxea, dumping tabtn; bag rack, cabinets, etc. Address Y 396. Bee. MARBLE center table, kitchen cabinet, china cabinet. X mirrors, gasoline range, cider press, other articles. Har. 7uW. New 4k lid-hand furniture, rash or terms; reasonable. Amor. Furn. Co.. 606 N. ltttsj T I,' t;l.'(jiouiiTit and sold. J. C. Reed. 1W7 Farnam Bt. D.x 14. Ileraea aad Vehicles. SHIP itva stock to Houth Omaha, Bsv mileage and ahrlnkae. Your consign menu receive prompt said careful auo tlon. MARE and horse, matched, 7 year old. Pair lat-class , mare. S years old, in foal, weighing; 2,8oO. Rear JW Burt SUITABLE for gardeners or hucksters, four d livery horses, double harness, one double, on slnxl spring wsgons. Will be wild at wnat they are worth. Don't answer unlenj you mean business. Address, J 341, care Omaha Bee. UUK winter work Is over and I want to sell some of my norscs 13 good work horses. O. U LlKhtfuot, 2102 Cuming Ht id-hand buggy et harness. t. Har. 7-0. FARM wakona. and up; barnesa, 340. Johnaon-Danforth Co., Hith A Clark Bt. FOR SALE Team of mares. l,luu loa. each for )H). SX"2 HARRISON STREET. Phone 8outh 3u-'. TEAM of 6-year-old mares, well matched, weight 2.Mu: a-yeitr-old work horse, weight l,4ou, and handsome black and white Shetland pony, heavy In foal, gen tle for children: bargain; vrty going to San Francisco March is. 24tyodge Ht Foil HALK Three big, nice tarn mares; heavy in foal; ny having uo further use; leaving city; call at once. 124 H. 24lh. Lin Hack ( asiMlMioa Merahjtala. MARTIN BROa A P.. aicpsiia BIU. Maaleal laatraaaeaia. ANGELU8 outside piano player, ma hogany case; can be adjusted to any piano; 40 roll of music; a bargain. Phone j i arney 4402. 3jl0 Dewey Ave. HIGH GRADE piano, slightly used, a bargain. l"JCu Grand Ave. Webster MA. NEW oak. full-slse Cable-Nclaon piano, 3171; worth :w. Red bsm. 704 8. 17th at PIANO, 11. Voso upright, cheap. Webster I'vallry, Cass aaat Sapplle. STEREOTYPE matrloee nut th bast and cheapest lining lor poultry bouses. Thy ar 11x23 luchua, stronger and mora durable than turred felt and practically fireproof. 7oc a hundred at The Ilea otfRe. WHITE WYAN. cockere.a. Benson Mi W. loN "i' lorimt that three Uiuea tuore cliwacns hav been batched In Oil Trus y niciil ators, than in any other Id cubain. Calalogu lre on requvat Ad dress, 2.1. Al. Juiuisou Co., flay Cenir. No. R. C. R. I. Red eggs, 7uc. 14; 34, lvKX A. M. lirsen,mthiid CenUr. Wat 31H4. o Mixed e .a 1 1 1. IM lbs.. 11.76. Wag nr sol N la R. C. RIIODE 18LAND RED eggs lor hatching. VUorous, hardy stock on country tang, ii for IS; 36 per 10U. A. H. BAKER. BENbON, NEB. Phone B.non 747-W. R. F. D. No. t 8. C. White Leghorn egg for hatching. My hen are lioin P1U0 winning layer at international egg laa tug contest. Moors. Conn. 31.50 for IS. 34 per luu. A. H. Baktr, Benson, Nb.. R. F. D. No. 3. Tel. Benson 747 W. LET chickens pay your rent; send for free boik. Turning Eggs Into Chlek na Into iMilars." and free sample world only hutching chart: book desciibea Ray luoubatois; giv most vhkks; batch oa one iiuiloit oil. Rayo Incubator Co., I'M jA. l.'tn St.. Omaha. Neb. Phone Red Si'i. Thuro. barred rock eggs i ceata Wal. 1. Ir le writer. RENT Remingtons, Moaarctis and Smith premiers of their uiakere. Th Heinliig ton Typewriter Co, lalophon Dwugiaa LM. RaBlai credited tf you purchase aad only very uwat ana hignesi iwu lue chlnea aval out Rate. thro months for la lor undersliok machines or 33 pr month for latest modal viaiOt wrttera T k-k.V Ri'i'EKi su.u. leuiad, repaired, centrsl Typewriter S-ichang. 3u7 1 l.io UENT Aa Oilr tPwriioi. 3 tuouiha tor K Th Oliver T puwriur Co.. D. 13 Mlsrellaaeasuk f OR bAl.E New and aeroniLJiaad carom aud I. -cket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accaasoi las ; bar fixtures of ail kiuus; easy pay mail la. The Brunswick- litikei oi-nder Co . 7-4 8. iJth at Folt SALE -A IOxU refrigerator meat box. Miol be sold at one, x bargain. tViitral Market, t o'Oiril Bluffa a U1A.U. Uiua Wlaca t-i ., -1 a; Paui, FOR SALE M I f-l Imrnna. NEW and ;d-hand motora. dynamoa, naanetoa, ate., and me-tl. ret I re. I Urn n Eleet. orka, 120 B Hlh. V, PRu'OSlt HAND ;Onnjr-in-alot ma chine of varloua kind, also coal rango ami 4 Fua mnnn. J. C. Ish, Executor 701 g Slet Ave. ' L'?LOB Hrney 243. 1-OK 8AI-K K'lli'ae electric aweeper. od aa lie', cheap; alao OMver vlelblo typewriter. No. . Tel. Web. 30T. FOR f ALB On atcek memberKhlp Happy Hollow at conalderathm. Walnut triTI. RKHTACRA NT dlehea: larne coffco urn nnd exsh realdi. r. M)7Vi N. P'.th. HELP HAXTKU FKM.4LK (lerlral and Office. NO VBCAlj VH.INO KEK, Steno., wholesale hfite. aalary $15 to $1 per week, reasonable hours, pleaaant office. BLHINKSS MKN'f REFKRKVCK ASS N. t:i!-2i Woftlmrn of World. K I LI .N 1.4 t'LKKK ANI 8TKNO 40 CI.KRK AM) TYPIHT 40 IIOOKKEKI'KR AND STKNO 45 HTKNO 5 hTKNO. AND HOOKKKKPKR uO CO-OPERA Tl VIC KK FK.lt KNCK CO., H'lii-l cnjr ."National. NO FIL.INH FEE. Rest commercial positions. Ropers Ref. Co., !Cd-H Ma to Psnk. Amenta and (tales wonea. HHOE SALESWOMUN. W want a neat, enertretic shoe snW- miFinitii, inuM oe expenifnceo . excellent chsnce for advancement to right party. illiy eupt-i uiienueni s omce, BALCONY. Bt:naES8-NAii co. Kactory a ad Trade. I.EARNa'rnresslng. Opnenneim Parlor Housekeeper aad Oomestlca. THE dervant airl trolilem Hoiveu. Th Re will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FKEK until you get th desired reaulta This applies to residents of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffa Bring ad to i ne rtce omce or teiepnona 'i yier ins, WANTED Experienced girl for general house ork. TeL Hsrnev BUO or cull 11311 Ilerney. WOMAN to keep house for bachelor. 35 per week; no iaun.iry; child no objec tion. Phone Douglas 7163, or write 2423 8. 24, Oman a A COM PETKNT white girl for general housework; no waahmg;, reference re- quiiea. ii. i. ii: iiooge Bt WANTED White girl for general house work, j nrifl in lamiiy. vai. mm. MAID for general housework. Two In family. Har. 6779. WANTED An experienced servant girl for general housework; must be a good cook; references required. Cnl! H. 17S7. WANTED 2 women to work In Kitchen nt French Coffee House, Hartinston, Neh, LADY to keep house. Myself and child. High waxes. You practically would be same a in your own home. Address A-3.1O, care Bee. 'WANTED A girl for light housework; no wanning, wai. .. WANTED A middle-aged lady to do housework; good home and reasonable wapea. ion Pacific Ft WANTED A good girl for general house- nvs,., uiu mo e 1 1 i uu. , k 1.1 . 1 waxen. Daytime, Doug. 1163; evenings, Web. 4tUo. w Awl r.u competent while girl for gen eral housework, no washing, wage $5 per week. Phone Webster 7067 or call atiu3 N, 24th St HOtTHEKEBPER wanted; woman aged Au-40. to keen hnllae tn fem mnA (,b. rare of two little children; country woman fiairru. Knu reterence na state waxes. Arthur Jenilna. 11 IT. n Mo. 1 Ord. Neb. . WANTED Reliable and competent girl for general housework. References re quired. Harney 4WW. WANTED Girl for general housework, who can cook, where laundress and sec ond girl are kept; references required. Phone Harney 33J7. Mrs. 44eo. E. Barker. GIRL wanted;, German preferred; good home. 4M03 Cass. Walnut K15 . WANTED A miduie-aged woman for housework. 81S H. loth St. WANTED A cook, no washing, good wages. Mia Joseph Marker, liiui So. 8th St. Doll K I as 11260. WANTED A cook. Mrs. F. P.' Klrken dall. 3727 Jackson. H. 227. HOUSEKEEPER Refined and experi enced; state age, religion and aalary desired. Must not object to children and fun. References. Walnut 3ff7. WANTED A girl for general housework who ran cook, I In family. (10 Ho. 35th Ave. Harney 1494. ' V- WANTED Ah experienced rlrl for geu. eral housework, where second girl ) kspti good wasres. Apply 430 South 8th St., Council Bluffs. Phone L363. WANTED A girl for general housework. 114 North SOth St. CAPABLE white girl for general house--J",orlL!.c"f BLHftrny 6t4. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, family of tliree; good wages. il Case. Walnut 1M. Bf laaaliaaeaw. GOVERNMENT JOBS FOR WOMEN 7 month. List -free. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. tr C. Rochester. N. T. YOUNO women coming to Omaha a traugra ar Invited to visit th Youna Women's Christian asportation building at St. Mary's Ave. and 11th St. where thy will b directed to suitable boarding ft ace or otherwise aanluted. Look for our ravler' gud a? tlnloa atatloa WANTED A first clas hair dresaer; must hav tar year' experlenca Apply at W. L. Brandeis it Sons Beauty Parlors. WANTED Middle aged lady who wishes a good Job traveling on road, work con sists of sewing bed ticking for mattresses. Wagea tl per month, board and room and railroad transportation. Answer at once aa job open only three daya Address Bert Melbroso. Blair, Neb. A YOUNG woman between 2j ed au j year old aa companion for an old !dy; ai or so per week. Apply M04 Harney St HELP WANTED MALE SALESMAN paper exp.. aalarV depends. KAIU-iM.XN, sclalty, aalary, com. and exp. SALESMAN, grocerr trade, aalarv anl CXp. - HTKNO, V ateno. 350; ateno. 115. tlKll'ICM tw.ir ...ul -.I...... ..." Wittts Ref. t-o., Brandeis Thea OFFICE msiiager and salesman to take over established bualnea an.i r,rri.-u fix tures. Steno.. R. R. experience, $5i Salesman, auto experience. 376. ' CO-OPERATIVE RhU-'ERENCE CQ., iiou-is t iiy iat. Bank LKJitHT. hi. rseilo man for slenopraphlc e ri''r ai onee. ai; ties Bldg. HllilllKAIiK iylmii..rrl.l .w...,. WKoT. REFERENCE & BOND A SSN 72 On.vha Nat Bank Bldg. TYPIST, executiv ability, jb " STENOG., To; St. nog , fc Wstta Ref. 'o.. k.to-4-42 Brandel Thea. Asjeate, Salessaea aa Sollcllar. THE fust payment now cover Insurance Id July 1, DJi. This makes ur policy esay to sell. Call or writ. Mutual B. a etit. Health aod Accldeut Amu, 4j3-J City Nat Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb Drug store snap: lob, stnelat, Ba) Bldg. WANTED Young man to travel with manager aa awivtarit salesman. Thur oiiah i i'i'ii- In sal, ainunrinp. vitn rha ice tor r i.i niivaii-eni. nt. all hetore 8 'p. ni. 0.1 A. E. Kiah, 1 yul Hotel. HELr wANTKD MALE A areata, Haleamen and Hnllcltora. SIIOU OALKKMAV. We want a neat eneritetlc shoe Kale, man; rhuet be experienced: excellent chance for advancement to riRlit rally. Apply superintendent's office. BALCONY. ni.-RfJKHS-NASH CO. Factory and Irades, Tri-City Barber College. Ti.lt Ion on account of big trade Wages for i and 11 cent work. Electric loasHage lament. Hydraulla chairs. Catalog free. 11-4 Douglas 8t . Omaha BARBER WANTED at Dead wood. 12. D. only first-class need apply. J. H. lA-rch, f lead wood, S. D. WANTED Flnlaher for cement works, Meyer Luerf, Columbus, Neh. IIARNK.-.S makers wanted. Wilcon Sad dlery Co., 17"J1 Lawrence St., Denver, Colo. MOLElt BARIiEIl COLLEGE WRITE FOn FREP! CATALOGUE. SPECIAL SPRING RATES. 110 Bo. 14th St. Ieek R, Omaha, Neb. OOOD VOl'NO M EN WANTED IMMEDIATELY. iilsgeHt demand for our Magnetic Klec. Ma iter Auto gradu ates. Too many untrained tinker repair men. Oood men positively needed. Big spring roan. Free catalogue. NIGHT SCHOOL NOW OPEN. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 2f3 Fnrnnm St.. Omaha. MlseellaneobC. WANTED A reliable mnn to take man agement of the grain and roai business for the Farmers' Elevator Co. at Braln ard. Neb.; party mut talk the English and Bohemian language; cood aalary to the right party. Address, Anton J. Bruncr, David City, Neb. WANTED Two men either pliarmlceuti cal or medical students for detail work with physician In state of Nebraska Give full details In answering or no air tentlon will be paid. Address O, 2T5 Bee. GET WISE A thorough, practical automobile edu cation at minimum cost Ask for cata logue "C" and explanation of our set results method. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 1413-17 Dodge Street, Omaha. Neb. GOVERNMENT want clerks; $70 month; Omaha examination April 28; common education sufficient; particular free. Apply Immediately. Y 399. Bee. WANTED 1,0)0 men to eat haat and eggs, 15c. Corfee John, 14th and Capitol, RAILROAD GRADING.- About 4o,onn yds. embankment at Klrks vllle. Mo.: blueprints on file office of Big Creak C.oal Co., at Klrksville, Mo. Be an Auto Mechanic nd draw a large salary, or so Into th auto business for yourself. Our com pletely equipped school and shops will bring this result for you. Write for free booklet. v Nat'l Auto Training As3n, 2S14 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Nab. KELT WANTED MALE) AND FEMALE. MEN. WOMEN WANTED-Oovernment Jobs. 3tM to 31oO montn. Write for list Positions now obtainable. Franklin In stitute. Dept 221 C. Rochester. N. Y. SITUATIONS WANTED HOTEL Hnd restaurant man. experienced, aged 23, wants, work either as dish washer, uorter. bellboy or anv other kind: honest, sober and willing. Phone Doug- las 4ws. John. yi4 Douxlas St. TREE84 grape trimmed, yard raking. Webster 46114. ELDERLY lady desires position aa house keeper, short dtatunce In count-y or city. For Interview, phone Web. 3138. Washing nnd Ironing- by day. Web. 8itv. DAY work wanted. Web. &06S. FIRST CLASS laundress, by tho day, or wasn lace curtains, wenater i. LADY stenographer. P. B. X. operator and general oillce. I yrs. exp. Refer ence. II. 5357. PAY work or bundle wh "'"b k-ht. IOliiiiEU man wants juo ,-.ulor or porter. Csn furnish beat of referencea Call Webster 817 and ask for Anderson. ELDERLY lady wants place, aa house keeper, tall Web. ailio. Z74 Grant St PIACE desired by colored girl as houa maid, t, a 11 Tyler gw-w. ' EXPERIENCED young man, ii, having finished tralnliiB as cashier and bill and office clerk. Has excellent penman ship and is college trraduitle. Desires poaitlon In Omaha or eUewhcre. Douglas UiOT, or add re as J-2n6. Bee. YOUNG man, graduate attorney and DiKiiuaiBri'cl T. .11 1 . nvlllUII Will, VIIWIIM lawyers; object, mutual advantages. Ad dress Y 4M, Bee. YOUNG man want work on farm or ranch, city or country. D. 3(ije. BUSINESS MEN Young man. age 21, business college graduate, selling ability. references, want position. Address K 13, Bee. DAT work by hour. Red 8687. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would well to call un the office of the Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left tt in the street car. Many articles each day ar turned In and th company is anxious to restore tl em tn the rlaht'.i ow.r. Call Doug, 4. LOST-SMALL RED BOOK CONTAIN ING NAMES OF REAL ESTATE" DEALERS, LISTED ACCORDING TO BUILDINGS. FINDER PLEASE PHONE RED S227 OR CALL DOUGI.A8 2M2. LOST A white aigrette Sunday after noon, between 4ilO Florence Blvd. and Union station. Suitable reward. Telephone Webster 4C.4. LOST Smull, black purse containing five ring's and four unset diamonds; may be In ladies' hat box sent out from Bursesa Nash company. Liberal reward for re turn. Call Harney 171&, or Douglas 1449. MEDICAL Piles and Fistula Cured without 6URGICAL OPERATION or PAIN. NO DETENTION from BUSI NESS. PAY when CURED. A written GUARANTEE given In every ease treated. Patienta roust come to the of fice. 408-8-10 Omaha National bank. 17th and Farnam Sta. WJLUAM CKEIQiriON MAXWELL, Twenty-eight year In Omaha. Graduats of Bellevue Hospital Medb'ul College.. New York City. N. T o Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. 'iarry cures piles, fistsla and other rectal discawes without surgical op eration. Cur guaranteed and tu nwiwy paid uutll cured. Write for book on rectal disease with testimonials. DP- E. R. TARRY. S-HJ Bee Bldg Hupture Cured in a fw davs without pain. Call or write Dr Wray. 8M Bee BhU. Oman. KsuabUshed ViM. o NlRSERV SEE1M4 AND PLANTS. 2o0 liL'NLAP strawberry t-lauls II; 1.OU0 84; poatpald. W. C llebdon. Blair. Neb. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial borne ao licit your olu slothing, furniture, 111 ax a tlaea. W toUect W dlaUibul. Pbon Douglas 4188 and our waxoo will calL Call and luict our n-w home. Ulv-UU-UU Lwda bt PKHHOXAIj $7,000 Fi)K INVALIDS. W ouhecrti'tlona to tho L. H. Journal. $i'. tho 8. F. I'oat II. "i0. the Country tientlcman II On earn that I7. fr Tho j Invalid' I'enalon Aaaoclatlon. Your order .or renewal contrlhutea 60 cents. Phono loilf:in TIvk. ldro GOHDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN. OMAHA. NEB. TOUNO women coming to Omaha a strangers are invited to visit the Yiung Women's Chretl.m aasocl .tlon building at 17th Ft and HL Marv's Ave., where they I w 111 he dire, tet to suitable boarding place 1 or otherwise axslgted. Look for our trav i aler' aid at the Union station. SUMMER RESORTS To LET for the season at Huxzard's Bay. AiaeS., scven-foom seasnore ronage at entrance Cape Cod canal: pictures of cot- Isgo at Boo otflce. David Moore, 26 River- view Ht., Campello, Mae?. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OK OMAHA Accesntssta. E. A. DWOIIAK. C. P. A . Address 432 Pamge Bldg.. 1'hone Douglas 74. Addlau llachlsei. Dalton Adding Machines. 411 8. IS. D. 144X Adder Men. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. D. Auiatrsr Ftalshlaa. FILMS developed fro If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 4! Bee Bldg. Dept. O. Architects. Everett 9. Dodda, 612 Pon Blk. P. 23M. Aato and llaiiatla lleiwlrlaw. Magneto repair work a specialty. D. 3-111 Aactloaeera. Dowd Auction Co., 1115-M W. O. W. R. S2S5. Dowd Auction Co., lllfi-lH W. O. W. R. &ia. Bakeries. Z. H. REEDER, 1WK No. 18th. Web. 22ST. Bine I'rlntlna. HORNBY hLlK PRINT CO.. 303 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Barber. 13 Chair. 10c shave, neck shave. 1S17 Far. Brasa Foaadrlea. Paxton-Mltehell Oo.. 27th and Martha Sta Carpenter and Contractor. STEVENSON, 873 8. 23d. Douglas S30. Callfoent- l.aada. W. T. Smith Co.. 1137 City Nat l Bk. D.2S1H China Palatine;. - Ruth Letch ford, decorating, firing. R. 441 rtvl Bnalneera. M. J. LACY, 518 BEE BLDO. DOUO. 4718. Cream Separator. Th Sharpies Separator Co.. 12th Farn. Cistern aad Well IUssTlasT. NEED well or cistern cleaned or dug? SCHAFFER does If Phona Web. E631. . K. RICKERTT Well Construction Co.! nothing too big or Impossible: estimate furnished. S10 N. 21st St. Omaha. Danciasr Academies. Turpln' Dancing Academy. 28th & Farn. Try Mackle'a first 1818 Harney. Doug. 6446.' CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 1S7L tlaatl.i. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 821 W. O. W.Bldir. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 403 Brandeis Bailey, the Dentist. 704 City Nat I Bank. Taff Dertal Rooms, 1517 Douglas. D. 2184. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckes. 724 City Nat Bank. Detectives. INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any part of United States, Canada or Mexico. 0 Paxton Blk. Doug. 1373. Walnut 1520. JAMES ALLAN. 813 Nevlll Blk. Evi dence secured In all casea. Tyler 1138. Prrumatlax. Terry Dressmr.k'g college. 20th ft Farnam. KEISTER'S Dressmaking college, day and night school. 112M City Nat'l Bank. Ilrnara. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on fl order; catalogue free. Sherman ac Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha. 4eb. (uttering; aaat Spoatlauc. STOVE repairing. Firo Prevention Co. Douglas 4584. Everything; for Woa, . - . ACCORDION, wide, knife. unburst boa pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and lyles; hemstitching, picot edging; Ideal Pleating Co., 2D Douglas Block. D. 1938. HAIRDRESSING at your home. R. siai. KvmlllRa far WamiB. NEW YORK sample store. Must vacate, building coming down: cloaks, suits and d 1 canes sacrificed; 208 N. Pith St SWITCHES from combings, 3L60. Psyche free. Mrs H. M. Eck. Hue Marcy, H. C646. Elertrie Sappllee. LEBRON Klec. Wka.. 318 S. 12th. D. 178. Florlaia. A. DONAGHUE. 1C2I Harnay. Doug. lOOt HESS at SWOBODA. 14ir Farnam St. BATH'S fljrlets. 1MH Farnam St. D. 8000. L. HENDERSON, luM Famam. D. Vis. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Assn. Hut Dyera. Straw hats dyed. Dora Eiaele. 1136 C. Nat Hair DresalasT. Harper method. R- 8'. Kalrd Bldg. D. 3nt' LlaVhllnsr Fixtures aad Wlrlaa. THOMAS DUR1UN v Electrio fixtures and supplies, contract, ing and repair work done reafconeble. 241 CUMINO. DOUGLAS 851a, Live Stock Uemedlee. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 4D7 B. 13th. Red 4251 Messenger aad Travsnater. WHITE LINE. 810 N. 1th St Doug. 3312. II aak, l ontuiaea iuii uiilxr tappllea, MFG. of lodge regalia and costumes. Theo. Lleben 4k Son. 1614 Howard. D. 4116. Mellow Pletarea. . OMAHA Film Ex.. Hth and Doufr. Motion picture machine and film bargains. 81 a see are. MISS STAPLES, mas., elec. bath. D 713. Open eve.. p. m.: Sundays. 12 to 8. 11 Til and nutas.. alcohol rub. lJura Wilson. 12 Farnam, R. 2. Doug 8751. ' Open evening and Sunday. MASSAGE t1' MISS WALTON, mass. R. 2.1 Neville Blk. CORA BELLINGY iur?.rr good, restful magnetic. Other satisfac tory treatments. Vapor hatha. Open 10 a. 111. to 10 p. m., including Sundays. 107 S 17th St.. near Imuglas. Notice: En trance downstairs, Basement. Cor. Dodse. Mies Jacobs, mass. 4)ffice 224 Nevi le Hla. BATHS, 214 Balrd Bldg., Tin and D.iUj. M. BRUGM4N. niaas R. 2D3 Karbach C UK. rt. iiSI, Clara Lee, bath and massage. Doug. 875L MoTiaa, Sloratt aail llraalas. W. C. FERR1N. lotn and Capitul. Ty. 120. Patrsits. II. A. Stura-e. 838 Brandeis Theater Bldg D. O. liarnell. Fax ton Blk. Tel. Red U77 tleallata. Eye examined, glaaaea fitted, pay a you can. Dra McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Prlatlasr. WATFRS-R A RNHART Ptg. Co.. quality printing. Tel Doug. 2190. 434 S. 13th St. CENTRAL PRINTING ra. IhHU). -T7H. DO U OLAS Piinti n g Co. Tel. Doug. 644. CORE Y AS tl'KFWIK PTvi. CO. D 214 rtTESHALI. Ptg. Co.. 1&20 Capitol. D 1101 4steopatsiie Vhyaieiaaa. I Herocha. 4 Mosgue Bid.'. P. Ir. FeteriMin. 4J.I Brandeis Bldg.. D. 2144. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 813 Bee Bldg patent Developaaeat. AMERICAN Mschlne Co.. 11 8. 1Mb St Palatlna aad l aa-erlaa. HUGH M'MANfW. 417 X. 40th. H. 8T? Flame Rraaoatr. PLUMES ft HATS nuide over, cleaned ft dyed. Bertha Krusjer, 43) Faxton. P. 8JS4. Huark texteraalaata. B B B Roach powder. King's. 24th ft Far. Safe a1 Tlsae Lrfaclc taperta. O A TrT?0 Otwoad, repaired, comb. SAh K" changed. F. E. Daven Wl XJ purt, i4 Dodge. D. 1MI. Ibaa HepalrlataU FRLCDMAN UKOi, sho repair. ZU 8. 11 I.IVK YIIU5 JJl SINK.SS MKS OK OMAHA signs aad Okoerc-ard. E. M CI.AKK AV HON. 112 H. 1HTH PT gteel ellleas. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 1 10 g 1. r and Office t'tatare. DKSKS, aafes. scate. ahowcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy. sail. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 4H-HM4 B. l.'th, D. 2i:t. Tnwei Bappltea. OMAHA Towel Supply. IrrJ 3. ilth. D. S2. Tlnnark, CENTRAL TIN SHOP, U17 Dodge. Doug 1b s 4'M. Traak aad fluiira. FREL1NG A STEINLB. IWW Famam K(. lallora. CHAS. C. LANPFRTOtT 1" N. 1Mb St. OlSKN KOUidCA4r li Harney. D. . Veterinarian. rH. O. R.OUNd. 4ra Cent-r Wal. Wi V Isea sliil l.lqaors. ALEX JETKS. 20X-3 S. i.lth St. Wlnea, liquors, eiKars. Plate dinners. H to 8, 10c Gfob liquor house. 424 N. 16th: California wine. 8I.2.1 per gal. w rue for price Ilet HKN'RT POLt.OCK LIQUOR HOUSl lMh and Capitol Ave. Ten-eent lunch. BUY your family liquor" ' ar,' Klein-. LiQ'li.r House. 18 N loth. IKcirlas l)ai SWAPPER'S UOLUMN AUTOMOBILE I am an autnniobih deslcr and a trader. I hav a very fine 40 H. P. e-passenger nuto, agency- in Omaha; staudartl, well known make, na popular aa the Ford; car In perfect order, 113 model, lresto lifthts, eaay to handle, good as new. I will exchange for vacant lot or real equity In small Omaha hoimo worth 3uO. I will guarantee car. Don't ofter m land or their equities, or junk; if you want to do business describe what you have in first letter. 8. C. RiS, Bee. AUTOMOBILE Roadster for good clear lot: must show 3uU value. x Address S. I C. Ri. Bee. AUTOS 6-passenger touring car In first class condition, top, windshield. Presto lite, chains, etc.; worth 3uu0, and would exchange for good building lot In Omaha of the same value. Address S. C. 827. A SURREY CARRIAGE In firsUdas shape; rubber tires cost ILt new; also a set of single buiigy harness coat 360; , both have been used one season. For trade address S. C. 776, care Bee. AUTO 1U13 S puss. Buick, fine condition. Will trado for lot valued 1 1,000 on paved street' Will pay difference If. lot I worth more. Call Webster 4S16. AUTOMOBILES Foi other automobile I bargain ee the "Automobile" olaaalU- catlon. 1 BUFF ORPINGTON BX308 To trad for a B. O. cockerel or cock. Address 8. C. 829, Bee. ' BUSINESS CHANCEt-Beat restaurant In : city, always crowded; on account of sickness of proprietor, for trade for what . have you? Address S. C. 801, Bee. j DIAMOND WILL TRADE DIAMOND ring for good electric piano. Address B. C. 835. Bee. . DIAMOND A good, clear diamond, no . flaws; set In ladles' mounting. Want an upright piano for this. S. C. 864, Bee. DESK Will trade a roll-top desk and chair, or bookkeeper' counter, or six foot double-deck show case, or auto part and accessories, for a leather Davenport or settee. Addre.ia 8. C. 83K, Bee. DIAMOND Diamond ring, worth 8100, or trade for something near It valua. Ad dress S. C. 831. Be. EXGINV-GeiKillne. H H. P. Will trade for electric motor. Address S. C. 829, Bee. FANS 3 good 16-check electric fan; I g.od 8-check electrio fan. All In A-l condition. A. C. Current. Swap. - What h ave you. Add res B. C. 852. Bee.. FIRST class piano will exchange for good team, or good horse and buggy. Address 8. C. 810. Bee. FOR EXCA-iaNGE An up-to-date Eclipse aweeper (electric), also No. 8 visible typewriter, "Oliver," nearly now. What have you? Address B. C. 848, Bee. GOOD MOTOR BOAT Worth 12o; ouo violin worth 875 and ft new kodak, cost $27.o0; want motorcycle or something of equal value; trade together or separate. Address S. C. 833. Bee. HAVE new gas range; also new gas lamp. Would like to exchange for cooking range or washer. Call Web. 251. HIGH grade Upright piano, will exchange for good 1 kt diamond. Address ti. C. 811, Boe. HAVE some good farm implements, will exchange for chickens, horse, or cow. Address S. C. 812, Bee. HAVE fine Swiss watch, solid gold case, will exchange for chickens. Address 8. C. tia. Bee. HOTEL Good hotel, doing ft good busl- . . . 1 1 , .1 . . t- Tvht hava . ...u will I.d.Iu fnr auto. you? 'Address S. C. 837. Bee. LEDGERS Two loose-leaf ledgers, nine . .. . , 1 1 with DV twelve, UrdllU wiiiiolq n,. 00 ledger sheets, cost 317, to swap for tent , . . j .1 a Bio 1) or snoiBun. auun-BB p. t. qm, MANDOLIN Best there Is. cost 835. I want a diamond, or what hava you 7 Write S. C. 845. Bee. MOTORCYCLE Will swap motoroyc.lo for ft sewing machine; must be a good one. Walnut I&& MilLLNKRY stock and fixtures doing good business and making money, for what have you to trade. Address S, C. M, Bee. MOTORCYCLE to trade for cow or dia mond. Address 8. C. 850, Bee. OAK dining room table, for a soft coal heater. Address 8. C. 88, Bee. - PIANO Will exchange a high-grade . u r. .1 n v.l t.tnni fi.r vnllnff aounil fnetn mares. Address B. C. 849, Bee. PIANO A burned Wellington piano; In terior good. What have you to offer? . Was new six month ago. B. C. 855. Be. PIANO A good high-grade, used, player piano, with 40 roll music; would take cow, chickens, diamond, or what hav you as part payment Address 8. C. i'Sl, Pee. RESTAURANT and lunch counter dolnu proiitable business ou .Farnam. Will trado for vacant lot, or what have you? Address 8. C. !-', Bee- REFRIGERATOR 2i-ll)S., good aa new. used one season. Will exrhance for. porch chairs. Address S. C. MT. Bee. - ' THOROUCillUKl.D ltrred Rocks. 1J pullets, 1 cockerel. Trade for something I can uae or what urn I offered? Ad- dreas S.- C. 814. liee. . TWO high gra-ae auotguns, one 1 ga. and one 12 ga new condition, for dia mond, or will trado one for good set of inch and quarter or inch nnd half double harness. Address 8. C. .Sl, Dee. felUNS. showeards Clark Son. D. U73. WILL TRADE a diamond ring for two 3fix4 Q. P. casings. S. C. Bee. SCALE Grocer's computing scale; . will a1 -or trade, or what hav youT Ad drca S. C, 727. Bee. ; STENbTYPB Hate a practically new S.enotype. used one month, leaving city. M .ht dhipoae of It at onoe. What hav you?Adiires S. C. 8M4. Bee. . TYPEWRITER Nearly new No. 8 Un derwood typewriter; will trade for cashier cage, or office furniture. A hat have you? S C. 3!t. Bee. TRUCK For sale or trade a ton delivery truck. What have you to offer? Ad dreas S. C. t-43. Bee. TYPEWRITERS-L. C. SMITH AND Smith premier, perfect order, exshangu for good diamond ring. 8. C. 833. Bue. WILL trude my o"0 lot near Miller park I for late Ford auto. Give full particu I lars. Address P 2iX. Bee. u I WATCH-WilL trade a good gold filled j rase new watch for a good pup. Ad drees S. O. 777. care Bee. I WATCH Man's 14-kaiot gold case watch, 1 cost t7.5c. Want diamond ring or make offer of wnat you will trade. S. C. 84L Bee. FOH REVT 4- AssrlsieBta aad Flat. FOR RfcTNT Most beauUful, finely fin ished and upHo-date 3. 4 and 5-rocta pauttnenta w vny. nuuuini juat lin- a Uhad. Flora Apartment. Sutii Jones St I, FOH RENT i rooms with tfdlaK and bath, esay walking dlataace aial clos tu car. 11-50 per month. T. SUL1.I VAN, 215 Braudela Theater Bldg. Doug. 441. 8-KOOM brick flat at 2712 Jackson Pt , In fine condition. Iuquli 41 City Nail Bank Bid. TeL Douglas hftg. J 0-