THE ni:K: OMAHA, TlT.sDAY. MAIM II :Jo. mycr unci Dr. Jump rtobhlns. the latter to tak th place of F. U Cook, who m lerted a county treasurer last fait, and the former renominated for another term. The cltlsens' party la a temperance or ionization. Tha wet find It a hopeless Job to get a aaloon In thla place, aa the, founder of the city, WBldo Lyon, had a clause Inserted In the deeds prohibiting the establishment of saloons under pen ally of the land reverting bark to the heir. Thia clause was tested In the court a few year alto with the scsult that the lot on which the aaloon waa lo cated went back to the helra of th founder of the town. BRIEF IS FIELD IN HARVESTER CASE Government Contends Monopoly is Real in Spite of Contention that It Behaved Self. VIOLATION OF LAW IS CLEAR 125 PERISH WHEN SUBMARINE SINKS THE LINER FALABA (Continued from rage One.) explosion t'oliosel. Tl clown end sink qrlckly. WASHINGTON, March 29. The government's brief in the anil-trust suit to dissolve the International Harvester company was filed today In the supreme court. It Is largely directed toward combating the argu ments advanced in the company's brief filed in support of its appeal after the district cmirt tor Minnesota had declared It a combination in re straint of trade and ordered Its disso lution. "If the defendant's urpumonts provull." says the government brief. "If tlic cor porate combinations, he wrver rompre- j hensivc, do not come within the ,Hiilew j of the act unless and only fo far .1 they demonstrably abuse net:- power tho in evitable result will bo tho renewal of that great rush toward concentration which proceeded with ever accelerating rapidity until checked by the decision of thla court In the Northern sccli ities case. Mraii Taking; Off the t.ld. "If makers of harvesting machinery may unite as here, wny not makers of every other species of machinery do like wise? And why may not all these lesser combinations be Integrated Into ono super-combination of all the metal work ing Industries? "What would prevent Indeed the crea tion of combinations with power to con trol the markets for every necessary of nfe food, coal, oil, metal. textile, fabrics, etc. or alliances between all these combinations under the control of few great masters of industry? "Tha desire for promoters' profits, the desire to escape from the pressure of competition, the natural gravitation of power Into the hands of the powerful, and the desire of more power which rmt nower engenders these motives would atlll be adequate to produce such rntratlon. even assuming that prices, etc., would be rigidly controlled. "Th anti-trust act the work of per hapa the ablest Judiciary committee that ever sat In either brjnch of congress. Is the deliberate efforts of conservative, clear-thinking men to place some reason able check upon that liberty of combina tion, which. If permitted to the logical extreme, would in the end imperil lib erty Itself. Coatroveray fa Fundamental, "Th mntroverar In this case, there fore. Is f undaraental. The question is, Shall the 'competitive system continue shall 'competition. - not combination, the law of trader " The brief aays that the defendants claim that while , one-time competltora controlling from 80 to 85 per cent of the trade in the United States In harvesting machines were combined In substantially the manner which the government con tends, the object was- not restraint of trade, but to promote foreign trade and 10 establish domestic trade on a more economical basis. Upon these statements the government 'says, and unpn its good conduct the' "wholor defense rests. ' The last contention, that the ens must fall because ; the - combination has not in creased prices or limited production, or degraded ; the quality of productlpn, or the price Of raw material, or oppresseu competitors, the ' government declares, is basei upon' construction of. the anti trust act, which "loses sight of its broader purpose and which would be utterly in practicable In execution. "It has already been shown, however," (ontmucd the brief, "that where, as here the necessary effect of the combination is unduly to restrain competitive condi tions, tha purpose or Intention of the oarties Is Immaterial. Therefore, were the good Intentions claimed In this case conceded, it would make no difference, Hlllll "Cttleil Some of t'.ie llf? boats acre smashed, mid scores of people woe struggling In the wal-'r when a trawler reached the scene 11 nil rescued 1" of tli'm, transferring them Uter to a destroyer. Another thirty-five were pii ked up hy another tlshing boat. Three of the persons rescued hail sustained In juries bv ficrman shrapnel and some of the engine room staff on the Faluba were killed. GEN. YONKLUCK HIT BYJHRAPNEL Commander Who Led Famou Ger man Dash Into France Early in the War Wounded. RUSSIANS KNOCK AT BACK DOOR OF C0NSTATIN0PLE (Continued from l'rtae 'One 1 Russia Sends New Battleships to Join tho Baltic Sea Fleet were ncrlng completion at the besinnlng of the war. It miiy al.'o Include another division of lour capital ships, laid down In 1!'L Hrltlsh tiavil experts snld they would not Ih surprised to learn that with the asHstancc of (he allies In mater ial anil men, Itussia had been able to complete tho dM-adnamhts. Four mount twelve-Inch guns each. The second di vision Is armed with nine fourteen-lnches each. FIGHTING ON WESTERN FRbNT i ,,; ,m,7, LONpfN, March S -rtenf-r' cne- In London are speculating hopefully on spnndrnt t ITtrograd telegraphs ti nt th the reorganisation of the llntkan league; : liussinn fleet In the Haltlc nn been but nevertheless It 1s felt that the visit relnforerd hy the addition of ir.odern " of Held Marshal Yen lH-r fighting units. . """ Ir dominate Mate. lecently st Constantinople, , This addition to the fleet is believed I LYONS. Neb.. March . (Ppt-rlal t The i may hei k the reconciliation of this st,ate n London to consist of four dre.-iduaught , cltlsens' party nominated a ticket for laid down In rtusstan yards In 1!", which village trustees as follows: W . f. New- BERLIN, March 2?. (Py Mrc- j with its neighbors, less to Sayville.l The report Of the l.rrmnn Traninria nk in Halt to. progress of the flphtlng Issued from rKTiioc.n.i. March j9.-tvia London) hMdmmrter. tndav relates among i s,' ere losses have been inflicted upon v. -I- v j , v . . - , ' j other things, that (ieneral Von I the il. rni. m naval units In the Haltle ea by the ltussinn. according to a seml- ! Kluck, the German rommnmSer w ho offl. review of the operations there rush into ' mad" public last night. Crimen suh- The skinner of the fisher bont Eileen I led the famous German Kmma, which participated in the rescue ; France in the early days of the w ar, work, repcrted that no efforts were made by the crew of the submarine to assist the persons who were struggling in tho wati r. The Kllen Kmma sighted the submarin? shortly nfter noon. Its skipper ssld. and followed the craft for more than an hour, I The Klder Dempster company, owner Irrigation Suit Under Advisement IMPERIAL, Neb., March 29,-(Speclal.) District court was in session In this county last week and cleaned up the docket in fine shape. There were, some important cases tried, among which was the water right suit brought by Kll Patrick Bros, company of Beatrice, which owna large ranch interests in this county, against the Frenchman Valley Irrigation Ditch company of Culbcrtson, which In rolved the question of priority of water rights' cn the Frenchman river. Quite large number of witnesses were used and large amount of the evidence was doeu mentary, the Judge taking the matter un der advisement, both parties to submit briefs and the opinion ' will bo handed down at tha June term of court held here. The special school bond election held In Imperial Friday for the purpose of vot ing $12,000 of bonds for the erection of a new school house, was carried by a large majority. The farmers are busy hauling in wheat and corn to the markets, and Imperial haa the distinction of paying some of the largest Individual checks for wheat and corn of any town in the state, one for tAtiOO, and many others ranging from 11, 5o to t:.M0. has been slightly wounded by shrap nel fire while inspecting advance po ult long of hlg army. The condition of the general Is described aa satis factory. The tot of tl.e announcement follows: "On tlic west front the day of yesterday marines are sitlil to have suffered con ! aidcraoly while numlier of tianspoit I loaded W illi supplies have been destroyed. I Tho st.tlcment follows: I "Marly in Sc tombcr the n llvlly of our I fleet In tho southern Haltlc compelled the. enemy to modify hl plan and con j centrate his chief efforts upon opera tions by submarines. Nineteen 'of these uttHck weie made in two months, but one wns successful. Enemy sub- f the Klder line of steamers, of which j 1S,n rnlher quietly. Only in the At-1 onlv he Fal.iba wa one. announced tonight , KO,. Bd tn Loraine were tTT. re minor ( marines snffei ed considerably, hal appa'-eutly about 2' perrons hed engagements and these were successful; "Our operations cannot be lost their lives by the sinklnt of the cssel. The l'alaha left Liverpool -in Saturday for the west coast of Africa with lto pas sengers and with a crew of 1 men. Its officers state that when the Oerman submarine appeared It whistled thrice as signal for the steamer to prepare its life boats, but that before this could bo done a torpedo struck the ship near the engine room. Of Klder l.tne. The Falaba was feet long, net ton- r.age J.011. It belonged to the l-ader line, was owned in Liverpool and was en gaged In the African trade. The railway packet City of Hrussclla. ncountered a German submarine yester-ay. The captain of the steamer Immediately took the aggressive and fired on the sub marine, which taken by surprise, started to submerge. The captain turned his steamer quickly in an effort to ram the submarine and he believes he succeeded in sinning It. His vessel was going six teen knots at the time. Ultra Steamship Rlonn I . LONDON. March 29. A statement from the British admiralty tonight says that the Dutch steamer Amstcl has been blown up by a mine. The Amstel was a small steamer built In 1906. It was 211 feet long. Its net ton nage waa 4'.6. FISHGUARD. Wales, March 29. Thir teen members of the crew of the British steamship Agulla, which was sunk by the German submarine U-28 on Saturday right, lost their lives. The survivors. who arrived here today, say the Agulla was sunk at a point fifty miles southeast of The Smalls, a group of rocks on the southeast coast of England. The crew was given four minutes In which to leave the ship, but survivors say the steamer waa fired upon while the men were getting into the boats. The chief engineer and two others were killed by shell fire and the lives of ten other men were lost. The captain of the submarine hailed another ahlp and told its captain of the sinking of the Aguila, The Otllle went to the rescue. Captain Bannerman of the Aguila said the submarine fired across the bows of the steamer, but he speeded up to fourteen knots to clear the under sea vessel. . Given Short Warning-. The submarine was making eighteen knots, however, and quickly overtook them. The attempt of the Agulla to es cape scented to arouse the anger of the Germans, for they gave the crew and passengers only four minutes to leave the ship. But before th's the submarine opened fire, which was kept up rapidly while the crew was launching the boats, killing the chief engineer and two of the crew and wounding several others. One member, of tha crew rescued said that a boat in which were ten sailors, a woman passenger and a stewardess was fired on and the passenger was killed, while the stewardess waa thrown Into the water and drowned. Finally the boat cap Ised and sank. The captain of the Otllle, which picked up the remaining boat, said the subma rine was the U-2S, and apparently a new craft. for the Germans. General Von Kluck jvL was slightly wounded by shrapnel wtuie inspecting advanced isisitlous of his army; his condition Is satlsfiictui y. "Got man troops have stormed Tsui ok gen across the Kusslsn frontier north east of Tilsit and taken :Kt Russian prls-oners. "A Russian attack on the railroad from WirbHllon to Kovno, at a point near 111 wlszkl broke down. "The Russians suffered heavy losses In the Krasnopol district. More than l.MM Russians were taken prisoners, among them being a squadron of lancers with their horses and five machine guns. "A Russian attack on the northwest of Clechanow was repulsed." Kreneb Official Report. PARIS. March 29. (By Wireless to London) The French war office today gave out a report on the fighting of yes terday which reads: "In the region of Ypres a German ob servation post was blown up by the French with a mine. At F.parges the Germans attempted to regain the trenches lost by them March 27. After a violent struggle the French gains on the whole were maintained. The Germans obtained a footing in a few sections of their old trenches, but on the other hand the French mate progress nt other points." be published but the em my suffered heavy losses 1 -t: I . '..Til In fighting units and hs been seriously Impeded in the operations along his own coasts by the loss of a number of trans ports with munitions." Ts H. MATTERS IS SENTENCED TO SIX YEARS IN PRISON (Continued from Page One.) trary to law and the evidence, and the result of passion and prejudice. The motion in arrest of judgment rested chiefly on the allegation that It was Im proper to try Matters until after Luehhon had been tried as principal In the crime charged. Defects were also alleged in the indictment and In the drawing of the grand Jury which returned It over a year ago at Lincoln. Judge Youmans refused to change his mind on any of the points raised in the motions, saying that all of them hnd either been previously settled In the by Judges Munger, Morris or McPherBon, who .had passed on various motions, or else that they were unfounded or Insuffi cient grouds for a new trial or arrest of judgment. Case of Mason City Greeks to Be Taken to Supreme Court M ASON CITY. la., March 29. (Special According to reports received the Main fc case has not been finally disposed ot, but that it will go on now from the court of appeals to the I'nlted Stated su preme court to determine whether the federal government Is itself right or wrong. In fact, the merits of tho case Hre being entirely forgotten by the ab sorbing Interest of the legal tangle In which the government finds itself. When Insportor Whitfield, representing the government, came here he was given no authority to open up this case, which Involved the moral standing of five Greeks who were not as yet naturalised. He called in twenty girls, all of whom, according to tho story, testified to Im moral conditions existing there. Whit field sent in his evidence and secured papers for deportation. Then came the efforts of defendants' attorneys, and they resorted to habeas corpus proceedings and won out at a hearing at Dunuque. The question now goes up to the powera which created It for an Interpretation of what authority Is really vested In gov ernment Inspectors. All agiee, nearly, that the examination made of tho twenty girls by Inspector Whitfield was nothing more than a star chnmber proceedlnga where Mr. Whit field was attorney. Judge and Jury, and the defendants In the action had no op portunity to present their side of the case. District Attorney O'Connor of New Hampton, according to reports, will go up to the supreme court of the United States for an interpretation if the law. A lee President nt Ann Diego. SAN DII0GO. Cal.. March 28 Vice Pres ident Thomas R. Murwlmll was greeted by. a large crowd upon his arrival here rrom I. os Angeles at noon today. Panaraa Calllornla exposition officials, army and niiv.v officers and citizens formed the re ception committee. "STAR The Pocket-Pal of All Good Fellows Men Who Chew Are Men Who DO IF anywhere you find men ready at an instant's notice to do what is required of them, you , find them in our army. And few men love good tpbacco like these iron-nerved soldiers the steadiest, truest marksmen in the world. Wherever there is an army post there's a big demand for STAR Tobacco. A soldier can't carry much baggage. Everything must be first class quality and compact. That's STAR. Each thick 16 ounce plug is just chuck full of ripe extra length, mellow, cnewable leaf, pressed tight. STAR'S honest standard of full weight is as unvary ing as the amount of gold in a new $5 gold piece. CHEWNG TOBACCO LCADINC BRAND OF THE WORLD gg 16 ox. I j STENOGRAPHERS WILL (N0T RECEIVE MORE PAY (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. March . (Special.) In . n little less than a Jiffy the house thla afternoon killed S. . 171, the Spencer bill, boosting the pay of supreme Judges' stenographers from ll.OftO to l,20no per year. It was indefinitely postponed on Mr. Scott'a motion. Mr. Taylor warned the house to go alow on raising salaries after a campaign In which econo'my was promlbcd to the peo ple. He said that many state tiouse stenographers get only lW per year and that It would not be fair to them to raise the ones who are alien. ly drawing $1,000. Taylor said if the legislature doe, not Dr. C.R.Henderson, Sociologist, is Dead at Charleston, S, C. CHARLE8TO.V, S. C. March M.-Dr. Charlea R. Henderson, profegsor of sociology in the University of Chicago, died here today after a short illness. He. was born at Covington, Ind., Dec. 17, 1848, and waa graduated from the Uni versity of Chicago in 1S70 and from the Baptist Union Theological Seminary, K73. Dr. Henderson was widely known fo." his work in sociology. Death Is said to have been due to a stroke of paralysis, . superinduced by overwork as chairman of the United Charities, upon which fell the burden of carisg for the unemployed lust winter. new; mm hp m Italy Contracts for .15,000 Horses EAST ST. LOUIS. March 2.-The Italian government haa contracted with dealers here for 15,000 horses, it w as j learned today. j A previous contract for $.000 horses al- j ready has been filled and several thoux- j and horses have been shippc under the j ne,w contract. Thus far SO.CNIO homes j have been shipped from here to the Euro pean belligerents. c Wnniia PTURGIS, Drops Head at fttarla. March (Special otes from Beatrice. BKATRICK. Neb.. Maich 29. (Special.) -The stockholders of the Filloy Farmers' snd Merchants' Elevator company held their annual meeting Saturday afternoon and elected these officers: President, J. It. Bowers; vice president, i"harles Hughes; treasurer. Karl Norcrosa. Tho company had purchased bimhels of grain at a cost of ll3,i.'4 during the year. Virgil Marshall of Wymore, who filed his petition Friday as a candidate for mayor of Wymore, ha withdrawn from the race, leaving the field to Adam Mc Mullcn. John It. Hnd I'svi.l llltt. two farmers living near Odrll, were brought here Sat urday evening on a peaoe bond charge filed by C N. Hinds, a banker of that ' place. He avers that he fears. that the defendants will do him bodily harm. The ..111,0 uun me pernor lailuns W 111 lelecram ) Mrs. I.. W Prumov 1 be likely to equal or overrun those of 19i:i. j years, fell dead at her hom in Sturgla ine vote to Indefinitely postpone was I hile getting supper last evening of irak about two to one. jilBO of hetLrii trnm wlll(.n he tntioTCy tin. . for some time. Funeral 'will be Wcdnes- IMU nCUUUIIUlM IN ALntAU any afternoon from tlic lYesbyterian ' CF TOBACCO TO BE PLANTED (l,urch ! (Coriespondcnce of the Associated Pres.) ' BEKLIN. March 27.-Tobacco growers" " ' w ho have been worrying lest lolnco O-- rp n T j raising lie restricted or firbldden so that I OdUC 1 SJlX IVttJUb ho field could be used for the produc-! T t T V. tlon of food siiuplles. have at last been ! Y flllT Hflir IQT 7 assured that such meamires will not be taken, for the present at leafct. The? gov ernment is understood to have decided that this step is not uecesary. It's (raiirttnotlicr'a ifclpe to Iti'inK hark color, thickness ami luster Kv'r)lMiily is tisinx il again. n L, ,'.'. t I C ft IV '? as win FROM OMAHA Oan Franolsoo, Los Angeles, Oakland and San Diego. Portland, Astoria, Taooma, Oeattle, Evorett, Dclllngham, Vlotorla, Vancouver, New Westminster. Oan Francisco, Including trip through Portland, Taooma or Seattle In one direction. I5V 50 Correspondingly low fares from other points, turn limit three months frcm date of sale. Final re- IRON UKUbb rUn KUblAL ! Oray hair, however handsome, denotes AKin TFl FP.R4PH flFFirinl i 'Ivuuclng age. We all know the advan- ,?ni,H.o; ,hT..cS;.fed rretsS, ' " " -hfu' Vour ! BERLIN. March :7.-In the first sin ,la'r lfl y,,ur harm 11 mkr' ol n,H,' months of the wsr. :he In... cross has ,h" Uv XV,,n " "",'"M' ,ur'"' K,M "' to bestowed upon ?JK penal and look' d,r' "'lv ,M'r,'- Juht telegraph officials stationed In the flelj te applications of Hage Tea and Hulphur Out of a force of slout 75.6m men In the '"" its appearance bunured-fold. ; field postal and tele-'raph service. In. lud- "0 1 ",ay "r,y! l ook cu": K',,l' ' ii.K those stationed in conquered ter,i- prepare the tonic- at home or get from tory. '.'.5 have been killed. ! "nv dr"e """' '"IU t I I "Wyeth's Mage and Milphur t'onu-cjund." I These fares permit visiting without additional railroad fare the Panama Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco (open until December 4) and the Panama-California Exposition, San Diego (open all year); also stop over at Denver, with free side trip to Colorado Springs and stopover at Salt Lake City when your ticket is routed Via PcJDDffD Standard Road of the West Thin m rtTf Cents. : Thousands of folks ro ommend lliiJ n thi. r.,t ...o thi. .i'in r.- ready-to-use preparation, lM-cai:ae It defendants were released on Ixd o( 'fWlj.wj r eents to Foley & Co.. Chicago 111. darkena the hair beautifully and K nioccs each. I rllah Derlloe. oaninalloai. VVttfT POINT. March . .Special. ) Tha nomination of W. T. S. Nellgh for mayor of West I'onit, ttndered him by the people's rsrty, nai been declined by him. M. E. Kerl haa Ucn chosen by the committee as a candidate. He will i.e op posed at the polls by II. II. Howarth, the nomine of tha citizens' party. writing your nam and address clsitrly. Tou will receive In return a trial park age containing Koley'a Honey and Tar Compound for rougl i, rolds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills for psln In sides and back. rhaumatiMm, baekaebe, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleaning cathartic, eapecially comforting t.j stout persoa. Sold evcryw her. Advertisement dandruff, etoph scaly itching and fallim,- ' hair; besides, no one can posi-lhly tell, aa ! ' - ..... 11. . . 11 uaiivena so iiihcii itrei i-eni. i.iu moisten a sponge or soil brurh with It, drawing this through the hslr, taking one small strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after another application or two, Its) natural color Is restored and It becomes thick, glossy and lustrous, and you appear year younger. Advertisement. For beautifully illustrated booklet "California and the Expositions" and further information relative to rates, routes, stopover and side trip 1 privileges apply to L. DEINDORFF, C. P. and T. A. 13X4 Ptrnam 9t'., OMAHA Tl. Douglas 334 f