THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESPAV. MAHCH 30, HUo. II0REI1EAD CALLS STATEJOBBYISTS Governor, While Before the House Denying Lincoln Newspaper Story, Adds Few Thing. EMPLOYES ARE TOO OFFICIOUS FACTORIES WILL BE SUBJECT TO TAX Borne Befusei to Pais Bill that Would Exempt from Corpora tion Tax. U. S. SUBMARINE F-4 LOST NEAR HONOLULU With her captain, Lieutenant Alfred F. Ede, of Nevada and crew of twenty-five men the submarine is sunk in water 720 feet deep. No submarine could resist the water pressure at such depth without crumbling up like an eggshell. THOMPSON, EELDEN 6 COMPANY- ? 'fit ? a.wt kvmwmm "'C-ilj DRAWN BY THE ASSOCIATION From Stuff "rrr.pintrnt MNCOI.N. March ? -(Sp Inl -Nr -rsper orltlrlmii of wlmt nllrjrfM to be statements mniio ly (lovunor Morrhesd to dlgHtin of miffrHirixtn, lobor rrp rrnentatlvcn snii oilier!", canned the rxrcu tlve of the st.e of No! raka to appear before the houo till mornlni; In rxno'n and read a lix rrfuting a tHtnnirnt published in Lincoln Bnmrday -ami pur porting to have been delivered by the nm-ernor. The rhaige was made, that the itovrrnor had railed the member a "nonlomrrar tlon of lawmnkrm put together by the, machinery of democracy, " with the Infer ence that he waa not at all Impressed with their ability. . AfUT rrmiounclna; the statement aa un true the governor said: "I have been annoyed by certain men who have constantly been.. harassing and annoying; both the legislature, 'and the executive office In trying to carry out lime ldcns which ther r'atm are ' for tba he net It of the state; but when you rend between the lines, yoit find therri td be for aelfleh- purpoiMSi only. "1 belle ra that men or women who are working for the tfe nnd t.rawlng pay f rr m the mate should not be too of-fk-tmis In Irving to Interfere with lBl latlon. Not that I have any Idea that a member of the houae or senate will be In lunced by thla element; but our edu cational end all otlier. Institution will be Mopetl" catet for by this leglalalur. and If eomo of those-who are ronne ied with theae Institutions would give more time to tholr work In the Inatltutlon and leea time to lnbblng and trying to dli--tate to the legislature, It would bt more gratifying to me, and I am aure would be pleaatnc to you. "I aaaure you t1 at I am heartily In accord with the work you have- done up to the preaent time and the atatementa aet forth In thla arti cle are without truth. The only atate menta ;I made that any capital rould be mi ilo out of, waa almply between the s-okeinjan and my. elf. When a dela tion apjeara at my office expecting to find Vt-the proper place to deal In per sonalties and abuae they may be dlsap liolnted, in the future, aa they were at thla meeting." i t I r J AMD f . , it i h : '"-. Ill ,",s i - ' 2 (From a Flnff Orregron'Vnt. I.INfOLN, March 3?. (Special Tfle grtm.) The bona btcime o e'onom cal thla afternoon tat they refuaed to paaa a bill whole h would have the effect of bringing to Nebraska manufacturing ln djetrlen because li won d llnlnve the occupation tax pnld at the pi-eaent time by corporation doln buFlnrva In Ne- hraeka. I The bill waa drawn by the N'ehraaka Manufacturers' asaoclation and vat In tended to enournee the establishment of factoriea and other placea manufart ting good used In till state. It is said t'rat eaatern manufacturera ere looking to the west for advantageoua locations for branihea of their bualneaa and It waa hop-:d that the bill would help In bring ing many of them to the ttte. But the houae appears to desire to econ o nljse on the number rf manufacturing concerns In the atate as well aa the amount of money to be Brent by the state and ao Nebraska loaea another chance to .or.) from a buMnea standpoint. Barrett. Burgees, Chambers. Druear dow, Howard, Hunter, Larson, I.undgren, M nor, Fnimer and HI hmond of the Douglas delegation voted for the bill, while Negley waa the only one who reg altered hia vote against It. SNAG FOR FISCAL AGENCY HARPOON THE LANIGAN BILL EAST OMAHA BILL IS . APPROVED IN HOUSE (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March . (Special. To put I.ake Manawa territory Into Iowa arid bring the Kaet Omaha atrip Into Ne braaka la the avowed purpose et If. It, SH, the Negley mill for. an lowe-Nebraska boundary .commission, which tbe houae, In committee of the whole, Monday ap praved .and aentr to third -reading. ' An amenlment waa added appropriating IW to pay .expenses. -!. Another , bill orUroved in committee' of the whole was 8. . K, ti.- requiring, sufft i lent clearance between htgk voltage elec tric wires and telephone or telegraph lines, ao that .- cominunicntion over the latter will not ' Be Interfered with. The bill iilvea the iallJfooirim:sion nrl aupervlnory auU"wlty, hut U doea net apoly within the corporate limits of cltiea. An amendment waa offrrrd by Mr. Da foe to exempt villages also, but It failed to carry. . ...... The houae refui'ed to concur In senates amendments lo 11. R. S. relating to the renewal of aiiool land leasee. Aa, Intro duced lhiabli1 gave-' every holder of a lease execurod I'llor 10 VVx the right to renew It fir twenty-five yet lis without competition. In the houae It was amended so that'll ttld away with all noncompeti tive renewal. The serrate" restored the original 'feature. The bjtl now goes to i onferesjoe. , ' Bill Amended by Lancaster Member to Apply to Paying Irriga tion Bondi. MEASURE IS RECOMMITTED (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March 2.-H8pcctal.-What some members of the house looked upon aa a "Joker" In II. It. W, the bill pro tiding for a Nebraska fiscal agency in New Tork, led to a reconelderatlon of that measure Monday afternoon. Two or three days ago It was approved In com mittee of the whole and advanced to third reading. Now It goes back for further attention and runs a chance of being killed. The general understanding about this bill la that it waa Introduced at the reJ finest of the Kountxe banking houses of New Tork and Omaha. Formerly that firm 'maintained a flacal agency In' New V( i k where Nebraaka bonds were paid. but on the recommendation of the state treasurer two ye'ara ago the (aw 'pro viding for this agency waa repealed, and all securities laaued, by counties., cities, villsges and. ether . subdivisions of Ne braska were made payable at the atate treasurer's office. Attorneys from Out in State Oppose Bill Aimed at Re-election of Present Judges. WILSON BILL IS LIKELY TO PASS Kayder Rounds to Form. Frank Pnyder. the catchlnaT aenatlon of 1914, Is the first of the Cardinals to rnuuii Into so-called mid-season form. The youngster has been cutting loese his snap throws with usual speed and precision. ( from a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March 29. (Bpeelal.)-The Lanlgan bill. II, R. ZZ, may meet hard aleddlng before It reachea the governor, If It should get that far. The bill pro vides for the election of supreme court Judges by districts with provisions which would prohibit four of the present judges from being candldatea for re-election. For this reaaon It is not meeting with the approval of attorneys over the state and members of the legislature are re ceiving letter aaklng them to support 8. F. Ul. the Wilson bill, which, though drawn slong the same lines as the Lanl gan bill, does not disfranchise the Judges. 'The Wllaon bill la very simple In Its terms. It provides for the first election by districts In 1918, when all of the Judges new sitting will have completed their terms. In iKO, this bill specifies, a thief Justice shall be chosen, and In 1922 an other set of district candidates will run. The judges to be elected In 191S will be from the First, Fifth and Sixth dlatrlcta, uri 'IP M. It. 1st practically re-enacts the.' remand In m from Jlhe Second. Third and pake statute, but In Its amended form 1 Fourth. "This plan Would give all tho NEXT THURSDAY IS LAST : DAY FOR HOUSE BILLS From a Staff Correspond! nt. . LINCOLN, March 29.- Special.) All house bills remaining in the .hands of the house siftln committee at 10 o'clock next Thursday morning will be Indefinitely postponed la a bunch, according to a motion offered by Oaterman today which was adopted. There. waa aome opposition, but the aetitlinrpt of a large majority was favorable to a cleanup so that the houae could devote the remainder of the session to senate bills and thus hasten the time of final adjournment. peak the claim waa made that It would apply only to Lancaster and Douglaa counties. Mr. - Htearna f coU' Blurf found a clause, however, which covered Irrigation, sihool district and other bonds generally. He said that Irrigation -bonds are- now payable at the county treasurer's office and that there la no if aim to make them payable anywhere else. : s A provision illowinu the New York fis cal agency opc-rlghth of 1 per cent com mission for handling' the bonds was pointed out. Mr. Hoffmrlater vigorously denounced the Douglas county delrgalloav which is backing the bill, for trying to "I'UtAme over." lie wanted to Indefi nitely postpone It forthwith. Mr. Palmer defended t lie .Douglaa . members and.sakl the amendements came from .Mr. I'eter ron of Lancaster. The latter said he had no Intention of making the act ' apply outside of the two big counties, and he T as willing to have it amended again to make it ironclad in that regard. present judges a chance to succeed them selves, except that in the First district either Judgo Rose or Judge Letton would be forced oft the bench unless one of them should run' for chief Justice. ttaaJy Votes Roada for School. MANLY. la., March 29.-1 Special) The proposition fo bond the town for ftO.OtV) to erect and equip a new high Sc hool carried by a vote of 2S1 to M. Klghty-ilv women voted at tho election nnd of this number only voted against the proposi tion. Manly la looking for a competent superintendent of schools. Miss Addams Will Preside at The Hague NFJW TORK. March .-U was learned today that Mlsa Jane Addama of Chicago had bee chosen chairman of the Inter national congress of women which Is to assemble at The Hague, April . She will ali from New- York. April 13. READING CIRCLE BOARD -HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING Department Orders. WASHINGTON, March -peclal TelegTo.n.j-Nebraaka pensions granted. Minora of Thomas Crook, Foster, 111. The comptroller of the currency baa ap proved spi'llcatlon of the following per sona to organise national hanka m Iowa. The First National bank of Rembrandt, capital tSS.OW: K. M. Durce. W. O. Mv ,- Perger. A. c. Schlunti and C. B. Mills (to succeed the Rembrandt Havings bank). The Clark National hank of Newton, capital Mono. D. L. Clark, C. P. Hunter Frank Sellman. O. P. Myera and Jav tiak (to suecieed the banking house of D. L. Clark). "He only cares that you have long, bright hair, redder than rust, and eyes like blue flowers, and a skin like milk." Such a beauty is Alaire Austin the courage ous heroine and mis mated wife in Heart of the Sunset by REX BEACH None of the many novels Beach has written excels this wonderfully absorb ing tale of the Texas frontier. Order an April Hearst's from your newsdealer and begin it now. 'Hfearsfe U. IX Matfazine KEEP LOOKING YOUNG It's F-r If You Know KdwardV Olive Tablets Dr. DEATH RECORD. Prat. H. W, t'ay. CINCINNATI. O., March .-rrof. E. W. Coy, author and tducator, died at' his home here today.. Ir. v who waa M .years of age. waa a former president ufiefer. the American Kducatlonal association The board also recommends a list and the autror of a number of Itin andjuooke for the pupils' reading course ureea icxi dooks mat are In use in schools throughout' thre country. J. Fester t'rvwrll. . NEW YOUK. Msnh 13.-J. Foster 4'rowell, consulting engineer who assisted in laytug out the ground for the Mil In -delphta exposition in lsT, died at his home here toiey after an cerutlon per formed two montha ago. He was 67 ears old. LINCOLN. March W.-(Speclal. Mem bers of the state reading circle hoard met today with fltate Hupertnt ndent Thomaa. w ho la ex-orflcio manager of the beard. The object of the meeting la to choose the books to be read In the circle. usually one book for the reral teachers and other, for the oity teachers. . i I Representatives of the vsrlous book j Th e'et of keeping young is to feel companies are submitting their books be. I '"g to do this you must watch your fore the board. At a preliminary meeting "vr nd bowels there's no need of hav held about a month ago the board deter- ln" lIow complexion dark rings un iiiined that the course of atudy ahould be j d''r your -rlmples-a bilious look In some phase of vocational training Thlar"" c-""i eyoa witn no eparaie. may be changed, however. : Yo,,r rtoc,or yu ninety per All membeie of the board were present. r"n "f " lrkn' com" om Inactive aa follows: hiipetlntendcnl J, 8. Klliot' ' "T . of Kearney, prealdent; Superintendent J. II. Welch of ftamon. treasurer; Suinrln tendent Toucher of Tckamah. vice nresl- lr. Edwards, a well-known physician In Ohio, perfected a vegetable compound ! mixed with olive oil to act on the liver I .nit knu'. la uV.i..k km . V. I . I . - lent, Miperlntrndrnt L . Msrcellus of j fof. ytmTm I . " "-"-I Dr. Edwards" Olive Tablets. Ire aubstl- are gentle in their ac- EHIGHWCEY ANTHRACITE THE COAL THAT SATISFIES More Het Ltt Ah No Smoke Ak Your Dealer INCREASED TUITION u.te for lalomel, Of;tion, yet a mays erteciive. The bring about that exuberance of Pint, that natural buoyancy which ahould be enjoyed by eeryone, by toning ui the liver and clearing the system of impurities. rHARHF Rll I nPAn i Vou know l"'- Kd wards' Olive Tah nnUC DILL UtAU 1 1 t am l.v ihelr olive color. lv)c and 2'e rer - - Inn All druaalsts. The Olive Tablet Company. Columbus. O. HYMENEAL Koehler-Bureaer. M;ss fcirdie . Ilordner and tiruvr Koehler. both of FlUser. Neb., were married Monday afternoon at I o' Uh k by llev. Charlca w, e'avldge at Ma study in the BranJele Theater building. i from a staff Correspondent LINCOLN. Mari) N -I Special. )- a; margin of two votes the house todey In-! lU'flnlte'y postponed a bill increasing the ! tuition charge (or nonresident pupils In high schools from "1 cents to 11 ler week. ! Ieliste oxer this small difference of I 13 cents In the rate "nusuined nesrly an hour's time At the conclusion the coun tiy membeis who opiosed the Increase received enough support from members representing the large city districts to accomplish the killing of the measure, K P. M, by rtrookley, by a division of 41 lo . Tea) tesr u'rr Kadeel. J. T. Cbambere, merchant. Jonesbore. Ark., writes: Toley Kidney Pllla oured me of a ten-year atandlr.g rase of rheu matism. I suffered mUetauly. A frlead f id me af being cured, so used them, and they cured Me, too." Most middle aged men end wontcn are glad to learn tliat Foley Kidney I'Uls afford a way to escape slee.p disturbing bladder weakness, barhacce. rheumatlam. pufflnese under eyes, stiff and swollen Joints and Ills attributed to kidney troubles. SI4 verybae.-A4yrtUemeat. CAN'T FIND DANDRUFF Every bit of dandruff disappears after one or two applications of Dandeiiae ruav bd well Into the scalp with the flpger tips, ii't a :S-cent bottle of IanderinM at any drug atore and save your hair. After a few appli. atlona you can't find a particle of dandruff or any falling hair, and th scalp will never luh, Advertise Special-Special-Special lir't shipmont of two carloads of delicious 'i?ip'ned on the Oranges" which were crown and packed in the orchard by Ourdon W. Wattles, Hollywood, California. Ripened oa the trees fruit is fur superior to artificial ly ripened fruit. A trial will convince. Courtney & Company SOLE AGENTS. All Goods Purchased Tuesday and Wednesday March 30 and 3 1 Will be Charged on the State ment Reaching You May 1st. We Have Enlarged Our Alteration Rooms and Employed More Expert Tailors to Care for the Enlarged Busi ness in Our Apparel Sections. We Are Still in a Position to Get Your Suits and Dresses Ready for Easter Sunday. For Tailored ancl Demi-Tailored Suits, Costumes and Dresses for all Occasions Coats. Separate Skirts, in the Greatest Variety of Beautiful Spring Styles Now Ready for Your Selection. New, Black f White French Voiles in Checks and Stripes Prettiest and sheerest of the new cot tons, made of fine spun yarns, crisp, will not muss or wrinkle; white ground with pin stripes of blacks and dainty checks. Dress Goods Section Main Floor. Thinking of Dress Linens? We want you to see our extensive of fering of light weight French Linens for dresses and the heavier qualities for tailored suits. New shades of pink, blues, sand, putty, navy and green. Priced from 59c to $1 a yard. The choice of exacting smokers at the Hotel Castle Cigar Stand will be EEY (Clear Havana) muri: nsftd 4 Vaiffi BANNER (Mild Havana Blend) OYAJ Seed and Havana) DISTRIBUTED BY Harle-Haas Drug Co. Council Bluffs. Iowa. HOTELS. Hotel Lenox LUXURV . JS" .1HSIh ECONOMY BOYLSTON and EXETER STREET BOSTON One block from Copley Sq. and Public Library. Convenient to Shopping and Theatre District. All Outside Rooms. Excellent Cuisine. Sing Is Room 92. with Bath 92.S0 and up Double " 12.50, " " $3.50 " ,f (Good Oarage 2 wiante' walk) L. C. PRIOR. Manaoi Two minute from Back Bay Station Ten minute from North Station SCHOOLS AD C OLLEGES. Northwestern University College of Engineering Fl yttri of hro4. tltsraush trilnlns; sm.ll cLmm. In whlcs ees studest mtlve. kq uauRu.l amount ot In41rl4uj .ttontio. from b4 vroftMors. Eiwllit bullstns, dMifnxl lor lh .urpoM. with up-t.-att. sp. (wratus. t'nirpn1 opportunlue. to m. raat ndnxrlns pra)rta l4 to mt imk. A youas orolLUoo. ushsnpend br cmbammilni tradltlnBu. Writ for "But preparailos tor KDslnMrlns" sa "Bookltt of 30MM T. KATTOKS. DtraoSer STaastoa. ZUlaoi. THE NOONDAY LUNCHEON Which we serve daily, rxcrpt Sunday, is known fur and wide as the bcM luniheon fcorred in the whole country at 50c We nerve thii luncheon in Imth the main cafe and in The New Brick Grill Ladies are admitted to either room. It's quiet in the grill room and the three Cottt-riU Stolen make oplendid music in the cafe. HOTEL LOYAL THE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPEK 4MCSEMBNTS. BOYD" fsAMmr. & s iron TOFIOSTl IMwmi Acta Mr. HOLMES CGWPER CalskraUa T.aov b the Oemaay f uryrta.a "Af.VZELLE" acts-! W4L, Thnrs., Sat., 36e sTlsrhtsi e ana ROc, sT.zt WMk "Til STICK! EaV." 1 1 P P T II E ATE U Hon et Pinmonnt Pictures X.AST THUS TOPAT Th. Bmlaaat Coms41aa, MAX FICMAN Za ika Sylaadi JT.w rreauettoa. "TKE TRUTH WAGON." El "OMASA'S TVM CIITIV a. mw oira AMD A oood owe The PRIZE WINNERS ltSs. ZS&ZrZXX DON BARCLAY la Jo. Har4'. hrp.iv.l DollciC "A Bro4w.j Hen.jmooD.'' 6.eMM. DreulMt. (UcWm CSwiu tVadl..' pirns M.tlBM WHt Pays. A W M Rt.oI4 A 'Th. Cll. Girb" APTAsTCZP TAODITILXM Taoaa Pcm. 44 Pally Mat., i4rnT. a:i Mr. aa Mrs. Co.rtr D. H.t.b Oih.r sou: Mat, Jmih Jnm.lH. Bo.-v a (... Tn. Tlt V.lly. Mi. ad llis. JlmBv Pia... KIM ..4 Hwrtooa. Ersi. 4 Brni. Orvarum Ti'l Friar.. M.lim. s.ll.iv. i . bi Mts l.t .mr4.jr a4 4Jc Ni4i4, He. tki. i iw i I.