T1IH BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1015. WANT ADS Want ad received at ny time, but ta tn ire proper rm-.etrica.tion moat be pre sented bef'ire It o'clock noon for evening enttion nd I N p. m. for mo-nlng and tVindajr edition. Want a" rvn) after ch hour wilt ho under ths beading, "Too Lata to CI unify." CASH nATPS . Were consecutive timet, t cent word each insertion. . -,, ,,- Three time wlfaln ona weak. 1H wort each Inaertkin. On tim, I mil a, wort. CHARflB RATES. ren eo-ieecuttva time cant ft rh Insertion. . . Three times enthra nna weak. W cents a line ear Insertion. On tinv 11 cent a Una. Count H s-wrag worn a to w" Minimum charge, cents. A aveet1.emt Inserted ta h til dlaoonttnoed must ba etoppeu by ten order. AH claim for error wit ,m-V a-Uhm fifteen out after ths last tnsar ttoa of tha advertisement Ton can P1aca year want ad lo Tha Baa jf telephone. . TKLBPHONB TTt.gR ' Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers Column" Hunree. of other answers have been relied for and delivered during ths last weak, It n reaannablo to suppose tnat all of tha peorle below have ma'le " desired w.s. therefore AO not cll or the balano of their answer. Mo want ads ajure sat maultav n c pa. ma. vi w V 1MI m i?.t r m v urn n r 4i lm i r 4 imi tt tn it 4 , T M 4i JIM n 1 1W1 i rx ci i". IfT ta 4: i:wt H IU 4 l74 J 4 4t l.n 1 t-t IM J3t a7 ' S4 7 1U 11 ivt M 1) 1 r , J l rr lw 14 a Ft HI 1"4 as jm . ml 4tr? 8 c n r. 14)1 1M1 I4t 11.17 ilfi if Hit 1441 J' j4 iyf 1471 li-'T 11 li9t CARD or THASKI. W wieh lo xpre or sincere thank to our many frterwla. In ludtn our nelKn bora, the member of Imtnanuel Hitlet church. Welcome On. va ode No M, and SocUl lodd No. 102. for tha many Klnrt-ni-ssea shown u. and for the heautliul tloral offerlnu. durln out recent tw reavement and sorrow, In the or our husband and father. ....... MRU. C. II. HOYDKN AND FAM1IA . LOUUB NOTIt'RK, ATTENTION members of Anniversary Uxia-e No. 2. V. of II. PjecUI nieet los p. m. Tuesday. Hirrh M, at A. . t:. W. teinplo. Members are requested to attend. Important bnslnes. MR. I.IA fit A HI. Chief of Honor MRS. C'HAKUOTTK JOHNSON. Hec d r. PA I NTK R."nOTICK. Hpectal inretlnir Monday, March La bor Temple. ATTENTION ODI FKLUOWB! The member of maha lodxa No. 3 will roet at Odd Fellows' hall at 1:H next Wednesday arenlnjr and (O In a. tMly to ylsit Wasa lodKe No. TODAY'S OOMrLKTB ' MOVIE I'lUMiUAMS Exclnaireljr In The lb. Dana Tawn. rAMEUAPllONK, J MB DOt'OLAS. The Orudne, I-reel Broncho drama. Katty' Chance Acquaintance, KeysUme. The Constable' DauKhter, Beft'ity dra. r'.UTK No. s. UIH FARNAM. The Wood aNympli. (Ruth KtoiHihouae.) The Jarr Family IHacovere Hsj-lem. (Rosa Tapley.l The Ieputy s H'lty, Hlo. dra. f'ARNAM THiiATKH, 115 KAHNAM Kunawty June will be shown here avcrr Tu-niy In oonnetlon with our regular proKi'an) and a Kcyetone comedy. Hit-P liio.AXi-11. UXil A.Nl 11AKNKX Home of Taramount ricturea. PAitei 1'HUA'la.U. Feature program dally. Keveton ComHJia. 414 N. UTH, PARLOR, l IJOLUUAl. old lsAon'a Diamond, 2-r. Kal. dra. Two and Two, Vllagraph rimdy. The, Man From Toas. rllg drama. T'rUNCKSH. HlT-l iioCULAH. Grmfi Cunard Franea Ford In Tha Hidden City. Hhlney Ayrea In The Ace of Clubs. A Change In Lovers, cexn. rtorfT. ALAMO. 4TU AND FOUX. Four reels of tho best Mutual picture. ALHAMBRA, 1814 NORTH 84TH. Th (Jim Fighter. I-r. lirnwho dratna. The Ivrclict. American drama. Katty'a New Roll. Je sterna romedy. CLIFTON. MIL AVE. A BtTRDETTK. On the Table Top. Male alio drama. . A Bird I a Bird, keystono oounedy. .iiflore. No. li. I rewla. DIAMOND. 2411) LAKtU. Phantom of tha Violin. S-r. Oold Seal. Too Mnny Ba hehra, L Ko Comedy. JhXn"kiJn; Sfl" Ta N iFRAN IK 14 N. Tii Renruid, 4-r. Vltaigraph drama llroin ho 1)1, ly a enten e. r'Matiay W, dr. A Me'odlous Mlxup. Kalein oumedy. Otand. "Theater Beautiful," 14 4 Blnney. The Truth In Flrtlon. J-rwrl drama. Tbe Well of Paradtae. I! -reel diama. x Love In Armour i-rel Keystone. JUPi'ODUOML. t atty e Mahei Com. u...js..0ia J TII CCMlNil. t atty e Wahel at Run Diego Kino.. Kev. Com. tMi.Vw.Oal Mi.Uiy. No. lfi. S-r. Cru. ciMnlon of AI Brady. Amrl a Drama. IT THKATER. KTII AND LOCL'BT. M..rrl-Hellg Ko. IS. The Regenralhn of Iova. tr. Lub. dr, A Terrible Break. Mlns romody. VY. WTH as pi KDKTTE. rnc Mystery woman. 2-r. Blaon. He Fell In Love with Hla Mother-ln-La .loker rnniil And a good 1-r. drama. LOTH HOP, H4TH AND LOTliROP, FOi n RKELH OF GOOD MCTL'AL PIC TI'RKH. UiVArt CALDWELL H'a.'k Bex. NO. I. 2-r. special. Martin Flnani-ier, Itmml Dr, Si hull' Idy Friend. Joker Convdy. P A LACK XJ DAVUNPORT. Vtaaior Key. No. 14. 2-r. re lal It Might Have Been Kerlous, Neater com. H hi d BA N. 2TH AMKi A V" The tinen Drawbridge. Kalem Drama. Oilariy of the Royal Mounted. S-r. lta- grapli Drama. oaia ARBOR, 3ID AND ARBOR. I lower of the Iieacrt. 2-r. Iomlne dr. In the Vale of Morrow. Beauty drama. ratty, Miw and ban Diego hxpoauion. Alt'itTiV. 21 LKAVLN ' WORTH. A DuuKhtfra Ktraage Inlierliauua. g-r Xitngraph dratr.au Ham and tlie Jitney Bus. Kalem com t OU iilUA. i;i eoUl'H It'l'H The White riodde.. r. Kitten dra mi A Wan of l'att ' in rapt, coivrdj. I'UMriKT, I4TH AND V IN TON l:i.may June. J .puwie No. 4. 1 , .i.olge t rel Bioncho. aught la the park. Keystone . FAVORITE. 17l VINTON The Enrtncr' I'erll Kalem drama. ul,e V 11)1 Hop. VltagrapH cunedy. i. a h l TH l l ll .'.n A rraiigernrnt itb l'ie. Laeinmla oraiiM.. fJuvet,nMf. of lii Jao I I H 10, Joker roia 1M7 VISTuN thte of Ptraiatent Pete I'.'-'iK'l bit IUjliiiilh-. L Poaora i-.i!itdy Ko. cvmeuy I'AMiilE. r:l ANK l.K.WENWORTH l.a oil en r MieruL-d ur eundii ; :' I'at in tl,. eiiy itir the price. ToniVH complete MOV1K PROGRAMS Exclusively In The lWe -l. lillJWJ. 13TH 8T. VINFZIA. four raala of Mutual picture. Weal. MONROE, 5.-.T. FARN'AM. Her Martyrdom (Arthur Johnson and !nt tie Bilsro.) When Samuel Skidded The Fable of tha Bachelor and the Rack Pedl. Drum. RKNRON. , S5!i MAIS' ST. Tha Recoil. (Edna Malsnn.l Two part. In and 0it of Sorletv. I,. Ko. comedy. A Mutter of Parentage. Power drama. loanril Blafta ELITE NO. t, MS RROADWAT. Tha Mystery of the Tea Dnr.sant. Kal. dr. The Combination. Vltagraph comedy. An ruminate Sheriff. Ijihln drum. Nicholas, u; hroadwai. Klar Their Course Change, 2-resl Ea- snnay drama. Blown lnl' Custody. Rlograpli romedy. POFKR, H.17 HUOADWAY. They Were on Their Honeymoon. Nestor. taimdy. The Itesert Kred. 2-r. He. The Danger Line. Victor. Hnm t biuai, RKSSR THEATER. J4TH AND N. Matched From a Biirnln; Death. J-rel. Mustana I'ete' Presalno; K.nKsffemrnL Broncho Billy' Teachln. Kws W. drs. MAG 10. S4TH AND O. No. KM, 2-reel Bl V. Bill's New pal, I Ko. comedy. aa1eviii. ORPHEUM, :4TH A Nil M BTfl. ( reel war picture, drama ANNOUNCEMENTS Rl.'N-DOWN HEKII Cauae many of the III of both body and mind, aa It la Impossible for you to bal ance yourself properly If I he hoels of your shoes are not level; they also cause corns to appear. Tour shop will retain their original shupe If you brine; them to tia for new heel nd hajf-eole. We use only the latest and moat prac ticnl machinery In our shop. All our workmen ara experts If you era In a hurry, w will do your rrpntrlnif while you wait no entra charge. FKIUOMAN BROS. SHOK REPAIRING HHOP. !U So. 14th 8t Omnha: No. Ho. Main .St., Council Rlufls. IF Yli are going to decorate, phone Douglas VJOO for nnme of first class decorator In your neighborhood. o AHA PILLOW CO.. 107 Cumins. Douglas 8467. Renovate feather and mattraaaeja of all klnria. rnokM w ai leainei mattresoe' ana aown covera . 6 P MI N c I . KANIN O TT M K la hereY our windows cleaned 'and storm windows taken riovn at renminnbie rates. For first class service call Loiights Mil. AMKBICAN WINDOW CI, MA NINO CO. HOMKMAPH auatc, only one In Oma lia. Ham Flaher. lw lavcnw'h. P. X.'(.X Weddlr.g nn.vuncen-,ents. lKug. Ptg. Co. V ACI'TJM cleaner for sale. Vacuum Cleaning dona In the home. Sanitary riervb-o Co., mi Hoe Bldg. p. '!. KNRCjI.L bow. Y. M. C A. night echooL LUCKY weeding rlnas at rlrojegaard's. WB rent, repair, cell needle and part for ail sewing machine NE BRASKA CYC'Ck CO.. "aClckal'a.' Vith and Harney. Douglas UKS. WALL paper cleaning. Call Berry, Pong la 74! Political. Your support solicited. H. P. HAZE Candidate for City Commissioner. AUTOMOBILES OM". WIS ChaJmera, -cyllnder, electric lighted, fully equipped, U0U. Cadillac Co. of Omaha, H Farnatn t. LIGHT auto truck, overhauled. Willow spring iirewer'. C ELPA8PKR, empert radiator and lama repairs. i y. I'M. nfi ieavnworui. 11AVB a 4-cyl.. 4 h.-D. Whita car that I will trade for a modern home of auual or greater value. H. Pelton, fct Farnatn. resnough Omaha Rail. Rap. Co.. !MU Far. AUTO Clearing ilouu, D Fsrnain, buy ana sen ueea earn, rnone ixtugia Kiiu. lie Overton for leaky radiator, dealer .l"0 ItitWAHD for any iuaneio we can't repair, t'oila repd. Bavsdoi fur.2) N lg.a Want an autu. C J. Canan. M'Cague bldg. atotoreyclra. H A RLK Y -D A V I DPO N MOTORCTCLK8. tiaraatna In used machines. Victor Rooa, 'I he, Mntorcyt le Man.' KJi leavenwortn. . ii 1 l rrr:-. . . . tv :' r. 1 ' MuiuKtt.l.b now raaily; bargaiaa in used machtnaa. OMAHA Bli;vcLla CO- iuia and Clucago. t. 17U. UUS1NES5 CILVNCES A LAHilB and well-aquluped garage fur aaie; nav oiner uuaineaa ana unable ta I operate bola. If you want a good (b-N ixlied buBiurss, this i your chauce, .imaha Bee. Council Bluffs, la I LACKSM1TU abop. tool and stock on nsy term: only shop in town. Ask for articular. Bog 48, J arisen. Nb. DONKLHON doc mora than Hat Your buslneas, h sells It 801 Omaha Nat'l Bk. BlGNel. anow cerd, '.'lara ,v -n. O lilt FOIl HAI.K 1 p-to-uaie rnnfectluiiry. Ic crm r-nrior and rato combined. Good eastern Nebraska tow il Will sell future. Itrnt la reasonable. The raan (or aelling Is on account of health. Ad. dreaa Y--OM, vre GENERAL stock menhandls fur aale, Invoice 812. Ouu. for froo on th dollar. No trade; nothing but. spot cash. Address LIST TOUR Bl8INEB& with tia lor aalck action anil anuare trealbient QUICK BALE COMPANY. 418 Ba Bldg. Phone Red 8254. TO GKT In or out of bualtie. Call ua GANG E8TAD. 4o4 Bee Blda. D. UTl. I' M, EATON. Bus. Broker tlOo W. O. w ., will help tu In or cut of businesa. '1 !iATa,K buy, la vi sail your l be ater. martilrM and iunuii,. thm.,.-. . ursi-r r.xcnange Co.. I4ut rat nam to L l'tlU,IUI IV! SOUK t'uelna-a or real eataU Quickly WILL bLLL liu-acre farm, enx.-t bulid ing to auit, supply you with eowa sn.l hog, on payment uf and 81 a year yr rw tneiraiier. ADg alio lit till. W. tl. Templeton. 3 Bee. Oiiikii. I,. 1 1 ii ..... j . . - n n.i, "nil uf iiaus ior . r i, Wmmv - larga and I'rosperoua automobile bmiiu.u m iwik aua ; rowing tnlddi west city. " " l'.-w. p'inir i. WRITE F. K XI EST. Omaha for buyer. MM aha manufacturer, we eatabliahed necoa ii.vw to K.Ouv more to uruMrlv market a product la big demand; platu 'uxnrxa JroKail ion. leil Wn Dlllllll fscturer per -nally. No commUaiun. Ad ureaa F 2f. Ie. M AM'FAi'TI KFR of agricultural imple- in gooa aemanti need a partner kii ,i.iiw io sec nut ma a,aum -. . h iai nia nein. jo agent, us iimiu'ialiM rioy t -4i, riee. WANTED T concrete men. two ci air of constructive ability to in Y'Jt from tl.") to fc.too with aei vice. C,od 'i t ior uiiormaiion. Addiea P O Bo S27, Omaha. EDUCATIONAL "'I f in aiv alenogiupner will Uk pupna. MiijiiTlltMj, touch typewrit. in, spelling, punctuation, etc.. lauuut so., 'UIIHM.I. jrailiing al 'i tor CUiliee I' liwe Hiinio Inn i u. i', ,n If u-tiitil. e-4 ll oula Sc Tct. Walnut 7. EDUCATIONAL sriUNO TKR.M TIOVI.K8 CU;E .Monday. April T.th. Dnv sachool. Ntftht bchooi: coinblet business course; complete shorthand or tenotyna course: complete tele;rrhjr course; civil servlca Iranchea and Knc Mh. Ptmtent artmllie.1 at an? time. Write, phone or call for 1IU ralalocu. UOYLF.H COLI.CiiR. H. II. nuyi.K.'. r'ri'lcnt. Tel. IJ. lr. B.yllea Bid-.. Omaha. Neb. The Van fSant School Stenography Vn school. J.W to 4:0. Nlaht school. IS to lth and Ka.nsm Kt t-otic's aMT. FOR sale the foiowln scholarship J first diss Omaha Business Collet: One unlimited combination buaiaes and sliortliKr.il course. One unlimited buatneaa couraa. On unlimited tnoraphlo course. One three montluC businesa or ateao Brxphic ccurs. Wilt ba void At d'acouBt at the office of the Omaha Bee. L.KARN to eak French: trial lesson free. Conversational method; success ruaranteed. Address S. 234, Bee. FOR SALE Karaltnrr, llovarhold ueoiU, Ktc. FOR PALK Complete aet of narter sawed oak poatoffli-e flutures; about 400 combination lock boxee, dumping table, bag rack, cabinets, etc. Add res Y 6, Hca. MAHHLK center table, kitchen cabinet, china tablnet, 2 mirrors, gssoiluj; range, elder piX'se, other artlilca. Hnr. 7(t. New 4b M-haud furn'.ture, raab or term; easnnable. Amr. Furn. Co.. eOi N. lth I'llt'Wk'VJ bought and aold. J. C. Rcd. UEaa v.,fj parnam 1st. I. il4. KCLIPfkJ cabinet gas range, almost new. .. .. - . . . I 1 - i .ir, nen i a cwrnwin, tini're . Iloraaa aad Vehlelea. SHIP ma stock to South Omaha, Bay mileage and ahrinkagw Your consign merit a receive prompt and careful atten tion. MARK and horse, matched. 7 year old. I'alr iHl-claea mares, 8 years old. In foul, weighing 2,. Rear 11 Burt- TKAM good work mules; weight, 2.M0; nge. -. Barn. U'1l California. BL'ITABLt; for gartliiiiers or hirknurs, four dfllvery homes, double hsrncas. one double, one - single spring wsgons. Will be aold at wlist they are worth. Don't answer unlcau yoo menn business. Address, J 241, care Omnha Bee. ONK Poland-China boar for aale. I'ratt Ht. Phone pennon 4 23-J. OCR winter work is over and 1 want to sell acme of my horses; K good work horse. O. U l.lghtfoof, !im tMming ft. FOR KAL.K Team of young horses, 4 and 7 years old; also team of mares, weight l.XA pounds each; owner ha no use (or horses. Call hotH, 2" H. Mth t. FOR HALE Three big, nice farm mares: heavy In foal; party having no further nee; leaving city; call at once. 1L'4 B. 24th. jdhand buggy g harness. $: Har. 7020. aTTniAVY' and lioht marks and OKLDINOrt AT V K R V RKASONABLK PRU'Krl; AIJ-O HARNKS9 It WAOON8. !!( K.VBLATT'H CI T PRICK COAL CO. v:a Nicholas, tkl ihjuo. bM. FARM wous, t end up; harnewi, 440. Johnson-Danforth Co.. lth Clark St. FOR KALK Team of inarea, 1.1') Iba. each for i5ft 3323 HARRISON STREET. Photm (South 11029. TKAM of fUyear-old mares, well matched, webiht i.tH: -year-oId work horse, weight t,4w, and handsome black and white t-'hetbind lony, heavy in foal, gen tle for children; bargain; party going to Hsn Frsnelsco. March 80. 2419 Dodge Bt. tiro Iterk Caaaaataalaa Marakaata. MARTIN BROS. X.. Kgonanaa Bldg. Maaleal laatrameata. A FINE aecond-hand piano. Walnut 8484. ANOKlt'H outside piano "layer, ma hogany case; can be adjusted to any pluno; 40 roll of music; a bargain. Phone Ibirney 42. JiUO Dewey Ave. 1I1U1I ORADB piano, llghtly used, a bHrgaln. 220H Orand Ave. Webster W. NEW oak, ftill-sise Cable-Nelnon piano, 1175; worth V lied WCO. 702 B. 17th Bt. Poaltry, Kga aad aapalle. BTERBOTYPM matrices male tha best and cheapest lining for poultry houmea They ar 11x23 Inches, stronger and mora durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. Iba a hundred at The Bee of (ice. WHIT IB WYAN. cockerels. Benson WW. LoNT forget that three times mora chicken have been hatched in OIJ Trusty incut alora than in any other In cubutor. Calulogua free on requeat. Ad dree. M. M. Junneon Co., Clay iJenter. Nfii. . R. C. H. I. Red egg. 7a li; 84, !. A. M. Ivarsen. 60th and Center. Wai. 3HM. o Mixed g.-alu. 1J0 Iba.. 81. Wagner N01 N.lfc II. C. RHODE. ISLAND RED egg lot hatching. Vigorous, hardy stock on country range. II for 15: $6 ver lu0' A. n. tiAnr.n. cciXDUii, nno, Phone Benson .4. -W. R. F. P. No. t. B. C. White Leghorn egg for hatching. Mr hen ar trom Pius winning layer Ot International, egg laying contest. bioora, conn. i.ov iur . e v1" 11. Baktr. Benson, Nee., 4t. . u. xso. a. Tel. Benson 147 W LET chicken pay your rent; end for f,en l.r.. li 'Turillnil 1.KS Into Chick ens Into Dollar." and fre sample world's only hatching chart; book describe Rayo ncunatofs; give mw cm. , naieii vn ,, vieii..n nil. Kmvo Incubator Co.. loii 8. 12th St.. Omaha. Neb. Phone Red KiW. Thoro. barred rock oggs 4 centa Wal. !). Ta writers RHNT Remingtons. Monarctis and Smith Premiere nf their DtaKera. in nemms ton Typewriter Co. Telaplione Dougla I2M. Rental creoitsa it you purcnaa aaa miiv vtirv naweaL ana msu-iai iu chlne sent out. lia tea. three months for i for undurstroke macnine or o par month tor latcet mixiai visiuie w-rnera. ivHKhviiiikit ao.u. rcuttl repaired. Central TyiewriuT axenang. vi ta, ma RENT An Oliver typewriter. 8 month for 44. The tillver Typewriter uo.. n. us Mlaeeltaaroaa, FOR BALK Naw and second-hand carom and lcket billiard tables and bawling Dry and accor lea ; bar fiaturas of ail Balka-Coi lender Co.. 4o7-4i 8. loth St- FOR'SALE A 10x18 refrigerator meat Ihx. Must ba o'd at once. A bargain. Central Market. ounctl BHiffs 8-hand inch. Oioa iVw. -I at Paul and d-haiul motors, dynamoa inetoa, etc., and mach. repairs. Bros Eleft. Work, 818-20 8. llih, 15 SECOND HAND tenny-ln-alot ma chines of various kind, also coal ratuss and ga rangea J. C Ish,' Executor 70S . Slst Ava. Phone Harney 248 RAkiiAINH FOR QUICK SALE. Two floor cases, oim aiif. table and shelvlnga; all In excellent ahapo. .-c them today. 1X28 IHnlge rt NATURAL ostrich feather a sacrlfl.o prices. This cham may mver come aaaln. ExnuUilely beautlfid. . Ready to wear: stand ail weatnera. can tie laun dered or dyed. Sold direct from producer to you; It cents up. Ben a ior price list. Producers Feather Company, S2S Htggina Bldg., jn Angeles, CaL TWO big wall show caaea, three floor caaea, cheap, t an at n. in FOR SALE Lellpae lee trie weei-r. good aa new. cheap; also Oliver visible typewriter. No. 8. Tel. Web. J0.8. FOU RALE Ont stock membership Hapl y Hollow at a cohattVaraltoD, Uaruejr il.L HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Of flee. GIRL to du aoioe aolleuing. not house to house. M per week. Al ply lil Wood' man uf the World Bldg no I'm al Fium; FEE. STFNOtaltA PHLR. EXCELLENT PO- MiiON ? SALESLADY. FIRST CLA6-4 f4 Sol.lv I mil HOlilH 9 TO 4 O'CLOCK BO 'KKEEI EK . ie'l( K AsS rTANT lal Ml"INKSd MEN S REFERENCE AS? N u;i- wiwiitN ot wuti'-u, HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical Kiel Of flee STRNOORAI'HKR AND CLKRK; HIGH SiHtX'L. i i H A I 'I'ATK. F.Xl'r. It I KN K NOT NKCFv8AnT. AN KXCh LLF.NT CIIAXi'K FOR ADVANCEMENT. MAL AR Y l r lio WEHTKRN RKF A HOXD ARSN., 7M Oms is Nat. Hank Bldg. NO FILIVO KEK. RTBT COMMERCIAL ItlTIONSC ROOKRB RKF. CO.. ."Oi-S Htate Bank. l-'aetrr aaa Tradra. LFARN b'rrtr"elng Qnpe;-be'rri Parlor LAKIKH wanted for decorsting sfa pil lows at home; experience tinncre-wary; good psv. Call forenoons. MfT S. lth. llaaarkresen and llomratlri. THE Bervant Olrl Problem Solvail. The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE unl41 you gat the desired reeulta This applies to reaident of Omaha, booth Omaha and Council Bluff Bring a, I to '1 he lce office or telephone. Tyler l'i0. WANTED A young girl to assist uiih i house. ,rk. walnut 11 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. Tel. Harney 9M or t all :: Hemey. WOMAN lo keep house for bachelor. IT. per week: no launary:, child no objec tion. Phono Douglas 7P3, or mrttc 242:; 9. 24, Omaha. LADY to keen hous Myself and child High wage, i on practically would oe i 'OUld bf same In your own home. Address I A -2.4), care Bee. SvANTEPW'hite girl for cenorai houii work. Three In family. Wal. 24iO. MAID for general housework, fmnlly. Hnr. eif.79. Two in WANTED An experienced servant girl for general housework; in ut be a Rood cook; references required. Call !!. t .97. LA1Y to keep house for man and child year oid. This is a home; not large wage. Adcirers E 2? Bee. WANTED Experienced sir! for general housework: 8 In family; willing to go to Council Bluffs. 420 Bo. 8th St.. Council BUM fa. 1213. ; WANTEli Competent white girl for "gVn eral housework, no washing, wage JTi per week. Phone Webter 7067 or call 3603 N. 24th t. WANTED Kxpiinced girl for general housework. Three In family. Beat wages. MIA Cass. WANTED Reliable anil competent girl for general housework. Reference re quired. Hamoy 4rM. M'ANTED tllrl for general hounework, who can rook, where laundress and sec ond girl ar kept; reference required. Phone Harney 8237. Mrs. Oeo. E. Barker. GIRL wanted:, German preferred; home. 4903 Cass. Walnut 815 . good GIRL for general houoework. care for 8 children; no washing. Harney 830. NEAT appearing girl for general house work; small, new apartment; three In family; only white girl need apply. Phone Harney 4T.99 or call at 109 S. 4!d 8t. WANTED A t once, a girl or middle aged woman to assist with housework on farm near Ralston, Neb. Handy to car line. Hirnoy 750u. Mr. Sautter, 1108 OeorglH Ave., Omaha. WANTED At once, a white girl for gen eral housework: must be experienced and give reference. 09 N. 41st Bt. Walnut 1229. COMPETENT servant housework; must ba a good cook: ref erence required. A. B. Wiren. 112 8. Wth St. H. 20. WANTED A middle-aged woman for housework. 818 8. 10th St. Mlaaellaneowa. GOVERNMENT JOBS FOR WOMEN 8?4) month. List free. Franklin Insti tute. Dept f8 C. Rochester. N. T. tuunu women coming to Omaha aa stranger ar Invited to visit th Youns Women's Christian association building at !i,.MlT' .Ave' 17tn 8t- where they will be directed to suitable boarding f laces or otherwise assisted. Look for our raveler's gu'de hi Union station WANTED A first class hair dreer; must bav three years' experience. Apply W. L.' Brnndeis &, Sons -Beauty Parlors. , , W'ANTEPMlddle aged lady who wishes a good loh traveling i mu - "If1 of sewing bed ticking for 'mattresses. "Br"..-" Pr month, board and room mu rauroaa transportation. Answer at BO as Job ODen nnlv three deva Arfdn Bert Melbroae, Blair, Neb. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical aad atrflee HIGH-GRAPE commercial position. rir.r e.K-i.-NC'. BOND A SSN. ioj umin .-vat. Bank Bldg. l-iT'I:;8,!--' PUno 8alttrv n -'n- SALESMAN, Auto Salary and com. SALESMAN, BlatdaUy...":..".. Com l?Aljr.c:l AW, till Com STENOGRAPHER ) STENOGRAPH I- R (STENOGRAPHER 8 845 838-40-42 PRANPFMS THRAT'FR FLPO. Stenographer and clerk h uooaaeeucr, beginner In) Business Men s Reference Aaa'n., 1318-20 Woocmen of the World. 8QUARK VfXiH IN SQUARE HOLE& we nnn a position that rita you. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1018-18 City Nat. Bank Bldg. STENO.. 160! STKJJO f-lK Watts Ref. Co., MO-48 Brandela Theater. Atreata. galeamea ,n4l Solicitor. THIS first payment now covers Inaurancs in rfuiy i, jHia, Thl makes our policy easy to sell. Call or write. Mutual Ben efit, Health and Accident Aaa'n, 423-28 City Nat Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb Drug store) snaps: Job. Knetst. Baa Bldg. Factory aad 'I raaea. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition ii, on account tf big Wages for i and 10 cent work. Electric massage taught. Hydraulic chair. Catalog free. 1124 Dougla Si . Omaha. WANTED Finlaher for cement works. eieyer at l.urra. t:olumpu. Neb. H-RNE.- maker wanted. Wilson Sad dlery Co.. 1721 Lawrence Ht Ikiu.. Polo. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE WRITE FOR FRKK CATAI.tXlUB. SPECIAL SPRINO RATES, 1)0 So. 14th ait. Desk B. Omnha. Neb. GOOD YOUNG MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Biaauat demand far our .ting nolle Elec. Starter Auto gradu ate, too many uatnunea linger repair men. Good men positively needed. Big spring rush. Fne catalogue. NIGHT SCHOOL NOW OPEN AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. t3 Farnam St.. Oman. IGARMAKERS wanted. Addre W aldaehmltt, Hartington, Neb. Mlac-ellaaeot,. WANTE1 A reliable man to take m- agement or the grain and coa,'. businesa for the Farmers' Elevator Co. at Braln ard. Neb.; party muat talk the EnglUh and Bohemian language; good salary to ine ngni party, sgareat, Anton J. Briber, ( m . ,vj, BH1PPING clerk, ona who can handle men. State age. experience and uJart expected Addreee. L Til. llee. EXPERIENCED auto repair man, out of C ' MIDWEST BONDING CO.. 818 Bee Bklg. . GET WISE A thorough, practical automobile adu r alien t Bunlmum coat Aak fur cata log'iu "C and expiaaation of our get result method. NaiLRASKA AUTOMOBILE 8CH0OI 1414-17 Imdge Street. Cnnaha. Neb. GOVERNMENT wanta clerks; 870 month; Omaha examination April 28; common education sufficient; particulars free. Apply Immediately, V Ea. Be. WANTl'-" 1A) men to ei ham and (, l ie. Coifee John, lltu and Capitol. HEl.f WANTED MALE .41 lacellan-om. Be an Auto Mechanic and draw a large salary, or go Into tha auto businesa for yourself. Our com pletely equipped achool and !ioP r.ill bring this roult for you. Write 'or free booklet. Nat'l Auto Tmining Ass'n, Ml N. 20th St., Omsha, Neb. HELP WAtfTED MA LIO ANI I'GMALR. MEN. WOMEN W A.Ttl Governm-ut jobs. f5 to 1.V montn. SV rue for list positions now obtainable. Franklin In stitute. Dept 221 C. Rochester NV Y. SITUATIONS W A XT ED KXl'ERIENcTTb girl wants chambermaid positlura Weiister iHtaj. WANTED A foit.on; lol.ega graduutu, i.xpiii'nced taUulator office man, ex cellent penmnrshlp, cashier, bill iler't, any hind of office work, wants position In Omaha or eleewhere. Reference. Ad drs f. l:'l. Dee. TREES, gratca trimmed, yurd raking. Webeler 4"H4. ELDERLY lady d'slre position as houre kecper, fhort distance In country or city. For interview. Phone Web. 31o3. V nJTiIng nnd Ironing by day. Web. .",1ii. i'OUNO man desire evening position of ;; hours' ork, either Invoice), corre spondence or detail (lei leal. Beat refcr- en AddrossjC 21,Bee; HOTEL and rcFtaurant man, experlencM, aged 2:'.. wants work cither as dMi-' waaher, poiier, bellboy or anv other kind: honest, sober and willing. Phone Doug las 4!H. John, 2024 DoiimIus Kt DAY work wnnted. Web. fOHfi. t'AY work wanted. Webster 3427 FIRST CLASS Isundress. by tho day, or wash lace rurtaine. Webster 8-!, POSITION wanted by reliable man a clothing, furnishings and shoes sales man, married. Answer H ZV. Bee. WANTEl Clerical position by years' experleme. Wal. 2rt. a girl COLORED girl wants place during day, either housework or chambermaid. Ad dress O 240, Bee. EXPERIENCED laundress, want work. Webster tiTOK. day LADY stenographer. P. B. X. operator and general otflre. 3 yrs. exp. Prefer ence. .H. 5V.7. DAY work or bundle waeh -v-h K'7 COLORE!.' man wants Joo ,t juuor or porter. Can furnish beat of references. Call Webster 817 and ask for Anderson. ELDERLY lady want plnce as "house keeper. Call Web. 813G. 2764 Orant St. PLACE desired by colored girl ,as house maid. Call Tyler 2HfMv IX)T AND FOUND OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. 'Person having lot some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha Council Bluff Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left it In the street car. Many article each day are turned In land tne company l anxious io rentor MEDICAL Piles and Fistula Cured without SURGICAL OPERATION or PAIN. NO DETENTION trom BUSI NESS. PAY when CURED. A written GUARANTEE given in every case treated. Patients roust come to the of fice. 408-8-10 Omaha National bank, 17th and Farnam Sts. DR. WILLIAM CREIGHT0N MAXWELL, Twenty-elgbt years In Omaha. Graduate nf Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City. N. Y. o Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. K. K. Tarry cures plies, fistula and other rectal disease without aurgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diaeaeea with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg- NURSERY SEEDS AND PLANTS. 800 DUN LAP strawberry plants, 81; 1.000 $4; postpaid. W. C. Hebdon, Blair, Neb. -A - PERSONAL $7,000 FOR INVALIDS. TOO subscription to the L H. Journal, $1.80, the 8. E. Post $1.50. the Country Gentleman 81.00 earns that 17,000 fcr Tho Invalids' Penalon Association- Your order or renewal contributes 60 cants. Phono Dougiu iltiS. Addreaa ' 00RD0N, TILE MAGAZINE MAN. OMAHA. NEB I HEREBY give notice that 1 will not be responsible for any debta contracted by my wife, Mrs. John Hcmndler. JOHN tCJI 1. 'NODE It. THE Salvation Army Industrial bom so licit your olu clothing, .furniture, mag, tinea, we collect. W dlstribut. Phon Douglas 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, UIO-UU-IUI Dodge bt- TOUNQ women coming o Omaha as strangers ar Invited to visit the Young Women' Christian a-seoci tloa building at 17th St and Bt Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable bearding place or otherwl assisted. -Look for our trav lsrs' aid at th Union station. LIVE WIRB BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA Anesastast, E. A. DWOKAK, C P. A , Address 431 Ramge Bldg.. Phone iJouglaa 7x Asaing alaehlac. Dalton Adatng Machine. 411 8. 11. D. 1448, Adder lick Co. (Walesi. W. O. W. P. (JUt Aaaatenr Flnlablasj. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Sliop. 418 Bee Bldg. Dept. p. Archlleets. aA-arstt S. Pod da 411 Pxton Blk. D. 8840. Aata aad Uiinla Uvt-alrlaa. Magneto repair work a specialty. D. 8U8. Aactlearera. Powd Auction Co.. 1115-18 W. O. V. R. S2S5, Powd Auett.m Co., 1116-1,8 W. O. W. R. 32W8, Baker tea. II. REKDER, lMW No. ISth. Web. 8397. Ulna PrlattasT. HORNBY BLUal PRINT CO. 802 Omaha Nat'l Bank bldg. Harkera. v " 18 Cbalra. 10c shave, neck shav. 1617 Far. Bras Fonndrtea, Paxton-Mitcbeil Co.. 27th and Martha St. (arentera aa4 lantraetvr. STEVENSON. 82S B. I7d. Douglas f-J-0. t allfo-el- Lands. W. T. Smith Co.. lincity Nat l Bk. D.2818. 4 hlaa Patellae. Ruth Letchford. decorating, firing. R. 441 ( 8 1 1 Eatlaean. M. J. LACY. 618 BF.H BLPO. DOUQ. 4718. t ream Sepanatara, Tha Bharples Separator Co.. 11th 4k Farn. Itslem and Well Dtsaiaa. NEED well or datera (leaned or dug? BCHAFFER doe It. Phone Web. 44J1. JTat RICKERTT Well Conatructloa CoT; nothing too U or ImpoMibie: eaumalas furnlatiad 810 N 21t St.. Omaha iNtaria Aeaasaatea. - 1 Turpln's Panclng Academy, tgth 4t Farn. Try Maekie's first. 1X18 lUrn-y. Iuug. 8447 CHAMBERS' Academy, clasalo. bTlsfL Drleetlvea. INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any part of United State. Canada or Mexico, a paxton Blk. lKjg. I.r.l W alnut L.D. JAMEd ALLAN. lit "'-Navlikt Blk. Ev. sacuied la all caaaa. T Wr 11M. LIVE' WIRE nl'SIN'ESS MEN OK OMAHA Prewmaklas Terry Dressiiic.k'g oll ge. 20'-h A Farnam. hmimi? L'rrssmFiaing couegi-. " ' n.i ni.hi ti.h,,l i S citv Nati BiinR. , Dr PHVO.S at cut prices: freight pain on i orders; cstiloguc free. Bherrpan & Me Connell Drug Co.. Omaha, w-'b. t.aiterlna and anoatlaar. STJ'E reprlrlng. 'Firn prevention Co. Douglas 4."M. . . . W K. i m m- n w tji,i,. rIdbuooJnl I Dr. lodrt nlvchiruentistry. 4t Briindei , Bii i i e ' . the leiitisi. .v, City Nat 1 Bank. , Ta.t Det.tal BooniH, IhlV Douglas. D. 21. t yon he. Dr. Flokes. 74 Clly Nat. Bank. Every (litnt tor Wotara. ACCul.D'-o.N, :.de, knUe. Biioburst. bo pleut nii; covered buttons, nil sixes ttnd sijics; h nutltc'ilne, plcot edging, ideal Meating '.., 2'") Dnuginn illork. D. llJ8. HAi Kl l ESSINO at your home R. 6'.;h. F.vrrythlnK for Women. NEW YORK sample store. Mut vacate, building i'iniiig Jowu: clonks, suits and drefl? hh r if iced ; 2tni N. 1t li St SWITCH Ed from combing. 11. &0. Psyche free. Mrs H. M. Eck. P.0O9 Marcy. H. 5H6. Klrelrlc fappllea. LKHRON Klec. Wka., T.1 8 S. 12th. D. 2178. Florists. . A. DOXAGllVi:. 1 ! Hamay. Doug. 1001. HKSS e- sn i mi ft '7T4'f7rnnm t. BATII'H tl-'iiyt. 1K'4 Farnam sr. D. f L l!itXi;l.ltMN. U. Farnam. D. 1234. Member K:orl-'t leiegrsph Del. A sail. lint Dyers. Straw hats dyed. Dora Eisele, U3i C. Nat. iu.ic lreaalnT Harper nvethod. p, K, nali-4 Bldg. D. JU. Lighting Flxtare aad Wlrtaa. THOMAS DUKK1N tloctrii; 'Ixtures and auriklies. contract llig and reonlr orl done re-isonnhle. 2419 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2tn. I.lee Stock lU-iardle-e. OMAHA Remedy Co.. WI7 M lih. Red 4r3. Messenger aad Teamater. Tv-HTTE LINTC. 910 N. 1th St. Don-. -312. Mask. Coatitinea uan A,ilH;t? Slappllea. MX FIX. of lodge regalia and costume. Tlie largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costume In the country. Theo. Lben & Sou. b14 Howard. D. 4115. MFO. of lodge regalia and costumes. Theo. Lleben & Bon. 1514 Howard. D. 4115. Motion Pic t area. OMAHA Film Ex., 11th and Pong.. Motion picture machine and film bargains. Masseurs. Miss Jacobs, mass. Office 224 Neville Bk. MISS STAPLES, mas., elec. bath. D 713. Open eve., 9 p. m.; Sundays. 12 to 5. IIVTII and mass., alcohol rub. Laura. t'-vl1 Wilson, 1802 Farnam, R. 2. Dong.' 871. Open evening and Sunday. Yl AS; i(.V 20 BUILDING. .IIAOOAU r. UOLOLAH 0372. !ISS WALTON, mass. R. :-2l Neville Bik. (YlTJ V ilF.r.T 1K( JV Eastern arrl-(Mutt dli-poso of it at once. What havo t. V!V,V I1i1jL11 U 1. VJl, Tfy mv)you? Address S. O. 8:14. Beev goofl, restful magnetic. Other satisfac tory treatments. Vapor baths. Open 10 a. m. to 10 p. m., including Sundays. 107 s 17th St., near Douglas. Notice: En trance downstairs, Basement, Cor. Dodge. BATHS. 214 Uhlrd Hldg.. 47th and Doug. M. BRUGMAN. masa R. 2"3 Karbach Bk. R. 2727. Ciara Lee, bath and massage. Doug. 875L Bloving, Storage and Cleaning;. W. C. FERP.1N. 15th e.nd Capitol. Ty. 1200. Patent. H. A. St urges, 838 Brandel Theater Bldg. D. O. Barnell. PaitonBlk. Tel. Red '117. Oeallsta, Eyes examined, glosses fitted, pay as you can. Prs. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Printing. WATER S-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190 524 8. 13th St. CENTRAL PRINTiNO CO. DOUQ. it7rl. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. COREY & M KEN2.1E PTG. CO. P. 2814 RIES-HALL Ptg. Co.. 1620 Capitol. P. 1102. Osteopathic phyaielaata. Df. RerMcha, 808-4 McCague Bldg. Tf. 3B38. Dt. Peterson. u4 Brandel Bldg.. P. 2144. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 61S Bee Bldg Patent Development. ' AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 8. 11th St Palntlntr and ra4ertna. HUGH M'MANt'S, 417 N. 4(Hh. H. (TT2J. Plnmea Rennrated. PLUMES A HATS mads over, cleaned tk dyed. Bertha Kruger, 429 Paxton. D. 894. Roach Gxternilnator. B B B Roach powder. King's, 24th Sc Far. gate and Time Lock Lxperts. O A OTT'C' Opened, repaired, comb. vJ-f-Vr1 UrO changed. F. E. Paven. V- -" w port 1404 Dodge. D. 1.121. tlkee HeiialrlasT, FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. 211 S. 14. Sign nnd kkawcsrdj. E. M CLARK A SON. 113 B. 16TH ST. tteel tell lag. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. UO S- 10. (tore and Office Ptatares. DESKS, safe, scale, showcases, (helv ing, etc W buy, aei I. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-10-18 & 12th. D. ZiU. Towel nnpllea, OMAHA Towel Supply. 807 a. nth.' P. E2S. linn oak. CENTRAL TIN 8HOP,' 1117 Dodge. Doug- ma 4ftM. Traak aad lantuta FREEING eV STEINLE. 1808 Famarn St l a Mors. CHAS. C. LANPERTOU. 108 N. IMh St. OLSKN 4t hUUIitHl., luoj llamef. U. tUJi. Vetertanrlana. PR. O. R. YOUNO. 402 Center Wal. 80U Wlaee and Llqoora. ALEX JETES. Jot-3 8. i3th Ft. Wine, liquor, cigar. Plate dinner. !1 to I, 10c. Globe liquor house. 424 N. 16th; California Wine. 81.2j per gal. Write for price list. HKNRY POLLOCK LTQIJOR HOUhbl, loth a nd Capitol Ave. Ten-cent luiuii. BUY your family liquor ar Klein' Liquor lioue hli N iein. Ixnalaa trt SWAPPER'S COLUMN XV TOMOblLE-Roadster for good clear . lot; must how IjoO value. Address 8. C. SOU. Bee. & I 'r il '- r.n t..ii,ln-r eae In fleul- tit j condition, top. windshield. Preio- lite, chains, etc.; worth boo, and Mould exchange for, good building lot in Omaha of the aame value. Addresa S. C. 827. A SURREY CARRIAGE In flrst-claal Shape; rubber tire cost ILoo new; also a hi of single, buggy harnesa cost 8: botu have been used one sc:ison. For trade address S. C. 776. care Bee. ALIO W-h. p. S-paxeenser standard I'.ake car; five tins like new; demount able runt; whole car in A No. 1 condition. W list have you to exchange? Address, S. C. 806. Bee. AUTO 1 J 13 8 puss. Buick. fine condition. Will trado for lot valued fl.bOO on paved street W ill puy difference if lot Is worth more. Call Wclwi'r 4M5. AUTOMOBILES kei other autamobils ' ara.u a th "Auluuiot(i ciaae.il- C .lull. BUSINESS CHANCE Millinery tock and fixture for e or lo-acre tract or clear bouaa and lot. Good business, cheap rent Come and see ne and 1 will show you. Addreea S. C. 8"1. Bee. BFF bllPlNGTON iXiUS To trade for a B. O. cockerel or cock. Address g. C. k29. Bee. liOlLEli H. P. vertical boiler to trade. Want portable garago cr fuivilture. Ad dress S. '. Bee. lilAMOND WILL TRADE DIAMOND ring for good electric piano. AuUreta B. t:. 81. Bee. DESK Will trade a roll-top deck and chair, or bookkeeper s counter, or six font double-deck alios case, or auto parts nd acceui lea. for a leather Davenport 04 avUce. Address S. C, bui, Be. SWAPPERS' COLIMX 1 DIAMOND Diamond" ring, worth I1W, or i trade for omel hlng -near It value. Ad- j dress S. C. Ktl. Bee. ENOIX" Ossoline. If. P. Vlll traiie for electric motor. Address . c., fee. viputT.i niann . 111 Ti hnnin tnr imd !HS1 ' ,1"" Piano w III ev nani-e tor goim team, or good horse and buggy. Address 9. '. '0. H-e , tvit kach Ntii' An ti-to-iato Kflipxe ,,w,,r (eiectrii ), also No. S vlalblej 'typewriter "Oliver." nenrlv new. What have you? Addrex 8 C. ,W, Bee. l.OOD MOTOR BOAT Worth I2",; one vtoiin worth r7 atid .1 nrw koilwk. cot. rn. ......1 Minalkln nf equal value; trade together or eparat'V jrtr P- J. M2 B,e. , , u u rrarie" CpriTt ptiino. will exclmt,e for good 1 kt. diamond. Addro 8. c. Ml, me. HAVE some good farm implements, will exchange for chickens, horse or cow. Address S. C. M2. t'ec. , HAVE fine Swiss watch, aolld gold case, will exchange for chicken. Address C. 913. Bee. - HOTEL Good hi tl, doing a l-'ood bus,-iii-; will trade for ante, What have you' A'hlrecs S. C. 37. Be". LKDOERS Two loose-leaf ledger, nine by twelve, brand new, complete with .o ledger sheets, cost 817, to swap for tent or Fhotuun. Address S. C. 912. Be". LTfv"n"nt U no for Tot. Bee', C lT. MANDOLIN licet the it la. cost $35. I , want a disniond, or what have you Write S. C. Kt". Her. . Mt it6"iC;YCL1WIII "ewnp motorcyclw lor a sewing machine; must le a good ont. Walnut 12J2. MOTION PICTt'RR MACHINR One Edison irachme and six rolls of film. eiiiippe:l with gas milking plant, price 7r, for what have you1 Address S. C. 799, Pee. MMLLNERY stock and flxtuies, doing good buslneKS and making money, for what have you to trade. Address S. C. i4i, Bee. OAK dining room table, for a soft coat heater. Address S C. S28. Bee. PIANO Will exchange a high-grade .standard piano for young. Bound farm mares. Address S. C. 849. Bee. .. .... - , 4 POOL hall doing good business, for a Ford automobile. 106 S. 22d- St., Council Bluffs, la. RESTAURANT and lunch counter doing proiitablc business on Farnam. Will trade for vacant lot. or what have you? Address 8.' C. 712, Bee. REFRIGERATOR 25-lbs.. good aa new. tired one season. Will exchange lor porch chairs. Address S. C. 847. Bee. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rocks. 10 pullets, 1 cockerel. Trade for something I can use or what am I offered!' Ad dress S. C. 814, Bee. . TWO high gra-je suotguns, one 18 ga. and one 12 ga., new condition, for dia mond, or will trade one fur good aet of inch and quarter or Inch and half doublo harness. Address 8. U. F), Bee. fclGXS. ehoweards. Clafk & Son. D. 1378. WILL TRADE a diamond ring for two 28x4 O. P. casing, fi. C. 809 Bee. SCALE Grocer' computing scale; will sell or trade, or what have you? Ad dregs S. C, 727. Bee. STENOTYPE Have a practically new Sienotyoe. used one month, lenvlntr cttv BVRHHY Two-seated, fifth wheel surrey. rubber tires: in good conoition; will trade or sell: a bargain If taken at once- aq :re a a, w. u, tui-i. Bee. TRUCK For sale or trade a ton delivery truck. What have you to offer? Adu dresa S. C. S43. Bee. TYPEWRITERS L. C. SMITH AND Smith Premier, perfect order, exchange for good diamond ring. 8. C. 833. Bee.' VICTOR TALKING MACHINE Best make old style Victor Talklna- machine ' 3 spring motor, with over 850 In record. W 111 swap for motorcycle, or make offer- Address S. C. '738, Bee. Will exchange Brand new player Piano For carpenter work. Address C-1K8, Bee. WANTED to buy a small cart for Shet land pony; wheels not over 34 inches high. Addresi Box 206. Oakland. Neb. WATCH Man's 14-kaiat gold case watch. 1 cost 827.fH). Want diamond ring or maka offer of- what you will trade. S. C. 841, Bee. FOK RENT Apartments aad Flats. FOR RENT Most beautiful, finely fin ished and up-to-dato 8. 4 and B-rooin apartments In city. Building Just fin ished. Flora Apartment. S64H- Jones St FOR RENT 3 rooms with toilet and bath, easy walking distance and cloao to car. 812.50 per month. T. SULLIVAN, . 216 Brandcls Theater Bldg. Doug. 4413. 8-ROOM brick flat at 271 Jackson St.. In fine condition. Inquire 41 city Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. Pouglag 1966. CENTRA tNo equal n price or quality; 7-room house; 4-room flat. 220 X. 23d. MORE than modern brick flat, hot wajer heat, large lawn; nice summer home; excellent location. P. 0691. H. HOI. FIDELITY FREE Phone Pouglas 1128 for complete Hat of all vacant bouses and apartments, lu for storage, moving, packing., shipping. TWO rooms and batb, modern: also single room and bath, furnished; walking distance. P. 2646. CLOBE-IN APARTMENT! T 8 ROOMS AND BATH. IN THE CALI FORNIA. SEE- JANITOR. POUO. 623?. Board and Roam. THE GRASMERB mahogany ' furnished; rooms with private bath, also smaller rooms; excellent board; private tables. Phone Hartley 700, Good board and room, mod. Har. l?7o7 NURSES to room or room and board, registry and directory; calls gratis; laundry and kitchenette privileges; down lown car line. Refs. reuqlrcd and given. Harney ;967. 1029 So. 30th Ave. Fnrnlahra Itosra;' MAPISON 21st and Chicago; steam heat) tia ino. atid up; cafe lo connection P.fcwU. SITTING room and bedroom for two or three businesa women. In modern, pri vate home; every convenience. Harney 66.(0. 10 So. 31st Bt. 2iiU CA LD WKLL7nk-e j-oom,all rood . 88. BTEAM ruated rooms, t week. Ogien . Hotel. Council Bluffs. ROOM Sunday breakfast and dinner if desired. Poug, 48 i44 So. l!4th Ave. A comfortable front room, reasonable; Farnam diat. lUi Turner Blvd. H. 8621. MODERN Si. 2oth Ave. Doug. 645C KaraUked tioeae. 1 DESIRABLE, t'tt-,y modern, 5-room, K, strictly Harney lWil. cottage. R E A S ) N A B L F. rent to reliable couple. Walking distance; fine location. F. P. Wead C". llonsrkeeplaaT Room. LIGHT housekeeping rooms; also elegant sunanuiy Biecpuig rooms. iOS-ju JJoujc, las. FARNAM. 2822-Nlce housekeeping rooms. Newly papered, electricity, gas range. DAV'ENPOltT. 2018Two nicely furnUbed housekeeping room. MODERN, llghr housekeeping rooms, en suite. reasonable. D. tan. 2419 Dodge, Hotels and Apartments. portOn tt-iTFI. MwV.m Keawntbla Llgkc KaaaekrrjtluaT HeHtaaa. BTEAM heated room, with alcove, kitchenette, furnished. Ogden Hotel. Council Bluffs. Ilea see aad Cwttaaree. ALL si tea tS ter ruin t a up, SL"7 Paxton. HOUSES! 3614 Chicago, a-r.. mod.. $25. S. 3iih Ave.. -r.. part mod.. 898. -la 18 Case, S-r . all mod., 840. 1"4 Olenwood.Ava.r., strictly mod., 848 421 8. Uth. 24 floor, partly mod.. -c., 8 2o7i Cuming, sd floor rear. 3-r.. mod. except htat. 8.fsK 2079 t'uiniug 3d floor front, S-r.. mod. exie-1 heat. 18. 4l 8. h St.. 4-r.. partly modern. 3d north, lit j;:4 lavenworth, 8-r , Hi B. IrOi St , iw., bt LauU flat