Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 8-A, Image 8

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    CS3 maj , ,
8 A
Elks Quartet Ready for Concert
Rug Specials
Urumels Utigs Seamless. Good line of
piittrrnn for lolei tion. Size 9x12; reg
ular prlcp lls nti. Annlvpr- Q7I
nary Sale Pricp, nprcial.
Hag lttie. - One table of rag rup?. All
rolors. Sovernl fIzps. tip to Hfix72
Imiipj". Valitrs to l.'.'i. 01 l)Q
Annlvprsary Sale 1'rhe .. vlifai
J7x60-Inch Axmlnstpr Hiiks Floral
tttic Oriental pattern. Worth to IL'...i.
Anniversary Sale
;WsWeWVssV.Y.V. . . . a. .aji
: t '. v:;:v..v..v.::::;:: .....:.:;.:.: r;:v.:v :: ::.-.:v:::.v:.:.:.: ' : ...yAy.;yy.y.::, :'v::..,. ..:.; .... -y .: vvvyf
Omaha KlkV Male quartet, aho will
assist the Omuha Kiks' Male chorus In
conrert at the liramlei? theater. Airtl 9.
Thi organization ujph only the hest of
music and will make a tilp to the west
Perjury Charge by j
Street Railway in
$12,000 Injury Suit
A request that it be allowed to Include)
rlieiffes of fraud, perjury ami eubnrna
tlon of purji'ry In Its motion for a new
trial of the personal Injury ault In which
Alva Jai-kann, former Omaha rollreman,
aeired a $12, verdict, haa been made
to the district court by tho street rail
way company.
Statement a Mch tho company throuith
Attorney W. J. Connell asks leave to In
corporate In the records Include charges
that th $i;.oi verdict which waa re
turned March 11 In Juda-e KnKlish's court.
obtained t.y fraud on the part of the
plaintiff and waa founded on falae and
perjured testimony produced In the trial.
Jackson nlleae'l that on July 2?, 111.1,
while attempting to board a cBr at Six
teenth nnd Knrnam street lie wus thrown
and sustained nn Injury to Ms lea; which
necessitated ainiiitntinn. The company
at the trial entered a denial to all Jack
son j charge.
Jackson mas shot in the leg by Pat
Crowe, kidnaper of Bdwnrd Cudahy,
while attempting to arrest him.
YANKTON. S. D.. March 17. -(Spec la!
Telegram.) After a sensational race,
aero the state from Corson county,
Sheriff - Hayward of Corson county ar
rived safely at Yankton state hospital
with Mrs. Abra Osbel. lie had been pur
sued most of the way by sheriffs and nt
torneya armed with habeaa corpus papers
, In an effort to freo Mrs. (111, whom
they aliens la aane. Mrs. f label waa a
patient in the hospital once before.
Mendelssohn Choir and Its
Plans for Future Activities
The management of the Mendelssohn
choir 1 expecting a large Increase of in
terest, during the next week, in tha ap
proaching concert, owing to the fact that
the regular coupon book for the con
certs will be tn the hands of the choir
member tomorrow evening ami also at
tha leading music stores. The coupon
book will be furnished at once by the
subscribers whoso altiiiing of pledge have
inadrthe concerts rossllile.
Krotn various sources the management
and the conductor have been urged not
. to let the present series of concerts, April
i" and ft, close the contract with the
orchestra, and the matter haa been the
subject ot correspondence in the column
of the dallies, and also of editorial com
ment and personal articles signed by
music critic of the press. But the true
test will be the bog office. If the people
who want these concerts to continue will
work a little bit from now on, the answer
111 be spoken so loudly at the Auditorium
that there will be no doubt. In any
case, there la where the ansaei must be
given one way or the other. In any
event, and In answer to many
If the concerts with the orchestra shoul 1
be discontinued, It will make no differ
ence In the organisation ef the choir, as
the llendelssohn choir will pursue its
own way as tt ws doing previous to ths
present contract.
During the last four years the nrcheslra,
ha given three of the greatest s m
phonles, two by Tsrhaikoa sky and on
t y Brahms (this year the symphony for
the afternoon concert will be the great
I'eurU) ot Tchlkosto i. Taelve fam
ous overtures bate ln played ln luitlns
composers such as ltrelhoen. Iltali'na,
'Veurr. Waaaer. (:lliiiark. U'Alturl.
llesnunosr. avrek and the
Henry K. Iladler.
eynU'tiociar poems hake been piesrnie.l.
written by hit herd Mtrauaa, l.lrst and
hnwtajia. a bile suites bat rangrtl
t be efthouVi ami li. Hi h to tue
rums a ii- Baa-1 modern Mi. .
Iwarl II iinprrUitx k linns - K'.i k..rf
ri Klr bat Ween rr erpr nte.l
Kir i from III r.i Wasit-n.'n
must o-d ram as hare aaa-ea notable
rrnte4 sitK te assists-e a.' i
aeene4 sal the f ill siiri,v, , '
I. Sl.ii WU.!. i ln Tl"' I t
Itotn ' Ji WiUtdif.'' Ithirs . !
' aWsfr J." L Mtmnaincr. ' Tiiln
aa4 !. S1 "TanriNauarr "
Aaiena tSe irvr-lVrns llwr t- ia
irtitalle iunsil.ii ,.f uk.
Jam!!. twtHtew. .t r llrfcrt, av I.:.
Uaw sM tKrs
M4ti.a.a Itas b mihi.i.J
Wxh srs4 as4 khetrvsn. sll I n. a
A ruts rretsi 4-w ar.t rival'in -mt
ka tn fcr ItmtJt iaifvrrs
aa4 ral-t UiMurt, M r .. f at -lm
e. HesaWraj. Ia. l'r- Uuw .
. Oww ss4 MM . 4 .o
Te I'M ffetfis a s ae I 4 l f ti . -l
he sou, aad a I sa e aft as
I'aiWt SlUMitiii, aia.;arit kef.
ern coast with the Kiks' Male chorus to
the Kiks' national convention In Ls.s An
Reles during; July.
Names of mi-rnbeis John Alvotil. Ar
thur Van Kurnn, Jfrume ltsh. Arthur
Nelson. 1
Hotels Subscribe j
to the Publicity Fund !
of Commercial Club J
Twelve hotels In Omaha riming the laHt
week simultaneously made handsome
subsci Iptlons to Iho bureau of publicity.
At a recent meeting of the local hotel
men's association, a resolution was
passed hesrtlly endorsing the work of
the publicity bureau and declaring that
It Is a work that Is of great benefit to
every lnihtncss of the city. The even
dozen hotels that subscribed now are alt
new subscribers to the bureau work.
They are the Merchants. Schllti. Millard.
lx'B, Hanford, Iler Grand. Arcade. Mid
land. Cnrlcton. Castle, Keen. Wellington.
These are supplemented of course by the
subscriptions of those that had come In
before, the Koiitenolle, 1'axton and Home.
This makes fifteen hotels as subscribers
to the bureau.
Very shortly the bureau Is to prepare
a pamphlet with the names nnd rale of
all these subscribing hotels. These book
lets are to be Bent out to upwards of
1KO.O0O prospective convention visitor for
the year WIS. The bureau keeps list of
the name of delegate to the various
convention that ure to hold meetings In
Omaha during the year. To these lists
the booklet are to be addreased.
K. Iv Calvin, Ice president and gen
eral manager of the Orjgon Washing
ton Khort Line road, with headquarter
In Halt City, I In Omaha In con
ference with Vnlon Tarlf Ic offl. Inl. Mr.
Calvin la looking forward to a good crop
year throughout Wiort LHne territory. The
weather during the Inst winter haa been
favorable, with a heavy fall of snow.
Otlve Kline and Iimbert Murphy on the
VrWa I alilA mnA Ihi InlHiuit.tiltL . . . n 1 , ..
Ilruuo Btetndel, 'colllKt. on the instru- !
mental aide, no further guarantee la neo- I
easary or the fact that tho greatest are
hae btcti uaed and the best luds-roent
exercised In the selection of thoae thlima
which will please the nicely Judging taste
of the lover of music in Omaha and
throughout the neighboring town and
cltle. j
The story of Margaret Keyes. the I
American contralto who came here last
year practically unknown to local music
lovers, although artistically secure In the
east, and at once waa acclaimed with
rapture, need not be repeated here, as
the press waa unanimous In Its tribute
to her. Lambert Murphy cornea for the
third time, and he la a great favorite.
The stranger thia year are Olive Kline
and Herbert Wltherspooa. The progress
of Mis Kline haa been a page out of a
fairy tale. Iler golden voice, aided by
her fine musicianship, haa proved her one
of the most popular of the new singers In
this country in leading musical affair.
Herbert Wltherspoon conies for the first
time and his name Is almost a household
word among Americans, for he Is a fa
mous artist who needs no trumpeting.
Experienced Women
Advise ..other's Friend H
IWaua H Is se perfectly safe to use
an4 baa bn of such great help to e
boat of eiiHM-tant mothers, the smenen.
eii rli.c4 In this moat rutpfr svriud.
aJtto the use of Mother's 'rind.'
AppUa the atHtnenlnal
Slums Us purpuM I te rrilete Uie
undue Imiiais upoai the cerda and l as
men I a reetiltuig truss musrutar etpansioei.
tnalhj lb surfac Is a rtl k ef Ane
erte threads and the geni e. shln
mbetkatiua. "aiuth a rtiead." U
4aiaa4 aa luU-at the aiutrultr
ftes as te atolj ia une.saary aa4
rut.i.nuaus rasgieg ua th suyrtad ei
ara It la a reft t. iwn.
Artld te the trvasts It aW-vrda tha
! sss ge la petat eaai-vg
Theiisanae ef wMaa strs twam la
; btlMts n this T-tall algi uaaw Ifca
trt Ir erdal 4 BMherhuod TWir
Wtiere are elaueat eibieiwe ef If great
alw I arantea la asa fe ssasy ysara
H has raw t la a S'aaJar X rsiasjy for
aa ewra.
Thar te ai-aer! . U eerhM tu
er an?he v a Sal ya-i eaa eestr
eataa a b.m 4 Mar m4" aad
I" ary .rr Ira a4 tut te
' geea-aa a ha Bve!i asi H kn eartwe
as t- . 'sal sMhra are aea4 te
tr 4 aMsl 'mf
' is "4 I t rra.
l ilU . ia Usi k 14,
I euata. im. ( trmt Uua ni,
! p. n
Anniversary Sale
W omen's Silk Flter Boot and Fash
ioned 1 1 11 r nun Stockings - - Black,
white and colors. Spliced heels nnd
toes; dotihle sole. Worth to IK
Anniversary Sale I'tice,
a pair
Women's I'll re llye Silk Tlirenil Stockings in shop ntiil evening shaih'H.
Ibuililc (riiHer fojis; full fttsliloiicil ; rcinloncil h.dn anil (', tvltli
iloiilile noIph. A new lot from 11 well known l'lillalfl!iia man- ? C
ufac-turer. Iterntar prli 91.00. Annlvet-sary Sale I'rlcp, pair OOC
Misses' and Children's Silk Uslo
Stockines Medium weight; double
knees, heels, toes and Holes. Regu
lar price 2,10. Anniver
sary Sale Price, a pair. .
Anniversary Sale
Women's I'nlon Suits Fine cut
tons and Mules. "Cu mfy-Cut" and
other g.ood fitting styles. Cuff and
umbrella knee. Keguiar and extra
sizes. Worth to 69c.
A suit
Winni'ii'i I. Isle I'nioii hull Swiss
uinlii'ellii knee. Tow finished vtltli
SIH, 1, ,V nnil l. Itegtilur price
Sale lrice, a suit
Children's "M" Knit Union Suits
lx)w neck and sleeveless; knee
length. Sizes 2 to 12. Ilegu- Of"
lar "(Of. Sale price, a suit muC
Save Now on Your
Women's Twintlasp Silk Gloves Douhle tipped.
regular HI to and BtH- itlove. Anniversary
Sale 1'rlre, pair
Women's Ionn Silk, Short Doeskin
and Washable Chamoisette Gloves
Regular price 89c. Anni
versary Sale Price, a pair
Anniversary Sale of Handkerchiefs
Men's am! Women's Plain All-Mnen Handkerchiefs With narrow
ami wll hemstitched iMvrders; also liand-cmbroidereri corners, rnl
orei and white: Point Venlse, rrlncess and Val late trl tinned
edges. Samples from New York travelers. 4 f
Regular 25c vnltie, for 1 U C
Men'a Fine Sheer Cambric Handkerchiefs Some with mercerized colored
centers and borders. Women's Sheer Linenweave Handkerchiefs, with
initials, embroidered corners, wide and narrow hems and Val. lace (J
edges. Regular price 10c. Anniversary Sale price, each OC
These on Sale in
300 I'alra of Women's, Misses'
and Pumps A Rood assortment
Valuea to 92.30. Anniversary
Odd Talra of Women's Shoes
Mostly small sizes. Fine quality,
worth four times our price. About
350 pairs in tho lot. Anni
versary Sale Price, a pair.
Main Floor
Fine Dress Shoes for Women Pat
ent and dull leathers. All Rood
styles; every size; $3.50
and $4.00 values for . .
RibbonS"'Four Anniversary Specials
lirocaded "Dorothy Dainty" Rlblmns l'or hair bows and sashea
the prettiest rlhhoit for the littlo ones. Many novel designs. np
Anniversary Sale Price, a yard W3C
.VIm-h Moire and Plain Taffeta lUb-
Ihui All tho new millinery shades.
Anniversary Sale I'rlce,
a yard
4 nnd B-ln. Satin Taffeta Ribbon Funcy Roman designs. A O 1
great opportunity to secure good values. Anniversary sale, yard la2 C
J Notions At Very
Clark's Oood Machine Thread Ro
ttsll or pboae orders. 4 a
- VI
-'00-Yd. Spools of
I n e
Kintf s Machine
A doxen....
llest -Ply Darn
ina Cot- I
ton Iu
SC a K. Knlttlae;
I. T.
V .-a
U'IINI ' 1
una - J
" - i
j -- s ai
wnui su eviors
ana nam
be re
P. T. C. and O. It. T.
oroeaet Cottua ail
amber. " n
baU I C
Tallin- Shuttles
All sltt'S.
h'acli . . ,
I0i-Y.l. HpnoN s.-a-In-
Silk A OIA-
spool aJ'C
Men s Ne It lln,1,
fr Shirts - - Ail
t"' 2Vic
San Silk, all
lif.t (J..I.I K,t 1 -.N.rllr-
l.rr IC
1 rt-ittina; I'lns
A paprr . .
Knhh I ailU.I
t"ii i - .1
r 'H f..r
1: isi . -rMf I rs
l'rrl llutlln - t
V .art IC
I rr.,Mi4krr' I
ualiloi.s- T ,1 J
nn r. ti . OC
K ..I l r.- f -,. r
ll) s - M I. ,,f a
l K ire,
1.0ISS I llln
I I If
f IH4-
r 1 . I-
(d Pairs lUMrJ Vuslln t'urtalas
Trluime.l ana Matteaberi trald.
Alatiitrrsaiy Sale Prire, f r
P.r 69C
.Vi taasra l4Me I artaia IUa.1.
HisTlh Ittr. Aaulirraai- Svalo e-
"We eaa k) . . . - . . . O C
;i I'lrtse vt line liaajlta Ma, ire -
tl tO IBartfS aid'. laraat ft.'.
oft tat ra.'ut Kr.
Iji 1 ti-
a )std
uj strr
irr jrzr
of Good Stockings
MIshps' and Children's Fure Silk
Thread Stockings Black and a few
colors. Full fashioned and seam
less; Fpliccd Hole, heels and toes.
Worth to 7 5c. Anniversary
Sale Pricp, a pair . . . .
Men's and Women's Black and Col
ored Hose Full HeaiuIeBs; spliced
heels and toes; douhle soles. Anni
versary Sale Price, In the
basement, a pair
of Knit Underwear
Women's Fine Cotton Vests
Square and "Comfy-Cut" nerks
they are full taped and the reg
ular price is Is'&c. Anniversary
bale Price,
iilili'l. Irftw net k ami sleeveless;
Val. eilue and hilk riMxin tapes.
otic. Anniversary
Infants' AU-Wool Vests Wrapper
styles. Ages up to 2 years. Regular
price 50c. Anniversary Sale ty j
Price, very special, each. aCOC
Gloves for Easter
Seronds of the
Women's Two-Clasp Chamoisette
Cloves Plain white, natural and
mode; also white with black barks.
Anniversary Sale Price,
a pair
Sale of Shoes
Basement Department
anil Children's White Canvas Shoes
of nines; all good styles. sir
Sale lrlee, a ialr I OC
Fine Dress Slippers and Pumps
All new, up-to-date styles La Val
liere, Mary Jane, Colonial, etc. Pat
ent or dull. All sizes. Anni- J 1 OS
versary sale price, pair. i X
Shoe Specials
Black and White Satin Slippers
i-ine quality worth to $3.00. Anni
versary Sale Price, t 93
a pair J) 1
4,(KM Yards of Loom Knil ltihhotvi,
in plain and fancy Roman strips,
I'p to 7 inches wide. Anni- j q
versary Kale I'rlce, yard.. laC
Low Prices in This
Uest made.
I. are Oiled Mmia
tube ...
ltenjy for line. Kesu
lar price o0c, Q.
each I J W
Auto and Kurnl tnre
l'UHters t'ompletu
wlili boltl-i i,t mi.
?5?"!ttr.'':l,.e 25c
t'hsiter HaK 1'ioc.c.
Coru Iteguhii' rr
price lie, a I'hII . w0
'Uriel's o oil in.
a caul, f..r. . I W l
NV'uxti KdtftllK uii 1
IU. K i(a K'1 a
All sli.-s, yd. I C
LarKe ourd 1 1, 11.
.N'eia All I
shaih'x, escli ... I w Skirt r.i'.nii
All Wl.lths, f-
)ar,i 3C
One IIik nf S.'i
sor Uemilur Ar
price tt. ra . CQv
Klelnerl'M Hi-irr.
All izrs. 4Q
spe.UI feSu
Klelnerl's S 1 I p n n
laYard Bolts 01
Aiae laws Bias
.aye i Amuver
auiy sale price.
Ail our :'or lioxrs o(
iiest blit-ll iiair flni.
At, ptr
Mercerized S K 1 r
I I' 1
tirald Kefftilur
price I.e. holt.
t flluloiii, C r o c h ei
Hull llolOers
AU Cuiuis,
10-) d. iioila of rme
Llncene 1 ape Km
untlerwrar, C
a bolt WW
r i"e
rt aw
io,i, viuuluy haf.'ly
11 11 a A
card .
;iixl Uualliv I'rei
Shields W ueliHi'ie.
al. a
St. -
llest Kul.her
lry Air..ii Kmu.
lur prh
rsch . .
Maiillary N.U'Wt. - -
llesulsi price
jMess Mileldi.
:.0c, a .1.'
Dress Forms
llsll II..I. het t A. I, .!:.
i'olins n he M.I IUMIe.1 ,t r. H
j 1 1 " t . hip si,. I ai'al lin-. r.,iel
'm iieisMi K.-suUr fl a
.r(, f n.l l.nch
Hall ll herl Must l'
rrnni .ei..i. m . i i.if.ii i,r..,.r.
I M il II.. I ..I All iitsular IC,
alfti rru-e l . i . I. I 0C
Jill i Mll ll.r. ' eri I- , 1
fJI.?. Xlal.ds - W it 1 turn AH
IJI.' IlI..U-ni!l irll AH
m ' S2.69
Specials In Spring Draperies
CY Iv-ora f luiiaala- Net iU-cu
lar 1 t-we .Vlr. Vault rr. fjr
aar fvalr IVsae. a )ara
TraeltB' aaaia-a i.f li.
lalae. Maarth rath
M.aatU), ra h ...
.'vi fairs of Plus t t'.sll li.i.a
add iiU Poll. I I'urteiue- Itiulir j
prlre lieea Aujerary CTl0
ale I'i.i . a .r . 7 fl
A tm U IL-JE
Monday We Shall Begin the Celebra
The Occasion, Lasting Throughout th
To fittingly commemorate the arrival of these stores at
the thirty-third milestone of their career we have planned
for our birthday week, a series of sales of a magnitude truly,
unusual. .LooKin? iorwara to uur anniversary
the markets of the world in preparation for this
l - . 1 ..a J
1I4VC UCCU I11U9I. WUllUCriUI. 1 11C9C ICtaV AIM UllbU HI UVblllUVTiU(
with merchandise of the highest quality, wholly dependable and particu
larly adapted to the season. Our almost unlimited buying power has
provided us with ammunition to make prices much lower than usually
prevail, meaning great savings to all who utilize these sales.
Lace Specials
JtiRt iu time for spring, we have a
rarely beautiful selection of shadow
deml-laee flounclntss, suitable for fine
lingerie wear; also waists, dresses,
etc. Very fine patterns in white and
cream. 10 to 18 inches wide, posi
tively worth to 35c. Anni
versary Sale Price, yard. .
Silk and Cotton Shadow Lace All
overs White, cream and black.
Many suitable for waists. 3G inches
wide. Worth to $1.00. Ann!
versary Sale Price, a yard. ,
All-Silk Chiffons to in. wide
A large variety of small and
larKo designs. Worth $1.1)0 to
9I.50. Anniversary Sale A
l'lice, on bargain square JvC
Shadow and Oriental Iace Allovers
White, cream and ecru; dainty pat
terns. 18 inches wide. Values to tiOc.
Anniversary Sale Price,
a yard
Shadow Lace Flouncing. Dlack Silk
Chantllly, Net Top Orientals and
Kmbroidery effects New spring
styles; over 50 patterns to select
from. 30 inches wide. Regularly
worth $2.o0. Anniversary Sale Price,
on bargain square,
a yard
lilg bargiUn square of wah
laces, including French and (ier
inan vals., All-Linen Torchons,
Cotton finny and Shadow Lace
Kdjjcs Many matched cts, up
to 5 inches wide. Worth to
10c. Anniversary Sale
l'lice, a yard
All-Linen Cluny Laces, Insertions
and Bands 2 V6 to 6 inches w ide.
Many matched pieces. Worth to 35c.
Anniversary Sale Price, on
bargain square, a yard...
Beautiful 27-inch Imported Batiste
''Flounclngs A select assortment in
baby Irish effects. Regular price up
to $1.00. Anniversary Sale nn
Price, a yard evC
IH-lnch Batiste, Swiss ami
Nainsook Flouncing, Camisoles
and tVrrsot Cover Kmhroideries,
Double beading and all-over
embroidered effect. Regular
price 8!c. Anniversary
Salo Price, a yard ....
14 to 10-Inch Dainty Camisole Laces
Double beading effects and all-
over designs. The regular price up
to 2 5c. Anniversary Sale Price,
new special, a yard
Anniversary Sale
Wooden Coat Hangers, three
Itaclne Stocking- l'eet All
nlsea. block and white; pair,
hteel t rocnet Hooks
iarice lloxis ui
sorted Wire
Hair 11ns
I-. e
w -
Men's ilext
l.ttTlers All I
colors, a pr.. I wM
vMetin (iiiiie t.c.e
Vollletl's liest u -
On" Supportei'M
ittKular pi 11 e I n
- "', a pair . . . I U Is
dUU-Yd. Spoola laoou
nasi inn 1 111
Al, per
spool . . ,
Woodnn II u I I o 1.
i (I it
Moulds All
sixes, a tlor.
Fine Combs Site, tat
17 demeaed. Wortn
te 8&e,
t ui h
m tu
larse !! Ilolllrs .
t'l-H.r aii.l ! 111 nil ui e
I... I lie
Sirnic I i
S map I Hi II
Me 11 uir 1 ?.'.e,
a aa-t'h
a-no i.'s 1 ' .1 n .
It. .tin I I irlrr
Ur po
. .a I .all
10 c
HtH.kS All'! l'Ve
I ! I'.uit I'l
I! . k aall l
a . t r . a .1
II .a-l praaaaf
Hi a , H, .
Hot a. l
lfe -
k ft " a
s .- r s
I -
10 IVoIrtl sl inlh( It to tn
.er i:..;r pr. r II T ".
ti:err Sale I n- r
ea. h
l.tMMt Tatr i f I me I isimiaa-,
Vttaaa-r Ui r, llua), III. I . 4n.
laBiaashoa N ei I alaltt alo.-B
IraaSM J-Vtl I. a av.1 . tn. I ra,
mtit-ar) Naif hsr, .aii 7 X
1 r I M w.oa a..
Timely opportunity
Anniversary Sales.
The Beauty
Moderate Price, Makes Then
rnnrlfilo fnr
beltod and
House Dresses
Made of fine percales and ging
hams these dresses are in plain
or strapped trimmed stylos,
and in plain colors, checks aud
stripes. All made extra full;
worth to $1.25. Sale
Price, for
Children's Coats
Children's and juniors' coats,
in fancy tweed mixtures and in
plaids, checks and stripes.
Hoth light and dark shades, in
plain or trimmed models are
offered. All sizes, G to 14
years for children and 15 to 19
years for juniors. Coats worth
to $.'i.00. Anniversary $1 iq
social, at lal
y JJj
Anniversary Sale of Millinery
Hemp, Milan Hemp, Belgian Split Shapes
Samples from several well-known New
York manufacturers. Made in t'irbans
and small and medium sailors. All the sea
son's best colors. Regularly worth
lo $2.50. Anniversary Sale price. . .
Flower Clusters and Wreaths:
Ai! styles, ri-iiiiprisinir plenty
I .. IV. I.. a -.. 4 "
id .'!. anniversary aie I'rice,
Anniversary Sale
(ElaXaaTO OM
.".II I' ects of Kme Uleaihi'd Table
DaiiiaiMk - All lim n. 7u niches wiie.
rt ty (1f pr.-tty patterns. Q f-" val :.-. a .. r;1 OOC
-nisi im ua-ii mine i mill in. iineu.
!. li.l.- f tin lily siltrr
pi It r I..M. Amilteraaai l Mlei
Iim IKi-ii M.-ra t'rl'l Haniaek
ma n. . .( i. iitlKl vartat)
irlir l.'i".. iuiirrar)r Sale-
All l.i i. n Muck 1oa, ls H-in-
m ti l m an I i". .Il.iied -ml. s-ie
J:.' i'l. h-. Tliey aoti.e with
- si.. I tnnnnitraiiK Keuular
. :
7 .' c A imi t a. i i v in
a I'riic. , ,i h TaC
k T..a a U 111, act e.l s.,fl f
lit.r-!er 'la ll.ll, etl einti. Keaf .-
i ri.f i. ',r Anrlterarr
I'ri- .-. . B l! . .
' " la lll.a Ilia a ailal
iiii inat roit,-. l.a.r.1. I tegular l I. niil. ! O 1
.ra IVirr. a anl I C
i i . Ii.l
f.r M.
It.. I
Sl-r.a.lB Tire
I .M ten. ii. .. I
! ettv ....Hern. H'SU-
f. .
1 1
t i.ita rsr
liat l-.-l ata. 1 I.,-, k.ia.1. l
'I ra ill. . . llr. i lall. tti Itra,).,,
Inmuiatit aval. I'ri . a aa h
weeK we arew upoiijj
event and the resuhv
- KWnA av iraflmtMnrf I
to supply all needs f
All stocks are superbly
of These New
Anniversary Sal
tailored suits for women and jmif
nrmsfan.ilnv trpnr Thov nrn ;
ploated stvlos. Some of thcr
trimmed, in a manner that
Suits of fine serges, gabardinesx
yriTVnao an1 nf fin ei llr nnnliril
miautuvoi uitu vA ttug gun vjaUiAJ7ya
shades for early spring wear Bv'
battleship gray, reseda, checks
always popular black and white.
A large selection
as an Anniversary
Beauiful Dresses A
A large assortment of fine wool crepe arvW1
trimmed styles. They are in the
spring wear and in several different styles.
are included in this special assortment j val
Bungalow Aprons
These bungalow aprons are of
fine percale and are in th?
plain or belted styles and light
or dark shades; made extra
full and well worth 50c. Very
special Anniversary
Sale price is only. . .
Finft .whitfl netticoflta effr.Hvf'
embroideries and ribbons. , S
this special group. Here V
versary Sale special. Ch,,
Corset covers and drawers, in
plain tucked or fancy lace, em
broidery or ribbon trimmed
styles. Garments that aro
worth to 7.5c. Anni- qq
versary Sale special JC
also Fruits S
of bright
.-. a a . .
of Household Linei
Nupklna to Mslch the
Iianush HeituUr price IS.
erMiry Sale I'rtie. CO QO
a doen VaWsaO
n nia.iin iwnj an arounil; lirt-ukfaM
ll-a Itril llama
Ir1'r, eaa h
spkuia. l-niinrl, read) to tic. Nlw
of j.rttt) aalti-rns. ItrnuUr
IVIrr, a lix-n
;:i.o lo4.-ri Full Hlea he, I Turkish
1 o t-ls - He y quality. -. ft an.i
fl nfy. heuiine.l ends. Si. :ixll
1 1. tit-a Tre .I't
ut.ltr ur Slr I'rire. ri
t all llle.ii h il Te T"llnic
f t fmih. IVn.y Lor1et. Iieicti-
Isi ptne f. Wl.tlr tl.e tt dan
lj-t. nni er.ary Sale
1 c
5ic ;1;
I'ri... a rtl
.l.r I.I. I Ileal. ) in, .
...i .d Sen fn .Mrs ..f . n"e" Ute
na ,i r,,1 n t, f. uiitih-
-e I eu ! r'll .fine- I
Mrelle 't... !(.... lar - me 17
Inilirr.irt -fi.f r rm J
- M - m. - l -s.t..
I l r a arsii .til .
, u